Scrambled sentences make up sentences with the correct word order has for years england

Цель урока: закрепление грамматического материала по теме «the Present Perfect tense».

Сопутствующая задача: скрытый контроль уровня развития грамматических навыков.

Методическая цель урока: создание условий для формирования коммуникативной компетенции студентов (лингвистического, социолингвистического и социокультурного компонентов) в процессе обучения грамматике.

Lesson plan

  1. Beginning of the lesson. — Warming up. (How are you? What’s the news?)
  2. Presentation of the theme (anticipating the tasks).
  3. Engagement. — revising the rules: formation, signals, schemes.
    а) Select the proper auxiliary and notional verb. Draw the schemes of an affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences on the blackboard.
    b) Choose and read out sentences in the Present Perfect tense. Explain your choice. (Ex. 1)
  4. Activate stage. — Scrambled sentences. (ex. 2)
  • Opening the brackets (Present Perfect). Guess the profession or hobby of the speaker. (ex. 3)
  • Matching the sentences (the result of the action). (ex. 4)
  • Questions on the pictures (the result of the actions). [1] 1.Kate’s room. 2. Lunch in the park. (ex.5)
  1. Language in use (sociolinguistic and sociocultural competence).
  • Choose the proper reply in the following situations. (ex. 6)
  • What would you say in the following situations? (ex. 7)
  • What are the unusual things your group-mates have done? (Have you ever …?) Making up a list of the most unusual ones. (ex. 8)
  • Making up mini-dialogues. Try to guess why your group-mate feels this way (happy nervous surprised, etc). (ex.9)
  • The end of the lesson. — home task. Get ready for a test (Present Perfect); — assessment.

Ход урока

  1. Начало урока. — Речевая зарядка (Приветствие. Как дела? Какие новости?)
  2. Презентация темы урока (целеполагание).
  3. Повторение теоретического материала: образование времени the Present Perfect tense, ассоциативные слова-опоры (наречия времени), схемы построения утвердительного, отрицательного, вопросительного предложений. (см. Конспект грамматического времени).
    А) выбрать карточки с необходимым вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами для образования формулы сказуемого.
    В) из списка предложений выбрать те, в которых используется данная видовременная форма. Объяснить свой выбор.
  1. Активизация грамматического материала в практических заданиях.
  • составить из разрозеннных слов предложения с правильным порядком слов;
  • раскрыть скобки, образуя the Present Perfect tense. Догадайтесь, кем по профессии или роду занятий является тот, о ком идет речь;
  • найти соответствующие предложения из двух колонок (действие и его результат);
  • описать картинки (результат действия): 1. Kate’s room. 2. Lunch in the park.
  1. Практическое применение грамматического времени в ситуациях общения. Формирование социолингвистической и социокультурной компетенции.
  • Выберите в ответ подходящую реплику из предложенных в данной ситуации.
  • Что бы вы сказали в подобной ситуации?
  • Что необычного случалось с вашими одногруппниками? Рейтинг самых необычных дел.
  • мини-диалог. Угадайте, почему ваш одногруппник испытывает определенные эмоции (счастлив, расстроен, грустен, нервничает и т.д.)
  1. конец урока. Подведение итогов, объяснение домашнего задания, комментарии оценок.

The Present Perfect tense

Exercise1. Choose and read out sentences in the Present Perfect tense. Explain your choice.

  1. He has a big family.
  2. They have translated two texts this morning.
  3. She has typed the letter. You may take it.
  4. As a rule, I have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  5. – Where is he? – He has gone to the library.
  6. Have a nice day!
  7. What has happened to you?
  8. How often do you have English Grammar lessons?
  9. She has just arrived.
  10. The lesson is over. Have a break.
  11. I haven’t had breakfast this morning.
  12. Look, Jack! I hate to tell you this, but I have to.
  13. Have you spoken to her yet?
  14. I haven’t seen you for ages!
  15. I have to get up very early on week-days.
  16. Look! They have already built that house.
  17. Do you have any questions?
  18. Englishmen usually have four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.
  19. She has a nice business suit on.
  20. He has never read books by this writer.

Exercise 2. SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order.

  1. has, for, years, England, he, lived, in, fifteen.
  2. read, they, all, books, have, since, these, year, last.
  3. well, exercise, you, have, this, done, very.
  4. John, a telegram, brother, has, his, sent, to, already.
  5. student, English, the, already, translated, into, Russian, text, has, this, from.
  6. for, Mary, seen, I, have, ages, not.
  7. not, come, yet, has, the mechanic.
  8. they, about, have, not, the accident, informed, me.
  9. you, in, Slavgorod, not, for, have, two, lived, months.
  10. to, she, been, never, has, New York.
  11. you, have, a holiday, this, had, year?
  12. a foreigner, spoken, you, have, to, ever?
  13. what, since, they, have, the morning, done?
  14. the, she, cooked, has, dinner, yet?
  15. how, letters, he, written, many, since, has, morning, the?

Exercise 3. Open the brackets (Present Perfect) and guess what profession or hobby these people have. Say “He she must be a … “.

  1. She (translate) the text, (make) up a dialogue and (write) three exercises.
  2. What a wonderful picture you (paint)!
  3. He (design) a new clothes collection. It is wonderful!
  4. I (buy) a packet of orange juice and a cake.
  5. She (sell) all the apples.
  6. He (make) a delicious soup.
  7. I (collect) a lot of stamps.
  8. The man (fix) the broken car.
  9. He (finish) a new story.
  10. Children, you (do) your home task?
  11. She (type) three documents and (post) some letters.

Exercise 4. Match the sentences (the result of the action)

  1. I have just had lunch.

A) He is not here.

  1. She has already left the house.

B) I am not hungry.

  1. Somebody has broken the window in our classroom.

C) It’s too cold in here.

  1. I have known her since our childhood.

D) He knows this country very well.

  1. We have left all the money at home.

E) She can not write now.

  1. Your mistakes have taught you nothing.

F) She must be on her way to college.

  1. She has cut her finger.

G) She is my best friend.

  1. He hasn’t come yet.

H) We can’t buy anything.

  1. David has been to the USA more than once.

I) It is open now.

  1. Some fool has left the door unlocked.

J) You are doing the same silly thing again.

  1. Grandmother has written a letter.

K) She is going to the post-office now.

  1. The boy has fallen ill.

L) His mother is very upset.

Exercise 5. Answer the questions on the pictures (the result of the action).

Exercise 6. LANGUAGE IN USE (choose the proper reply)

  1. — Look who has arrived! John, nice to see you. Let me introduce you to some friends. This is Jane and this is Robert.
    А) Thank you very much.
    B) Nice to meet you.
    C) It was really exciting.
  2. — You have read it yourself, haven’t you?
    A) Yes, I see your point.
    B) No, not yet. I plan to.
    C) This isn’t my fault.
  3. Oh, I have missed the bus!
    А) How nice of you!
    B) Thank you very much. What a nice present.
    C) Don’t be so upset. The next one will come in 10 minutes.
  4. Have you chosen anything, madam?
    А) Yes, I’d like to try on that red jacket.
    B) Yes, this is my sister.
    C) Yes, you are quite right.
  5. Have you done your home task, students?
    А) Yes, please.
    B) Yes, we are ready with it.
    C) No, thank you.
  6. She hasn’t found the job so far.
    А) My congratulations.
    B) She is my best friend.
    C) It is really difficult in our small town.
  7. He has never been to Italy.
    A) His name is Gordon Brown.
    B) Really? As for me, I went to Rome last summer.
    C) How happy he is!
  8. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen.
    A) May be. But my boy friend is more intelligent.
    B) Sure he is. He is at home.
    C) Our teacher is Mr. Seen.
  9. I have learnt this poem by heart.
    A) Enjoy your meals.
    B) Oh, very good. Could we listen to it?
    C) No problems.
  10. I have already had lunch.
    А) Let’s have lunch together.
    B) I am sorry to hear that. What are you going to do now?
    C) Have you? And I wanted to ask you to go to the restaurant together.
  11. I haven’t ridden a bicycle since my childhood.
    A) Don’t be afraid. You will remember how to do it.
    B) You are very old.
    C) That’s great!
  12. Have you ever read books by Tolstoy?
    A) What is his surname?
    B) I read “Anna Karenina” last year.
    C) Yes, I often read English books.

Exercise 7. What would you say in the following situations?

  1. It’s very cold. But you have only a light jacket on. (e.g. I haven’t bought a warm coat yet.)
  2. Your friend invites you to the cinema to see a good film. You refuse. Why?
  3. You try to get to your flat through the window. Why? (e.g. I have lost my key.)
  4. Your friend is having his birthday. You think he will like your present.
  5. Your soup is very salty. You are sorry.
  6. You are very happy to see your former (бывший) class mate.
  7. It is 11 o’clock. You are very hungry. Why?
  8. You know the grammar rule very well. Why?
  9. You don’t have your English book in your bag. Where is it?
  10. The teacher gives you a very good mark. Why?
  11. You are late for classes. Why?
  12. Your purse is empty. Why?
  13. You are very tired. Why?
  14. That girl is your best friend and you know her very well. Why?

Exercise 8. What are the most unusual things your group-mates have done?

  • Have you ever …?
  • Have you ever written a poem?
  • Have you ever broken a window?
  • Have you ever seen a ghost?
  • Have you ever been abroad?
  • Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?
  • Have you ever found any money?
  • Have you ever lost your key?
  • Have you ever heard an opera?
  • Have you ever swum in the sea?
  • Have you ever read novels by Dickens?
  • Have you ever conducted a lesson in German?
  • Have you ever eaten avocado?
  • Have you ever flown by plane?
  • Have you ever played the guitar?

Who has done the most unusual thing? Who has got the first place? The second? The third?

Exercise 9. Guess why one of your group-mates is surprised upset happy sad nervous.

Make up questions using the following verbs:

To buy, to go, to receive, to write, to fall ill, to fall in love, to hear, to lose, to break, to meet, to see, to take, to leave, to eat, to spoil.

If you are right, reply either “My congratulations!” or “I’m sorry to hear that”, “How awful!”,

“What a pity!” If you can’t guess you may ask “What’s happened to you?”

  • You are surprised. – e.g. Has your friend done all the exercises correctly?
  • You are upset. – e.g. Have you lost all the money?
  • You are happy. – e.g. Have you fallen in love?
  • You are sad. – e.g. Has your friend fallen ill?
  • You are nervous. – e.g. Have you heard some bad news?

Конспект грамматического времени THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE

1. Мы используем форму Present Perfect, когда говорим о действиях, которые:

а) завершились до момента речи, но мы видим их результат сейчас (своим результатом действие связано с настоящим). He has cut his finger, he can not write.

б) завершились ранее, причем время свершения не указано, т.к. оно неизвестно или неважно. Where is the money? – I have lost it.

в) начались в прошлом и продолжаются по настоящий момент. I have known him since childhood.

2. Слова-«сигналы» (обстоятельства времени, подсказывающие использование данного грамматического времени): just – только что, already — уже, yet -еще, ever – когда-либо, never — никогда, recently — недавно, lately – за последнее время, before — прежде, so far — пока, today – сегодня this morning – сегодня утром, this evening – сегодня вечером (если этот период еще не закончился), since – с какого-то времени, for – в течение какого-то времени.

3. Схематическое изображение данного времени на временной прямой:

4. Образование сказуемого:

Вспомогательный глагол have и смысловой глагол в третьей форме: have has + V3

5. Схемы утвердительного, отрицательного и вопросительного предложений с примерами.

Он только что вышел из дома. –He has just left the house.

Пока она не нашла работу. – She hasn’t found the job so far.

Вы когда-либо бывали на юге? – Have you ever been to the South?

Что они сделали сегодня? – What have they done today?

Ex. 5 [ 1 ] Answer the questions on the pictures.

Picture 1. Kate is at school now. She left home an hour ago. Look at what is happening in her house and answer the questions.

  • Has she switched the iron off?
  • Has she closed the fridge?
  • Has she turned the water off? Is the water running?
  • Has she switched the light off?
  • Has she turned the gas off?
  • What has she done right?

Picture 2. Say who has broken which park rule.


You should not break branches, pick flowers, catch ducks, leave litter, swim in the lake, ride bikes in the park.

Литература: Клементьева Т.Б., Монк Б. Счастливый английский. Кн. 1: Учеб. для 5 — 6 кл. сред. шк. Т.Б.Клементьева, Б.Монк. – М.: Просвещение, 1992.- 416 с. ил.

  • Главная
  • Разное
  • Образование
  • Спорт
  • Естествознание
  • Природоведение
  • Религиоведение
  • Французский язык
  • Черчение
  • Английский язык
  • Астрономия
  • Алгебра
  • Биология
  • География
  • Геометрия
  • Детские презентации
  • Информатика
  • История
  • Литература
  • Математика
  • Музыка
  • МХК
  • Немецкий язык
  • ОБЖ
  • Обществознание
  • Окружающий мир
  • Педагогика
  • Русский язык
  • Технология
  • Физика
  • Философия
  • Химия
  • Шаблоны, фоны, картинки для презентаций
  • Экология
  • Экономика


  • 1.

    Презентация по английскому языку по теме Стихийные бедствия (8 класс)

  • 2.

    SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the

  • 3.

    SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the

  • 4.

    Natural disasters

  • 5.

    Volcanic eruption

  • 6.


  • 7.


  • 8.


  • 9.


  • 10.


  • 11.


  • 12.

    Forest fire

  • 13.

    Fire tornado

  • 14.


  • 15.


  • 16.

    ___ is a large amount of water

  • 17.

    Listen and fill in

  • 18.

    Watch and fill in

  • 19.

    Damaged buildingsDamaged buildingsDestructive behaviorTo damage Broken chairTo destroy

  • 20.

    All kinds of disasters either damage

  • 21.

    1. Tornadoes consist of2. Bright flashes of

  • 22.

    Divide the instructions into three groups

  • 23.

    Define the wind direction and fire spreading.Shut

  • 24.

    Check 1 4 7

  • 25.

    H/WSB p.28 ex. 99 reading

  • 26.

    Thank you for working with me:)

  • 27.


  • 28. (видео для таблицы №2)Презентация составлена

SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order. has, for, years, England, he, lived, in, fifteen.He has lived in England for fifteen years.for, Mary, seen, I, have, ages, not.I have not seen Mary for

Слайд 1A big black bug bit the big black bear, but the

big black bear bit the big black bug back!

Большой чёрный жук укусил большого чёрного медведя, 
но большой чёрный медведь укусил большого чёрного жука в отместку!

A big black bug bit the big black bear, but the big black bear bit the big

Слайд 2SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order.

for, years, England, he, lived, in, fifteen.
He has lived in England for fifteen years.
for, Mary, seen, I, have, ages, not.
I have not seen Mary for ages.
you, have, a holiday, this, had, year?
Have you had a holiday this year?

SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order. has, for, years, England, he, lived, in,

Слайд 3SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order.

come, yet, has, the mechanic.
The mechanic has not come yet.
you, in, Slavgorod, not, for, have, two, lived, months.
You have not lived in Slavgorod for two months.
a foreigner, spoken, you, have, to, ever?
Have you ever spoken to a foreigner?

SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct word order. not, come, yet, has, the mechanic.The mechanic

Слайд 16___ is a large amount of water which covers a place

that is usually dry land
b) ___ is a sudden shaking of the ground
c) ___ is a very violent wind or storm
d) ___ is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed
e) ___ is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from the crater.
f) ___ is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water.
g) ___ is a large amount of sea water, moving towards the coast
h) ___ is a heavy fall of snow and ice coming down a mountain

1. An earthquake 5. A flood
2. A hurricane 6. A drought
3. A tornado 7. An avalanche
4. A volcano 8. A tsunami










___ is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry landb) ___

Слайд 19Damaged buildings
Damaged buildings
Destructive behavior
To damage
Broken chair
To destroy

Damaged buildingsDamaged buildingsDestructive behaviorTo damage	Broken chairTo destroy

Слайд 20All kinds of disasters either damage or completely

destroy the environment.

2) Floods, earthquakes and tornadoes leave a lot of damaged houses behind them.

3) The last earthquake in the USA was very destructive.

4) «I’m sorry, I can’t help you because of my broken finger.» — «It’s OK. I’ll manage myself.“

5) My grandpa has a magic touch. He can repair all broken things if the damage is not too bad.






Fill in the gaps

All kinds of disasters either  damage  or completely  destroy  the environment. 2) Floods,

Слайд 211. Tornadoes consist of

2. Bright flashes of lightning

3. Tornadoes are dangerous


a) large clouds and terrible sounds.

b) very strong winds.

a) are seen from the distance.

b) blow down everything on their way.

a) they occur in spring.

b) they destroy houses and pick up everything they can.

Choose the ending

1. Tornadoes consist of2. Bright flashes of lightning3. Tornadoes are dangerous becausea) large clouds and terrible sounds.b)

Слайд 22Divide the instructions
into three groups

Divide the instructions into three groups

Слайд 23

Define the wind direction and fire spreading.
Shut the windows and the

doors from exposed to the wind side and open them from the other side.
Switch on TV or radio and listen to the information.
Leave the fire zone and go to meet wind
Prepare some food, water, medicine and other necessary things.
Fix the furniture, put heavy things on the floor.
Move on the ground, don’t try to leave fire behind you.
Find the safe place in a building (near the main walls, in the corners)
Switch off gas, water, electricity.
If it is possible, try to get your clothes wet.
If you are outside, find a pit, a ditch, or a ravine far from buildings.
Take your passport, some necessary things and go to the definite place.
Inform about fire as soon as possible.
If you are in any transport, leave it and find the safe place.
Keep away damaged buildings.

Define the wind direction and fire spreading.Shut the windows and the doors from exposed to the wind

Слайд 27


Слайд 28 (видео для таблицы №2)
Презентация составлена
учителем английского языка

Судариковой Ниной Викторовной (видео для таблицы №2)Презентация составлена  учителем английского языка  МБОУ ООШ д.Хийденсельга  Судариковой Ниной

SCRAMBLED SENTENCES. Make up sentences with the correct
word order.

1. has, Tom, washed, hands, his

2.  tennis, they, played, have

3.  finished, the text, reading, have,

4.  I , watched, the film, have

5.  watered, has, my sister, the flowers

Fill in the verbs have or has.

They … counted the numbers.

I … cleaned the carpet.

She … washed up.

We … visited our granny.

John … opened the door.

Open the brackets using Present Perfect.

She (translate) the text. I can understand it.

What a wonderful picture you (paint)!

The boys (help) their father to wash the car. The car is clean.

The writer (finish) a new story. We can read it.

I (join) a sports club. Now I am a sportsman.

How to complete the exercise scrambled sentences

This exercise you have to put the words into their correct order. 

Exercise scrambled words

Put the following words into the correct order.

playing  friends football I like with =  I like playing football with friends

was not there was he.

you about who told it?

you did about who tell it?

him saw I party the at.

time for I looking him saw the he job a last was. 

win they the game did? 

hard I could as I as tried. 

going where she was?

To print the lesson right click on a white space and select print or copy and past the categories onto a word document and the print.

Unable to print

If you are unable to print, then write the words onto some blank paper.

Lessons that are related to the exercise

To view any of the lessons below click on link.

Word search puzzles learning English animals transport house sports Countries

Big English word list from A to Z with brief definitions

Easy pace Learning online dictionary and how to use dictionaries

Click on the following link for the Online English dictionary — English lesson

Easy Pace Learning Forum

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 6 A (Module 6). Номер №G

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Make any necessary changes.
e.g. a popstar / you / meet / have / ever ?
Have you ever met a popstar?
30. England / teacher / has / your / be / to ?
31. never / rollercoaster / have / on / they / a ride.
32. Italy / never / has / friend / be / my / best / to.
33. haunted / you / a / explore / have / ever / mansion?
34. ever / The Great Wall / visit / of / he / has / China?
35. helicopter / fly / never / have / I / a / in.

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина, Дули, Подоляко, Эванс. TEST 6 A (Module 6). Номер №G


Перевод задания
Расположите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы составить предложения. Внесите необходимые изменения.
например, поп−звезда / ты / встречать / have / когда−нибудь?
Вы когда−нибудь встречали поп−звезду?
30. Англия / учитель / has / твой / быть / to?
31. никогда / американские горки / have / на / они / кататься.
32. Италия / никогда / has / друг / быть / мой / лучший / to.
33. с привидениями / ты / a / исследовать / have / когда−либо / особняк?
34. когда−либо / Великая Китайская стена / посещать / он / has / Китай?
35. вертолет / летать / никогда / have / я / а / в.

30. Has your teacher been to England?
31. They have never ridden on a rollercoaster.
32. My best friend has never been to Italy.
33. Have you ever explored a haunted mansion?
34. Has he ever visited The Great Wall of China?
35. I have never flown in a helicopter.

Перевод ответа
30. Бывал ли ваш учитель в Англии?
31. Они никогда не катались на американских горках.
32. Мой лучший друг никогда не был в Италии.
33. Вы когда−нибудь исследовали особняк с привидениями?
34. Был ли он когда−нибудь на Великой Китайской стене?
35. Я никогда не летал на вертолете.

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