Sentence for the word author

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1 Choose an author as you choose a friend. 

2 He who purposes to be an author, should first be a student. 

3 Like author, like book.

4 Tom is quite familiar with the author.

5 The volume had been personally inscribed by the author.

6 The author of the article is nameless.

7 The book has a preface written by the author.

8 Nothomb is a Belgian author.

9 The author mentioned it in the previous paragraph.

10 Mark Twain is my favorite author.

11 Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.

12 The author frequently quoted Shakespeare.

13 The book catapulted the author into fame overnight.

14 Haruki Murakami is Japan’s best-selling author.

15 He is the author of two books on French history.

16 He was an eighteenth-century author who wrote parodies of other people’s works.

17 Author and subject indexes are available on a library database.

18 The author is going to adapt his stories for television.

19 The author portrays life in a refugee camp very vividly.

20 After the play they called for the author to show himself.

21 Martin Parry, author of the report,( says it’s time for concerted action by world leaders.

22 The author belongs among the romance writers more than among the novelists.

23 The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.

24 The author picks the same theme up again on page ten.

25 In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book.

26 The author prefers to hide behind a cloak of anonymity.

27 We should group together all the books by the same author.

28 The TV series ‘An Angel at my Table’ was based on the autobiographies of the New Zealand author Janet Frame.

29 The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.

30 What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.

More similar words: authority, authorize, authorization, authoritative, authoritarian, thorough, hawthorn, thoroughly, south, truth, southern, uncouth, taut, auto, southeast, in truth, southwest, south pole, truthful, beauty, autumn, hauteur, word of mouth, south africa, euthanasia, ruthlessly, beautify, autonomy, autocracy, automatic. 

Sentences with the word Author?



  • «The author autographed his book»
  • «the title and author were printed on the spine of the book»
  • «The press savaged the new President»; «The critics crucified the author for plagiarizing a famous passage»
  • «the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book»
  • «clicking on the icon calls up the program»; «the author‘s description of the banquet called up delicious aromas»; «running into an old friend summoned up memories of her childhood»
  • «too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures»; «the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland»; «the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters»
  • «clear mind»; «a percipient author«
  • «This speaker commands a high fee»; «The author commands a fair hearing from his readers»
  • «The author talks about the different aspects of this question»; «The class discussed Dante’s `Inferno'»
  • «domestic worries»; «domestic happiness»; «they share the domestic chores»; «everything sounded very peaceful and domestic»; «an author of blood-and-thunder novels yet quite domestic in his taste»
  • «the author‘s elusiveness may at times be construed as evasiveness»
  • «our esteemed leader»; «a prestigious author«
  • «The author novelized the historical event»
  • «This author really suffers in translation»; «The painting loses something in this light»
  • «Tone down that aggressive letter»; «The author finally tamed some of his potentially offensive statements»
  • «a poem by an unknown author«; «corporations responsible to nameless owners»; «an unnamed donor»
  • «the author inadvertently reveals the murderer in the penultimate chapter»; «the figures in the next-to-last column»
  • «The author of this article profiles a famous painter»
  • «David is called The Psalmist because he is believed to be the author of the Book of Psalms»
  • «the foundling’s putative father»; «the putative author of the book»
  • «Here the author is quoting his colleague»
  • «The author recaptures an old idea here»
  • «Someone stole my wallet on the train»; «This author stole entire paragraphs from my dissertation»
  • «This author romanced his trip to an exotic country»
  • «He sneaked in under cover of darkness»; «In this essay, the author‘s personal feelings creep in»

  • Use the word AUTHOR in a sentences

Sentence Examples

author and «grand prankster» Ken Kesey was a leading voice in the 60’s chorus extolling the virtues of LSD.

Abel Gance author and Director

Introducting Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the story.

Profesor Challenger, well-known author and scientist, has returned to London with a strange tale of Mammoths, Pterodoctyls and other prehistoric monsters roaming at large somewhere on the upper reaches of the Amazon.

Jacques Feyder, the author of «Le Grand jeu»

Devil may care, but what will I tell the author!

«They stood up and cheered… and called for the author you should have been there.»

author-Supervisor of the experiment:

«To the author of » A Strong Man»!

╬ædapted for the sound film by Carl Zuckmayer and Karl Vollm├Âller in collaboration with the author

and now I have the honour to introduce to you the author of the book «Marriage», Professor Wielander.

It’s the first time that the prize-winning author speaks in public.

Bennett has told you the author of the play? No, sir John.

Has Bennett told you who is the author of this work?

Why, he’s the author of several volumes of poetry.

Wait until I become a famous author and make my fortune.

Who’s that? — Mr. Sheridan author of the play I hope to get into.

You could tell the same author wrote it, but the story is different.

Oh, you are an author, a novelist?

Well, well, if the author‘s not here? then make a bet, come on.

author, songwriters and actors are all youngsters.»

The author of the unjustified aggression was identified.

«He is the author of disorder and cause of sedition, will be beheaded, or be crucified, and deported to an island, according to the dignity of his rank. » This is the text of the law.

I wrote to the editor of Current Review to find out the name of the genius who was the author.

Hi, Lee. Hey, call off your pet author, Heywood.

You’re a full-fledged author now.

I mean, to congratulate the author of «Arizona Jim»

Will you let me put your name with mine as co-author?

We’ll fix him. That was William Chandler, the author.

Connie Allenbury marries author. What a story!

He may be a great author, but…

The widest- selling author in the country and nobody knows anything about me.


Definition of Authority

the power to enforce rules or give orders

Examples of Authority in a sentence

Because I am the manager, I have the authority to change the policy at my job.


The parents were the authority in the house because they enforced the rules.


She had a difficult time respecting authority because she wanted to do things her way.


He is considered the authority on fashion at his institute.


The principal is the person in authority at a school.


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власть, власти, полномочие, авторитет, основание, влияние, начальство


- власть

supreme authority — верховная власть
the authority of Parliament — власть /полномочия/ парламента
a man set in authority — лицо, облечённое властью
to have [to exercise] authority — иметь [осуществлять] власть
who is in authority here? — кто здесь за главного?; кто здесь командует?

- полномочие; право, права; компетенция

to give [to receive] authority (for an act /to do smth./) — давать [получать] полномочия (на что-л.)
who gave you the authority to do this? — кто уполномочил вас сделать это?
to act with the authority of the law — действовать на основании закона
to act on smb.’s authority — действовать на основании полученных полномочий
to act on one’s own authority — действовать самостоятельно /по собственному почину, на свой страх и риск/
only the treasurer has the authority to make payments — только казначей имеет право совершать выплаты

- документ, подтверждающий полномочия; доверенность; ордер; грамота и т. п.

here is my authority — вот документ, подтверждающий мои полномочия

- обыкн. pl власти, начальство; администрация

local authorities — местные власти; органы местного самоуправления
the municipal authorities — муниципальные власти
to apply to the authorities — обратиться к властям

- воен. инстанция; начальник
- (Authority) орган, управление; отдел

Port-of-London Authority — Управление Лондонского порта
National Command authority — Высшее национальное военное командование (в США)

- авторитет, вес, влияние

to have authority with smb. — пользоваться авторитетом у кого-л.

- авторитет, крупный специалист

he is an authority on phonetics — он является авторитетом в области фонетики

- авторитетный источник (книга, документ и т. п.)

to quote one’s authorities — ссылаться на авторитетные источники
to know smth. on good authority — знать что-л. из достоверного источника

- основание

what is your authority for that statement? — какое вы имеете основание для подобного утверждения?
on the authority of papers — по сообщениям газет

- вес, убедительность; сила

his strong bass lent authority to the performance — его мощный бас сделал исполнение особенно впечатляющим

Мои примеры


the premier authority on butterflies — первый эксперт по бабочкам  
invoke the authority of the court — ссылаться на авторитет суда  
a world authority on climate change — эксперт с мировым именем по вопросам изменения климата  
borrowing authority — разрешение на получение ссуды  
central authority — центральные власти  
delegation of authority — передача прав и ответственности подчинённому  
insubordination to authority — непризнание авторитета  
authority punishment — дисциплинарное взыскание  
to renounce the authority of the church — не признавать власть церкви  
responsible authority — ответственный орган  
to strain one’s authority — злоупотреблять своей властью  
unquestioned authority — бесспорная власть  

Примеры с переводом

Who was in authority?

Кто был главным?

These employees are under my authority.

Эти сотрудники находятся у меня в подчинении.

Could I speak to someone in authority (=who has a position of power) please?

Могу ли я поговорить с кем-то из руководства?

Several countries claim authority over the islands.

На острова заявляют своё право несколько стран.

They show no respect for authority.

Они не проявляют уважения к власти.

Port-of-London Authority

Управление Лондонского порта

Health and Safety Authority

Департамент охраны труда

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The speech bore (=had) the stamp of authority.

Renee Ball, liaison to the State Parks Authority

…among his other administrative duties is the appointment of transit authority officials…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): authority
мн. ч.(plural): authorities

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