Sea temperature in the word

An interactive map with the water temperature in the seas, rivers and oceans now and archived data for months throughout the year.




























Near East

North America

South America

South Asia




Puerto Vallarta




















Water temperature now

By month


Water temperature in some cities in the USA

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Installation of»stand for calibration of sea temperature sensors» brand: UGT-3 1 pc.


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Microsoft employees hope that the sea temperature will be sufficient for normal plant operation.


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Работники Microsoft надеятся, будто температуры моря станет довольно для обычной работы станции.


Coldest months(with lowest average sea temperature) are February and March 41 F.


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Самые холодные месяцы( с самой низкой средней температурой моря)- Февраль и Март 41 F.


Palm fringed beaches surround the island and the sea temperature rarely falls below 27°C.


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Берега острова представляют собой песчаные пляжи, а температура воды редко опускается ниже 27° C.




Mean sea temperature by depth sourced from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA-

www. nodc. noaa. gov.


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придонного слоя- Средняя температура моря по глубинам получена по данным Национального управления США по изучению и освоению океана и атмосферы

NOAA- www. nodc. noaa. gov.


Rising sea temperature is causing death and the bleaching of coral reefs,

which in turn are impacting negatively on fish stocks, the major protein source of island States.


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Повышение температуры морской воды приводит к гибели и обесцвечиванию коралловых рифов,

что, в свою очередь, отрицательно сказывается на рыбных запасах, которые являются главным источником белка для островных государств.


Those targets are critical for us, because sea temperature rise is already causing bleaching of the coastal reefs.


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Эти цели имеют для нас огромное значение, так как подъем температуры моря уже приводит к обесцвечиванию прибрежных коралловых рифов.


The proposal recognizes that increased sea temperature also increases risks to coral reefs from pathogens

and that there are additional interactions, often synergistic, among all these stressors.


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В настоящем предложении признается, то растущая температура моря также повышает риски для коралловых рифов,

связанные с патогенами, и что среди таких стрессовых факторов существуют дополнительные взаимодействия, часто взаимоусиливающие.


Rising sea temperature also provides a fertile ground for the development of tropical storms

and hurricanes, which affect the Caribbean region every year.


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Повышение температуры морской воды также ведет к возникновению тропических штормов и ураганов,

которые ежегодно обрушиваются на Карибский регион.


New York, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Нью-Йорк, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


Alabama, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Алабама, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


American Samoa, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


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Американское Самоа, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


Idaho, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Айдахо, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


New Hampshire, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


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Нью-Гемпшир, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


New Jersey, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Нью-Джерси, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


Rhode Island, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Род- Айленд, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


Wake Island, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Уэйк, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


West Virginia, USA- Climate data- Climate information and average monthly


humidity, rainfall, snowfall, daylight, sunshine,


context icon

Западная Виргиния, США- Климатические данные- Информация о климате и средних месячных


влажности, дождь и снег, продолжительность дня, солнечные часы, УФ-


The warmest months are July and August when

the air


is between 25 C and 35 C(77 F- 95 F) and the sea temperature reaches up to 28 C 83 F.


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Самые теплые месяцы- июль и август,



воздуха составляет от 25 C до 35 C, а температура моря достигает до 28 C.


Sea temperature is the lowest in March when it ranges between 9

and 11 C, while it is the highest in August with 24 C.


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Море температура является самой низкой в марте, когда он колеблется от 9 до

11 C, в то время как она является самой высокой в августе при 24 C.


The beach season lasts from may to September with average sea temperature of 21 C 70 F.


Climate, weather in Montenegro are dominated

by subtropical the Mediterranean climate, due proximity of the sea temperature here moderate with slight difference between the winter a minimum

and years of maximum.


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Климатические, погодные условия в Черногории

находятся во власти субтропического средиземноморского климата, из за близости моря температура здесь умеренная с незначительной разницей между зимним минимумом

и летним максимумом.


And these pressures rarely exist in isolation- sea temperature rise, for example,

can kill coral reefs which in turn means the loss of marine animals and plants.


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И все эти факторы редко действуют независимо друг от друга: так, например,

повышение температуры морской воды может привести к уничтожению коралловых рифов,

что в свою очередь чревато гибелью


животных и растений.


It is estimated that a one-degree increase in sea temperature over pre-industrial levels will lead to significant

loss of tuna and dolphin stocks for a large number of island States.


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Согласно оценкам, повышение температуры морской воды на один градус по сравнению с доиндустриальным уровнем приведет к исчезновению

значительных запасов тунца и дельфинов, от которых зависит жизнь населения многих островных государств.


A sustained increase in sea temperature will warm its way through the sediment eventually, and cause the shallowest, most marginal clathrate to

start to break down; but it will typically take on the order of a thousand years or more for the


signal to get through.

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Значительное и постоянное увеличение температуры океана в конце концов приведет к нагреву отложений под морским дном и,

как следствие, к распаду самых глубоких слоев гидратов метана, но на это потребуются несколько тысячелетий или даже больше.

Our data can be used in a variety of fields, including studies of the earth’s structure as well as for research on earthquakes, volcanic eruption forecasting,

underwater explosion location, and sea temperature and climate change monitoring.


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Наши данные могут использоваться в различных областях, в том числе в исследовании структуры земли, а также в исследованиях, связанных с землетрясениями, с прогнозированием извержений вулканов, в определении местонахождения подводных взрывов,


Seismic, hydroacoustic and infrasound data can be used in studies of the Earth’s structure and for research on earthquakes, volcanic eruption

forecasting, tsunami warnings, underwater event location and sea temperature and climate change monitoring.


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Сейсмические, гидроакустические и инфразвуковые данные могут быть использованы в исследованиях структуры Земли, изучении землетрясений, предсказывании извержений вулканов, предупреждении о цунами,

определении местонахождения подводных процессов и контроле за температурным режимом морей и климатическими изменениями.


The potential effects of climate change on ocean thermohaline circulation and

natural mechanisms, sea temperature, marine life distribution,

coral reefs, and ocean acidity, will compound the impacts of other stressors, such as coastal development and pollution, overfishing and unsustainable fishing practices, and invasive species.196 The worst concentration of these cumulative impacts appear to be in.


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Потенциальные последствия изменения климата для океанической термогалинной циркуляции и

природных механизмов, температуры моря, распределения морских живых ресурсов,

коралловых рифов и кислотности океана будут усугублять воздействие других факторов, как то развитие прибрежных районов и загрязнение, перелов и неустойчивая промысловая практика и инвазивные виды196.


Discharge at the


surface may introduce particle-laden water to oligotrophic particle-sparse waters, limiting light penetration,

changing sea temperature and introducing high levels of nutrients to nutrient-poor

regions with significant impacts on the species composition of primary producers and the pelagic ecosystem.


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Сбросы на поверхности


могут приводить к привнесению насыщенной частицами воды в олиготрофические воды с низкой концентрацией частиц, что чревато снижением светопропускной способности,

изменением температуры моря и попаданием больших объемов питательных веществ

в бедные ими слои с вытекающими из этого значительными последствиями для биологических видов, отвечающих за первичную продуктивность, и пелагических экосистем.


Results: 57,
Time: 0.024





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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chart with data from NASA[1] showing how land and sea surface air temperatures have changed vs a pre-industrial baseline.[2]

Sea surface temperature (SST), or ocean surface temperature, is the ocean temperature close to the surface. The exact meaning of surface varies according to the measurement method used, but it is between 1 millimetre (0.04 in) and 20 metres (70 ft) below the sea surface. Air masses in the Earth’s atmosphere are highly modified by sea surface temperatures within a short distance of the shore. Localized areas of heavy snow can form in bands downwind of warm water bodies within an otherwise cold air mass. Warm sea surface temperatures are known to be a cause of tropical cyclogenesis over the Earth’s oceans. Tropical cyclones can also cause a cool wake, due to turbulent mixing of the upper 30 metres (100 ft) of the ocean. SST changes diurnally, like the air above it, but to a lesser degree. There is less SST variation on breezy days than on calm days. In addition, ocean currents such as the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), can affect SST’s on multi-decadal time scales,[3] a major impact results from the global thermohaline circulation, which affects average SST significantly throughout most of the world’s oceans.

Coastal SSTs can cause offshore winds to generate upwelling, which can significantly cool or warm nearby landmasses, but shallower waters over a continental shelf are often warmer. Onshore winds can cause a considerable warm-up even in areas where upwelling is fairly constant, such as the northwest coast of South America. Its values are important within numerical weather prediction as the SST influences the atmosphere above, such as in the formation of sea breezes and sea fog. It is also used to calibrate measurements from weather satellites.

It is very likely that global mean sea surface temperature increased by 0.88°C between 1850-1900 and 2011-2020 due to global warming, with most of that warming (0.60°C) occurring between 1980 and 2020.[4]: 1228  Land surface temperatures have increased faster than ocean temperatures as the ocean absorbs about 92% of excess heat generated by climate change.[5]


Sea surface temperature (SST), or ocean surface temperature, is the water temperature close to the ocean’s surface. The exact meaning of surface varies according to the measurement method used, but it is between 1 millimetre (0.04 in) and 20 metres (70 ft) below the sea surface.

The temperature further below that is called ocean temperature or deeper ocean temperature. Ocean temperatures (more than 20 metres below the surface) also vary by region and time, and they contribute to variations in ocean heat content and ocean stratification.[4] The increase of both ocean surface temperature and deeper ocean temperature is an important effect of climate change on oceans.[4]

Variations and changes[edit]

Sea surface temperature and flows

Sea surface temperature on December 20, 2013 at 1-km resolution

Local variations[edit]

The SST has a diurnal range, just like the Earth’s atmosphere above, though to a lesser degree due to its greater thermal inertia.[6] On calm days, the temperature can vary by 6 °C (10 °F).[7] The temperature of the ocean at depth lags the Earth’s atmosphere temperature by 15 days per 10 metres (33 ft), which means for locations like the Aral Sea, temperatures near its bottom reach a maximum in December and a minimum in May and June.[8] Near the coastline, some offshore and longshore winds move the warm waters near the surface offshore, and replace them with cooler water from below in the process known as Ekman transport. This pattern generally increases nutrients for marine life in the region, and can have a profound effect in some regions where the bottom waters are particularly nutrient-rich.[9] Offshore of river deltas, freshwater flows over the top of the denser seawater, which allows it to heat faster due to limited vertical mixing.[10] Remotely sensed SST can be used to detect the surface temperature signature due to tropical cyclones. In general, an SST cooling is observed after the passing of a hurricane, primarily as the result of mixed layer deepening and surface heat losses.[11] In the wake of several day long Saharan dust outbreaks across the adjacent northern Atlantic Ocean, sea surface temperatures are reduced 0.2 C to 0.4 C (0.3 to 0.7 F).[12] Other sources of short-term SST fluctuation include extratropical cyclones, rapid influxes of glacial fresh water[13] and concentrated phytoplankton blooms[14] due to seasonal cycles or agricultural run-off.[15][clarification needed]

The tropical ocean has been warming faster than other regions since 1950, with the greatest rates of warming in the tropical Indian Ocean, western Pacific Ocean, and western boundary currents of the subtropical gyres.[4] However, the eastern Pacific Ocean, subtropical North Atlantic Ocean, and Southern Ocean have warmed more slowly than the global average or have experienced cooling since the 1950s.[4]

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation[edit]

The Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) is an important driver of North Atlantic SST and Northern Hemisphere climate, but the mechanisms controlling AMO variability remain poorly understood.[16] Atmospheric internal variability, changes in ocean circulation, or anthropogenic drivers may control the multidecadal temperature variability associated with AMO.[17] These changes in North Atlantic SST may influence winds in the subtropical North Pacific and produce warmer SSTs in the western Pacific Ocean.[18]

Weekly average sea surface temperature in the ocean during the first week of February 2011, during a period of La Niña.

Regional variations[edit]

The 1997 El Niño observed by TOPEX/Poseidon. The white areas off the tropical coasts of South and North America indicate the pool of warm water.[19]

El Niño is defined by prolonged differences in Pacific Ocean surface temperatures when compared with the average value. The accepted definition is a warming or cooling of at least 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) averaged over the east-central tropical Pacific Ocean. Typically, this anomaly happens at irregular intervals of 2–7 years and lasts nine months to two years.[20] The average period length is 5 years. When this warming or cooling occurs for only seven to nine months, it is classified as El Niño/La Niña «conditions»; when it occurs for more than that period, it is classified as El Niño/La Niña «episodes».[21]

The sign of an El Niño in the sea surface temperature pattern is when warm water spreads from the west Pacific and the Indian Ocean to the east Pacific. It takes the rain with it, causing extensive drought in the western Pacific and rainfall in the normally dry eastern Pacific. El Niño’s warm rush of nutrient-poor tropical water, heated by its eastward passage in the Equatorial Current, replaces the cold, nutrient-rich surface water of the Humboldt Current. When El Niño conditions last for many months, extensive ocean warming and the reduction in Easterly Trade winds limits upwelling of cold nutrient-rich deep water and its economic impact to local fishing for an international market can be serious.[22]

Among scientists, there is medium confidence that the tropical Pacific will transition to a mean pattern resembling that of El Niño on centennial time scale, but there is still high uncertainty in tropical Pacific SST projections because it is difficult to capture El Niño variability in climate models.[4]

Recent increase due to climate change[edit]

Overall, scientists project that all regions of the oceans will warm by 2050, but models disagree for SST changes expected in the subpolar North Atlantic, the equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Ocean.[4] The future global mean SST increase for the period 1995-2014 to 2081-2100 is 0.86°C under the most modest greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, and up to 2.89°C under the most severe emissions scenarios.[4]


Temperature profile of the surface layer of the ocean (a) at night and (b) during the day

There are a variety of techniques for measuring this parameter that can potentially yield different results because different things are actually being measured. Away from the immediate sea surface, general temperature measurements are accompanied by a reference to the specific depth of measurement. This is because of significant differences encountered between measurements made at different depths, especially during the daytime when low wind speed and high sunshine conditions may lead to the formation of a warm layer at the ocean’s surface and strong vertical temperature gradients (a diurnal thermocline).[7] Sea surface temperature measurements are confined to the top portion of the ocean, known as the near-surface layer.[23]


SST was one of the first oceanographic variables to be measured. Benjamin Franklin suspended a mercury thermometer from a ship while travelling between the United States and Europe in his survey of the Gulf Stream in the late eighteenth century. SST was later measured by dipping a thermometer into a bucket of water that was manually drawn from the sea surface. The first automated technique for determining SST was accomplished by measuring the temperature of water in the intake port of large ships, which was underway by 1963. These observations have a warm bias of around 0.6 °C (1 °F) due to the heat of the engine room.[24]

Fixed weather buoys measure the water temperature at a depth of 3 metres (9.8 ft). Measurements of SST have had inconsistencies over the last 130 years due to the way they were taken. In the nineteenth century, measurements were taken in a bucket off a ship. However, there was a slight variation in temperature because of the differences in buckets. Samples were collected in either a wood or an uninsulated canvas bucket, but the canvas bucket cooled quicker than the wood bucket. The sudden change in temperature between 1940 and 1941 was the result of an undocumented change in procedure. The samples were taken near the engine intake because it was too dangerous to use lights to take measurements over the side of the ship at night.[25]

Many different drifting buoys exist around the world that vary in design, and the location of reliable temperature sensors varies. These measurements are beamed to satellites for automated and immediate data distribution.[26] A large network of coastal buoys in U.S. waters is maintained by the National Data Buoy Center (NDBC).[27] Between 1985 and 1994, an extensive array of moored and drifting buoys was deployed across the equatorial Pacific Ocean designed to help monitor and predict the El Niño phenomenon.[28]

Weather satellites[edit]

2003–2011 SST based on MODIS Aqua data

Weather satellites have been available to determine sea surface temperature information since 1967, with the first global composites created during 1970.[29] Since 1982,[30] satellites have been increasingly utilized to measure SST and have allowed its spatial and temporal variation to be viewed more fully. Satellite measurements of SST are in reasonable agreement with in situ temperature measurements.[31] The satellite measurement is made by sensing the ocean radiation in two or more wavelengths within the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum or other parts of the spectrum which can then be empirically related to SST.[32] These wavelengths are chosen because they are:

  1. within the peak of the blackbody radiation expected from the Earth,[33] and
  2. able to transmit adequately well through the atmosphere[34]

The satellite-measured SST provides both a synoptic view of the ocean and a high frequency of repeat views,[35] allowing the examination of basin-wide upper ocean dynamics not possible with ships or buoys. NASA’s (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) SST satellites have been providing global SST data since 2000, available with a one-day lag. NOAA’s GOES (Geostationary Orbiting Earth Satellites) satellites are geo-stationary above the Western Hemisphere which enables to them to deliver SST data on an hourly basis with only a few hours of lag time.

There are several difficulties with satellite-based absolute SST measurements. First, in infrared remote sensing methodology the radiation emanates from the top «skin» of the ocean, approximately the top 0.01 mm or less, which may not represent the bulk temperature of the upper meter of ocean due primarily to effects of solar surface heating during the daytime, reflected radiation, as well as sensible heat loss and surface evaporation. All these factors make it somewhat difficult to compare satellite data to measurements from buoys or shipboard methods, complicating ground truth efforts.[36] Secondly, the satellite cannot look through clouds, creating a cool bias in satellite-derived SSTs within cloudy areas.[7] However, passive microwave techniques can accurately measure SST and penetrate cloud cover.[32] Within atmospheric sounder channels on weather satellites, which peak just above the ocean’s surface, knowledge of the sea surface temperature is important to their calibration.[7]

Importance to the Earth’s atmosphere[edit]

Sea surface temperature affects the behavior of the Earth’s atmosphere above, so their initialization into atmospheric models is important. While sea surface temperature is important for tropical cyclogenesis, it is also important in determining the formation of sea fog and sea breezes.[7] Heat from underlying warmer waters can significantly modify an air mass over distances as short as 35 kilometres (22 mi) to 40 kilometres (25 mi).[37] For example, southwest of Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclones, curved cyclonic flow bringing cold air across relatively warm water bodies can lead to narrow lake-effect snow (or sea effect) bands. Those bands bring strong localized precipitation, often in the form of snow, since large water bodies such as lakes efficiently store heat that results in significant temperature differences—larger than 13 °C (23 °F)—between the water surface and the air above.[38] Because of this temperature difference, warmth and moisture are transported upward, condensing into vertically oriented clouds which produce snow showers. The temperature decrease with height and cloud depth are directly affected by both the water temperature and the large-scale environment. The stronger the temperature decrease with height, the taller the clouds get, and the greater the precipitation rate becomes.[39]

Tropical cyclones[edit]

Seasonal peaks of tropical cyclone activity worldwide

Average equatorial Pacific temperatures

Ocean temperature of at least 26.5°C (79.7°F) spanning through at minimum a 50-metre depth is one of the precursors needed to maintain a tropical cyclone (a type of mesocyclone).[40][41] These warm waters are needed to maintain the warm core that fuels tropical systems. This value is well above 16.1 °C (60.9 °F), the long term global average surface temperature of the oceans.[42] However, this requirement can be considered only a general baseline because it assumes that the ambient atmospheric environment surrounding an area of disturbed weather presents average conditions. Tropical cyclones have intensified when SSTs were slightly below this standard temperature.

Tropical cyclones are known to form even when normal conditions are not met. For example, cooler air temperatures at a higher altitude (e.g., at the 500 hPa level, or 5.9 km) can lead to tropical cyclogenesis at lower water temperatures, as a certain lapse rate is required to force the atmosphere to be unstable enough for convection. In a moist atmosphere, this lapse rate is 6.5 °C/km, while in an atmosphere with less than 100% relative humidity, the required lapse rate is 9.8 °C/km.[43]

At the 500 hPa level, the air temperature averages −7 °C (18 °F) within the tropics, but air in the tropics is normally dry at this height, giving the air room to wet-bulb, or cool as it moistens, to a more favorable temperature that can then support convection. A wet-bulb temperature at 500 hPa in a tropical atmosphere of −13.2 °C (8.2 °F) is required to initiate convection if the water temperature is 26.5 °C (79.7 °F), and this temperature requirement increases or decreases proportionally by 1 °C in the sea surface temperature for each 1 °C change at 500 hpa.
Inside a cold cyclone, 500 hPa temperatures can fall as low as −30 °C (−22 °F), which can initiate convection even in the driest atmospheres. This also explains why moisture in the mid-levels of the troposphere, roughly at the 500 hPa level, is normally a requirement for development. However, when dry air is found at the same height, temperatures at 500 hPa need to be even colder as dry atmospheres require a greater lapse rate for instability than moist atmospheres.[44][45] At heights near the tropopause, the 30-year average temperature (as measured in the period encompassing 1961 through 1990) was −77 °C (−132 °F).[46] A recent example of a tropical cyclone that maintained itself over cooler waters was Epsilon of the 2005 Atlantic hurricane season.[47]

See also[edit]

  • Global surface temperature
  • The Blob (Pacific Ocean)
  • Sea level rise
  • Halocline refers to a salinity difference often altered by temperature-dependent factors
  • Loop Current, with plots of sea temperature in the Gulf of Mexico
  • Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO)
  • Salinity
  • Ghrsst-pp the Group for High Resolution SST
  • Satellite temperature measurements
  • Instrumental temperature record


  1. ^ «Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change». NASA. Retrieved 23 February 2020.
  2. ^ Mach, K.J.; Planton, S.; von Stechow, C., eds. (2014). «Annex II: Glossary» (PDF). Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Report). Geneva, Switzerland: IPCC. p. 124.
  3. ^ McCarthy, Gerard D.; Haigh, Ivan D.; Hirschi, Joël J.-M.; Grist, Jeremy P.; Smeed, David A. (2015-05-28). «Ocean impact on decadal Atlantic climate variability revealed by sea-level observations» (PDF). Nature. 521 (7553): 508–510. Bibcode:2015Natur.521..508M. doi:10.1038/nature14491. ISSN 1476-4687. PMID 26017453. S2CID 4399436.
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  8. ^ Peter O. Zavialov (2005). Physical oceanography of the dying Aral Sea. シュプリンガー・ジャパン株式会社. p. 27. ISBN 978-3-540-22891-2.
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  16. ^ Knudsen, Mads Faurschou; Jacobsen, Bo Holm; Seidenkrantz, Marit-Solveig; Olsen, Jesper (2014-02-25). «Evidence for external forcing of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation since termination of the Little Ice Age». Nature Communications. 5: 3323. Bibcode:2014NatCo…5.3323K. doi:10.1038/ncomms4323. ISSN 2041-1723. PMC 3948066. PMID 24567051.
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  18. ^ Wu, Baolan; Lin, Xiaopei; Yu, Lisan (17 February 2020). «North Pacific subtropical mode water is controlled by the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability». Nature Climate Change. 10 (3): 238–243. Bibcode:2020NatCC..10..238W. doi:10.1038/s41558-020-0692-5. ISSN 1758-6798. S2CID 211138572.
  19. ^ «Independent NASA Satellite Measurements Confirm El Niño is Back and Strong». NASA/JPL.
  20. ^ Climate Prediction Center (2005-12-19). «ENSO FAQ: How often do El Niño and La Niña typically occur?». National Centers for Environmental Prediction. Archived from the original on 2009-08-27. Retrieved 2009-07-26.
  21. ^ National Climatic Data Center (June 2009). «El Niño / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) June 2009». National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved 2009-07-26.
  22. ^ WW2010 (1998-04-28). «El Niño». University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Retrieved 2009-07-17.
  23. ^ Alexander Soloviev; Roger Lukas (2006). The near-surface layer of the ocean: structure, dynamics and applications. The Near-Surface Layer of the Ocean: Structure. シュプリンガー・ジャパン株式会社. p. xi.…..S. ISBN 978-1-4020-4052-8.
  24. ^ William J. Emery; Richard E. Thomson (2001). Data analysis methods in physical oceanography (2nd Revised ed.). Elsevier. pp. 24–25. ISBN 978-0-444-50757-0.
  25. ^ Burroughs, William James (2007). Climate change : a multidisciplinary approach (2. ed.). Cambridge [u.a.]: Cambridge Univiversity Press. ISBN 9780521690331.
  26. ^ Vittorio Barale (2010). Oceanography from Space: Revisited. Springer. pp. 237–238. ISBN 978-90-481-8680-8.
  27. ^ Lance F. Bosart, William A. Sprigg, National Research Council (1998). The meteorological buoy and coastal marine automated network for the United States. National Academies Press. p. 11. ISBN 978-0-309-06088-2.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  28. ^ K. A. Browning; Robert J. Gurney (1999). Global energy and water cycles. Cambridge University Press. p. 62. ISBN 978-0-521-56057-3.
  29. ^ P. Krishna Rao, W. L. Smith, and R. Koffler (January 1972). «Global Sea-Surface Temperature Distribution Determined From an Environmental Satellite» (PDF). Monthly Weather Review. 100 (1): 10–14. Bibcode:1972MWRv..100…10K. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1972)100<0010:GSTDDF>2.3.CO;2. Retrieved 2011-01-09.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  30. ^ National Research Council (U.S.). NII 2000 Steering Committee (1997). The unpredictable certainty: information infrastructure through 2000; white papers. National Academies. p. 2. ISBN 9780309060363.
  31. ^ W. J. Emery; D. J. Baldwin; Peter Schlüssel & R. W. Reynolds (2001-02-15). «Accuracy of in situ sea surface temperatures used to calibrate infrared satellite measurements». Journal of Geophysical Research. 106 (C2): 2387. Bibcode:2001JGR…106.2387E. doi:10.1029/2000JC000246.
  32. ^ a b John Maurer (October 2002). «Infrared and microwave remote sensing of sea surface temperature (SST)». University of Hawaiʻi. Retrieved 2011-01-09.
  33. ^ C. M. Kishtawal (2005-08-06). «Meteorological Satellites» (PDF). Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Agricultural Meteorology: 73. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
  34. ^ Robert Harwood (1971-09-16). «Mapping the Atmosphere From Space». New Scientist. 51 (769): 623.
  35. ^ David E. Alexander; Rhodes Whitmore Fairbridge (1999). Encyclopedia of environmental science. Springer. p. 510. ISBN 978-0-412-74050-3.
  36. ^ Ian Stuart Robinson (2004). Measuring the oceans from space: the principles and methods of satellite oceanography. Springer. p. 279. ISBN 978-3-540-42647-9.
  37. ^ Jun Inoue, Masayuki Kawashima, Yasushi Fujiyoshi and Masaaki Wakatsuchi (October 2005). «Aircraft Observations of Air-mass Modification Over the Sea of Okhotsk during Sea-ice Growth». Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 117 (1): 111–129. Bibcode:2005BoLMe.117..111I. doi:10.1007/s10546-004-3407-y. ISSN 0006-8314. S2CID 121768400.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  38. ^ B. Geerts (1998). «Lake Effect Snow». University of Wyoming. Retrieved 2008-12-24.
  39. ^ Greg Byrd (1998-06-03). «Lake Effect Snow». University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Archived from the original on 2009-06-17. Retrieved 2009-07-12.
  40. ^ Chris Landsea (2011). «Subject: A15) How do tropical cyclones form?». Hurricane Research Division. Retrieved 2011-01-27.
  41. ^ Webster, PJ (2005). «Changes in tropical cyclone number, duration, and intensity in a warming environment». Science. Gale Group. 309 (5742): 1844–6. Bibcode:2005Sci…309.1844W. doi:10.1126/science.1116448. PMID 16166514.
  42. ^ Matt Menne (March 15, 2000). «Global Long-term Mean Land and Sea Surface Temperatures». National Climatic Data Center. Retrieved 2006-10-19.
  43. ^ Kushnir, Yochanan (2000). «The Climate System». Columbia University. Retrieved 24 September 2010.
  44. ^ John M. Wallace & Peter V. Hobbs (1977). Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. Academic Press, Inc. pp. 76–77.
  45. ^ Chris Landsea (2000). «Climate Variability of Tropical Cyclones: Past, Present and Future». Storms. Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory. pp. 220–41. Retrieved 2006-10-19.
  46. ^ Dian J. Gaffen-Seidel, Rebecca J. Ross and James K. Angell (November 2000). «Climatological characteristics of the tropical tropopause as revealed by radiosondes». Journal of Geophysical Research. 106 (D8): 7857–7878. Bibcode:2001JGR…106.7857S. doi:10.1029/2000JD900837. Archived from the original on May 8, 2006. Retrieved 2006-10-19.
  47. ^ Lixion Avila (2005-12-03). «Hurricane Epsilon Discussion Eighteen». National Hurricane Center. Retrieved 2010-12-14.

External links[edit]

  • Global map of current sea surface temperatures
  • Global map of current sea surface temperature anomalies
  • SQUAM, SST Quality Monitor (A near real-time Global QC Tool for monitoring time-series stability & cross-platform consistency of satellite SST)
  • iQuam, in situ SST Quality Monitor (A near real-time quality control & monitoring system for in situ SST measured by ships and buoys)
  • MICROS, Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST

Public Domain This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

температура моря

температуры моря

температура воды в море

температуры морской воды

температура морской воды

температурой моря

морской температурой

The average sea temperature is 28ºC, which makes the water very pleasant.

The best months are typically September and October, when the summer crowds have gone but the weather and sea temperature are still ideal.

Лучшими месяцами могут быть сентябрь и октябрь, когда летние толпы туристов покидают страну, но погода и температура моря по-прежнему идеальны.

Also, with the rise in sea temperature, the dorado begins to be caught well.

Также с повышением температуры моря начинает хорошо ловиться дорада.

Those targets are critical for us, because sea temperature rise is already causing bleaching of the coastal reefs.

Эти цели имеют для нас огромное значение, так как подъем температуры моря уже приводит к обесцвечиванию прибрежных коралловых рифов.

The unbearable heat has gone, but it is still not cold, whilst the sea temperature has reached its maximum.

Уже нет той изнуряющей жары, но еще совсем не холодно, а температура воды в море достигла своего максимума.

The fact is that due to global warming sea temperature has been increasing steadily, so the appearance of sharks off the coast of Italy is quite predictable.

Дело в том, что из-за глобального потепления температура воды в море неуклонно повышается, поэтому появление акул у побережья Италии вполне предсказуемо.

The sea temperature also plummets during autumn which can make conditions quite cold for tourists.

Температура моря также падает в течение осени, что может сделать условия довольно холодными для туристов.

The sea temperature remains warm enough for swimming and boating.

Температура моря остается достаточно теплой для плавания и гребли.

In this period with the sea temperature rising, more and more dorados can be found.

В этот период с повышением температуры моря можно найти все больше дорадо.

The sea temperature in summer is about 27 degrees, the air is heated up to thirty and above.

Температура моря в летний период здесь составляет порядка 27 градусов, воздух прогревается до тридцати и выше.

They are based on measurements of sea temperature, depending on the suction temperature, bathymetric measurement and satellite weather images.

Они основаны на измерениях температуры моря в зависимости от температуры всасывания, измерения батитермографа и изображений спутниковой погоды.

Small changes in sea temperature disrupt the special relationship between corals and tiny marine algae that live inside their tissue.

Небольшие изменения температуры моря нарушают особые отношения между кораллами и крошечными морскими водорослями, которые живут внутри их тканей.

The sea temperature remains high enough for swimming.

Bleaching occurs when corals are stressed by unusual environmental changes, such as increased sea temperature.

Обесцвечивание происходит, когда кораллы испытывают стресс в результате необычных изменений окружающей среды, таких как повышение температуры моря.

The rise in sea temperature, according to scientists, leads to increased chance of ocean acidification.

Повышение температуры моря, по мнению ученых, приводит к увеличению вероятности подкисления океана.

Microsoft employees hope that the sea temperature will be sufficient for normal plant operation.

Сотрудники Microsoft надеятся, что температуры моря будет достаточно для нормальной работы станции.

The sea temperature may be favorable for bathing in good weather from May to October.

Температура воды в море может быть благоприятна для купания при хорошей погоде с мая по октябрь.

The sea temperature in summer is ideal if you are looking for refreshment, and ranges between 25 and 27 degrees Celsius.

Температура моря летом идеально, если вы ищете для освежения и колеблется между 25 и 27 градусов Цельсия.

Coral death from sea temperature increases lasting for six months or more will eliminate whole reef ecosystems

Гибель кораллов в результате повышения температуры моря на периоды в шесть месяцев или более вызовет исчезновение целых рифовых экосистем

13 hours ago the sea temperature was +8.2 ºC+47 ºF.

No results found for this meaning.

Results: 182. Exact: 182. Elapsed time: 92 ms.


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  • 1
    sea temperature

    English-Spanish technical dictionary > sea temperature

  • 2
    sea temperature gradient power station

    1. электростанция, работающая на перепаде температур моря
    2. электростанция, вырабатывающая энергию за счёт перепада температур моря

    электростанция, работающая на перепаде температур моря

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия


    • sea temperature gradient power station

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sea temperature gradient power station

  • 3
    sea temperature chart

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sea temperature chart

  • 4
    sea temperature gradient power station

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > sea temperature gradient power station

  • 5
    sea temperature gradient power station

    электростанция, работающая на перепаде температур моря

    Англо-русский словарь по электроэнергетике > sea temperature gradient power station

  • 6
    ocean or sea temperature gradi

    • elektrana na toplotu mora

    English-Serbian dictionary > ocean or sea temperature gradi

  • 7

    English-Spanish technical dictionary > sea

  • 8

    temperature n


    absolute temperature scale

    шкала абсолютной температуры

    aerodrome reference temperature

    расчетная температура воздуха

    aerodynamic heat temperature

    температура аэродинамического нагрева

    ambient air temperature

    температура окружающего воздуха

    autoignition temperature

    температура самовоспламенения

    automatic exhaust temperature control

    автоматический регулятор температуры выходящих газов

    boundary layer temperature

    температура пограничного слоя

    brake temperature

    температура при торможении

    cabin temperature control system

    система регулирования температуры воздуха в кабине

    Celsius temperature

    температура по шкале Цельсия

    combustion temperature

    температура горения

    compressor delivery temperature

    температура на выходе из компрессора

    critical temperature

    критическая температура

    dewpoint temperature

    температура точки росы

    duct air temperature

    температура воздуха в трубопроводе

    equilibrium temperature

    температура равновесия

    exhaust gas temperature

    температура выходящих газов

    exhaust gas temperature indicator

    указатель температуры выходящих газов

    free-air temperature

    температура атмосферного воздуха

    ignition temperature

    температура воспламенения

    inlet temperature

    температура на входе

    jet pipe temperature

    температура выходящих газов

    local temperature

    температура в данной точке

    oil-in temperature

    температура входящего масла

    oil-out temperature

    температура выходящего масла

    oil temperature gage

    термометр масла

    oil temperature indicator

    указатель температуры масла

    outlet temperature

    температура на выходе

    outside air temperature

    температура наружного воздуха

    outside air temperature indicator

    указатель температуры наружного воздуха

    ram air temperature

    температура набегающего потока воздуха

    sea-level temperature

    температура на уровне моря

    stagnation temperature

    температура заторможенного потока

    static air temperature

    температура возмущенной воздушной массы

    temperature actuated switch


    temperature control


    temperature control amplifier

    усилитель терморегулятора

    temperature correction

    поправка на температуру

    temperature drop

    падение температуры

    temperature increase

    прирост температуры

    temperature lapse rate

    интенсивность падения температуры

    temperature limit switch

    сигнализатор ограничения температуры

    temperature regulator


    top temperature

    предельная температура

    total air temperature

    полная температура потока

    turbine entry temperature

    температура газов на входе в турбину

    turbine gas temperature

    температура выходящих газов за турбиной

    turbine inlet temperature

    температура на входе в турбину

    upper air temperature

    температура верхних слоев атмосферы

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > temperature

  • 9

    sea-level temperature

    температура на уровне моря

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > sea-level

  • 10

    температура; степень нагрева

    Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > temperature

  • 11
    sea circulation

    1. циркуляция морской воды

    циркуляция морской воды



    sea circulation
    Large-scale horizontal water motion within an ocean. The way energy from the sun, stored in the sea, is transported around the world. The currents explain, for example, why the UK has ice-free ports in winter, while St. Petersburg, at the same latitude as the Shetland Islands, needs ice breakers. Evidence is growing that the world’s ocean circulation was very different during the last ice age and has changed several times in the distant past, with dramatic effects on climate. The oceans are vital as storehouses, as they absorb more than half the sun’s heat reaching the earth. This heat, which is primarily absorbed near the equator is carried around the world and released elsewhere, creating currents which last up to 1.000 years. As the Earth rotates and the wind acts upon the surface, currents carry warm tropical water to the cooler parts of the world. The strength and direction of the currents are affected by landmasses, bottlenecks through narrow straits, and even the shape of the sea-bed. When the warm water reaches polar regions its heat evaporates into the atmosphere, reducing its temperature and increasing its density. When sea-water freezes it leaves salt behind in the unfrozen water and this cold water sinks into the ocean and begins to flow back to the tropics. Eventually it is heated and begins the cycle all over again. (Source: MGH / WRIGHT)


    • охрана окружающей среды


    • sea circulation


    • Meereskreislauf


    • circulation maritime

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sea circulation

  • 12
    sea surface temperature

    [lang name=»English»]sea surface temperature, SST

    ДЗЗ температура поверхности моря, температура водной поверхности

    The English-Russian dictionary of geoinformatics > sea surface temperature

  • 13
    sea surface temperature

    1. температура воды на поверхности моря

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > sea surface temperature

  • 14
    temperature scale

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > temperature scale

  • 15
    sea-surface temperature map

    карта температуры поверхности моря, карта поверхностной температуры воды

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > sea-surface temperature map

  • 16
    sea-surface temperature map

    карта температуры поверхности моря, карта поверхностной температуры воды

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > sea-surface temperature map

  • 17
    sea-surface temperature

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > sea-surface temperature

  • 18
    sea level temperature

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > sea level temperature

  • 19
    sea surface temperature

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > sea surface temperature

  • 20
    sea surface temperature anomalies

    Англо-русский словарь по экологии > sea surface temperature anomalies


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Sea surface temperature — Weekly average sea surface temperature for the World Ocean during the first week of February 2011, during a period of La Niña …   Wikipedia

  • Sea level rise — is an increase in sea level. Multiple complex factors may influence this change. Sea level has risen about 130 meters (400 ft) since the peak of the last ice age about 18,000 years ago. Most of the rise occurred before 6,000 years ago. From 3,000 …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature range — is the numerical difference between the minimum and maximum values of temperature observed in a system, such as atmospheric temperature in a given location.Atmospheric Temperature RangeA temperature range may refer to a period of time (e.g., in a …   Wikipedia

  • Sea of Azov — at Novaya Yalta, Donetsk Oblast …   Wikipedia

  • Sea turtle — Sea turtles An olive ridley sea turtle Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Sea-buckthorn — Common Sea buckthorn shrub in The Netherlands Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • Sea level — For the sea level change associated with the current episode of global warming, see current sea level rise. For other uses, see Sea level (disambiguation). This marker indicating the sea level is placed on the path from Jerusalem to the Dead Sea …   Wikipedia

  • Sea of Japan — Japanese name …   Wikipedia

  • sea ice — Ice formed from frozen seawater in polar regions. Most sea ice occurs as pack ice, which drifts across the ocean surface; other types of sea ice include fast ice, which is attached to coasts and sometimes the seafloor or between grounded icebergs …   Universalium

  • Sea breeze — For other uses, see Sea Breeze (disambiguation) and Bay breeze (disambiguation). A: Sea breeze, B: Land breeze …   Wikipedia

  • Temperature — This article is about the thermodynamic property. For other uses, see Temperature (disambiguation). A map of global long term monthly average surface air temperatures i …   Wikipedia

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