Science dictionary word list

Science Terms! The following is a list of common Science Terms in English.

Science Terms

Science Vocabulary Word List

Words That Start With A




Words That Start With B





Bunsen burner


Words That Start With C








Words That Start With D



Words That Start With E








Words That Start With F





Words That Start With G





graduated cylinder


Words That Start With H



Words That Start With I



Words That Start With L





Words That Start With M














Words That Start With O





Words That Start With P



Petri dish


physical science



Words That Start With Q

quantum mechanics

Words That Start With R




Words That Start With  S





Words That Start With T



test tube




Words That Start With V





volumetric flask

Words That Start With W

watch glass



Words That Start With Z


List of Science words with Examples

  • astronomy

        EX:  Physics and astronomy are cognate sciences.

  • astrophysics

       EX:  I am an astrophysics student for the University of TX.

  • atom

       EX: The nucleus of an atom consists of neutrons, protons and other particles.

  • beaker

       EX: The next days when the researchers flipped the beaker, the silicone oil began to form fat mounds.

  • biochemistry

       EX:  Her specialty is biochemistry.

  • biology

EX: The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.

  • botany

EX: The life sciences include biology and botany.

  • Bunsen burner

EX: You will learn how to use scientific apparatus such as test tubes, beakers and Bunsen burners.

  • burette

EX: The burette is placed in water and the air pressure equalised by opening and closing the tap.

  • cell

EX: DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.

  • chemical

EX:  Physical therapy alternates with chemical.

  • chemistry

EX: The course will encompass physics, chemistry and biology.

  • climate

EX: We need to assess the impact on climate change.

  • climatologist

EX: A climatologist is greatly concerned with the time constants of the energy reservoirs of the world.

  • control

EX: How do you operate the remote control unit?

  • cuvette

EX:  A new cuvette which is able to contain plastic centrifuge tube for fluorescence spectrophotometry is described.

  • data

EX: The retention of data in a storage device.

  • datum

EX: The crucial datum is this: the rate of gypsy-moth spread is now much more rapid than before.

  • electricity

EX: Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.

  • element

EX: He was the discoverer of the element radium.

  • energy

EX: It wastes energy to run the dishwasher half empty.

  • entomology

EX: He decided to specialize in entomology after graduation.

  • evolution

EX: In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight.

  • experiment

EX: They are absorbed in the experiment.

  • fossil

EX: This fossil may be over 2 million years old.

  • funnel

EX:  I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank.

  • genetics

EX: Knowledge in the field of genetics has been developing very rapidly.

  • geology

EX: It is a problem that relates to geology.

  • geophysics

EX: Developing seismoelectric exploration is the leading edge in geophysics.

  • graduated cylinder

EX: Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250-mL graduated cylinder , and, keeping the pyridine cold in an ice bath, pass in dry sulfur dioxide until the volume reaches 200 mL.

  • gravity

EX: Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

  • laboratory

EX: The laboratory was well insulated against all outside noise.

  • microscope

EX:  An object was magnified 200 times by the microscope.

  • telescope

EX: The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction.

  • temperature

EX: In hot weather the temperature gets very high.

  • test tube

EX: The test tube was then put in an ultrasound bath for 5 minutes.

  • thermometer

EX:Use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.

  • tissue

EX: The virus remains dormant in nerve tissue until activated.

  • variable

EX: The variable weather is a great trial to me.

  • virologist

EX: The veterinary virologist and the clinician are naturally interested in effectively combating a viral infection.

  • weigh

EX: The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels.

  • zoology

EX: The library didn’t stock zoology textbooks.

Science Terms | Pictures

Science Vocabulary Word List 2

Rank Headword Sublist Related word forms 1 cell 1 celled, cells 2 species 1 sp, specie, spp, subspecies 3 acid 1 acidic, acidity, acidly, acids 4 muscle 1 muscled, muscles, muscling 5 protein 1 proteins 6 molecule 1 molecular, molecules 7 nutrient 1 nutrients 8 dense 1 densely, denseness, denser, densest, densities, density 9 laboratory 1 lab, laboratories, labs 10 ion 1 ionisation, ionise, ionised, ioniser, ionisers, ionises, ionising, ionization, ionize, ionized, ionizer, ionizers, ionizes, ionizing, ions, ionic 11 tissue 1 tissues 12 atom 1 atomic, atomise, atomised, atomiser, atomisers, atomises, atomising, atomism, atomize, atomized, atomizer, atomizers, atomizes, atomizing, atoms, subatomic 13 enzyme 1 enzymes 14 graph 1 graphed, graphing, graphs 15 fluid 1 fluidities, fluidity, fluids 16 nerve 1 nerveless, nerves, nervily 17 organic 1 inorganic, inorganically, organically, organics 18 organism 1 organisms 19 module 1 modular, modularity, modules 20 oxygen 1 oxygens 21 absorb 1 absorbance, absorbed, absorbency, absorbent, absorber, absorbers, absorbing, absorbs, absorption, absorptions, absorptive 22 bacterium 1 bacteria, bacterial 23 axial 1 axially 24 vertical 1 vertically, verticals 25 diagram 1 diagrammatic, diagrammatically, diagrammed, diagramming, diagrams 26 column 1 col, cols, columnar, columned, columns 27 electron 1 electrons 28 horizontal 1 horizontally 29 rotate 1 rotated, rotates, rotating, rotation, rotational, rotations, rotatory 30 membrane 1 membranes, membranous 31 hormone 1 hormonal, hormones 32 zone 1 zonal, zoned, zones, zoning 33 fibre 1 fiber, fibers, fibres, fibrous 34 plot 1 plots, plotted, plotter, plotters, plotting 35 fertile 1 fertilisation, fertilise, fertilised, fertiliser, fertilisers, fertilises, fertilising, fertility, fertilization, fertilize, fertilized, fertilizer, fertilizers, fertilizes, fertilizing, infertile, infertility 36 linear 1 linearities, linearity, linearly, nonlinear 37 physiological 1 physiologically 38 metabolic 1 metabolically 39 hydrogen 1 hydrogenous, hydrogens 40 respiration 1 respires, respired, respiring, respire, respirations 41 deposit 1 deposited, depositing, depositor, depositors, depository, deposits 42 segment 1 segmental, segmentary, segmentation, segmentations, segmented, segmenting, segments 43 nitrogen 1 nitrogenous, nitrogens 44 infect 1 infected, infecting, infection, infections, infectious, infectiously, infectiousness, infective, infects, noninfectious, reinfect, reinfected, reinfecting, reinfection, reinfections, reinfects, uninfected 45 digest 1 digested, digestible, digesting, digestion, digestive, digestives, digests, indigestible, undigested 46 vector 1 vectors 47 circuit 1 circuited, circuiting, circuitous, circuitries, circuitry, circuits 48 carbon 1 carbons 49 magnitude 1 magnitudes 50 magnet 1 magnetic, magnetically, magnetics, magnetise, magnetised, magnetises, magnetising, magnetism, magnetization, magnetize, magnetized, magnetizes, magnetizing, magnets, nonmagnetic 51 radiate 1 radiated, radiates, radiating, radiation, radiations, radiative 52 stimulate 1 stimulated, stimulates, stimulating, stimulation, stimulations, stimulatory 53 height 1 heights 54 sodium 1 sodiums 55 volt 1 voltage, voltages, voltmeter, voltmeters, volts 56 vegetation 1 vegetations 57 versus 1 vs 58 lateral 1 laterality, laterally, laterals 59 atmosphere 1 atmospheres, atmospheric 60 diameter 1 diameters 61 flora 2 floras, floristic 62 dissolve 2 dissolved, dissolves, dissolving 63 contaminate 2 contaminated, contaminates, contaminating, contamination, contaminations, uncontaminated 64 climate 2 climates, climatic, climatically, climatological 65 oxide 2 oxides 66 vein 2 veined, veins 67 fraction 2 fractional, fractionally, fractions 68 amino 2 69 nucleus 2 nuclei, nucleuses 70 polar 2 bipolar, bipolarities, bipolarity, polarisation, polarise, polarised, polarises, polarising, polarities, polarity, polarization, polarize, polarized, polarizes, polarizing 71 conserve 2 conservation, conservationism, conservationist, conservationists, conservator, conservators, conserved, conserves, conserving 72 filter 2 filtered, filtering, filters, filtrate, filtrated, filtrating, filtration, filtrations, unfiltered 73 diffuse 2 diffused, diffuser, diffusers, diffuses, diffusing, diffusion, diffusions 74 phosphate 2 phosphates 75 secrete 2 secreted, secretes, secreting, secretion, secretions, secretor, secretors, secretory 76 marine 2 77 align 2 aligned, aligner, aligners, aligning, alignment, alignments, aligns 78 gradient 2 gradients 79 tract 2 tracts 80 vitamin 2 vitamins 81 soluble 2 insolubility, insoluble, solubility 82 precipitate 2 precipitated, precipitately, precipitates, precipitating, precipitation 83 strain 2 strained, strainer, strainers, straining, strains 84 urine 2 urinal, urinals, urinary, urinate, urinated, urinates, urinating, urination, urines 85 buffer 2 buffered, buffering, buffers 86 disc 2 discette, discettes, discs, disk, diskette, diskettes, disks 87 optimum 2 88 profile 2 profiled, profiles, profiling 89 toxic 2 nontoxic, toxicities, toxicity 90 fuel 2 fueled, fueling, fuelled, fuelling, fuels 91 plasma 2 plasmas 92 peak 2 peaked, peaking, peaks 93 circulate 2 circulated, circulates, circulating, circulation, circulations, circulatory, uncirculated 94 loop 2 looped, looping, loops 95 carbohydrate 2 carbohydrates 96 coefficient 2 coefficients 97 elevate 2 elevated, elevates, elevating, elevation, elevations, elevator, elevators 98 fungus 2 fungal, fungi, funguses 99 node 2 nodal, nodes 100 saturate 2 saturated, saturates, saturating, saturation, saturations, unsaturated 101 deficiency 2 deficiencies, deficient 102 gravity 2 gravitate, gravitated, gravitates, gravitating, gravitation, gravitational, gravities 103 symmetry 2 symmetric, symmetrical, symmetrically, symmetries, unsymmetrical 104 synthesis 2 synth, syntheses, synthesise, synthesised, synthesiser, synthesisers, synthesises, synthesising, synthesize, synthesized, synthesizer, synthesizers, synthesizes, synthesizing, synths 105 virus 2 viruses 106 equilibrium 2 equilibria, equilibriums 107 intersect 2 intersected, intersecting, intersection, intersections, intersects 108 discharge 2 discharged, discharger, dischargers, discharges, discharging, undischarged 109 microbe 2 microbes, microbial 110 kidney 2 kidneys 111 abundant 2 abundance, abundances, abundantly 112 gland 2 glands, glandular 113 skeletal 2 114 tutorial 2 tutored, tutorial, tutorials, tutoring, tutors, untutored 115 digit 2 digits 116 drain 2 drainage, drainages, drained, drainer, draining, drains 117 solute 2 solutes 118 flux 2 fluxes 119 pollen 2 pollens 120 interface 2 interfaced, interfaces, interfacing 121 osmotic 3 122 embryo 3 embryos 123 liver 3 livers 124 moisture 3 moistures, moisturise, moisturised, moisturiser, moisturisers, moisturising, moisturize, moisturized, moisturizer, moisturizers, moisturizing 125 sketch 3 sketched, sketches, sketching 126 enlarge 3 enlargeable, enlarged, enlargement, enlargements, enlarger, enlargers, enlarges, enlarging 127 cylinder 3 cylinders 128 exert 3 exerted, exerting, exertion, exertions, exerts 129 spine 3 spinal, spinally, spineless, spinelessly, spinelessness, spines, spiny 130 mobile 3 immobile, immobility, mobiles, mobilities, mobility 131 correlate 3 correlated, correlates, correlating, correlation, correlational, correlations, uncorrelated 132 anatomy 3 anatomical, anatomically, anatomies, anatomist, anatomists 133 alcohol 3 alcoholic, alcoholics, alcoholism, alcohols 134 substrate 3 substrates 135 proton 3 protons 136 cavity 3 cavities 137 thermal 3 thermally, thermals 138 calcium 3 139 aquatic 3 aquatically, aquatics 140 hybrid 3 hybridisation, hybridisations, hybridise, hybridised, hybridises, hybridising, hybridization, hybridizations, hybridize, hybridized, hybridizes, hybridizing, hybrids 141 sterile 3 sterilisation, sterilisations, sterilise, sterilised, steriliser, sterilisers, sterilises, sterilising, sterilities, sterility, sterilization, sterilizations, sterilize, sterilized, sterilizer, sterilizers, sterilizes, sterilizing, unsterile 142 solar 3 143 transverse 3 transversely 144 chloride 3 chlorides 145 defense 3 defenceless, defencelessly, defences, defence, defenses, defensible, defensibly, defensive, defensively, defensiveness, indefensible, indefensibly 146 overview 3 overviews 147 switch 3 switchable, switched, switches, switching 148 inject 3 injected, injecting, injection, injections, injector, injectors, injects 149 specimen 3 specimens 150 decompose 3 decomposed, decomposer, decomposers, decomposes, decomposing, decomposition 151 dilute 3 diluted, dilutes, diluting, dilution, dilutions, undiluted 152 pathway 3 153 spatial 3 spatially 154 fragment 3 fragmentary, fragmentation, fragmented, fragmenting, fragments 155 contraction 3 contractions 156 feedback 3 feedbacks 157 vapour 3 vapor, vaporiser, vaporisers, vaporizer, vaporizers, vapors, vapours 158 session 3 sessional, sessions 159 terrestrial 3 terrestrially 160 inherit 3 inheritance, inheritances, inherited, inheriting, inheritor, inheritors, inherits 161 potassium 3 potassiums 162 zinc 3 zincs 163 pore 3 pores 164 simultaneous 3 simultaneity, simultaneously 165 phosphorus 3 phosphoric 166 radius 3 radii, radiuses 167 extinct 3 extinction, extinctions 168 saline 3 salinities, salinity 169 ammonia 3 ammonium 170 distal 3 distally 171 intestine 3 intestinal, intestines 172 diagnose 3 diagnosed, diagnosing, misdiagnose, misdiagnosed, misdiagnosing, undiagnosed 173 shaft 3 shafted, shafting, shafts 174 condense 3 condensate, condensates, condensation, condensations, condensed, condenser, condensers, condenses, condensing 175 web 3 176 apical 3 apically 177 junction 3 junctions 178 lactate 3 lactated, lactates, lactating, lactation 179 static 3 statically 180 infrared 3 181 propagate 4 propagated, propagates, propagating, propagation, propagations, propagator, propagators 182 symptom 4 symptomatic, symptomatically, symptoms 183 wavelength 4 wavelengths 184 barrier 4 barriers 185 cube 4 cu, cubes, cubic 186 evaporate 4 evaporated, evaporates, evaporating, evaporation, evaporator, evaporators 187 grid 4 grids 188 proximal 4 proximally 189 dependence 4 dependences, interdependence, interdependences 190 photosynthesis 4 photosynthesise, photosynthesised, photosynthesises, photosynthesize, photosynthesized, photosynthesizes, photosynthesizing, photosynthetic 191 terminology 4 terminological, terminologies 192 algae 4 algaes, algal 193 microscope 4 microscopes, microscopic, microscopical, microscopically, microscopy 194 orbit 4 orbital, orbitally, orbitals, orbited, orbiting, orbits, orbitted, orbitting 195 capsule 4 capsules 196 breakdown 4 197 morphology 4 morphological, morphologically, morphologies, morphologist, morphologists 198 permeable 4 impermeability, impermeable, impermeably, permeabilities, permeability 199 superior 4 superiority, superiors 200 perpendicular 4 perpendicularly 201 disperse 4 dispersal, dispersals, dispersed, disperses, dispersing, dispersion 202 calibrate 4 calibrated, calibrates, calibrating, calibration, calibrations 203 pulse 4 pulsed, pulses, pulsing 204 differential 4 diff, differentially, differentials, diffs 205 drug 4 drugged, druggie, druggies, drugging, drugs 206 routine 4 routinely, routines, subroutine, subroutines 207 inlet 4 inlets 208 viable 4 nonviable, viabilities, viability 209 cord 4 corded, cording, cordless, cords 210 degrade 4 degradation, degradations, degraded, degrades, degrading 211 emit 4 emission, emissions, emits, emitted, emitter, emitters, emitting 212 cortex 4 cortexes 213 urea 4 ureas 214 configure 4 configurable, configuration, configurations, configured, configures, configuring 215 counter 4 countered, countering, counters 216 disorder 4 disordered, disorderly, disorders 217 drill 4 drilled, driller, drillers, drilling, drills 218 uptake 4 uptakes 219 cluster 4 clustered, clustering, clusters 220 hazard 4 hazarded, hazarding, hazardous, hazardously, hazards, nonhazardous 221 recreation 4 recreational, recreationally, recreations 222 texture 4 textural, textured, textures, texturing, untextured 223 elongate 4 elongated, elongates, elongating, elongation 224 nitrate 4 nitrates 225 parasite 4 parasites, parasitic, parasitically 226 compress 4 compressed, compresses, compressibility, compressible, compressing, compression, compressions, compressor, compressors 227 acute 4 acutely, acuteness 228 converge 4 converged, convergence, convergences, convergent, converges, converging 229 compact 4 compacted, compacting, compaction, compactly, compactness, compacts 230 cone 4 cones 231 recall 4 recalled, recalling, recalls 232 verify 4 verifiable, verification, verifications, verified, verifier, verifiers, verifies, verifying 233 hemisphere 4 hemispheres, hemispheric, hemispherical 234 coil 4 coiled, coiling, coils, uncoil, uncoiled, uncoiling, uncoils 235 susceptible 4 insusceptible, susceptibilities, susceptibility 236 apparatus 4 apparatuses 237 infant 4 infancy, infants 238 penetrate 4 interpenetration, interpenetrations, penetrated, penetrates, penetrating, penetration, penetrations, penetrative 239 periphery 4 peripheral, peripherally, peripherals, peripheries 240 reservoir 4 reservoirs 241 anomaly 5 anomalies, anomalous, anomalously 242 electrode 5 electrodes 243 compartment 5 compartmental, compartmentalisation, compartmentalise, compartmentalised, compartmentalises, compartmentalising, compartmentalization, compartmentalize, compartmentalized, compartmentalizes, compartmentalizing, compartments 244 interior 5 interiors 245 basal 5 basally 246 embed 5 embedded, embedding, embeds 247 altitude 5 altitudes 248 incubate 5 incubated, incubates, incubating, incubation, incubations, incubator, incubators, preincubated, preincubation 249 replicate 5 replicated, replicates, replicating, replication, replications 250 synthetic 5 synthetically, synthetics 251 exponential 5 exponentially 252 tilt 5 tilted, tilting, tilts 253 onset 5 onsets 254 chronic 5 chronically 255 fracture 5 fractured, fractures, fracturing 256 homogeneous 5 homogeneously, homogenous 257 superficial 5 superficialities, superficiality, superficially 258 temperate 5 intemperate, intemperately, temperately, temperateness 259 viscous 5 viscose, viscosities, viscosity 260 insulin 5 insulins 261 propel 5 propellant, propellants, propelled, propeller, propellers, propelling, propellor, propellors, propels 262 median 5 medians 263 diverge 5 diverged, divergence, divergences, divergent, diverges, diverging 264 magnesium 5 magnesiums 265 exotic 5 exotically, exoticism, exotics 266 insulate 5 insulated, insulates, insulating, insulation, insulations, insulator, insulators, uninsulated 267 latitude 5 latitudes 268 subtract 5 subtracted, subtracting, subtraction, subtractions, subtracts 269 latent 5 latencies, latency 270 mortal 5 immortal, immortalise, immortalised, immortalises, immortalising, immortalities, immortality, immortalize, immortalized, immortalizes, immortalizing, immortally, immortals, mortalities, mortality, mortally, mortals 271 vacuum 5 vacuumed, vacuuming, vacuums 272 filament 5 filamentous, filaments 273 ventilate 5 ventilated, ventilates, ventilating, ventilation, ventilations, ventilator, ventilators, ventilatory 274 adverse 5 adversely, adverseness, adversities, adversity 275 arc 5 arced, arcing, arcs 276 array 5 arrayed, arraying, arrays 277 dam 5 dammed, damming, dams 278 impair 5 impaired, impairing, impairment, impairments, impairs, unimpaired 279 span 5 spanned, spanning, spans 280 chamber 5 chambered, chambers 281 genus 5 genuses 282 vital 5 vitally 283 convey 5 conveyance, conveyancer, conveyancers, conveyances, conveyancing, conveyancings, conveyed, conveyer, conveyers, conveying, conveyor, conveyors, conveys 284 invade 5 invaded, invader, invaders, invades, invading 285 resemble 5 resemblance, resemblances, resembled, resembles, resembling 286 ancestor 5 ancestors, ancestral 287 debris 5 288 grasp 5 grasped, grasping, grasps 289 lipid 5 lipids 290 pigment 5 pigmentation, pigmentations, pigmented, pigmenting, pigments 291 recycle 5 recyclable, recycled, recycles, recycling, recyclings, unrecyclable, unrecycled 292 starch 5 starched, starches, starchier, starchiest, starchily, starchiness, starching, starchy 293 anion 5 anionic, anions 294 fuse 5 fused, fuses, fusing, fusion, fusions 295 generic 5 genre, generically, genres, nongeneric 296 humid 5 humidities, humidity 297 rupture 5 ruptured, ruptures, rupturing 298 vibrate 5 vibrated, vibrates, vibrating, vibration, vibrational, vibrations, vibrator, vibrators, vibratory 299 adhere 5 adhered, adherence, adherences, adherent, adherents, adheres, adhering 300 inferior 5 inferiorities, inferiority, inferiors 301 longitudinal 6 longitudinally 302 plunge 6 plunged, plunger, plungers, plunges, plunging 303 sheath 6 sheaths 304 capture 6 captured, captures, capturing, uncaptured 305 engage 6 engaged, engagement, engagements, engages, engaging, engagingly 306 partition 6 partitioned, partitioning, partitions 307 serum 6 antisera, antiserum, antiserums, serums 308 transient 6 intransience, transience, transiently, transients 309 aluminium 6 aluminum 310 defect 6 defective, defectively, defectiveness, defects 311 temporal 6 temporality, temporally 312 indent 6 indentation, indentations, indented, indenting, indents 313 purify 6 purification, purifications, purified, purifies, purifying 314 designate 6 designated, designates, designating, designation, designations 315 entitle 6 entitled, entitlement, entitlements, entitles, entitling, unentitled 316 mesh 6 enmesh, enmeshed, enmeshes, enmeshing, enmeshment, enmeshments, meshed, meshes, meshing 317 cumulative 6 cumulatively, noncumulative 318 radial 6 radially

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General words

science – естественная или точная наука (физика, химия, математика, психология и т.д.), т.е. такая в которой превалирующую роль играет эксперимент.

scientific – научный (но относящийся к области естественных или точных наук)

scientist – ученый (работающий в области естественных или точных наук)

STEM (fields / disciplines) – точные науки (сокр. от science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

humanities / humane studies / (the) arts / soft sciences / scholarship / schol – гуманитарные науки

humanitarian – гуманитарный

scholar – ученый (работающий в области гуманитарных наук); эксперт в какой-то области.

theory – теория

theoretical – теоретический

applied – прикладной

doctrine – доктрина, учение

hypothesis, hyp – гипотеза

principle – принцип

method – метод (предполагает следование строгим правилам)

methodology – методология

methodic – методика

approach – подход

way – способ

research – исследование

to research – исследовать

to invent – изобрести

to discover – открыть

analysis – анализ

to analize – анализировать

experiment – эксперимент

experimental – экспериментальный

to carry (out) / conduct / perform / make / run an experiment – проводить эксперимент

to test – испытывать

testing – испытание

to develop – разрабатывать

aim – цель (исследования)

result, outcome – результат (исследования)

Names of Sciences and Humanities


anatomy – анатомия

anatomic – анатомический

anatomist – анатом

astronomy – астрономия

astronomical – астрономический

astronomer – астроном

biology – биология

biological – биологический

biologist – биолог

botany – ботаника

botanical – ботанический

botanist – ботаник

geography – география

geographical – географический

geographer – географ

geology – геология

geological – геологический

geologist – геолог

petroleum geologist – геолог-нефтяник

zoology – зоология

zoological – зоологический

physicist – физик

chemistry – химия

chemical – химический

chemist – химик

ecology – экология

zoologist – зоолог

logic – логика

logical – логический

logician – логик

medicine – медицина

medical – медицинский

mathematics – математика

mathematical – математический

mathematician – математик

education science / pedagogics / pedagogy; paedagogy – педагогика

programming – программирование

programmer – программист

psychology – психология

psychological – психологический

psychologist – психолог

sociology – социология

sociological – социологический

sociologist – социолог

physics – физика

physical – физический

ecological – экологический

ecologist – эколог

economics – экономика

economical – экономический

economist – экономист


archaeology – археология

archaeological – археологический

archaeologist – археолог

history – история

historical – исторический

historian – историк

linguistics – лингвистика

linguistic – лингвистический

linguist – лингвист

literary / literature criticism / studies– литературоведение

theorist of literature / literary scholar – литературовед

study of language and literature / philology / scholarship – филология

textualist / grammarian / scholar / philologer / philologian / philology / philologue / philologist / scholar of language – филолог

jurisprudence – юриспруденция, право

juridical – юридический, относящийся к области права

lawyer – юрист, правовед


study – научный труд

work – научная работа

monograph – монография

article, paper – статья

thesis – диссертация

Phd thesis – докторская / кандидатская диссертация

master thesis – магистерская диссертация

graduation work / paper / graduate work / разг. graduate research – дипломная работа, дипломный проект, диплом, ВКР, ВАР и т.п.

course work / coursework / term thesis / term paper – курсовая работа, курсовой проект

report / proceedings / contributions – доклад, сообщение (на конференции)

collection of scientific / humanity / research

articles / papers – сборник научных статей

collection of scientific / humanity / research works / studies – сборник научных трудов

scientific review / journal of scholarship / academic journal / scientific journal / scientific magazine – научный журнал

citation index – индекс цитирования

title – заголовок, название (статьи)

keywords – ключевые слова

abstract – аннотация

IMRaD – основные части научной статьи (скоращение от introduction, methods, results, and discussions)

introduction – введение

body – основная часть (научного труда)


conclusion – заключение

references – ссылки, список источников


degree – ученая степень

title – ученое звание

PhD – кандидат или доктор наук

assosiate professor – адъюнкт-профессор, примерно соответствует званию доцента

professor – профессор

assistant professor – примерно соответствует должности старшего преподавателя

academic – академик

Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр

Master of Arts – магистр

person defending a phd thesis – диссертант

Scientific terms in English


algebra – алгебра

geometry – геометрия

point – точка

circle – круг

square – квадрат

triangle – треугольник

diagonal – диагональ

diameter – диаметр

radius – радиус

angle – угол

parallel – параллель

area – площадь

perimeter – периметр

plane – плоскость

difference – разница

quantity – величина

infinity – бесконечность

line – линия

segment – отрезок

mathematical single – математический знак

fraction – дробь

root – корень

power – степень

equation – уравнение

solve – решить


analysis – анализ

study – исследование

assumption – предположение

energy – энергия

atom – атом

particle – частица

electron – электрон

neutron – нейтрон

proton – протон

charge – заряд

electric – электрический

current – ток

direct – постоянный

direction – направление

inertia – инерция

mass – масса

power – сила

resistance – сопротивление

stress – напряжение

acceleration – ускорение

frequency – частота

properties – свойства

relative – относительный

nuclear – ядерный

radiation – радиация


space – космос

asteroid – астероид

meteorite – метеорит

comet – комета

flare – вспышка

planet – планета

planetoid – малая планета

satellite – спутник

star – звезда

constellation – созвездие

cluster – звездное скопление

galaxy – галактика

local group – местная группа галактик

black hole – черная дыра

nebula – туманность

pulsar – пульсар

quasar – квазар

orbit – орбита

eclipse – затмение

astronaut – астронавт

observatory – обсерватория

telescope – телескоп

space exploration – космические исследования

escape velocity – космическая скорость

lightyear – световой год


map – карта

city – город

country – страна

continent – континент

ocean – океан

sea – море

lake – озеро

river – река

island – остров

north – север

south – юг

east – восток

west – запад

degree of latitude – градус широты

degree of longitude – градус долготы

time zone – часовой пояс

hemisphere – полушарие

equator – экватор

landform – форма рельефа

coast – побережье

bay – бухта

canyon – каньон

desert – пустыня

dale – долина

cliff – утес


age – век

period – период

frontier – граница

troops – вооруженные силы

battle – битва

war – война

peace – мир

alliance – союз

expansion – экспансия

covenant – договоренность

treason – предательство

colony – колония

empire – империя

secession – раскол

independence – независимость

settle – поселяться

rule – править

overthrow – свергать

civilization – цивилизация

prosperous – процветающий

origin – происхождение

legend – легенда

myth – миф

custom – традиция

censorship – цензура


biosphere – биосфера

ecosystem – экосистема

diversity – разнообразие

species – вид

bacteria – бактерия

virus – вирус

embryo – эмбрион

cell – клетка

dermis – дерма

tissue – ткань


genome – геном

receptor – рецептор

plasma – плазма

organelle – органелла

chromosome – хромосома

absorption – поглощение

excretion – выделение

respiration – дыхание

atrophy – атрофия

life cycle – жизненный цикл

instinct – инстинкт

evolution – эволюция

mutation – мутация

extermination – уничтожение


chemistry – химия

science – наука

analysis – анализ

aggregate state – агрегатное состояние

relative atomic mass – относительная атомная масса

valency – валентность

ion – ион

metal – металл

nonmetal – неметалл

atom – атом

molecule – молекула

symbol of element – символ элемента

chemical bond – химическая связь

chemical equation – химическое уравнение

chemical equilibrium – химическое равновесие

chemical element – химический элемент

chemical properties – химические свойства

chemical reaction – химическая реакция

chemical formula – химическая формула

substance – вещество

simple substance – простое вещество

complex substance – сложное вещество

synthesis – синтез

periodic law – периодический закон

periodic table – периодическая таблица


behavioural – поведенческий

class consciousness – классовое сознание

social – общественный

ideology – идеология

capitalism – капитализм

communism – коммунизм

evolutionism – эволюционизм

globalization – глобализация

multiculturalism – мультикультурализм

secularization – секуляризация

modernity – современность

conflict – конфликт

social inequality – социальное неравенство

solidarity – солидарность

invariant – постоянный

contextual – контекстуальный

empirical – основанный на опыте

ethnicity – этничность

culture shock – культурный шок

deviance – отклонение от нормы

dysfunction – дисфункция

alienation – отчуждение

probably sampling – случайная выборка

quantitative – количественный

qualitative – качественный


accommodation – приспосабливание

addiction – зависимость

aggression – агрессия

altruism – альтруизм

critical thinking – критическое мышление

creativity – творчество

displacement – сублимация

memory – память

perception – восприятие

imagery – образы

motivation – мотивация

emotion – эмоция

ecstasy – экстаз

epinephrine – адреналин

rehearsal – повторение

habit – привычка

unconscious – подсознательное

hypnosis – гипноз

antianxiety drugs – успокаивающие лекарства

burnout – истощение

stress – стресс

insomnia – бессонница

maturation – созревание

temperament – темперамент

self-esteem – самооценка


noun – существительное

verb – глагол

adjective – прилагательное

adverb – наречие

number – числительное

preposition – предлог

conjunction – союз

interjection – междометье

collocation – словосочетание

phrase – фраза

idiomatic expression – идиома

phonetic – фонетика

consonant – согласный звук

schwa – нейтральный гласный

interlanguage – интерязык

accent – акцент

dialect – диалект

jargon – жаргон

slang – сленг

diphthong – дифтонг

homonym – омоним

morpheme – морфема

phoneme – фонема

pidgin – пиджин

polysemy – многозачность


We know that Science is a field of study concerned with discovering and describing the world around us. It is based on observations and experiments.

Zoology, Biology, Geology, chemistry, Radiology and physics are some branches of science.

Today we are going to learn some cool science vocabulary words like brain, gravity, gas, atom, cell etc. and see their meanings to help you understand their significance.

Following is a list of examples of words related to science along with their meanings:

Words Meanings
Opaque Difficult to see
Gravity The force that attracts mass
Prey   kill and hunt for food
Bacteria Unicellular microorganism
Brain A coordinating organ of human body
Nectar Juicy fluid within flowers
Deciduous A tree or shrub name
Shadow A dark area
Magnetic Having magnetic properties
Electricity Flow of electron
Mixture A combination of different things
Gas State of matter that can expand freely
Dissolve Solid form in any liquid
Energy Power
Fossil The remains of plant or animal
Geology Study of earth
Atom The smallest particle
Biology The study of living beings
Cell Structural and Functional unit of life
Chemistry The study of matter in terms of composition, properties and reaction.
Botany  The study of plants
Element Species of atom
Fact Any true information
Hypothesis A proposed explanation
Laws The system of specific rules
Mass Matter in a body
Matter Any physical substance
Measure Computation of size, amount by apply any instrument
Mineral Naturally existing Inorganic substance
Observe A state of knowing facts by full attention and focus
Organism An individual/living being
Particle A minute entity of matter
Phase Any entity of same composition
Physics The study of matter and energy
Pipette A laboratory toll used in lab
Quantum Quantity of energy
Mechanics The study of motion and force by apply mathematics
Radiology The study of radiations for the disease treatment
Scale Bony plates in the fish skin
Scientist A person that has scientific knowledge and apply it on large scale.
Temperature The degree of heat measurement
Test tube A thin tube made up of glass
Zoology Animal study on a broader level
Variable Liable to change with conditions
Weigh Expression of heaviness
Weather State of atmosphere
Volume The amount of space occupies by any object
Pressure  Force per unit area
Watch glass A glass disc
Virology Study of viruses
Data  Statistics and facts
Investigation An action of finding facts
Inference A conclusion
Prediction A forecast
Directions A route or course
Compare Estimation of things 
Increase  Greater in amount or size
Decrease Smaller or fewer in amount or size
Microscope An optical instrument
Results Findings after an investigation
Magnify Making objects larger in appearance by optical devices
Beaker A glass ware for measuring the volume
Graph A representation of data
Expand Making larger
Analyze Detail examination
Classify Categorization on a common base
Material The raw stuff for manufacturing of anything from
Practical Learning by doing
Light A form of energy
Dark Absence of light
Proton A constituent of an atom
Neutron Sub-particle of an atom
Pitch The intensity of sound
Barometer Pressure measuring instrument
Humidity A quantity expressing water vapor’s amount
Reflection The turning of light/energy from any surface
Hygrometer Humidity measuring instrument
Surface Any outer part of an object/something
Accelerate Degree of Quickness
Friction Resistance due to movement
Kinetic Movement
Equipment Apparatus for a particular purpose
Circuit A path that electricity follows during its flowing
Bulb Light producing instrument
Motor Any machine that works
Solubility  Ability of a substance to get dissolve
Reaction Any chemical process that cause changes
Fission The process of separation
Fusion The process of joining things
Burning The process of combustion
Rusting A chemical process that spoil iron
Separate Division by physical methods
Hardness The state of being hard
Properties Attribute that specify something
Melting The process of liquefication by heating
Boiling Process occurs when matter reaches near its boiling point
Brittle Hard in nature but break without showing elasticity
Conductor Material that pass electricity
Insulator Heat/electricity resistance substance
Transparent Clear

Note: Do you some common words related to science fiction?
Here are some hard science fiction vocabulary words: Atmosphere, Black body radiation, Comet, Dark Matter, Nebula, Plasma, Pulsar, Quark, Radiation, Solar Flare, Super Conductivity, Titan, Universe, Velocity

Let’s have a look at some collection of hard science terms and phrases in alphabetical order a to z.

  1. A Words: Acceleration, Alpha rays, Argon, Asteroids
  2. B Words: Beta rays, Bivalent, Bivalent, Bandwidth, Black Hole, Bluetooth
  3. C Words: Catalyst, Carbohydrates, Celsius, Circuit, Comet
  4. D Words: Decible, Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA), Diffraction, Diode, Distance, Dust
  5. E Words: Electron, Elasticity, Electromagnetic Waves, Ethernet, Extinction
  6. F Words: Fahrenheit, Filament, Freeze, Frequency, Friction
  7. G Words: Gigabytes, Gravity
  8. H Words: HTML, Hypertext, Hypothesis
  9. I Words: Impact, Induction, Inertia, Insulator, Internet
  10. J Words: Joule
  11. K Words: Kelvin, Keratins, Kinetic Energy
  12. L Words: Light, Luminosity, Lightning
  13. M Words: Magnetism, Media, Magnetic Field, Mathematics, Milky Way, Momentum
  14. N Words: Nanosecond, Network, Nerve, Nocturnal, Nuclease
  15. O Words: Ovulation, Optical Light, Occulation
  16. P Words: Particle, Period, Phobia, Planet, Potential Energy, Power (P)
  17. Q Words: Quantitative, Qualitative, Quantum Theory
  18. R Words: Radiation, Radioactivity, Refraction, Relativity, Revolution, Rotation
  19. S Words: Satellite, Scalar, Solar System, Static Electricity, Speed
  20. T Words: Time, Torque, Tumor, Turbine
  21. U Words: Ultraviolet Light, Universe, Uncertainty, UPS, Uterus
  22. V Words: Vacuum, Vector, Velocity, Virus
  23. W Words: Watt, Wavelength, Weight, Work
  24. X Words:  X- chromosome, X- Ray,  X- band
  25. Y Words: Yolk, Yellow fever
  26. Z Words: Zoology, Z-DNA

We hope that this list will give you some insight on different basic scientific terms and how they are related.

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more resources related to subject specific vocabulary.

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Here We Will Give You Lots Of Data About Science Words List. Here You Can Also Know A to Z Science Words. So, We Think these Topics Will Be Important If You Need Science Words That Start With A to Z. So, Finally We Just Advise You That Read It Clearly And Makes A Note For Learning Better And Next Time.

Science Words That Start With A:

  • Astrophysics
  • Absorption
  • Adaptation
  • Analysis
  • Atomic

Science Words That Start With B:

  • Biochemistry
  • Botany
  • Bacteria
  • Biosphere

Science Words That Start With C:

  • Chemistry
  • Cuvette
  • Carapace
  • Climate
  • Creature

Science Words That Start With D:

  • Datum
  • Data
  • Development
  • Dislodge

Science Words That Start With E:

  • Electricity
  • Entomology
  • Ecology
  • Equilibrium

Science Words That Start With F:

  • Fossil
  • Funnel
  • Fissure
  • Frequency

Science Words That Start With G:

  • Geology
  • Gravity
  • Galaxy
  • Gestation

Science Words That Start With H:

  • Hypothesis
  • Hemisphere
  • Hydrogen

Science Words That Start With I:

  • Immunology
  • Imagination
  • Intelligence

Science Words That Start With J:

  • Jurassic

Science Words That Start With K:

  • Kilometer

Science Words That Start With L:

  • Laboratory
  • Laser
  • Lithosphere

Science Words That Start With M:

  • Meteorologist
  • Mineralogy
  • Motion
  • Measurements
  • Microbes
  • Monograph

Science Words That Start With N:

  • Nocturnal
  • Negligence

Science Words That Start With O:

  • Ornithology
  • Omnivorous
  • Oxygen

Science Words That Start With P:

  • Paleontologist
  • Permafrost
  • Propagation

Science Words That Start With Q:

  • Quantum
  • Quantum Theory

Science Words That Start With R:

  • Radiology
  • Radiation
  • Research

Science Words That Start With S:

  • Scientist
  • Seismology
  • Satellite
  • Spectrum
  • Surface
  • Season
  • Spectacular
  • Synergy

Science Words That Start With T:

  • Temperature
  • Thermometer
  • Technology
  • Toxin

Science Words Beginning With U:

  • Underwater
  • Ursine

Science Words That Start With V:

  • Volcanology
  • Volume
  • Variable
  • Vibration
  • Vanadium 
  • Velocity
  • Virus
  • Vertex

Science Words That Start With W:

  • Weather
  • Wave
  • Wavelength

Science Words That Start With Y:

  • Yield
  • Yttrium 

Science Words That Start With Z:

  • Zoology
  • Zygote

Please Do Comments If You Got Wrong Data In Our Today’s Topics. And If You Know Similar Science Words Then Please Do Comments So That Many Person Will Know About Science Vocabulary List.

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