Senior year in one word

senior year

1) Общая лексика: выпускной класс

2) Военный термин: четвёртый год обучения

3) Американский английский: четвёртый курс , двенадцатый класс

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «senior year» в других словарях:

  • Senior Year — can refer to:* The final year in high school or college * The Lockheed U 2See also* Senior * Senioritis …   Wikipedia

  • Senior Year Inn — (Цзючжайгоу,Китай) Категория отеля: Адрес: No.8 Duozeke Street, Zhangzha Town, 6234 …   Каталог отелей

  • senior year — final year in school …   English contemporary dictionary

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year — Theatrical release poster Directed by Kenny Ortega …   Wikipedia

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year (banda sonora) — High School Musical 3: Senior Year Soundtrack de High School Musical Publicación 21 de octubre de 2008 Grabación …   Wikipedia Español

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel High School Musical 3: Senior Year Produktionsland USA …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year (саундтрек) — High School Musical 3: Senior Year …   Википедия

  • Sweet Valley Senior Year — is part of the Sweet Valley High franchise and the last spin off series to be published. A double edition of the final book, Sweet 18 , included the first book from the SVH series, Double Love , and a letter from creator Francine Pascal. The… …   Wikipedia

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year — Título High School Musical 3: Fin de Curso (España) High School Musical 3: La Graduación (Hispanoamérica) Fi …   Wikipedia Español

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year (videojuego) — High School Musical 3: Senior Year Desarrolladora(s) Disney Distribuidora(s) Buena Vista Games Plataforma(s) Nintendo DS Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • High School Musical 3: Senior Year: Sing It! — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor …   Wikipedia Español

senior year — перевод на русский

I’m sorry we had to move in your senior year.

Мне жаль что нам пришлось переехать в твой выпускной год.

Hell, he had a great senior year.

В свой выпускной год он был в отличной форме.


Выпускной год – мы собирались играть в рок-группе.

Senior year I got sacked, blew out my knee, had to have four operations.

На выпускной год я попал – повредил колено, пережил 4 операции.

I mean, it’s my senior year, too.

Это и мой выпускной год тоже.

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— Party at John Kay’s, senior year.

— Вечеринка у Джона Кея, выпускной класс.

Senior year.

Выпускной класс.

Dad this is my senior year, I don’t want to have to worry about Lex or Jor-El, or any of that

Папа, это — мой выпускной класс. Я не хочу волноваться о Лексе или Джор-Эле, или еще о чем в этом роде.

I missed senior year of high school, which is supposedly the best year ever.

Я пропустил выпускной класс, который должен был быть самым лучшим.

Senior year, baby.

Выпускной класс, детка!

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In my senior year I led the nation in rushing and scoring.

В мой последний год я лидировал в стране по ярдам на выносе и по тачдаунам.

Senior year…

Последний год…

I mean, if I go to this school, our senior year is ruined.

Если я буду ходить в эту школу, наш последний год коту под хвост.

Senior year in high school is… the most crucial moment of your life!

Последний год в школе — … самый критический момент вашей жизни!

It’s senior year, man!

Идёт последний год, брат!

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Senior year, we-— we got tired of doing school, you know-— dropped out, started doing crime instead. Got busted.

В старших классах мы забили на учебу и начали понемногу орудовать в районе.

Senior year?

В старших классах?

Eh, I was pregnant the senior year of high school.

— Да, я забеременела в старших классах.

What a great first day of my senior year… getting yanked out of class by patrol.

Какой прекрасный первый день в старших классах… патрульные вытащили меня с занятий.

Senior year, I was obsessed with art.

В старших классах я была помешана на искусстве.

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It was senior year.

Мы учились на последнем курсе.

I’m in senior year, accounting.

Уже на последнем курсе. Бухучет.

Beth and I met our senior year in college.

Мы с Бет познакомились на последнем курсе.

So my senior year of college, I joined this team.

Так, что на последнем курсе института я стал членом этой команды.

My senior year at georgetown… i was graduating, i did not have a clue what i was gonna do with my life.

Я была на последнем курсе в Джорджтауне уже перед самым выпуском, и я понятия не имела, что буду делать дальше.

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Okay. Okay. Listen to what Sean McMahon wrote in my yearbook senior year.

Вот послушайте, что Шон Макмахон написал в моём выпускном альбоме.

In my senior year, a classmate was murdered and dismembered just like this.

Когда я была в выпускном классе, убили мою однаклассницу, её расчленили точно так.

What’s odd is that he has trophies all the way up to 11th grade, and then nothing in his senior year.

Странно, что все эти награды только до 11-го класса и ничего в выпускном классе.

Senior year.

— О выпускном

Like, senior year graduation excited!

Возбуждена прям как на выпускном!

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What about senior year?

Как же последний год в школе?

We spent all senior year talking about NYU, the real world, facing it together.

Мы весь последний год в школе говорили о Нью-Йоркском университете. О большом мире, куда отправимся вместе.

But it’s her senior year, and I want it to be perfect.

Ќо это ее последний год в школе, и € хочу чтоб он прошел прекрасно.

But Abby’d have a good senior year, and I’d get my dream of Carnegie Mellon University.

Ќо Ёбби могла бы хорошо провести последний год в школе, а € осуществила бы свою мечту и поступила бы в «ниверситет арнеги ћеллон.

So, Rosie, senior year.

Ну что, Рози, последний год в школе?

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It’s gonna be my senior year and my last chance to make a diference in the house.

Это будет мой последний год, и мой последний шанс что-то изменить в доме.

But we were wondering, is there any possibility you could stay with a friend your senior year of high school?

Но нам интересно, есть ли какая-то возможность, чтобы ты смог остаться у кого-то из своих друзей на последний школьный год?

This is to our senior year.

Это за наш год.

I can think of better ways for us to spend our senior year than you buried in concrete, Tyler.

Я могу придумать способы получше провести этот год, чем валяться под тонной бетона!

Matthew’s girlfriend died senior year.

Девушка Мэтью умерла в тот год.

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He was bad in Othello senior year, he’s bad now.

У него плохо получалась роль Отелло в школе, плохо получается и сейчас.

How are we supposed to be the social hub of senior year in a room full of pink piggies and musical furniture?

Как мы можем быть популярными в школе, живя в комнате, полной розовых поросят и мебели с дурацкими мелодиями?

— Come again? — I can tell Mom I wanna finish out my senior year at your house.

— Я могу сказать маме, что хочу доучиться в школе, и жить с тобой.

Maybe not before we close out our senior years here, but it will happen.

Может быть не раньше, чем мы закончим школу, но это случится.

You’re thinking of transferring to their school in your senior year?

Ты думаешь о переходе в их старшую школу?

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It’s just… like, you pick up and move me in the middle of my senior year, and, you know, I’m gonna be moving again soon.

Просто ты взяла и выдернула меня посреди последнего учебного года, мне и так переезжать скоро.

Get some swimming in, hang out before senior year starts.

Поплавать, развлечься до начала последнего учебного года.

Prom is the most important event of our senior year before graduation.

Выпускной – наиважнейшая часть последнего учебного года.

Already I was feeling the core emotional drama of senior year, the sadness of doing something for the last time ever.

Я уже чувствовала всю эмоциональную тяжесть последнего учебного года и грусть оттого, что все это никогда не повторится снова.

Spring break, Fort Lauderdale, your senior year.

Весенние каникулы, Форт Лодердейл, твой последний учебный год.

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This was right after you won student body president our senior year.

Это случилось сразу после того, как ты стала президентом студенческого совета в наш выпускной год.

Even when I begged you senior year.

During my senior year in college, my father was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer.

В последний год моей учебы в колледже, моему отцу поставили диагноз: рак кожи последней степени тяжести.

He’s staying his senior year, we know.

I mean, senior year can be quite…

Her senior year will probably be the high point of her life.

You just described my whole senior year… which admittedly ended better than theirs.

Вы только что описали мой выпускной год… и надо сказать мой окончился лучше чем у них.

It’s her senior year, man.

Hell, he had a great senior year.

I didn’t have a social life my whole senior year.

I am a junior undergraduate student (will be starting senior year in July) pursuing electronics and communications engineering.

Я младший студент (начнется последний год в июле) проводит электроники и техники связи.

Besides, I want to be here. It’s my senior year.

Кроме того, я хотела сюда прийти, всё-таки выпускной год

And I hope you have a carefree senior year, Em.

И я надеюсь, что у тебя будет беззаботный выпускной год. Эмили.

I am a senior year undergrad student from a prestigious institute in India.

Я последний год студент студент из престижного института в Индии.

Meanwhile, her parallel is living out Abby’s senior year and falling for someone Abby’s never even met.

Тем временем Эбби из параллели проживает выпускной год и влюбляется в человека, которого реальная Эбби никогда даже не встречала.

The new normal was supposed to be a carefree senior year.

Новой нормой должен был быть Беззаботный выпускной год.

So, Peter… senior year.

This kid, Ray Jennings, Heisman Trophy finalist his senior year.

Этот парень, Рэй Дженнингс, финалист голосования Хайсман Трофи в свой выпускной год.

It started just after you began senior year.

Всё началось сразу после того, как начался учебный год.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 894. Точных совпадений: 894. Затраченное время: 158 мс


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I was in college in Washington, D.C. I did three years full-time. I did all my requirements, and my senior year was really a gut year. And I said, ‘Law school will always be there.’ I was in no hurry to get right into that.

Alec Baldwin





Senior year is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Senior Year

Senior Year can refer to: ▪ Senior; the final year in high school or college ▪ Senior Year, the 2010 film by Filipino director Jerrold Tarog ▪ The Lockheed U-2…

Definition of senior year in the English dictionary

The definition of senior year in the dictionary is the fourth year or 12th grade of a student’s high school period.


Synonyms and antonyms of senior year in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «senior year» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of senior year to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of senior year from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «senior year» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

último año

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

वरिष्ठ वर्ष

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

كبار السنة

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

старший год

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

último ano

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

জ্যেষ্ঠ বছর

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

dernière année d´études

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Tahun kanan

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

수석 년

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Taun kepungkur

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

năm cuối cấp

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

மூத்த ஆண்டு

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

ज्येष्ठ वर्ष

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Üst düzey yıl

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

ultimo anno

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

ostatni rok

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

старший рік

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

ultimul an

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

ανώτερο έτος

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

senior jaar

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

sista år

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

senior år

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of senior year


The term «senior year» is very widely used and occupies the 7.936 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «senior year» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of senior year

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «senior year».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «senior year» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «senior year» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about senior year


Famous quotes and sentences with the word senior year.

I kept hiding my smile in pictures throughout middle school and most of high school until picture day came my senior year.

I learned to canoe at summer camp and thought I’d pursue Olympic whitewater canoeing. In my senior year of high school, I instead decided to attend M.I.T. I like to say I’ve had only two jobs in my life: whitewater canoeing instructor and wilderness guide in college, and C.E.O. of iRobot.

I started dancing when I was five, and I trained intensively as a competitive dancer up until the end of high school. I did all genres, and later on a did a lot of extra ballet on top of that. I actually got accepted to Julliard for dance during my senior year, but I ultimately turned it down to come to L.A. to act.

I was in college in Washington, D.C. I did three years full-time. I did all my requirements, and my senior year was really a gut year. And I said, ‘Law school will always be there.’ I was in no hurry to get right into that.

I was always interested in art at school, and after year twelve, senior year, I spent three years studying graphic design at college. I worked in advertising for two years but didn’t like it much, then began doing a bit of illustration work for various publishers.

I dropped out of high school three days into my senior year because I hated it because New York City public school is a mess. I certainly wasn’t one for sitting in a classroom. Then I went off to college to North Carolina School of the Arts, then quit that after two years.

I was taking electives, and that branched into theater. Theater led to me taking a break during the summer between my junior and senior year. After I graduated, I ended up moving out to L.A. But in my senior year, I made it a part of my major.

‘Deadline’ is the story of a young man forced to discover who he is, and what’s important in life, during the short span of his senior year in high school.

I went back to Dallas for a little while to finish my short film ‘Rusty Forkblade.’ It was not the instant success I thought it was going to be. There’s a false narrative that if you make a short film right after senior year, you’ll be plucked out to make a feature length film, and the rest is history. I didn’t do that.

I started going to acting school in my senior year in high school, and I remained in acting school through four years of college.


Discover the use of senior year in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to senior year and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Senior Year: A Father, A Son, and High School Baseball

In Senior Year, Dan Shaughnessy focuses his acclaimed sports writing talents on his son Sam’s senior year of high school, a turning point in any young life and certainly in the relationship between father and son.


How Not to Spend Your Senior Year

Trust me on this one. I did it, so I should know. Jo O’Connor has spent her whole life moving around. When it comes to new schools, there’s not a trick in the book about starting over that Jo doesn’t know.

So, go ahead and click away. It was an adventure for me – come on along for the ride! John Sullivan is right. This is quite an undertaking for a senior in high school.

Michael Fitzgibbons, 2000

After the death of her boyfriend, Christy struggles to continue her life and fall in love again.


The Helicopter Parents Guide to &-Surviving Senior Year

This book is designed for every family but is particularly appropriate for first generation college students as well as families from other countries where the college application process may be different.


Grace Harlowe’s Senior Year at High School the Parting of …

The work chronicles the life of Grace Harlowe during her senior year. Filled with joy and idealism of youth, the work is charming and enchanting.

Jessie Graham Flower, 2006


Quilter’s Academy Vol. 4 — Senior Year: A Skill Building …

Build upon the skills you developed in the first three volumes and fill your creative toolbox with new techniques that allow you to enjoy the process of quiltmaking even more.

Harriet Hargrave, Carrie Hargrave, 2012


Improving the High School Senior Year: Problems and Solutions

The purpose of this study was to seek perspectives from high school graduates on their senior year and, from their input, identify ways to make the last year of high school more worthwhile for all students.

Marcy creates an ugly situation when her drive to be class valedictorian gets out of hand.


The Launching Years: Strategies for Parenting from Senior

From the Trade Paperback edition.

Laura Kastner, Jennifer Wyatt, 2010


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term senior year is used in the context of the following news items.

Oklahoma G Buddy Hield returning for senior year

NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — Oklahoma guard Buddy Hield has chosen to return for his senior season. … Hield was the Big 12 Player of the Year this past season. «USA TODAY, Apr 15»

Senior moment? It’s pretty normal for an aging brain

Turns out it’s pretty normal: The brain ages just like the rest of your body, says a new report that urges Americans to take steps to keep sharp in their senior years. «Montreal Gazette, Apr 15»

Kansas’ Perry Ellis says he’s coming back for senior season

«There’s no way you can sign a better player than Perry as a senior,» coach … «Hopefully, he’ll have a Frank Kaminsky-like senior year and shoot up the charts.». «ESPN, Apr 15»

Georgetown player with heart condition dunks on Senior Day

In Saturday’s game against Seton Hall, the Hoyas honored Adams by letting him end his senior year in the best way possible. The school got permission from … «, Mar 15»

After rare diagnosis, athlete fights to salvage senior year

(WZZM) — Your senior year of high school is supposed to be filled with a lot of lasts: the last high school football game, the last homecoming and the last prom, … «WZZM, Feb 15»

Tide’s Ragland, Reed decide to come back for senior years

“After sitting down with my family, Coach Saban and Coach Davis, I have decided to return to Alabama for my senior year,” Reed said in a statement released by … «Montgomery Advertiser, Jan 15»

Jenkins to return for senior year to hone his craft

Jordan Jenkins knew he wanted to return for his senior season at Georgia in late September, but he said his parents wanted him to take his time and make sure … «Online Athens, Dec 14»

The Parent’s ‘Last Call’ List for Senior Year

It is the beginning of senior year. 365 days out from the empty nest. The temptation is to spend the year more than a little sad about all of those «lasts.» The last … «Huffington Post, Sep 14»

Senior year stress

Senior year seems to be a time filled with new responsibilities and added stresses. Many seniors, including me, still have standardized tests to take. Everyone … «The Intelligencer, Sep 14»

Vince Young Wishes He Had Returned To Texas For His Senior Year

«It was very close. The Texans had the No. 1 pick, that was the place I wanted to play at. I wish they would’ve told me that they weren’t picking me because I … «Deadspin, Aug 14»


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Senior year was awesome, and now I get to relive every minute of it.

At the end of the summer,

high school finishes and when I start my senior year.

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К концу лета школа закончится, и когда я начну свой выпускной год,

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This is not the way that senior year of Glee Club was supposed to be.

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Nobody wants to uproot their kids in the middle of senior year.

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They just want a chance to take center stage during their senior year.

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И просто хотели шанс попасть в центр внимания в свой выпускной год.

You’re going to have a senior year no one will ever forget.

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The new normal was supposed to be a carefree senior year.

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I won’t let you waste your senior year like you did all the others.

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Ты училась со мной в первый или второй год старшей школы?

I remember studying directly on the specialty at senior year in a closed unit.


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Запомнилось обучение уже конкретно по специальности на старших курсах в закрытой части.


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This kid, Ray Jennings, Heisman Trophy finalist his senior year.

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Этот парень, Рэй Дженнингс,

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A Night to Remember» is the third official

single from the High School Musical 3: Senior Year soundtrack,

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A Night to Remember-

третий официальный сингл с саундтрека Классный мюзикл: Выпускной.

Senior year high schoolers from any country are welcome.

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Участвовать в ней могут школьники выпускных классов из любых стран.

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I thought we were gonna have the perfect senior year, and the one that we got has been so weird

and really hard.

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Я думал, что наш выпускной год идеальным, а он получился таким странным и трудным.

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