Sentence for the word ambitious

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1. Only ambitious students get the best marks.

2. She is an ambitious career woman.

3. They were very ambitious for their children .

4. The government has ambitious plans for prison reform.

5. He is a highly ambitious politician.

6. Ambitious attitude essential.

7. The government has announced an ambitious programme to modernize the railway network.

8. He was an ambitious man with a strong personality .

9. The government has announced an ambitious programme to modernise the railway network.

10. Chris is so ambitious, so determined to do it all.

11. We were going to do something more ambitious over Christmas this year but we never got it together.

11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

12. Nowadays it’s acceptable for women to be ambitious. But it wasn’t then.

13. She is ambitious to succeed.

14. The actress is ambitious of applause.

15. He described the plan as ambitious and audacious.

16. For socially ambitious couples this is a problem.

17. Phases 2 and 3 seem overly ambitious.

18. She is very ambitious for her four children.

19. Jogging every morning? That’s very ambitious, isn’t it?

20. Robert is a self-centred, ambitious and bigoted man.

21. They have set themselves some ambitious goals.

22. He is ambitious and susceptible to flattery.

23. He has always been ambitious and fiercely competitive.

24. She has some ambitious expansion plans for her business.

25. She became more ambitious as the years passed.

26. The ambitious project was completed in only nine months.

27. He is an ambitious man.

28. They are ambitious although they are poor.

29. His ambitious plan was in shreds.

30. Patriotism: Combustible rubbish ready to the torch of any one ambitious to illuminate his name.

More similar words: ambiguous, exhibition, bumptious, various, obvious, envious, curious, dubious, anxious, previous, officious, oblivious, obviously, vivacious, pugnacious, previously, loquacious, suspicious, mysterious, laboriously, combination, consciousness, subconsciously, edition, addition, position, coalition, tradition, condition, munitions. 

Definition of Ambitious

strongly desirous and determined to succeed

Examples of Ambitious in a sentence

The professor has an easy time controlling his class because the students are ambitious about their studies.


Jack utilized his time at the podium to lay out his ambitious agenda for the coming year.


The ambitious adventurer set out on an expedition to locate oil in the Arctic.


The CEO insisted that last year’s projections were overly ambitious and that they were not grounded in reality.


We were an overly ambitious group of adventurers who attempted to climb Mount Everest without the proper gear.


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He is smart young man, amply ambitious with progressive outlook.

В целом, мне кажется, что это достаточно амбициозный молодой человек с прогрессивными взглядами.

It’s an ambitious project that hopefully will be completed.

Это амбициозный план, и мы надеемся, что он будет завершен.

War 1941 interrupts these ambitious plans — all to win.

Война 1941 года прерывает эти масштабные планы — все силы для победы.

He was just as ambitious as his grandfather.

Этот юноша был столь же честолюбив, как и его отец.

Both have ambitious nuclear modernization plans.

Другие государства, обладающие ядерным оружием, также имеют амбициозные планы модернизации.

Most were smart, ambitious, and socially engaged.

Но большинство, на мой взгляд, амбициозная и социально активная.

He was described as well-integrated, diligent and ambitious.

Отмечалось, что он был «хорошо интегрирован, прилежен и амбициозен».

Looking ahead, the boys have ambitious plans.

Что же касается проектов на будущее, то у ребят имеются очень амбициозные планы.

However, this probably is a too ambitious target.

Хотя, безусловно, это, пожалуй, слишком амбициозный план.

But I had an ambitious plan to beat it.

Но, у меня был амбициозный план, чтобы победить его.

Maybe even a thousand, depending on how ambitious you feel.

Может быть, даже тысяча, в зависимости от того, насколько вы амбициозны.

Most politicians are just ambitious liars who only care about getting re-elected.

Большинство политиков — просто амбициозные лжецы, которые заботятся только о том, чтобы успешно переизбраться.

That will likely mean more compromise and less ambitious policies.

Это, вероятно, будет означать больше компромиссов и менее амбициозную политику.

And really ambitious goals generally require bold and consistent action.

На самом деле амбициозные цели, как правило, требуют смелых и последовательных действий.

These ambitious targets are still achievable, but only if three key challenges are addressed.

Эти амбициозные цели пока ещё достижимы, но только при условии, что будут решены три ключевые проблемы.

We have ambitious but realistic plans to continue this growth in 2012.

Мы строим амбициозные, но реалистичные планы по сохранению подобного темпа роста и в 2012 г.

I request all your strength to get an ambitious agreement.

Я прошу [задействовать] все ваши силы, чтобы получить амбициозное соглашение.

In 2012, we set ambitious goals to help end world hunger.

В 2012 г. мы поставили перед собой амбициозные цели, чтобы помочь остановить мировой голод.

These ambitious goals are essential to focus global effort on such significant challenges.

Эти амбициозные цели необходимы для того, чтобы сосредоточить глобальные усилия на решении таких значительных задач.

Parents here are not ambitious and want the child being comfortable.

Родители здесь не амбициозны и исходят из того, чтобы ребенку было удобно.

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ambitious — перевод на русский


No, I’m not that ambitious.

Нет, я не такой амбициозный.

Ambitious, but flexible and precise.

Амбициозный, гибкий и расчетливый.

If you were a really ambitious time traveler you might not dally with human history or even pause to examine the evolution on Earth.

Но по-настоящему амбициозный путешественник не стал бы размениваться на игры с историей и даже не остановился бы понаблюдать за эволюцией.

— Are you an ambitious man, Mr Neff?

— Вы амбициозный человек, мистер Нефф?

And being no older than you are, he organizes operations for state senators… lobbies for the small businessman… and has an ambitious five-year plan for the forest that even I would like to support.

Будучи не старше, чем ты, он организует операции для сенаторов, лобби для мелких бизнесменов, и имеет амбициозный пятилетний план в отношении леса, который даже я хочу поддержать

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I was ambitious.

Я был честолюбив.

You’re despicable, recklessly ambitious.

Ты подл и опрометчиво честолюбив.

You’re ambitious.

Ты честолюбив.

Thea, I’ve always been ambitious.

Тея, я всегда был честолюбив.

Moreover, he was reserved and ambitious, and his companions rarely had an opportunity of making merry at the expense of his extreme parsimony.

Впрочем, он был скрытен и честолюбив, и товарищи его редко имели случай посмеяться над его излишней бережливостью.

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Mighty ambitious.

Большие амбиции.

I’m even more ambitious.

Мои амбиции шире.

To these ends, my lord, I am ambitious.

Мои амбиции не простираются дальше этих целей.

And like all self-perpetuating institutions… the Church has always a place for ambitious men.

Теперь я понял, …что ваши амбиции, ваша страсть. не имеют отношения к плоти. Я стараюсь бороться с ними.

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But maybe also because he was very ambitious, while I could only resolve to be what I was.

А, возможно, и потому, он был очень целеустремлённым, в то время, как мне едва лишь доставало решимости оставаться тем, чем я был.

The man I came here with was a dependable, ambitious diplomat.

Человек, с которым я прибыла сюда, был заслуживающим доверия целеустремлённым дипломатом.

Incredibly ambitious.

И очень целеустремлённым.

Lee is ambitious and smart and beautiful… and she always has been all of those things… and she’s always done really well, you know?

Ли целеустремлённая, умная и красивая. 0на всегда была такой. Поэтому ей открыты все дороги.

Assuming that’s your way of saying You’re the most distinguished, ambitious student

Предпологаю, этим вы хотите сказать, что вы наиболее выдающаяся и целеустремленная студентка

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He’s educated, he’s ambitious, he’s economical…and he already has a position.

Умный, тщеславный. Будет заниматься коммерцией. У него свои сбережения, а у родителей недвижимость на юге.

Is your ambitious John Harker forcing you to learn that machine?

Это твой тщеславный Джон Харкер Заставил тебя научиться печатать?

He’s mean, he’s ambitious and he’ll eat this up because of the publicity.

Безжалостный, тщеславный, он ухватится за это дело из-за шумихи.

He’s mean, he’s ambitious, and he’s gonna eat this up because of the publicity.

Безжалостный, тщеславный, он ухватится за это дело из-за шумихи.

I have this conflict about that, that, I want to be a nice guy, I don’t wanna be in your face, and yet I am in your face, I am ambitious.

У меня внутренний конфликт: мне близка и резкость, и мягкость. Я не хочу лезть на рожон, но лезу, ведь я тщеславный.

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It’s ambitious.»

В этом и амбициозность.

I think Nick being ambitious and driven about the bar is making me… want him more. Is that, like, a thing?

мне кажется, что амбициозность Никак, по поводу бара заставляет меня хотеть его сильнее.. это что-то типо фетиша?

I’m not going to apologize for being smart, or ambitious…

Я не собираюсь просить прощения за свой ум и амбициозность.

Being ambitious is one thing.

Амбициозность – это одно.

So my friends were happy to accuse me of being ambitious and uncompromising… two qualities which I lay claim to.

Так вот, мои друзья довольствовались тем, что обвиняли меня в амбициозности и непримиримости. И я горжусь этим.

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It would be an ambitious project.

Это был бы очень амбициозный план.

As you say, you’re one of the laziest people you know, but you’re also ambitious for a lazy person.

Вы говорите, что вы ленивый, но вы очень амбициозный.

Oh, man, it’s way ambitious, but I’m getting better at it.

О, это очень амбициозно, но я неплохо продвигаюсь.

You’re young and ambitious, Tim.

Ты очень амбициозен, Тим.

What an ambitious and dedicated young man.

Это очень амбициозный и целеустремленный молодой человек.

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The new design is also ambitious, Pedestrian and dull.»

Новый дизайн также претенциозный, неинтересный и глупый.»

You are a very ambitious reader, Mr. Preswick.

А вы очень претенциозный читатель, мистер Пресвик.

Maybe I’m being a little ambitious.

Может, я немного претенциозный.

Which means, either your planning to bring Samaritan online… or you’re the world’s most ambitious gamer.

Что означает, либо Вы планируете запустить Самаритянина… либо Вы наиболее претенциозный геймер в мире.

She’s strong. She’s smart. Ruthlessly ambitious.

Она сильна, умна и беспощадно претенциозна.

It’s ambitious under any circumstances.

Это при любых обстоятельствах смело.

That’s ambitious, considering your psychological deficiencies.

Смело, учитывая твои проблемы с психикой.

Power to realise your most ambitious dreams!

Силу, чтобы реализовать ваши самые смелые мечты.

— It’s an ambitious plan.

Смелый плaн!

The uni with wasabi snow, while conceptually ambitious, was a disappointment.

«Уни в снегу из васаби, будучи смелой идеей, разочаровали.»

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Any ambitious up and coming actors / actresses should watch out for

One of the evening classes I did all those years ago, was on cooking and covered all sorts of things from the very basic to the more ambitious

He was as ambitious as Kalotie or Lengkin

three-and-a-half hours, the walk was a little ambitious

Merchants are commonly ambitious of becoming country gentlemen, and, when they do, they are generally the best of all improvers

To dream of having ideals indicate that you are ambitious and goal oriented

They have rejected, therefore, the proposal of being taxed by parliamentary requisition, and, like other ambitious and high-spirited men, have rather chosen to draw the sword in defence of their own importance

So Tom isn’t overly ambitious while dickering with the new fella

The plans were quite ambitious and included the capture of one

Cuban-American terrorist targets became increasingly ambitious

Johnson’s Great Society was ambitious, almost a Marshall Plan for the poor of America

What an ambitious little fucker

Billy Bishop, by some accounts, was a very ambitious young man

[13] This name was retained when the ambitious reclamation scheme was first put in hand

The new thrusting and ambitious Free Church virtually became the Liberal Party in Scotland at prayer

The ciphers are powerful and ambitious; they only depend on the speed of the creation and actuation of diverse Bank3Sector

As an ambitious researcher, Hopkins saw there

too ambitious in your script

Plan on an initial implementation scope and scale slightly more ambitious than

Not only had he created a killer, but an ambitious one

Sally was an ambitious sort

Perhaps young Aston will take my place; he is ambitious and greedy enough, although frankly I do not care

But if you like him and he proves to not know enough then you can teach him what he needs to know so that if he decides to push you anyway into sex before either of you is truly ready to handle the possible consequences (which consequences are not always possible to control) then he either is a) incredibly selfish (which begs the question of why in the world would you have sex with him in the first place?) or b) incredibly considerate of your needs and ambitious to succeed in fulfilling your needs if he’s planning on making sure both of you have enough money during your married years to provide sufficiently for your family

The Yogi is ambitious while the Bhogi is merely adventurous

She was what she had always been, a highly ambitious and talented, as well as capable and consuming, person and woman

Of all desires it is the most ambitious, for

I paired it with black Louboutins that were 2 inches out of my comfort zone, but hey, I’m feeling ambitious lately

The politics of the late republic revolved around the optimates and populares; each contained groups of factions and ambitious individuals whose objectives remained unchanged: the acquisition and use of power

patricians and the plebeians, was in no sense a class struggle; the plebeian leadership was rich and ambitious and part of its support came not only from those in whose interest it was to support it, but from its clients at every economic level; the patricians were similarly supported by all their clients, the humble amongst them perhaps acting against the economic interests of their class, but nonetheless bound to their patrons by real ties of shared sentiment and mutual advantage

Despite spectacular success and recognition, Roy was restless and ambitious to get into newspapering and broadcasting

Park’s ambitious purchase of broadcast stations and newspapers was accomplished with what proved to be a very acceptable asset: cash

“I feel that successful older people always have time for ambitious younger people who are willing to work,” he told Jim Dumbell, staff writer with the Charlotte Observer

was so ambitious, and that finishing the project would be impossible

family started having the most ambitious plans

Though I was never as ambitious as he, success in my profession has been a major source of my self-esteem

Uncle Harald said, «Isn’t killing two kings a bit ambitious

“EMBA Programs attract ambitious mid-career professionals who have been focused on building their careers from a functional perspective, such as accountants, engineers, physicians, lawyers,” says Keegan

That ambitious underling was somewhere on the leading edge of this mess

The ambitious frustrations had been pushing and shoving, trying to reach the goal he wanted so desperately

Last night I received some good news from Tena telling me how ambitious the new lawyers are

An ambitious title to say the least, however he had the creativity and entrepreneurial mind-set to figure out that if he aimed high and came up short, he would still have enough to accomplish his original target of paying for his three years at university and perhaps a little bit left over for the ‘social’ aspect of university life

Nehru was very ambitious and wanted to become the first leader of independent India

The entities gathered around Nimrod as he surveyed the foundation of his ambitious project

She was ambitious, vengeful, power-

“Smithforge succeeded in creating a new Gong Seal but was thwarted from putting it in place by the ambitious Denizens of Chaos

“My grandfather and his kin were bloodthirsty and ambitious

The ambitious spider-creature addressed his seniors who still gnawed and tore at the foundation they’d been fused with for several generations

Her trigonometry teacher was ambitious

The Titan, Hydro, is also familiar with the ambitious wiles of the Denizens of Chaos and can advise us to create a means to guard our regions

―It is without a doubt the most ambitious program we‘ve ever undertaken sir

He is a business or law man who is considerate and responsible, kind, ambitious and a skil

Joe was now an employee of Mick’s who was an ambitious man

He sounded so positive and ambitious and so full of hope

She was amazed at how motivated and ambitious he was since returning having been so despondent and resigned when

“Blimey, you’re a bit ambitious! This is the Saxon, remember

He was an ambitious young man and once said to Matthew and Maeve’s husband

David was a hugely ambitious man and was always full of plans

`The only things that I know about her is that she is very ambitious and a hard-worker

`You are forgetting that she is very ambitious

The free peoples consisted mainly of members of the Fictitious band of writers, though there was some Poets who realized just how evil and ambitious the High King’s plans were

feel ambitious to blaze new trails? The answer to al of these questions is, of

But this ambitious mother had still other motives for appealing to her eldest son on this occasion

If not, why should the feeling of contentment insulate man from being ambitious? After all, isn’t the sense of contentment all about the realization of materialistic insignificance? Why, it signifies the irrelevance of the self itself? On the contrary, won’t ambition exemplify man’s craving for his social relevance through every conceivable means? Given the collective irrelevance of man in the universality of being, what is the individual significance existentialism advocates?

It was as though the ambitious couple accommodated each other’s interests for marital amity but the way they gave allowances to each other’s obsessions finally led their union into a state of materialistic coma

was a part of what 1 had to leave behind when 1, a driven, ambitious, first-

Joseph and his crew became part of the newly formed SS Panzer Korps under the leadership of SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser a man who Beck had little time for as he had come across Hausser before and found him over ambitious and inexperienced

In spirit, he became arrogant and selfishly ambitious

«Plastiras is young and ambitious and quite nasty,» said Mainwaring, falling back on the art of English understatement

The clean shaven, ambitious man snapped a question, then quickly sucked his teeth while waiting for an answer

and potatoes, while the PhDs had embarked on an ambitious

It did no harm, thought Sir Peter, to keep a healthy tension between the independently minded Sir James and his ambitious second in command

Appearances before the Parliamentary Select Committee for Defence were feared and dreaded by ambitious senior local government employees

Carter was ambitious and had expected to be given the job as Chief Constable when it became vacant four years ago

PhDs had embarked on an ambitious project designed to apply their

You could be more ambitious with

I was ambitious, but I had never thought too far away beyond the lake

the problem is they were a little too ambitious and they threw

Helen stayed with Billy until she seen Riz was the more ambitious and she moved on

Riz was much more ambitious and that is what Helen preferred

He found all types: idealists, ambitious people, adventurers, those with social resentments, even common criminals

so ambitious and aggressive in their endeavours

intelligent, and ambitious woman in the whole world

smelling, and ambitious woman; the kind of woman that ‘others’

Since then Imia has been labelled as the Land of the Dead, but it was not completely begotten, as a series of ambitious rulers saw to it that the country rose to power again in 3981 B

Sure he was intelligent and ambitious, but those qualities were not enough to be a compassionate person

Tired of waiting for the airplane, one day he put his indispensable things into a small suitcase, took his file of correspondence, and left with the idea of returning by air before his concession was turned over to a group of German pilots who had presented the provincial authorities with a more ambitious project than his

He’s very ambitious

Jennings’ life tells of an energetic, ambitious young man who saw his place but simultaneously learned all he could – especially the ability to read and write – so that he could be released from the bonds of imprisonment

The Epic Direct Network provides the opportunity for ambitious publishers of all

We started a rumor in the paper that one young and ambitious

The company launched an ambitious foray into the aerospace sector over twenty-five years ago just before the start of the First World War

His cronies, the ambitious ones, the arschlocks, got together and worked out how to do it

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