Sentence for the word appointment

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Justified his appointment with fungal, bacterial and parasitic infections.

Вполне обоснованным будет его назначение при грибковых, бактериальных и паразитарных инфекциях.

Your first appointment is probably with your doctor or gynaecologist.

Ваше первое назначение, вероятно, будет либо сделано участковым терапевтом или врачом-гинекологом.

Sorry Clark I have an appointment

Я сожалею, Кларк, у меня встреча

Talbot has an appointment booked for tonight.

Если верить журналу, Талбот сегодня придёт на встречу.

Hymie has his first well baby appointment today.

У Хайми сегодня первый приём у педиатра в детской больнице.

Here is more information about the appointment.

Однако есть более важная сторона информация об этом назначении.

That once again emphasizes that this appointment can seriously affect tourism.

Что ещё раз подчеркивает, что это назначение может всерьёз повлиять на туризм.

It also permits recourse and involves the established appointment and promotion bodies.

Эта система также допускает обращение в судебные и арбитражные инстанции и предполагает участие существующих органов по назначениям и повышению в должности.

This is particularly true in an organizational setting where appointment and promotion opportunities are few.

Это особенно актуально в условиях организации, в которой возможности, связанные с назначениями и повышением в должности, являются незначительными.

Martin said he was shocked when told of the appointment.

Мартин сказал, что он был потрясен, когда узнал о назначении.

You can make an appointment by telephone, chat or e-mail.

Вы можете договориться о встрече по телефону, в чате или по электронной почте.

You have an appointment this afternoon.

У вас есть назначение во второй половине дня.

I expect appointment of senior management to occur shortly.

Я ожидаю, что назначение старших руководящих сотрудников Центрального банка произойдет в скором времени.

His appointment would be effective as at 15 September 1995.

Предполагается, что его назначение вступит в силу 15 сентября 1995 года.

Visa Application Centre supports applicants who wish assistance concerning the whole visa appointment process.

Визовый центр также может поддержать заявителей, которые желают получить помощь в отношении всего процесса назначения визы.

His appointment was announced in December 2012.

Окончательно о его назначении было объявлено в декабре 2012 года.

Question: First, congratulations on your appointment.

ВЕДУЩИЙ: Я, во-первых, Вас поздравляю с назначением.

Your second appointment will be the most appropriate appointment depending on your decision.

Ваше второе назначение будет самым подходящим назначением в зависимости от вашего решения.

The pre-career appointment could then be converted to a career appointment.

После этого назначение, предшествующее карьерному, может быть преобразовано в карьерное назначение.

At each appointment your dentist will advise when you need your next appointment.

При каждом назначении стоматолог посоветует, когда вам понадобится следующая встреча.

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appointment — перевод на русский


You’re here for an appointment.

Так у вас здесь встреча?

March 8, 1912, you had an appointment at 10:23 a.m.

8 марта, 1912, у вас уже была встреча в 10:23 утра.

— Oh. I’ve got an important business appointment with Burkes and Company today at 4:00.

У меня важная встреча в 4 часа в компании Беркс!

If you call the hotel, you’ll find you have no 7:00 appointment.

Позвони в гостиницу и сам убедись, что встреча в 19:00 не состоится.

— Sorry, I’ve got an appointment.

Извини, у меня встреча.

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Mr. Horace P. Hemingway of New York City has an appointment to see Mr. Ounce.

Мистеру Хорасу П. Хемингуэю из Нью-Йорка назначена встреча с мистером Оунсом.

You have an appointment this afternoon.

Сегодня у нас назначена встреча.

I’m delighted, gentlemen, but unfortunately I have an appointment.

Я польщена, но, увы, у меня назначена встреча.

— We had an appointment.

— У нас назначена встреча.

I have an appointment with you.

У меня назначена встреча с Вами.

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We could finish morning surgery half an hour early -— we’ve very few appointments in the book.

Мы можем закончить утренний приём на полчаса раньше, записано всего несколько человек.

— No, I have an appointment.

— Нет, у меня приём.

«Your next appointment is on…»

«вы записаны на прием…

I had a doctor’s appointment.

У меня был прием у врача.

I’d hate to miss my doctor’s appointment.

А то я ненавижу пропускать прием к моему врачу.

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-Got an appointment? -No, I haven’t.

— У вас назначено?

Have you an appointment?

Вам назначено?

We have an appointment, and I will not stand Him up.

Мне назначено, и я не буду ему противиться.

Yes, we have an appointment.

Да, у нас назначено.

— Do you have an appointment?

— Месье назначено?

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How were you able to get my appointment without Gracchus knowing?

Как ты сумел получить моё назначение без разрешения Гракха?

I have already gotten an appointment.

Уже получил назначение.

The appointment cannot be made — other things must be done tonight.

Назначение не может быть завершено — вечером надо сделать кое-что другое.

The council ratified my appointment.

Совет ратифицировал мое назначение.

Commander Sonak, you received your appointment as Enterprise science officer?

Коммандер Сонак. Вы получили ваше назначение в качестве Научного Советника на Энтерпрайз?

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— Ask for an appointment.

Попроси мисс Маккардл назначить встречу.

I can make an appointment.

Я могу назначить встречу.

Have to make an appointment.

Нужно назначить встречу.

I wanna schedule an appointment for later this afternoon with one of the ambassadors.

Я хочу назначить встречу сегодня после обеда с одним из послов.

Why can’t you just schedule an appointment… and go and see him?

Почему нельзя было просто назначить встречу? Приди к нему?

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You ought to have made an appointment.

— Вы должны записаться на приём.

I suggest you make an appointment.

Предлагаю вам записаться на прием.

Would you like to make an appointment? No.

— Вы хотите записаться на прием?

I should’ve made an appointment.

Нужно было записаться на прием.

Shouldn’t you make an appointment?

Правда? А ты не должна сначала записаться на прием?

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— [Vidocq] Looking back on the phantasmagoria of my life, I’ve often wondered what would have happened had I been in time for my appointment with the past.

Оглядываясь на фантасмагорию моей жизни, я часто спрашиваю себя, что бы случилось, не опоздай я на свидание с моим прошлым.

If lfix an appointment with you, you’re entitledto think…

Если я назначаю вам свидание, вы вольны подумать…

I have an important appointment

У меня сегодня важное свидание, сегодня Рождество.

I have an important appointment …my future depends on it

Я же сказал, у меня важное свидание, пойми. От него зависит мое будущее.

I got an appointment in Bay 3.

У меня свидание в Шлюзе 3.

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I think they’d like to make an appointment with you.

Кажется, хотят договориться о встрече.

Mr. Flagg is very interested… and he’d like to know if he could have an appointment.

Да. Мистер Флэгг очень заинтересован и xотел бы договориться о встрече.

I have the material and I’m calling for an appointment.

Материал у меня. Хочу договориться о встрече.

I’d like to make an appointment with Count Scarlioni, at his earliest convenience, if you don’t mind, that is.

Я хотел бы договориться о встрече с графом Скарлиони, когда ему будет удобно, если не возражаете.

Just call me up to make an appointment.

Просто позвоните, чтобы договориться о встрече.

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Doctor’s appointment.

Мне надо к врачу.

I have an appointment with the ward head

К главному врачу.

I told you I had a doctor’s appointment.

я ходил к врачу.

A doctor’s appointment.

Ходил к врачу… Понятно.

Ramona’s got a doctor’s appointment.

Рамоне нужно к врачу.

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Отправить комментарий

назначение, встреча, прием, должность, свидание, пост, определение, место


- назначение (на должность, пост)

appointment of trustees — назначение опекунов
smb.’s appointment as secretary [manager] — назначение кого-л. секретарём [управляющим]

- воен. присвоение звания
- должность, пост, место, назначение

appointments committee, appointments board — комиссия по распределению выпускников (при университетах и колледжах Великобритании)
to have /to hold/ an appointment as a professor [as an engineer] — занимать должность профессора [инженера]

- встреча, свидание

to make [to have] an appointment for 6 o’clock — договориться /условиться/ встретиться в 6 часов
to keep [to break] an appointment — прийти [не прийти] на свидание (в назначенное время, место)

- приём (у врача и т. п.)

to have an appointment with the doctor — быть назначенным /записанным/ на приём к врачу
he will see you only by appointment — он примет вас только по предварительной записи

- обстановка, оборудование дома, гостиницы и т. п.
- воен. предметы снаряжения
- тех. фурнитура
- арх. предписание, распоряжение
- юр. распределение наследственного имущества по доверенности

power /right/ of appointment — право распоряжения имуществом (предоставляемое лицу, не являющемуся его собственником)

Мои примеры


her recent appointment to the bench — её недавнее назначение на должность судьи  
business appointment — деловая встреча  
flap over the appointment of a new governor — ажиотаж вокруг назначения нового губернатора  
to hold an appointment — занимать должность  
to book an appointment with a doctor — записаться на приём к врачу  
appointment to office — назначение на должность  
appointment of beneficiary — назначение бенефициарием (в вопросах наследования)  
to walk in cold for an appointment — прийти, не договорившись о встрече  
commission of appointment — документ о назначении на должность  
appointment of committee — учреждение комитета  
to deliver appointment — назначать на должность  

Примеры с переводом

I have an appointment to see the doctor.

Я записан на прием к врачу.

She has an appointment with a client at 10.30.

У неё встреча с клиентом в 10:30.

I shall break an appointment.

Я не пойду на свидание.

Will you remind me about that appointment?

Ты напомнишь мне об этой встрече?

I rang up and made an appointment.

Я позвонил и договорился о встрече.

He has taken up an appointment as Professor of Chemistry.

Его назначили на должность профессора Химии.

I need to schedule a doctor’s appointment.

Мне нужно выделить время для встречи с врачом.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’ll set up an appointment for you.

Did he get his job by appointment or election?

You can set up an appointment with my secretary.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disappointment  — разочарование, досада, неприятность, обманутая надежда, причина разочарования
reappointment  — повторное назначение, подтверждение в звании, назначение вновь

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): appointment
мн. ч.(plural): appointments

The Appointment is a 1969 psychological drama film from director Sidney Lumet and writer James Salter, based on the story by Antonio Leonviola. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Most midwives advise that you schedule an appointment with your baby’s pediatrician for three to five days after the birth.


I never make social appointments if I can help it because it just stresses me out being locked into it, for example).


We have a selection of models for you to choose from, just give us a call or schedule an appointment online to set up a test drive!


If peers have confidence in how new appointments will be made, the parties might reach agreement allowing large numbers to retire.


Please do not schedule any appointments during this time.


Let the veterinarian know when you make the appointment that you are concerned about CIV.


Many business owners, real estate agents and other busy professionals need assistants to help them with answering emails, setting appointments, paying invoices or doing light data work they do not have time for themselves.


The leaders of the Republican and the Independent Democratic conferences would have joint and equal authority over bills that the Senate takes up, committee assignments, appointments, and state budget negotiations.


Its system of appointments based on political patronage has long been a source of criticism and its mismanagement of election operations has frustrated voters and been the subject of City


For extra credit, get your clients to stick to a recurring session time with a regular appointment.


Speaking in a meeting with the new Japanese Ambassador to Ghana, Tsutomu Himeno, Mr. Rawlings said: «the appointment of Amidu as Special Prosecutor from outside…


They offer no cost, confidential appointments (either in-person or over the phone).


If an expert isn’t immediately available, users have to pick from the listed practitioners for the next available appointment.


When you’re in a hurry, the next available service appointment is located below.


If the car’s not running quite right, there’s no putting off fixing it, because you absolutely can not fail to show up for an appointment.


Since then, Dr. Vijayanand has split his time between laboratory research and seeing patients at the University of Southampton, where he currently holds an appointment as an Associate Professor in the School of Medicine.


With the Board’s relocation, it is not surprising that Board member appointments have continued to come directly from the energy sector, primarily from Alberta.


For me, I love wearing blazers, jeans and a basic neutral cami to appointments and events, it’s been my go-to for years.


Call us today at Dupage RAM to schedule an appointment with one of our sales specialists in St Charles Area known for serving St Charles Illinois.


A snowstorm in Minneapolis canceled Pat Shurmur’s scheduled flight to New Jersey last night, but it could not derail his appointment as the head coach of the Giants, making him the 18th coach in franchise history.


The library staff required us to make an appointment several days in advance to access Medline CD-ROMs.


I drank my favorite very green smoothie pre whitening because I was instructed not eat any colored or staing foods post appointment.


I encourage you to call me with your questions or to make an appointment 978-437-7426.


At the follow up appointment, the endocrinologist informed me that I had Graves Disease.


The turnover of managers at Serie A side Palermo is such that you could be forgiven for missing a new appointment or two.


Wouldn’t it be great if you could get a quick oil change in Irving without the hassle of scheduling an appointment and taking time off of work?


Or should I try to make an appointment with a chirp or acu a week latere after the five day healing time?


Haven’t done 30K recommended service but i scheduled appointment with dealership.


If your appointment as the SP, is not to witch-hunt your past colleagues, then there is no better case to prove that, than the rot that happened at BOST, supervised by Alfred Obeng, who is still at post.


Most pediatric offices do «Get to Know» appointments that are free to you and your family.


Dr. Alperovitz holds an appointment as an assistant professor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.


«Is the appointment of Chaplains to the two Houses of Congress consistent with the Constitution, and with the pure principle of religious freedom?


And another «don’t» — don’t schedule a doctor’s appointment the next day.


For groups exclusively by advance appointment, the farm-elegant Palumbo Barrel Tasting, Tour, and Lunch is a premium varietal encounter.


Clients who have taken my classes have priority for the limited personal consultation appointments.


At least three groups are planning legal action to stop the appointment of Cathie Black as the new schools chancellor.


The years of Graham’s administration also brought stability to the senior faculty as a ten year moratorium on granting tenure was lifted with nine new tenured appointments.


Makes recommendations to customer for work and schedules future appointment.


His appointment is effective April 25th.


The family terrified because their daughter’s mental health condition is worsening while an appointment with a professional is still weeks away.


Osinbajo’s letter dated June 12, 2017, was entitled, «Request for confirmation of the appointment of Mr. Lanre Gbajabiamila as Director — General, National Lottery Regulatory Commission.»


Getting a DEXA scan usually involves making an appointment with a medical professional.


His recent associate professor appointment, at the age 26, was one of the youngest recorded in Japan.


For example, the Progressive party, the Libertarian party, and Green Party, and the Dixiecrats have all followed essentially the same process in adopting their platforms, although the details of appointments to the relevant committees and parliamentary procedure differ modestly between the various parties.


Please call to make an appointment to test drive!Reviews: * Roomy interior for people and cargo, strikes a good balance between ride comfort and secure handling, well-sorted tech interface.


Please download the New Patient forms and complete prior to your initial appointment.


Partners and family members are welcome to attend appointments with you.


Then, make sure your child gets to all scheduled appointments on time, and talk to your doctor about everything related to your child’s health.


San Francisco (July 19, 2005)— Glass, Lewis & Co., a leading independent investment research and global proxy advisory firm, today announced the appointment of Robert McCormick, Esq., as Vice President of Proxy Research and -LSB-…]


I told her the funniest thing I could think of — how when my husband and I had once made an appointment for marriage therapy the counselor suddenly left his wife and ran off with a patient.


Sentences using the word appointment. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use appointment in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for appointment.

  • By appointment? (8)
  • This was no appointment. (10)
  • Be off; make an appointment. (10)
  • Beauchamp kept the appointment. (10)
  • I meet my father there by appointment. (10)
  • I meet my father there by appointment. (22)
  • He rose: he had to keep an appointment. (10)
  • Dartrey came to her room by appointment. (10)
  • Lady Charlotte nodded to the appointment. (10)
  • I had an appointment to dine with a friend. (10)
  • I had an appointment to dine with a friend. (22)
  • The German made a second appointment at Como. (10)
  • Richard said he had an appointment with Ripton. (10)
  • My brother Wilfrid has not kept his appointment. (10)
  • When it was night she went to keep her appointment. (10)
  • I was going to tell you, I expect a Government appointment. (10)
  • Papa has an appointment attached to the fortifications yonder. (10)
  • The educated men of America were delighted with the appointment. (14)
  • The Duke compelled me to give you that appointment in my Company. (10)
  • He had gone there to keep an appointment with two ladies from Portland. (9)
  • He once backed a gipsy prizefighter, who failed to keep his appointment. (10)
  • Dacier was unable to inform him; he was very hurried, had to keep an appointment. (10)
  • He felt certain, quite certain, they had been making some appointment or other…. (8)
  • A meeting with von Bülow led to his appointment as assistant-conductor at Meiningen. (3)
  • They parted at the street corner, for he was already late in meeting an appointment. (13)
  • I fancied naturally the appointment had to do with her voice, and wished to please her. (10)
  • For I cannot very well renounce the appointment now after having consented to accept it. (14)
  • The letter contained but a few words from a firm of solicitors confirming an appointment. (8)
  • The next day he wrote General Clinton that he had made a second appointment with no results. (18)
  • Second thoughts however whispered to her shrewdness that his arrival could only be by appointment. (10)
  • So he arranged with Boolp the same appointment as with the Vizier, and returned to Queen Bhanavar. (10)
  • The next day she was on the line to London, armed with the proposal of an appointment for the Hon. (10)
  • To his joy he obtained an appointment on shore, and after that Everard heard of him from other channels. (10)
  • He brought her salad and ice, and they made an appointment for another walk in the morning, if it was fine. (9)
  • He wished us good-night on an appointment of the hour for breakfast, and ordered beds for us in the hotel. (10)
  • Mr. Wythan thought an appointment unnecessary which conveyed the sufficient assurance of audience granted. (10)
  • I forgot to tell you of an appointment of mine at a place called Canleys, about twenty miles or more from here. (10)
  • Bingley was punctual to his appointment; and he and Mr. Bennet spent the morning together, as had been agreed on. (4)
  • He has some paltry appointment, or is mad after some ridiculous idea of his own, and everything must be sacrificed to it! (10)
  • No harm can be imputed when the husband of a beautiful woman accepts an appointment from the potent Minister admiring her. (10)
  • He went out after dinner, and saw part of a poor play, and returned in time to dress for his appointment with Miss Anderson. (9)
  • By some fatality all who were doomed to sit and listen to the Countess de Saldar, were sure to be behindhand in an appointment. (10)
  • Anne kept her appointment; the others kept theirs, and of course she heard the next morning that they had had a delightful evening. (4)
  • But the spy, not having the password, crouched outside, and heard from two that came out muttering, the next appointment for a meeting. (10)
  • Without defending himself, as he might have done, he entreated me to postpone our journey for a day; he and Janet had some appointment. (10)
  • Some little distance away, she reproached herself for not having been so civil as to inquire what day my lord was expected, by his appointment. (10)
  • Clemens made the appointment, and we went to find Grant in his business office, that place where his business innocence was afterward so betrayed. (9)
  • He, however, treated her as the harbinger bird, wryneck of the nightingale, sure that Aminta would keep her appointment unless an accident delayed. (10)
  • March explained, in his ineffective German, with every effect of improbability, that they were there by appointment of the manager, and wished to find his room. (9)

Also see sentences for: assignment, deputation, transfer.

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