Scientific word for find

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  • Idioms And Phrases

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object), found, find·ing.

to come upon by chance; meet with: He found a nickel in the street.

to locate, attain, or obtain by search or effort: to find an apartment; to find happiness.

to locate or recover (something lost or misplaced): I can’t find my blue socks.

to discover or perceive after consideration: to find something to be true.

to gain or regain the use of: His anger finally helped him find his tongue.

to ascertain by study or calculation: to find the sum of several numbers.

to feel or perceive: He finds it so.

to become aware of, or discover (oneself), as being in a condition or location: After a long illness, he found himself well again. She woke to find herself at home.

to discover: Columbus found America in 1492.


  1. to determine after judicial inquiry: to find a person guilty.
  2. to pronounce as an official act (an indictment, verdict, or judgment).

to provide or furnish: Bring blankets and we’ll find the rest of the equipment for the trip.

South Midland and Southern U.S. (of farm animals) to give birth to: The brown cow found a calf yesterday.

verb (used without object), found, find·ing.

to determine an issue after judicial inquiry: The jury found for the plaintiff.

British Hunting. to come upon game.


an act of finding or discovering.

something found; a discovery, especially a valuable or gratifying one: Our cook was a find.

Hunting. a discovery of game, especially foxes.

Verb Phrases

find out,

  1. to discover or confirm the truth of (something).
  2. to detect or expose, as a crime or offense.
  3. to uncover the true nature, identity, or intentions of (someone): They found him out before he could launch the rebellion.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about find

    find oneself, to discover where one’s real interests or talents lie, and follow them: After trying many occupations, he finally found himself and became an account executive.

Origin of find

before 900; Middle English finden,Old English findan; cognate with German finden,Dutch vinden,Old Norse finna,Gothic finthan


find·a·ble, adjectivere·find, verb (used with object), re·found, re·find·ing.

Words nearby find

finasteride, finback, finca, finch, Finchley, find, finder, finder’s fee, finders, keepers, Finders keepers, losers weepers, fin de siècle Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to find

treasure trove, detect, discover, encounter, identify, locate, meet, notice, recover, spot, strike, turn up, uncover, unearth, get, acquisition, asset, bargain, boast, bonanza

How to use find in a sentence

  • The new find suggests that at least some signals that look like short GRBs are in fact magnetar flares.

  • The Daily Telegraph and Illustrated London News also covered his finds enthusiastically.

  • He takes his Instagram followers along for the ride, feeding them a steady stream of photos of his finds, along with an occasional look at how he returned them to their former glory.

  • A round stone excavated at Israel’s Tabun Cave in the 1960s represents the oldest known grinding or rubbing tool, say researchers who scrutinized the 350,000-year-old find.

  • More recently, Google introduced Product Shipping rich results in response to increased online shopping, and Home Activities to help individuals in lockdown find exercises and activities to do at home.

  • We won’t find out this season, though it comes up occasionally.

  • In the end, I find it never fails to modernize even the most dramatic things.

  • What criticisms of last season did you find helpful, and not so helpful?

  • But as you get older, I find I get more tunes and I have to work harder at the words.

  • I still do find it a tremendously useful device to invent a character and have the character sing the song.

  • I find myself chained to the foot of a woman, my noble Cornelia would despise!

  • The sailors sometimes use it to fry their meat, for want of butter, and find it agreeable enough.

  • Your sacrifice shall be the agony of agonies, the death of deaths, and yet you’ll find yourself unable to resist.

  • But you will find most colleges and most college societies bar religious instruction and discussion.

  • But one thing remained for Felipe now, If Ramona lived, he would find her, and restore to her this her rightful property.

British Dictionary definitions for find

verb finds, finding or found (faʊnd) (mainly tr)

to meet with or discover by chance

to discover or obtain, esp by search or effortto find happiness

(may take a clause as object) to become aware of; realizehe found that nobody knew

(may take a clause as object) to regard as being; considerI find this wine a little sour

to look for and point out (something to be criticized)to find fault

(also intr) law to determine an issue after judicial inquiry and pronounce a verdict (upon)the court found the accused guilty

to regain (something lost or not functioning)to find one’s tongue

to reach (a target)the bullet found its mark

to provide, esp with difficultywe’ll find room for you too

to be able to payI can’t find that amount of money

find oneself to realize and accept one’s real character; discover one’s true vocation

find one’s feet to become capable or confident, as in a new job


a person, thing, etc, that is found, esp a valuable or fortunate discovery

Derived forms of find

findable, adjective

Word Origin for find

Old English findan; related to Old Norse finna, Gothic finthan, Old High German fintan to find

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with find

In addition to the idioms beginning with find

  • find fault
  • find it in one’s heart
  • find one’s bearings
  • find oneself
  • find one’s way
  • find out
  • find true north

also see:

  • hard way (find out the)

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

I am writing a scientific paper on physics. I hesitate to write that my observations and their interpretation is a ‘discovery’, so I am considering using the word ‘finding’ instead.

Is this the common practice?

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asked May 16, 2016 at 1:58

S. Kohn's user avatar


Although in a general linguistic sense the two are more or less equivalent, for scientific writing you are correct in thinking ‘discovery’ would sound too pretentious. ‘Finding’ is quite suitable in Physics as in other sciences, as indicated by its frequent use in papers in a single issue of Nature Physics that I have just consulted. Each of the following is from a different paper.

Our findings provide solid experimental and theoretical frameworks for future investigations of the origin and function of active motion in cells.

Our findings lay the groundwork for further improving efficiency, with 15% energy coupling predicted in FI experiments using an existing megajoule-scale laser driver.

Rather, this finding suggests a mixed Ti3+/4+ character for the bilayers, with an increase of the Ti valence towards 4+ for smaller rare-earths in the nickelate.

The single occurrence I found of the word ‘discovery’ was in an introduction reviewing the general progress in the field. I would wait until you find a new elementary particle or the like before using ‘discovery’.

Community's user avatar

answered May 17, 2016 at 10:22

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a word search?

A word search is a puzzle where there are rows of letters placed in the shape of a square, and there are words written forwards, backwards, horizontal, vertical or diagonal. There will be a list of words for the player to look for and the goal of the player is to find those words hidden in the word search puzzle, and highlight them.

How do I choose the words to use in my word search?

Once you’ve picked a theme, choose words that have a variety of different lengths, difficulty levels and letters. You don’t need to worry about trying to fit the words together with each other because WordMint will do that for you!

How are word searches used in the classroom?

Word search games are an excellent tool for teachers, and an excellent resource for students. They help to encourage wider vocabulary, as well as testing cognitive abilities and pattern-finding skills.

Because the word search templates are completely custom, you can create suitable word searches for children in kindergarten, all the way up to college students.

Who is a word search suitable for?

One of the common word search faq’s is whether there is an age limit or what age kids can start doing word searches. The fantastic thing about word search exercises is, they are completely flexible for whatever age or reading level you need.

Word searches can use any word you like, big or small, so there are literally countless combinations that you can create for templates. It is easy to customise the template to the age or learning level of your students.

How do I create a word search template?

For the easiest word search templates, WordMint is the way to go!

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  • Head to ‘My Puzzles’
  • Click ‘Create New Puzzle’ and select ‘Word Search’
  • Select your layout, enter your title and your chosen words
  • That’s it! The template builder will create your word search template for you and you can save it to your account, export as a Word document or PDF and print!

How can I print my word search template?

All of our templates can be exported into Microsoft Word to easily print, or you can save your work as a PDF to print for the entire class. Your puzzles get saved into your account for easy access and printing in the future, so you don’t need to worry about saving them at work or at home!

Can I create a word search in other languages?

Word searches are a fantastic resource for students learning a foreign language as it tests their reading comprehension skills in a fun, engaging way.

We have full support for word search templates in Spanish, French and Japanese with diacritics including over 100,000 images.

Science has many branches. This science word search contains the names of 30 different branches of science.

Science Word Search

Find the words from the list forward and backward in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions.

The puzzle is optimized to fit on a standard 8.5″x11″ sheet of paper, but it fits nicely on A4 paper. Use the provided PDF for the best results.

Download links: [Wordsearch Image] | [Wordsearch PDF]

If you need a little help finding one or all of the glossary terms, a solved version of the puzzle is available.

Download links: [Solution Image] | [Solution PDF]

Word searches are a fun activity. Check out our other science-related word search puzzles.

Branches of Science Word Search Words

This word search is full of various -ology science words.  Here’s what they all mean.

Acoustics – The science and study of sound.

Anatomy – The science and study of the structure of the body.

Anthropology – The science and study of human studies.

Astronomy – The science and study of celestial bodies and space.

Biology – The science and study of life.

Chemistry – The science and study of matter, its properties, and interactions with other matter and energy.

Ecology – The science and study of relationships between living organisms and their environment.

Embryology – The science and study of embryos.

Entomology – The science and study of insects.

Gemology – The science and study of gemstones.

Geology – The science and study of the Earth.

Histology – The science and study of living tissue.

Hydrology – The science and study of water.

Ichthyology – The science and study of fish.

Kinetics – The science and study of motion.

Lithology – The science and study of rocks.

Meteorology – The science and study of weather.

Metrology – The science and study of measurement.

Mycology – The science and study of fungi.

Oceanology – The science and study of oceans.

Ornithology – The science and study of birds.

Paleontology – The science and study of fossils and ancient life.

Parasitology – The science and study of parasites.

Physics – The science and study of matter and energy.

Physiology – The science and study of the functions of living organisms.

Toxicology – The science and study of poison.

Virology – The science and study of viruses.

Vulcanology – The science and study of volcanoes.

Zoology – The science and study of animals.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

The scientific word for these compounds is polyphenols.

Pharyngeal is the scientific word for things having to do with the throat.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD: I was trying to find the scientific word for it.

You know, there’s an actual scientific word for why people go to these invents.

Веселый. ты знаешь, что есть реальное научно слово, почему люди идут на это события

Другие результаты

The public is intoxicated with scientific words and thirsts for miracles.

But are all scientific uses of the word for such verified theories?

This «alternative facts» bill allowed for teachers to discuss the «strengths and weakness of scientific information»-code words for intelligent design and climate change denial.

Он позволял преподавателям обсуждать «сильные и слабые стороны научной информации» — кодовые слова для разумного замысла и отрицания изменений климата.

I have found that it helps to remove scientific uneasiness about my free-wheeling explorations, affirmations and hypotheses if I am willing to call them prescientific rather than scientific (a word which for so many means verification rather than discovery).

Чтобы снять научную неловкость по поводу моих весьма вольных утверждений и гипотез, я предпочитаю называть их преднаучными, а не научными (слово, означающее для очень многих скорее проверку, верификацию, чем открытие).

There’s no scientific equivalent for the word «haunted,» so we’ll just say this object is responsible for at least 45 deaths in the four centuries of its recorded existence…

Наука не признаёт слова «проклятое», поэтому скажу лишь, что это зеркало стало причиной как минимум 45 смертей за 400 лет своей официальной истории.

And «likely» is not a scientific word but rather indicative of a judgment, another word for opinion.

И «скорее всего» не является научным словом, более указывает на суждение, другое слово которому «мнение».

First, many scientific words are based in Latin.

It’s the perfect movie for learning some slightly complicated scientific words in a thoroughly entertaining context.

Это идеальный фильм для изучения некоторых немного сложных научных слов в полностью развлекательном контексте.

All scientific words have Greek roots.

These errors include cases of improper shifting of both timing and general scientific words, as well as conventional.

К этим ошибкам относят случаи неправильного перекладывание как сроков, так и общенаучных слов, а также общепринятых.

Scientific Word makes creating professional documents easy.

Scientific Word облегчает процесс создания профессиональных документов.

Entropy is the scientific word which simply means that things become more disorderly, more random, more unstructured.

Энтропия это научное слово, которое попросту означает, что вещи становятся менее упорядоченными, более бессистемными.

Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word or a Jargonword if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.

Не используйте иностранную фразу, научное или жаргонное слово, если можете подобрать аналог в повседневном английском языке.

Intuitively, they understand that they need to use less scientific words when speaking to regular people and not their colleagues.

Ученые интуитивно понимают, что нужно использовать меньше профессионального жаргона, общаясь с обычными людьми, а не с коллегами.

In more scientific words — moving of energy and information in the body along the different energy channels.

Если говорить более научным языком — за счет движения энергии, а также информации в теле по различным энергетическим каналам.

10 Scientific Words You’re Probably Using Wrong.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 11490. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 594 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Science Terms! The following is a list of common Science Terms in English.

Science Terms

Science Vocabulary Word List

Words That Start With A




Words That Start With B





Bunsen burner


Words That Start With C








Words That Start With D



Words That Start With E








Words That Start With F





Words That Start With G





graduated cylinder


Words That Start With H



Words That Start With I



Words That Start With L





Words That Start With M














Words That Start With O





Words That Start With P



Petri dish


physical science



Words That Start With Q

quantum mechanics

Words That Start With R




Words That Start With  S





Words That Start With T



test tube




Words That Start With V





volumetric flask

Words That Start With W

watch glass



Words That Start With Z


List of Science words with Examples

  • astronomy

        EX:  Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.

  • astrophysics

       EX:  I am an astrophysics student for the University of TX.

  • atom

       EX: The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.

  • beaker

       EX: The next days when the researchers flipped the beaker, the silicone oil began to form fat mounds.

  • biochemistry

       EX:  Her specialty is biochemistry.

  • biology

EX: The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.

  • botany

EX: The life sciences include biology and botany.

  • Bunsen burner

EX: You will learn how to use scientific apparatus such as test tubes, beakers and Bunsen burners.

  • burette

EX: The burette is placed in water and the air pressure equalised by opening and closing the tap.

  • cell

EX: DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.

  • chemical

EX:  Physical therapy alternates with chemical.

  • chemistry

EX: The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.

  • climate

EX: We need to assess the impact on climate change.

  • climatologist

EX: A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world.

  • control

EX: How do you operate the remote control unit?

  • cuvette

EX:  A new cuvette which is able to contain plastic centrifuge tube for fluorescence spectrophotometry is described.

  • data

EX: The retention of data in a storage device.

  • datum

EX: The crucial datum is this: the rate of gypsy-moth spread is now much more rapid than before.

  • electricity

EX: Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.

  • element

EX: He was the discoverer of the element radium.

  • energy

EX: It wastes energy to run the dishwasher half empty.

  • entomology

EX: He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation.

  • evolution

EX: In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight.

  • experiment

EX: They are absorbed in the experiment.

  • fossil

EX: This fossil may be over 2 million years old.

  • funnel

EX:  I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank.

  • genetics

EX: Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.

  • geology

EX: It is a problem that relates to geology.

  • geophysics

EX: Developing seismoelectric exploration is the leading edge in geophysics.

  • graduated cylinder

EX: Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250-mL graduated cylinder , and, keeping the pyridine cold in an ice bath, pass in dry sulfur dioxide until the volume reaches 200 mL.

  • gravity

EX: Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

  • laboratory

EX: The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.

  • microscope

EX:  An object was magnified 200 times by the microscope.

  • telescope

EX: The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction.

  • temperature

EX: In hot weather the temperature gets very high.

  • test tube

EX: The test tube was then put in an ultrasound bath for 5 minutes.

  • thermometer

EX:Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.

  • tissue

EX: The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.

  • variable

EX: The variable weather is a great trial to me.

  • virologist

EX: The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection.

  • weigh

EX: The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.

  • zoology

EX: The library didn’t stock zoology textbooks.

Science Terms | Pictures

Science Vocabulary Word List 2

Science Word Find Puzzles for Kids

Updated on December 28, 2022

Science word search puzzles are a great way to get students comfortable with new science terms or strengthen science vocabulary. Not only are they a great teaching tool but kids seem to really have a fun time completing them. Use them to introduce a new unit, review vocabulary, or as a fun break to the everyday.

The puzzles below are organized by area of science—biology, earth science, astronomy, chemistry, physics, and famous scientists. They’re also organized with the easiest word searches listed at the beginning of each section. That way you can quickly find a puzzle for the age you’re looking for.

All of these are printable and completely free to use. They’re a great resource to use in the classroom or at home. If it’s the beginning of the school year, the kids will love these back-to-school word search puzzles.

Earth Science Word Search Puzzles

Hero Images/Getty Images

These word search puzzles cover earth science, like related words, trees, and flowers:

  1. Natural Disasters Word Search: There are 13 words having to do with natural disasters hidden within this puzzle.
  2. Hurricane Word Search: Find all 15 hidden words and phrases to solve this word search all about hurricanes.
  3. Earth Word Search: This is a general earth science word search where you’ll need to find 18 words.
  4. Landforms Word Search: Find the 19 hidden words about different landforms in this free puzzle.
  5. Trees Word Search: Find 20 tree varieties in this earth science words for each puzzle.
  6. Plant Word Search: Geared towards students in 2-4 grades, this plant word search has 22 words that you’ll in to find in order to solve it.
  7. Flowers Word Search: Search for 10 flower names in this word search puzzle.
  8. Earth Science Word Search Puzzle: This 48-term word search puzzle is all about what makes up the Earth.
  9. Earth & Environmental Science Word Search: Find 14 weather and environmental-related words in this puzzle. How quickly can you solve it?

Physics Word Search Puzzles

Hero Images/Getty Images

This free science word search puzzles cover physics:

  1. Physics!: There are just 12 hidden physics terms in this free word search puzzle, making it an ideal choice for elementary school.
  2. Electronics Word Search: After you find all 40 words you can use the rest of the letters to spell out the name of an electric component.
  3. World of Physics: Here’s a huge science word search puzzle all about the world of physics.
  4. Physics of Motion: There are 20 hidden words in this physics word search that can be printed and completed by hand or solved online.
  5. Physics 1 Word Search: There are just under 50 hidden words in this free word search puzzle that has everything to do with basic physics.

Famous Scientists Word Search Puzzles

Images By Tang Ming Tung/Getty Images

The inventor of everything from the phonograph to the light bulb, have fun with the Thomas Edison puzzle and others.

  1. Influential Scientists Word Search Worksheet: You’ll need to find 15 last names of influential scientists to solve this free, printable word search puzzle.
  2. Thomas Edison Word Search: Find 18 words about Thomas Edison in this science word search.
  3. Women in STEM Word Search: There are 20 famous women scientists’ names that you’ll need to find within the puzzle. Also included are an answer key and a fact sheet about the names found in the puzzle.
  4. Famous Scientists Word Search: There are the last names of 24 famous scientists in this free word search puzzle.
  5. Famous Physicists Word Search: Find 40 famous physicists in this large word search puzzle.
  6. Famous Chemists Wordsearch: There are 35 hidden last names of famous chemists in this free, printable word search puzzle.

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