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  • Canada

Guidance on how to study in Canada. Top 329 schools and universities in Canada, study fees, rankings

  • Education information
  • 6 advantages of studying in Canada
  • Prestigious diploma of higher education in Canada
  • Key characteristics of higher education in Canada
  • Higher education at universities in Canada
  • The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students
  • Studying in Canada – choosing an effective post-secondary education
  • The system of assessment and monitoring of academic performance in Canada
  • The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students
  • Prestigious diploma of higher education in Canada
  • Education in Canada
  • Key characteristics of higher education in Canada
  • Education in Canada
  • Higher education at universities in Canada
  • The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students
  • Studying in Canada – choosing an effective post-secondary education
  • The system of assessment and monitoring of academic performance in Canada
  • The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students
  • 6 advantages of studying in Canada
  • General educational statistics in Canada
  • Literature and references


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Ridley College

Excellent school facilities, good nationality mix

Ridley College


St. Catharines, Ontario

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from 5100.00
/ 4 weeks

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from 5100.00
/ 4 weeks

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St. Andrew's College

St. Andrew's College

from 74355.00
/ year

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from 74355.00
/ year

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Brookes Westshore Private Boarding School

Brookes Westshore Private Boarding School


Shawnigan Lake, British Columbia

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from 54550.00
/ year

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from 54550.00
/ year

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Pickering College and Summer Camp

Pickering College and Summer Camp


Newmarket, Ontario

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from 30855.00
/ year

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from 30855.00
/ year

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Columbia International College

Columbia International College

from 43785.00
/ year

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from 43785.00
/ year

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Rosseau Lake College

Rosseau Lake College

from 63100.00
/ year

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from 63100.00
/ year

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ILAC Toronto Summer Junior Camp

ILAC Toronto Summer Junior Camp

from 3470.00
/ 2 weeks

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from 3470.00
/ 2 weeks

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Albert College

Albert College


Belleville, Ontario

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from 4500.00
/ 3 weeks

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from 4500.00
/ 3 weeks

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Brentwood College School

Brentwood College School


Victoria, British Columbia

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from 78000.00
/ year

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from 78000.00
/ year

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University of Toronto

University of Toronto

from 22407.00
/ year

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from 22407.00
/ year

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Education information

Nowadays, studying in Canada is really popular among foreign students as it provides the best programs and courses that meet the highest educational standards. Studying in Canada is carefully checked by the Ministry of Education of the country. A distinctive feature of education in Canada is the absence of a unified system: each region (province) has the right to pursue a policy independently, with all educational institutions (state and private schools, universities and colleges) are subject to mandatory accreditation. Choosing any region for studying in Canada, international students can be sure of the quality and balance of educational programs.

Education in Canada is popular due to several points:

  • It is an opportunity to learn and improve two languages: French and English;

  • There are many prestigious and elite institutions where students get education of top quality. Studying there opens the doors of the world’s top labor market;

  • The diploma is quoted in America and in many European countries;

  • The quality of teaching is very high, and at the same time the cost of studying is very attractive. 

6 advantages of studying in Canada

  • Universities and private schools of the country are the flagships of scientific and technological progress: every educational institution here has its own achievements, developed infrastructure. In the country’s schools and universities, it is possible to obtain quality fundamental academic studying, which will become the basis for further professional development.
  • Education in Canada is comfortable, profitable, prestigious: diplomas are quoted around the world, the cost of training is lower than in European universities, and accommodation is cheaper than in the USA. At the same time, the number of private educational institutions in the country is less than, for example, in England or America, this makes Canadian private schools and boarding schools unique.
  • In a multinational country, a foreign accent is not a sign of an outsider, but a highlight that makes the student’s personality unconventional. Comfortable foreign environment allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • A great deal of attention is paid to sports, out-of-school, out-of-university development.
  • At the university, students can shorten the term of study due to the targeted use of vacation time.
  • After graduation, the graduate can stay in the country and work legally for 2-3 years.

Prestigious diploma of higher education in Canada

Graduates of Canada’s leading universities are awarded various degrees confirming qualifications in a certain field:

A certificate providing for education for at least six months, international students acquire minimal highly professional practical skills. As for the certificate itself, in case of graduation from college, it has the status of a pre-diploma, if the student has completed additional courses after studying at the university, then he is a postgraduate.

The diploma provides for studying for up to three years, the student acquires an average amount of professional knowledge, the graduate receives it in case of graduation from college or after three years of study at a Canadian university.

Bachelor’s degree — awarded upon completion of education for four years, it is the bachelor’s degree that represents the completed full higher education. It is at this stage that the overwhelming majority of students decide to discontinue further education. As a rule, the most common degree titles are the following, as Bachelor of Exact Sciences and Bachelor of Natural Sciences.

Master’s and Doctor of Sciences stipulate additional education after receiving a bachelor’s degree. It is not possible to enroll in a master’s or doctoral program immediately after completing school in Canada. As students could understand, this educational stage is a postgraduate education. On the territory of Canada, if a graduate intends to engage in theoretical developments and scientific research after graduation, then it will be necessary to study within the framework of a master’s or doctoral degree. At the same time, the duration of education varies from 1 to 3 years, not counting the four years spent on the bachelor’s program. The total duration of study at the rating university of Canada is 7 years.

Key characteristics of higher education in Canada

The acquisition of a future profession and a certain specialization is associated with post-secondary education. Upon receipt of certain scholarships and grants, it is possible to receive a prestigious education in Canada on a free basis. The costs associated with studying at a rating Canadian university cannot fall on the student, but on the institution to which the grant was issued. As for the most prestigious educational fields, the undisputed leaders are law and medicine.

As for the duration of educational process, the longest period of education is associated with obtaining a medical specialty in Canada. 

Educational periods of studying medical specialty in Canada:

  • 4 years within the walls of a university;

  • 4 years are spent studying at a medical school;

  • 3-5 years —  internship.

As for obtaining a law degree at an elite university in Canada, international students will need to study at the university for three years, while a prerequisite for successful graduation is a high average score, which should not be lower than 4.5 out of 5 possible. To enroll in an educational program in law, it is necessary to successfully pass the LSAT test, the purpose of which is both to check the general level of knowledge and to assess the degree of development of logical thinking in the applicant, his skill in working with a large amount of data, structuring the material. If the applicant is a foreign student, he needs to obtain an international TOEFL language certificate with a high score. Obtaining higher education at the Faculty of Law of Canada can be described in the following words as prestige, exclusivity and, of course, elitism. To obtain a second higher education at one of the prestigious universities in Canada, foreign students must have a bachelor’s degree confirming the successful completion of education for four years.

What subjects for study are most often chosen by modern schoolchildren?

— Our students always choose English and mathematics, many take business, science, programming and STEM.

Higher education at universities in Canada

In terms of the quality of higher education, Canada follows the USA, it deservedly holds the second position of the rating. About 260 prestigious universities are successfully operating in Canada. 1.9 million students, including 200 thousand foreign applicants, join educational institutions annually.

It is worth noting that the leading universities in Canada are divided into private and public. On a par with school educational processes, regulation and control of university, education is provided by the local administrations of the Canadian provinces, and not at the centralized level.

List of key advantages of Canadian universities:

  • Students have the opportunity to obtain a doctorate or master’s degree;

  • The rating universities have a goal of conducting scientific activities;

  • A variety of scientific research is provided within the walls of top universities.

The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students

Elite colleges of Canada — study for schoolchildren and students

Upon graduation, international students strive to enroll in prestigious colleges, universities and technical universities. International students acquire professional knowledge. While at elite universities in Canada, students are given high-quality theoretical knowledge.

It is worth noting that prestigious colleges in Canada differ among themselves in their chosen field of study:

  • Technical;

  • Military;

  • Art.

In this connection, without exception, all advanced Canadian colleges have set themselves the goal of organizing a professional career. While Canadian universities are focused on conducting scientific research in various fields.

The following are the leading colleges in Canada that are popular and in demand among foreign applicants and Canadians:

  • George Brown College;

  • Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology;

  • Humber College

  • Conestoga College of Technology and Advanced Learning;

  • Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology;

  • Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology.

Studying in Canada – choosing an effective post-secondary education

There are several indisputable reasons for obtaining a prestigious professional education in the rating educational institutions of Canada:

  • Canada is characterized by a high standard of living. Thus, a foreign teenager can not doubt the cognitive and interesting learning, while he is guaranteed the comfort of staying in this country. In addition, elite universities and high schools in Canada organize an active and rich leisure program, in particular, international students take part in various trips and travels, sports competitions, and various fascinating entertainments. Studying at Canadian leading educational institutions is the best way to immigrate to this country.

  • Rating schools and colleges are equipped with the latest technology. So, numerous laboratories and classrooms have been created, which have modern technological equipment. In addition, only experienced teachers, real professionals in their field, who make the educational process fascinating and informative, are involved in the educational process. Teachers have the necessary skills to make the student interested in the subject of study. It is also worth noting that within the walls of top universities in Canada, discussions and discussion of educational material at lectures are encouraged among students.

  • A distinctive characteristic of Canada is its multinational nature. Two official state languages are established in Canada. In this connection, the possibility of a psychological barrier in relation to accent in pronunciation in the framework of communication between foreign students and Canadians is leveled.

  • The cost of studying in Canada is lower compared to other countries, in particular the USA and the UK. As for the minimum cost, it varies about 10 thousand Canadian dollars per year of study. At the same time, the cost of studying at a rating university in the USA can be 30 thousand dollars a year.

  • In case of outstanding and special achievements and successes, a foreign applicant will be able to receive a prestigious higher education in Canada on a free basis. The leading universities of Canada provides funding for the residence and education of a foreign student, in turn, the student is obliged to participate in the sports team of the university. Regardless of the level of financial capabilities, almost every applicant will be able to receive a high-quality Canadian education.

The system of assessment and monitoring of academic performance in Canada

All prestigious universities in Canada use a five-point student assessment system:

  • A — the highest score,

  • F — the lowest score;

  • C — the passing score. 

At the same time, the score can have a percentage expression from 0 to 100%. At the same time, an unsatisfactory score is a score below 50%.

The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students

  • Language courses for teenagers and adults: from 250 to 400 Canadian dollars per 1 week
  • Children’s language camps: from 800 to 1600 Canadian dollars per 1 week (all inclusive except for flights)
  • Secondary education: from 20,000 to 55,000 Canadian dollars per year (including accommodation and meals)

Prestigious diploma of higher education in Canada

Graduates of Canada’s leading universities are awarded various degrees confirming qualifications in a certain field:

A certificate providing for education for at least six months, international students acquire minimal highly professional practical skills. As for the certificate itself, in case of graduation from college, it has the status of a pre-diploma, if the student has completed additional courses after studying at the university, then he is a postgraduate.

The diploma provides for studying for up to three years, the student acquires an average amount of professional knowledge, the graduate receives it in case of graduation from college or after three years of study at a Canadian university.

Bachelor’s degree — awarded upon completion of education for four years, it is the bachelor’s degree that represents the completed full higher education. It is at this stage that the overwhelming majority of students decide to discontinue further education. As a rule, the most common degree titles are the following, as Bachelor of Exact Sciences and Bachelor of Natural Sciences.

Master’s and Doctor of Sciences stipulate additional education after receiving a bachelor’s degree. It is not possible to enroll in a master’s or doctoral program immediately after completing school in Canada. As students could understand, this educational stage is a postgraduate education. On the territory of Canada, if a graduate intends to engage in theoretical developments and scientific research after graduation, then it will be necessary to study within the framework of a master’s or doctoral degree. At the same time, the duration of education varies from 1 to 3 years, not counting the four years spent on the bachelor’s program. The total duration of study at the rating university of Canada is 7 years.

Education in Canada

Until the age of 15, students are required to attend classes, while financially they are fully provided by the state. To get a high-quality school education, best schools in Canada have all necessary modern infrastructure equipment:

  • Laboratories;

  • Modern classrooms;

  • Sports grounds and halls;

  • Internet access;

  • Modern computer software. 

Upon reaching the age of 6-7, a period of intensive schooling begins, a small variation in age is determined by the rules established by the province of Canada itself. When a teenager turns 12, he finishes his studies in elementary school. In order to be already adapted to the school schedule, it is possible to receive high-quality education within the framework of preschool education. On the territory of Canada, it is possible for toddlers who have reached the age of four to visit kindergartens. The end of kindergarten passes into admission to primary school. In accordance with the legislation of Canada, school education is divided into three stages, namely:

  • Primary — lasts from grades 1 to 5;

  • Secondary – children are taught from grades 6 to 8;

  • Senior — lasts from grades 9 to 12.

Secondary education in Canada is similar to the American one: about 95% of schoolchildren attend state institutions, and those, who can afford, attend private schools.

Schools in Canada offer a wide range of academic disciplines. Education in Canada is arranged in small classes, an individual approach to the student is practiced. Studying in Canada implies using of high-quality materials and technical base.

Studying in Canada is really attractive because it is possible to study both in English and French. Studying lasts 12 years, in French-speaking Quebec and Ontario, secondary education takes 13 years. Studying at private schools ends with passing exams. However, there is no single examination standard in the country: testing of students’ knowledge is carried out in the form of test control, evaluation of analytical work, and essays.

As for higher education, colleges allow international students to obtain a specialized educational level and narrow specialization. Studying at the university usually implies getting a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, PhD. The programs of colleges and universities are built on the American principle. Higher education in Canada is received in 3-5 years.

Key characteristics of higher education in Canada

The acquisition of a future profession and a certain specialization is associated with post-secondary education. Upon receipt of certain scholarships and grants, it is possible to receive a prestigious education in Canada on a free basis. The costs associated with studying at a rating Canadian university cannot fall on the student, but on the institution to which the grant was issued. As for the most prestigious educational fields, the undisputed leaders are law and medicine.

As for the duration of educational process, the longest period of education is associated with obtaining a medical specialty in Canada. 

Educational periods of studying medical specialty in Canada:

  • 4 years within the walls of a university;

  • 4 years are spent studying at a medical school;

  • 3-5 years —  internship.

As for obtaining a law degree at an elite university in Canada, international students will need to study at the university for three years, while a prerequisite for successful graduation is a high average score, which should not be lower than 4.5 out of 5 possible. To enroll in an educational program in law, it is necessary to successfully pass the LSAT test, the purpose of which is both to check the general level of knowledge and to assess the degree of development of logical thinking in the applicant, his skill in working with a large amount of data, structuring the material. If the applicant is a foreign student, he needs to obtain an international TOEFL language certificate with a high score. Obtaining higher education at the Faculty of Law of Canada can be described in the following words as prestige, exclusivity and, of course, elitism. To obtain a second higher education at one of the prestigious universities in Canada, foreign students must have a bachelor’s degree confirming the successful completion of education for four years.

What subjects for study are most often chosen by modern schoolchildren?

— Our students always choose English and mathematics, many take business, science, programming and STEM.

Education in Canada

Until the age of 15, students are required to attend classes, while financially they are fully provided by the state. To get a high-quality school education, best schools in Canada have all necessary modern infrastructure equipment:

  • Laboratories;

  • Modern classrooms;

  • Sports grounds and halls;

  • Internet access;

  • Modern computer software. 

Upon reaching the age of 6-7, a period of intensive schooling begins, a small variation in age is determined by the rules established by the province of Canada itself. When a teenager turns 12, he finishes his studies in elementary school. In order to be already adapted to the school schedule, it is possible to receive high-quality education within the framework of preschool education. On the territory of Canada, it is possible for toddlers who have reached the age of four to visit kindergartens. The end of kindergarten passes into admission to primary school. In accordance with the legislation of Canada, school education is divided into three stages, namely:

  • Primary — lasts from grades 1 to 5;

  • Secondary – children are taught from grades 6 to 8;

  • Senior — lasts from grades 9 to 12.

Secondary education in Canada is similar to the American one: about 95% of schoolchildren attend state institutions, and those, who can afford, attend private schools.

Schools in Canada offer a wide range of academic disciplines. Education in Canada is arranged in small classes, an individual approach to the student is practiced. Studying in Canada implies using of high-quality materials and technical base.

Studying in Canada is really attractive because it is possible to study both in English and French. Studying lasts 12 years, in French-speaking Quebec and Ontario, secondary education takes 13 years. Studying at private schools ends with passing exams. However, there is no single examination standard in the country: testing of students’ knowledge is carried out in the form of test control, evaluation of analytical work, and essays.

As for higher education, colleges allow international students to obtain a specialized educational level and narrow specialization. Studying at the university usually implies getting a Bachelor’s degree, a Master’s degree, PhD. The programs of colleges and universities are built on the American principle. Higher education in Canada is received in 3-5 years.

Higher education at universities in Canada

In terms of the quality of higher education, Canada follows the USA, it deservedly holds the second position of the rating. About 260 prestigious universities are successfully operating in Canada. 1.9 million students, including 200 thousand foreign applicants, join educational institutions annually.

It is worth noting that the leading universities in Canada are divided into private and public. On a par with school educational processes, regulation and control of university, education is provided by the local administrations of the Canadian provinces, and not at the centralized level.

List of key advantages of Canadian universities:

  • Students have the opportunity to obtain a doctorate or master’s degree;

  • The rating universities have a goal of conducting scientific activities;

  • A variety of scientific research is provided within the walls of top universities.

The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students

Elite colleges of Canada — study for schoolchildren and students

Upon graduation, international students strive to enroll in prestigious colleges, universities and technical universities. International students acquire professional knowledge. While at elite universities in Canada, students are given high-quality theoretical knowledge.

It is worth noting that prestigious colleges in Canada differ among themselves in their chosen field of study:

  • Technical;

  • Military;

  • Art.

In this connection, without exception, all advanced Canadian colleges have set themselves the goal of organizing a professional career. While Canadian universities are focused on conducting scientific research in various fields.

The following are the leading colleges in Canada that are popular and in demand among foreign applicants and Canadians:

  • George Brown College;

  • Centennial College of Applied Arts and Technology;

  • Humber College

  • Conestoga College of Technology and Advanced Learning;

  • Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology;

  • Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology.

Studying in Canada – choosing an effective post-secondary education

There are several indisputable reasons for obtaining a prestigious professional education in the rating educational institutions of Canada:

  • Canada is characterized by a high standard of living. Thus, a foreign teenager can not doubt the cognitive and interesting learning, while he is guaranteed the comfort of staying in this country. In addition, elite universities and high schools in Canada organize an active and rich leisure program, in particular, international students take part in various trips and travels, sports competitions, and various fascinating entertainments. Studying at Canadian leading educational institutions is the best way to immigrate to this country.

  • Rating schools and colleges are equipped with the latest technology. So, numerous laboratories and classrooms have been created, which have modern technological equipment. In addition, only experienced teachers, real professionals in their field, who make the educational process fascinating and informative, are involved in the educational process. Teachers have the necessary skills to make the student interested in the subject of study. It is also worth noting that within the walls of top universities in Canada, discussions and discussion of educational material at lectures are encouraged among students.

  • A distinctive characteristic of Canada is its multinational nature. Two official state languages are established in Canada. In this connection, the possibility of a psychological barrier in relation to accent in pronunciation in the framework of communication between foreign students and Canadians is leveled.

  • The cost of studying in Canada is lower compared to other countries, in particular the USA and the UK. As for the minimum cost, it varies about 10 thousand Canadian dollars per year of study. At the same time, the cost of studying at a rating university in the USA can be 30 thousand dollars a year.

  • In case of outstanding and special achievements and successes, a foreign applicant will be able to receive a prestigious higher education in Canada on a free basis. The leading universities of Canada provides funding for the residence and education of a foreign student, in turn, the student is obliged to participate in the sports team of the university. Regardless of the level of financial capabilities, almost every applicant will be able to receive a high-quality Canadian education.

The system of assessment and monitoring of academic performance in Canada

All prestigious universities in Canada use a five-point student assessment system:

  • A — the highest score,

  • F — the lowest score;

  • C — the passing score. 

At the same time, the score can have a percentage expression from 0 to 100%. At the same time, an unsatisfactory score is a score below 50%.

The cost of studying in Canada for foreign students

  • Language courses for teenagers and adults: from 250 to 400 Canadian dollars per 1 week
  • Children’s language camps: from 800 to 1600 Canadian dollars per 1 week (all inclusive except for flights)
  • Secondary education: from 20,000 to 55,000 Canadian dollars per year (including accommodation and meals)

6 advantages of studying in Canada

  • Universities and private schools of the country are the flagships of scientific and technological progress: every educational institution here has its own achievements, developed infrastructure. In the country’s schools and universities, it is possible to obtain quality fundamental academic studying, which will become the basis for further professional development.
  • Education in Canada is comfortable, profitable, prestigious: diplomas are quoted around the world, the cost of training is lower than in European universities, and accommodation is cheaper than in the USA. At the same time, the number of private educational institutions in the country is less than, for example, in England or America, this makes Canadian private schools and boarding schools unique.
  • In a multinational country, a foreign accent is not a sign of an outsider, but a highlight that makes the student’s personality unconventional. Comfortable foreign environment allows you to quickly adapt to new conditions.
  • A great deal of attention is paid to sports, out-of-school, out-of-university development.
  • At the university, students can shorten the term of study due to the targeted use of vacation time.
  • After graduation, the graduate can stay in the country and work legally for 2-3 years.

General educational statistics in Canada

Students Accommodation Options in Canada

Accomondation Meals Number of people per room Cost per week/min Cost per week/max
Homestay full Board or half Board 1-2 180 USD 345 USD
School residence full Board 1-2 270 USD 675 USD
Appartment without meals 1-3 450 USD 750 USD
Hotel with/out meals 1-2 45 USD/day 390 USD/day

Foundation — General statistics

Country Min cost Max cost Accommodation per year
UK 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 14,750 USD
Ireland 12,000 USD 30,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
USA 25,000 USD 45,000 USD ~ 14,500 USD
Canada 15,000 USD 35,000 USD ~ 12,000 USD
Australia 15,000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 13,500 USD
Germany 2000 USD 25,000 USD ~ 10,400 USD

Literature and references


  1. International students in Canada — Wiki

  2. Higher education in Canada — Wiki

  3. Top Universities in Canada-2021 — QS Top Universities

  4. Higher Education in Canada

  5. Government of Canada: Sponsors

  6. International students in Canada — Wiki

  7. Higher education in Canada — Wiki

  8. Top Universities in Canada-2021 — QS Top Universities

  9. Higher Education in Canada

  10. Government of Canada: Sponsors


Zakiya Afrose


BA English

I am 13 years old want to study abroad what should I do? I want to prepare for a good University I think you are helping?


Good afternoon, Sonya, you need to know English well to study abroad. Therefore, at the moment you can go to children’s language programs to improve your knowledge. And then you can go to one of the Canadian schools and study with children from Canada and around the world.

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Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed countries. Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories.

It is situated on the North American continent. The country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the east and by the Arctic Ocean and its seas in the north. About 2 percent of the Canadian territory is covered by glacier ice.

The eastern parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The western territories are occupied by the Cordilleras.

The main Canadian islands are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others. There are a lot of rivers and lakes in Canada. The largest rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon.

In size Canada is the second in the world after Russia. Its area is almost 10 million km2. The capital of Canada is Ottawa, which is situated on the bank of the Ottawa River. It is famous for its beautiful parks. It is also known as the city of bridges.

The most developed industries are timber, mining, chemical, meat and milk and food industries. Canada grows wheat, barley, flax, potatoes, vegetables and fruit. Fishing is also one of the prosperous industries.

Official languages of Canada are English and French. Canada is a founding member of the United Nations. It has been active in a number of major UN agencies.

1) Read these geographical names.

  • Canada

  • the North American continent

  • the Pacific Ocean

  • the Atlantic Ocean

  • the Arctic Ocean

  • Canadian islands

  • Newfoundland [‘njuːfən(d)lənd]

  • Victorian Island

  • Baffin Island

  • the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon

2) Remember the words.

independent federative state – независимое федеративное государство

the most developed – наиболее развитый

provinces — провинции

territories — территории

the west — запад

the east — восток

percent — процент

is covered — покрыты

glacier ice — ледник

are occupied by — заняты

bank — берег

bridge — мост

timber – лесная промышленность

mining – горная промышленность

chemical – химическая промышленность

wheat — пшеница

barley — ячмень

flax — лен

prosperous — процветающий

founding member — основатель

United Nations – Организация Объединенных Наций

major UN agencies – основные учреждения ООН

3) Find 11 words.



























































































4) Make up these sentences.

1) on the North American continent / is / it / situated.

2) a lot of / there are / in Canada / rivers and lakes .

3) of Canada / are / English and French / official languages.

4) consists of / Canada / ten / territories / and / provinces / two.

5) Answer the questions.

1. What does Canada consist of?

2. Where is it situated?

3. What oceans is Canada washed by?

4. What are there in the eastern part of the country?

5. What are the main Canadian islands?

6. What are the largest rivers?

7. What is the size of Canada?

8. What is its area?

9. What is the capital of Canada? Where is it situated? What is it famous for?

10. What are the most developed industries?

11. What are grown in Canada?

12. What are the official languages?

6) Do the test.

1. Fill in the missing words.

Largest / flax / continent / an / eastern / Ocean / parks / provinces / developed western

Canada is 1) … independent federative state. It is one of the most 2) … countries. Canada consists of ten 3) … and two territories. It is situated on the North American 4) …. The country is washed by the Pacific 5) … in the west.  The 6) … parts of the country are mainly valleys and plains. The 7) … territories are occupied by the Cordilleras. The 8) … rivers are the Nelson, the Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon. Ottawa is famous for its beautiful 9) …. Canada grows wheat, barley, 10) …, potatoes, vegetables and fruit.

2. True or false.

1) Canada is the most developed country.

2) Canada consists of two provinces and ten territories.

3) It is situated on the South American continent.

4) The country is washed by the Arctic Ocean in the south. 

5) The largest rivers are Newfoundland, Victorian Island, Baffin Island and others.

6) In size Canada is the first in the world.

6) Quiz.

  • 1.  Canada is surrounded by ___ oceans.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

  • 2.  What is the capital of Canada?

A. Ottawa B. Québec C. Vancouver D. Montreal

  • 3.  Canada’s national animal is the…

A. Grizzly bear. B. Moose. C. Beaver. D. Eagle.

  • 4.  Canada owns ___% of the world’s forests.

A. 5 B. 10 C. 15 D. 20

  • 5.  Who were the first inhabitants of Canada?

A. American people B. Aboriginal people C. European people D. Eskimos

  • 6.  Ice hockey is the national winter sport of the country. What is the national summer sport?

A. Lacrosse B. Basketball C. Football D. Rugby

  • 7. Niagara falls belongs to…

A. Canada. B. The USA. C. Both of them. D. None of them.

  • 8. How big is the population of the country?

A. More than 10 million people B. More than 20 million people C. More than 30 million people

D. More than 40 million people

  • 9. In 2010 the Winter Olympic Games were held in Vancouver. There was another occasion when Canada was a host for the games. When was it?

A. 1948 B. 1956 C. 1972 D. 1988


1. C 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D

Основной курс (уровень 1 — 10): Курс предназначен для развития навыков анализа информации путем чтения и аудирования, правильного применения на практике грамматики как в устной речи, так и в письме. Он также включает специализированные занятия по изучению устной речи, идиом, диалектизмов и выражений.

Курс развития основных академических навыков английского языка (уровень 3 — 5):
Программа подготовлена для тех, кто желает продолжить успешную учебу в колледже или университете и направлена на развитие основных письменных навыков, чтение и аудирование, а также критическое мышление.

Основы письма (уровень 4 — 5): Курс посвящен основам письменной речи и изучению частей речи, структуры предложений и контекста.

Основы произношения (уровень 5 — 7): Занятия данного курса предназначены для студентов, стремящихся общаться и звучать также чисто как носители языка. Основное внимание уделяется ударению в словах и интонации.

Основы деловой речи (уровень 7 — 10): Уроки по этой программе изучения английского языка призваны помочь студентам и подготовить их к работе в международной компании. Учащиеся изучают вопросы рекламы и поиска работы, онлайн-презентации, написания резюме и прохождения собеседования.

Фокус на письме (уровень 7 — 10): Данная 12-недельная интенсивная программа состоит из трех ежедневных занятий, где изучается лексика (включая идиомы, устойчивые сочетания и дискурс).

Фокус на устной речи (уровень 7 — 10): 8-недельный курс разработан для студентов, желающих быть успешными спикерами. Учащиеся изучают эффективное использование разговорных выражений, идиом, сленга и ораторское искусство.

Английский язык для здравоохранения: Данная 16-недельная программа создана для будущих врачей, медсестер, лаборантов и других медицинских специалистов. В течение курса изучается специализированная медицинская терминология и работа с пациентами.

Подготовка к сдаче IELTS (уровень 7 — 10): 12-недельная программа разработана для поступающих в вузы, которым необходимо пройти тестирование согласно международным стандартам. Студенты проходят четыре модуля тестирования: академическое чтение, академическое письмо, аудирование и устную речь.

Подготовка к сдаче iBT TOEFL (уровень 7 — 10): Интенсивный 12-недельный курс охватывает все четыре части тестирования TOEFL iBT: аудирование, устная речь, чтение и письмо, а также стратегии успешного прохождения тестирования. Студенты практикуются сдавать тест в течение программы.

Программа перехода в колледж (UCTP Prep (от 7 уровня и выше): 12-недельный курс, включающий создание презентаций, групповые обсуждения, академическое чтение, навыки конспектирования и преподавания.


  • Каталог

  • Канада

  • Торонто, Онтарио

  • English School of Canada (Школа английского в Канаде, Торонто)

Просмотров: 1990

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Официальные представители (official representatives). Подача документов и зачисление бесплатно


English School of Canada (Школа английского в Канаде, Торонто)

Канада на карте

Программы и цены, стоимость обучения в English School of Canada (programs and tuition/boarding fees, prices)
Проживание, питание, цены (accommodation and food) в English School of Canada
Мероприятия English School of Canada (events)
Оснащение и оборудование English School of Canada (equipment)
Даты зачисления, расписания и доп. сборы (term dates and fees)
Требования для зачисления к поступающим студентам (entry requirements and extra fees) как поступить, что нужно для поступления

Заведение на карте (map)
Страхование, авиабилеты, ВНЖ, гражданство, стажировка и другие услуги
Отзывы о English School of Canada (Школа английского в Канаде, Торонто)
Когда подаваться — рекомендации по срокам подачи

Описание English School of Canada

  • Основан: 1999 год
  • Месторасположение: г. Торонто, провинция Онтарио, Канада
  • Возраст учеников: 12-17 лет
  • Язык обучения: английский
  • Тип обучения: полный пансион.

English School of Canada (ESC) – это частная школа английского языка, предлагающая широкий выбор языковых образовательных программ с разными уровнями и направленностью. Ежегодно здесь проходят качественное языковое обучение около 30 тысяч школьников, подростков и студентов более чем из 50 стран мира.

Учебное заведение было основано в Торонто в 1999 году. Сегодня ESC входит в состав образовательной ассоциации, которая занимается организацией обучения на национальных языках Канады. Более чем за 20 лет успешной работы образовательный центр сформировал себе успешную репутацию, что позволило ему заключить несколько десятков партнерских соглашений с ведущими колледжами и вузами на территории Канады.

ESC широко известна своей программой подготовки к университету English for Academic Purposes (UCTP): курс включает в себя не только изучение английского, но и академическую подготовку для успешной учебы в вузе. Выпускники программы UCTP после обучения могут с легкостью поступить более чем в 37 партнерских колледжей и вузов на территории Америки или Канады.

Также в школе действует программа ESC Global Partnership programs, в рамках которой студенты могут изучать не только английский язык в целом, но и делать это в контексте определенной профессии – например, медицина или инженерия.

Программы и цены, стоимость обучения в English School of Canada (programs and tuition/boarding fees, prices)

Название программы




Заказать расчет программы

Последнее бронирование 5 нед. назад


от 1795.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 1795.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 114477.83 ₽ / 4 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра


от 1795.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 1795.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 114477.83 ₽ / 4 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра


от 1560.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 1560.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 99490.48 ₽ / 4 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра


от 1560.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 1560.00 $CAD / 4 недели

от 99490.48 ₽ / 4 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра


от 4530.00 $CAD / 12 недели

от 4530.00 $CAD / 12 недели

от 288905.05 ₽ / 12 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра


от 3420.00 $CAD / 2 недели

от 3420.00 $CAD / 2 недели

от 218113.75 ₽ / 2 недели

В учебном году 2 семестра или 3 триместра

Проживание, питание, цены (accommodation and food) в English School of Canada

Для проживания в школе английского языка ESC школьникам и подросткам предлагается два варианта:

  • Принимающая семья. Здесь студентам предоставляется отдельная комната с необходимой мебелью и предметами быта + питание на полном пансионе (три раза в день). Этот вариант подойдет тем, кто любит домашнюю обстановку и готов к полному погружению в языковую среду. Студент может ежедневно практиковать английский в семье, и он будет не просто на уровне общей школьной лексики, но и на уровне быта и канадских традиций. Стоимость проживания – 1050$CAD за 4 недели.
  • Резиденция. Размещение в студенческом общежитии бронируется учениками до заезда и имеет свои преимущества – здесь всегда царит веселая и дружная атмосфера настоящего студенчества. В резиденции подросткам предлагаются комнаты по два человека, имеющие необходимую мебель и техническое оснащение. Также на территории общежития есть беспроводной интернет, бассейн, спортивный зал. Для студентов здесь предусмотрено трехразовое питание в столовой на территории кампуса школы. Стоимость проживания (без питания, оно оплачивается дополнительно) – 740$CAD за 4 недели.

Мероприятия English School of Canada (events)

Школа английского языка в Канаде занимается организацией не только академического процесса, но и культурно-досуговой программы: каждую неделю для студентов организуются дневные и вечерние мероприятия, экскурсионные выезды по разным достопримечательностям Канады.

Оснащение и оборудование English School of Canada (equipment)

Территория школы ESC находится в самом центре города Торонто, который традиционно признается одним из самых крупных финансовых и мультикультурных центров страны и мира. Город большой и живет динамичной жизнью, однако считается уютным и безопасным для проживания иностранных гостей в том числе.

Даты зачисления, расписания и доп. сборы (term dates and fees)

Присоединиться к учебным программам канадской школы английского языка ESC можно в течение всего года – занятия начинаются по понедельникам. 

Дополнительно оплачивается:

  • Трансфер (в одну сторону) 115 CAD
  • Медицинская страховка 2 CAD
  • Регистрационный сбор (за курс) 175 CAD

Требования для зачисления к поступающим студентам (entry requirements and extra fees) как поступить, что нужно для поступления

Для обучения в школе английского языка ESC студентам необходимо иметь уровень владения английским языком от начального до продвинутого уровня (от 1 до 10). В день приезда все учащиеся проходят ознакомительное тестирование, помогающее определить стартовый уровень студентов и распределить их в подходящую для обучения группу.

Заведение на карте (map)

Страхование, авиабилеты, ВНЖ, гражданство, стажировка и другие услуги

  • Бронирование авиабилетов

  • Поиск отелей, хостелов и апартаментов

  • Страхование выезжающих за рубеж

  • Репетиторы (подготовка к поступлению)

  • Опекунские услуги на время обучения

  • Курирование студента

  • Вопросы, связанные с получением ВНЖ и гражданства Британии, Мальты, Кипра

  • Стажировка в топ вузах и компаниях за рубежом

  • Инвестиционная иммиграция в США

  • Виза инвестора в Испании, золотая виза в Испанию: получение, документы, купить

  • ВНЖ в Испании, как получить ВНЖ Испании без права на работу: оформление, купить

  • ВНЖ в Италии, как получить ВНЖ Италии: оформление, купить недвижимость

Отзывы о English School of Canada (Школа английского в Канаде, Торонто)

Здесь пока нет ни одного комментария

Когда подаваться — рекомендации по срокам подачи

Языковые курсы, школы и детские языковые лагеря Начальное и среднее образование — частные школы Программы подготовки к поступлению в университеты — высшее образование Высшее образование (после окончания школы за рубежом по аккредитованным программам A-level, IB, High School) — Бакалавр, Магистратура, MBA
— рекомендуемая подача за 6-9 месяцев до начала курса (некоторые лагеря и школы предлагают скидки за раннее бронирование или за длительные программы обучения)
— существуют сверх популярные и востребованные детские лагеря, где подача идет за год (в частности Швейцария, Великобритания, США, Канада, Австрия)
— рекомендуемая подача за год до начала учебной программы,
— некоторые школы имеют определенные временные рамки подачи (сентябрь-ноябрь — уточняйте дополнительно)
— некоторые школы требуют пройти тесты в несколько этапов (UKISET, внутренние тесты школы: английский, математика, логика, предметы, собеседование, некоторые при личном визите)
— рекомендуемая подача за год до начала учебной программы,
— для программ Foundation и Pathway, как правило, требуются сертификаты IELTS и TOEFL соответственно
— рекомендуемая подача за год до начала учебной программы,
— сроки подачи закрываются в январе у ТОПовых вузов и, как правило, в марте в остальных университетах
— для бакалавра требуется прохождение подготовительных программ Foundation или Pathway или же оконченная школа по системе A-level, IB, High School + IELTS/TOEFL
— для магистра требуется оконченное высшее, в некоторых случаях нужна программа pre-Masters
— для MBA требуется оконченное высшее, опыт работы желательно от 2-3 лет и пр документы


Страхование туристов, выезжающих за рубеж – достаточно простой в оформлении
процесс, при этом полис способен сохранить вам много сил и нервов в случае
возникновения непредвиденных ситуаций.

Выбрать страховку


У вас есть возможность быстро и недорого заказать нужные вам авиабилеты с
помощью нашего партнера. Мы гарантируем качество перелета и готовы предоставить
вам скидки.

Подобрать авиабилет

Официальные представители (official representatives). Подача документов и зачисление бесплатно

Похожие учебные заведения

Great Lakes College of Toronto, Колледж Грейт Лейк Торонто

Embassy Summer Toronto Летняя школа Эмбасси Торонто

от 1715.00 $CAD / неделя


ILSC Toronto Языковая школа ILSC Toronto

от 360.00 $CAD / неделя


Village Сamps Trinity University Летний лагерь

от 3825.00 $CAD / 2 недели


William Academy Toronto (Частная школа William Academy)

от 2200.00 $CAD / 2 недели


Prestige School

Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto (Residential и Homestay), Столичный университет Торонто

от 2450.00 $CAD / неделя


LSI Toronto Языковая школа LSI Торонто LSI Toronto

от 1065.00 $CAD / неделя


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