Sentence for the word appoint

appoint — перевод на русский


I’ve appointed myself her official sandman.

И я официально назначил себя ее песочным человеком.

That dope of a governor’s so scared of Rocky, he’s appointing a special shyster.

Губернатор так боится Рокки, что назначил особого крючка.

He does: he did appoint so.

Да, он так назначил.

Control is in the hands of one man and those he’s appointed. »

Власть в руках одного человека и тех, кого он назначил.

I just appointed you.

Я только что тебя назначил.

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The clerk of our troops, father Gavrila, was appointed priest of Zaporizhian troops by the Hetman in the battle of Korsun.

Дьяк войска нашего, отец Гаврила, в бою под Корсунем назначен был гетманом попом войска запорожского.

He is an official personally appointed by the minister.

Сансё назначен министром и является официальным лицом.

I’ve been appointed to defend Tom Robinson.

Я был назначен защищать Тома Робинсона.

He is appointed Secretary of the Treasury. 1937.

Назначен министром финансов, 1937

He is appointed Secretary of Culture.

Назначен министром культуры.

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Starting from today, to Dolsoe right here, I appoint him as chief.

я назначаю Доль Со на пост руководителя.

Therefore, with the power conferred on me… by statute number 85-E… and other statutes thereunto appertaining’… I do hereby appoint to the post of sheriff… that paragon of courage… that credit to his community… the pride of Bottleneck… Mr Washington Dimsdale.

А посему властью, данной мне статьёй 85-ой, пункт «и» и другими статьями я назначаю на пост шерифа человека с отличной репутацией являющегося образцом мужества гордостью нашего общества, мистера Уошингтона Димздейла.

I appoint you priest of our troops!

Назначаю тебя попом войска нашего!

As of today, I appoint you to be in charge at the dormitory here, responsible for the order.

— сегодн€шнего дн€ назначаю теб€ старшей по общежитию.

I am appointing you… pledge representative to the social committee.

Камбала, я назначаю тебя ответственным представителем при социальном комитете.

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My first official act as governor of this state will be to appoint a special district attorney to arrange for the indictment prosecution and conviction of Boss Jim W. Gettys.

Моим первым распоряжением на посту губернатора будет назначение окружного прокурора для предъявления обвинения боссу Джиму Геттису.

But all the bankers had to do was to be sure that their men got appointed to the Board of Governors. That wasn’t hard.

Ѕанкирам оставалось только заручитьс€ поддержкой людей, вли€ющих на назначение —овета ƒиректоров.

Nor do we have time to appoint a new emperor.

Да у нас и нет времени на назначение нового императора.

«I urge you, Mr. Swearengen, not to take as injury to your interests my appointing only men from Yankton.

«Мистер Сверенджер, прошу вас не воспринимать назначение людей из Янктона как угрозу вашим интересам.

Should congress adopt the Massachusetts militia and should Colonel Washington be appointed as commander in chief of this continental army?

Вопрос о легитимности отрядов самообороны Массачусетса и назначение полковника Вашингтона на должность главнокомандующего континентальной армии.

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If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you at government expense.

Если вы не можете позволить себе адвоката, он будет предоставлен вам судом.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.

Если вы не можете его себе позволить, он будет предоставлен вам за счет штата.

If you cannot afford one, it will be appointed to you by the state.

Если вы не можете его себе позволить, он будет предоставлен вам за счет штата.

…One will be appointed to you by the state.

…он будет предоставлен вам государством.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed for you by the state.

Если вы не можете его себе позволить, он будет предоставлен вам государством.

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If you can’t afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Если вы не можете оплатить адвоката, вам его предоставят.

If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you.

Если вы не можете нанять адвоката, вам его предоставят.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the state.

Если вы не можете позволить себе адвоката, вам его предоставят за счет штата.

If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.

Если у вас нет средств на адвоката, то вам его предоставят.

If you cannot afford an attorney, an attorney will be appointed for you…

Если у вас нет адвоката, вам его предоставят…

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The man they appointed to get the job done was congressman Billy Tauzin.

И человек которого они выбрали чтобы провернуть это дело был конгрессмен Билли Тозин

We must write that we followed the King’s orders and appointed a Magistrate.

Мы исполнили приказ Короля и выбрали судью.

I hear you’ve been appointed to our board.

Слышала, вас выбрали в наше правление.

I didn’t ask to be the leader. I was appointed!

Я не набивался в лидеры, но меня выбрали!

And now we come to the real purpose of this meeting, to appoint a successor to our dear friend Peter Bailey.

А теперь давайте перейдем к главному. Мы должны выбрать преемника Питера Бэйли.

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Until such time, all heretofore mentioned assets, monies, stocks and shares, and the like, will be administered by an appointed trustee,

До сего же момента… моим волеизъявлением над всем вышеуказанным… движимым и недвижимым имуществом, денежными суммами, ценными бумагами, векселями и прочее… назначается опекун, моё доверенное лицо,

Your grace will be appointed president of the council… jointly with the duke of suffolk.

Ваша милость назначается председателем совета, совместно с герцогом Суффолком.

Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, be appointed Hand of the King.

Лорд Бобрового Утёса и Хранитель Запада, назначается Десницей Короля.

The D.P.C. is appointed by the sheriff.

К.У.Д. назначается шерифом.

He’s CEO. Hmm. Page 238, clause 137 states if the CEO dies, an interim CEO will be appointed until the board convenes an election vote, which can’t be called till the next fiscal quarter, in this case next Thursday.

Страница 238, пункт 137 гласит, если генеральный директор умер, назначается временный директор до тех пор, пока совет не проведет выборы, которые можно провести не раньше следующего финансового квартала.

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You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford one, one will be appointed.

У Вас есть право на адвоката.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you.

— Вы имеете право на адвоката.

If you cannot afford one… one will be appointed for you.

У тебя есть право на адвоката.

If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you. (Castle) Oh, he could afford a million lawyers.

У тебя есть право на адвоката, Брендон.

The defendant was late to appoint his attorney.

Ответчик поздно выбрал себе адвоката.

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Some English translations I had made of French poetry had enjoyed some success and I had been appointed to a lectureship at Beardsley College, Ohio, in the fall.

Мои переводы из французской поэзии на английский принесли мне некоторый успех, и я получил место лектора в колледже Бердсли, штат Огайо, начиная с осени.

Mr. Timmins. God, in his infinite wisdom has appointed a place for every man, woman and child on His Earth.

Мистер Тимминс, Господь в его бесконечной мудрости определил место на земле каждому мужчине, женщине и ребенку.

Maria Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, who had been working with Valentino for 10 years designing accessories, were appointed as creative directors.

Её место заняли Мария Грация Кьюри и Пьер Паоло Пиччиоли, которые, создавая аксессуары, проработали с Валентино 10 лет.

What place appointed?

Что за место?

I’ve been appointed Police Commissioner.

Генеральный директор уходит на пенсию. Мне сообщили, что я займу его место.

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I’ll appoint you centurion!
Назначу тебя сотником войсковым!

In Bahrain, for example, if a contract dispute involving a domestic worker cannot be resolved and goes to court, the court will appoint a lawyer for the migrant worker.
Например, в Бахрейне в случае невозможности урегулирования спора в связи с контрактом какого-либо лица, работающего в качестве домашней прислуги, и направления дела в суд судом для трудящегося-мигранта назначается адвокат.

The court will appoint a public defender.
Суд назначит тебе бесплатного адвоката.

The mandate of the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief originated in Commission on Human Rights resolution 1986/20, to appoint a special rapporteur to examine incidents and governmental actions in all parts of the world inconsistent with the provisions of the Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief, and to recommend remedial measures for such situations.
Мандат Специального докладчика по вопросу о свободе религии или убеждений был утвержден в резолюции 1986/20 Комиссии по правам человека, в соответствии с которой назначается специальный докладчик по изучению деяний и действий правительств во всех частях мира, не соответствующих положениям Декларации о ликвидации всех форм нетерпимости и дискриминации на основе религии или убеждений, и выработке рекомендаций по принятию мер в целях исправления подобных ситуаций.

She could even appoint ministers from other parties.
Она могла бы даже назначить министров из других партий.

Then why not appoint me to the post?
Тогда почему не назначить меня?

Nixon was forced to appoint a new special prosecutor.
Никсону пришлось назначить нового специального прокурора.

I’d like to appoint you chief of general surgery.
Я собираюсь назначить тебя шефом общей хирургии.

He could appoint judges sympathetic to his many legal problems.
Он может назначать судей, которые будут смотреть на его правовые проблемы сквозь пальцы.

That way, Trump could appoint a replacement who would fire Mueller.
Таким образом, Трамп мог бы назначить преемника, который затем уволил бы Мюллера.

The first thing you need to do is appoint a foreperson.
Первое, что вы должны сделать — это назначить главного присяжного.

But if Republicans appoint more judges, such checks will grow rarer.
Но если республиканцы назначат больше судей, такой контроль станет реже.

We would appoint you as our exclusive sales agency in your country.
Мы назначим Вас нашим коммерческим эксклюзивным представителем в Вашей стране.

Rather than give governors more authority, he demanded to appoint them himself.
Вместо предоставления губернаторам больших полномочий, Путин потребовал права самому назначать губернаторов.

The Europeans should appoint a Commissioner for Democracy and Human Rights Promotion.
Европейцы же должны назначить комиссара по вопросам демократии и защиты прав человека.

These include abolishing any region or country’s right to appoint IMF management;
Такие меры включают отмену прав любого региона или страны на назначение менеджмента МВФ;

So I’m going to appoint a field officer to take direct command.
Так что я назначаю оперативника, который будет непосредственно всем командовать.

Medvedev might then appoint as prime minister a nominee from one of the clans.
Тогда Медведев сможет назначить на премьерский пост представителя одного из кланов.

and can appoint and recall one or more vice-presidents at his sole discretion.
и может назначать и отзывать одного или больше вице-президентов по его собственному усмотрению.

Under Act No. 8204, every regulated financial institution must appoint an official concerned with compliance.
В соответствии с Законом № 8204 каждое регулируемое финансовое учреждение назначает ответственного сотрудника.


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Synonym: assign, choose, elect, name, nominate, vote for. Similar words: appointment, point, point out, point to, in point of, to the point, a case in point, joint. Meaning: [ə’pɔɪnt]  v. 1. create and charge with a task or function 2. assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to 3. furnish. 

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1. You may appoint a proxy to vote for you.

2. Appoint the time and place for the meeting.

3. It made sense to appoint a banker to this job.

4. We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.

5. The decision to appoint Matt was almost unanimous.

6. Who shall we appoint chairperson?

7. We must appoint sb to act as secretary.

8. Appoint a solicitor to act on your behalf.

9. We must appoint a day to meet again.

10. The President is empowered to appoint judges to the Supreme Court.

11. Until the constitution is amended, the power to appoint ministers will remain with the president.

12. Whoever we appoint for this position will be dealing directly with our clients.We are looking for someone who is friendly, a good mixer, reliable and practical.

13. Whoever they appoint will assume responsibility for all financial matters.

14. The truth is that they appoint no more than a token number of women to managerial jobs.

15. The king would appoint one of his creatures to the post.

16. He’ll be the acting director until they can appoint a permanent one.

17. We had to vote to appoint all three officers: President, Secretary and Treasurer.

18. They decided to break with tradition and appoint a Swede as the England manager.

19. We shall have to appoint another day for the picnic.

20. After due consideration, we have decided to appoint Mr. Davis to the job.

21. You can appoint one or two guardians.

22. It is particularly important therefore to appoint a guardian.

23. Power to appoint is power to divide and rule.

24. Some governing bodies appoint a press officer.

25. There is no necessity to appoint a legally qualified chief executive or clerk.

26. However,[ ] Truman was persuaded by Acheson to appoint Dulles in April 1950 as consultant on foreign affairs.

27. The Regius Keeper should appoint a Committee which would review the collection, recommend new purchases, and supervise hanging.

28. The State Council exercises the function and power to appoint and remove administrative personnel according to the provisions of the law.

29. The draft would give the president the power to appoint the central bank’s chairman.

30. The principal officers of the local authority are those which the authority decides to appoint.

More similar words: appointment, point, point out, point to, in point of, to the point, a case in point, joint, go into, coin, join, support, suppose, oppose, opposed, opponent, join in, enjoin, go in for, supposing, supporter, ongoing, supportive, supposedly, in support of, opposition, happy, apple, apply, opportunity.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word appoint, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use appoint in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «appoint».

Appoint in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word appoint in a sentence.

  1. Anne refused to appoint Sunderland.

  2. The bishop would henceforth appoint St.

  3. Breckinridge recommended that Davis appoint Isaac M.

  4. He declined and urged the directors to appoint Bennett.

  5. Reagan wanted to appoint the first Italian-American justice.

  6. They requested the Spanish authorities appoint a new viceroy.

  7. In the final vote to appoint Saifuddin, only Regent Richard C.

  8. They also agreed to appoint a civilian body and release those arrested in December.

  9. His success prompted the king’s son, Alhfrith, to appoint him Bishop of Northumbria.

  10. He did not appoint a sub-king and Wessex and Kent were fully united for the first time.

  11. In 1873, after the death of Chase, Garfield appealed to Grant to appoint Justice Noah H.

  12. The mayor and council appoint a city manager to conduct the ordinary business of the city.

  13. The public meeting in February 1919 agreed to appoint Sir Edwin Lutyens as architect for the project.

  14. They then decided to appoint a manager from the lower leagues, Luton Town’s Welsh manager Nathan Jones.

  15. In return, the corporation was allowed to appoint five of the fifteen members of the board of directors.

  16. Churchill did not appoint Lloyd George, but brought up the subject with Chamberlain again early in June.

  17. Pope Innocent quashed the election, but nevertheless agreed to appoint (provide) Walter to the bishopric.

  18. Carroll convinced the proprietor’s officials to appoint him as the proprietor’s chief agent in the colony.

  19. As a teenager, Victoria resisted persistent attempts by her mother and Conroy to appoint him to her staff.

  20. When Bosa of York died, however, Wilfrid did not contest the decision to appoint John of Beverley to York.

  21. Consequently, the selectors decided to radically depart from tradition and appoint a professional captain.

  22. Adams had intended to appoint Republicans Burr and Frederick Muhlenberg to make the army appear bipartisan.

  23. Thi demanded that Diệm appoint an officer as prime minister and that Diệm remove Madame Nhu from the palace.

  24. In January 1921, Taft heard through intermediaries that Harding planned to appoint him, if given the chance.

  25. The office of mayor is relatively weak but has some power to appoint individuals such as the chief of police.

  26. Henry continued to appoint high-ranking clerics, for which the Pope again excommunicated him on 7 March 1080.

  27. It was the long-standing Roman procedure to appoint two men each year, known as consuls, to each lead an army.

  28. None of William’s successors has attempted to remove a government or to appoint another against the wishes of Parliament.

  29. After the retirement of Ellsworth due to ill health in 1800, it fell to Adams to appoint the Court’s fourth Chief Justice.

  30. On 2 February 1944, the Victorian government decided to appoint Herring as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

  31. Crittenden refused Taylor’s overtures, and Taylor similarly rejected Crittenden’s appeals to appoint his friend, Robert P.

  32. Roosevelt indicated that he would appoint Republicans to the new positions, and opposition to Lane’s nomination dissipated.

  33. The official explanation was that the orchestra’s policy had always been to appoint conductors for no more than five years.

  34. Many of the clergy who served under him in Armagh recommended that the Pope appoint Conwell to head the diocese permanently.

  35. Washington was surprised, and as a condition of his acceptance demanded that he be permitted to appoint his own subordinates.

  36. Lane was the first Interior Secretary to appoint an Alaska resident, John Franklin Alexander Strong, as territorial governor.

  37. In 1994, President Bill Clinton received approval to use a Saxbe fix to appoint United States Senate Majority Leader George J.

  38. The Commissioner is also authorized to appoint a secretary and stenographer for the Department, who have charge of and keep a record of the transactions of the department.

  39. However he overrode Chauvel’s own preference to appoint a Royal Horse Guards officer, Brigadier General Richard Howard-Vyse, known as «Wombat», as Chauvel’s chief of staff.

  40. The outcry over the attack had already forced Diệm to appoint a panel of three cabinet ministers to meet with Buddhist leaders for negotiations regarding religious equality.

  41. The post had not been held by a peer since Lord Halifax in 1938–40; Eden had wished to appoint Salisbury in 1955, but concluded that it would be unacceptable to the Commons.

  42. Zhongzong tried to appoint his wife’s father as chancellor: after only six weeks on the throne, he was deposed by Empress Wu in favor of his younger brother, Emperor Ruizong.

Synonyms for appoint

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word appoint has the following synonyms: charge, name, nominate and constitute.

General information about «appoint» example sentences

The example sentences for the word appoint that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «appoint» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «appoint».

назначать, определять, утверждать, предписывать, договариваться, оборудовать


- назначать (на пост); утверждать (в должности)

to appoint smb. ambassador [head-master] — назначать кого-л. послом [директором школы]
to appoint smb. to a post — назначать кого-л. на пост /на должность/
they appointed White manager /to be manager, as manager/ — Уайта сделали управляющим

- создавать

to appoint a committee — учреждать [создавать, назначать] комитет

- договариваться, условливаться (о месте или времени); назначать

to appoint a day for the wedding [for the meeting, for the trial] — назначить день свадьбы [собрания, суда]

- арх., поэт. предписывать

law appoints that the criminal shall be punished — по закону преступник должен понести наказание

Мои примеры


the company’s newly appointed assistant director — недавно назначенный помощник директора данной компании  
to appoint smb. governor — назначить кого-л. губернатором  
to appoint smb. guardian — назначить кого-л. попечителем  
to appoint an ambassador — назначить послом  
to appoint smb. professor of the university — назначить кого-л. профессором университета  
to appoint smb. a task — поручить кому-л. задание  
to appoint a board of directors — назначить [утвердить] совет директоров  
appoint a board — назначать орган управления  
appoint a committee — учреждать комитет  
appoint a deputy — назначить депутата  
appoint a day — назначить день  

Примеры с переводом

He was appointed manager.

Его назначили управляющим.

He was appointed to the position.

Его назначили на эту должность.

The time appointed for the meeting was 7 p. m.

Собрание было назначено на семь.

It was a mistake to appoint him manager.

Ошибкой было назначить его управляющим.

He was appointed deputy manager.

Он был назначен заместителем управляющего.

She was appointed professor of chemistry at the university.

Она был назначена преподавателем химии в университете.

The council has appoited a race relations adviser.

Совет назначил советнка по вопросам расовых взаимоотношений.

ещё 16 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

disappoint  — разочаровывать, лишать, расстраивать планы, разрушать намерения
appointed  — назначенный, оборудованный, определенный
appointive  — назначаемый, невыборный, назначающий
appointment  — назначение, встреча, прием, должность, свидание, пост, определение, место

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: appoint
he/she/it: appoints
ing ф. (present participle): appointing
2-я ф. (past tense): appointed
3-я ф. (past participle): appointed

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