Second longest word in

Longest words in the world

The top five longest words in the world


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Did you know that the longest word in the world contains 190,000 letters? The following  is our list of the five longest words in the world:

  1. An English word of 189, 819 letters 

The longest word in the world is the English term: «methionylthreonylthreonyl(…)isoleucine».

This term, which has no less than 189, 819 letters, is the chemical name of the largest protein: titin. It would take three hours to recite it from beginning to end! 

  1. A Sanskrit word of 195 characters


The second longest word in the world is a 195-character Sanskrit word (equivalent to 428 letters in the Latin alphabet).

It is a word that has been listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest word in the world. It first appeared in the 16th century in a book written by Queen Tirumalãmbã, and is actually a description of a region in India called Tamil Nadu.

  1. An Afrikaans word of 136 letters

The third longest word is this 136-letter Afrikaans word:


Roughly translated, it means ‘a press conference on a speech by a trade union official at a used car dealership about a strike’.

Afrikaans is a Germanic language derived from Dutch, and is one of the eleven official languages of South Africa.

  1. A New Zealand word with 85 letters

This is the fourth longest word in the world:


This is actually the name of a hill in New Zealand. Its translation is: «The peak where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, the surveyor, the mountain climber, the walker who travelled here, played his flute to his beloved

Consisting of 85 letters, this word is the longest place name in the world in the Latin alphabet. It has also been included in the Guinness Book of Records.

  1. An Icelandic word with 64 letters


This Icelandic word of 64 letters is the fifth longest in the world. It is literally translated as follows: 

«A ring on a key ring for the outer door of the tool shed used by road maintenance workers on Vaðlaheiði hill.”


Answers to your questions about the longest words in the world

The longest French word officially recognised by the Académie française is «anticonstitutionnellement», which consists of 25 letters. It is, in other words, the longest word in the French dictionary.

«Rinderkennzeichnungsfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz» is the longest word in the German language with 79 letters.

The longest English word is also the longest word in the world, with almost 190,000 letters. It is the chemical name for titin, the largest protein known. The longest word in the English dictionary however, is the 45-letter word «pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis», which refers to a lung disease. Doctors call it «P45».

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The editorial team, which is led by the founder of the group to which Alphatrad UK belongs, consists of experts who specialise in language services. Our goal is to regularly provide you with articles related to translation and language services, which will help you with your language services’ needs.

What is the second longest word in the dictionary?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)

How is long a pronounced?

The ‘long a’ /eɪ/ is a 2-sound vowel. It is the middle sound in the word ‘cake’ /keɪk/. To pronounce the sound, begin with the tongue pushed somewhat forward but in a neutral position in the mouth.

Is day a long a word?

The combination of both an “a” and “y” can result in the long a sound. The AY words, e.g., day and say, are not as plentiful as the AI words. The vowel team rule states when two vowels go walking the first does the talking and the second vowel is silent. Like most things in life, there are exceptions.

Is Whale short a or long a?

Long Vowel Rule (1): When a word has two vowel, usually the first vowel says its name and the second vowel is silent.
game wave sale
name save whale
2. Long vowel e words
sea seal fear

How do you pronounce Eid?

Eid is pronounced like ‘eed’ as in the word ‘feed’.

What are the 3 Eids?

  • Eid al-Fitr – which means ‘festival of the breaking of the fast – is celebrated at the end of Ramadan, , a month when many adult Muslims fast.
  • Eid al-Adha – which means ‘feast of the sacrifice’ – is celebrated just over two months later, at the same time when many Muslims perform the Hajj pilgrimage.

Is Eid Mubarak Arabic?

The Arabic word “mubarak” translates as “blessed,” while “Eid” means feast, festival or celebration, so “Eid Mubarak” can literally mean “blessed celebration” or “blessed feast”, although it is widely interpreted as simply wishing somebody a “happy Eid”.

Is Eid Mubarak like Christmas?

As we approach the end of the month of Ramadan, Muslims look forward to a three-day celebration called Eid Al-Fitr. Like Christmas, Eid is a time to celebrate the faith, to be charitable, to visit friends and family, and to exchange gifts. …

Is Eid Mubarak and Ramadan same?

What does ‘Eid Mubarak’ mean? “Eid Mubarak” is a festive greeting that means “Blessed Eid” similar to wishing someone “Ramadan Mubarak”.

Is it OK to say Ramadan Kareem?

DUBAI: With Ramadan now upon us, it’s time to say Ramadan Kareem. However in the UAE, Ramadan Kareem [generous Ramadan] or Ramadan Mubarak [blessed Ramadan] is generally used,” he added.

Do you say Ramadan Kareem or Mubarak?

Muslims celebrate the start of Ramadan by greeting each other with”Ramadan Mubarak” and “Ramadan Kareem”, which means ”a blessed and generous month to you”.

Can you say Ramadan Mubarak during Ramadan?

The most established greeting for Ramadan is “Ramadan Mubarak” which is said at the end of Ramadan on the evening of June 4 called Eid al-Fitr which is a celebratory breaking of the fast held on the last day of Ramadan.

Is it haram to say Jummah Mubarak?

It certainly is not haram (forbidden) as there is nothing in Qur’an or Sunnah that says “Saying “Happy Friday” is haram!” On the other hand, Qur’an mandates: “When someone greets you nicely, greet him back, nicely.”

Why you shouldn’t say Ramadan Kareem?

Its just a statement like, “Ramadan Kareem has arrived” which means the blessed month of Ramadan has arrived. Kareem means “generous” and so Ramadan Kareem means, “Generous Ramadan”, which is not a greeting actually.

What is the reply of Ramadan Kareem?

Allahu Akram

What is the greeting for Ramadan?

Ramadan Mubarak

I have a list where the longest word is not a real English word, so I’d like to find the second longest word in my list to make sure it is an English word.

words is the name of my list

I’ve tried

longest_word = max(words, key=len)-2
longest_word = max(words, key=len)[:-2]

I’ve even tried

from itertools import groupby
[next(g) for _, g in groupby(sorted(longest_word, key=len), len][-2]

How do I find the second longest word in my list?

Karl Knechtel's user avatar

asked Nov 4, 2021 at 3:31

peoplet's user avatar


You can try something like this

sorted(words, key=len)[-2]

answered Nov 4, 2021 at 3:36

Rasel's user avatar


507 bronze badges


Top 9 Longest Word In English

In English, there are 26 Alphabets by using these alphabets can we create a word that can pronounceable by Everyone. Today In this Article We are listing out the Top 9 Longest Words in English. Know their Meanings, No of letters or Alphabets and etc. Check Out Full List Given Below.

Top 9 Longest Word In English:

Top 9 Longest Word In English, Longest Word In English, Longest Word In English in english language,what is the  Longest Word In English language,what is  Longest Word In English, Longest Word In English in dictionary, Longest Word In English dictionary, Longest Word In English dictionary, Longest Word In English pronunciation, Longest Word In English in the world,
Longest Word In English

1.Word: Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylalanyl…isoleucine. It is the First Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 189,819
  • Meaning: The chemical name of titin, the largest known protein
  • Dispute: Technical; not in dictionary; whether this is a word is disputed
  • Usage Note: This word has 189,819 characters in its name and takes more than an hour to pronounce.

2.Word: Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamyl…serine. It is the second  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 1,909
  • Meaning: The chemical name of E. coli TrpA (P0A877)
  • Claim: Longest published word
  • Dispute: Technical

3.Word: Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphioparaomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon. It is the Third  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 182
  • Meaning: A fictional dish of food
  • Claim: The longest word coined by a major author, the longest word ever to appear in literature
  • Dispute: Contrived nonce word; not in dictionary; Ancient Greek transliteration
  • The Greek word has 172 letters and 78 syllables. 
  • The transliteration has 182 Latin characters. 
  • It is the longest word ever to appear in literature according to the Guinness World Records (1990).

4.Word: Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis . It is the Fourth  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 45
  • Meaning: The disease silicosis
  • Claim: The longest word in a major dictionary
  • Dispute: Technical; contrived coinage to make it the longest word
  • This is a word coined by the president of the National Puzzlers’ League as a synonym for the disease known as silicosis. 
  • It is the longest word in the English language published in a dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary, which defines it as «an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust».

5.Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. It is the Fifth  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 34
  • Meaning: Unclear in source work, has been cited as a nonsense word
  • Claim: Made popular in the Mary Poppins film and musical
  • Dispute: Contrived coinage
  •  This is a song and single from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins.
  •  The song was written by the Sherman Brothers, and sung by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. 
  • It also appears in the stage show version. Because Mary Poppins was a period piece set in 1910, songs that sounded similar to songs of the period were wanted.
  •  The movie version finished at #36 in AFI’s 100 Years…100 Songs survey of top tunes in American cinema.

6.Word: Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. It is the Sixth  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 30
  • Meaning: A medical disorder
  • Claim: The longest non-contrived word in a major dictionary.
  • Dispute: Technical
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (PPHP) is an inherited disorder, named for its similarity to pseudohypoparathyroidism in the presentation. 
  • It is more properly Albright hereditary osteodystrophy although without the resistance of parathyroid hormone frequently seen in that affliction.
  •  The term pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism is used to describe a condition where the individual has the phenotypic appearance of pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a but has (unexpected for the phenotype) normal labs including calcium and PTH.

7.Word: Floccinaucinihilipilification. It is the Seventh  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 29
  • Meaning: The act of regarding something as unimportant
  • Claim: Longest unchallenged nontechnical word
  • Dispute: Contrived coinage
  • Usage Note: 
  • Often cited as the longest non-technical word in the English language, being one letter longer than the commonly cited antidisestablishmentarianism.
  •  It is the longest word ever recorded by Hansard after Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg used the word in Parliament on 21st February 2012.

8.Word: Antidisestablishmentarianism. It is the Eighth  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 28
  • Meaning: The political position of opposing disestablishment
  • Claim: Longest non-contrived and the nontechnical word
  • Dispute: Not all dictionaries accept it due to a lack of usage.
  • It is notable for its unusual length of 28 letters and 12 syllables and is one of the longest words in the English language.
  •  It has been cited as the longest word in the English language (excluding coined and technical terms), although some sources say that it is not used enough to carry that title.
  • The longest word found in a major dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, but this is a technical term that was coined specifically to be the longest word.
  • The word became known in the public realm in the United States via a popular television show in the 1950s, The $64,000 Question when a young contestant correctly spelled it to win. 
  • A slightly longer – but less commonly accepted – variant of the word can be found in the Duke Ellington song “You’re Just an Old Antidisestablishmentarianismist”; although the correct construction of the word used in the song should be «antidisestablishmentarianist» (without theism), or «antidisestablishmentarian».
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism is a political position that originated in 19th century Britain. 
  • The position opposed proposals at that time to remove the Anglican Church’s status as the established church of England, Ireland, and Wales, but not in Scotland, which had and still has its own separate national church.

9.Word: Honorificabilitudinitatibus. It is the Ninth  Longest Word in English.

  • Letters: 27
  • Meaning:  The state of being able to achieve honors
  • Claim: The longest word in Shakespeare’s works; the longest word in the English language featuring alternating consonants and vowels
  • Dispute: Latin

So Finally This Is All About Top 9 Longest Word In English. Hope You Like It. Sharing is Caring.


  • 1 What is the 2 longest word in the world?
  • 2 What is the shortest 2 syllable word?
  • 3 What is a 10 syllable word?
  • 4 What is a 3 syllable word?
  • 5 What is a 7 syllable word?
  • 6 How many syllables is dog?
  • 7 How many syllables does chocolate have?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)
  • Antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters)

What is the world’s largest word?

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Appearing in the Oxford English Dictionary, this 45-letter word for a disease is the longest English word that is defined in a major dictionary. It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What is the shortest 2 syllable word?

Io may be the shortest two syllable word in the English language.

What is the shortest 3 syllable word?

The shortest three-syllable word in English is “w.”

What is a 10 syllable word?

Category:English 10-syllable words

  • diiodohydroxyquinoline.
  • ovolactovegetarianism.
  • heterophenomenological.
  • dimethoxyphenylethylamine.
  • triacetyloleandomycin.
  • extravehicular activity.
  • biological immortality.
  • abetalipoproteinemia.

What is a 4 syllable word?

Four Syllable Words

  • Bureaucratic.
  • Contradicting.
  • Copulation.
  • Degenerate.
  • Dictionary.
  • Directory.
  • Disestablish.
  • Execution.

What is a 3 syllable word?

Three Syllable Words

  • Adequate.
  • Amazement.
  • Attention.
  • Attractive.
  • Average.
  • Banana.
  • Bicycle.
  • Blindingly.

What is a word with 5 syllables?

words 5 syllable

  • amanuensis.
  • belletristical.
  • penetralia.
  • superangelic.
  • supercelestial.
  • subterranean.
  • tonsillectomy.
  • appendectomy.

What is a 7 syllable word?

7 Syllable Types – There are 7 types of syllables that occur in all words of the English language. Every word can be broken down into these syllables. These 7 syllables include: closed, open, magic e, vowel teams, r-controlled, dipthongs and consonant le.

How many syllables are in beautifully?

4 syllables

How many syllables is dog?

1 syllable

How many syllables are in politely?

3 syllables

How many syllables does chocolate have?

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