Sentence for the word carefully

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1. They have canvassed the votes cast carefully.

2. She carefully preserved all his letters.

3. She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.

4. He has carefully investigated the allegations.

5. Please handle this precision instrument carefully.

6. He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.

7. We carefully pushed our way through the low brambles.

8. She read the letter more carefully the second time.

9. She carefully steered the car around the potholes.

10. She aimed the gun carefully.

11. Don’t just rinse the bottles.Wash them out carefully.

12. We compared the two reports carefully.

13. Check the tiles carefully before you buy them.

14. Spoon the mixture carefully into the mould.

15. Do it slowly and carefully.

16. He folded the sheets up carefully.

17. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche.

18. Think it over carefully before u decide.

19. Harry carefully picked the bloom.

20. We made our way carefully along the ridge.

21. My carefully laid plans had already gone awry.

22. He studied the keyboard carefully(Sentence dictionary), one finger poised.

23. The wood was collected up and carefully stacked away.

24. I listened carefully to her story.

25. She carefully scraped away the top layer of paint.

26. This tea is very hot, so sip it carefully.

27. Carefully pull out the centre pages.

28. Now, listen very carefully to what she says.

29. He observes carefully but says little.

30. We crept carefully along the narrow ledge.

More similar words: ruefully, hopefully, be full of, to the full, make full use of, disdainfully, successfully, refuse, refund, refute, refuge, refugee, full, care for, in full, doleful, hopeful, forceful, graceful, grateful, sully, full time, full-time, be useful to, resourceful, in full swing, at full speed, gracefulness, reform, refer. 

осторожно, внимательно, аккуратно, бережно, заботливо, с осторожностью


- осторожно, с большой осторожностью; осмотрительно

to handle carefully — обращаться осторожно /с осторожностью/

- тщательно, внимательно

in carefully chosen words — тщательно подбирая слова
listen carefully — слушай(те) внимательно

- точно, аккуратно

Мои примеры


a cuckoo woman who wandered around town carefully gathering up useless trash — чокнутая женщина, которая бродила по городу, заботливо подбирая бесполезный хлам  
a carefully laid table with places set for four people — тщательно накрытый стол с приборами на четырёх человек  
to manage carefully — обращаться с осторожностью  
a carefully crafted speech — тщательно подготовленная речь  
to examine carefully / closely / thoroughly — тщательно осматривать  
to explore carefully / gingerly — тщательно, внимательно исследовать  
carefully aged steaks — хорошо поджаренные отбивные  
a carefully orchestrated campaign — хорошо спланированная кампания  
a book in which the characters are carefully realized — книга, в которой характеры выписаны очень реалистично  
carefully wrought essays — блестяще написанные сочинения  
consider carefully — вникнуть; вникать  
mark carefully how to do it — следи и запоминай, как это делается  

Примеры с переводом

Watch me carefully.

Следи за мной внимательно.

He is a careful driver.

Он внимательный /осторожный/ водитель.

Be careful! The stove is hot!

Осторожно! Плита горячая!

Bye! Drive carefully!

Пока! Езжай осторожно!

Read the book through carefully.

Прочитайте книгу внимательно от начала до конца.

He picked his way carefully.

Он тщательно выбирал дорогу.

He loaded his gun carefully

Он осторожно зарядил свое ружье.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He managed his resources carefully.

He was weighing his words carefully.

She spoke in carefully measured tones.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

careful  — осторожный, внимательный, заботливый, аккуратный, бережный, точный, старательный
carefulness  — тщательность, доскональность, заботливость, старательность, внимательность

carefully — перевод на русский


Oh, careful. You’re gonna pull out your I.V. again.

Осторожно, опять выдерните капельницу.

Oh, be careful. He’s watching us.

Осторожно, он смотрит на нас.

But I must be careful.

Нужно действовать осторожно.

Careful, you won’t be able to march .

Осторожно, ты не сможешь идти.

Careful of that arm.

Осторожно с рукой.

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You see, if you… if you read my advertisement carefully, you… you would have noticed…

Если Вы… Если Вы внимательно читали мое объявление, то Вы… Вы должны были заметить…

— Listen carefully, Horace and you’ll understand my decision.

— Слушай внимательно, Хорас и ты поймешь мое решение.

— Now, watch very carefully.

— Смотрите очень внимательно.

Look at that postcard carefully and you’ll see, like me… that the postal stamp… is a fake.

Посмотрите внимательно на эту открытку, и вы поймете, так же как и я, что почтовую печать подделали.

We must be extremely careful what goods we take in exchange.

Мы должны очень внимательно подойти к выбору товаров… на которые будет производиться обмен.

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Но тщательно скрывали это от меня.

Study your charts carefully, gentlemen.

Изучите схему тщательно, джентльмены.

How carefully you must have picked it out.

Как тщательно, должно быть, вы их выбирали.

I want you to look at them again carefully.

я хочу, чтобы вы их тщательно разгл€дели.

Think carefully now.

Подумайте тщательно.

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Aw, shucks. I’d be careful.

Я аккуратно.

If he holds his lips together, he could draw it carefully, like a horse.

Если держать губы вместе, можно есть аккуратно, как лошади.

Please be sure that it’s packed carefully.

Пожалуйста, проследите, чтобы ее аккуратно упаковали.

I’ll be really careful.

Я аккуратно.

Drive carefully, won’t you, darling?

Веди машину аккуратно, дорогой?

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Now, be careful with those.

Поосторожнее с этим.

Now, you be careful.

Ты там поосторожнее!

It’s good to know you have become more careful in your diagnoses, Doctor.

Рад слышать, что Вы стали поосторожнее с диагнозами, доктор.

That’s a nice girl, that, but she ought to go careful in Vienna.

Хорошая девушка, но ей следует быть поосторожнее в Вене.

Everybody ought to go careful in a city like this.

Всем стоит быть поосторожнее в таком городе, как этот.

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Be careful when you stop this car.

Поосторожней, когда будешь тормозить.

[Kent] Can’t ya be more careful, Frenchy?

— Нельзя поосторожней?

We’ve got to go careful. — What’s the matter?


You need to be careful with the sun, it gives you freckles.

Будь поосторожней с солнцем. От него — веснушки.

And you go carefully there. It’s a military hotel.

А вы поосторожней.

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To flagship and other units, careful.

Флагману и остальным кораблям, будьте осторожны

That way you can get to the violence. Ojo, very careful with him.

Неисключено, что он может дойти до насилия, будьте осторожны!

Careful, he’ll blow up the ship!

Будьте осторожны, он взорвет корабль!

Captain, careful.

Капитан, будьте осторожны.

Colonel, would you mind being careful with that?

Полковник, пожалуйста, будьте осторожны с этим.

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— Be careful it doesn’t break off in your hand.

Смотри, чтобы он не разбился в твоих руках.

But be careful. Don’t let anybody see you.

Но смотри, чтобы тебя не увидели.

Okay, but be careful where you take it.

Хорошо. Но смотри, чтобы всё было в порядке.

Careful, I’ll come.

Смотри, я ведь приеду.

Careful. You’ll get blood on it.

Смотри, не запачкай простынь.

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So you be careful.

Так что берегись!

Edie, be careful!

Ида, берегись.

Careful. A patrol.

Берегись, ребята, патруль.

‘Be careful.’ They’re worse than crooks. You can always do something with a crook.

Берегись, они хуже подонков.

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Let us carefully look for Mr. Kenichi again.

Давайте еще раз хорошенько поищем мистера Кеничи.

All I beg is that you think carefully before you go into that room.

Все о чем я прошу, так это чтобы ты хорошенько все обдумала, прежде чем войдешь в эту комнату.

You must consider all this carefully.

Вы тоже подумайте хорошенько.

And if you’ll think back carefully, you’ll realise that I know he didn’t.

И если ты хорошенько вспомнишь, ты поймешь, что он ничего не выдумал.

Put yourself carefully all these details in the head.

Запомните хорошенько все это.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word carefully, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use carefully in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «carefully».

Carefully in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word carefully in a sentence.

  1. His masculinity is carefully scripted.

  2. First voice: Right, well listen carefully.

  3. These were carefully deactivated and removed.

  4. Altar 48 had been carefully covered by Stela 14.

  5. Roberts had practiced for the ceremony carefully.

  6. All isotopes of technetium must be handled carefully.

  7. Callaway carefully chose actors when casting each role.

  8. He typically spoke slowly, and carefully chose his words.

  9. There, the pages were carefully dried out and photographed.

  10. Once this was done, the sections of skin were carefully attached.

  11. Despite a «nonchalant» run-up, his carefully taken strike beat Poole to his left.

  12. Pound offered a carefully worded rejection of his antisemitism, according to Reck.

  13. The scheduling was carefully planned to account for the make-up used for both roles.

  14. As usual, he approached the project by carefully considering the context and purpose.

  15. Roughly spherical boulders were carefully selected to mimic the shape of a human head.

  16. They are capable of «stinging» humans, therefore live ones should be handled carefully or not at all.

  17. Nevertheless, the Government of Sweden carefully avoided committing itself to Finnish foreign policy.

  18. Stop 2 landed, formed up into a sweep line and marched carefully to the north alongside a dry riverbed.

  19. The dignitaries or representatives from around the world were carefully scheduled to board USS Missouri.

  20. Although Wallace’s first letter to Darwin has been lost, Wallace carefully kept the letters he received.

  21. The rebels had carefully devised plans to neutralise loyalist officers to prevent them from saving Diệm.

  22. Buck outfitted the wagon, Meeker selected the animals, and with his wife carefully prepared food supplies.

  23. However, the team still worked carefully to make the two ninjas be equals without overpowering each other.

  24. When McGill testified in Kisling’s trial, she produced the carefully reconstructed skull from her handbag.

  25. Through a carefully crafted series of marches, he gave the appearance of having much more numerous forces.

  26. To produce a pleasing, harmonically related series of tones, the bell’s profile must be carefully adjusted.

  27. Transgenic crops have been made to express dsRNA, carefully chosen to silence crucial genes in target pests.

  28. On October 11, Arnold drew the British fleet to a position he had carefully chosen to limit their advantages.

  29. These are carefully constructed; young orangutans learn from observing their mother’s nest-building behaviour.

  30. Portraits, prints, maps, charts, and books have been carefully selected to replicate the Priestleys’ holdings.

  31. Saltram House for instance was carefully promoted during the film’s release, and saw a 57 percent increase in attendance.

  32. Feynman carefully worked through the problem again, applying the path integral formulation that he had used in his thesis.

  33. I’m very shy socially.» Zeta-Jones is protective of her public image, and the use of her likeness is carefully controlled.

  34. However, after carefully discussing the script with the film’s director, Steven Shainberg, she agreed to join the project.

  35. Using wooden camera models which weighed 30 to 75 grams (1.1 to 2.6 oz), the pigeons were carefully trained for their load.

  36. The show, in her opinion, suggests that changes should be carefully examined and adopted only if beneficial to the society.

  37. Doors and vents often had sills of carefully ground flat stone slabs and lintels constructed from a row of thin wood beams.

  38. The asteroids are spread over such a large volume that it would be improbable to reach an asteroid without aiming carefully.

  39. It also stated: «Amid its carefully calibrated sonic assaults, Year Zero has a number of tracks that will stop you in yours.

  40. It appeared that they were playing carefully at first before deciding whether to try and achieve the target at a later point.

  41. Center for Drug Evaluation and Research cautions that people with heart or lung disease need their supplementary oxygen carefully regulated and should not use oxygen bars.

  42. The epitaph carved into the stone slab covering his grave includes a curse against moving his bones, which was carefully avoided during restoration of the church in 2008:.

  43. By adjusting the path length while observing the interference pattern and carefully measuring the change in path length, the wavelength of the light (λ) can be determined.

  44. The pitch of the bell is carefully judged by its creators, and a difference of a single hertz in the fundamental frequency can require that the bell be recast from scratch.

  45. After laying, the mother’s food reserves are exhausted and she very carefully transfers the egg to the male, and then immediately returns to the sea for two months to feed.

Synonyms for carefully

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word carefully has the following synonyms: cautiously and with kid gloves.

General information about «carefully» example sentences

The example sentences for the word carefully that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «carefully» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «carefully».

One should speak carefully.

Please read the above passage carefully and answer the question that follow.

Read the newspaper carefully.

Choose your words carefully.

He observed all kinds of people carefully and learnt much from them.

I listened to each and every word carefully so that I did not miss out anything.

Carefully read the table of contents of this book.

Choose your mentor carefully.

He takes every step in life very carefully.

Please look into the matter carefully.

Please listen to me carefully.

Keep this carefully.

I answered carefully.

Handle Your Marital Problems Carefully.

Always drive carefully.

Deal with them carefully.

You need to follow these suggestions carefully.

Choose your words carefully.

Park your vehicles carefully.

Read it carefully.

Please listen to me carefully.

Speak carefully.

Please hold it carefully.

Do it very carefully to avoid damage.

Everyone should choose their words carefully.

Utilise your time carefully.

Please read it carefully.

Cast your vote carefully.

Use electronic gadgets carefully.

Tread carefully while choosing a career.

Speak carefully While in Public Place.

Attend carefully to what the instructor says.

Listen carefully lest you should forget.

Read your lesson carefully.

He works in the office carefully.

Talk carefully.

Walk carefully.

Walk carefully lest you should fall.

It is always better to drive carefully.

I read my book carefully.

Speak carefully lest you should falter.

You should do your work carefully.

She is looking after her children very carefully these days.

Go over the pros and cons of the case carefully.

Handle the crockery carefully.

You are being watched carefully.

Read it over carefully.

We listened to his speech carefully.

The teacher ordered the students to listen to him carefully.

We examined the document carefully.

The owner of the shop advises his workers to attend to the customers carefully.

He went over the whole account carefully.

Study this book carefully.

He usually writes carefully.

Not all students do their lessons carefully.

We’ll think it over carefully.

She listens carefully.

We’ll think over the plan carefully.

My sister doesn’t read carefully enough.

She writes carefully.

Read the paper carefully and finish it in time.

Walk carefully lest you should stumble.

Walk carefully lest you should slip.

He examined the document carefully.

You must steer your car carefully.

Walk down the stairs carefully.

She ironed her uniform carefully.

Speak carefully so that you don’t have to eat your words.

The teacher examined the answer book carefully.

I took down his notes carefully.

He is watching you very carefully.

Mark my words carefully.

He drives carefully.

Read the questions carefully and answer them in your own words.

You have to do it carefully.

He works carefully.

Parents should carefully monitor what their children play or see.

Please listen to the text carefully.

Study the question carefully and thoroughly.

Go through the account books carefully.

Read the passage carefully and try to understand what it means.

Read through the list carefully.

Read the paragraph carefully.

Read the letter carefully.

He drives more carefully than you

He does his work carefully.

Listen carefully.

Take down carefully whatever I say.

We have considered your application carefully.

Walk carefully lest you should fall down.

Read the following sentences carefully.

Revise carefully what you have written.

Read the above passage carefully and answer the following questions.

Study carefully the following paragraphs :

We did it carefully so that none should see it.

Listen carefully to what I say.

Listen carefully to what I have to say.

Read the question-paper carefully before beginning to attempt the questions.

He spends money carefully in order that he can save something.

We assure you that the sets were very carefully packed.

Attend carefully to what the instructor says.

Attend carefully to what he instructs you.

Please watch carefully his actions.

He does carefully all his work.

The sick should be carefully looked after.

Walk carefully lest you should fall.

Study the following examples carefully .

Attend carefully to what the instructor says.

He looked carefully at the signature.

Walk carefully lest your should sprain your foot.

Read the following examples carefully.

Think carefully before jumping into others affairs as the tables may turn .

Many purchases are carefully thought out.

We should weigh the options carefully before making a decision.

You have to open the envelope carefully so as not to damage the cheque.

We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word.

Listen carefully to what I say.

I stepped carefully on the accelerator.

Watch carefully how to do it.

Drive carefully.

He carefully flossed his top teeth.

He looked at it carefully.

He researched each school carefully.

He searched carefully for it but it was no where to be found.

He shaved carefully around his Adam’s apple.

He watched me carefully.

See the car carefully before you buy it.

She drives not carefully but slowly.

The members of the jury listened carefully to the attorney.

We should weigh the options carefully before making a decision.

The police carefully investigated the cause of the accident.

He carefully read over the contract.

You’d better examine the contract carefully before signing.

You have to open the envelope carefully so as not to damage the cheque.

All her carefully made plans began to unravel one by one.

Listen carefully to what I say.

We listened carefully in order not to miss a single word.

She has been suffering from cough and high fever, and requires to be carefully nursed.

In order to get maximum pleasure as well as benefit out of reading, we should carefully and judiciously choose our reading material.

Study the following examples carefully.

Read the given passage carefully again and again until you have understood the main ideas clearly.

A reader should handle the books carefully so that no pages are torn and no books are misplaced.

Read the given passage carefully and try to understand the central idea.

Attend carefully to his instructions.

This is a very important Rule and must be very carefully observed.

Read the passage carefully twice or thrice until the meaning of the passage is totally clear to you.

Study them carefully as they are often wrongly used.

Read carefully the passage below and write your answers to the questions that follow in clear, correct and concise language .

We must go about it very carefully so that no life is endangered.

Study the following examples carefully.

He had trained it carefully to protect his property.

He had trained it carefully to protect his property.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

It was a carefully laid out plot.

Read the following examples carefully

Go through your financial records carefully and ensure that everything is in apple pie order.

Synonyms for carefully


They waited anxiously for results.

All seem to be anxiously waiting ,for their buses.

The students were anxiously waiting for their result.

A week-end is always anxiously looked forward to.

They waited anxiously for results.

I am anxiously awaiting your arrival on Friday morning.

We all kept on waiting anxiously for this day of the month.


She listens attentively to the class lectures.

They listened attentively so as not to miss a single word.

The teacher listened attentively to my explanation.


The address was written by me correctly and legibly on the money order form.

I was flushed with childish pleasure and pride.

All bathroom users don’t wash hands correctly.


You are deliberately copying it.

She deliberately ignored me on the street.

He deliberately kept on provoking a confrontation.

He deliberately broke the window.

He deliberately ignored me when I passed him in the street.

She deliberately exposed him to danger.


She is delicately constituted.


He has been serving the school most faithfully for about twenty years.

The scheme was implemented faithfully.

He served you faithfully.


I am fully prepared.

I fully agree with you.

The hotel is fully booked.

I fully agree with those who say this.

As time passes, both of them are fully grown.


The coup was meticulously executed.

It is from you that I have learnt how to meticulously plan time.

Every element is meticulously designed.

The blasts were meticulously planned .


This is precisely what I am doing:

What precisely does that mean?


He behaved prudently under the circumstances.

He behaved as prudently as any man would do under the circumstances.


You must remain scrupulously aboveboard in your dealings.


Our visit to the circus was thoroughly delightful.

I am thoroughly ashamed.

The management is thoroughly bad.

Who has prepared this chapter thoroughly ?

I thoroughly enjoyed myself in their company.

Shake the mixture thoroughly before giving it to the child.

They had been thoroughly well trained.

Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Have you studied the subject thoroughly ?

He was thoroughly drenched.

Mix thoroughly.

We went over the house thoroughly before buying it.

The police thoroughly searched the house.

The candidates thoroughly argued the point.

We were thoroughly satisfied with his work.

He is thoroughly familiar with the business.

He is a thoroughly dishonest character.

They got thoroughly wet in the rain.


He thoughtfully gave me a helping hand.




Antonyms for Carefully


I carelessly allowed the door to stand open.

The chapters of this book are carelessly written.

He put his things carelessly in the drawer.

He drove carelessly and had an accident.

They were carelessly unaware of the danger.

They’ll be attacked if they carelessly express an original viewpoint.

I carelessly ran into the telegraph pole.

I carelessly dropped a vase.

I carelessly deleted your e-mail address.

The barn door had been carelessly left unlatched.


He was born with an incompletely formed heart valve.


I can partially see out of one eye.

The mule was partially relieved the load.

His story is partially true.

I partially understand what he means.

He admitted that it was partially his fault.


If you go on borrowing money thoughtlessly you are bound to get into hot water.




Sentences with the word Carefully?



  • «the analyzed data indicated surprising trends»; «a carefully analyzed poem can be like a dead butterfly pinned to a board»
  • «He appraised the situation carefully before acting»
  • «the carefully arranged chessmen»; «haphazardly arranged interlobular septa»; «comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace»
  • «the carefully balanced seesaw»; «a properly balanced symphony orchestra»; «a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history»; «a balanced blend of whiskeys»; «the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers»
  • «the breakout was carefully planned»
  • «they watched carefully«
  • «He loaded his gun carefully«; «load the camera»
  • «a detailed plan»; «the elaborate register of the inhabitants prevented tax evasion»- John Buchan; «the carefully elaborated theme»
  • «he received no formal education»; «our instruction was carefully programmed»; «good classroom teaching is seldom rewarded»
  • «a stream of people emptied from the terminal»; «the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors»
  • «She molded the rice balls carefully«; «Form cylinders from the dough»; «shape a figure»; «Work the metal into a sword»
  • «Please inspect your father’s will carefully«
  • «his carefully knotted necktie»
  • «a carefully laid table with places set for four people»; «stones laid in a pattern»
  • «lay the books on the table»; «lay the patient carefully onto the bed»
  • «the detective carefully lifted some fingerprints from the table»
  • «the measurements were carefully done»; «his mental measurings proved remarkably accurate»
  • «She finally picked her successor»; «He picked his way carefully«
  • «he prepared his presentation carefully in advance»
  • «She reloaded the gun carefully«
  • «Drive carefully—the wet road reflects»
  • «The writer carefully sourced her report»
  • «carefully taped pieces of glass served as a windowpane»
  • «think this through very carefully
  • «The candidate carefully timed his appearance at the disaster scene»
  • «climbing carefully up the unsteady ladder»; «an unfirm stance»

should be carefully handled

He hands her the baby carefully

Follow pre- and post test instructions carefully

Follow pre- and post-surgery instructions carefully

· Look carefully for the cause of pain and then search for a way to deal with the cause

The confusion, however, is not entirely over, for rather than accepting the carefully deliberated recommendations of the National Standards Board, Glickman declined to definitively prohibit three practices being used in producing organically grown foods

«We have four tons of aluminum missing,» he said slowly and carefully

· Choose your slippers more carefully than your shoes as you wear them most of the time

Ackers carefully inserted the device into the crack on the door, and then he squeezed what looked like the blue mercury down the tube, out of the device and into the door

Annoyed with myself, I repeat it, enunciating carefully

Choose carefully what you will use for the trees, ask questions, avoid using chemicals

embroidery, to carefully add elements to the skin that would enhance her beauty, and

He is leaned against a few pillows, staring straight ahead, and she is lying across his chest, looking up at him, watching him carefully

Wash your hands, and follow the instructions carefully

He picks it up slowly and begins to examine it, carefully turning it around and around in his hands while he looks at it

Mike chose his words carefully

doostEr looked at him carefully

Look at these words carefully: without Him nothing was

‘Have you lived here long, Stephen?’ I asked, dipping my brush carefully into the pot so that I don’t do what my father always said was the worst crime of all – coating the entirety of the bristles in paint

Parking the car tidily beside Stephen’s rather more upmarket vehicle, and carefully leaving plenty of space for him to get into his driver’s door if he wants to, I haul my aching legs out of the car and start to walk across to the front door

Johnny considered all three points carefully

Their technology was a thousand years ahead of ours when those helmets were made,» she paused and said slowly and carefully, «five thousand years ago

He takes off his specs and carefully cleans the lenses on his dressing gown

I stand at the gates and watch her drive out just after ten, carefully closing them behind her and setting the alarm as Stephen told me to

There were some fresh, raw Sak Yant markings protruding from under his wide, upturned collar and he moved a little carefully as though still in pain from the work

He watches Ahmed carefully

Glenelle didn’t follow what she was doing for the Heavenly Mother too carefully, it had a lot to do with partitioning simulation space and it took up a lot of crystal

Before I can even think to tell him to drive carefully, he is out of the house and driving off

And when you listen carefully

Mimis carefully read the title of the little book

take time to consider the matter carefully

He listened carefully to what I said, he agreed in everything and declared he had just found his soul mate

Consider carefully what Paul

Every comment was carefully read and considered

The lama proves to be quite agreeable and interesting, he answers all questions carefully and diplomatically, he surely knows how to win his audience over to his views

Together with the suited American, the two guards lifted and carried me, trussed like a roasting bird, and carefully laid my body in a metal box underneath the flat bed back of the lorry

Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter

Once out of the shower, Robbie helped me to towel off and then dress while the other guard kept me carefully in his sights

’ Kara replied carefully

After a short hesitation, I opened the main portal of the Zephyrus, stepped out with slow, cautious steps and looked around carefully

Screw: If you hold it in your hands, you will have to take certain decisions about your business; think over it carefully, or you could fail

Before he thought carefully about it, he noticed he had activated the android

carefully shutting the gate behind him with a final wave

with 4 tumblers was carefully placed down

Holding out her arm to allow it to perch, and moving the bag holding the bread safely out of reach of the avian’s sharp beak, she carefully detached the message and sent the bird on its way

She took a wherry across the river to the Southwark side where the warehouse was situated, strolling along the lanes behind the Shakespearean theatre where herb gardens, supplying the nearby centre for the Herbmasters, occupied neat little patches of ground carefully tended by a cadre of gotteswomen specially trained for the purpose, the purple outfits of their calling showing up clearly as they toiled amongst the neat rows of plants

A non-descript hessian bag was produced from yet another secure shelf, and the items carefully place in it

He had to be watched carefully and isolated from everyone else

Her sandals were still on tight and she stepped carefully in them

Wiesse would certainly not be amused by that sort of inattentiveness … as a result I find myself watching the path carefully, straining my eyes for any such rut

“This is really a nice place; the house design was carefully laid out

He had to tread carefully

’ Wiesse assured him, ‘I have checked him out most carefully

was best summed up by the carefully selected words

If he carefully packed big stuff over the holes it might work a little

He picks his way carefully along the deck by the light of the stones now hanging on the rail

Over the years the students had analyzed the dreams carefully, had taken each person’s variation and blended it with the others

Leave me my lady, I must think carefully of this turn of events

Carefully, I eased into my space hoping not to disturb either of them

can while holding your breath then very slowly and carefully

This is a wonderful exercise for the relief of backache but as it is rather a strenuous posture do please practice it carefully

Berndt just sits there staring as Drens and one of his men carefully carry what remains of our friend along the deck and down the stairs out of sight

One of the few occasions I had been permitted to set foot outside the villa and I had been carefully cloaked so as not to reveal anything to anyone watching, I suppose … I’d rebelled at that, argued as only a stroppy teenager can but Wiesse had got his way in the end

Back at the camp, they carefully began to land two at a time on the mesa

After practicing the first three stages carefully you are now

Would three Elements be enough to turn the tide of decay, sufficient even to save the world? Unable to answer any of these questions, I carefully put the Element away in my belt and lie back on my bunk, staring at the ceiling of the cabin

To the adventurous among you who attempt it I would say please go carefully and do not strain any of your muscles

Wings fully extended he landed stretched to his full height; carefully and slowly folded his wings, and turned his massive head and stared at the group of students standing in dumb awe at the sight of him

I’d better read this through carefully, but not right now

I see him pick up the letter, fold it carefully and stow it in the pouch on his belt

The breathing should also be carefully timed to coincide with the appropriate movements

‘It would need working out carefully

He carefully avoided the half finished cartons of Chow Mein

And I assure you that it looks somewhat more complicated on paper than in practice so study the illustrations carefully, one stage at a time, and check your posture before a mirror

Using your elbows, and moving them carefully one at a

Self-control was an art that Miss Jones and her family had perfected through many long years of carefully managed breeding and etiquette

All the Dragons of Light fought with carefully planned strikes on the dark devils

’ Berndt said carefully

The way down the hill is steep and in places the surface of the track is slippery with mud so we take it carefully, not wanting to damage our ggs

She got a hold of herself and then she took over carefully bandaging John’s arm

It pays to always carefully read the guidelines and policies given by the online dating service

Men who are trying to decide on a Valentine’s Day gift for their girlfriends should first carefully consider the present stage of the relationship

It is important to carefully evaluate your relationship but you should also remember that in doing this you run the risk that you will be interpreting the relationship in a way that is different from your girlfriend

Carefully, I moved a chair out of the way so there was nothing between us

Once inside her quarters she turned and placed her hand on his arm, “My Lord,” and then more softly, “Tarak, handle this carefully

In its place he carefully cultivated the most beautiful, the tastiest and the most famous patch of artichokes in the whole of the known world

He began to study it carefully; there’s a story here… he thought to himself as he followed the pictorials woven into the material

Topless and bethonged and stretched across one of the sofas, she was carefully admiring her reflection in a mirror whilst wiping away some lipstick traces from those teeth

At first he didn’t trust his instruments and went over them carefully

I must watch her carefully and see if what I suspect is true

Ken loved his son and did his best to welcome his new step-daughter into their lives, treading carefully and methodically through the minefield laid out before him by a new wife with strange new ways, by his own teenage son and by a new teenage daughter, about whom he knew very little

Carefully consider the feedback you receive and revise the application as applicable

«We are at war,» Glayet pronounced slowly and carefully

Marriages had been arranged carefully, and at great expense, to ensure the line flowed purely

’ I said, suiting the action to the word, carefully opening the envelope with my letter opener and prising out the sheet of paper with the pointed end of the implement, touching it as little as possible with my fingers

He asks if he can see the dress so we carefully disinter it from the tissue paper and Jane holds it up against me while he again stands back, hand on chin again, contemplating

Carefully, I carry it into the spare room and hang it in the cupboard in there

I can feel the tears starting in my eyes, and he hurriedly takes the picture from me, laying it carefully on the table, before turning to me and taking my hands

He floated out into space and looked carefully around

“Slowly now, carefully step inside the airlock,” her voice soothing to his ears

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Aliya Fritsch

Score: 4.8/5
(28 votes)

Carefully sentence example. Sofia lifted the choker carefully , touching the charm. Deidre studied her, hearing the carefully chosen words. He dried a glass carefully , studying it against the light for spots.

How do you use the word carefully in a sentence?

with caution or prudence or tact.

  1. They have canvassed the votes cast carefully.
  2. She carefully preserved all his letters.
  3. She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.
  4. He has carefully investigated the allegations.
  5. Please handle this precision instrument carefully.
  6. He carefully jerked a big fish out of water.

What are 5 sentences examples?

5 sentences: My mom taught me to finish everything on my plate at dinner. The only problem with a pencil, is that they do not stay sharp long enough. Our school building is made of bricks.

What are sentences 10 examples?

10 example of simple sentence

  • Does he play tennis?
  • The train leaves every morning at 18 AM.
  • Water freezes at 0°C.
  • I love my new pets.
  • They don’t go to school tomorrow.
  • We drink coffee every morning.
  • 7.My Dad never works on the weekends.
  • Cats hate water.

What is a example sentence?

A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:»Ali is walking». A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought.

24 related questions found

What is a full sentence?

Sentences always begin with a capital letter and end in either a full stop, exclamation or question mark. A complete sentence always contains a verb, expresses a complete idea and makes sense standing alone. … This is now a complete sentence, as the whole idea of the sentence has been expressed.

How many words is 10 sentences?

Usually, 150-180 depending on the length of your sentences. People shouldn’t try to make their paragraphs too long. It’s easy to determine a general number of words in a paragraph. I think that too many people try to break long paragraphs into a number of shorter ones far too often.

Can I start sentence with me?

Me = an object pronoun, used as an object or receiver for the object. You can use Me at the start of the sentence when it makes sense to put the object receiver before the object, or when you have another differentiator, or no object. These sentences are very rare in Standard English.

What are some good sentences?

Good sentence example

  • It felt so good to be home. 729. …
  • You have a good family. 395. …
  • She is such a good seamstress. 450. …
  • It was a good thing they were going home tomorrow. …
  • It was all just good clean fun. …
  • It meant a good deal to him to secure a home like this. …
  • It would do no good to ask him why. …
  • He had done one good deed.

How do you correct the following sentence?

Correct the following sentences

  1. I have seen him yesterday.
  2. We had gone to the movies last night.
  3. I had spoken to them about my holiday.
  4. You must attend your teacher’s instructions.
  5. The hen has lain six eggs.
  6. I have seen him a moment ago.
  7. They discussed about the whole matter.
  8. We are playing tennis every day.

What is the sentence of struggle?

«We witnessed a violent struggle in front of the store.» «There is an ongoing struggle for freedom in that country.» «Everyone knew about the internal struggles in the organization.» «She has faced a daily struggle against obesity.»

What are assertive sentences?

Assertive sentence:

An assertive sentence is a sentence that states a fact. Such sentences are simple statements. They state, assert, or declare something. They are also called declarative sentences. Assertive sentences usually end with a period or full stop.

What is the most beautiful sentence?

«Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl, and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.» 24. «In spite of everything, I still believe people are really good at heart.» 26.

What are some good sentence starters?

Some words are indeed notable for being good sentence starters. The list will include the following: although, I would like to, first, meanwhile, therefore, subsequently, while, I would like to, moreover, in general, in addition, furthermore.

How do you put me in a sentence?

Me is the object pronoun, used as the object (or receiver) of the action of the verb, as in these examples:

  1. My math teacher encouraged me to come for extra help after school. (Me is the object of encouraged.)
  2. She asked me to bring my homework. (Me is the object of asked.)

How is me used in a sentence?

The object pronoun me is typically used as the direct or indirect object of a sentence. It receives the action of the verb or shows the result of the action. So you shouldn’t really say “Me ran.” You can say “My dog ran to me,” because in this case me is receiving the action of the dog running.

Is good in English?

One is “good in English” and one is “good at talking in English.” The preposition “at” cannot be used because one can be “good at” doing something, like good at reading in English, good at talking in English, good at taking notes, and so on and so forth.

What are the 7 types of sentences?

The other way is based on a sentence’s structure (simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex).

  • Statements/Declarative Sentences. These are the most common type of sentence. …
  • Questions/Interrogative Sentences. …
  • Exclamations/Exclamatory Sentences. …
  • Commands/Imperative Sentences.

How many pages is 1000 words?

It will take approximately 3 minutes to read 1,000 words. A 1,000 word count will create about 2 pages single-spaced or 4 pages double-spaced when using normal margins (1″) and 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font.

How many sentences is 150 words?

How Many Sentences Is 150 Words? 150 words is about 7-10 sentences. A sentence typically has 15–20 words.

What does every sentence need?

Components of a Sentence

Clearly written, complete sentences require key information: a subject, a verb and a complete idea. A sentence needs to make sense on its own. Sometimes, complete sentences are also called independent clauses. A clause is a group of words that may make up a sentence.

Is no a complete sentence in English?

“No” is a word most of us use too infrequently. And, what’s worse, when we say “No” we usually add on all sorts of wheedly explanations. But “No” is a complete sentence, and here’s why.

How do you write 5 sentences?

A five sentence paragraph consists of a main idea sentence, three sentences that explain the main idea with reasons, details or facts and a concluding sentence.

  1. Brainstorm. To begin, the elementary student puts her ideas down on paper in a web centered around the main idea. …
  2. Outline. …
  3. Write the Paragraph. …
  4. Look It Over.



  1. аккуратный

Синонимы: genty, shipshape, trig, kempt, prim.


  1. тщательно (старательно, хорошенько, скрупулезно)
  2. внимательно (пристально)
  3. осторожно (осмотрительно, аккуратно, бережно, заботливо, продуманно)

Синонимы: attentively.


too carefully
слишком тщательно


Tom asked Mary to listen carefully to everything John said.
Том попросил Мэри внимательно слушать всё, что скажет Джон.

To prevent hijacks, all carry-on baggage is carefully inspected.
Чтобы избежать угрозы захвата, весь ручной багаж тщательно проверяется.

She listened very carefully when I praised her son.
Она очень внимательно слушала, когда я хвалил её сына.

I carefully took down everything that my teacher said.
Я старательно записала всё, что сказал мой учитель.

He took a mirror and carefully examined his tongue.
Он взял зеркало и внимательно изучил свой язык.

Before using this product, carefully read this manual and the additional information in the expanded version of this manual available at our Web site.
Перед использованием этого продукта внимательно прочитайте данное руководство и дополнительную информацию в расширенной версии данного руководства, доступную на нашем веб-сайте.

Listen carefully to what I am going to tell you.
Внимательно выслушай то, что я собираюсь тебе сказать.

He always plans a thing out carefully before he does it.
Он всегда тщательно планирует что-то, прежде чем сделать это.

Tom carefully stepped inside.
Том осторожно вошел.

Open bag carefully and away from face, as bag, air and contents are very hot.
Откройте пакет осторожно и удалив от лица, так как пакет, воздух и содержимое горячие.

«Should I know her?» I asked. «I don’t think so,» he replied slowly, while watching carefully for my reaction.
«Я должен её знать?» — спросил я. — «Не думаю», — медленно ответил он, внимательно наблюдая за моей реакцией.

If you drive carefully you’ll avoid accidents.
Если ты будешь ехать осторожно, то избежишь аварий.

Write carefully and legibly.
Пишите аккуратно и разборчиво.

Tom carefully covered up all his mistakes.
Том тщательно скрыл все свой ошибки.

No matter how carefully you choose your words, they’ll always end up being twisted by others.
Неважно, как тщательно ты подбираешь слова: в конечном итоге они всегда будут извращены другими.

If you listen carefully to my instructions, it’ll save you some time.
Если ты внимательно выслушаешь мои инструкции, это сэкономит тебе немного времени.

My mother carefully opened the door.
Моя мама аккуратно открыла дверцу.

Tom carefully removed the letter from the envelope.
Том осторожно извлек письмо из конверта.

Tom carefully opened the box.
Том осторожно открыл коробку.

Let it be survival of the fittest, but it’s fastened and carefully directed.
Пусть это будет естественный отбор, но ускоренно и заботливо направляемый.

Watch carefully and you can see how my lips move in pronouncing the word.
Смотри внимательно, и ты сможешь увидеть, как двигаются мои губы при произнесении слова.

Visually inspect and carefully check the product and packaging before use.
Осмотрите и внимательно проверьте изделие и упаковку перед применением.

Think very carefully of all the implications, before you make your decision.
Хорошенько обдумайте все последствия, прежде чем принять решение.

Tom carefully climbed up the rickety staircase.
Том осторожно поднялся по шаткой лестнице.

Children are the flowers of our lives. Nothing decorates a house better than children carefully set in the corners.
Дети — цветы жизни. Ничто так не украшает дом, как дети, аккуратно расставленные по углам.

Tom carefully opened the lid.
Том осторожно открыл крышку.

Watch carefully how I do it. Did you see it?
Смотри внимательно, как я это делаю. Ты видел это?

Industrialization of the region must be carried out very carefully to avoid environmental destruction.
Индустриализацию региона нужно проводить очень осторожно, во избежание разрушения окружающей среды.

I carefully explored the contract.
Я внимательно изучил контракт.

Think carefully before answering.
Подумай хорошенько перед ответом.

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