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Under the right conditions, hot water can somehow freeze faster than cold water. It’s called the Mpemba effect. We’ll explain how it happens.

By Dylan Ris

Questions, theories and debates about quantum physics can get muddled because of a number of myths and misconceptions. Here are four of them.

By Alessandro Fedrizzi & Mehul Malik

From astronauts to doctors to an archaeologist, we present eight scientists whose contributions to science, engineering and math were inseparable from their identities as Indigenous Americans.

By Dave Roos

Einstein famously called the phenomenon «spooky action at a distance,» and physicists just won the Nobel Prize for their work on it, but what is quantum entanglement?

By Andreas Muller

The world often seems chaotic and events appear to occur randomly, but what’s the difference between chaos and randomness?

By Mitchell Newberry

Having one Nobel Prize winner in the family is a huge accomplishment. But the extended Curie family had five winners – and one was even awarded twice. How did they get so smart?

By Jennifer Marquez

Planck’s constant, which made an appearance in the Netflix series «Stranger Things,» is one of the most important differences between reality at the atomic and subatomic level and what we can see around us.

By Patrick J. Kiger

Nobel prizes offer lots of prestige and big payouts. But how do you become eligible for one? And can you lobby for yourself?

By Dave Roos

Solar wind is a continuous stream of mostly hydrogen and helium that flows outward from the sun in all directions. It does everything from disrupt GPS signals to create the aurora borealis.

By Mark Mancini

So much of our cosmological history starts with the much-discussed Big Bang, but what led up to that cataclysmic moment? And did time even exist back then?

By Robert Lamb & Patrick J. Kiger

The number 137, which is significant in multiple applications, has long been an object of fascination for physicists, mathematicians and mystics.

By Patrick J. Kiger

The late American marine biologist and conservationist Rachel Carson’s groundbreaking book, «Silent Spring,» debuted 60 years ago. It’s still considered one of the finest works of nature writing ever.

By Oisin Curran

In his last act of genius, Hawking simplified the multiverse and suggests that it’s not just boundless bubble universes out there.

By Ian O’Neill, Ph.D.

Physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking was a fierce spirit who symbolized the foibles and complexities inherent in human nature. Learn more about him by taking our quiz.

By Nathan Chandler

When life gives you water and pH and color data … make lemonade?

By Shelley Danzy

The renowned scientist said in an interview with «Good Morning Britain» that he accepted Richard Branson’s invite to fly into space without a moment’s hesitation.

By Jonathan Strickland

A new experiment supports the famous theoretical physicist’s idea of radiation being emitted by black holes.

By Jonathan Strickland

Moore’s longstanding law might have only a few years left as far as cramming more stuff into a square inch of silicon. But what if you cram upward?

By Jonathan Strickland

Global air pollution and weaponized artificial intelligence round out the trifecta of threats, the astrophysicist tells interviewer Larry King.

By Christopher Hassiotis

The celebrity astrophysicist takes a break from his current tour to discuss science and education with the hosts of the ‘Stuff You Should Know’ podcast.

By Christopher Hassiotis

All aspiring scientists, or just those who love knowledge, should know these quotes from greats like Carl Sagan, Marie Curie and Buzz Aldrin, among others.

By Christopher Hassiotis

Scientists are still trying to figure out the essence of dark matter. If they do, will it lead only to greater understanding, or can we develop new technologies?

By Patrick J. Kiger

These super common, nearly massless subatomic particles shoot across space at near the speed of light. And they could help us to understand dark matter.

By Lauren Vogelbaum

Something else you didn’t know about the Pluto exploration: Queen guitarist Brian May has serious science chops, and he contributed to the New Horizons mission.

By Patrick J. Kiger

Everyone knows that nothing travels faster than the speed of light, but how does the speed of dark compare? Read on to find out!

By Bambi Turner

Four years in the making, the Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology is a 2,400-page work covering 124 fields of science. Containing complete, up-to-date definitions for all areas of science and technology, the Dictionary is distinguished by its «Windows.» For each of the 124 disciplines covered in the Dictionary, a recognized leader in the field offers a brief overview of the area — including its meaning, history, and implications for the future. Boxed and

Shaded for easy reference, these «Window» essays offer practical, concise synopses that make the terminology of each field easier to understand. Some of these «Windows» and their distinguished contributors include Astrophysics by S. Chandrasekhar; Biochemistry by Arthur Kornberg; Biology by R.C. Lewontin; Chemistry by Glenn T. Seaborg; Crystallography by Linus Pauling; Electromagnetism by Arno Penzias; Endocrinology by Rosalyn Yalow; Entomology by Edward O. Wilson

Evolution by Stephen Jay Gould; Geography by Gilbert Grosvenor; Microbiology by Joan W. Bennett; Oceanography by Roger Revelle; Plasmids by Joshua Lederberg; Surgery by Michael DeBakey; and Vaccinology by Jonas Salk. The Dictionary is designed for use by practicing scientists and professionals in all scientific fields — consultants and technical personnel; high school, college, and graduate students; writers, researchers, or educators working with a scientific

Vocabulary; and general readers interested in science. If your corporate, academic, or institutional library serves any of these, then the Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology is the only scientific dictionary you need. The definitions are clear and accessible to the nonspecialist, yet they provide all the technical information that the specialist needs. Traditionally, dictionaries have been prepared by compiling a single alphabetical word list. A given

Definer or editor is assigned a certain section of the alphabet and deals with all the words in that section. This method is inappropriate for a scientific work. A single alphabetical section of a science dictionary will contain words from many specialized fields, and no one person can have sufficient knowledge to define all of them. Therefore, our Reference Department staff used a computerized data base to prepare this Dictionary not as a single A-to-Z list but as 124

Separate A-to-Z lists, one for each scientific field covered in the book. This made it possible for every field to be developed separately, in effect as a single-subject dictionary, by experts trained specifically in that field. The Dictionary was compiled in five stages. First, members of the Board of Advisors approved entry lists for the 124 scientific fields. Each entry list consisted of the specific terms judged to be appropriate for inclusion in that field. These

Entry lists ranged in size from 4,000 to 5,000 terms for large general fields, such as Geology, Engineering, or Medicine, down to 100 to 300 terms for newer, highly focused fields, such as Chaotic Dynamics or Biotechnology. Second, the Contributing Editors wrote definitions for these terms. Third, the Board of Advisors reviewed the definitions for accuracy. Fourth, the definitions were given a final evaluation by the outside Board of Review. These reviewers scrutinized

Every single definition in a given manuscript, either approving the definition as written or providing an edited version when necessary. Finally, the 124 individual fields were merged and assembled to form a single alphabetical list. Set a new standard of excellence by adding the Academic Press Dictionary of Science and Technology to your reference collection. It will become your reference of choice

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at Software Informer

Scientific Word

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Scientific Word makes … easy. With Scientific Word, you compose … mathematical, scientific, and

Word Magic Dictionary & Tools Professional


 Word Magic Software Inc.


A Mega Dictionary with translations, idioms, synonyms, and much more.

Word Magic Dictionary & Tools Home Edition

 Word Magic Software Inc.


This is a Mega Dictionary with translations, idioms, synonyms, etc.

Word Magic Dictionary & Tools Medicine

 Word Magic Software Inc.


It translates medical terms/idioms from English to Spanish and vice versa.

Word Magic Dictionary & Tools Point & Click

 Word Magic Software Inc.


It includes an entire collection of synonyms,verbs,expressions and first names.

Word Magic Dictionary & Tools Information Technology


 Word Magic Software Inc.


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English & Armenian Dictionary


 Armenian Dictionary Software Inc.


English & Armenian Dictionary is a two-way and unique dictionary.

Word Magic Professional Suite Premier


 Word Magic Software


It provides all the translation products in a single streamlined package.

Shipra's Dictionary


 Shipra Compulogies


A very simple English-Hindi Dictionary with a user-friendly interface.

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2017 English<->Russian for Windows




Translate words in English and Russian, get synonyms and hear them pronounced!

Tray Dictionary


 Wenpoint Corporation


This application allows quick getting of explanation of required word in English.

Additional titles, containing scientific dictionary plugin word

Dictionary Plug-in For SDL Trados




Dictionary Plugin is an add-on for SDL Trados Studio 2014 and 2015.





English-Myanmar dictionary microsoft word addIn For All Myanmar.



 Symbol Dynamics LLC


EXP is a scientific word processor for mathematics/ scientific notations.

Word Jhong Buddy - Pogo

 Play Buddy


A Word Jong bot with a built-in dictionary to find all possible word solutions.

Sofairsoft EduPioneer 2010

 Sofairsoft Corporation


It is a professional scientific word processing software.

Lift Bridge for FieldWorks 7

 Cambell Prince, Ken Zook


A plugin which permits sharing of LIFT dictionary data.


 Mobile Systems


Based on the selected spelling dictionary, the program predicts the desired word.


 M Toner


Domain name checker with 80,000 word dictionary
HTTP and Whois searches allowed (works through fi….

Declan's Russian Dictionary


 Declan Software


Declan’s Russian Dictionary creates customized word files for Russian FlashCards.

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Word Magic Legal Dictionary

 Word Magic Software Inc.

Download Software Informer Client

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