Sentence and word expansion

Test Your Sentence-Expanding Skills

How to add detail to your writing

Updated on November 05, 2019

Sentence expanding is the process of adding one or more words, phrases, or clauses to the main clause (or independent clause) to do just that: expand your sentences.

Sentence-expanding exercises are often used in conjunction with sentence-combining and sentence-imitation exercises: Together, these activities may serve as a supplement or an alternative to more traditional methods of grammar and writing instruction.

The primary purpose of using sentence-expanding exercises in composition is to enrich a student’s thinking and attention to detail in storytelling while heightening his or her awareness of the variety of available sentence structures. All together, it gives students the ability to paint a more vivid picture and express a more complex thought.

Sentence-Expanding Possibilities

The frameworks for sentence expanding are as rich and varied as are the grammatical structures offered to us by the English language:

  • Expanding Sentences With Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Expanding Sentences With Prepositional Phrases
  • Expanding Sentences With Appositives
  • Expanding Sentences With Adjective Clauses
  • Expanding Sentences With Adverb Clauses
  • Expanding Sentences With Absolute Phrases

Examples and Exercises

  • Sentence-Murdering and Sentence-Expanding. English teacher and author Sally Burkhardt offers the following exercise: «In a sentence-murdering activity, [you] butcher a selected sentence, usually turning it into a series of run-ons and comma splices, common errors beginning writers often make. In sentence-expanding, [you] give students a phrase from the selected sentence for them to expand into as long a sentence as possible without using correlative conjunctions or committing any syntactical errors. Copying well-written sentences daily gives students a tacit knowledge of how to write complex sentences without learning technical grammatical descriptions.»
  • Expanding Texts: Effective language-teaching practitioners Penny Ur and Andrew Wright offer the following exercise for forming grammatical sentences by adding words or phrases: «Write a single simple verb in the center of the board. Invite students to add one, two or three words to it. For example, if the word was ‘go,’ they might suggest ‘I go,’ or ‘Go to bed!’ They go on suggesting additions of a maximum of three consecutive words each time, making a longer and longer text, until you, or they, have had enough.»
  • In Stanley Fish’s Sentence-Expanding Exercise, «You start small, with three-word sentences, and after you’ve advanced to the point where you can rattle off their structure on demand, you go on to the next step and another exercise. Take a little sentence (‘Bob collects coins’ or ‘John hit the ball’), whose ensemble of relationships you are now able to explain in your sleep, and expand it, first into a sentence of fifteen words and then into a sentence of thirty words, and finally, into a sentence of one-hundred words … And then—here comes the hard part again—tag every added component with an account of how it functions to extend and maintain the set of relationships that holds the sentence, however mammoth or unwieldy it becomes, together.»


  • Burkhardt, Sally E. Using the Brain to Spell: Effective Strategies for All Levels. Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2011.
  • Davis, Paul, and Mario Rinvolucri. Dictation: New Methods, New Possibilities. Cambridge University Press, 1989.
  • Fish, Stanley Eugene. How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One. Harper, 2012.
  • Ur, Penny, and Andrew Wright. Five-Minute Activities: A Resource Book of Short Activities. Cambridge University Press, 1994.

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Your designer did a fabulous job developing your new line of brochures—the perfect balance between compelling copy and eye-catching images. But how will your latest collateral look when it’s translated into Chinese? Or German?

When you translate a marketing campaign, presentation, website, or app into other languages, text expansion and contraction is something to be aware of. It may change the look and feel of your materials. By understanding how different languages behave, you can begin to predict how the final product might be impacted and plan ahead to obtain the results you want.

what is text expansion and contraction?

Text expansion occurs when the target language (the language you translate into) takes up more space than the source language. In certain languages, it just takes more words to make the same statement. This can result from differences in grammar, sentence structure, or the way terminology is used across languages. In certain cases, expansion can also result from word length. For example, an English-into-German translation may produce a similar number of words, but German has long, compound words that take up more space.

Text contraction is just the opposite. When translating from English into Danish, Swedish, or many Asian languages, for example, the translated text will take up less space.

predicting expansion rates

The rate of expansion and/or contraction varies widely. Translating from English into languages such as Spanish or French can result in 20-25% expansion, while German may expand as much as 35%. On the other hand, Chinese, Korean, or Japanese will usually contract, although the percentages may fluctuate significantly. And, even while these languages typically contract, they use characters that are more complex than those in Latin alphabets and therefore require more space in between characters. This can result in vertical expansion if the space between the lines needs to increase to fit the characters.

There’s no easy formula to follow because the percentage of expansion/contraction can change significantly even within a single language pair. One of the largest factors is subject matter. Literary translations, for example, may expand significantly more than technical translations or legal text. Letters or personal documents, on the other hand, may have a much smaller rate of expansion/contraction. Other variables that contribute to the expansion/contraction rate include grammar, tone, writing style, syntax, word usage, terminology, and sentence structure.

tips and tricks

To achieve the results you want, prepare your English content with translation in mind. Here are a few things to be mindful of:

  • White space is your friend. Leave ample white space, so your text will not appear crowded as it expands.
  • When possible, create real tables rather than using tabs, rules, or text boxes. Functional tables are easier to resize to accommodate expanding text.
  • When creating tables, do not make your columns too narrow. While the English text may fit, consider how narrow columns will look when filled with long, compound German words.
  • Be wary of using too many abbreviations. Text that can be abbreviated in English may need to be written out in your target language, and this will add to the length of the text.
  • Use well-defined character and paragraph styles and use them consistently.
  • Always link your text frames. The more flexibility you can allow for the reflowing of text, the easier it will be to adjust the flow of text while keeping the integrity of your design intact.
  • If possible, do not embed text tightly in your graphics. The translated text may not work with the image as you had originally intended.
  • If you must embed text in your graphics, be prepared to provide all the native graphic files (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.) with editable text.

websites and apps

Most of the latest CMS platforms are now translation friendly and built to handle the expansion and contraction that comes with translations. Developers are creating global-ready apps that are designed to accommodate localization for other countries, languages, and cultures.

Despite the capabilities of web and app development to accommodate multiple languages, it is worth considering a final round of post-localization review. Linguists will review your site and/or app to ensure the appropriate translations were used, have been placed properly, fit the space, and function according to the developer’s specifications.

voiceovers and subtitling

Text expansion doesn’t just apply to the written word, it also impacts the rate of spoken dialogue. Some languages take longer to speak because they have higher word counts. In other languages, words have more syllables and take longer to pronounce.

This is something to consider if you are translating subtitles or voiceovers. If your subtitles grow by 30%, it becomes harder for viewers to read and absorb the text at a pace that was established by an English-speaking narrator. It helps to have your English-language narrator speak a bit more slowly or leave longer pauses between sentences so the subtitles (and the reader) can catch up. The language may also need to be adjusted to work with the timing of the script.

Never fear, your language service provider will work from your time-coded script to ensure your dialogue is translated accordingly. Be aware that it’s more important to translate the meaning of what is being said within the allotted time than it is to insist on a more literal translation. Professional voiceover talent has the experience to modify what they say so their pacing matches the timing of the original.

a few guidelines

The chart below provides some guidelines for expansion/contraction. Keep in mind that these ratios are in many cases very general because there are so many factors at play.
language expansion/contraction chart

leave some breathing room

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” – Alexander Graham Bell

Always plan ahead! Involve your language services provider early on. Professionals with language and subject matter expertise will know what can be reworded, moved around, or otherwise adjusted to fit the space permitted.

Understanding what text expansion is and how it impacts different languages will help you know what to expect. Awareness can help you develop content with translation in mind from the start—leaving less room for surprises later on.

we’re here to help!

Eriksen provides translation, typesetting, web and app localization, and voiceover and subtitling services to help you reach your multilingual audiences. Contact us to discuss the ways we can support your language needs.

Syntactic processes are those which serve to make an unexpanded simple sentence that is a monopredicative sentence formed only by obligatory notional parts into expanded simple sentence which includes some optional parts. The main syntactic processes are extension, expansion, replacement, representation, complication, substitution and ellipsis. Extension is a modification of one member of the sentence by another standing in the subordinate position to the former. he was given a red carpet welcome. All kinds of attributes, modifiers is extension. Expansion consists in addition of the same parts of the sentence to existing ones. It is not obligatory from point of view of the sentence structure. Any part of the sentence can undergo expansion. I waited & waited. Nice, nice old woman. He told me everything – his love, his hope, his despair. He pushed me suddenly & with energy. It produces homogeneous parts of the sentence. Replacement – rare, only predicate can be replaced, double-predicate. He lay awake for a long time. = he was lying & didn’t sleep for a long time. Representation is the use of a part of some syntactic unit for the whole of this unit. Capable of performing the function of representative are: auxiliariesyou have told lies again.-but I haven’t. linksare you tired&- I am. Modalscan you speak English? — I can. Infinitive or particle toI couldn’t find him though I tried to. Complication is a change of a syntactic unit structure (a member of a sentence) from a simple one into complex or compound one. Different parts of the sentence may be complicated: they drive in the country every weekend. They are likely to drive… they are said to drive…(predicate is complicated) he pushed the door. He pushed the door open. (object) Compound & complex structures are result of complication. Substitution is the use of words with generalized structural meaning instead of those with concrete meaning mentioned earlier in the text. This function can be performed by word substitutes. I didn’t like the movie. Neither did I. I haven’t applied for study but I’m going to do so. Ellipsis is making some element of the construction implied on the basis of its obligatory combinability. This element can always be easily reconstructed from the context. You look so tired.-I am a little. I don’t like sushi.-me neither.

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Sometimes, we find it hard to reach our target word count. It doesn’t make you a lazy writer. The topic might just be a hard nut to crack, or the required word count might be too high for you. There are many ways to tackle the issue and get more words in. One of the easiest ways is sentence expansion. When you expand a sentence, you add a few extra words that increase the length without altering the meaning.

Expanding a sentence isn’t all about increasing the word count. Sometimes you need to write longer sentences to drive home your point. Whatever your needs are, you can rely on INK’s AI Expand tool to help you expand your sentences.

Choose your words tiles

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

How to Expand a Sentence

The aim of expanding a sentence varies. Notwithstanding, you can apply these tips irrespective of the aim.

Add Examples

Adding examples to your sentence is a simple way of increasing the length of your sentence. In this case, you won’t be accused of adding fluff to the writing as long as the examples are relevant. For example:

  • Some animals are nocturnal.
  • Some animals, including bats, aardvarks, and raccoons, are nocturnal.
  • We have many activities lined up for Christmas
  • We have many activities lined up for Christmas, such as sledding and game night.

Adding extra details is similar to the tip above. However, it differs in the sense that you are not adding specific examples. You are only providing extra information. For example:

  • The man was happy
  • The man who won the challenge was happy

The second example provides additional information about “the man.” We’ve expanded the sentence by giving extra information.

  • He traveled out of the country eventually.
  • Without any help, he traveled out of the country eventually.

The second example provides circumstantial information regarding the subject of the sentence.

Use Longer Alternatives

There are certain words and phrases that have longer alternatives, and this could be a clever way of extending sentences. This method is especially effective if the aim is to add more words to meet a specific word count target. For example:

  • He screamed to draw our attention.
  • He screamed in order to draw our attention.
  • Some schools allow cell phones.
  • A number of schools allow cell phones.
  • Michael was stranded because the bus had left.
  • Michael was stranded due to the fact that the bus had left.
  • Although he pleaded for mercy, the judge jailed him.
  • In spite of the fact that he pleaded for mercy, the judge jailed him.

Write in Passive Voice

When you construct passive sentences, you have a simple way of increasing the number of words in your writing. Passive sentences are better used sparingly because they can affect readability. Nevertheless, throwing one or two into your writing helps you mix things up.

  • Some schools allow cell phones (four words)
  • Cellphones are allowed by some schools (six words)
  • The judge jailed him (four words)
  • He was jailed by the judge (six words)

Expand Contractions

Expanding contractions is a simple way to lengthen your sentence and increase word count. Contraction entails mashing two words together to make them shorter. This process does the opposite of expanding sentences. If you have contracted words in your writing, you should expand them. Examples are:

  • They’re — they are
  • You’re — you are
  • There’s — there is
  • We’ll — we will
  • They’ve — they have
  • I’ve — I have

AI Tools to Expand a Sentence

Instead of following the processes above to expand sentences, some AI tools like INK can help out. Such tools can replicate human intelligence in writing.




INK is the best tool to expand a sentence because of its efficient output. The tool is easy to use and offers various integration options. It has a desktop editor compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. Users can also use the Chrome extension to expand their sentences.

On the PC editor, you only need to highlight the text you want to expand and click on the “expand” button. INK will expand your sentence instantly. Expanding your sentence with the Chrome extension follows a similar process. Highlight your text, and click on the INK icon that appears next to it. Click on expand (two arrows facing opposite directions), and INK will generate a list of expanded versions of your sentence. The good thing about INK is that you don’t have to pay to use the sentence rewriter.

Other Features

  • Headline optimization
  • Distraction-free editor interface
  • Optimizes content for SEO
  • Unlimited rewrites on the free plan
  • Over 120 writing tools
  • Spelling and punctuation checker




QuillBot is a paraphrasing tool that allows users to rewrite their work in many ways. It offers seven unique paraphrasing modes to ensure precise output. Users can use Standard and Fluency paraphrasing modes for free. However, the expand option is only available when you upgrade to premium.

Other Features

  • Grammar and plagiarism checker
  • Citation generator
  • Chrome and Microsoft Word extensions


Outwrite homepage


Outwrite is an AI-powered tool that can be used to expand sentences. You can use Outwrite to add variety to your writing and increase word count. Expanding sentences with Outwrite is quite straightforward. You highlight the text and select “expand.” Then, Outwrite expands your sentence automatically.

Other Features

  • The tool can also shorten and restructure sentences
  • Chrome extension
  • Supports multiple platforms


Jasper’s sentence expander template is another AI-powered tool to expand a sentence. The template helps users expand a short sentence or add a few words to a longer sentence. It does this while ensuring that the output is creative and engaging.

Other Features

  • The tool has more than fifty AI templates
  • Supports more than 20 languages
  • Offers Surfer SEO integration


On a general note, too many words can make your point boring. If it goes on too long, it’s easy to get bogged down and lose the interest of your audience.

However, if you look at a well-crafted or well-expanded sentence, it should cling to the reader. It’s an important part of writing well to strike a balance between brevity and substance.

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