Sentence for the word con

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word con, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use con in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «con».

Con in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word con in a sentence.

  1. Its opening is marked con amabilità (amiably).

  2. Of the title, he said in 1992, «It’s a con, in a way.

  3. She played the title character of Babli, a con woman.

  4. Moreno was a friend of Kalākaua’s who many felt was a con artist.

  5. Due to his friendship with Bright, Peckinpah cast him as the con man.

  6. Fellow film producer Sam Katzman described him as «the biggest con artist in the world».

  7. At a train station, a con man swaps locker keys with Carol and steals their bag of money.

  8. The short film centres around two con artists called «Mac and Jack» (played by McCartney and Jackson).

  9. The fictionalized character was created by a German writer, scientist, and con artist, Rudolf Erich Raspe.

  10. Among the songs and movements that were played in the serial were Handel’s «Air con Variazioni» from Suite No.

  11. Would slick con artists have a field day in striving to be classified as insane and not criminally responsible?

  12. The chonnos of the Greek, and the cunnus of the Latin dictionaries; a nasty name for a nasty thing: un con Miege.».

  13. Playing Colette MacFarland, the wife of a con artist, the thriller is based on Patricia Highsmith’s 1964 novel of the same name.

  14. He would sign a contract without even reading it.» Presley’s friend Marty Lacker regarded Parker as a «hustler and a con artist.

  15. Big Smith’s moll Dixie Cousins (Kelly Rutherford) is a saloon singer and con artist who has a brief romantic encounter with Brisco.

  16. Jerry Noland, a ghetto-raised intern who works on the side as the hospital bookie and finds humor in anything from an operation to a con job.

  17. He portrayed himself as a newspaper editor, and was 30 years her senior, but the marriage quickly failed when it became apparent he was a con artist.

  18. Russell’s ensemble black comedy crime American Hustle as Rosalyn Rosenfeld, the neurotic wife of con man Irving Rosenfeld (played by Christian Bale).

  19. Between these, Monteverdi composed Le nozze d’Enea con Lavinia; the libretto survives in manuscript form, though no trace of the music has been found.

  20. To play con artist Irving Rosenfeld, Bale studied footage of interviews with real-life con artist Mel Weinberg, who served as inspiration for the character.

  21. In An Omelette and a Glass of Wine, David printed Italian recipes including soups and omelettes made with hops (zuppa di lupolli and frittata con i loertis).

  22. The two main subjects of the Allegro con moto first movement are strongly contrasted, with the opening string theme followed by a chorale-like theme for the winds.

  23. Le nozze d’Enea con Lavinia was performed during the Venice Carnival of 1640–41, at the Teatro Santi Giovanni e Paolo where it alternated with a revival of Ulisse.

  24. In 2011, he received UNESCO’s Pyramide con Marni award for his charitable commitment to provide education for children, becoming the first Indian to win the accolade.

  25. New York responded with outrage to the incident, and while some criticized Tubman for her naïveté, most sympathized with her economic hardship and lambasted the con men.

  26. The injured con man and a train passenger—a boy whom Doc had rebuked for squirting him with a water gun—are taken to the police station, where they identify Doc’s mug shot.

  27. A biopic of Harry Houdini, entitled Death Defying Acts (2007), starring Guy Pearce as the escapologist Houdini, featured Zeta-Jones as a Scottish con artist who claims psychic powers.

  28. Adelheid Luise «Adele» Spitzeder ([ˈaːdl̩haɪt ʔaˈdeːlə ˈʃpɪtˌtseːdɐ]; 9 February 1832 27 or 28 October 1895), also known by her stage name Adele Vio, was a German actress, folk singer, and con artist.

  29. The second recitative, «Ich habe ja, mein Seelenbräutigam» (I have indeed, o bridegroom of my soul), is accompanied by the strings (accompagnato), marked by Bach «Rec: con Stroment» (Recitative: with instruments).

Synonyms for con

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word con has the following synonyms: in opposition, , bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, confidence trick, confidence game, con game, gyp, hustle, sting, flimflam, convict, inmate, jail bird, jailbird, gaolbird, yard bird, yardbird, memorize, memorise, learn, victimize, swindle, rook, goldbrick, nobble, diddle, defraud, scam, mulct, gip, hornswoggle and short-change.

General information about «con» example sentences

The example sentences for the word con that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «con» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «con».

Sentences with the word Con?



  • «The con-man beat me out of $50″; «This salesman ripped us off!»; «we were cheated by their clever-sounding scheme»; «They chiseled me out of my money»
  • «much was written pro and con«
  • «The con man always evades»
  • «did you ever smoke?»; «the best con man of all time»
  • «the con artist replaced the original with a fake Rembrandt»; «substitute regular milk for fat-free milk»; «synonyms can be interchanged without a changing the context’s meaning»
  • «on guard against con artists»; «must remain on your guard in such a situation»
  • «He was snookered by the con-man’s smooth talk»
  • «I was victimized by this con-man»

с, против, жулик, жульнический, жульничать


- с


- против


- жулик
- жульничество
- стук
- подача команд рулевому


- жульнический


- жульничать
- заучивать наизусть
- надувать
- зубрить
- долбить
- направлять мысль
- вести судно
- управлять кораблем
- направлять действия

Мои примеры


a con to make people pay for goods they hadn’t actually received — уловка /хитрость/, заставляющая людей платить за товары, которые они, на самом деле, не получали  
much was written pro and con — много было написано за и против  
to con smb. into smth. — обманом вовлечь кого-л. во что-л.  
to con smth. out of smb. — выманить что-л. у кого-л.  
to con- nect in circuit — включать [подключать] в (электро)цепь  
con man — мошенник, жулик  
con game /trick/ — мошенничество, обман  
to con (over) a lesson — вызубрить урок  
con amore — с любовью  
con affetto — с чувством  
con brio — с жаром  
con anima — с воодушевлением  

Примеры с переводом

He conned me out of £300.

Он кинул / обобрал меня на 300 фунтов

He carefully weighed all pros and cons.

Он тщательно взвесил все за и против.

You had no right to con me into thinking I could trust you.

Ты не имел права обманом заставлять меня думать, что я могу доверять тебе.

The captain stands beside the wheel at the con.

Капитан стоит рядом со штурвальным и следит за управлением.

Возможные однокоренные слова

conic  — конический, конусный, конусообразный, коническое сечение
conical  — конический, конусный, конусообразный
connate  — реликтовый, врожденный, прирожденный, конгениальный, возникший одновременно
connive  — потворствовать, смотреть сквозь пальцы, попустительствовать
condom  — презерватив, кондом, гондон
coning  — сужение, суживание, обработка на конус, метод кольца и конуса
recon  — реконструкция, рекон, мельчайшая единица, вести разведку, производить

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: con
he/she/it: cons
ing ф. (present participle): conning
2-я ф. (past tense): conned
3-я ф. (past participle): conned

ед. ч.(singular): con
мн. ч.(plural): cons


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  • con [kɔn] сущ

    1. афераж, мошенничествоср, мошенникм, надувательствоср

      (scam, swindle)

    2. жуликм


    3. зэкм


  • con [kɔn] гл

    1. заучивать наизусть

    2. жульничать, мошенничать


    3. подставить


    4. надувать


  • con [kɔn] прил

    1. жульнический, обманный


      • con game – жульническая игра
  • con [kɔn] предл

    1. против


с with, from, in, since, against, con
против against, contrary, in opposition, contra, over against, con
жулик rogue, swindler, con, cheat, phony, faker
жульничество fraud, deception, imposture, hokum, con, roguery
стук knock, knocking, clatter, hammering, bang, con
подача команд рулевому conn, con
жульнический con, fraudful
жульничать con, swindle, deacon, chouse, nobble, gyp
заучивать наизусть memorize, con, study
вести судно steer, cann, con, conn
направлять мысль con, conn
зубрить swot, sap, grind, mug, muzz, con
долбить batter, peck, chisel, hammer away at, pick, con
управлять кораблем navigate, conn, con, sail
надувать inflate, swell, distend, finagle, diddle, con
направлять действия con, conn

Предложения со словом «Con»

Master thieves who practice the long con live separate lives as civilians.

Bыдaющиеcя воры ведут вторую жизнь в кaчеcтвe пpимeрныx гpaждaн.

He was a con artist who treated dozens of mental patients without any actual medical training.

Он был мошенником, который лечил десятки больных пациентов без какого — либо медицинского образования.

I know that you think some sort of con has been perpetrated on you.

Я знаю, что ты думаешь, что мы совершили против тебя какую — то аферу.

The half-built craft con-sisted of two skeletons of hollow bamboo in which the gas cells had been installed.

Наполовину выстроенный корабль состоял из двух каркасов, сделанных из полого бамбука с газовыми ячейками.

We’ve had complaints about con men pretending to be blind and crippled.

У нас есть жалобы на жулика, который косит под слепого и калеку.

A con man uses words and schemes to talk people out of their money.

А жулик при помощи ловких слов по заранее обдуманному плану выманивает у людей деньги.

A con artist scammed his way into the hospital under a voluntary commitment.

Мошенник обманул его по пути в больницу Под добровольные обязательства.

The discussion has been written up and will be printed in full in Tuesday morning’s newspapers, plus comments pro and con.

Текст дискуссии записан и будет полностью опубликован во вторник в утренних газетах вместе с комментариями.

Con pushed impatiently at a stack of files on his desk.

Кон раздраженно кивнул на кипу бумаг, лежавших перед ним на столе.

Now we know this whole con was your idea.

Теперь мы знаем, что вся эта афера была вашей идеей.

I knew she’d cut me in on whatever con she was running.

Я знал, что она возьмёт меня в долю, поделится прибылью от своей афёры.

They’ve been watching Melbury because he’s pulling some big con trick in the town.

Они следили за Мэлбери, потому что он проворачивает крупную аферу в городе.

Tell her what a crappy con you got going on here.

Расскажем ей, какие паршивые аферы у вас тут происходят.

Doesn’t have a dark and sordid past as a professional con man?

Не имеет темного, грязного прошлого как профессиональный мошенник?

There are certain kinds of finance agreement I’m not allowed to sign, because the law says I’m an ex-con.

Существует куча видов сделок, которые я не имею права заключать, потому что была судима.

Christmas at the Burton household meant the annual Salvation Army con job.

Рождество в домашнем хозяйстве Бёртон означало ежегодное мошенничество под видом Армии Спасения.

Con man took my dad for everything he had.

Мошенник украл у моего отца все, что у него было.

Al Gore has got to be the greatest con artist in modern history.

Ал Гор должен получить приз как величайший мошенник в современной истории.

You’ve gone from an incarcerated con man to an invaluable part of this FBI team.

Ты был мошенником, который сидел в тюрьме, а теперь стал бесценной частью нашей команды.

I mean, you’re very charming, and you’re very good at it, but you’re just a con man.

Конечно, вы очень обаятельны и хорошо знаете своё дело, но вы просто проходимец.

I compliment me with Costanzi for his appointment to vicemayor.Mi complimento con Costanzi per la sua nomina a vicesindaco.

Mi complimento con Costanzi per la sua nomina a vicesindaco. Costanzi я поздравляю с его назначением на пост заместителя мэра.

Judge O’Connor, this case is baseless, just like every other ex-con nuisance case Ms. Gutierrez has brought before this court.

Судья О’Коннор, утверждение совершенно безосновательно… как и все предыдущие утверждения мисс Гутьерес в суде.

And what about when the Patriots were playing the Dolphins And they hired an ex-con to clear a spot in the snow for the field-goal kicker?

И когда Патриоты играли с Дельфинами и они наняли снегоочиститель для очистки от снега, чтобы сделать победный гол?

That means Chad is free to pull off his score while I’m pulling off my con.

Что означает, что Чад может провернуть его дельце в то время как я проворачиваю свою аферу.

And we get kind of in on our own con.

И это своего рода наше личное мошенничество.

When I talked to immigrants in Oakland, they called their license tu licencia con dios, or your license with God.

Когда я разговаривала с иммигрантами в Окленде, они называли свои водительские права tu licencia con dios, то есть твои права, выданные Богом.

Tattoo was, at one time, a kind of a blacklisted or con thing, but now it is in thing.

Татуировки когда — то были порицаемы, немного непопулярны, но теперь это модно.

This far as a con artist or this far as a lawyer?

Настолько далеко зашла как актриса или как адвокат?

She’s been in prison about a year on a six-year sentence, for using fake iPhones to con a cell phone store.

Она отсидела год в тюрьме из шести по приговору, пыталась сбыть в магазин поддельные Айфоны.

Filter vendor invoices for the Declaracion Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (DIOT).

Фильтрация накладных поставщика для Declaracion Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (DIOT).

It was a con job through and through.

Это было чистой воды мошенничество.

If Trump is a Russian mole, it looks like a very long con.

Если Трамп является российским «кротом», то, похоже, эта афера затяжная, и ему придется притворяться очень долго.

A classic tale about a long con.

Классическая история о старом жулике.

You should see what they call chili con carne at school.

Ды должен увидеть, что в школе называется Чили кон карне.

We’re going to expose you at def con.

Мы раскроем тебя на DEFCON.

Con clave literally meant locked with a key.

Con clave — в буквальном переводе закрытый на ключ.

Look, nobody on my team would let some thin-skinned ex-con or his wide-eyed little brother get in the way of a $50 million payout against Manny Garcia next year.

Никто в моей команде не позволит тощему наркоше или его глазастому братцу встать на пути к 50 — миллионному выигрышу в бое против Мэнни Гарсии в следующем году.

But raising it now would be a con

А теперь поднятие таких тяжестей может стать проблемой!

It has boosters from Tech Con’s prototype division.

Этот имеет опытный образец разделяющихся ракет от Тех Кон.

By the time I was caught, I was considered the youngest and most daring con man in U.S. history.

Ко времени моего ареста… я считался самым молодым и самым дерзким преступником в истории США.

Looks like they’ve modified the site, moved Tra-Con phones, ils, all the underground stuff so they could handle drainage.

Похоже, что они внесли изменения, перенесли телефоны, систему посадки по приборам, всё подземное хозяйство, чтобы управлять стоком воды.

Guru Sona, are a con artist, so you can take your mantras and your yoga and your Shining Tree of Life and shove it up your ashram.

Гуру Сона, мошенница, и вы можете забрать свои мантры и свою йогу и свое Сияющее Дерево Жизни и подвинуть свой ашрам.

De Luca is coercing the Dentist into running the con for him.

Де Люка заставляет Дантиста провернуть аферу для него.

But all those years — knee-deep in scams and con tricks, cranky mediums and phoney psychics — what did he ever find to give him one grain of hope?

Но все эти годы — увязнувший в аферах и жульничестве эксцентричных медиумах и фальшивых экстрасенсах — нашел ли он хоть крупицу надежды?

An alleged con man with a photographic memory, Your Honor.

Подозреваемого с фотографической памятью, ваша честь.

Would you be jolly if you thought Comic-Con was moving to Anaheim?

Вам бы было весело, Если вы думали,что Comic — Con переезжает в Анахайм?

So we pooled our resources and went on a honeymoon con to Morocco.

Поэтому мы объединили наши усилия и отправились на медовый месяц в Марокко.

I don’t see how you can seriously equate victimization in a laboratory con with the willful participation in mass murder.

Не понимаю, как можно всерьёз уравнивать унижение людей в мошенническом опыте с полноценным участием в массовых убийствах.

I live in cheap hotels and con the bookers so they won’t know how bad I need money.

Я жила в дешевых отелях и обманывала метрдотелей, так, что они не знали, как я нуждаюсь в деньгах.

Just finished my keynote for Rager-Con ’16, and it’s not even 10:00.

Закончил свою речь на Рэйджер — кон ’16, а ещё и десяти нет.

Con Edison has again resorted to a cutback in voltage to conserve generating capacity.

Кон Эдисон снова прибегнул к снижению напряжения тока, чтобы удержать уровень производства.

Losing my money and my sanity to a series of con artists?

Терял деньги и здравый смысл на серии про мошейников?

Anyway, there is a scientist, Professor Con Slobodchikoff of Northern Arizona University, who spent 30 years studying the language of these prairie dogs.

Так вот, есть один учёный, профессор Кон Слободчиков из Университета Северной Аризоны, посвятивший 30 лет изучению языка этих луговых собак.

You two kicked around until your early teens winding up in the grotty outskirts of St. Petersburg, where you learned the big con from an old-school grifter named the Diamond Dog.

Вы оба кое — чем пробавлялись до тех пор, пока вас, подростков, не занесло в мерзкие предместья Санкт — Петербурга, где вас научил работать по — крупному мошенник старой школы по кличке Алмазный Пес.

Her name was Eva Perkins, a young widow, the inheritor of a sizable fortune… lonely, wealthy, a perfect mark for my sweetheart con.

Ее звали Ева Перкинс, молодая вдова, унаследовавшая значительное состояние… одинокая, богатая, отличная мишень для аферы с ухаживанием.

Well, you’re supposed to be a con artist, which means being able to blend in, and those do not blend.

Ты должна быть мошенницей, что значит, уметь вписываться в обстановку, а они не вписываются.

Balle! Conneau! She’s a con artist. You tried to pull a swindle on a swindler!

— Еще бы. Да она аферистка. Ты попытался надуть мошенницу.

And D-Con is on its knees to sponsor the insect zoo… in the old hardware store.

Ди — Кон будет на коленях умолять взять спонсорство зоопарка насекомых в старой скобяной лавке!

I don’t know if we can con Holt into letting us use his lab.

Не знаю, сможем ли мы без разрешения воспользоваться лабораторией в Холт.

The doc fixed Con’s rupture too.

Док ещё залатал грыжу Кона.

April 11, 2023
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But he was merely biding his time; he had sworn pichacd revenge in his heart, but he was ready to wait long for rules con- it.

A mass of living protoplasm is simply a molecular machine of great complexity, the total results of the working of which, or its vital phenomena, depend — on the one hand, Life con- of this water is absolutely incompatible with either moister by a ctual or potential life.

From the descriptive or topographical point of view, geometrical form alone should be con- Land sidered; but the origin and geological structure of forms. land forms must in many cases be taken into account when dealing with the function they exercise in the control of mobile distributions.

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Mahomet, however, really felt Mahomet’s himself to be the instrument of God; this con- View of sciousness was no doubt brighter at his first appear- Revelation.

The reproductive on the lateral vessel of system is of the simplest, strongly con- Drepanophorus spectatrasting with the complicated arrange- bilis.

The actual position of sea-level lies so near the summit of the crust-heap that the varied relief of the upper portion leads to the formation of a complicated coast- The con- line and a great number of detached portions of land.

Dolbear, 2 the effects were produced by electrostatic instead of electromagnetic forces, as in con- the Bell telephone.

After suppressing a fresh revolt of the prince of Karamania, the new sultan gave himself up entirely to the realization of the long-cherished project of the conquest of Con- Mahom- stantinople.

Alexander, who had a sentimental regard for freedom, so long as it was obedient to himself, had promised the Poles a The New constitution in April 1815 in a letter to Ostrov- Polish Con- skiy, the president of the senate at Warsaw.

On the night of the I9th Brumaire a mere ghost of an Assembly abolished the constitution of the year III., ordained The Con- the provisionary Consulate, and legalized the coup sulaje, detat in favor of Bonaparte.

It may be faid, in general, that all God’s con — daft towards Abraham was kind and benevolent; but there were fome particular ihftances of his con* duiSl, which wei-e more peculiarly expreffive of friendfhip, and which defervc to be diftindly men — tioned. ❋ Williams, Nehemiah, 1748-1796 (1797)

How, when, where, and by whom wist that thing, named public law, made and con — eluded 7 When and where did the nations con* vene and make it? ❋ Unknown (1789)

Vnde hfc Pompeianus di — Emendatfonem banc, pro — catur, ex nullo auctore con — batam quoque Acidalio, con* flat. ❋ Unknown (1779)

All I remember of that con trad is, that it was made fame three years ago, and that’s enough in con* fcience to forget the refton’t. ❋ Unknown (1776)

• change system / applications / con fi g / con fi g. php • $con fi g [ ‘index_page’] = ❋ Unknown (2009)

A good analyzer can measure, cessive. record, display electric power demand and help When used as a portable test instrument to to analyze electrical power usage as well as con — survey the facility electrical system at several dif­ duct energy surveys. ferent locations, the analyzer is normally con­ In the meter mode, the analyzer can display nected at each location for a full operating cycle the present values for monitored and calculated only (a day, week or month), or for short periods, parameters. ❋ Unknown (2009)

$con fi gFile = ‘path/to/con fi g/fi le. php’; Yii:: createWebApplication ($con fi gFile) — > run (); ❋ Unknown (2009)

Certain accidents are the neceflary con — fluences of our own fins* if thefc con* fcquences prove favourable » they admi — nister to us a peculiar caufe of praifing the Mercy ami — Bounty of God, who could draw good from evil, and change into means of faving us, that which onty’dc — farv’d ehaftifement f and the withdrawing of his Graces But ifthefe confequen — ccs be troublcfooae and hard, ‘as when our fins have involved us in great evils. ❋ Unknown (1677)

n hiftoria duo loca y qvae hasc illuftrant: Cap. 20. legitur Rex Svenus Vlfi (Danis Eftridas) filiusy inpublico con — ventu civibusy luculenta oratione gratias pro con* ❋ Þormóður Torfason , Hannes Finnsson, Jón Jónsson (1777)

Ex qnibus pla* ne intelligitur, objectum Spei esse futurum, arduum 3 porsibile, ratio — ne coDsecutionis) cui verba ilia propiissime con vemunt; est enim con* secutio Dei verissime ardua, futura, et possibilis, et ex ilia denon}! ❋ Joseph Chantre Herrera, Giovanni Vincenzo Bolgeni (1792)

Quod fi perfiftente Corpore Globofo in eadem diftantia a Vijjente fecundum Centrnm {ui, partesquae prominentcs in rnedio Hemifphaerio ad Videns conuerfo non difcerncban — turfecundum prominentiam, fed in apparentia xquiualc — feantpambesatqualiteriacentibus in fuperficie plana, con — uertantur ad circumferentiam ‘Difci apparcntis, turnorem exhibent in illa, quiapro diftantia talis Corporis a Vidente,, multo fenfibilius eft difcrimen, quo variatur extrcmitas in Irigura imprefFionis,. quam varietas folius diftantiae. quae con~ funditur in raediis impreifionibus. ❋ Nicola Zucchi (1656)

In truth, the people labeled neocons (con is short for «conservative» and neo is short for «Jewish») travel in widely different circles and don’t actually have much contact with one another … ❋ Unknown (2007)

In truth, the people labeled neocons (con is short for «conservative» and neo is short for «Jewish») travel in widely different circles and don’t actually have much contact with one another. ❋ Unknown (2004)

WALTERS: That’s one of the gifts that the con man is the term con being able to gain the confidence of the victim. ❋ Unknown (2004)

The term con — tinues to mean an entitlement or right, but now has added a regularity or institutionalized formality of a legalistic nature. ❋ MORRIS D. FORKOSCH (1968)

By making the title con a mere sidebar, by substituting another «twist ending» for more of the author’s takes on addiction and conspiracy theorizing, Gregg undercuts the meaning of his movie. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Furthermore, the con is also something of a well-kept secret for Baen book fans, with authors David Drake, Eric Flint, Sarah Hoyt, Travis S. Taylor and Baen-publisher Toni Weisskopf all in attendance. ❋ Lou Anders (2009)

You see, at Penguicon, there were an awful lot of breasts snuggled tight in low-cut outfits, since a con is the nerd version of “Girls Gone Wild.” ❋ Perich (2006)

What makes a con is the people who attend, and the fun that is had, and by those standards Continuum 3 rocked the casbah. ❋ Karenmiller (2005)

I [sure as hell] hope [the cons] get [kicked out] of office soon. ❋ Deaddrift (2006)

That con [coned] me out of $[50]. ❋ Gigi (2004)

A person who is good at [scamming] [others] is called a [con artist]. ❋ AYB (2003)

When renaming it: The specified device name [is invalid]
When naming it on [Notepad]: [CON] This filename is reserved for use by Windows. Choose another filename and try again. ❋ Gavin___________102 (2020)

c’est con!!
It’s [damn] [stupid]!! ❋ Zeldwina (2005)

[Il] [est] [vraiment] con se type.- That guy is really a dumb ass! ❋ Lucky05 (2005)

«Are you going to [cosplay] at the con this year?»
«I’ve attended 5 [cons] this year, [alone].» ❋ Felicia (2003)

[i am] [going] to the [the dance] con(with) her! ❋ Gigi Sqular (2006)

I con his oppinion… ❋ InGearX (2005)

I need [a couple] more points in con or my [dwarf] will [suxxor]. ❋ Werttrew (2004)

Recent Examples on the Web

Burned, bamboozled and conned.

Joseph Goodman |, al, 31 Mar. 2023

The company ended up being an over $2 billion scam, conning over 90,000 people out of money and inciting a breadth of lawsuits.

Women’s Health, 9 Mar. 2023

The slate includes Inventing Anna, a show centered around Anna Delvey, the notorious grifter who conned rich New Yorkers out of cash, and Bridgerton, the wildly popular Regency romance series.

Caroline Hallemann, Town & Country, 28 Feb. 2023

Next, the 46-year-old actress will star and executive produce All Stars, a comedy for Amazon’s Prime Video about a former cheerleader who cons her way across the Atlantic to teach cheerleading in England.

Danielle Directo-meston, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Feb. 2023

Authorities say Bernardini, 30, used email accounts to impersonate literary agents and editors to con authors out of their manuscripts.

Bobby Caina Calvan, USA TODAY, 12 Jan. 2023

After all, a con artist needs people to con.

Kaitlin Reilly,, 25 Feb. 2022

So some people had to sort of con their way in.

Rachel Epstein, Marie Claire, 1 Sep. 2021

The new series looks at the criminals who were able to manipulate and con the people around them to aid in their activities.

Washington Post, 17 Apr. 2021

Despite the mod-cons, the coach still looks quite classic.

Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 10 Apr. 2023

The high prices and limited route networks and schedules are some of the cons for flying semi-private.

Stefanie Waldek, Travel + Leisure, 7 Apr. 2023

Catherine McCaw, who had garnered attention for her role in the prosecution of Anna Sorokin, the con woman better known as Anna Delvey, joined., 1 Apr. 2023

Other colorful characters complete the cast including Xenk Yendar (Regé-Jean Page) the lawful-good Paladin, con-man Forge Fitzwilliam (Hugh Grant) and the mysterious wizard Sofina (Daisy Head).

Erik Kain, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

Catherine McCaw, who had garnered attention for her role in the prosecution of Anna Sorokin, the con woman better known as Anna Delvey, joined.

William K. Rashbaum, New York Times, 31 Mar. 2023

But federal investigators alleged that Bankman-Fried actually oversaw a massive con that included stealing deposits from his own company to pay for bets at his hedge fund while still living an affluent lifestyle.

Taylor Wilson, USA TODAY, 29 Mar. 2023

Jenner wore a body-con maxi dress in a slate gray hue.

Chelsey Sanchez, Harper’s BAZAAR, 28 Mar. 2023

Even people who take time to weigh the pros and cons and do their due diligence still sometimes suffer from buyer’s remorse.

Elizabeth Rivelli, Car and Driver, 27 Mar. 2023

Torn between her feelings for Paxton and Ben, Devi creates a pro-con list with Fab and Eleanor.

Leah Campano, Seventeen, 11 Aug. 2022

And while the old Miranda would have faced her mid-life crisis by whipping a legal pad out of her normcore briefcase and making a pro-con list, this Miranda’s response is a lot more Carrie.

Hayley Maitland, Vogue, 21 Jan. 2022

Indeed, Harmon’s aim for her story was not to wade through the pro/con GMO arguments, but to open a new window onto a complicated subject.

Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 1 Aug. 2013

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘con.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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against a proposition, opinion, etc.: arguments pro and con.


the argument, position, arguer, or voter against something: The pros of the library project are obvious, but we have to consider the cons as well.



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Origin of con


First recorded in 1575–85; short for Latin contrā “in opposition, against”

Words nearby con

comtesse, Comtian, Comtism, Comus, Com. Ver., con, conacre, CONAD, Conakry, con amore, Conan

Other definitions for con (2 of 10)

verb (used with object), conned, con·ning.

to swindle; trick: That crook conned me out of all my savings.

to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc.: Don’t worry, I can always con my dad into letting me use his car.


a confidence game or swindle: By the time my uncle realized she was playing a con on him, she had already left town with his rare coin collection.

a lie, exaggeration, or glib self-serving talk: He had a dozen different cons for getting out of paying traffic tickets.


relating to or involving abuse of confidence: a slick con man;a con trick.

Origin of con


An Americanism first recorded in 1895–1900; by shortening of confidence

Other definitions for con (3 of 10)

noun Slang.

a convict: Her brother’s a con up in Elmira.

Origin of con


First recorded in 1715–25; by shortening

Other definitions for con (4 of 10)

noun Informal.

a convention, especially one for fans of a particular type of popular culture: sci-fi, gaming, and anime cons.

Origin of con


First recorded in1940–45; by shortening

Other definitions for con (5 of 10)

verb (used with object), conned, con·ning.

to learn; study; peruse or examine carefully: She’s been conning her grandfather’s medical diaries for months.

to commit to memory: I have conned the state capitals in alphabetical order, from Albany to Trenton.

Origin of con


First recorded before 1000; Middle English cunnen, Old English cunnan, variant of can1 in sense “become acquainted with, learn to know”

Other definitions for con (6 of 10)

verb (used with object), conned, con·ning.

to direct the steering of (a ship): conning the freighter into port.


the station of the person who cons: You will assume the con, ensign.

the act of conning: Storms from the northeast made for a difficult con.

Origin of con


First recorded in 1350–1400; earlier cond, apocopated variant of Middle English condie, condue, from Middle French cond(u)ire, from Latin condūcere “to conduct”

Other definitions for con (7 of 10)

verb (used with object), conned, con·ning.British Dialect.

to strike, hit, or rap (something or someone): We think he was conned with a cricket bat.

to hammer (a nail or peg): Who knew conning tacks into the new carpet would take so long?

to beat or thrash (a person) with the hands or a weapon: He conned the poor guy in the pub for no apparent reason.

Origin of con


First recorded in 1890–95; perhaps akin to French cognée “hatchet,” cogner “to knock in, drive (a nail) home”

Other definitions for con (8 of 10)

variant of com- before a consonant (except b, h, l, p, r) and, by assimilation, before n: convene; condone; connection.

Other definitions for con (9 of 10)








Origin of con.

From the Latin word contrā

Other definitions for con (10 of 10) Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to con

criminal, felon, offender, prisoner, bamboozle, bilk, dupe, hoodwink, swindle, wheedle, bluff, cheat, crime, deception, fraud, graft, mockery, culprit, jailbird, malefactor

How to use con in a sentence

  • But almost to the man, the first thing every ex-con tells me is how hard it is to find work.

  • A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting the Archer panel at New York Comic-Con.

  • “Ultron is the uber-villain; he is all the knowledge that is or ever was,” Spader told us at Comic-Con.

  • “We have undercover security,” says Vincent Zurzolo, the suave man in the blue suit in booth 2630 of New York Comic Con.

  • If you were to have undercover security, Comic Con is the perfect site.

  • “Chaplet”—a wreath or garland signed for by him in his ambitious hopes—expresses his birth-date by Con.

  • Mister Public is further deceived in believing that the ‘con man’ who has a pitch nearby is connected with the enterprise.

  • There was a large collection of ladies, amongst whom were two of the most celebrated in the capital—Seora Maria Con.

  • Capella is lo-cat-ed in the con-stell-a-tion which you call Auriga.

  • Con them over a few times, and they will turn into letters of light.

British Dictionary definitions for con (1 of 8)


  1. short for confidence trick
  2. (as modifier)con man

verb cons, conning or conned

(tr) to swindle or defraud

Word Origin for con

C19: from confidence

British Dictionary definitions for con (2 of 8)

noun (usually plural)

an argument or vote against a proposal, motion, etc

a person who argues or votes against a proposal, motion, etc

Word Origin for con

from Latin contrā against, opposed to

British Dictionary definitions for con (3 of 8)

British Dictionary definitions for con (4 of 8)

verb cons, conns, conning or conned

(tr) to direct the steering of (a vessel)


the place where a person who cons a vessel is stationed

Word Origin for con

C17 cun, from earlier condien to guide, from Old French conduire, from Latin condūcere; see conduct

British Dictionary definitions for con (5 of 8)

verb cons, conning or conned

(tr) archaic to study attentively or learn (esp in the phrase con by rote)

Word Origin for con

C15: variant of can 1 in the sense: to come to know

British Dictionary definitions for con (6 of 8)

Word Origin for con


British Dictionary definitions for con (7 of 8)

British Dictionary definitions for con (8 of 8)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other forms: cons

A con, or confidence game, is a swindle — when you take advantage of someone’s trust. If you con someone out of their life savings, you might wind up a con — as in convict.

The word con has many meanings, none of them good. An argument has pros and cons, and the cons are always the downside. An ex-con is someone who spent time in jail as a convict, and a con artist is someone who scams people out of their money.

Definitions of con

  1. noun

    an argument opposed to a proposal

  2. adverb

    in opposition to a proposition, opinion, etc.

    “much was written pro and

  3. noun

    (offensive) a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property


    bunco, bunco game, bunko, bunko game, con game, confidence game, confidence trick, flimflam, hustle, sting

    see moresee less


    sting operation

    a complicated confidence game planned and executed with great care (especially an operation implemented by undercover agents to apprehend criminals)

    type of:

    cheat, rig, swindle

    the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme

  4. verb

    (offensive) deprive of by deceit


    bunco, defraud, diddle, gip, goldbrick, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam, short-change, swindle, victimize

  5. verb

    commit to memory; learn by heart

  6. noun

    a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison


    convict, inmate, yard bird, yardbird

    see moresee less



    a prisoner serving a term of life imprisonment


    a convict who is considered trustworthy and granted special privileges

    type of:

    captive, prisoner

    a person who is confined; especially a prisoner of war

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘con’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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