See if you understand these words and word combinations right and choose the correct definitions

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Главная » Английский язык » Explain how you understand these words and word combinanions : 1) competition from the Far East 2) the company is rethinking its future plans 3) priorities 4) the High Street 5) to withdraw from the High Street 6) a corner shop 7) professoinaly


2Choose the correct word for each definition.

1This happens when you cant see something that was there before, appear / disappear

2This is the time when you are seven years old. childhood / adventure

3This is the opposite of‘normal’, terrible / strange

4This describes how you feel when something is not right, disappeared / worried

5If you see something far way, you see it in the hide / distance.

6This describes something that’s bad. worried / terrible

7This is when you look at something for the first time, hide / notice

8This means something happened because of bad luck, unfortunately / thoughtfully

3Write a word from the box in each gap to complete the text.childhood • disappeared • distance • notice strange • terrible • unfortunately • worriedI remember a story I read in my (1)__It was an adventure

story about pirates. In the story, the pirates helped people. I thought that was

(2)—1 always thought that pirates were very bad and they did

(3)-things to people. The story was about a group of people

who were (4)-because of a bad man who lived on their island.

That man made them work all the time and (5)_, he didn’t

give them any money. One day, the pirates came to the island.

The man didn’t (6)-them when they arrived and the pirates

took him away in their ship. The people of the island were very happy.

They all climbed to the top of the hill to see the pirates’ ship in the

(7)-as it left. When the ship (8)__ they had

a big party.

4Each of the words in bold is in the wrong sentence. Write a word in bold from another sentence to replace the incorrect one.

1I can see something very dark and scary in the childhood.

2Leslie was unfortunately about the man returning to her front door.

3Did you disappeared that the window was open when we got home?

4She’s got many wonderful memories from her distance.5A woman was standing in front of me, but then she notice.

6Did you hear that worried noise coming from the kitchen?7She wanted to leave the room but strange the door was closed.

Сила слова!

2 Выберите правильное слово для каждого определения.

1 Это происходит, когда вы не можете увидеть что-то, что там было раньше, появляются / исчезают

2 Это время, когда вы семь лет. Детство / приключения

3 Это противоположно of’normal «, ужасно / странно

4 Здесь описывается, как вы чувствуете, когда что-то не так, исчез / беспокоит

5 Если вы видите что-то далеко путь, вы видите его в спрятать / расстояние.

6 Это описывает то, что это плохо. беспокоятся / ужасно

7 Это когда вы смотрите на что-то в первый раз, скрыть / уведомление

8 Это означает, что-то случилось из-за невезения, к сожалению / задумчиво

3 Написать слово из коробки в каждом промежутке завершить текст.Детство • исчез • Расстояние • уведомление странное • страшный • • беспокоятся, к сожалению,Я помню историю, которую я прочитал в моем (1) __ Это было приключение

История о пиратах. В истории, пираты помогли людям. Я думал, что

(2) — 1 всегда думал, что пираты были очень плохо, и они сделали

(3) -things людям. История была о группе людей,

которые были (4) -из-за плохой человек, который жил на их острове.

Этот человек сделал их все время работать и (5) _, он не

давать им деньги. Однажды, пираты пришли на остров.

Человек не (6) -them, когда они прибыли, и пираты

взял его в свой корабль. Народ острова были очень счастливы.

Все они поднялись на вершину холма, чтобы увидеть корабль пиратов в

(7) -В он оставил. Когда корабль (8) __ они имели

большая партия.

4 Каждый из слов жирным шрифтом в неправильном предложении. Написать слово жирным шрифтом с другой предложении заменить неправильный один.

1 я вижу что-то очень темное и страшное в детстве.

2 Лесли, к сожалению, о человеке, возвращаясь к своей двери.

3 Ты исчез, что окно было открыто, когда мы вернулись домой?

4 Она получила много замечательных воспоминаний от ее расстояния.5 Женщина стояла передо мной, но потом она заметила.

6 Ты слышал, что беспокоит шум из кухни?7 Она хотела выйти из комнаты, но странно дверь была закрыта.

Поурочное планирование English-8 по Афанасьевой О.В. 3 четверть

Fascination and Challenge: The World of Science and Technology

Урок 1

Цель урока

Активизация ранее изученного материала по теме «Science».

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— активизация в речи изученных лексических единиц и рече­вых образцов;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование умений в чтении вычленять главное.

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира;

— расширение кругозора в области спорта.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие учащихся и ознаком­ление их с темой, целями и задачами урока.

2. Речевая зарядка.

a) Знакомство с новой лексикой, отработка произносительных навыков. New words

fascination [ˌfæsɪ’neɪʃən] — привлекательность, притягательность 

challenge [‘ʧælɪnʤ] — вызов, сложная задача 

civilization [sɪvəlɑɪ’zeɪʃən] — цивилизация

electromagnetic induction [in’dʌkʃn] – электромагнитная индукция

thermometer and microscope – термометр и микроскоп

contribution — вклад

discoveries — открытия

fields of science – область науки

technology [tek’nɒləʤɪ] — техника

heredity [hɪ’redətɪ] — наследственность

universal gravity — всемирное тяготение

theory of relativity [′ɪərɪ] – теория относительности

to divide — разделять

a discovery — открытие

diesel [‘di:zl] engine – дизельный двигатель

radium [‘reɪdɪəm] — радий

table of chemical elements – табица химических элементов

conditional reflexes — условный рефлекс

б) Тренировка учащихся в аудировании. Работа с карточками.

(Ex. 22.) Exercise 1. Listen to the questions, fill in the gaps and answer the questions.

1. All the knowledge people have is traditionally divided into arts and sciences. What do arts study and what do sciences study?

2. The basics of what sciences do you study at school? Which of them do you like and why?

3. What great discoveries in the history of human civilization [sɪvəlɑɪ’zeɪʃən] can you name?

4. What is the contribution of Russia to the progress of science and technology?

5. What fields of science are better developed in Russia? Why is it impor­tant for a country to develop its own science and technology?

6. Some people say «The world of science has no borders». In what way is it true?

7. How do science and technology do harm to people? What can be done not to allow this?

8. How, in your view, will science and technology help to change the life on the planet in future? What will people’s life be like at the turn of the next century?

1. arts 2. sciences 3. arts 4. sciences 5. basics 6. discoveries 7. progress 8. develop 9. planet

II. Основная часть

3. Активизация ранее изученного материала по теме «Science».

Exercise 2. Say whose invention or discovery it is:

1. Galileo [,gæli’leɪəƲ] Galilei

b) thermometer and microscope

2. Michael Faraday [‘færədeɪ]

m) electromagnetic induction [in’dʌkʃn]

3. Johann Gregor Mendel [‘mendl]

k) laws of heredity [hɪ’redətɪ] наследственность

4. Isaac Newton [‘nju:tn]

e) law of universal gravity всемирное тяготение

5. Albert Einstein [‘aɪnstaɪn]

d) theory of relativity теория относительности

6. Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen [‘rɒntɡən]

c) X-ray

7. Alexander Bell [bel]

h) telephone

8. Alexander Popov

n) radio

9. Louis Pasteur [pæs’tɜ:] Луи́ Пасте́р

g) vaccines [‘væksi:nz] against cholera [‘kɒlərə]

10. John Logie Baird [beəd] Джон Ло́уги Бэрд

o) television

11. Rudolf Engine [‘endƷɪn]

f) diesel [‘di:zl] engine

12. Marie Curie [‘kjʊərɪ]

1) radium [‘reɪdɪəm] радий

13. Dmitry Mendeleev

i) table of chemical elements

14. Ts’ai Lun [tsai ‘lʊn]

a) paper

15. Ivan Pavlov

j) conditional reflexes условный рефлекс

Ex. 2

1. b); 2. m); 3. k); 4. e); 5 d); 6. c); 7. h); 8 n); 9. g); 10. o); 11. f); 12. l); 13. i); 14. a); 15. j)

4. Совершенствование умений в чтении

Ex. 3, p. 139 Say if it’s ‘true’ or ‘false’


Russia was the first country in the world to send a satellite into space.

1. True.


The television was invented in the 19th century.

2. False.


Diamonds and coal are made of the same chemical [‘kemikl] element.

3. True.


Worms [wɜ:mz] have tiny legs that can be seen only under the microscope.

4. False.


Nuclear energy and atomic energy are the same thing.

5. True.


Neptune [‘neptju:n] is the closest planet to the Sun.

6. False.


American astronauts landed on the Moon in 1982.

7. False.


The Earth is a huge natural magnet. Invisible lines of magnetic force spread out around the planet joining the North and the South magnet­ic poles.

8. True.


Leopards often hunt from trees, lying in wait on a branch.

9. True.


Leonardo da Vinci thought of such modern things as the helicopter, the flying machine and the machine gun and made drawings of them.

10. True.


The laser is a device that strengthens sound.

11. False.


The human nervous system includes brain, nerves and stomach.

12. False.

4. Обучение чтению с целью установления соответствия между заголовками и небольшими текстами

Ex. 4, p. 140 Match the texts with their titles, one title is not needed.




greased 1) намасленный; промасленный 2) смазанный

oar 1) весло

height [hait] 1) а) высота, вышина

Quechua Quechua, Quechuas 1) а) кечуа (the Quechua) (индейский народ, живущий в Перу, Боливии, Эквадоре)

Shuttle — космический корабль многоразового использования; челночный воздушно-космический аппарат

Key Ex. 4

1. — d); 2. — e); 3. — b); 4. — a); 5. — c); 6. — f) (g is not need­ed)

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) Выучить новые слова 2) Подготовить краткое сообщение (6 — 8 предложений) по теме «Science» по листку 3) Ex. 1, p. 47-48 Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Урок 2

Цель урока

Актуализация ранее изученного материала по теме «Science» в мо­нологической речи.

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— активизация в речи изученных лексических единиц и рече­вых образцов;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— совершенствование умений в чтении вычленять главное.


— развитие памяти, языковой догадки;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии;

— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

1) Контроль лексики (устно, фронтально и индивидуально)

fascination [ˌfæsɪ’neɪʃən] — привлекательность, притягательность 

challenge [‘ʧælɪnʤ] — вызов, сложная задача 

civilization [sɪvəlɑɪ’zeɪʃən] — цивилизация

electromagnetic induction [in’dʌkʃn] – электромагнитная индукция

thermometer and microscope – термометр и микроскоп

contribution — вклад

discoveries — открытия

fields of science – область науки

technology [tek’nɒləʤɪ] — техника

heredity [hɪ’redətɪ] — наследственность

universal gravity — всемирное тяготение

theory of relativity [′ɪərɪ] – теория относительности

to divide — разделять

a discovery — открытие

diesel [‘di:zl] engine – дизельный двигатель

radium [‘reɪdɪəm] — радий

table of chemical elements – табица химических элементов

conditional reflexes — условный рефлекс

2) Учащиеся делают краткое сооб­щение по теме «Science» на основе вопросов по теме:

1. All the knowledge people have is traditionally divided into arts and sciences. What do arts study and what do sciences study?

2. The basics of what sciences do you study at school? Which of them do you like and why?

3. What great discoveries in the history of human civilization [sɪvəlɑɪ’zeɪʃən] can you name?

4. What is the contribution of Russia to the progress of science and technology?

5. What fields of science are better developed in Russia? Why is it impor­tant for a country to develop its own science and technology?

6. Some people say «The world of science has no borders». In what way is it true?

7. How do science and technology do harm to people? What can be done not to allow this?

8. How, in your view, will science and technology help to change the life on the planet in future? What will people’s life be like at the turn of the next century?

3) Ex. 1, p. 47-48 Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Keys: 1 c, 2 b, 3 d, 4f, 5a, e — extra

II. Основная часть

3. Актуализация ранее изученного материала по теме «Shopping». Выполнение упражнений. Ex. 5, р. 141 Unit 4 (SB);

Ex. 5

1. Which; 2. What; 3. Which; 4. What; 5. Which; 6. What; 7. Which; 8. What; 9. What; 10. Which.


1. The telescope. 2. Poland. 3. The USA. 4. 36 EC—39 EC. 5. 1 392 000. 6. Bats. 7. The Hermitage. 8. About 30 mln bites. 9. A violent whirl wind. 10. About 100000 million stars.

Ex. 5 Insert what or which to complete the sentences and answer the questions.

1. Which of the two is used to make distant things seem closer: the telescope or the microscope? 2. What country did Nicolas Copernicus come from? 3. Which of the two countries uses the Space Shuttle: Russia or the USA? 4. What is the usual body temperature of most mammals? 5. Which is the Sun’s diame­ter: a) 1 392 000 km; b) 13 920 km; c) 139 200 km? 6. What are the only mam­mals that can fly? 7. Which is bigger: the Hermitage in Russia or the Nation­al Gallery in London? 8. What is the memory capacity of the most powerful computer today? 9. What is a tornado? 10. Which of the three is true: a) our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains about 300 000 million stars? b) it con­tains about 700 000 million stars? c) it contains about 100 000 million stars?

Ex. 6, р. 141 Unit 4 (SB);

Ex. 6

1. collar; 2. band; 3. sleeve; 4. waistcoat; 5. braces; 6. stud; 7. slit; 8. tailcoat; 9. tie; 10. zipper

Ex. 7. р. 142 Unit 4 (SB);

7 Choose the right word to complete the sentences.

I. We were at the zoo yesterday and saw a very (funny, hilarious) mon­key. 2. Are you going to our (dress, fancy-dress) party on Saturday? 3. The idea of going there seems (hilarious, ridiculous) to me. 4. They (attached, detached) the flag to the long stick and marched on. 5. We parted and I (waved, flapped) to my friends standing on the platform. 6. The Titanic [tai’tænik] sank because it had crushed into an (immense, big) iceberg. 7. He felt bad that day and went to school with (reluctance, dignity). 8. The little boy (unlaced, laced up) his shoes himself before going to bed.

Ex. 7

1. funny; 2. fancy dress; 3. ridiculous; 4. attached; 5. waved; 6. immense; 7. reluctance; 8. unlaced

4. Обучение чтению с извлечением информации и пониманием основного содержания. Ex. 4, p. 140 Unit 4 (SB).

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 8, p. 142., ex. 9. p. 142 (письменно)

2) Слова на диктант

Урок 3

Лексико-грамматический материал по теме «Покупки» «Модальные глаголы». Обобщение.

Цель урока

Обобщение знаний учащихся по теме «Покупки» и «Модальные глаголы».

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности.


— развитие внимания;

— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений систематизировать информацию.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

— развитие познавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 5, 6, 7 Unit 4.

Ex. 5

1. Which; 2. What; 3. Which; 4. What; 5. Which; 6. What; 7. Which;

8. What; 9. What; 10. Which.

Ex. 5 Insert what or which to complete the sentences and answer the questions.

1. Which of the two is used to make distant things seem closer: the telescope or the microscope? 2. What country did Nicolas Copernicus come from? 3. Which of the two countries uses the Space Shuttle: Russia or the USA? 4. What is the usual body temperature of most mammals? 5. Which is the Sun’s diame­ter: a) 1 392 000 km; b) 13 920 km; c) 139 200 km? 6. What are the only mam­mals that can fly? 7. Which is bigger: the Hermitage in Russia or the Nation­al Gallery in London? 8. What is the memory capacity of the most powerful computer today? 9. What is a tornado? 10. Which of the three is true: a) our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains about 300 000 million stars? b) it con­tains about 700 000 million stars? c) it contains about 100 000 million stars?


1. The telescope. 2. Poland. 3. The USA. 4. 36 EC—39 EC. 5. 1 392 000.

6. Bats. 7. The Hermitage. 8. About 30 mln bites. 9. A violent whirl wind. 10. About 100000 million stars.

Ex. 6

1. collar; 2. band; 3. sleeve; 4. waistcoat; 5. braces; 6. stud; 7. slit;

8. tailcoat; 9. tie; 10. zipper

Ex. 7

1. funny; 2. fancy dress; 3. ridiculous; 4. attached; 5. waved; 6. immense; 7. reluctance; 8. unlaced

II. Основная часть

3. Актуализация использования модальных глаголов в анг­лийском языке.

4. Выполнение тренировочного задания на закрепление грамма­тического материала. Ex. 8, р. 142, Unit 4 (Student’s Book); Ex. 9, р. 142, Unit 4 (Student’s Book).

Ex. 8

(1) I’m looking; (2) size do you wear/want (are you looking for); (3) if we have some (one); (4) Can I try it on? (5) the fitting room (6) can (do) I pay for it? (7) by card

Ex. 9

1. Pennies and pounds. 2. A dime. 3. Withdraw it. 4. Borrow it. 5. Paper money and coins. 6. By check and by card. 7. 20 pounds. 8. Sign it. 9. Bank clerks do. 10. How much does it cost? How much is it?

V. Физкультминутка

Are you tired? We have a rest.

If I name the negative feelings, you’ll stamp your feet.

If I name the positive feelings, you’ll clap your hands.

If I name the nouns, you’ll nod your head.

Energetic, unlucky, depressed, comfortable, radio, happy, argument, angry, school, friend, lucky, lonely, morning, parents, upset, afraid, surprised, sporty, uncomfortable, frightened, pleased, situation.

Raise your hands up, reach for the sky, pat on your backs – you are the best students.

Ex. 10

2. clothes; 3. money; 4. footwear; 5. fruit; 6. jewellery (AmE jewelry); 7. stationery; 8. furniture; 9. musical instruments; 10. tableware

Ex. 11

1. can; 2. may, cannot; 3. could/may; 4. can; 5. can; 6. may; 7. may not; 8. may not; 9. could; 10. could

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 12, Unit 4 (чтение, перевод, словарная работа).

2) Ex. 3, Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Урок 5

Лексико-грамматический материал по теме «Наука». Обобщение.

Цель урока

Обобщение знаний учащихся по теме «Наука».

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности.


— развитие внимания;

— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений систематизировать информацию.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

— развитие познавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 12, Unit 4.

In the text «The Man and His Work» there are a lot of international words the meanings of which are easy to guess. Read through the text again and complete the list of such words. Make sure that you read them correctly. Give the Russian for them.

1) expert

2) patent

3) telephone

4) radio

5) television

6) electric electricity

7) automobile

8) airplane

9) computer

10) reactor

11) chemical

12) industry

13) synthetics

14) experiment

15) telegraph

16) internet

17) university

18) emigrate

19) position

20) cylinder

21) membrane

22) vibrate

23) zigzag

24) machine

25) assistant

26) model

27) instrument

28) transmitter

29) emperor

30) monologue

31) prize

32) memoirs

Ex. 14

II. Основная часть

14 Complete these sentences. Use the information from the text «The

Man and His Work».

1. Edison’s invention paved the way to … .

2. Some people believe that inventions occur … .

3. Alexander Bell and his brother became interested in … .

4. After graduating from the University of London Alexander … .

5. This little machine that he called the phonautograph, gave him a key

6. The telephone receiver was connected … .

7. Bell’s invention was immediately called … .

8. «I went to bed, the night before, an unknown man, … .»

15. Divide the text «The Man and His Work» into five logical parts and give them names.

16. Tell the story of Alexander Graham Bell.

3. Актуализация использования модальных глаголов в анг­лийском языке.

V. Физкультминутка

Are you tired? We have a rest.

If I name the negative feelings, you’ll stamp your feet.

If I name the positive feelings, you’ll clap your hands.

If I name the nouns, you’ll nod your head.

Energetic, unlucky, depressed, comfortable, radio, happy, argument, angry, school, friend, lucky, lonely, morning, parents, upset, afraid, surprised, sporty, uncomfortable, frightened, pleased, situation.

Raise your hands up, reach for the sky, pat on your backs – you are the best students.

Read the article from «USA Today» once and answer these ques­tions.

1. What kind of war is described at the beginning of the text?

2. What are the advantages of the new virtual technology?

3. Do we have answers to all questions connected with virtual reality?

4. What in virtual technologies may turn out to be dangerous: a) for their users generally, b) in science, c) in training?

5. What may happen to human ethics and morality as a result of using virtual technologies?

Virtual Reality: Danger Ahead?

Read the article again for more details and match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1) simulator

2) a head display

3) flashes images

4) a battlefield

5) picks up your movements

6) warfare

7) to interact

8) make-believe worlds

9) both real and potential

10) side effects

11) to effect our minds, judgment and relationships

12) without careful regulation

13) high-tech

14) spreading violence …

15) anything will go: no harm, no damage

a) боевые действия

b) вымышленные миры

c) побочные эффекты

d) взаимодействовать

e) технология высокой сложности

f) имитирующее устройство

g) оказывать влияние на наш ра­зум, суждения и взаимоотноше­ния

h) все сойдет: нет вреда, нет урона

i) поле битвы

j) шлем виртуальной реальности

k) распространение насилия

1) улавливает ваши движения

т) без тщательно выработанных


п) высвечивает образы о) как реальные, так и возмож­ные (потенциальные)

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.1) Ex. 12, Unit 4 (чтение, перевод, словарная работа).

2) Ex. 3, Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Урок 7

Обучение чтению текста «USA Today» с полным пониманием содержания.

Цель урока

Обучение чтению с полным пониманием текста с целью дальней­шего использования информации в монологической речи.

Задачи урока


— активизация в речи изученных речевых образцов;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— развитие умений в чтении с извлечением полной информации;

— совершенствование умений вычленять главное, находить клю­чевые слова и словосочетания.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие памяти, зрительной памяти;

— развитие умения понять смысл и основную идею текста;

— развитие умений вычленять главное и обобщать полученные знания.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии;

— расширение кругозора в области истории развития науки.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

А) Ex. 15, р. 146, Unit 4 (письменно).

Ex. 15 (Sample version)

Keys: Exercise 15.

1. The Need for Inventions, (paragraphs 1—3)

2. Bell’s Young Years, (paragraphs 4, 5)

3. Working on a Multiple Telegraph, (paragraphs 6, 7)

4. The Exhibition in Philadelphia, (paragraph 8)

5. The Fame, (paragraph 9)

3. Речевая зарядка. Ex. 12, Unit 4 (Student Book).

elocution 1) красноречие, элоквенция, ораторское искусство, риторика Syn: eloquence , oratory 2) публичная речь Syn: harangue 3) дикция

occur 1) происходить, случаться, совершаться

as the need arises — arise — arose , arisen 1) возникать, появляться

stylus [stailəs] 1. 6) 3) пишущий элемент

distinguished 1) выдающийся, знаменитый, известный, прославленный (чем-л. — for) Syn: remarkable , eminent, famous, renowned, celebrated, outstanding 2) высокопоставленный

Make up questions:

1. Alexander Graham Bell received the Centennial prize awards for both the multiple telegraph and the telephone.

2. The other judges gathered about and took turns listening.

II. Основная часть

4. Обучение чтению с полным пониманием текста. Ex. 17, Unit 4.

Ex. 17, p. 147

1. A war from a computer game.

2. As people can interact with com­puter-simulated images, the technology allows them to «practise» some activities in the virtual world.

3. No. For example, we don’t know much about the side effects of the new technology on people.

4. a) VR pro­grammes may spread violence, pornography and advertising; people may begin to mix up the real world with the virtual one; b) in science they may lead to wrong conclusions; c) trained with virtual technologies pro­grammes, people may turn out to be unprepared for real situations.

5. Human ethics and morality may break down.


flash — вспыхивать

helmet — шлем

pick up — принимать, ловить (сигналы, передачи)

warfare ; 1) война; приёмы ведения войны

spread 1. 1) а) распространение

violence 1) а) жестокость

immorality 1) аморальность, порочность, безнравственность;

to warn — предупреждать

5. Ex. 18, р. 148 Unit 4.

Read the article again for more details and match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1) simulator

2) a head display

3) flashes images

4) a battlefield

5) picks up your movements

6) warfare

7) to interact

8) make-believe worlds

9) both real and potential

10) side effects

11) to effect our minds, judgment and relationships

12) without careful regulation

13) high-tech

14) spreading violence …

15) anything will go: no harm, no damage

a) боевые действия

b) вымышленные миры

c) побочные эффекты

d) взаимодействовать

e) технология высокой сложности

f) имитирующее устройство

g) оказывать влияние на наш ра­зум, суждения и взаимоотноше­ния

h) все сойдет: нет вреда, нет урона

i) поле битвы

j) шлем виртуальной реальности

k) распространение насилия

1) улавливает ваши движения

m) без тщательно выработанных правил

n) высвечивает образы

о) как реальные, так и возмож­ные (потенциальные)

Ex. 18

1. — f); 2. — j); 3. — n); 4. — i); 5. — I); 6. — a); 7. — d); 8. — b); 9. — o); 10. — c); 11. — g); 12. — m); 13. — e); 14. — k) 15. — h)

Exercise 19.

1. «Will virtual reality make us better people? Will it make us worse?»

2. «Critics of VR say that this sort of technology without careful regu­lation will be nothing more than a high-tech instrument for spread­ing violence, pornography and advertising.»

3. «In today’s virtual worlds people can do a lot of things and their advantages — both real and potential — are clear.»

4. «… the technology that allows users to interact with computer-simulated images and some day may offer getting into make-believe worlds.»

5. «Perhaps the biggest question of all is what virtual reality will mean for human ethics and morality. There is a danger that traditional moral­ity will break down in virtual worlds.»

6. «Virtual reality is an environment in which computers create the effect of a world which seems almost completely real to the people in it.»

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание. 1) Ex. 20, p. 173 Unit 6. 2) Ex. 22, p. 174 Unit 6.


Цель урока

Развитие умений в монологической речи с использованием средств логической связи.


— обучение приемам логического построения повествования;

— обучение чтению с извлечением полной информации;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— развитие практических речевых умений.


— развитие умений передавать прочитанное в логической форме;

— развитие творческого воображения, ассоциативного и логиче­ского мышления.


— формирование системы нравственных оценок учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его многообразии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. 1) пересказ текста Ex. 12, р. 144-146 Unit 4.

8-10 предложений. Ознакомление с приемами техники повествования с целью ло­гического построения монологического высказывания

To begin with,…
To start with,…
In the first place,…
First of all,…
Last, …

Besides, …also …
In addition, …
What is more, …
Moreover, … 
More than that, …
Furthermore, …
In addition to this, …

Ex. 18

1. — f); 2. — j); 3. — n); 4. — i); 5. — l); 6. — a); 7. — d); 8. — b); 9. — o); 10. — c); 11. — g); 12. — m); 13. — e); 14. — k) 15. — h)

Read the article again for more details and match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1) simulator

2) a head display

3) flashes images

4) a battlefield

5) picks up your movements

6) warfare

7) to interact

8) make-believe worlds

9) both real and potential

10) side effects

11) to effect our minds, judgment and relationships

12) without careful regulation

13) high-tech

14) spreading violence …

15) anything will go: no harm, no damage

f) имитирующее устройство

j) шлем виртуальной реальности

n) высвечивает образы

i) поле битвы

l) улавливает ваши движения

a) боевые действия

d) взаимодействовать

b) вымышленные миры

о) как реальные, так и возмож­ные (потенциальные)

c) побочные эффекты

g) оказывать влияние на наш ра­зум, суждения и взаимоотноше­ния

m) без тщательно выработанных правил

e) технология высокой сложности

k) распространение насилия

h) все сойдет: нет вреда, нет урона

II. Основная часть

3. Обучение чтению с извлечением полной информации.

Ex. 19

1. «Will virtual reality make us better people? Will it make us worse?»

2. «Critics of VR say that this sort of technology without careful regu­lation will be nothing more than a high-tech instrument for spread­ing violence, pornography and advertising.»

3. «In today’s virtual worlds people can do a lot of things and their advantages — both real and potential — are clear.»

4. «… the technology that allows users to interact with computer-simu- lated images and some day may offer getting into make-believe worlds.»

5. «Perhaps the biggest question of all is what virtual reality will mean for human ethics and morality. There is a danger that traditional moral­ity will break down in virtual worlds.»

6. «Virtual reality is an environment in which computers create the effect of a world which seems almost completely real to the people in it.»

4. The place of Adverbs in sentences.

a) p. 149 (the rule of placement adverbs in the sentence)

b) practice

Ex. 20

1. Jane spoke firmly at the meeting last Wednesday. 2. The player caught the football quickly at the stadium. 3. The fans cheered their favourite team wildly at the gym yesterday. 4. The director spoke excitedly at the rehearsal on Monday. 5. Bob threw the ball high in the hall then.

6. Belinda was moving the chairs noisily in her room last night. 7. The children ran downstairs quickly. 8. The little kitten crept upstairs silently.

c) adverbs of Time and Frequency

d) practice Ex. 21

1. People Adv think … 2. We Adv like … 3. … are Adv popular … 4. … is Adv clean … 5. … brothers Adv agree. 6. They Adv sing … 7. We Adv quarrelled. 8. … children Adv have … 9. … has Adv finished … 10. We Adv come … 11. … pupils Adv send … 12. People Adv win … 13. Tom Adv learnt … 14. My parents Adv visit …

4. Закрепление пройденного материала. Ex. 9, p. 49 Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Ex. 9

1. Mrs Connoly slowly went downstairs. (Mrs Connoly went downstairs slowly.)

2. Ruth looked in the box carefully.

3. The two brothers say they work at home best.

4. Every afternoon Jane practises playing the piano there (every afternoon).

5. The little girl was crying loudly in her room.

6. Yesterday the children antagonized the neighbours by playing music loudly (yesterday).

7. Sometimes mothers (sometimes) complain that their children don’t always appreciate them.

8. The boys quickly ran upstairs (quickly) at the approach of a policeman.

9. Last summer the children hardly ever played table tennis in the gym (last summer).

10. John (definitely) said he would be definitely meeting Belinda on Saturday.

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание. Закончить Ex. 7, p. 48 (АB), Ex. 9, p. 49 Unit 4 (Activity Book)

Урок 8

Использование модальных глаголов. Обобщение.

Цель урока

Обобщение знаний учащихся об использовании модальных глаголов в английском языке.

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности.


— развитие внимания;

— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений систематизировать информацию.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся; — развитие познавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. АВ Ex. 9, 10, p. 49-5, Unit 4.

Ex. 9

1. Mrs Connoly slowly went downstairs. (Mrs Connoly went downstairs slowly.) 2. Ruth looked in the box carefully. 3. The two brothers say they work at home best. 4. Every afternoon Jane practises playing the piano there (every afternoon). 5. The little girl was crying loudly in her room. 6. Yesterday the children antagonized the neighbours by playing music loudly (yesterday). 7. Sometimes mothers (sometimes) complain that their children don’t always appreciate them. 8. The boys quickly ran upstairs (quickly) at the approach of a policeman. 9. Last summer the children hardly ever played table tennis in the gym (last summer). 10. John (definitely) said he would be definitely meeting Belinda on Saturday.

II. Основная часть

3. Актуализация использования модальных глаголов в анг­лийском языке (таблица, Ex. 6, Unit 6).

II. Modal Verbs: Must/Have to/Should/Ought to

must/had to/will have to

obligation, necessity (должен­ствование, необходимость)

a) I must clean my room.

b) I had to clean my room yesterday.

c) I will have to clean my room tomorrow.


prohibition (запрещение, кате­горическое «нельзя»)

a) You mustn’t watch TV for so long.

b) You mustn’t stop here.


probability (вероятность, большая степень уверенности)

a) The phone is ringing. It must be Sally.

b) You haven’t eaten since morning. You must be hungry.

4. Выполнение тренировочного задания на закрепление грамма­тического материала. Ex. 24, p. 152 Unit 4 (Student’s Book);

Ex. 24

Say in which of these sentences must means: a) obligation, b) probability, c) prohibition.

1. b) It must be a terrific film if Kate has seen it four times. 2 (a) . Sorry, I must leave a little earlier today. 3. c) You mustn’t tell anyone about this -it’s a secret. 4.(a) Must I take this medicine: it has a bitter taste! 5. b) They must be having a wonderful time at the seaside. 6. c) Kids mustn’t get smart aleck with grown-ups. 7. b) London must be bigger than Paris.

Ex. 24

a) obligation: 2, 4; b) probability: 1, 5, 7; c) prohibition: 3, 6

5. The difference between must / have to

Must and have to both express necessity, but they are not exactly the same:


1) You must phone home at once. (Вы должны, это важно и срочно.)

2) I must stop smoking. (Я хочу это сделать. Это мое соб­ственное решение.)

3) This is a terrible party. We really must go home. (Это наше собственное мнение, на­ше решение.)

have to

1) I have to go home at once. (Мне придется, обстоятельст­ва, предварительная договорен­ность и т. д. вынуждают.)

2) I have to stop smoking. (Мне надо это сделать, это ука­зание (приказ) врача.)

3) This is a lovely party, but it’s getting late and we have to go home. (Мы вынуждены это сделать по не зависящей от нас причине.)

6. Выполнение тренировочных заданий на закрепление грамма­тического материала. Ex. 25, 27, 29, 30 p. 153-155 Unit 4 (Student’s Book);

Ex. 25

1. must; 2. have to; 3. have to; 4. must; 5. must; 6. has to; 7. must; 8. has to

Ex. 27

1. don’t have to; 2. must not; 3. don’t have to; 4. must not; 5. don’t have to; 6. must not; 7. must not; 8. must not; 9. doesn’t have to

Ex. 29

1. have got/have; 2. has; 3. has; 4. have got/have; 5. have; 6. has got/has; 7. have/have got

Ex. 30 (Sample version)

1. I think you should (ought to) ask your teacher to allow you to sit at the front. 2. I think you should (ought to) go and visit her. 3. I think you should (ought to) go to the shops. 4. I think you should (ought to) call the airport and find out. 5. I think you should (ought to) do the place properly before your mother’s arrival. 6. I think you should (ought to) take him to the dentist. 7. I think you should (ought to) help her. 8. I think you should (ought to) dress warmer.

III. Substantivized Adjectives


Deaf people are not able to hear.

Speak up, I’m rather deaf.


He can’t see: he is blind from birth.


Deaf people are very often also dumb.


How old is this city?


It’s wonderful to be young!


Can you give me an example of a rich country?


They are as poor as church mice.

the deaf

Have you heard about a sign language for the deaf?

the blind

In each big city there are usually special schools for the blind.

the dumb

How do the dumb communicate?

the old

The old need our loving care.

the young

The young often find it difficult

to understand the old.

the rich

The rich have their own problems.

I the poor

This government has helped the rich but done nothing for the poor.

Ex. 34

1. The blind; 2. rich; 3. The old … the young; 4. the deaf, dumb or blind; 5. the rich; 6. old

III. Заключение

7. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.1) Ex. 26, p. 153-154 Unit 4 (письменно).2) Ex. 14, p. 51 Unit 4 (Activity Book). Ex. 15, p. 51 Unit 4 (Activity Book).

Урок 9

Развитие умений в чтении и понимании надписей и предупрежде­ний, появляющихся на различных табличках в обществен­ных местах. Фразовый глагол to see. Ознакомление.

Цель урока

Развитие умений в чтении и понимании надписей и предупрежде­ний, появляющихся на различных табличках в обществен­ных местах.

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в чтении и понимании надписей и предупрежде­ний, появляющихся на различных табличках в обществен­ных местах;

— обучение интерпретации надписей и предупрежде­ний, появляющихся на различных табличках в обществен­ных местах;

— ознакомление с фразовым глаголом see;

обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания;

— обучение переводу;

— обучение аудированию с целью совершенствования произно­сительных навыков;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

1) Ex. 26, р. 153-154 Unit 4. (Students’ own sentences: Model: He doesn’t have to get up early.

2) Theory Answer the questions: What do we use modal verbs must, have to and should for?

AB Ex. 14

1. mustn’t 2. must 3. mustn’t 4. mustn’t 5. mustn’t 6. must 7. mustn’t 8. mustn’t 9. mustn’t 10. mustn’t

3) AB Ex. 15

1. must 2. have 3. have 4. must, must 5. must 6. must 7. Must 8. have 9. had 10. Must

3. Речевая зарядка. Учитель предлагает учащимся перевести предложения:

33 Express the same in English.

1. В нашей школе мы можем носить джинсы, если нам хочется. Мы не обязаны носить форму.

1. At my school we can (may) wear jeans if we want. We don’t have to wear a uniform.

2. Ты не должен выходить без пальто. На улице страшный холод.

2. You mustn’t/shouldn’t go out without a coat. It’s freezing cold.

3. Если туфли жмут (hurt you), не следует их носить.

3. If your shoes hurt you, you shouldn’t wear them.

4. Кто-то украл мой паспорт. Мне нужно пойти в полицейский участок.

4. Someone has stolen my passport. I must (have to) go to the police station.

5. Твои родители не знают, где ты. Уверена, они будут волноваться о тебе. Ты должен им позвонить.

5. Your parents don’t know where you are. I’m sure they will be worried about you. You must call them.

6. Ты не думаешь, что латынь следует изучать в школе?

6. Don’t you think that Latin should be learnt at school?

7. Наш поезд сломался вчера, и нам пришлось заканчивать наше путешествие на автобусе.

7. Our train broke down yesterday, so we had to finish our journey by bus.

8. Моя мама купила посудомоечную машину (a dishwasher), так что мне больше не придется мыть посуду.

8. My mother has bought a dishwasher so I don’t have to do the washing up any more.

9. Мои родители очень строгие. Я должен рано приходить домой.

9. My parents are very strict. I must be at home early.

10. Не смей дотрагиваться до этих пирожных. Они не для тебя.

10. You mustn’t touch those cakes. They are not for you.

Ex. 34 (на листах)

1. The blind; 2. rich; 3. The old … the young; 4. the deaf, dumb or blind; 5. the rich; 6. old

II. Основная часть

4. Обучение чтению и пониманию надписей и предупрежде­ний, появляющихся на различных табличках в обществен­ных местах (Ex. 35, p. 158 Unit 4) диск с задани­ем № 24.

notices and warnings

Ex. 35 Learn to understand these English notices (No 24).

1. Some notices give you information:


It means ‘some machine, phone etc. is not working’.


It means ‘the hotel is full’.


It means ‘there are no tickets left for a film or a concert’.

2. Some notices tell you to do or not to do certain things:

No Smoking No Parking

No Exit

No Talking

No Trespassing

Please Do Not Disturb

Please Do Not Feed the Animals

Please Do Not Remove the Furniture

Please Queue Other Side

Please stack your plates neatly on this table

Please Keep off the Grass

Keep Right

Do Not Leave Bags Unattended

Do Not Lean out of the Window

Keep Your Dog on the Lead

trespassing 1) нарушение, злоупотребление 2) неразрешённое проникновение • no trespassing — проход запрещён

queue [kju:] up стоять в очереди, становиться в очередь; образовывать очередь

lean out (lean out of) (V2 leant, leaned V3 leant, leaned) — высовываться to lean out of a window — высовываться из окна

Ex. 35. Some notices are warnings — they tell you to be careful because some­thing bad may happen:


It means ‘be careful, you may hit your head.’

mind your step

It means ‘be careful, you may hit the step and fall’.


It means ‘be careful, this breaks easily’.


It means ‘be careful, there are people here who will steal things from your bag or pocket’.


It means ‘be careful, there is a dog in the house’.

Ex. 36 Try and complete these notices and warnings.

a) Please do not …

b) Mind your …

c) Sold …

d) Keep …

e) Beware …

f) No …

g) Out …

h) Keep off …

Ex. 36 (Sample version)

a) … disturb (remove the furniture; feed the animals etc.); b) … head (step); c) … out; d) … right (left, off the grass etc.); e) … of the dog (of wild animals etc.); f) … smoking (trespassing etc.); g) … of order; h) … the grass (the road etc.)

5. Закрепление умений в чтении и понимании надписей и предупрежде­ний. Ex. 37, p. 159 Unit 4 (Student’s Book).

Ex. 37

1) on a train or a bus; 2) on a box; 3) in a park; 4) on a road; 5) at the customs; 6) on the stairs; 7) at a railway station or an airport; 8) on a fence, gate or a door; 9) on a gate; 10) in a public place

6. Ознакомление учащихся с фразовым глаголом run с опорой на таблицу, с. 160.

Phrasal verb

to see

1. to see smb around — (часто) встречаться с кемто I’ve seen him around quite a lot recently. Goodbye, I’ll see you around!

2. to see through sth or smb — видеть чтото / когото насквозь You don’t fool me. I can see through your tricks!

3. to see to sth or smb — позаботиться о чемто/о комто Don’t worry, the house will be cleaned out, I’ll see to it. See to it that you are not late for your English class again. Could you see to my pets while I’m away?

4. to see smb off — проводить кого-то

My mother always saw me off to school when I was very young.

Will you come to the airport to see me off?

7. Закрепление фразового глагола. Ex. 38, p. 160 Unit 4.

38 Say the same in a different way.

1. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your garden in summer.

1. … I’ll see to your garden …

2. We all came to the airport to say goodbye to our friend who was flying to the USA.

2. … to see off our friend …

3. I’m sure that I’ll be meeting you quite often now that the school year has begun.

3. … I’ll see you around quite often …

4. I’m very surprised that he didn’t understand at once that his little sister was lying to him.

4. … he didn’t see through his sister’s lies …

5. When are you leaving? I’ll come to say goodbye to you.

5. … come to see you off.

6. Last week I met Jeremy quite often. Where is he now, I wonder?

6. … I saw Jeremy around …

7. The criminal in the film was so clever, that he could easily understand the detectives’ actions.

7. … could easily see through the detectives’ actions.

8. Make sure that the lights are switched off before you leave.

8. See to it that the lights are switched off …

III. Заключение

8. Подведение итогов урока.

9. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 39, p. 160 Unit 4 (письменно);

2) Выучить значения фразового глагола to see;

3) АВ упр. 8, стр. 49 (письменно) упр. 11, стр. 50 (письменно).

Урок 10

Ознакомление с лексическими единицами по теме «Science».

Цель урока

Семантизация лексических единиц по теме «Science».

Задачи урока


— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— развитие умений в диалогической речи;

— обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания, предложения и межфразо­вого единства.


— развитие внимания, творческого мышления;

— развитие зрительной памяти, языковой догадки.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

1) Ex. 39, p. 160 Unit 4 (письменно); Complete the sentences using the missing words.

1. through; 2. to; 3. to; 4. off; 5. through; 6. around; 7. through; 8. off; 9. around; 10. to

1. After all those years she had learned to see through his lies. 2. Don’t you worry about that. I’ll see to that. 3. John said he would see to our luggage. 4. She saw him off at the station. 5. The schoolchildren saw through their teacher’s scheme. 6. Do you see Bob around at all? 7. She knew him well enough to see through his laughter. 8. He saw his friend off at the bus station. 9. Have you seen Lizzy aroubd lately? 10. Will you see to the children?

2) Выучить значения фразового глагола to see;

1. to see smb around — (часто) встречаться с кем-то

2. to see through sth or smb — видеть что-то / кого-то насквозь

3. to see to sth or smb — позаботиться о чемто/о комто

4. to see smb off — проводить кого-то

3) АВ упр. 8, стр. 49 (письменно) упр. 11, стр. 50 (письменно).

Ex. 8

3. You don’t have to help me: I think I’ll manage. 5. Do they have to learn all these poems by heart? 7. They don’t have to listen to this music if they don’t like it. 9. Do we have to listen to this stupid talk? 10. He doesn’t have to say yes.

d. Has he got to take all these textbooks with him?

f. Father hasn’t got to go to the school to talk to my teacher.

h. Have you got to read this thick book from cover to cover?

Ex. 11

1. the, the 2. the 3. — 4. — 5. — 6. the 7. the 8. — 9. the 10. —11. the

3. Речевая зарядка. Translate

1. Мы поехали на вокзал проводить тетушку.

1. We went to the station to see off our aunt.

2. Не могли бы вы позаботиться о том, чтобы наших гостей напоили чаем?

2. Could you see to it that our guests are given tea?

3. Никогда прежде я не встречал человека, который насквозь видит все детские уловки (tricks).

3. Never before I’ve met a person who could see through all the children’s tricks.

4. Кто из вас видел (встречал) его в последнее время?

4. Which of you has seen him around recently?

5. Кто-нибудь должен позаботиться об удобстве отдыхающих.

5. Someone has to see to the holidaymakers’ com­fort.

6. Можно я приду на вокзал, чтобы проводить тебя?

6. May (Can) I see you off at the station?

7. Нам нужен кто-то, кого трудно обмануть (to be deceived), кто видит противника насквозь.

7. We need someone who is hard to be deceived who can see through the enemy.

8. Ну, пока, увидимся!

8. Bye, I’ll see you around!

II. Основная часть

4. Семантизация новых лексических единиц по теме «Science». Ex. 35, 36, Unit 4.


robot [‘rəubət]

Kleptomania [,kleptəu’meniə]

mania [‘meniə]




hybrid [‘haibrid]

sterilized [‘sterəlaizd]

sterilized instruments

imitate [‘imiteit]

potential [pəu’tenʃl]

emotional [ɪ’məuʃnl]

express [ik’spres] (v): to express one’s opinion, to express one’s feelings. I’m writing a letter to express my thanks for a lovely holiday.

nerve [nз:v] (v): 1 to suffer from nerves, to get on one’s nerves. His nerves are very bad. Loud music gets on my nerves. 2 to have the nerve to do sth, to lose the nerve to do sth. John is the dirtiest man I know and he has the nerve to tell me that my shoes need cleaning. I wanted to tell Robert exactly what I thought but I lost my nerve.

nervous [‘ne:vəs] (adj): a nervous smile, a nervous speech, a nervous man. Don’t be nervous — the doctor won’t hurt you. I’m a bit nervous about my exam.

bother [bɔðə] (v): to bother sb (with, about) sth. I’m busy, don’t bother me just now. I won’t bother you with my problems any longer. I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the time? Don’t bother your­self about all these details. надоедать; беспокоить, докучать, донимать

indifferent [in’difrənt] (adj): an indifferent person, an indifferent lawyer, an indifferent teacher, an indifferent look. His manner was cold and indifferent. 1) безразличный, равнодушный, индифферентный а) беспристрастный, незаинтересованный, нейтральный; независимый (о человеке)

indifferently (adv): Did he talk to you indifferently or was he interested in your plan?

beside [bi’said] (prep): Come and sit beside me. Brighton is a town beside the sea. The lady sitting beside the driver was very nervous.

require [n’kwaiə] (v): to require sth, to be required to do sth, to be re­quired of sth/sb. This job requires a clear head. Is there anything further you require, sir? This plan will require careful thought. Silence is required in library reading rooms. What is required of you? All pas­sengers are required to show their tickets.

equipment [I’kwipmant] (n): writing equipment, technical equipment, stu­dio equipment, laboratory equipment. Pens, pencils and paper are writ­ing equipment. The engineer tested all his video equipment.

supply [ss’plai] (v): to supply sb with sth, to supply sth to sb/sth. Will you supply us with all the equipment required? Butchers supply us with meat. The government supplies free books to schools.

supply (n): a large supply of food, a good supply of vegetables. Mother always has a good supply of food in the house.

irritable [‘iritabl] (adj): an irritable man, to get (become) irritable. Jack becomes quite irritable when he has toothache. 1) несдержанный, раздражительный

irritably [‘iritəbli] (adv): Philip easily becomes angry and speaks with peo­ple irritably.

case [keis] (n): a case of robbery, a case of murder, to work on the case, a classic case of good education. There are five cases of food poisoning in the hospital.

1 in case. I shall take my umbrella in case it rains.

2 in any case. Come to see me tomorrow in any case.

3 just in case. Victor, come and take all the papers just in case.

4 in that case. — Shall we go for a walk if it rains? — Yes, but in that case we’ll take our umbrellas and raincoats with us.

worn [wɔ:n] out (adj): a worn out hat, a worn out coat. I threw the shoes away because they were worn out.

record [‘reko:d] (n): 1 A doctor keeps a record of his patients’ illnesses.

2 to set a record, to break the record, to hold the record for discus throwing. Who holds the record for long distance swimming?

record [n’ko:d] (v): 1 to record facts, to record the score. What became of

this famous sportsman is not recorded. Will you record the score in my


2 to record music, to record a concert. Their conversation was secretly

recorded. predict [pn’dikt] (u): to predict future, to predict the result, to predict

one’s answer. He looked at the sky and predicted rain. The fortune­teller predicted that I would marry a scientist. insist [m’sist] (v): to insist on sth. David insisted that he had seen a

ghost. I said I would walk to the station, but he insisted on driving me

there. desire [di’zaia] (n): a desire to write a poem, one’s greatest desire, a desire

for success. Michael expressed a desire to see the papers. I know about

his desire to attend our meeting. desire [di’zaia] (v): to desire happiness, to desire to see sb. We all desire

happiness and success. variety [va’raiati] (n): a large variety of goods, a great variety of colours.

There’s a large variety of dishes on the menu. My job is boring — there

is no variety. various [‘vesnas] (adj): various parts of the country, various species,

various breeds of dogs. For various reasons I prefer to see him.

advantage [ad’vomtids] (n): an advantage over sb, to have the advantage of doing sth, to do sth to advantage, to take advantage of sth. What are the advantages of this method? Polly has an advantage over Alice, she can speak Spanish. James had an advantage over all the candidates — he had some experience in the job. You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence. Frank has the advantage of being able to drive.

5. Закрепление лексических единиц. Ex. 43, p. 161-163 Unit 4.

Ex. 43

1. variety; 2. desire; 3. advantages; 4. insists; 5. predicted; 6. record­ed; 7. worn; 8. case; 9. irritable; 10. supplied; 11. equipment; 12. beside; 13. require; 14. irritably/indifferently; 15. bothering

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) выучить новые слова

2) Ex. 45, р. 46 Unit 4 (SB) письменно).

Урок 11

Синонимия. Различия в значении прилагательных.

Цель урока

Ознакомление со случаями синонимии и различиями в значении прилагательных. Закрепление лексических единиц по теме «Science».

Задачи урока


— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— ознакомление со случаями синонимии и различиями в значении прилагательных;

— обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания, предложения и межфразо­вого единства.


— развитие внимания, творческого мышления;

— развитие зрительной памяти, языковой догадки.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

Ex. 43

43 Complete the sentences using the new words.

I. The children got a variety of toys on their birthdays. 2. I have a sudden desire for a bar of chocolate. 3. What are the advantages of air travel? 4. The teacher insists on good behaviour. 5. The old man predicted a change in the weather. 6. John is happy. He has record­ed the whole concert of his favourite group. 7. I’ve had the jacket for seven years, it is absolutely worn out. 8. I’ll take an umbrella in case it rains. 9. Jack had a headache and was in an irritable mood. 10. The town is supplied with water from a river in the hills.

II. Without the right equipment the mechanic could not repair the car. 12. The lamp is beside the bed. 13. Is there anything you require ? 14. He spoke to us irritably/indifferently. 15. Jane told him to stop bothering her.

1. variety; 2. desire; 3. advantages; 4. insists; 5. predicted; 6. record­ed; 7. worn; 8. case; 9. irritable; 10. supplied; 11. equipment; 12. beside; 13. require; 14. irritably/indifferently; 15. bothering

2) Выучить значения фразового глагола to see + новых слов;

1. to see smb around — (часто) встречаться с кем-то

2. to see through sth or smb — видеть что-то / кого-то насквозь

3. to see to sth or smb — позаботиться о чем-то/о ком-то

4. to see smb off — проводить кого-то

3) АВ упр. 19, стр. 52 (письменно).

Ex. 19

1. happy, thoughtful, surprised, nervous efc. 2. smile, speech, look, movement etc. 3. look, manner, reply, smile efc. 4. a job, silence, edu­cation, love and care etc. 5. future, the weather, sb’s behaviour or action etc. 6. books, dishes, goods, plants etc. 7. clothes, shoes, hat, uniform efc. 8. set, break, hold, keep

3. Речевая зарядка.

44. Express the same, use your new vocabulary.

1. I threw my old shoes away because they were totally finished as I had used them a lot. 2. I could tell from the look on Don’s face that he was very pleased. 3. Some people can say that it will rain by just looking at the clouds. 4. I wanted to go to the station by bus but my father said very strongly that he would drive me there. 5. He ran the race in the fastest time. 6. I’d love to go travelling, I badly need change. 7. What special things do we require to make a video film? 8. There’s no reason for you to be afraid and worried: I’m sure you’ll pass this exam. 9.1 had an idea of going on a boat trip on the river, but my friends were not interested. 10. By that time I was so tired that my only strong wish was to go to bed. 11. Every autumn this little garden gives us wonderful tasty apples. 12.1 hope you’re not going to trouble dad with your homework now that he is ill in bed. 13. At that moment the police had several murder problems on their hands. 14. Anna’s cousin was a kind man who easily became angry. 15. Quick thinking is useful for a driver. 16. If it rains, we won’t go out.

Ex. 44

1) worn out; 2) expression; 3) predict; 4) insisted; 5) record; 6) variety; 7) equipment; 8) nervous; 9) indifferent; 10) desire; 11) supplies … with; 12) bother; 13) cases; 14) irritable; 15) an advantage; 16) in case

II. Основная часть

4. Закрепление новых лексических единиц по теме «Science». Ex. 45, 46, Unit 4.

45. Match the questions with their answers.

1. How can people express them­selves?

2. Do you really want me to com­plete the work today?

3. Why is Jack so nervous and irri­table this morning?

4. Why do you never wear your brown jacket these day?

5. Why do you say there is no vari­ety in your life?

6. Didn’t you say you loved this actor?

7. Will you believe me if I say that I can predict the future?

8. Where is the required equip­ment?

9. What’s bothering you?

10. How do you like living in the country?

11. Is this Madonna singing?

a) I don’t like it any more. It’s too worn out.

b) No, it is somebody imitating her.

c) He always feels this way before the examinations.

d) Oh, no. In fact I’m quite indif­ferent to him.

e) Nothing much. I’m just thinking about all the things I have to do.

f) There are many ways. Personally I paint pictures.

g) I would say it has a lot of advan­tages.

h) Because it’s true. Each day is

like another.

i) I have nothing to do.

j) No, way. I’m sure you’re kidding.

k) Yes, I insist on it. It’s very


1) Some of it is in laboratory 10.

Ex. 45

1. He suffers from kleptomania. 2. In medicine, electronics etc. 3. To express their gratitude. 4. We should speak to them calmly and quiet­ly. 5. Indifferent people pay little attention to other people’s problems, never trying to help them or improve the situation. They are not likely to stop cruelty, violence and injustice. 6. Various jobs: doctors, scien­tists etc. 7. … 8. Things like nets, rackets, balls, bars etc. 9. People’s

stupidity, mistakes, misunderstanding etc. 10….. 11….. 12…..

13…..14. a) Comfort, modern conveniences, the ability to visit places

etc. Fresh air, solitude, peace etc.

Ex. 46 (Sample version)

a) criminal, enemy, danger, success; b) speech, person, expression; c) atmosphere, person, behaviour; d) look, tone, person; e) voice, person, answer; f) reasons, books, fruits

46. Name 3 things (persons) that can be: a) potential; b) emotional; c) nervous; d) indifferent; e) irritable; f) various.

Ex. 46 (Sample version)

a) criminal, enemy, danger, success; b) speech, person, expression; c) atmosphere, person, behaviour; d) look, tone, person; e) voice, person, answer; f) reasons, books, fruits

5. Синонимия. Ex. 43, p. 161-163 Unit 4.


(различный, неодинаковый)

1. They have different plans.

2. Bill and Ann can’t agree. Their opinions are different.

3. The two brothers have made different decisions of the prob­lem. I’m not sure who is right.


(различный, разнообразный)

1. They can offer various plans to us.

2. There exist various opinions as to what we should begin with.

3. I’ve heard of various approach­es to the problem, various de­cisions of it.

49 Complete these sentences using different or various.

1. These gloves are not a pair. They are different. 2. His reasons for leaving were many and various . 3. We often have different opinions but we never quarrel. 4. My ideas of success are absolutely different from his. 5. You can find various (different) books in this shop. 6. The new and old computers are very different. The new ones are much faster. 7. Shoes of various (different) sizes were on sale.

Ex. 49

1. different; 2. various; 3. different; 4. different; 5. various (different); 6. different; 7. various (different)

Ex. 50

50. Give English equivalents to these word combinations:

1) тяжёлый медицинский случай; 6) в этом случае;

2) в случае непогоды; 7) в случае, если пойдёт дождь;

3) в моём случае; 8) в любом случае;

4) на всякий случай; 9) классический случай;

5) в случае пожара; 10) несколько случаев.

1) a serious medical case; 2) in case of bad weather; 3) in my case; 4) just in case; 5) in case of fire; 6) in that case; 7) in case it rains; 8) in any case; 9) a classic case; 10) several cases

Ex. 52

1. beside; 2. besides; 3. besides; 4. besides; 5. beside; 6. besides;

7. beside; 8. beside

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) выучить новые слова

2) Ex. 47, р. 165 Unit 4 (SB) письменно).


robot [‘rəubət]

Kleptomania [,kleptəu’meniə]

mania [‘meniə]




hybrid [‘haibrid]

sterilized [‘sterəlaizd]

sterilized instruments

imitate [‘imiteit]

potential [pəu’tenʃl]

emotional [ɪ’məuʃnl]

express [ik’spres] (v): to express one’s opinion, to express one’s feelings. I’m writing a letter to express my thanks for a lovely holiday.

nerve [nз:v] (v): 1 to suffer from nerves, to get on one’s nerves. His nerves are very bad. Loud music gets on my nerves. 2 to have the nerve to do sth, to lose the nerve to do sth. John is the dirtiest man I know and he has the nerve to tell me that my shoes need cleaning. I wanted to tell Robert exactly what I thought but I lost my nerve.

nervous [‘ne:vəs] (adj): a nervous smile, a nervous speech, a nervous man. Don’t be nervous — the doctor won’t hurt you. I’m a bit nervous about my exam.

bother [bɔðə] (v): to bother sb (with, about) sth. I’m busy, don’t bother me just now. I won’t bother you with my problems any longer. I’m sorry to bother you, but can you tell me the time? Don’t bother your­self about all these details. надоедать; беспокоить, докучать, донимать

indifferent [in’difrənt] (adj): an indifferent person, an indifferent lawyer, an indifferent teacher, an indifferent look. His manner was cold and indifferent. 1) безразличный, равнодушный, индифферентный а) беспристрастный, незаинтересованный, нейтральный; независимый (о человеке)

indifferently (adv): Did he talk to you indifferently or was he interested in your plan?

beside [bi’said] (prep): Come and sit beside me. Brighton is a town beside the sea. The lady sitting beside the driver was very nervous.

require [n’kwaiə] (v): to require sth, to be required to do sth, to be re­quired of sth/sb. This job requires a clear head. Is there anything further you require, sir? This plan will require careful thought. Silence is required in library reading rooms. What is required of you? All pas­sengers are required to show their tickets.

equipment [I’kwipmant] (n): writing equipment, technical equipment, stu­dio equipment, laboratory equipment. Pens, pencils and paper are writ­ing equipment. The engineer tested all his video equipment.

supply [ss’plai] (v): to supply sb with sth, to supply sth to sb/sth. Will you supply us with all the equipment required? Butchers supply us with meat. The government supplies free books to schools.

supply (n): a large supply of food, a good supply of vegetables. Mother always has a good supply of food in the house.

irritable [‘iritabl] (adj): an irritable man, to get (become) irritable. Jack becomes quite irritable when he has toothache. 1) несдержанный, раздражительный

irritably [‘iritəbli] (adv): Philip easily becomes angry and speaks with peo­ple irritably.

case [keis] (n): a case of robbery, a case of murder, to work on the case, a classic case of good education. There are five cases of food poisoning in the hospital.

1 in case. I shall take my umbrella in case it rains.

2 in any case. Come to see me tomorrow in any case.

3 just in case. Victor, come and take all the papers just in case.

4 in that case. — Shall we go for a walk if it rains? — Yes, but in that case we’ll take our umbrellas and raincoats with us.

worn [wɔ:n] out (adj): a worn out hat, a worn out coat. I threw the shoes away because they were worn out.

record [‘reko:d] (n): 1 A doctor keeps a record of his patients’ illnesses.

2 to set a record, to break the record, to hold the record for discus throwing. Who holds the record for long distance swimming?

record [n’ko:d] (v): 1 to record facts, to record the score. What became of

this famous sportsman is not recorded. Will you record the score in my


2 to record music, to record a concert. Their conversation was secretly

recorded. predict [pn’dikt] (u): to predict future, to predict the result, to predict

one’s answer. He looked at the sky and predicted rain. The fortune­teller predicted that I would marry a scientist. insist [m’sist] (v): to insist on sth. David insisted that he had seen a

ghost. I said I would walk to the station, but he insisted on driving me

there. desire [di’zaia] (n): a desire to write a poem, one’s greatest desire, a desire

for success. Michael expressed a desire to see the papers. I know about

his desire to attend our meeting. desire [di’zaia] (v): to desire happiness, to desire to see sb. We all desire

happiness and success. variety [va’raiati] (n): a large variety of goods, a great variety of colours.

There’s a large variety of dishes on the menu. My job is boring — there

is no variety. various [‘vesnas] (adj): various parts of the country, various species,

various breeds of dogs. For various reasons I prefer to see him.

advantage [ad’vomtids] (n): an advantage over sb, to have the advantage of doing sth, to do sth to advantage, to take advantage of sth. What are the advantages of this method? Polly has an advantage over Alice, she can speak Spanish. James had an advantage over all the candidates — he had some experience in the job. You should take advantage of the fine weather to paint the fence. Frank has the advantage of being able to drive.

Урок 16

Актуализация умений в диалогической речи по теме «Роботы: за и против».

Цель урока

Актуализация умений в диалогической речи по теме «Роботы: за и против».

Задачи урока


— обучение логическому построению диалога и взаимодействию между собеседниками;

— развитие навыков аудирования с целью правильного произно­шения фраз и их интонации;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся.

Оснащение урока

Магнитофон и аудиокассета/аудиодиск с заданием № 33.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 63, р. 174 Unit 4 (письменно).

Ex. 63

63. Answer the questions.

1. Why was the patient nervous before the operation?

1. Because the operation was serious.

2. What did the surgeon want to try and do?

2. He tried to talk the patient out of having (getting) a metal heart.

3. Why was a fibrous cyber-heart better for the patient?

3. Because it was less danger­ous as it was made of a polymeric material imitating the human heart.

4. Did the patient agree with his doctor?

4. No, he didn’t.

5. What was the patient’s argument?

5. He didn’t want a «plastic» heart as it could wear out easier than a metal one.

6. Who were Metallos?

6. They were robots that had the status of citizens.

7. What made Metallos attractive for humans?

7. People believed that Metallos were physically strong and powerful.

8. Was the idea of becoming human also attractive for Metallos? What could make this idea attractive for them?

8. Yes, it was to some of them. In the first place one always wants to have what one doesn’t have. (The grass is always green on the other side of the road.) Also Metallos might have found certain human features attractive: emotions, such as love and hatred, sympa­thy etc., among them human way of life could be also attractive.

9. How did the medical engineer see the future of his planet?

9. The engineer thought that some day there would be a society of hybrids (half Metallos, half humans) on his planet. He hoped to have the advan­tage of men combined with those of robots.

10. Why did the engineer’s words make the surgeon angry?

10. The surgeon didn’t believe in hybrids of men and robots because they were neither men nor robots.

11. Whose point of view — the surgeon’s or the engineer’s — would you support? Why?

11. —

12. At what point in the story did you begin to understand that the surgeon was not human?

12. —

13. What details in the story could make us understand that the surgeon was a Metallo?

13. The surgeon’s face had no expression («without expression», «the surgeon’s face didn’t change expression», «I can’t say what happened by just looking at you»). The patient didn’t want to address him as a doctor (he did it «against his will»).

14. Science fiction stories tell us about impossible things but they also help us to understand ourselves better. What does this story teach us?

14. One of the possible ideas: People should not try to change their nature or become somebody else. Variety makes the society better, not worse.

15. Do you think that hybrids of humans and robots can appear in future? Can modern engineers and doctors make polymeric organs for the human body? Can you look at that as the first step in this direction?

15. —

П. Основная часть

3. Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Роботы»

Comment on this.

«Surgeons think that within 50 years one person in ten will have at least one artificial part (implant) inside them.»

65 Imagine that you are the medical engineer from the story «The Surgeon» and speak about the events described in it.

66 Make up and act out two talks: a) between the surgeon and the patient; b) between the surgeon and the medical engineer.

4. Развитие навыков ведения дискуссии. Ex. 68, р. 175 Unit 4

А) работа в парах и малых группах: выработка аргументов.

Artificial intelligence finds applications in space exploration.

Intelligent robots can be used to explore space.

Intelligent robots can be programmed to reach the Earth’s nadirs.

They can be used to dig for fuels.

They can be used for mining purposes.

The intelligence of machines can be harnessed for exploring the depths of oceans.

These machines serve human so well especially where human intelligence has serious limitations.

Intelligent machines can replace human beings in many areas of work.

Robots can do certain laborious tasks.

Painstaking activities can be taken over by the robots.

They can be made to manage themselves and their time to complete the assigned tasks. 

Emotions that often intercept rational thinking of a human being are not a hindrance for artificial thinkers.

Lacking the emotional side, robots can think logically and take the right decisions. Sentiments are associated with moods that affect human efficiency. This is not the case with machines with artificial intelligence. 

Intelligent machines can be employed to do certain dangerous tasks.

Machines equipped with artificial intelligence can be made to thoughtfully plan towards the fulfillment of tasks and accordingly adjust their parameters such as their speed and time.

They can be made to act quickly, unaffected by anything like emotion and take the tasks towards perfection. 

The first concern regarding the application of artificial intelligence is about ethics and moral values.

Is it ethically correct to create replicas of human beings?

Do our moral values allow us to recreate intelligence?

Intelligence is after all a gift of nature. It may not be right to install it into a machine to make it work for our benefit. 

The idea of machines replacing human beings sounds wonderful. It appears to save us from all the pain. But is it really such an exciting idea? Concepts such as wholeheartedness and dedication in work bear no existence in the world of artificial intelligence. 

Imagine robots working in hospitals. Do you picture them showing care and concern towards the patients? Imagine intelligent machines employed in creative fields. Do you think the robots will excel in such fields?

Thinking machines lack a creative mind.

Human beings are emotional intellectuals. They think and feel. Their feelings guide their thoughts. 

If robots begin replacing humans in every field, it may lead to unemployment.

People will be left with nothing to do. Empty time may result in its destructive use.

Thinking machines will govern all the fields and populate all positions pre-occupied by people. 

Apart from all these issues, there is a fear of robots superseding us!

Ideally human beings should continue being the masters of machines.

If things turn the other way round, the world will turn into chaos.

Intelligent machines may prove to be smarter than us; they might enslave us and start ruling the world. Man’s greedy creativity may endanger mankind! 

5. Работа в парах. Составление собственного диалога. Учащимся предлагается развить дискуссию по теме с использованием опоры для ведения дискуссии.

Agreeing Согласие

I agree. I agree with you on this. I agree with ….

Я согласен. Я согласен с вами в этом. Я согласен с ….

I completely agree. / I couldn’t agree more.

Я полностью согласен.

That’s true. / That’s right.

Это верно.

You are right.

Вы правы.


Правильно. / Верно.

Of course. / Certainly. / Sure.


Exactly. Definitely.

Точно. Несомненно.

I think so.

Думаю, да. / Думаю, что так.

I suppose so.

Полагаю, что так.

Disagreeing Несогласие

That’s not exactly true.

Это не совсем верно.

I’m afraid I don’t see it that way.

Боюсь, я вижу это по-другому.

Not really.

Не совсем.

I’m sorry, but it’s not quite right.

Извините, но это не совсем правильно.

I’m afraid I disagree.

Боюсь, я не согласен.

I’m afraid I can’t agree with that.

Боюсь, я не могу согласиться с этим.

I don’t really agree with you on that.

Я не совсем согласен с вами в этом.

To tell you the truth, I have a different opinion.

Честно говоря, у меня другое мнение.

Basically, I understand what you mean, but I think your conclusions are wrong.

В основном, я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду,

но я думаю, что ваши выводы неправильны.

Understanding Понимание

I understand.

Я понимаю.

I see.

Понимаю. / Понятно. / Ясно.

I see what you mean.

Я понимаю, что вы имеете в виду.

I see your point.

Я понимаю вашу мысль / ваш довод.

I got it.

Я понял.

Doubt Сомнение

I’m not quite sure about it.

Я не совсем уверен насчет этого.

Maybe, but I’m not sure.

Может быть, но я не уверен.

I’m not sure that I agree with your argument.

Я не уверен, что согласен с вашим аргументом.

I have to think about it.

Мне надо подумать об этом.

I have mixed feelings about it.

У меня сложные чувства по этому вопросу.

Are you sure that this information is correct / accurate?

Вы уверены, что эта информация правильная /


5А) контроль

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

Ex. 176, Unit 4 (выписать слова и перевести с помощью словаря).

Урок 17

Цель урока

Активизация семантизированных лексических единиц в устной речи на уровне словосочетания и предложения.

Задачи урока


— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных «умений для стимуляции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания и предложения;

— обучение переводу.


— развитие творческого мышления.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их познавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Речевая зарядка. Translate the collocations:

50. Give English equivalents to these word combinations:

1) тяжёлый медицинский случай;

2) в случае непогоды;

3) в моём случае;

4) на всякий случай;

5) в случае пожара;

6) в этом случае;

7) в случае, если пойдёт дождь;

8) в любом случае;

9) классический случай;

10) несколько случаев

1) a serious medical case;

2) in case of bad weather;

3) in my case;

4) just in case;

5) in case of fire;

6) in that case;

7) in case it rains;

8) in any case;

9) a classic case;

10) several cases

51. Express the same in English.

1. Я купила разные фрукты — яблоки, груши, абрикосы и персики.

1. I have bought various fruits: apples, pears, apricots and peaches.

2. Мы очень разные — я люблю быть дома и вести тихий образ жизни (to lead a quiet life), а Мэри часто ходит в театр, кино, на вечеринки.

2. We are very different. I like staying at home and leading a quiet life but Mary often goes to the theatre, cinema and parties.

3. У него хорошая библиотека дома — ты сможешь найти на полках самые разные книги.

3. He has a good home library (collection of books). You will be able to find various books on the shelves.

4. Говорят, о вкусах не спорят. Это правда. У нас с тобой различные вкусы. Мой выбор всегда отличается от твоего. Я бы никогда не купила такие брюки.

4. They say tastes differ. It’s true. Our tastes are different. My choice is always different from yours. I would never have bought such trousers.

5. Давид коллекционирует марки. В его коллекции есть разные марки, включая и редкие.

5. David collects stamps. There are various stamps in his collection including rare ones.

6. Существуют различные способы объяснения этого. Я знаю, по крайней мере, четыре.

6. There are various (different) ways of explaining it. I know at least four.

3. Проверка домашнего задания.

1) в словарях проверить запись и перевод лексики стр. 176-177

2) упр. 63, стр. 174 (письменно) собрать тетради, проверить

Контроль знания лексики

69. Find a name to each of these sciences:

1) the study of things that occur naturally, such as heat, light, sound, electricity, magnetism etc.

1) physics;

2) the science of living things

2) biology;

3) the science dealing with measurements, numbers and quantities

3) mathematics;

4) the scientific study of the Earth through its rocks, soil etc.

4) geology;

5) the scientific planning of a machine, road, bridge etc.

5) engineering;

6) the scientific study of the planets, stars, the Sun etc. of outer space

6) astronomy;

7) the science that deals with the nature of substances and the ways in which they act on, or combine with, each other

7) chemistry;

8) the scientific study of plants

8) botany;

9) the scientific study of animals

9) zoology;

10) the branch of biology that deals with the study of microorganisms

10) microbiology

breakthrough 1) прорыв 2) выдающееся научное или техническое достижение

делать открытие – make inventions

проводить эксперимент – make experiments

проводить исследование – do research

научное исследование – scientific research

проводить наблюдение – make observations

сделать открытие – make a discovery

наука и техника – science and technology

чудеса современной науки – marvels of modern science

наблюдение – observation

научные достижения – scientific achievements

manned 1) укомплектованный людьми; обитаемый manned underwater vehicle / submersible — подводный аппарат с командой на борту — manned spaceship 2) пилотируемый (человеком) ; человекоуправляемый

зонд — a probe

срочные, неотложные проблемы – urgent problems

изучение частиц меньших, чем атом – studying particles smaller than atoms

повторное использование материалов – reusing

II. Основная часть

4. Активизация семантизированных лексических единиц и уст ной речи на уровне словосочетания и предложения. Ex. 70-71, p. 178 Unit 4 (Student’s Book);


to invent

to create something new

to discover

to find, see or learn of something no one knew before

1. Trains were invented long before cars.

2. Nobody knows who invented the wheel.

1. Galileo discovered the planet Jupiter.

2. Columbus discovered America.

Ex. 70

1. invented; 2. discover; 3. invention; 4. inventions; 5. discovered; 6. discovery; 7. invent; 8. discoveries; 9. discovered; 10. invented

Ex. 71

1. explore; 2. observed; 3. testing; 4. invented; 5. discovered; 6. dis­covery; 7. test; 8. explored; 9. observation; 10. observations/discover­ies; 11. invention; 12. discovery; 13. discovery; 14. discovered; 15. invents; 16. observed




science and technology agricultural technology a high level of technology

We already have the technology to do this. The plant uses the very latest technology.

Ex. 72, p. 179 Unit 4 (устно) (Student’s Book). Answer the questions.

1. What discoveries in the history of mankind do you regard as break­throughs?

2. What inventions in the history of mankind do you regard as most important?

3. Which of the centuries in your opinion saw the greatest inventions and discoveries?

4. What things can you describe as marvels of modern science? And why are they such?

5. Can you remember any outstanding names of well-known scientists, ex­plorers, inventors and discoverers in Russia, Western Europe and the USA?

6. How do you understand the terms «high technology» and «new technol­ogy»? Do they describe absolutely the same things?

7. What makes the work of a scientist dull on the one hand and exciting on the other?

8. What in your opinion does a scientist do? Give an example.


craft (plural craft) = a boat or a ship

an aircraft — a lot of aircraft

a spacecraft — a lot of spacecraft

a sailing craft — a lot of sailing craft

Vehicles that fly in space are called spacecraft. The harbour was full of all kinds of craft.

74 Match the English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

1. satellite

f) спутник

2. shuttle

m) корабль многоразового использова­ния

3. fuel

a) топливо

4. spacesuit

j) скафандр

5. aircraft

i) самолет, летательный аппарат

6. vehicle

b) транспортное средство

7. space

k) космос

8. weightless environment

c) условия невесомости

9. device

n) средство, приспособление

10. probe

d) зонд

11. manned spaceship

g) космический корабль с человеком на борту

12. essential problems

e) основные (существенные) проблемы

13. interplanetary flight

1) межпланетный полет (перелет)

14. zero gravity

h) отсутствие гравитации

Ex. 74

1. — f); 2. — m); 3. — a); 4. — j); 5. — i); 6. — b); 7. — k); 8. — c); 9. — n); 10. — d); 11. — g); 12. — e); 13. — l); 14. — h)

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) Подготовка к контрольной работе по плану:

Подготовка к контрольной работе №4

1. Modal verbs (must (had to, will have to), have to, should,

ought to) p. 152-155

2. Adverb p. 106-107

3. The place of adverbs in sentences p. 149-150

4. either, neither, any, none p. 173

5. Substantivized adjectives p. 157

6. Notices and warnings p. 158-159

7. Words p. 160, 161-163, 178-180

Going to places: The world of Travelling.

Урок 22

Цель урока:

Активизация ранее изученного материала по теме «Путешествие».

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— активизация в речи изученных лексических единиц и рече­вых образцов;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование умений вычленять главное, находить клю­чевые слова и словосочетания;

— развитие умений в чтении;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умения ориентироваться в тексте, осуществлять по­иск информации;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира;

— расширение кругозора в области литературы.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

— Приветствие учащихся и ознаком­ление их с темой, целями и задачами урока.

Good afternoon, dear friends. Today we’re going to learn how to read and speak about Travelling, things we usually need for travelling. Let’s look at the problems we’re going to discuss at our lessons during this term.

2. Речевая зарядка, Ex. 1, p. 185

Exercise 1.

Listen to the questions and answer them.

1. To what places do people usually go when they go travelling?

2. What makes people go travelling?

3. Do more people go travelling on business or for pleasure?

4. What are the most popular means (methods) of travelling?

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of going by air, by sea, by train, by car, by bus, on foot?

6. In what way have the means of travelling changed since old times to nowadays?

7. How often do you go travelling? To what places?

8. What makes a journey enjoyable or hateful?

9. What do you usually take with you when you go travelling? What do you bring home from a travel?

10. Where would you go if you had a chance? Why?

Ex. 2, p. 185 (SB)

On what kind of trip do people usually take this baggage?

Ex. 2

1. Going on a long trip, one usually takes big pieces of luggage: suit­cases (небольшой плоский чемодан), trunks (чемоданы), tote bags (хозяйственная сумка) and luggage carriers.

2. A shirt trip requires tote bags, duffel bags (большая спортивная сумка или рюкзак) or backpacks (ранец, вещмешок) (especially if you go on foot).

3. If one goes away on business, one usually takes a briefcase (портфель, кожаный чемоданчик), a gar­ment bag (портплед, складной саквояж для платьев, мешок для хранения одежды), or a tote bag.

4. Such pieces of luggage as a shoulder bag, a duffel bag, a utility case
сумка для аксессуаров, приборов, инструмента, оборудования) and a vanity case (сумка для косметики – beauty case) can be handy on any kind of trip.

II. Основная часть

3. Work in groups

Ex. 3, p. 186 Interview your classmates and find out which of them:

— never travelled to other towns or cities;

— never travelled abroad;

— travelled alone;

— stayed at hotels;

— never travelled by air;

— never travelled by sea;

— prefers travelling on foot;

— hates travelling by train;

— can drive a car;

— takes a lot of luggage on a journey;

— travels light (with little luggage);

— likes talking to his or her fellow passengers;

— likes seeing people off;

— believes that «there is no place like home».

(Make up questions with these expressions. Report on what you have learnt.)

Ex. 4, p. 186

Ex. 4

1. — b); 2. — c); 3. — a); 4. — c); 5. — b); 6. — c); 7. — a); 8. — c); 9. — c); 10. — b)

4 Choose the right item.

1. You usually get your travel ticket at the … .

a) box-office b) booking office c) ticket office

2. Lost things can be found in the … .

a) inquiry office b) waiting room c) lost-and-found

3. If you go abroad, you have to go through the … .

a) customs b) customers c) custard

4. At the railway station you can leave your luggage at the … .

a) luggage van b) luggage trolley c) left luggage office

5. Letters and parcels can go in the … .

a) guards van b) mail van c) letter van

6. The word that has nothing to do with trains is … .

a) «dining car» b) «sleeping car» c) «cable car»

7. You make a voyage if you travel by ….

a) sea b) air c) land

8. If two cars crash into each other on the road, we call it … .

a) an incident b) a precedent c) an accident

9. … is a word used mostly in British English.

a) «Baggage» b) «Railroad» c) «Carriage»

10. A person in a hotel, station or airport who carries your luggage is a …

a) guard b) porter c) steward

4. Обобщение темы (8-10 предложений). Ученики отвечают на вопрос учителя: What role does travelling play in your life?

5. Развитие умений в поисковом чтении. Ex. 6, p. 187 Unit 5.

Keys: a) an airport; b) a railway station; c) a sea port

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 5, p. 187, Unit 5 (Student Book).

2) Ответить на вопрос: What role does travelling play in your life? (Письменно, 8—10 предложений.)


Развитие навыков чтения на основе текста «Канада»

Обучение чтению с полным пониманием текста с целью дальней­шего использования информации в монологической речи.

Задачи урока


— активизация в речи изученных речевых образцов;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— развитие умений в чтении с извлечением полной информации;

— совершенствование умений вычленять главное, находить клю­чевые слова и словосочетания.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие памяти, зрительной памяти;

— развитие умения понять смысл и основную идею текста;

— развитие умений вычленять главное и обобщать полученные знания.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии;

— расширение кругозора в области истории книгопечатания.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 8, 9, p. 188, Unit 5 (письменно). Ex. 14, p. 190-193

Ex. 8

worried and afraid (1)

1) nervous;

not at all interested in (2)

2) indifferent;

different (3)

3) various;

The way his face looked (4)

4) the expression of his face;

showing that he was annoyed with (5)

5) irritably (about);

wish (6)

6) desire;

facilities (7)

7) equipment;

needed (8)

8) required;

amounts (9)

9) supplies;

put him in a better position (10)

10) was an advantage over …;

to trouble (11)

11) to bother;

not pleasant phrases (12)

12) rude expressions

Exercise 9. 9. Complete these sentences with either … or …, neither … nor … or both … and ..

3. Речевая зарядка. Ex. 13, p. 189 Unit 5 (SB).

13. Express the same in English. Think of the place of adverbs in the sentences.

1. Утром мой отец всегда покупает газету в киоске (newspaper stand).

1. In the morning my father always buys a newspaper in the newspa­per stand.

2. Джон редко ездит в отпуск осенью.

2. John seldom (rarely) goes on holiday in autumn.

3. Время от времени я опаздываю на уроки, но вовсе не горжусь этим.

3. I am occasionally late for classes. But I am not at all proud of it.

4. Этот фильм только что показан юным зрителям.

4. This film has just been shown to the young viewers (audience).

5. Он вряд ли когда-нибудь бывал в Англии зимой.

5. He has hard­ly ever been to England in winter.

6. Часто ли вы встречали в театре столь талантливых людей?

6. Have you often met such talent­ed people in the theatre?

7. Господин Робертc обычно не спускается к чаю.

7. Mr Roberts doesn’t usually come down­stairs to tea.

8. Какими фруктами часто снаб­жают столицу летом?

8. What fruit is often supplied to the capital in summer?

II. Основная часть

4. Обучение чтению с полным пониманием текста. Ex. 14, р. 190-193 Unit 5.

Ex. 14

A. 1. Indian; 2. Russia; 3. south; 4. 10 provinces and 3 territories; 5. forests; 6. governor general; 7. 3; 8. English and French

B. 1. — c); 2. — e); 3. — b); 4. — a); 5. — d); 6. — g); 7. — f)

1. The name «Canada» comes from an Indian/French word.

1. Indian;

2. The largest country in the world is Canada/Russia.

2. Russia;

3. Most of the Canadians live in the north/south.

3. south;

4. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories/3 provinces and 10 territories.

4. 10 provinces and 3 territories;

5. Forests /prairies cover about half of Canada.

5. forests;

6. The Queen is represented in Canada by the lord governor/governor-general.

6. governor general;

7. There are 3/4 political parties represented in the House of Commons.

7. 3;

8. Every child in Canada can be educated in English /English and French.

8. English and French

B. Read the text «Canada» and match its paragraphs with their names.

1. — c);


2. — e);


3. — b);


4. — a);


5. — d);


6. — g);


7. — f)


5. Выполнение послетекстовых упражнений

Ex. 15. Remember the text «Canada» and say:

1. what information about the country you found new;

2. what other facts on Canada (apart from those mentioned in the text) you know;

3. what kind of information is missing in the text;

4. make a list of ten questions answers to which you can’t find in the text, see if your friends can answer them. If they can’t do it, find the required information in reference books yourself and then share it with your friends.

Ex. 16. Complete these sentences from the text «Canada».

1. Now Canada is the second largest country after … Russia.

2. The country’s most important symbol is … the maple leaf.

3. The French were the first to settle in the country in large numbers during … the 17th and early 18th cen­turies.

4. Both …. English and … French are official languages.

5. Canada has … ten provinces and … three territories, each with its own … capital city.

6. Forests cover about … half of Canada.

7. Legislative power is vested in Parliament, which includes … the Queen, … the Senate of 104 appointed members and … the House of Commons with about 300 elected members.

8. … can be educated in either of the two official languages.

Ex. 16

1. … Russia. 2. … the maple leaf. 3. … the 17th and early 18th cen­turies. 4. … English and French … 5. … ten, three … capital city. 6. … half of Canada. 7. … the Queen, the Senate … the House of Commons … 8. Any child … .

17. See if you understand these words and word combinations right and choose the correct definition.

Ex. 17

1. — a); 2. — a); 3. — b); 4. — b); 5. — b); 6. — a); 7. — a); 8. — a); 9. — a); 10. — b)

1. A time zone is … .

a) any of the 24 parts, each about 15° wide, into which the Earth is divided for the purpose of keeping time. The difference between each of the neighbour parts is one hour.

b) a division of the Earth’s surface according to temperature, marked by imaginary lines running round it.

2. A moderate climate is … .

a) a mild climate with no great difference between minimum and maximum temperatures.

b) a harsh climate with very low temperatures in winter and very high temperatures in summer.

3. Metropolitan areas are … .

a) countryside territories.

b) territories of big cities or capitals.

4. Cultural heritage is … .

a) good general knowledge of a certain culture.

b) cultural traditions passed from generation to generation.

5. Dual is … .

a) a fight with guns or swords between two people.

b) consisting of two separate parts.

6. An Eskimo (Inuit) is … .

a) a member of a race of people living in the far north of North America.

b) anyone living in the icy far north of North America.

7. An exporter is … .

a) a person, company or country that sells goods abroad.

b) a person, company or country that buys goods from abroad.

8. Lumbering (in American English) is … .

a) cutting trees or wood.

b) building houses of wood (wood houses).

9. A prime minister is … .

a) the leader of the government.

b) the leader and the ruler of the country.

10. Vocational training is training preparing one for … .

a) the career of a vocalist.

b) specific jobs.

6. Ответы на вопросы. Ex. 18, Unit 6.

Ex. 18

1. Canada is a big country in the north of the North American conti­nent. It borders on the USA in the south. Canada’s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean is Russia.

2. Canada is washed by the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans. Four of the great American Lakes (Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Eire) are partly situated on Canadian territory also there’s the Great Slave Lake and some others. The important rivers are the St Lawrence, the MacKenzie, Canada’s longest river which drains into the Arctic Ocean; the Columbia and the Fraser rivers flowing into the Pacific; the Nelson and the Churchill rivers connected with Hudson Bay; the Yukon flows into the Bering Sea and the Saskatchewan flowing into Lake Winnipeg.

3. Canada has different types of relief: highlands and plains. In the east there are the Appalachian Mountains, the Canadian Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains. Canada’s highest peaks are in the St Elias Mountains. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan (6050 m). The Canadian preries are an agricultural area.

4. Most of the population (about 80%) live in urban areas concentrat­ed within hundred miles of the US border. This area has a better cli­mate and is more conveniently situated.

5. The country is divided into 10 provinces and three territories. Each province has its own legisla­tion.

6. The biggest Canadian cities are Toronto (Ontario), Ottawa

(Ontario), Montreal (Quebec), Vancouver (British Columbia). Toronto is situated on Lake Ontario, Montreal — — on Montreal Island in the St Lawrence river, Vancouver — on the Pacific Ocean.

7. The country is rich in gas, oil, coal, gold, copper, iron, nickel, uranium, zinc, and also in forests, and wildlife.

8. Students’ own answer

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 12, p. 189 Unit 5.

2) пересказ текста


Цель урока

Развитие умений в монологической речи с использованием средств логической связи.


— обучение приемам логического построения повествования;

— обучение чтению с извлечением полной информации;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— развитие практических речевых умений.


— развитие умений передавать прочитанное в логической форме;

— развитие творческого воображения, ассоциативного и логиче­ского мышления.


— формирование системы нравственных оценок учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его многообразии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. 1) Ex. 17-18, Unit 5 (SB).

Ответы на вопросы. Ex. 18, Unit 6.

Ex. 18

1. Canada is a big country in the north of the North American conti­nent. It borders on the USA in the south. Canada’s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean is Russia.

2. Canada is washed by the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic Oceans. Four of the great American Lakes (Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, Lake Superior, Lake Eire) are partly situated on Canadian territory also there’s the Great Slave Lake and some others. The important rivers are the St Lawrence, the MacKenzie, Canada’s longest river which drains into the Arctic Ocean; the Columbia and the Fraser rivers flowing into the Pacific; the Nelson and the Churchill rivers connected with Hudson Bay; the Yukon flows into the Bering Sea and the Saskatchewan flowing into Lake Winnipeg.

3. Canada has different types of relief: highlands and plains. In the east there are the Appalachian Mountains, the Canadian Cordillera and the Rocky Mountains. Canada’s highest peaks are in the St Elias Mountains. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan (6050 m). The Canadian preries are an agricultural area.

4. Most of the population (about 80%) live in urban areas concentrat­ed within hundred miles of the US border. This area has a better cli­mate and is more conveniently situated.

5. The country is divided into 10 provinces and three territories. Each province has its own legisla­tion.

6. The biggest Canadian cities are Toronto (Ontario), Ottawa

(Ontario), Montreal (Quebec), Vancouver (British Columbia). Toronto is situated on Lake Ontario, Montreal — — on Montreal Island in the St Lawrence river, Vancouver — on the Pacific Ocean.

7. The country is rich in gas, oil, coal, gold, copper, iron, nickel, uranium, zinc, and also in forests, and wildlife.

8. Students’ own answer

2. Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос: What do you know about Canada? (8-10 предложений.)

П. Основная часть

3. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания. Ex. 19, 20 р. 195-196

19. A lot of people think that Canada is in many ways like Russia. Say what makes our countries alike and different.

20. Imagine that you work for a travel agency. How would you advertise a trip to Canada?

Ex. 19

1) Canada and Russia are alike because both have very big territories; some of the territory lies behind the Arctic Circle, a lot of the territory is covered with woods; in many places the climate is similar; the par­liaments of both countries have two houses, both are federal states etc.

2) Canada and Russia are different because the population of Russia is much larger; Canada has provinces and territories and Russia has federal regions (7). Russia has a president and Canada doesn’t. Canada is a monarchy and Russia is not; Canada has two official languages and Russia doesn’t etc.

4. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением главной мысли и полной информации. Ex. 22, Unit 5 (SB).

courtesy учтивость, обходительность, вежливость, любезность; правила вежливости, этикет

reading for information

22. Read the text once and say when the travellers for whom these in­structions were written lived. Explain your choice of the time period.

Ex. 22

The text was written for people living in the second half of the 19th, and possibly, the beginning of the 20th century.

Reasons: 1) Books of etiquette for travellers do not exist any longer as travelling has become very common.

2) Some of the advice sounds very old-fashioned, like having a good breakfast before setting off or demonstrating the man­ners of a gentleman or lady.

3) Trains are called a new type of trans­port and travellers are advised not to fear them. The first trains appeared in England in the middle of the 19th century.

4) The advice to keep a journal sounds strange because of the things recommended for usage: inks, nibs, blotters are not used now.

Read the text (Ex. 22) again and choose one of the titles for the instructions above. Explain your choice.




Ex. 23

Probably ‘Practical Advice for the Traveller’ because basically it’s what the text is about. It doesn’t say anything about the pros and cons of travelling, and it’s not a ‘guide book’ which usually gives descriptions of places for the use of visitors.

24. In each paragraph of the text (Ex. 22) one sentence is missing. Find the right paragraphs for the sentences below.

1. Several maps of the place where you are going can be handy.

2. It is better to wait for extra 15 minutes than to miss your train or coach. Besides, everyone knows: «First come, first served.»

3. An umbrella is essential for any climate.

4. Pack a good writing case.

5. Try and learn at least some minimum vocabulary to be able to show your politeness.

6. Remember: travelling light is faster and much easier.

7. Don’t limit yourself to a cup of tea and a sandwich. Eat something filling.

8. Consider the comfort of your clothes before elegance and don’t pay too much attention to change in fashion.

9. Every watch is a compass.

10. There are usually separate carriages reserved for ladies who need to travel alone.

11. You may be expected to tip porters at railway stations and hotels.

12. Good manners are a letter of recommendation.

13. When packing remember the saying: «A little method is worth a great deal of memory.»

14. A vanity case anyhow is one of the most important things on a journey.

Ex. 24

I. — Geography; 2. — Time; 3. — Climate; 4. — Journal; 5. — Language; 6. — Luggage; 7. — Breakfast; 8. — Dress; 9. — Lost; 10. — Trains;

II. — Money; 12. — Manners; 13. — Packing; 14. — Make-up

25. In the text (Ex. 22) find equivalents for these:

1) свободно чувствовать себя при любых обстоятельствах;

1) to be at ease in all circumstances,

2) дух истин­ной галантности (вежливости);

2) the spirit of true courtesy,

3) предполагаемые расходы;

3) estimated expenses,

4) маршрут и место путешествия;

4) the route and region of travel,

5) непредвиденные задержки;

5) unexpect­ed detentions,

6) на рассвете;

6) at daybreak,

7) заслужить уважение других;

7) receive the respect of others,

8) сделать путешествие более приятным;

8) to make the journey more agreeable,

9) особое внимание;

9) special considerations,

10) достаточное время;

10) ample time,

11) не следует бояться;

11) should not be feared,

12) по ходу поезда;

12) facing the engine,

13) иметь окна «в своем распоряжении»; напоминание

13) have ‘charge’ of the windows,

14) возражать против того, чтобы окно было открыто;

14) object to a window being opened,

15) насколько румянец щек является естественным, а не созданным с помощью косметики;

15) how much the rosy of their cheeks owes to art instead of nature,

16) пи­лочка для ногтей;

16) a nail file,

17) направьте часовую стрелку, указывающую на цифру 4, на солнце;

17) point the hand indicating 4 to the sun,

18) вести дневник;

18) keep a journal,

19) напоминание

19) a remembrancer

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 4 В, p. 162 Unit 5 (письменно).

2) Ex. 5, p. 162 Unit 5.


Использование модальных глаголов: to be и to need.

Цель урока

Обобщение знаний учащихся об использовании модальных глаголов: to be и to need в английском языке.

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в монологической речи;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— совершенствование речевой активности.


— развитие внимания;

— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений систематизировать информацию.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся; — развитие познавательной активности.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Rules p. 198-199, Ex. 27, p. 199, ex. 29, p. 200.

To be

plans and arrangements

(запланированные действия)

Especially when they are offi­cial, formal style.

a) The president is to visit Nigeria next month.

b) They are to get a 10 per cent wage rise in June.

c) The Queen was to visit Japan last year.



Often used by parents to their children.

a) You’re to do your homework before you watch TV.

b) Liz, you are not to be back late.

c) Jane is to eat all her supper before she goes out.

instructions and notices (инструкции и объявления) (with passive infinitive2)

a) This form is to be filled in ink.

b) To be taken 3 times after meals (on a medicine bottle).

c) These tablets are to be kept out of reach of children…

1 Глагол to be (to) может иметь формы настоящего или прошедшего времени. Для вы­ражения необходимости совершить что-то оговоренное в будущем употребляется глагол to have to: Well have to arrive earlier than six.

2 passive infinitive — to be + past participle of the main verb (to be taken, to be filled in, to be returned)

Ex. 26

Divide the sentences into 3 groups: a) to be = a planned or arranged action; b) to be = an order; c) to be = a notice or an instruction.

a) to be = a planned or arranged action

b) to be = an order

c) to be = a notice or an instruction

3. The conference is to begin at ten exactly.

5. The delegation was to arrive on Saturday, but the time of the arrival was changed.

9. The visit was to last for five days.

1. Now listen, children! I’ll leave you for a second and you are to be quiet until I come back.

4. You are to report to the head as soon as you come to work.

7. You are to do the washing up before you leave for the cinema.

2. These tablets are to be taken with a lot of water.

6. The gate is to be locked after 8 p.m.

8. Dogs are to be kept on a lead.1 10. To be handled with care.

Ex. 26

a) 3, 5, 9; b) 1, 4, 7; c) 2, 6, 8, 10

Ex. 27

1. Вам следует поторопиться: зал должен быть готов к началу засе­дания.

1 You should hurry: the hall is to be ready for the beginning of the sit­ting.

2. Всем вам надлежит остаться после уроков и закончить работу.

2. All of you are to stay after classes and complete (finish the work).

3. Инструменты следует оставлять здесь.

3. Tools are to be left here.

4. Принимать с водой или фруктовым соком.

4. To be taken with water or fruit juice.

5. Документы должны быть зачитаны в парламенте.

5. The papers (documents) are to be read (out) in the parliament.

6. Премьер-министр должен посетить нашу страну в августе.

6. The Prime Minister is to visit our country in August.

7. Спутник должен был быть запущен в начале лета.

7. The satellite is to be launched at the beginning of summer (in early summer).

8. Не нагревать (to heat) выше 50 градусов.

8. Not to be heated above 50 degrees.

9. Ты должен попросить родителей зайти в школу.

9. You are to ask your parents to come to the school.

10. Эта проблема должна быть решена правительством в ближайшем будущем.

10. This problem is to be solved by the government in the near future.

ordinary verb

-s Everybody needs to rest sometimes.

She says she needs me.

do/does Do we need to reserve seats on the train? She says she doesn’t need me any more. We don’t need to talk to them again. John, you don’t have much time. You need to hurry up.

modal verb

(quite rare these days except for needn’t which is common)

He needn’t explain anything — we understand the situation.

We needn’t reserve seats — there’ll be plenty of room on the train.

— Must I pay cash?

— No, you needn’t. We take cards.

28 Read the sentences and say in which of them need is a modal verb and in which it isn’t.

Ordinary verb

Modal verb

1. How much bread do you need for your sandwiches? 3. Everyone in this world needs love and care.

5. I don’t think I need to tell you that Alice’s holiday was a huge success.

6. I give advice only when it’s needed.

7. I didn’t need any extra time and completed the test very quickly.

2. You needn’t shout: I can hear you.

4. We needn’t help Alex: he will manage the job perfectly well.

8. Must I call back? — No, you needn’t. I’ll call you myself.

9. The kids needn’t go to bed early: they have no classes tomorrow.

Need as a modal verb is used in the following sentences: 2, 4, 8, 9.

29 Express the same in English. Use the verb need.

1. Нам не нужно покупать сегодня продукты, мы идём обедать в ресто­ран.

1 We needn’t buy food today, we’re eating out in a restaurant.

2. Кому-нибудь нужен чудесный серый котёнок?

2. Does anyone need a lovely grey kitten?

3. Не надо спе­шить, до поезда ещё три часа.

3. You (we) needn’t hurry, the train leaves (departs) only in three hours. (We have three hours before the train leaves.)

4. Я понимал, что Сэм нуждается в моей помощи.

4. I understood that Sam needed my help.

5. Нам не нужна ещё одна актриса на эту роль.

5. We don’t need another actress for this role.

6. Не нужно говорить об этом снова, я всё помню.

6. We (you) needn’t speak about it again; I remember everything.

7. Вам нужны новые копии этого текста?

7. Do you need any new copies -of this text?

8. Если нам не надо сегодня готовить уроки, давайте сходим в кино.

8. If we needn’t do lessons today, let’s go to the cinema.

II. Основная часть

3. Актуализация использования модальных глаголов в анг­лийском языке (таблица, р. 201, Unit 5).

30. Complete the sentences with needn’t or shouldn’t.

EXAМРLЕ: You needn’t explain anything: I understand. He надо ничего объяснять, я всё понимаю.)

You shouldn’t explain anything: you’ll be wrongly understood.

(He надо (не советую) ничего объяснять, тебя неправильно поймут.)

Ex. 30

1. needn’t; 2. shouldn’t; 3. shouldn’t; 4. needn’t; 5. needn’t; 6. shouldn’t; 7. shouldn’t; 8. needn’t; 9. needn’t

1. You needn’t take a taxi, we have plenty of time. 2. Children shouldn’t spend so much time in front of the television. 3. Tell your mother that she shouldn’t worry: it’s bad for her heart. 4. You needn’t worry, dear, I’m sure that everything’s going to be just fine. 5. Your friend needn’t stay here for the night, I’ll take him home in my car. 6. Little children shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets not accompanied by grown-ups. 7. Young people shouldn’t forget that they’ll be old one day. 8. You needn’t mention this again: I’ll never forget it. 9. Mr Anderson needn’t book a room in the hotel: they can stay with us.

4. Выполнение тренировочного задания на закрепление грамма­тического материала. Ex. 31, 32, 33*, pp. 202-203 Unit 5 (Student’s Book).

Ex. 31

a) 2, 5, 6 (shouldn’t have asked)

b) 1, 3, 4, 6 (should have decided)

Ex. 32

1) the Victoria and Albert Museum; 2) the Tower; 3) Tower Bridge; 4) St Paul’s Cathedral; 5) Piccadilly Circus; 6) Buckingham Palace; 7) the Tate Gallery; 8) the British Museum

Ex. 33

1. I needn’t have phoned Andy. My sister phoned him (did it) before me. 2. You could have told me we were not going to school on Monday. 3. Alice shouldn’t have drunk cold milk. 4. Kim should have typed the letter. Her handwriting is no good. 5. Michael needn’t ask about this (it). He knows the answer to this question. 6. You could have taken part in the competition. Why didn’t you come? 7. Caroline, you should have washed up. 8. We needn’t look for Granny’s glasses. She has already found them. 9. Jack needn’t have gone to the shops. There is plenty of food at home. 10. They should have painted the walls yellow. Mrs Adams likes this colour.

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 33, p. 203 Unit 5 (письменно).

2) правила выучить.

Урок 27

Цель урока

Актуализация знаний об использовании модальных глаголов в английском языке.

Задачи урока


— повторение модальных глаголов need, to be to;

— ознакомление с конструкцией modal +have+past participle;

— закрепление конструкции modal +have+past participle;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— развитие практических речевых умений.


— развитие аудитивных умений учащихся;

— развитие творческого воображения, ассоциативного и логиче­ского мышления.


— формирование системы нравственных оценок учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Развитие аудитивных навыков

АВ р. 60

Dialogue 1

Ex. 1

Dialogue 1: 1 b); 2 a); 3 c); 4 a); 5 c)

Dialogue 2: 1 c); 2 c); 3 b); 4 c); 5 b)

Dialogue 3: 1 a); 2 c); 3 c); 4 a); 5 a)

Dialogue 4: 1 c); 2 c); 3 c); 4 c); 5 c)

3. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 30, Unit 5 (письменно).

30. Complete the sentences with needn’t or shouldn’t.

EXAМРLЕ: You needn’t explain anything: I understand. He надо ничего объяснять, я всё понимаю.)

You shouldn’t explain anything: you’ll be wrongly understood.

(He надо (не советую) ничего объяснять, тебя неправильно поймут.)

Ex. 30

1. needn’t; 2. shouldn’t; 3. shouldn’t; 4. needn’t; 5. needn’t; 6. shouldn’t; 7. shouldn’t; 8. needn’t; 9. needn’t

1. You needn’t take a taxi, we have plenty of time.

2. Children shouldn’t spend so much time in front of the television.

3. Tell your mother that she shouldn’t worry: it’s bad for her heart.

4. You needn’t worry, dear, I’m sure that everything’s going to be just fine.

5. Your friend needn’t stay here for the night, I’ll take him home in my car.

6. Little children shouldn’t be allowed to walk the streets not accompanied by grown-ups.

7. Young people shouldn’t forget that they’ll be old one day.

8. You needn’t mention this again: I’ll never forget it.

9. Mr Anderson needn’t book a room in the hotel: they can stay with us.

II. Основная часть

4. Использование модальных глаголов в конструкции modal +have+past participle (таблица, с. 201).

II. Modal Verbs with Perfect Infinitive1

1. Modal verbs usually refer to the present or the future. However, modal verbs can be used with perfect infinitives to talk about the past.

modal + have + past participle (main verb)

could have done should have done

shouldn’t have done needn’t have done

2. We often use perfect infinitives to talk about actions and events: things that didn’t happen.

‘imaginary» past

А could have + past participle (main verb) = something that was possible but didn’t happen

You could have told me about it.

Ты мог бы сказать мне об этом (а ты не сказал).

That was a bad place to go skiing — you could have broken your leg. … ты мог бы сломать ногу (но, к счастью, не сломал).

John could have read the note.

Джон мог бы прочитать записку (но не прочитал).

В should/shouldn’t have + past participle (main verb) = about something that didn’t happen

I should have phoned Ed, but I forgot.

Мне следовало позвонить Эду… (но я не позвонил).

You shouldn’t have worn your mother’s shoes.

Тебе не следовало надевать мамины туфли (а ты надела).

You shouldn’t have said things like that to Granny. Тебе не следовало говорить подобное бабушке (а ты сказал).

С needn’t have + past participle (main verb) = about something which was done but that was not necessary

I needn’t have cooked so much food. Nobody was hungry. Мне не стоило готовить так много … (а я приготовила).

We needn’t have watered the flowers. Just after we finished it started raining.

Нам не было нужды поливать цветы … (а мы их полили).

perfect infinitive = (to) have + past participle of the main verb (to have finished, to have done, to have told)

5. Тренировочные упражнения:

Ex. 31, 32, 33*, pp. 202-203 Unit 5 (Student’s Book).

Ex. 31

a) 2, 5, 6 (shouldn’t have asked)

b) 1, 3, 4, 6 (should have decided)

Ex. 32

1) the Victoria and Albert Museum; 2) the Tower; 3) Tower Bridge; 4) St Paul’s Cathedral; 5) Piccadilly Circus; 6) Buckingham Palace; 7) the Tate Gallery; 8) the British Museum

Ex. 33

1. I needn’t have phoned Andy. My sister phoned him (did it) before me. 2. You could have told me we were not going to school on Monday. 3. Alice shouldn’t have drunk cold milk. 4. Kim should have typed the letter. Her handwriting is no good. 5. Michael needn’t ask about this (it). He knows the answer to this question. 6. You could have taken part in the competition. Why didn’t you come? 7. Caroline, you should have washed up. 8. We needn’t look for Granny’s glasses. She has already found them. 9. Jack needn’t have gone to the shops. There is plenty of food at home. 10. They should have painted the walls yellow. Mrs Adams likes this colour.

III. Заключение

7. Подведение итогов урока.

8. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 34, 35, р. 204, (письменно).

2) АВ Ex. 7, р. 65 Unit 5 (письменно).

Урок 29

Модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом. Закрепление.

Цель урока

Закрепление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.

Актуализация знаний об использовании прилагательных и наречий в английском и русском языках.

Задачи урока


— повторение модальных глаголов need, to be to, конструкции modal +have+past participle;

— ознакомление со случаями использования прилагательных после глаголов be, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste etc.;

— закрепление конструкции modal +have+past participle, употребления прилагательных после глаголов be, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste etc.;

— дальнейшее развитие коммуникативных умений для стимуля­ции речевого творчества каждого ученика;

— развитие практических речевых умений.


— развитие аудитивных умений учащихся;

— развитие творческого воображения, ассоциативного и логиче­ского мышления.


— формирование системы нравственных оценок учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Развитие аудитивных навыков

АВ р. 60

Dialogue 1

Ex. 1

Dialogue 1: 1 b); 2 a); 3 c); 4 a); 5 c)

Dialogue 2: 1 c); 2 c); 3 b); 4 c); 5 b)

Dialogue 3: 1 a); 2 c); 3 c); 4 a); 5 a)

Dialogue 4: 1 c); 2 c); 3 c); 4 c); 5 c)

3. Проверка домашнего задания. АВ Ex. 9, р. 66 Unit 5 (письменно).

Ex. 9 Choose the right item to complete the sentences.

1. Roy, you (should take/should have taken) the dog out before you leave, because your mother is ill. 2. Words on the medicine bottle: (to be taken/must be taken) 3 times a day. 3. (Do we need/Need we) to reserve out seats on the bus beforehand? 4. John (needn’t/doesn’t need to) explain anything. Everybody knows what they have to do. 5. You could (inform/have informed) me beforehand. I’ve missed such an interesting lecture. 6. Bob, you’re coughing and your nose is run­ning. You should (stay/have stayed) at home and consult a doctor. 7. Becky, you needn’t (cook/have cooked) so many sandwiches. Only three guests came to your party yesterday. 8. You needn’t (take/have taken) cash if you have your bank card when you go to the shops. 9. Harry, you (are to/need) do the washing-up before playing on the computer. 10. You (needn’t/don’t need) a typewriter if you have a computer. 11. — Must I report to the head manager every day? No, you (mustn’t/needn’t). We do it on Tuesdays and Fridays. 12. You (could be/could have been) more polite with Ann. Look, I think, she is crying. 13. The Browns (needn’t take/needn’t have taken) a taxi to the airport, they have plenty of time before the flight. 14. Declarations (to be/must be) filled in block letters. 15. -Must we complete the work before the bell? No, you (mustn’t/needn’t). You may finish it at home.

Ex. 9

1. should take 2. to be taken 3. Do we need 4. needn’t 5. have informed 6. stay 7. have cooked 8. take 9. are to 10. don’t need 11. needn’t 12. could have been 13. needn’t take 14. must be 15. needn’t

Речевая разминка

Ex. 10 Express the same in English.

1. Тебе следовало бы сообщить мне об этом волнительном событии. Из-за тебя я все пропустил.

1. You should have informed me about this exciting event. Because of you I’ve missed everything.

2. Тебе следовало бы разбудить меня. Мой сон был настоящим кошмаром.

2. You should have woken me up. My dream was a real nightmare.

3. Тебе не следовало приводить его в замешательство своими вопросами.

3. You shouldn’t have confused him with your questions.

4. Тебе не следовало говорить с ним таким грубым голосом. Ты напугал мальчика.

4. You shouldn’t have spoken to him in such a rude voice. You’ve frightened the boy.

5. Ты мог бы купить сегодняшние газеты. Почему ты этого не сделал?

5. You could have bought today’s newspa­pers. Why haven’t you done it?

6. Джейн не нужно было переводить статью. Она уже переведена.

6. Jane needn’t have translated the arti­cle. It has already been translated.

7. Не надо встречать меня у станции метро. Виктор проводит ме­ня до дома.

7. You needn’t meet me at the metro station. Victor will see me home.

8. Нам нужно покупать билеты в парк или мы можем войти бесплатно?

8. Do we have to (Must we) buy tick­ets to go to the park or can we go free?

9. Напрасно мы не послушали прогноз погоды. Я совершенно промокла под дождем.

9. We should have listened to the weather forecast. I’ve got wet through (to the skin) in the rain.

10. Кому нужна ручка? У ме­ня есть запасная.

10. Who needs a pen? I have a spare one.

11. Принимать с водой по три раза в день перед едой.

11. To be taken three times a day before meals.

12. Напрасно ты не спросил совета у своих родителей.

12. You should have asked for your parents’ advice.

13. Зачем ты полез на дерево? Ты мог упасть.

13. Why did you climb up the tree? You could have fallen.

14. Стив утвержда­ет, что ничья помощь ему не нужна.

14. Steve says he needs no one’s help.

15. Зря ты купил два биле­та в театр. В эту субботу я буду занят и не смогу пойти с тобой.

15. You shouldn’t have bought two tick­ets to the theatre. This Saturday I’ll be busy and won’t be able to go with you.

II. Основная часть

4. Использование модальных глаголов в конструкции modal +have+past participle (таблица, с. 201).

III. More Facts about Adverbs: Adverbs and Adjectives



Adjectives are used to say how something is, seems, becomes, gets, grows, looks, feels, tastes, smells, sounds, appears, turns.

William feels sad.

Jane looks great.

It’s growing cold.

The music sounds loud.

Roses smell sweet.

Adverbs are often used in similar cases.

Уильяму грустно.

Джейн выглядит отлично.

Становится холодно.

Музыка звучит громко.

Розы пахнут сладко.

5. Тренировочные упражнения:

Ex. 36 Express the same in English. Use the verbs from the table above.

1. Ларри прекрасно выглядит для своего возраста.

1. Larry looks great (very good) for his age.

2. Мальчик кажет­ся слишком усталым, чтобы идти дальше.

2. The boy looks too tired to go farther (further).

3. Анна говорит, что прекрасно чувствует себя после отдыха у моря.

3. Anna says she feels great after her seaside holiday.

4. Пирог хорош на вкус, спасибо.

4. The pie tastes very nice, thank you.

5. Становится жарко, давай откроем окно.

5. It’s getting hot, let’s open the window.

6. Его рассказ звучит ин­тересно.

6. His story sounds interesting.

7. Чайник всё ещё горячий на ощупь.

7. The teapot (ket­tle) still feels hot.

8. Хорош ли суп на вкус?

8. Does the soup taste good?

9. Вы выглядите очень нарядно. Куда вы идёте?

9. You look very smart. Where are you going?

10. Твой братишка кажется вполне счастливым.

10. Your little brother looks quite happy.

11. Песня звучит слишком тихо, я не понимаю слов.

11. The song sounds very quiet, I don’t understand the words.

12. Что это за блюдо? Оно так вкусно пахнет!

12. What’s this dish? It smells so tasty.

Ex. 37

Make up sentences of your own. Use the verbs and adjectives below.

Verbs: look seem feel taste

Adjectives: good wonderful nice awful horrible

sound smell appear turn lovely pleasant unpleasant

EXAMPLE: Liz looked wonderful at the party.



1. That day John looked sad and unhappy.

2. Tom grows very nervous when I mention his marks.

3. The answer appeared unexpect­ed.

4. Sally turned pale and left the room.

5. My mother’s perfume smells very nice.

1. John looked at us sadly but said nothing.

2. The flowers grow wonderfully in such weather.

3. John appeared unexpectedly at the end of the party.

4. Sarah turned the leaves of her book quickly.

5. A dog’s nose can smell very well.

Ex. 38

Express the same in English.

1. Сирень (lilac) пахнет сладко.

1. (The) Lilac smells sweet.

2. Джон всегда говорит тихо.

2. John always speaks quietly.

3. Мой дядя посмотрел на меня сердито.

3. My uncle looked at me angrily.

4. Музыка звучит громко.

4. The music sounds loud.

5. Нелли чувствует себя хорошо, а её сестра всё ещё выглядит плохо.

5. Nelly feels well, but her sister still looks bad.

6. Дети плохо говорят по-испански.

6. The children speak Spanish badly (poorly).

7. Когда Анна услышала эту новость, ей стало грустно.

7. When Ann heard the news she became sad.

8. Джеку было тепло. Он не чувствовал, что на улице подмораживало.

8. Jack was/felt warm. He didn’t feel it was freezing outdoors.

9. Госпожа Бигс холодно поприветствовала нас и вы­шла из комнаты.

9. Mrs Biggs greeted us cold­ly and left the room.

10. Пища горька на вкус.

10. The food tastes bitter.

11. Становится темно.

11. It’s getting dark.

12. Прощаясь с нами, он грустно улыбался.

12. While saying «goodbye» (parting with us) he was smiling sadly.

III. Заключение

7. Подведение итогов урока.

8. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 37, 38, р. 205, (письменно).

2) АВ Ex. 7, р. 65 Unit 5 (письменно).

Уроки 30-31

Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность.

Цель урока

Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом «Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность». Актуализация знаний об употреблении прилагательных после глаголов be, seem, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste, smell, sound, appear, turn в английском языке. Сравнение с аналогичными предложениями в русском языке.

Задачи урока


— ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом;

— повторение ранее изученного материала по теме «Прилагательные после глаголов be, seem, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste, smell, sound, appear, turn в английском языке»;

— обучение использованию грамматических структур на уровне предложения;

— совершенствование речевой активности;

— обучение переводу;

— обучение аудированию с целью извлечения главной мысли.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений обобщать полученную информацию.


— развитие общекультурных умений при систематизации и обобщении информации, интеллектуальное развитие личности в процессе соизучения языков и культур.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. AB Ex. 9, р. 66 Unit 5 (Activity Book); Ex. 10, р. 66 Unit 5 (Activity Book) (письменно).

Ex. 10 p.66 Express the same in English.

1. Тебе следовало бы сообщить мне об этом волнительном событии. Из-за тебя я все пропустил.

1. You should have informed me about this exciting event. Because of you I’ve missed everything.

2. Тебе следовало бы разбудить меня. Мой сон был настоящим кошмаром.

2. You should have woken me up. My dream was a real nightmare.

3. Тебе не следовало приводить его в замешательство своими вопросами.

3. You shouldn’t have confused him with your questions.

4. Тебе не следовало говорить с ним таким грубым голосом. Ты напугал мальчика.

4. You shouldn’t have spoken to him in such a rude voice. You’ve frightened the boy.

5. Ты мог бы купить сегодняшние газеты. Почему ты этого не сделал?

5. You could have bought today’s newspa­pers. Why haven’t you done it?

6. Джейн не нужно было переводить статью. Она уже переведена.

6. Jane needn’t have translated the arti­cle. It has already been translated.

7. Не надо встречать меня у станции метро. Виктор проводит ме­ня до дома.

7. You needn’t meet me at the metro station. Victor will see me home.

8. Нам нужно покупать билеты в парк или мы можем войти бесплатно?

8. Do we have to (Must we) buy tick­ets to go to the park or can we go free?

9. Напрасно мы не послушали прогноз погоды. Я совершенно промокла под дождем.

9. We should have listened to the weather forecast. I’ve got wet through (to the skin) in the rain.

10. Кому нужна ручка? У ме­ня есть запасная.

10. Who needs a pen? I have a spare one.

11. Принимать с водой по три раза в день перед едой.

11. To be taken three times a day before meals.

12. Напрасно ты не спросил совета у своих родителей.

12. You should have asked for your parents’ advice.

13. Зачем ты полез на дерево? Ты мог упасть.

13. Why did you climb up the tree? You could have fallen.

14. Стив утвержда­ет, что ничья помощь ему не нужна.

14. Steve says he needs no one’s help.

15. Зря ты купил два биле­та в театр. В эту субботу я буду занят и не смогу пойти с тобой.

15. You shouldn’t have bought two tick­ets to the theatre. This Saturday I’ll be busy and won’t be able to go with you.

Ex. 9 Choose the right item to complete the sentences.

1. Roy, you (should take/should have taken) the dog out before you leave, because your mother is ill. 2. Words on the medicine bottle: (to be taken/must be taken) 3 times a day. 3. (Do we need/Need we) to reserve out seats on the bus beforehand? 4. John (needn’t/doesn’t need to) explain anything. Everybody knows what they have to do. 5. You could (inform/have informed) me beforehand. I’ve missed such an interesting lecture. 6. Bob, you’re coughing and your nose is run­ning. You should (stay/have stayed) at home and consult a doctor. 7. Becky, you needn’t (cook/have cooked) so many sandwiches. Only three guests came to your party yesterday. 8. You needn’t (take/have taken) cash if you have your bank card when you go to the shops. 9. Harry, you (are to/need) do the washing-up before playing on the computer. 10. You (needn’t/don’t need) a typewriter if you have a computer. 11. Must I report to the head manager every day? No, you (mustn’t/needn’t). We do it on Tuesdays and Fridays. 12. You (could be/could have been) more polite with Ann. Look, I think, she is crying. 13. The Browns (needn’t take/needn’t have taken) a taxi to the airport, they have plenty of time before the flight. 14. Declarations (to be/must be) filled in block letters. 15. -Must we complete the work before the bell? No, you (mustn’t/needn’t). You may finish it at home.

Ex. 9

1. should take 2. to be taken 3. Do we need 4. needn’t 5. have informed 6. stay 7. have cooked 8. take 9. are to 10. don’t need 11. needn’t 12. could have been 13. needn’t take 14. must be 15. needn’t

П. Основная часть

3. Обучение аудированию. Активизация навыков в аудировании.

Ex. 1

Dialogue 1: 1 b); 2 a); 3 c); 4 a); 5 c)

Dialogue 2: 1 c); 2 c); 3 b); 4 c); 5 b)

Dialogue 3: 1 a); 2 c); 3 c); 4 a); 5 a)

Dialogue 4: 1 c); 2 c); 3 c); 4 c); 5 c)

4. Актуализация знаний об употреблении прилагательных после глаголов be, seem, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste, smell, sound, appear, turn в английском языке. Сравнение с аналогичными предложениями в русском языке.

III. More Facts about Adverbs: Adverbs and Adjectives



Adjectives are used to say how something is, seems, becomes, gets, grows, looks, feels, tastes, smells, sounds, appears, turns.

William feels sad.

Jane looks great.

It’s growing cold.

The music sounds loud.

Roses smell sweet.

Adverbs are often used in similar cases.

Уильяму грустно.

Джейн выглядит отлично.

Становится холодно.

Музыка звучит громко.

Розы пахнут сладко.

5. Тренировочные упражнения:

Ex. 36 Express the same in English. Use the verbs from the table above.

1. Ларри прекрасно выглядит для своего возраста.

1. Larry looks great (very good) for his age.

2. Мальчик кажет­ся слишком усталым, чтобы идти дальше.

2. The boy looks too tired to go farther (further).

3. Анна говорит, что прекрасно чувствует себя после отдыха у моря.

3. Anna says she feels great after her seaside holiday.

4. Пирог хорош на вкус, спасибо.

4. The pie tastes very nice, thank you.

5. Становится жарко, давай откроем окно.

5. It’s getting hot, let’s open the window.

6. Его рассказ звучит ин­тересно.

6. His story sounds interesting.

7. Чайник всё ещё горячий на ощупь.

7. The teapot (ket­tle) still feels hot.

8. Хорош ли суп на вкус?

8. Does the soup taste good?

9. Вы выглядите очень нарядно. Куда вы идёте?

9. You look very smart. Where are you going?

10. Твой братишка кажется вполне счастливым.

10. Your little brother looks quite happy.

11. Песня звучит слишком тихо, я не понимаю слов.

11. The song sounds very quiet, I don’t understand the words.

12. Что это за блюдо? Оно так вкусно пахнет!

12. What’s this dish? It smells so tasty.

Ex. 37

Make up sentences of your own. Use the verbs and adjectives below.

Verbs: look seem feel taste

Adjectives: good wonderful nice awful horrible

sound smell appear turn lovely pleasant unpleasant

EXAMPLE: Liz looked wonderful at the party.



1. That day John looked sad and unhappy.

2. Tom grows very nervous when I mention his marks.

3. The answer appeared unexpect­ed.

4. Sally turned pale and left the room.

5. My mother’s perfume smells very nice.

1. John looked at us sadly but said nothing.

2. The flowers grow wonderfully in such weather.

3. John appeared unexpectedly at the end of the party.

4. Sarah turned the leaves of her book quickly.

5. A dog’s nose can smell very well.

Ex. 38

Express the same in English.

1. Сирень (lilac) пахнет сладко.

1. (The) Lilac smells sweet.

2. Джон всегда говорит тихо.

2. John always speaks quietly.

3. Мой дядя посмотрел на меня сердито.

3. My uncle looked at me angrily.

4. Музыка звучит громко.

4. The music sounds loud.

5. Нелли чувствует себя хорошо, а её сестра всё ещё выглядит плохо.

5. Nelly feels well, but her sister still looks bad.

6. Дети плохо говорят по-испански.

6. The children speak Spanish badly (poorly).

7. Когда Анна услышала эту новость, ей стало грустно.

7. When Ann heard the news she became sad.

8. Джеку было тепло. Он не чувствовал, что на улице подмораживало.

8. Jack was/felt warm. He didn’t feel it was freezing outdoors.

9. Госпожа Бигс холодно поприветствовала нас и вы­шла из комнаты.

9. Mrs Biggs greeted us cold­ly and left the room.

10. Пища горька на вкус.

10. The food tastes bitter.

11. Становится темно.

11. It’s getting dark.

12. Прощаясь с нами, он грустно улыбался.

12. While saying «goodbye» (parting with us) he was smiling sadly.

6. Ознакомление учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом «Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность» (таблица, с. 206-207).

IV. More Facts about Substantivized Adjectives

Nation and Nationality Words

Substantivized Adjectives and Nouns


People. Representatives of a Nation





Adjectives ending in -an add -s for the plural. It is also true for Czech, Greek, Thai.



Bulgarian Canadian








an American

a Belgian

a Bulgarian

a Canadian

a German

an Italian

a Mexican

a Norwegian

a Czech

a Greek

a Thai [tai]












the Americans

the Belgians

the Bulgarians

the Canadians

the Germans

the Italians

the Mexicans

the Norwegians

the Czechs

the Greeks

the Thais


People. Representatives of a Nation




II Adjectives ending in -ese, -ss do not add -s for the plural.





a Chinese

a Japanese

a Portuguese

a Swiss

Chinese people

Japanese people

Portuguese people

Swiss people

the Chinese

the Japanese

the Portuguese

the Swiss

III Some adjectives ending in -sh or ch are used neither to name representatives of a nation or a nation as a whole we use special nouns for both.










a Briton

a Britisher англичанин, британец

a Dutchman

a Dutchwoman

an Englishman англичанин

an Englishwoman англичанка

a Finn финн, финка

a Frenchman

a Frenchwoman

an Irishman

an Irishwoman

a Scot шотландец

a Spaniard испанец, испанка

a Welshman a Welshwoman




Dutchwomen нидерландка; голландка

Dutch people



English people




French people



Irish people





Welsh people

the British

the Dutch

the English

the Finnish

the French

the Irish

the Scottish

the Spanish

the Welsh

1. Notice that all nationality words have capital letters.

2. In phrases like «Я русский», «Он американец» we more often use adjectives than nouns: «I am Russian.» «He is American.» («I am a Russian.» «He is an American.» are possible but not often used.)

39. Look at the table of Nation and Nationality Words (page 206-207 and say what adjectives are not used to give names to languages Why?

Ex. 39

American, Belgian, Canadian, Mexican, Swiss, British, Irish, Scottish. Because these languages do not exist.

40. Say people of what nationalities live in these countries and wh; languages they speak.

The Danes live in Denmark. They speak Danish.

Ex. 40

1) China

1) The Chinese live in China. They speak Chinese.

2) Italy

2) The Italians live in Italy. They speak Italian.

3) Britain

3) The British live in Britain. They speak English.

4) Norway

4) The Norwegians live in Norway. They speak Norwegian.

5) Russia

5) The Russians live in Russia. They speak Russian.

6) Sweden

6) The Swedish live in Sweden. They speak Swedish.

7) Japan

7) The Japanese live in Japan. They speak Japanese.

8) the Czech Republic

8) The Czech live in the Czech Republic. They speak Czech.

9) Ireland

9) The Irish live in Ireland. They speak Irish Gaelic and English.

10) the USA

10) The Americans live in the USA. They speak English.

11) Portugal

11) The Portuguese live in Portugal. They speak Portuguese.

12) Turkey

12) The Turks live in Turkey. They speak Turkish.

13) Canada

13) The Canadians live in Canada. They speak English and French.

14) Greece

14) The Greeks live in Greece. They speak Greek.

15) France

15) The French live in France. They speak French.

16) England

16) The English live in England. They speak English.

17) Wales

17) The Welsh live in Wales. They speak Welsh and English.


18) The Mexicans live in Mexico. They speak Spanish.

19) Holland

19) The Dutch live in Holland (the Netherlands). They speak Dutch.

20) Scotland

20) The Scottish live in Scotland. They speak English and Scottish Gaelic [geilik] — 1) гэльский, гаэльский язык (язык шотландских кельтов).

Ex. 41. Remember what food we associate with different countries and match the words in these columns.

1. English

2. Italian

3. Swiss

4. Czech

5. Greek

6. Portuguese

7. Turkish

8. Norwegian

9. Dutch

10. Russian

11. Chinese

12. German

a) cheese

b) coffee

c) tea

d) caviar(e)

e) sausages

f) pizza

g) olives

h) rice

i) chocolate

j) sardines [sɑ:di:nz]

k) beer

1) salmon [`sælmən]

English tea,

Italian pizza,

Swiss chocolate,

Czech beer,

Greek olives,

Portuguese sardines,

Turkish coffee,

Norwegian salmon,

Dutch cheese,

Russian caviar(e),

Chinese rice,

German sausages

Ex. 42. Some people believe in national stereotypes and associate certain qualities with certain nations. See if your associations will be the same as your classmates’ and decide if the idea of national stereotypes works.

EXAMPLE: The Italians are very good singers.

Ex. 43

1. В прошлом году к нам в школу приезжали две англичанки.

1. Last year two Englishwomen came to our school.

2. Я бы хотел больше узнать о королевской семье Бельгии.

2. I’d like to learn (know) more about the Belgian Royal Family.

3. Мексиканцы говорят по-испански.

3. (The) Mexicans speak Spanish.

4. Китайцы принадлежат к очень древней циви­лизации, и каждый китаец гордится этим.

4. The Chinese belong to a very ancient civilization and every Chinese is proud of it.

5. Финны — прекрасные лыжники, и норвежцы тоже.

5. (The) Finns are great skiers and so are the Norwegians.

6. Она ирландка, но живет в Англии.

6. She is Irish, but she lives in England.

7. В их футбольной команде играют два итальянца и немец.

7. Two Italians and a German play in their football team.

8. Ис­панцы славятся своими песнями и танцами.

8. The Spanish (Spaniards) are famous for their singing and dancing.

9. Эти два юноши -канадцы. Они приехали к нам из Оттавы.

9. These two young men are Canadian(s). They’ve come (came) here from Ottawa.

10. Имя этого художника знакомо каждому французу.

10. The name of this artist is familiar to every Frenchman (French person).

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) AB Ex. 13, p. 67 (written) Unit 5,

2) АВ Ex. 14, р. 67 Unit 5 (письменно).

Урок 32

Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность.

Цель урока

Ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом «Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность». Актуализация знаний об употреблении прилагательных после глаголов be, seem, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste, smell, sound, appear, turn в английском языке.

Задачи урока


— ознакомление с новым грамматическим материалом;

— повторение ранее изученного материала по теме «Прилагательные после глаголов be, seem, become, get, grow, look, feel, taste, smell, sound, appear, turn в английском языке»;

— обучение использованию грамматических структур на уровне предложения;

— совершенствование речевой активности;

— обучение переводу;

— обучение аудированию с целью извлечения главной мысли.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие умений обобщать полученную информацию.


— развитие общекультурных умений при систематизации и обобщении информации, интеллектуальное развитие личности в процессе соизучения языков и культур.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. АВ ex. 11, 12, p. 67

Ex. 11 Choose the right item.

1. Jane, you look (awful/awfully) today. What has happened?

1. awful

2. Her refusal appeared (unexpected/unexpectedly).

2. unexpected

3. Her voice sounded (loud/loudly) when she was talking to us.

3. loud

4. George speaks Italian very (well/good).

4. well

5. Mary looked (sad/sadly) at me and burst out cry­ing.

5. sadly

6. The teacher’s voice sounded so (quiet/quietly) that I hardly understood what he was saying.

6 quiet

7. I feel really (good/well) today and I want the whole world to be happy.

7. good

8. Bye, Tom. Get (good/well) soon!

8. well

9. The man’s words sounded (pleasant/pleasantly) but we didn’t trust him.

9. pleasant

10. I’m (awful/awfully) sorry for you.

10. awfully

11. Her cousin arrived (unexpected/unexpectedly) at the end of the week.

11. unexpectedly

12. Don’t speak so (loud/loudly). The baby is sleeping.

12. loudly

13. Sarah left the party (quiet/quietly) without saying a word to anyone.

13. quietly

14. My new neigh­bour always greets me (pleasant/pleasantly) when we meet.

14. pleas­antly

15. This music sounds too (sad/sadly), I don’t like it.

15. sad

Ex. 12 Express the same in English.

1. Цветы сильно пахнут перед дождем.

1. The flowers smell strong before the rain.

2. Я видел, что ребенок страшно напуган.

2. I saw that the child was awfully frightened.

3. Мне было холодно, и я включил обогреватель (heater).

3. I felt cold and turned on the heater.

4. Новое здание колледжа выглядит очень привлекатель­но.

4. The new college building looks very attractive.

5. Сейчас я чувствую себя хорошо, надеюсь, что головная боль не вернется.

5. Now I feel well, I hope the headache won’t come back.

6. Посмотри на эту женщину. Не кажется ли тебе, что она выглядит странно?

6. Look at this woman. Don’t you think she looks strange?

7. Эти новые духи очень сладко пахнут.

7. This new perfume smells very sweet.

8. Девочка быстро взглянула на меня и отвернулась.

8. The girl looked at me quickly and turned away.

9. Это лекар­ство такое горькое на вкус, я не могу его принимать.

9. The medicine tastes bitter, I can’t take it.

10. Цены в нашем супермаркете приятно удивят вас.

10. The prices in our supermarket will pleasantly surprise you.

П. Основная часть

3. Ознакомление учащихся с новым грамматическим материалом «Словообразование. Образование слов, означающих национальность» (таблица, с. 206-207).

IV. More Facts about Substantivized Adjectives

Nation and Nationality Words

Substantivized Adjectives and Nouns


People. Representatives of a Nation





Adjectives ending in -an add -s for the plural. It is also true for Czech, Greek, Thai.



Bulgarian Canadian








an American

a Belgian

a Bulgarian

a Canadian

a German

an Italian

a Mexican

a Norwegian

a Czech

a Greek

a Thai [tai]












the Americans

the Belgians

the Bulgarians

the Canadians

the Germans

the Italians

the Mexicans

the Norwegians

the Czechs

the Greeks

the Thais


People. Representatives of a Nation




II Adjectives ending in -ese, -ss do not add -s for the plural.





a Chinese

a Japanese

a Portuguese

a Swiss

Chinese people

Japanese people

Portuguese people

Swiss people

the Chinese

the Japanese

the Portuguese

the Swiss

III Some adjectives ending in -sh or ch are used neither to name representatives of a nation or a nation as a whole we use special nouns for both.










a Briton

a Britisher англичанин, британец

a Dutchman

a Dutchwoman

an Englishman англичанин

an Englishwoman англичанка

a Finn финн, финка

a Frenchman

a Frenchwoman

an Irishman

an Irishwoman

a Scot шотландец

a Spaniard испанец, испанка

a Welshman a Welshwoman




Dutchwomen нидерландка; голландка

Dutch people



English people




French people



Irish people





Welsh people

the British

the Dutch

the English

the Finnish

the French

the Irish

the Scottish

the Spanish

the Welsh

1. Notice that all nationality words have capital letters.

2. In phrases like «Я русский», «Он американец» we more often use adjectives than nouns: «I am Russian.» «He is American.» («I am a Russian.» «He is an American.» are possible but not often used.)

4. Тренировочные упражнения

Ex. 39. Look at the table of Nation and Nationality Words (page 206-207 and say what adjectives are not used to give names to languages Why?

Ex. 39

American, Belgian, Canadian, Mexican, Swiss, British, Irish, Scottish. Because these languages do not exist.

40. Say people of what nationalities live in these countries and wh; languages they speak.

The Danes live in Denmark. They speak Danish.

Ex. 40

1) China

1) The Chinese live in China. They speak Chinese.

2) Italy

2) The Italians live in Italy. They speak Italian.

3) Britain

3) The British live in Britain. They speak English.

4) Norway

4) The Norwegians live in Norway. They speak Norwegian.

5) Russia

5) The Russians live in Russia. They speak Russian.

6) Sweden

6) The Swedish live in Sweden. They speak Swedish.

7) Japan

7) The Japanese live in Japan. They speak Japanese.

8) the Czech Republic

8) The Czech live in the Czech Republic. They speak Czech.

9) Ireland

9) The Irish live in Ireland. They speak Irish Gaelic and English.

10) the USA

10) The Americans live in the USA. They speak English.

11) Portugal

11) The Portuguese live in Portugal. They speak Portuguese.

12) Turkey

12) The Turks live in Turkey. They speak Turkish.

13) Canada

13) The Canadians live in Canada. They speak English and French.

14) Greece

14) The Greeks live in Greece. They speak Greek.

15) France

15) The French live in France. They speak French.

16) England

16) The English live in England. They speak English.

17) Wales

17) The Welsh live in Wales. They speak Welsh and English.


18) The Mexicans live in Mexico. They speak Spanish.

19) Holland

19) The Dutch live in Holland (the Netherlands). They speak Dutch.

20) Scotland

20) The Scottish live in Scotland. They speak English and Scottish Gaelic [geilik] — 1) гэльский, гаэльский язык (язык шотландских кельтов).

Ex. 41. Remember what food we associate with different countries and match the words in these columns.

1. English

2. Italian

3. Swiss

4. Czech

5. Greek

6. Portuguese

7. Turkish

8. Norwegian

9. Dutch

10. Russian

11. Chinese

12. German

a) cheese

b) coffee

c) tea

d) caviar(e)

e) sausages

f) pizza

g) olives

h) rice

i) chocolate

j) sardines [sɑ:di:nz]

k) beer

1) salmon [`sælmən]

English tea,

Italian pizza,

Swiss chocolate,

Czech beer,

Greek olives,

Portuguese sardines,

Turkish coffee,

Norwegian salmon,

Dutch cheese,

Russian caviar(e),

Chinese rice,

German sausages

Ex. 42. Some people believe in national stereotypes and associate certain qualities with certain nations. See if your associations will be the same as your classmates’ and decide if the idea of national stereotypes works.

EXAMPLE: The Italians are very good singers.

Ex. 43

1. В прошлом году к нам в школу приезжали две англичанки.

1. Last year two Englishwomen came to our school.

2. Я бы хотел больше узнать о королевской семье Бельгии.

2. I’d like to learn (know) more about the Belgian Royal Family.

3. Мексиканцы говорят по-испански.

3. (The) Mexicans speak Spanish.

4. Китайцы принадлежат к очень древней циви­лизации, и каждый китаец гордится этим.

4. The Chinese belong to a very ancient civilization and every Chinese is proud of it.

5. Финны — прекрасные лыжники, и норвежцы тоже.

5. (The) Finns are great skiers and so are the Norwegians.

6. Она ирландка, но живет в Англии.

6. She is Irish, but she lives in England.

7. В их футбольной команде играют два итальянца и немец.

7. Two Italians and a German play in their football team.

8. Ис­панцы славятся своими песнями и танцами.

8. The Spanish (Spaniards) are famous for their singing and dancing.

9. Эти два юноши — канадцы. Они приехали к нам из Оттавы.

9. These two young men are Canadian(s). They’ve come (came) here from Ottawa.

10. Имя этого художника знакомо каждому французу.

10. The name of this artist is familiar to every Frenchman (French person).

III. Заключение

5. Подведение итогов урока.

6. Домашнее задание.

1) AB Ex. 13, p. 67 (written) Unit 5,

2) АВ Ex. 14, р. 67 Unit 5 (письменно).

Урок 35

Развитие умений в диалогической речи по теме «Asking for directions. Giving directions». Фразовый глагол to drop. Ознакомление.

Цель урока

Развитие умений в диалогической речи.

Задачи урока


— развитие умений в диалогической речи;

— обучение логическому построению диалога и взаимодействию между собеседниками;

— ознакомление с фразовым глаголом drop;

обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания;

— обучение переводу;

— обучение аудированию с целью совершенствования произно­сительных навыков;

— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений.


— развитие творческого мышления;

— развитие общекультурных умений ученика с целью их прак­тического применения на уроках английского языка.


— развитие социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

— формирование картины окружающего мира во всем его много­образии.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

Ex. 42. Some people believe in national stereotypes and associate certain qualities with certain nations. See if your associations will be the same as your classmates’ and decide if the idea of national stereotypes works.

EXAMPLE: The Italians are very good singers.

Ex. 43

1. В прошлом году к нам в школу приезжали две англичанки.

1. Last year two Englishwomen came to our school.

2. Я бы хотел больше узнать о королевской семье Бельгии.

2. I’d like to learn (know) more about the Belgian Royal Family.

3. Мексиканцы говорят по-испански.

3. (The) Mexicans speak Spanish.

4. Китайцы принадлежат к очень древней циви­лизации, и каждый китаец гордится этим.

4. The Chinese belong to a very ancient civilization and every Chinese is proud of it.

5. Финны — прекрасные лыжники, и норвежцы тоже.

5. (The) Finns are great skiers and so are the Norwegians.

6. Она ирландка, но живет в Англии.

6. She is Irish, but she lives in England.

7. В их футбольной команде играют два итальянца и немец.

7. Two Italians and a German play in their football team.

8. Ис­панцы славятся своими песнями и танцами.

8. The Spanish (Spaniards) are famous for their singing and dancing.

9. Эти два юноши — канадцы. Они приехали к нам из Оттавы.

9. These two young men are Canadian(s). They’ve come (came) here from Ottawa.

10. Имя этого художника знакомо каждому французу.

10. The name of this artist is familiar to every Frenchman (French person).

3. Речевая зарядка.

1) К концу года мы будем изучать английский язык уже 7 лет.

2) В сентябре будет 11 лет, как я работаю в этой школе.

3) В октябре будет 5 лет, как мы занимаемся плаванием.

4) Когда они придут, мы будем переводить статью уже час.

5) Когда она приедет в Москву, они будут жить здесь уже 2 года.

II. Основная часть

4. Обучение диалогической речи с использованием речевых кли­ше с опорой на таблицу (Ex. 32, Unit 6) и кассету/диск с задани­ем № 29.

5. Закрепление умений в диалогической речи. Ex. 33, Unit 6 (Student’s Book); Ex. 18, 19, Unit 6 (Activity Book).

6. Ознакомление учащихся с фразовым глаголом run с опорой на таблицу, с. 183—184.

7. Закрепление фразового глагола. Ex. 34, Unit 6.

III. Заключение

8. Подведение итогов урока.

9. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 67 A, Unit 6.

2) Составить письменно 4 диалога по две реплики в каждом на основе упражнения в учебнике. Ex. 32, Unit 6.

Урок 38

Ознакомление с лексическими единицами по теме «Путешествие».

Цель урока

Семантизация лексических единиц по теме «Путешествие».

Задачи урока


— совершенствование речевой активности, развитие практиче­ских речевых умений;

— развитие умений в диалогической речи;

— обучение использованию семантизированных лексических единиц на уровне словосочетания, предложения и межфразо­вого единства.


— развитие внимания, творческого мышления;

— развитие зрительной памяти, языковой догадки.


— воспитание лингвистической компетенции учащихся и их по­знавательной активности;

— формирование картины окружающего мира.

Ход урока

I. Вводная часть

1. Организационный момент.

Приветствие, ознакомление уча­щихся с целями и задачами урока.

2. Проверка домашнего задания. Ex. 48 A, Unit 5; диалог.

Ex. 48

A. underground maps; information on television screens; indicators on the front of the trains and on the platform; station staff

B. 1. Northern; 2. a television screen; 3. 250; 4. symbol; 5. ticket machine, ticket office; 6. books of tickets; 7. destinations; 8. gives it up; 9. all of London’s Red Buses and main line trains; 10. at railway and underground stations

3. Речевая зарядка. Express your reaction to the following phrases:

B. Fill in the missing information.

1. To get from Tooting Broadway to Tottenham Court Road (by under­ground) you use the Northern Line. 2. To tell the passengers where the train is going they use a television screen at each station. 3. In London there are over 250 Underground stations. 4. There is a special illuminated symbol for London transport. 5. One can buy a ticket either from a ticket machine or the ticket office. 6. Tourist tickets and books of tickets save your time, trouble and money. 7. From some platforms trains leave for different destinations. 8. In the London Underground one keeps the ticket till the end of the journey and gives it up leaving the Underground. 9. Tourists tickets and travel cards are not only for the Underground, they are also for all of London’s Red Buses and even main line trains. 10. You can buy your travel card at railway and underground station and in some small shops.

Study the map of the London Underground (Ex. 48) and say:

1) how many lines they have; 2) on what bank of the River Thames most of them are situated; 3) if there is a circular line; 4) what station names are associated with the places in London that you have heard of; 5) if you can say that London’s Underground is very old just by looking at the map; 6) what additional information the map gives in the picture.

3) Фразовый глагол to drop

phrasal verb

to drop

to drop in (on smb/at some place) — навестить, зайти, заглянуть (к комуто/кудато)

Let’s drop in on Jim and Mary while we’re in the neighbourhood. Look who’s just dropped in!

After the game’s over, I may drop in at a small cafe for a cup of coffee.

to drop off — а) выходить, высадить (из машины)

Thanks for the ride, I’ll drop off here.

Drop me off at the corner, and I’ll walk from there.

b) оставить, «забросить» (вещи) куда-то

I just want to drop the letter off.

I’ll drop my coat off at the cleaner’s on my way to the office.

to drop on smb — а) набрасываться, нападать на кого-либо Why drop on me? It’s not my fault.

b) наткнуться, натолкнуться на коголибо, случайно встретить We dropped on the perfect house after searching for weeks. I dropped on this old photograph in the back of the drawer.

to drop out — выбывать, выходить из чегото, бросать (школу) James dropped out of the game at the very beginning. Who has dropped out of the contest?

Ex. 51

1. He dropped out of school.

1. Он бросил школу.

2. Why don’t you drop in sometime and have a look at my holiday snaps of St Petersburg?

2. Почему бы тебе как-нибудь не зайти (ко мне) и не взглянуть на фотографии (снимки), которые я сделал, ког­да отдыхал в Санкт-Петербурге?

3. Shall I drop you off at your house?

3. Тебя высадить у твоего дома?

4. Jane dropped in on me after supper.

4. Джейн зашла ко мне после ужина.

5. There are only seven people left in the group — five dropped out last month.

5. В группе осталось только семь человек — пятеро в прошлом месяце выбыли (отчислились).

6. Why drop on your younger brother for what he evidently hasn’t done?

6. С какой стати набрасываться на младшего брата, когда очевид­но, что он этого не делал?

7. I just dropped in to wish you a Merry Christmas.

7. Я просто заглянул(а), чтобы пожелать тебе счастливого Рождества.

8. I dropped on an old friend in town today.

8. Сегодня в городе я случайно встре­тил) старого друга.

Ex. 52

1. in; 2. out; 3. in; on; 4. off; 5. out; 6. on; 7. in; 8. out; 9. off; 10. on

II. Основная часть

4. Семантизация новых лексических единиц по теме «Путешествие». Ex. 35, 36, Unit 6.

words то learn

A. Read and guess what the words in bold type mean.

Believe me, I’ve told you the absolute [‘aebsaluit] truth.

1) How much is that altogether в общем, в целом, how much is that all in all?

2) Some of what you say is true, but I don’t altogether agree, and John doesn’t completely agree either.

A cavalcade [,k3evl’keid] кавалькада, группа всадников is a procession of riders or vehicles.

The film was very good but it was not a commercial success and so brought in not too much money.

There’s a countless бессчётный, бесчисленный, многочисленный, неисчислимый, несчётный number of stars in our Galaxy alone.

Have you ever heard of Norwegian fjords [fjo:dz], narrow channels with rocky shores? They are very picturesque.

Linda is my half-sister сестра по одному из родителей, we have the same mother but different fathers. Their marriage is very happy, idyllic [I’dilik] идиллический, I may say.

A steward f’stjuiad] is a person who serves passengers on a ship, plane or train.

This time I totally [‘tautli] agree with you.

Be sure that in the Greens’ house you’ll get a very warm welcome: they are the nicest people I’ve met.

B. Look the words up to make sure that you have guessed right.

Read the words, look them up and then study the word combi­nations and sentences to know how to use them.

thrill а) вызывать трепет, дрожь; сильно волновать (v): to thrill someone, to be thrilled by sth. The news of Paul’s prize thrilled his mother. If you are thrilled, you feel excitement. thrill (n): a. big thrill, a great thrill, the thrill of going abroad. It was a

great thrill to win the first prize. thrilling 1) волнующий, захватывающий (adj): What a thrilling game!

nightmare []кошмар, страшный сон; ужас (n): — John, wake up! You were crying in your sleep!

Sorry. I had a nightmare. Our journey was a real nightmare,

clatter сильно греметь, грохотать; шуметь, цокать clatter the dishes, to clatter on the roof (about hailstones).

Plates, pots and pans can clatter. We heard hooves clatter on the bridge.

clatter (n): a clatter of dishes

confuse ) смешивать, путать (v): 1 to confuse sb. His questions confused me. He confused me

by his questions. His late arrival confused the party.

2 I always confuse Robert and his twin brother. Don’t confuse the word «weather» with «whether».

confusing (adj): сбивающий с толку a confusing answer

rough [rɅf] грубый (adj): 1 a rough road, a rough sea, rough weather. When wood is first cut. it feels rough. Strong winds cause rough seas.

2 a rough voice, a rough boy. The child’s voice was rough with crying.

3 a rough idea, a rough paper. The artists did a rough drawing before doing the painting.

sink (v): to sink — sank — sunk. The boat had a hole, so it sank. He dropped a stone into the river and it sank to the bottom,

groan (v) 1) стонать; охать; рассказать со стоном, простонать: to groan with pain. He groaned as he lifted the heavy box. The old man lay groaning beside the road after the accident, groan (n): a groan of despair, a groan of disappointment, to give a groan of pain

tremble (v): to tremble with fear (cold, weakness), a voice trembling with emotion. The old man was trembling with rage 1) ярость, гнев, бешенство; приступ сильного гнева. The whole house

trembled as the train went by.

annual [‘aenjual] (adj): an annual meeting, an annual report, an annual

event, an annual salary. The annual rainfall in this area is light.

Easter is an annual event.

reunion (n): an annual reunion, a family reunion. We hold an annual reunion of former students of our college.

embrace [im’breis] обниматься (v): to embrace sb. Florence embraced her little brother warmly. The two sisters met and embraced tenderly.

tears(n): tears of joy, tears of gratitude, tears of laughter, to burst into tears. Jane burst into tears when she heard the bad news.

flow (u): to flow to/into the sea. The river flowed along rapidly. As they sat around the fire, the conversation began to flow freely.

flow (n): a flow of blood, a flow of traffic, a flow of words. The flow of the water from the pipe is slow.

wrinkled [‘nnkld] (adj): a wrinkled face, wrinkled hands, wrinkled stock­ings. The back of her skirt was

wrinkled from sitting on it.

destination [,desti’neifn] (n): the destination of the journey, to arrive at one’s destination. The destination of our trip is San Francisco. What’s your destination?

vessel (n) (formal): a grain-carrying vessel, a fishing vessel. That day we could see a lot of vessels in the port.

bare [Ьеэ] (adj): a bare tree, a bare wall, bare feet. He walked across the bare floor. They were all bare from the waist up. The tree branches were bare — there were no leaves on them. Without the sofa and two armchairs the room looked bare.

bareheaded women с непокрытой головой; barefooted босиком children

couple [‘kApl] (n): a couple of friends, a couple of dollars, a couple of days, a married couple. Jane and Tom are a couple that love to go dancing. The young couple decided to start their tour immediately.

5.Закрепление лексических единиц. Ex. 55, Unit 5.

Ex. 55

1) a nightmare; a reunion; a tear; a destination; a vessel; a couple

2) to thrill; to clatter; to sink; to groan; to tremble; to embrace; to flow

3) confused; rough; annual; wrinkled; bare

Ex. 56

to clatter on the roof; a confusing answer; a rough sea; to sink to the bottom; a groan of despair; to tremble with anger (rage); to embrace tenderly; a fishing vessel; a flow of words; the destination of our trip; wrinkled cheeks; an annual holiday (festival); to burst into tears; bare branches of trees; a thrilling game; a family reunion; a real nightmare; a married couple

Ex. 57

1. annual; 2. thrilling; 3. clatter; 4. embrace; 5. tears, wrinkled; 6. cou­ple; 7. destination; 8. sank; 9. rough; 10. nightmare; 11. reunion;

12. confusing; 13. bare; 14. groaning; 15. flow

Ex. 58

1. pair; 2. pair; 3. couple; 4. pair; 5. couple; 6. couple; 7. pair; 8. pair;

9. couple; 10. couples

Ex. 59

1. Go shopping and buy a couple of kilos of apples. 2. The first day of the journey was a real nightmare but then everything changed for the better. 3. The sea was so rough that nearly everybody got/was sea­sick. 4. The tree was

III. Заключение

6. Подведение итогов урока.

7. Домашнее задание.

1) Ex. 21, Unit 6 (Activity Book).

2) Ex. 38, Unit 6.

Помогите пожалуйста.
1.      Choose the correct
word for each sentence.
In most countries policemen carry ______ .
guns      b)
swords     c) masks
Members of Criminal Investigation department are
______ .
officers    b)
volunteers    c) detectives
 A police
officer can stop and search people if he ______ 
them of committing a crime.
prevents     b)
suspects    c) provides
The head of Scotland Yard is appointed by the Crown on
the ________ of Home Secretary.
a)     recommendation   b) provision   c) opinion
Courts decide both criminal and civil ____ .
 crimes    b) cases   
c)  procedures
The jury traditionally ____ of 12 ordinary people.
includes     b)
consists    c)   covers
The jurors discuss their ____ in a special room.                           
b)  situation    c) decision
If a person committed a_____, he/she cannot be a
crime   b)
mistake    c) disease
The jury reaches the verdict, but the ____   passes the sentence.
clerk    b)  judge  
c) police officer
 The verdict of
the jury must be ______ in cases of murder.  
b)  similar   c) different    

Автор: Гость

выполните тест .
1. Translate the word combinations.
1. Eat candy floss –
2. Go souvenir shopping –
3. Fly in pirate trip –
4. See famous landmarks –
5. Shake hands with cartoon characters –
6. Explore a haunted mansion –
7. Ride on a rollercoaster –
2. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences/перевод
1. you / arrived / just / have?
2. hasn’t / she / yet / packed / suitcase / her.
3. Have / I / to / camp / adventure / an / been / before.
4. You / have / ever / with / characters /shaken /cartoon /hands?
5. Never /I/ seen /robot / have /a.
3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense/перевод
1. I /tidy up /my / room
2. She /eat/ candy floss
3. He /go / souvenir / shopping
4. We / read / this / book
5. They / travel / Europe
4. Correct the mistakes/перевод
1. unactive –
2. ilbelievable–
3. inresponsible–
4. irlogical –
5. ilpossible –
6. imforgettable–
7. inbalanced –

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