School subject word list

School Subjects Vocabulary: A subject covers an area or a field of study, which is also a learning tool or the criteria by which we learn. Subjects taught in school, or basic school subjects can also be defined as a branch of knowledge or a body of knowledge being provided to the learner.

In our daily lives, a wide range of subjects are taught in school, and we must know these subjects, which would help us in the various aspects of our lives. Hence the subjects list given further in this article will surely help you know and understand all these subjects.

Hence, we have made a compact and easy list of school subjects vocabulary to help you remember and understand the important subjects that are taught in school.

Study the most important English Vocabulary Words identified by our experts and learn the right vocabulary to use in your day to day conversations.

List of School Subjects Vocabulary Words in English

  • Name of School Subjects Vocabulary words
  • Description of the School Subjects Vocabulary words.

Name of School Subjects Vocabulary Words

Besides knowing the names in a school subjects list, we must also learn their description to correctly understand the purpose and importance of each of these subjects.

This article will help you increase your school subjects vocabulary as you will get the description along with the pictures of various subjects.

List of School Subjects

  • English
  • Science
  • Mathematics
  • History
  • Geography
  • Social Studies
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Regional Language(s)
  • Foreign Language(s)
  • Economics
  • Art
  • Information Technology (IT)
  • Physical Education (P.E)
  • Music
  • Drama
  • Dance
  • Swimming

School Subjects Vocabulary

Description of the School Subjects Vocabulary Words


English language and literature are two of the most basic and widely taught subjects in schools worldwide. The subject can be separated as English and language arts into five basic categories: reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. It is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of words in a structured and conventional way.

English is necessary for students as it expands their minds, develops emotional skills, and improves the quality of life as it increases job opportunities. The importance of this language is that it helps students read and write well, use the English Language to its greatest effect, and be creative with the language itself.


Science is a vast subject that extends the branch of knowledge and examines the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. It can also be defined as seeking and applying knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

The subject of science is most commonly divided into the following three fields: Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Science education aims to increase people’s understanding of science and the construction of knowledge and promote scientific literacy and responsible citizenship. Science helps us understand the world around us.

Everything we know about the universe and the natural phenomena around us is the result of scientific research and experiment. Human progress throughout history has primarily rested on the advances made in science and technology.


Mathematics is the science that concerns the logic of shape, quantity, and arrangement. Math is an integral part of our lives and is present all around us. It is also defined as the study of the properties, measurement, and relationships of sets and quantities using numbers and symbols. The primary branches of mathematics are arithmetic, algebra, geometry, statistics and calculus.

The subject helps us understand the world and provides a productive way of building mental discipline. Mathematics fosters logical reasoning, problem-solving ability, critical thinking, creative thinking, abstract or spatial thinking, and practical communication skills.


History is the study of human life in the past, in all its forms, concerning the present developments and the scope of betterment in the future. It is an exploration of the past based on facts and evidence.

It is an analysis of what happened in the past, when it happened, and how it happened. Studying history as a subject helps and allows us to observe and understand how people and societies behaved in the past and how it has evolved throughout the years.


Geography is the study of the various environments, places, and spaces on Earth’s surface and the interactions between them and the human world. Studying geography helps us be aware of the basic physical systems of nature that happen around us regularly.

All places and spaces on this planet have a history behind them, shaped by humans, earth, and climate through thousands of years. The study includes climate, landforms, soil and growth, bodies of water, and natural resources.

Social Studies

Social Studies can be defined as the study of human society and individual relationships with and within the society. In other words, social studies or social sciences are the academic fields or disciplines that study the human society.

The primary purpose of social studies is to help young people be aware and make informed and rational decisions in their lives as citizens of a culturally diverse and democratic society in an interdependent world.


Physics is the branch of science that concerns the structure of matter and the interaction of the fundamental constituents of the universe. It studies objects ranging from the microscopic using quantum mechanics to the complete universe using general relativity.

Physics is the science of matter and its motion, which deals with the primary concepts of energy, mass, force, and charge. The subject generates fundamental knowledge necessary for future technological advances that will drive the world’s economic engines.


Chemistry is the study of matter that includes its composition, structure, and properties, how it changes, and how it interacts with other matter and energy. Knowing something about chemistry is helpful because it provides an invaluable basis for understanding the physical universe in which we live.

Chemistry helps us solve many environmental issues, including sustainable energy and food production, managing our environment, providing safe drinking water, and promoting human and ecological health.


Biology is a subject of science that deals with living organisms and their life processes. Biology incorporates diverse fields, including botany, zoology, conservation, ecology, evolution, genetics, marine biology, medicine, microbiology, molecular biology and physiology.

The science of biology mainly studies life. It provides an in-depth, scientific knowledge of how all living and non-living organisms live in the ecosystem and interact with each other. It also gives recognition to how diverse life forms are on Earth.

Regional Language(s)

Regional language is any language spoken in an area of a state, whether it is a small area, an entire state or district or province or some broader area that can be different from the official language(s) of that country or state.

Most regional languages are the mother tongue for the children of that particular area, and children with a strong foundation in their mother tongue can accept the construction of the language and use this knowledge to learn other languages more easily. Their understanding of grammar gets expanded, and first languages also significantly impact developing children’s cultural, social, and personal identities.

Foreign Language(s)

Foreign Language as a subject is the language studied in addition to one’s mother tongue. A foreign language can be any language that is not commonly spoken in the country of the speaker. Learning a foreign language is essential in today’s global world. Some of the most common foreign languages taught around the globe are: French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese.

Learning a foreign language is beneficial to increase the number of people a student can communicate with and increases job opportunities, improving the quality of life and career. It also helps the student be more confident and allows studying abroad and opening the mind to new cultures.


Economics is a subject or branch of social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It analyses how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices about how to allot resources. It focuses heavily on the four production factors: land, labour, capital, and enterprise.

It is the study of how society uses its limited resources and hence is an important subject because of scarcity and the desire for efficiency. The subject helps develop numerical, analytical and problem-solving skills and enables you to think strategically and make decisions to optimise the outcome.


Art is anything that is created with imagination and skills, expresses an idea or meaning, and is beautiful. Art is a creative exercise that expresses imaginative and technical skills. It produces a product, an object or anything in a physical form.

Art as a subject gives meaning to our lives and helps us to understand our world better. It allows us to have an in-depth understanding of our emotions, helps us express our thoughts, enhances our creative skills, increases self-awareness and concentration, relieves stress, and enables us to be open to new ideas and experiences.

Information Technology (IT)

Information Technology or IT as a subject deals with the study, design, development, implementation, management and support of information systems based on computers, especially software applications and computer hardware.

In this subject, students learn programming, technical theory, networking, and computer hardware. Also, in higher classes, they can learn about data structures, digital systems, website development, database management, system analysis and various other subjects or topics.

Information technology also helps in promoting opportunities for sharing knowledge worldwide. In recent times, information technology has become a vital element in strengthening existing education models and preparing students for the future.

Physical Education (P.E)

Physical Education or P.E is an educational process that aims to improve human development and performance through sports and other physical activities. It tends to occur at school through formal lessons, including informal training such as play.

Physical education and health classes teach students to care for their body’s fitness and nutritional needs. It aims to develop a student’s physical competence and knowledge of movement and safety and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated with creating an active and healthy lifestyle.


Music can be expressed as an art of sound that expresses thoughts, ideas and emotions in meaningful forms through rhythm, melody, harmony, and colour. When music is taught as a subject in school, it mainly focuses on learning musical notes, singing songs, playing instruments and knowing about the different genres and history of music.

Music has positive impacts on a child’s academic performance, supports developing social skills, and provides an outlet for creativity that is crucial for a child’s overall development.


Drama is a form of fictional representation of a story through performance and dialogue. It expresses human experience by focusing on role, action, and tension played out. Students learn to structure these elements in drama education by using dramatic conventions, techniques, and technologies and creating an imaginary world of illusion.

Drama as a subject in school allows students to participate, demonstrate, and observe in a controlled or unobjectionable environment. It also helps students express their creativity and spontaneity, encourages teamwork, and develops confidence in the expression of their ideas.


Dance is a form of physical activity and a creative medium, as a part of curriculum or education, aims to channel the energy of the learners in a resourceful manner. This is how dance and the other performing arts help develop skills, knowledge, and understanding.

It has many physical and mental benefits, including improved heart and lungs’ condition, increased muscular strength, strength and motor fitness and makes them creative, focused and disciplined human beings.


Swimming is a racing sport performed individually or in teams that requires using one’s entire body to move through the water. It helps you to be dedicated, consistent and to push yourself to achieve goals. Competitive swimming is a very popular sport worldwide and, in the Olympics, and learning swimming can be a stepping stone to pursue this sport as a career.

It builds muscular strength and increases immunity, exercises your lungs, maintains your heart rate and takes away the stress from the body, keeping you fit. It also helps to burn calories which again helps to reduce weight. Regular swimming can help students improve their focus and the ability to retain memory, which helps them excel in academics.

Subjects in School! Learn school subjects in English with examples and images to improve and enlarge your vocabulary words in English, particularly school vocabulary. Whether you are still in school or have finished and wish to talk about the subjects that studied whilst there, the most important thing you will need to know is how to say the names of school subjects in the English language.

This is super important in situations where you might be applying for a job and the prospective employer wishes to know what subjects you studied. It is also great vocabulary for talking about the subjects that you are currently studying or perhaps which ones you enjoy and which ones you dislike.

English Subjects are areas of knowledge that students study at a school or university, such as math, music, art, physical education…

List of Subjects in School

  • Maths (U.K) – Math (U.S)
  • Art
  • English
  • Music
  • History
  • Science
  • Geography
  • Information technology
  • Biology
  • Drama
  • Swimming
  • Physical education

List of English Subjects in School with Pictures

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with PicturesPin

School Subjects Names with Pictures and Examples

Maths (U.K) – Math (U.S)

No one can parallel him in mathsmath.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 2Pin


I’m really into art.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 3Pin


Our English teacher quizzed us yesterday morning.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 4Pin


I tried to learn music but I didn’t have my heart in it.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 5Pin


John is good at French but weak at history.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 6Pin


How can we make science lessons more interesting?

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 7Pin


She got very high marks in her geography exam.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 8Pin

Information technology

My favourite subject is information technology.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 9Pin


Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 10Pin


Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 11Pin


Swimming is my favourite subject.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 12Pin

Physical education

Karen taught physical education, so she was in good shape.

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with Pictures 13Pin

School Subjects in English | Image

School Subjects: List of Subjects in School with PicturesPin

School Vocabulary

Learn school vocabulary words with images and examples.

  • List of Classroom objects in English
  • List of School Subjects in English
  • School Buildings and Places

Last Updated on February 27, 2023


Russian – русский язык

Literature – литература

Reading – чтение

Maths (Mathematics) – математика

Algebra – алгебра

Geometry – геометрия

Geography — география

History – история

Social Science – обществознание

Economics – экономика

Biology – биология

Natural History — природоведение

Chemistry – химия

Physics (Science) – физика

Information Technology (Computer Science) – информатика

Foreign Language – иностранный язык

English – английский язык

German – немецкий язык

French – французский язык

Spanish – испанский язык

Italian – итальянский язык

Religion – религиоведение

Ecology – экология

Rhetoric – риторика

Astronomy – астрономия

Local Studies – краеведение

Culture Studies – культурология

Life Safety – ОБЖ (Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности)

Technology and Design – технология (труд)

Home Economics — домоводство

Art (Drawing) – рисование

Technical Drawing — черчение

Music – музыка

Physical Training (PT)  или Physical Education (PE) – физкультура


Школьные предметы (School subjects)4.4 out of
based on
47 votes

Тема сегодняшней статьи – школьные предметы (school subjects).

Содержание статьи.

  • Названия школьных предметов на английском с транскрипцией
  • Упражнения на запоминание школьных предметов (School subjects worksheets)
  • Задание по чтению на тему School subjects

Названия школьных предметов на английском с транскрипцией.

Перед вами таблица с названиями школьных предметов на английском языке с транскрипцией и переводом. Обратите внимание: названия школьных предметов в английском языке всегда пишутся с большой буквы!  

School subjects in ENGLISH


Перевод на русский






изобразительное искусство













Computer science

[kəm’pjuːtə ‘saɪəns]








Foreign language

[‘fɔrɪn ‘læŋgwɪʤ]

иностранный язык



















Mathematics (maths)

[ˌmæθ(ə)’mætɪks] [mæθs]





Physical Education (PE)

[‘fɪzɪk(ə)l ˌeʤu’keɪʃ(ə)n]














Technical drawing

[‘teknɪk(ə)l ‘drɔːɪŋ]








School subjects worksheets – упражнения

Ответы к упражнениям в конце статьи.

Упражнение 1. Что это за предметы? What subjects are they?

Art   PE   Music   Biology   Geography   Maths   History  

  1. In this lesson you sing or play a musical instrument
  2. In this lesson you study animals and plants
  3. In this lesson you study numbers
  4. In this lesson you learn about things that happened in the past
  5. Sports that you do at school
  6. In this lesson you learn how to make beautiful things, like paintings and drawings
  7. In this lesson you learn about countries, mountains and rivers

Упражнение 2. На каком уроке используются эти вещи?

  1. Pencils, paints, paper, brushes
  2. Balls, sneakers, trainers, wall bars
  3. Map, globe, compass
  4. Piano, guitar, violin
  5. English dictionary, textbook, workbook

Упражнение 3. Put the letters in the correct order.

1 opggahery: ___________

2 soiythr: ______________

3 itelruetar: ____________

4 gsinelh: ______________

5 ooigbly: ______________

6 smcui: _______________

7 ashmt: ______________

8 yipcssh: _____________

Упражнение 4. Найдите 8 названий школьных предметов
































































Упражнение 5. Complete the sentences. Дополните предложения, используя названия школьных предметов.

  1. My favourite subject is …………………………….
  2. I’m bad at ………………………, but I’m god at …………………………………
  3. I don’t like ………………………………
  4. My best friend likes …………………………………, but he/she doesn’t like…………………….

Задание по чтению на тему School subjects

It is Tuesday. Sonia and her friends are going to school. They are waiting for the bus.

Sonia: What lessons do we have this morning?

Dave: We have PE, Physics and Geography. What about you Vanessa?

Vanessa: I have Maths, French and Art. They’re my favorite subjects.

Sonia: I hate French. I don’t understand anything. It’s too difficult.

Vanessa: Really? I think French is easy. And Mrs Waites is very nice, isn’t she?

Sonia: Yes, I like her, but I think French is boring. I prefer Maths with Mr Robinson. Do you like him Dave?      

Dave: He’s all right. But he’s too strict.

Vanessa: He’s great! I understand everything this year.

Sonia: Yes, his lessons are very interesting! 

Vanessa: And he’s so good- looking.

Dave: Tell me, girls, is it Maths you like or is it Mr Robinson?

Упражнение 6. Correct the following false statements:

  1. Sonia likes French.
  2. Mrs Waites is very strict.
  3. Mr Robinson’s lessons are boring.

Ответы к упражнениям:

Exercise 1

1 Music, 2 Biology, 3 Maths, 4 History, 5 PE, 6 Art, 7 Geography

Exercise 2

1 Art, 2 PE, 3 Geography, 4 Music, 5 English  

Exercise 3

  1. Geography
  2. History
  3. Literature
  4. English
  5. Biology
  6. Music
  7. Maths
  8. Physics

Exercise 4

Exercise 5 – ваши собственное ответы.

Exercise 6.

  1. Sonia doesn’t like French. / Sonia likes Maths.
  2. Mrs Waites is not very strict. / Mrs Waites is very nice/ Mr Robinson is very strict.
  3. Mrs Waites’s lessons are boring. / Mr Robinson’s lessons are not boring.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Данный список содержит полный список английских слов по теме » Schooling», а также упражнения и тесты для закрепления и активизации лексики.


  1. Kinds of school
  2. School building & Interior
  3. Students & Attendance
  4. School curriculum & School subjects
  5. Studying at school  & School  problems
  6. Out-of-class activities
  7. School. Упражнения и тесты по теме «Школа. Обучение»


compulsory education — обязательное образование

free education — бесплатное образование

private school — частная школа

state school — государственная школа

Schooling. Полный список английских слов (intermediate)

1. Kinds of School  (Типы учебных заведений):

  1. primary school – начальная школа
  2. secondary (high) school – средняя школа
  3. higher school – высшее учебное заведение
  4. comprehensive school – общеобразовательная школа
  5. a school, specializing in — школа, специализирующаяся на
  6. gymnasium — гимназия
  7. lyceum – лицей
  8. technical school — техникум
  9. college — колледж

2. School Building & School Interior (Школьное здание снаружи и внутри):

  1. three-storey building — трехэтажное здание
  2. classroom — кабинет
  3. classroom of Russian (= Russian classroom)
  4. computer classroom – кабинет информатики
  5. be well-equipped with — хорош-оборудованный
  6. on the ground (first) floor — на первом этаже
  7. staff room (teacher’s room)- учительская
  8. sick room (doctor’s office, medical room) — медпункт
  9. school office — канцелярия
  10. canteen – буфет
  11. dining-hall — столовая в школе
  12. recreation — рекреация
  13. cloak-room (changing room) – раздевалка
  14. assembly hall – актовый зал
  15. gym- hall (gymnasium ) – спортивный зал
  16. workshop – мастерская
  17. headmaster’s office — кабинет директора
  18. laboratory – лаборатория
  19. library – библиотека
  20. entrance hall – вестибюль
  21. school museum – школьный музей
  22. aquarium — аквариум
  23. diploma — грамота
  24. palm — пальма
  25. poster — плакат
  26. stand — стенд

3. Staff, Students & Attendance (Персонал, учащиеся и посещаемость):

  1. headmaster (headmistress) — директор
  2. director of studies — завуч
  3. form mistress — классная руководительница
  4. librarian — библиотекарь
  5. nurse — медсестра
  6. security guard — охранник
  7. pupil — ученик начальной школы
  8. student — учащийся (ученик средней школы)
  9. schoolboy — школьник
  10. junior pupils – ученики младших классов
  11. senior students –старшеклассники
  12. attend lessons and classes — посещать уроки и занятия
  13. enter school — поступить в школу
  14. leave (finish) school — закончить школу
  15. pass from …. to….- перейти из….. в….
  16. miss school — пропускать школу
  17. change school — поменять школу

4. School Curriculum & School Subjects ( Учебный план и предметы):

  1. timetable — расписание (on the timetable)
  2. curriculum — учебный план
  3. term – четверть
  4. academic year –  учебный год
  5. at the end of each term… — в конце четверти
  6. obligatory — обязательный
  7. optional – факультативный
  8. lesson of Chemistry = Chemistry lesson — урок химии
  9. learn (study) different subjects — изучать различные предметы
  10. advanced mathematics – углубленный курс математики
  11. Science — точные науки
  12. The Humanities — предметы гуманитарного цикла
  13. study Science/ the Humanities — изучать предметы научного / гуманитарного цикла
  14. attend the optional (elective) class in ….. – необязательный, факультативный

Учебные предметы на английском языке: Maths, Algebra, Geometry, Russian, English, Biology, Geography, History, Literature, Chemistry, Botany, a foreign language, Physics, PE (Physical Education), Design and Technology (технология), Information Technology, Mechanical Drawing, Social Science / Social Studies  (обществоведение), Art, World Culture (МХК), Economics, Handicraft (ТРУД): (Cooking, Needlework,Woodwork, Metal work).

5. Studying at School  & School  Problems (Учеба в школе и школьные проблемы):

  1. do well/ badly — учиться хорошо/ плохо
  2. behave  well / badly- вести себя хорошо/ плохо
  3. solve problems in mathematics, physics — решать задачи по математике, физике
  4. prove theorems — доказывать теоремы
  5. do equations — решать уравнения
  6. do experiments in the lab — делать опыты в лаборатории
  7. swot smth – зубрить
  8. make smth out – понимать, разбираться в чем-то
  9. cheat – списывать, пользоваться шпаргалками
  10. prompt – подсказывать
  11. work by fits and starts — заниматься урывками
  12. studies — занятия
  13. exams — экзамены
  14. extra lessons — дополнительные занятия
  15. private lessons — частные уроки
  16. take lessons — брать уроки
  17. give lessons — давать уроки
  18. take an exam in Maths — сдавать экзамен по математике
  19. fail an exam — провалить экзамен
  20. pass an exam — сдать экзамен
  21. weak point  — слабое место
  22. poor memory — плохая память
  23. can’t remember dates (words, formulas) — не запоминать даты, слова, формулы
  24. fail to retell texts – не получается пересказывать тексты
  25. punish — наказывать
  26. punishment — наказание

6. Out-of-class Activities (Внеклассная деятельность):

  1. school activities – школьная деятельность
  2. take part in school activities — принимать участие в школьных мероприятиях
  3. have school traditions — иметь школьные традиции
  4. choir — хор
  5. club — кружок
  6. Drama Club — театральный кружок
  7. go hiking — ходить в поход
  8. go on excursion to – ездить на экскурсию в…..
  9. performe in school theatre — играть в школьном театре
  10. trip to… – поездка в …

Я надеюсь, что приведенный полный список английских слова по теме «School» поможет вам  подвести итог изучения данной темы, а упражнения и тесты ниже помогут активизировать изученные слова и уверенно использовать их в устной и письменной речи на английском языке. Всем успехов!

School. Упражнения и тесты для активизации словарного запаса

 Test 1.  School 

  1. They ___________ me a lot at school. (taught, studied, learned)
  2. I’m ____________my final exam next month. (passing, taking, making)
  3.  “ Have you ________your homework?” Pat’s mother asked her.  (made, done, wrote)
  4. Children have to carry heavy________.  (sacks, schoolbags, handbags)
  5. They have a very good school ____________. (restaurant, bar, canteen)
  6. _________is my favourite subject. (Historic, History, Story)
  7. I’m not _______________ Geography and Physics. (well with, good with, good at)
  8. These pupils are waiting for their teacher in the _________. (classroom, lesson, class)
  9. Sit ___________your desk and go on with your work. (at, on, near)
  10. No one likes to _____________ an exam. (lose, fail, fall)

Test 2.  School Life

  1. Who is the ________ of your school? (director, headmaster, chief)
  2. Clare was very popular with her ________. (schoolfellows, schoolchildren, schoolmates)
  3. Mathematics is a ______________subject at school.  (forced, compulsory, required)
  4. A___________ is all the different courses that are taught in a school or college.  (curriculum, scheme,  timetable)
  5. A __________ is a state school in which children of all abilities study together. (public school, elementary, comprehensive)
  6. I’m _________English and French classes. (following, attending, visiting)
  7. A nursery school is for ________. (babies, infants, nurses)
  8. Every one of their children___________ well at school. (did, succeeded, managed)
  9. A ________  is a school in Britain for children aged between 11 and 18 who have a high academic ability. (grammar school, state school, special school)
  10. It’s hard to ___________into the university. (enter, get, go)
  11. The function of school is to ______________ children. (bring up, educate, encourage)
  12. We’re building a car at our school ____________ (workshop, laboratory, workplace)

Exercise 1. Translate the text into English


Exercise 2. Describe the school where you study using the plan below and the vocabulary.

  1. Introduction (give general description of the place and people, some background and history).
  2. Main body (good/bad points now, your problems, how things will develop in the future).
  3. Ending (Mention some possible changes at your school).

Vocabulary (positive/negative):

  1. Location:

not far from, within walking distance from…, it is about 10 minutes walk from, it takes me 10 minutes to get to school. 

  1. Building/Classrooms/ Equipment:

(+) brightly painted/decorated, spacious, comfortable, modern, new, cozy

(-) depressing, gloomy, old, old-fashioned, tasteless, uncomfortable

  1. Classmates/ Teachers/ Friends:

(+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, bright, encouraging, motivating, well-organized, experienced, popular with

(-) boring, noisy, disorganized, boring, strict, demanding, discouraging

  1. Lessons/ Subjects:

(+) favourite, important, motivating, well-organized, I am good at

(-) long, boring, difficult, disorganized, I am bad at

  1. Out of school activities:

in-school clubs, excursions, trips, theatre, hiking.

Exercise 3. Describe the school where you would like to study using the plan below and the same vocabulary.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. How often do you miss your school?
  2. Do some children behave badly at school?
  3. What do they do?
  4. What kind of punishment do teahers use in your school?
  5. What is the most (least) effective punishment, in your opinion?

Exercise 5. Give a talk on the following topics.

  1. Teenage problems at school.
  2. Your idea of a perfect school.
  3. Your idea of a perfect teacher.
  4. Education at school.
  5. The code of conduct.
  6. Punishments at school.
  7. My best school friend.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps.

Exercise 7. Write a letter to your friend. 

… Recently I have moved to a new flat. I like my new school. We can choose subjects to study. I have chosen Maths and Physics. I like them because I am good at solving problems. And what about you? Do you like your school? What subjects are you good at? I hope you’ll write a lot of interesting things.

Best wishes,


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