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Sentences for words. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use words in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for words.

  • Mark my words. (10)
  • Here words fail me. (12)
  • Not to bandy words. (10)
  • Those were his words. (10)
  • The words slipped out. (10)
  • Deeds, not words, Daddy! (8)
  • He harped on those words. (10)
  • I do not use those words. (10)
  • I cannot recall all her words. (4)
  • The words ran through his head. (12)
  • I can only remember certain words. (10)
  • If he were here he could tell us in words. (1)
  • The words are very like: the name is new. (10)
  • The whole thing was beyond words unpleasant. (8)
  • The words were low, but sounded very joyous. (5)
  • It approaches, and the words become audible.] (8)
  • Something in Cecilia fluttered at those words. (8)
  • With few words exchanged they reached Whitehall. (8)
  • Mrs. Berry heard low words interchanging within. (10)
  • I thought I should have fallen at these few words. (6)
  • Captain Con applauded the final words between them. (10)
  • These were words which could not but dwell with her. (4)
  • To Felix these words had a more sinister significance. (8)
  • She would have told him why: the words were at her lips. (10)
  • But Dudley was not gifted to read behind words and looks. (10)
  • Her words had expressed a truth too deep for him to admit. (8)
  • Lucy spoke gentle words to the poor outcast from Johnson. (10)
  • His whispered tones were more agreeably deadening than his words. (10)
  • That one word was more eloquent than all the rest of his words put together. (8)
  • On she sped, as if she had made the mistake of exchanging words with a post. (10)
  • A very, very kind embrace, and some agitation of manner, accompanied these words. (4)
  • His words and demeanour showed a determination which he had never yet displayed. (12)
  • He deemed these words to be an unquestionable justification, for he said no more. (10)
  • You will not often find me quoting Cromwell, but his words apply in this instance. (10)
  • By good fortune he had finished eating, for the words made him feel physically sick. (8)
  • Carlo sprang from her side to meet Angelo, with whom he exchanged some quick words. (10)
  • Then she listened motionlessly while he poured a rapid stream of visible but inaudible words. (9)
  • Theatrically he made his final dispositions, and summoned his friends to hear his last words. (12)
  • The first strenuous effort of my mind was to grasp the meaning, subtle as odour, in these words. (10)
  • In other words, his father wants him to see something of life before he enters upon housekeeping. (10)
  • Instinctively he took a crumpled sheet of paper from his pocket, and wrote down some broken words. (8)
  • And with these words he resumed the painting of still life which he had broken off to talk to Hilary. (8)
  • There never were any formal good-nights between the Durgins, and he went away now without further words. (9)
  • Has there been a single utterance of any note which has not poured the balm of those words into our ears? (8)
  • In other words, the intermittent fever of a sort of harmless rascality was afflicting this old creature. (22)
  • But if, in the words of his wife, the lady had no claim to be called a lady, the marriage was deplorable. (10)
  • Yet she was ashamed before the lad too, and became conscious of the fact that her words were blasphemous. (12)
  • The note of a sad irony in his words appealed to such indignation for him in Ellen as she never felt for herself. (9)
  • They will bring all society down on her with one of their explosive sly words appearing so careless, the cowards. (10)
  • She half-fashioned the words on her lips that she had dreamed of a false Zion, and was being righteously punished. (10)
  • The anxious, uncertain glance which Herr Paul gave her at these words roused an unwilling feeling of compunction in her. (8)
  • This eaten, he began once more to pace up and down, to pour words out into the silence, and to drive his squeaking quill. (8)
  • The words warmed Gyp, uncontrollably light-hearted in these days, just as she was warmed when people turned to stare at her. (8)
  • And with these words he hastily left the room, and Elizabeth heard him the next moment open the front door and quit the house. (4)
  • The words would not pass his lips, though he knew she must be conscious that he had not said them, must be longing to hear them. (8)
  • An instant she saddened, foreboding her words to be ominous, because of suddenly thirsting for a modern cry from him, the silent. (10)
  • As nearly as possible I write its words as they sounded to my ear when carefully spoken for my instruction by intelligent natives. (7)
  • Some reached over and patted my sides, others spoke words of encouragement and praise, and all had a look of profound veneration. (21)
  • Mr. Orson showed no interest in these facts beyond a silent attention to her words, which might have passed for an open indifference. (9)
  • She was cold enough to revolve the words: betrothed, affianced, plighted: and reject them, pretty words as they are. (10)
  • Protesting that I was unable to read riddles, though the heat of the one in hand made my frame glow, I entreated to have explicit words. (10)
  • Men and Directors show in their various ways suppressed uneasiness, as though listening to words that they themselves would not have spoken.] (8)
  • These were the last words she said, and seemed the lightest until my hot brain made a harvest of them transcending thrice-told vows of love. (10)
  • He wavered more, and drooped to her, but summoning the powers of hell, kissed her suddenly, cried the words of parting, and hurried to the door. (10)
  • They found their part of it by no means difficult when they imagined the lines without the words, or, better still, the letter without the lines. (10)
  • Colonel Barclay, the moustachioed horseman, who had spoken the few words to Robert in passing, now remarked that there was an end of the military profession. (22)

Also see sentences for: swords, swordsman.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for words. Now that you’ve seen how to use words in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Used with adjectives:

«He likes to use big words around adults.«
(big, fancy, long, difficult, hard)

«Her children use polite words.«
(polite, nice, kind, friendly)

«He says mean words to his brother.«
(mean, unkind, hurtful, harsh)

«The teacher uses simple words in class.«
(simple, easy, everyday, basic)

«What were his exact words?«
(exact, precise)

«He memorized some key words for his speech.«

«Find the wrong word in the sentence.«
(wrong, incorrect, misspelled, right, correct)

«He learned bad words from his friend.«
(bad, curse, cuss, dirty, naughty, obscene, foul, profane, slang)

«I’ll let you in if you say the magic word.«
(magic, code)

«He always has to have the final word during arguments.«
(final, last)

«Thank you for your encouraging words.«
(encouraging, comforting, soothing, wise)

«Your words are meaningless to me.«
(meaningless, empty, discouraging)

«She had a quick word with her son and he didn’t misbehave again.«
(quick, quiet, firm, stern)

«What is another word for car?«
(another, a substitute)

Used with verbs:

«Can I have a word with you?«

«She uses a lot of big words to impress people.«
(uses, says)

«Do not mention any word of this to him.«
(mention, say, speak)

«How do you pronounce this word?«
(pronounce, say, spell)

«He often misuses that word.«
(misuses, mispronounces, misspells)

«I do not speak a word of Chinese.«
(speak, know, understand)

«Look up the word in the dictionary.«
(Look up, find)

«Choose your words carefully with sensitive people.«
(choose, pick, select)

«Please translate these words for me.«

«What does this word mean?«
(mean, indicate, signify)

«Words cannot express how thankful I am.«
(express, describe)

«The word begins with the letter b.«
(begins with, starts with)

«Please repeat the word.«

«She whispered the secret word in my ear.«
(whispered, said)

«He typed the words on a piece of paper.«
(typed, wrote)

«I could not read a word of it.«
(read, hear)

«He erased the bad word.«
(erased, deleted, crossed out)

«She memorized all of the words to the famous speech.«
(memorized, remembered, recalled)

«I give you my word that I will do everything I can.«

«I hope you keep your word about helping me.«

«Describe in your own words what happened.«
(Describe, explain)

«He never breaks his word.«
(breaks, goes back on)

«Please trust my word on this.«
(trust, believe)

«How could you doubt my words?«

«Please send word to my family that I am doing well.«
(send, bring, get)

«Did you get word of what happened to them?»
(get, receive, hear)

«She spread the word about massive layoffs at the company.«

«Just say the word and I will be there.«

Used with prepositions:

«Please tell the jury in your own words what happened.«

«What is the Spanish word for restroom?«

«We had a word about her behavior.«

«Can we have a word from our guest?«

«Let me give you a word of advice.«

«I need a quick word with you.«

Used with nouns:

«Would you like to play a word game?«
(game, puzzle)

«Her word choice was offensive.«

«The therapist had the couple play word association.«

«The essay contest has a minimum word count.«

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