School of the word and spirit


03 June, 2023

West Kilbride ,

School of The Word and Spirit

Training Course

Youth With A Mission Seamill

Youth With A Mission Seamill, SCOTLAND, U.K.


Go deeper in your relationship with Father God through a six week encounter with the Word and the Spirit!
The SWS will help you develop a life that is ROOTED from the place of intimacy, as you learn how to draw from the Bible and the life of the Spirit. Be transformed through the renewing of your mind as you receive lectures from respected YWAM Bible teachers and one on one coaching and mentoring.


UofN Code: CHR 114

Start date:
Saturday 03 June, 2023

Length: 6 Weeks

Language(s): English,

Related passion: Bible

Region & Country:

Last updated:
Monday 12 September, 2022

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Go deeper, live rooted, be transformed, be fruitful

Go deeper in your relationship with Father God through a six week encounter with the Word and the Spirit! The SWS will help you develop a life that is ROOTED from the place of intimacy, as you learn how to draw from the Bible and the life of the Spirit. Be transformed through the renewing of your mind as you receive lectures from respected YWAM Bible teachers and one-on-one coaching and mentoring.

Be fruitful as you go back into the nations, equipped to understand, apply, and impart the Word to others!

But the Counsellor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26NIV)

SWS Purpose

The purpose of this course is to strengthen our relationship with Father God through the Holy Spirit and the Word (Jesus). We achieve this through reliance on the Holy Spirit in learning how to rightly handle God’s written revelation, the Bible.

Participants develop an overall understanding of the message of the Bible and learn how to develop skills that will serve a lifetime of Bible reading, memorisation, meditation and study. A reverence for God’s revelation and a hunger to understand and apply the Scriptures through study, worship, prayer and obedience will result in the transformation of beliefs, values and behaviours.

The essence of this school is about the inseparable relationship of the Word and the Spirit in the process of growing into maturity.

Psalm 1vs1-3..Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

Course Curriculum

  • The curriculum for SWS includes:
  • Teaching on the person of the Holy Spirit (in relationship to the Godhead) and cultivating a dependence on the Holy Spirit
  • Reading & rereading the Bible – individually & corporately
  • Teaching on the history, context, and overall narrative of the Bible. Also, exploring its many small stories and how our individual stories fit into it.
  • Teaching on specific themes/topical studies Ex: grace, faithfulness, etc
  • Workshops on Bible-study methods such as inductive study method and tools
  • Worship and Intercession through scripture

For information and/or an application e-mail: [email protected]  or check the YWAM Seamill Website:

  • Cast & crew
  • User reviews
  • Trivia
  • 2014
  • 1h 45m

Kai Inowaki, Anna Ishibashi, Hitomi Arai, and Shôno Hayama in Gakkou no kaidan: Noroi no kotodama (2014)

Ayano, Yuri, Miyu and Mei are high school female students victims of paranormal incidents that may be linked to a gas accident occurred to first-year students in class number 4, years ago.Ayano, Yuri, Miyu and Mei are high school female students victims of paranormal incidents that may be linked to a gas accident occurred to first-year students in class number 4, years ago.Ayano, Yuri, Miyu and Mei are high school female students victims of paranormal incidents that may be linked to a gas accident occurred to first-year students in class number 4, years ago.

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    The lack of power in dialogue.

    The premise of «Kotodama» seems interesting enough; mysterious things begin to happen to a group of friends, and these paranormal events seem to be linked to the class of 1988.

    In truth, Kotodama tries to intertwine different storylines into one setting, but it lacks any continuity or substance beyond the premise. From beginning to end, the storyline seems to be in «auto pilot» mode and doesn’t go anywhere, even the resolution is lacklustre and poorly done.

    The film is devoid of effective scares or atmosphere. However, props to the director for filming a horror film during daytime, in all of its entirety.

    Skip it, there’s many Japanese Horror films worth a view, Kotodama isn’t one of them.

    • my_first_last
    • Jun 22, 2020

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    Kai Inowaki, Anna Ishibashi, Hitomi Arai, and Shôno Hayama in Gakkou no kaidan: Noroi no kotodama (2014)

    By what name was Gakkou no kaidan: Noroi no kotodama (2014) officially released in Canada in English?


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    Word and Spirit (represented in the word-image brand as Word + Spirit with a cross as a plus sign, short form W + G ) is a new religious community. The movement has its roots in Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest. The first faith center was founded there in 1999 by Helmut Bauer, who later moved to Röhrnbach .

    The community has its spiritual origin in the teachings of Kenneth Hagin (Tulsa / Oklahoma) and the writings of Essek William Kenyon . The community currently consists of 22 congregations, four house churches and two centers.


    Foundation and communities

    Wort und Geist was founded in 1999 in Waldkirchen in the Bavarian Forest. Today there are around 40 Word and Spirit institutions. These meeting places are called centers, parishes, or house churches . There are four meeting places in Austria, two in Switzerland, the rest in Germany with a focus on Bavaria. Word and Spirit thus belong to the rapidly growing faith movements. It is independent of the major denominations and sees its goal in the proclamation of the new life in Christ.

    Organizationally, Wort und Geist is a public foundation with legal capacity under civil law, which is non-profit , but not charitable . The center of word and mind as well as an affiliated educational institution based in Röhrnbach in the Bavarian Forest are registered as a gGmbH . There is also a media sales company founded as a stock corporation.


    The Word and Spirit Academy is an educational center that describes itself as an awareness-raising school of life. It started operations in 2001. The doctrine wants to show the believer his «newly created spirit […] in Christ» and «his resulting life in novelty and sovereignty». In addition, a so-called «Four Seasons Academy» takes place four times a year, at which around 600 people have been meeting regularly since 2003. This academy week takes place in Freyung near Röhrnbach. The local press reports on the “religious community as an economic factor” and refers to “the open and happy nature of the guests” that the local people experienced.


    Events of Word and Spirit include regular meetings, such as church services in the individual congregations, but also special events, such as the so-called “revival conferences” (meetings at which believers are to experience the power of the Holy Spirit ). Volker Schoßwald, representative for esoteric and religious groups at the ev.-luth. Dean’s office in Nuremberg, described the services as «very lively and open» and regretted that the large churches could not hold these people.

    The doctrine of the movement, which describes life as a life of love, joy and freedom, is often referred to as the prosperity gospel , which promises health, prosperity and life in orderly circumstances as willed by God and accessible to everyone. The Word and Spirit teach this as a promise from God to all who believe in him. In words like, “He [God] brings forth his sons. […] The encrusted must be broken open! «And the request to shed the» burden «, including the house, the job and even the marriage, meet the community leaders of the faith centers after observing Alexander Brock in the events such. B. in Nuremberg the «nerve of the listener» and there is regularly an atmosphere of enthusiasm and emotional outbursts in the meetings.

    Doctrine of the Community

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    According to the community’s own statements, the name Word and Spirit refers to the fact that according to John 1.1 EU it says that God is the word and that Jesus Christ says in John 4.24 EU that God is spirit. The designation of the community as word and spirit is therefore intended to emphasize and clarify that the preaching of the community is always about God as word and spirit.


    The Word and Spirit Faith Movement teaches the «message of a new life» which is referred to as a life of the spirit. Word and spirit refer to the scriptures in 1st Thess 5,23 EU , according to which the human being is a being made up of spirit, soul and body. The spirit of man is the connection to God and enables the believer according to 1 Cor. 2:12 EU to grasp everything that has been given to man by God. Word and Spirit itself are referred to as “ God’s Word ” and its basis in the Bible , but relativize it as a “collection of the words of God, men and the devil” and assign them to the “living word of God”, the “(Holy) Spirit ”, Under, since even“ literal speech of Jesus, quoted from the holy scriptures ”is not the word of God unless quoted“ in the spirit of love ”.

    The teaching and preaching of the word and the Spirit are based primarily on the writings of the New Testament, and therein v. a. on the Johannine and Pauline works. Convinced of the word and the Spirit , the New Testament, with its message of the forgiveness of sins (through God’s grace instead of penance), replaced the Old Testament. The writings of the Old Testament were viewed by word and spirit in the “Foundations of Faith and Aims of the Word and Spirit Movement” from 2006 with reference to Paul as “foreshadows of the New Covenant”. When using it, it is important not to adopt the presumed approach of “legality” and “pressure” (“ You have to, otherwise… ”), but rather to quote from the perspective of the “New Covenant”. Critics therefore often describe their teaching as one-sided, word and spirit justify the centering on the scriptures of the NT with the fact that something completely new began with the life of Jesus Christ.

    Spirit and life

    The statement of Jesus Christ in Joh 6,63 EU («The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.») Is at the center of the word and spirit . Sermons always speak of the “life of the spirit as opposed to a life of the soul”, whereby the word and spirit refer to the writings of Paul, as in 1 Cor. 2:14 EU . Thoughts and feelings are counted as part of the spiritual life, which, according to word and spirit , can be influenced from outside and can be deceptive. In contrast, the life of the spirit is the true life of man as God planned it for mankind. In this spiritual life, let the effectiveness of God, of the Spirit, rule and enable people to lead a life free of suffering, worry and fear. Instead, this new life has given the believer “the ability to live as God would live on earth”. And in this life, God, whose miraculous power Bauer emphasizes, provides for everything good in people so that each individual can lead a life in health and carefree. The fulfillment of these promises lies for word and spirit in Jesus Christ, whereby word and spirit refer to the statement of Jesus Christ which is in John 10,10 EU : “I came so that they might have life and have it in abundance. “Belief in the life that Jesus Christ lived leads to believers believing in a supernatural life in which the Holy Spirit guides and teaches everyone personally. Word and Spirit refer to Jn 15,13 EU : “But when that one comes, the spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth”, and therefore also describes the Holy Spirit as a “spirit teacher”. The guidance of the Holy Spirit is emphasized in the fact that the Holy Spirit helps to discover the New Life in Christ. «We, the body of Christ, are learners and the personal spirit teacher reveals to every son and daughter always the truths and depths of the word of God».

    Healing and health

    By word and spirit one believes that Jesus Christ came to conquer all sickness. Through his death and resurrection, he had therefore borne all diseases so that man, as the center of God’s love, could again lead a life without disease. Word and Spirit refer to the hymn of the servant god in Isaiah 53 EU , and the statement of the apostle Peter in his first letter: «Through his wounds you have been healed» (1. Pet 2,24 EU ). Believers should personally claim this redemption and also believe in the healing power of God, which man can receive through faith in him. Word and Spirit say that healing is an aspect of divine life.


    In the sermons of the Word and the Spirit , “love” is always in the foreground. Current sermons have titles such as “Faith and love”, “Love is your being” and “Knowing in love”. Word and Spirit are based on statements of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John (e.g. Joh 13.34 EU ; Joh 14.21 EU ), in which the love of God is the focus and shapes the life of the followers of Jesus Christ. So one believes in word and spirit that God wants to reveal himself to this world through his love. Word and Spirit also refer to the original meaning of the word “love”, which in the Bible takes its full meaning from the Greek word “ agape ”. According to Gal 5,6 EU , only faith that is only effective in love has power for believers, and love, faith and the divine level of life are the believers’ homes. It is also emphasized that God gives His essence, His nature and His love in the believer so that he can live a divine life. «There is no better message than preaching the word of God in the spirit of love, so that people can experience the new life in Christ and the divine love.»


    Since the founding of Word and Spirit , the controversial community has been regularly observed by several sect officials. The doctrine of faith and the way in which the word and spirit are preached are viewed critically by many representatives of other denominations and are referred to as sects . «Word and Spirit» commented on a criticism by Peter Wenz, pastor of the Biblical Faith Community (Stuttgart) .

    Other Christian leaders from the German-speaking area also criticize word and spirit . There is a theological paper by Wolfram Kopfermann , head of the Anskar Church , in which he u. a. criticized in eight points the special doctrines of the community and the personality cult around Helmut Bauer. In a public paper published by the BFP (Bund Freikirchlicher Pfingstgemeinden in Germany) in 2006, Pastor Bernhard Olpen wrote «… In my opinion, the problems consist of a dangerous one-sidedness and a strong simplification of the problems of life …» Also in a statement by the GGE (Spiritual renewal of the Protestant churches) is warned urgently against the word and the Spirit.

    The NDR reports in a radio report of dropouts who regularly visited a word-and-mind community, but at some point had enough of pretending to be in a good mood. «They obviously couldn’t show problems, weaknesses or even illnesses.» According to NDR research, criticism and negative thoughts are frowned upon. Parishioners were promised miracles, even for the chronically and terminally ill.

    The confusing financing of the organizations, consisting of foundations, gGmbH and AG, is often criticized. According to its own statements, the foundation finances itself only through donations . Thomas Rigl, sect and ideology commissioner in the diocese of Regensburg, refers to the statement by dropouts that the cash donations amounted to around 8 to 10,000 EUR per service. Many would give 10 percent of their gross income. According to research by the NDR, the Bible School alone would generate an annual income of 3.6 million euros with an estimated 3000 participants, plus donations from major events and healing services. The NDR speaks of a profit of at least half a million euros in 2006, as can be seen from the annual reports. However, there is no precise information about the exact use of the expenditure. Word and Spirit commented on this and emphasized that the money from donations «will only be used for the purposes set out in the foundation statutes (non-profit but not charitable)».

    The organization, however, refers to the audit by a tax advisor, an independent auditor and the government of Lower Bavaria and to the use of the funds and donations for the goals listed in the statutes. Rigl, who refers to the foundation law, doubts the proper use of the income for the benefit of social and charitable tasks and says: «I wonder whether these processes are known there [meaning the foundation supervision].»

    The journalist Brock sees in the designation of Helmut Bauer as the “leader of the nation” and as the “apostle of the peoples” the limit of religious freedom “more than just exceeded.” This designation implies a comparison with the biblical Paul , who is considered by many philosophers and theologians as the actual founder of Christianity is considered. Wort und Geist emphasized that Helmut Bauer did not give himself such a title and did not intend to be called that.

    The healing doctrine of the faith movement continues to be criticized. In healing services, visitors would be taught that incurable diseases such as cancer could also be cured by God’s power. When asked about the alleged cancer cures, the doctor Karin Freund at the Nuremberg Health Department responded with the words: “What nonsense! You can lay your hands on for as long as you want — the cancer won’t go away ” and asks the“ healers ”to provide scientific evidence of their methods. Thomas Rigl says: “People are promised things that will not be redeemed. Health, success and a carefree life — all empty promises. »

    The leader of the Word and Spirit emphasizes the possibility of healing through God’s ability. He says in a television report that he believes in what the Bible says, namely: «Jesus Christ heals the sick.» In this report it is said that the Word and Spirit want to create «disciples of heaven» or even «a new race». In this film contribution, the ZDF u. a. spoke to dropouts and parents of former visitors who had spoken to the word and spirit and reported how people were made dependent on this “Christian fundamentalist group”. There were no healings, but the money was pulled out of the believers’ pockets, it was like a drug. A dropout is quoted verbatim: “I had to take medication for the thyroid. Of course, I stopped my medication and got health problems. Because the teaching was always: ‘You are healed’. And if you had any health problems, then it was clear to you personally: You had too little faith. ” Some believers report miraculous healing. That is «lazy magic». On allegations of psychomanipulation and occult techniques, which are also known from esotericism, Wort und Geist emphasizes : “We have not created a membership or structure that tries to bind people to the organization. There are no prayer meetings, discussion groups, pastoral care or metoring relationships and thus no accountability that could influence the personal development of the individual and ultimately manipulate him. «Axel Seegers, sect representative of the Archbishopric of Munich, believes that people are being instrumentalized here, that is inhuman «. The big churches warn against the «practices of the fundamentalist zealots». Ralf Schuppan, head of the Word and Spirit Center in Röhrnbach, commented on this in an interview and complained that «individuals try to determine the reputation of thousands.»

    According to its critics, the teaching of the Word and the Spirit reduces “all of the Holy Scriptures ” to a few points excluding the New Testament . “Strong, invincible in the circumstances of life, healthy and wealthy to rich”, the believer could be — as critics note. The “new creations” can therefore always do well. Personal problems and weaknesses can be overcome. This contradicts other statements and models of the New Testament to which the critics of a prosperity gospel refer.

    For several years the doctrine of divine love (a so-called “love stream”) has been represented in the community. It should be a divine power. This power allows a form of divine love to “flow” in the community that can also cross marital boundaries. In the past few years there has been a kind of exchange of partners within the community , including the management team. Since this doctrine aroused numerous criticisms with regard to married life, Word and Spirit commented on it and said: “ Word and Spirit believe that the entry of the true love of God into a marriage can uncover everything that is false, everything that divides and destroys itself, so that it can reveal itself the real and healthy permeated. The validity of marriage itself as a civil union in the church or at the registry office is of course recognized by word and spirit . ”The topic is controversially discussed in forums and among various denominations.

    The Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen in Berlin has dealt critically with the teachings, the structure and the development of word and spirit in several article publications (contained in: Materialdienst 05/2009 and 09/2010) (see under literature).


    • Stefanie Schmiedler: A radically supernatural life. The Word + Spirit Movement and the “Apostle of Nations” Helmut Bauer. in Materialdienst 5/2009, Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW), Berlin ( full text from EZW ).
    • Anette Kick: Health as a Christian duty — healing movements critically questioned. (PDF; 91 kB) in ADS — All that rarely helps — promises of healing put to the test , publisher: Parents’ Initiative to Help Against Mental Dependence and Religious Extremism eV , Munich 2009.
    • Anette Kick: Endtime streams of love. A revival meeting of Word + Spirit. in Materialdienst 09/2010, Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW), Berlin ( full text from EZW ).
    • Anette Kick: What is different about Wort + Geist? An attempt to explain. in Materialdienst 09/2010, Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauungsfragen (EZW), Berlin ( full text at EZW )
    • Matthias Pöhlmann , Christine Jahn (eds.): Handbook of world views, religious communities, free churches. Gütersloh 2015, p. 233.

    Web links

    • Internet presence of word and mind with information about the center and academy
    • Criticism of the «Wort + Geist» center is growing. Website of the Evangelical Alliance in Germany, August 12, 2009

    Individual evidence

    1. a b Homepage Word and Spirit
    2. ^ Foundation of the first faith center on the Word and Spirit homepage:
    3. Jump up ↑ Overview of Congregation Centers on the Word and Spirit website
    4. Word and Spirit Foundation page
    5. Contact page Word and Spirit

    6. Wort und Geist Medien AG ( Memento of the original from May 21, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
      Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. 
    7. Self-presentation of the academy in word and spirit
    8. ^ Passauer Neue Presse of April 18, 2009: Faith community as an economic factor
    9. a b c Alexander Brock: Psycho community expands — health department warns of “miracle healers” — ecstasy service in the cinema (Nürnberger Nachrichten of March 18, 2009, local section, page 9); a copy can still be read online on the page of the Feuchter newspaper Der Bote
    10. Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Invasion of the Extra-Terrestrials, page 61
    11. The newspaper reports verbatim about ecstasy; the report apparently refers to a lecture on the “sonship” of believers and their new life.
    12. a b Die Neue Woche edition 43/09  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  
    13. Self-presentation of the academy in word and spirit
    14. Self-presentation of the doctrines of faith in word and spirit
    15. ^ Matthias Pöhlmann: Handbuch Weltanschauungen . S. 233 .
    16. The doctrinal foundations of the WORD + GEIST movement. ( Memento of September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ). In: The WORT + GEIST teaching and management team: Official announcement of the WORT + GEIST movement for a current occasion.
    17. Orientation aid for members of the Evangelical Alliance Nuremberg  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  
    18. Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Invasion of the Extra-Terrestrials, page 60
    19. Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Invasion of the Extra-Terrestrial, p. 34
    20. Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Invasion of the Extra-Terrestrial, p. 83
    21. Helmut Bauer, 2009, Love, the way far beyond, page 33
    22. Helmut Bauer, 2009, Love, the way far beyond, page 69
    23. Current sermons of Word and Spirit ( Memento of September 24, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
    24. ^ Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Aliens Invasion, page 56
    25. Helmut Bauer, 2006, The Invasion of the Extra-Terrestrials, page 76
    26. Helmut Bauer, 2009, love, the way far beyond, page 18 f.
    27. Helmut Bauer, 2009, Love, the way far beyond, page 50
    28. a b c Wochenblattmagazin Regensburg from April 29, 2009: «Focus — miraculous healing with words»
    29. ^ Statement by Peter Wenz ( Memento of August 3, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), recording on Youtube , 2009.
    30. Statement on Peter Wenz’s remarks on the WORT + GEIST movement ,, 2009 (PDF; 1.5 MB)
    31. a b c The extraterrestrials are among us — The new intellectual movement WORT + GEIST wants a worldwide «Reformation» (PDF; 2.3 MB) in: Zeitjournal No. 4/2008 of the Working Group for Religious Questions (ARF) eV
    32. A short summary is available on the website of the Anskar Church: Statement on the movement “Word + Spirit” ( memento of the original from February 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. 
    33. Bernhard Olpen: ( Memento of the original from August 16, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) (January 2005, PDF file; 47 kB)
    34. a b Norddeutscher Rundfunk in an article in NDR info from June 24, 2008: Earning money with faith ( available on Youtube ); quoted in the Nürnberger Nachrichten of March 18, 2009
    35. a b c Statement on the criticism of the WORT + GEIST movement , (PDF; 1.5 MB)
    36. a b c Nürnberger Nachrichten (online portal): Word and Spirit: «It’s all about power and money» — people who drop out of the psycho group tell — «Leader of the Nation»
    37. Aims of the Wort und Geist Foundation
    38. The author of the NN article in a comment in the same newspaper
    39. Alignment of Word and Spirit (PDF; 89 kB)
    40. a b ZDF: Frontal 21 with a film report about the “sect” Wort und Geist from October 13, 2009
    41. The Zeitjournal literally: «Personal problems and weaknesses should be rinsed out under draining ‘anointing showers’.»
    42. Alignment of Word and Spirit (PDF; 89 kB)

    Plot summary

    Ayano, Yuri, Miyu and Mei are high school female students victims of paranormal incidents that may be linked to a gas accident occurred to first-year students in class number 4, years ago.

    Ayano, Yuri, Miyu and Mei are high school female students victims of paranormal incidents that may be linked to a gas accident occurred to first-year students in class number 4, years ago.

    Uploaded by: FREEMAN

    November 01, 2020 at 12:31 PM


    Masayuki Ochiai Photo

    Top cast

    Movie Reviews

    Reviewed by

    3 / 10

    low budget movie ,booooring and lack of sooo many details

    I dont get it how this movie got 5+ rating. And the lack of power in dialogue makes the movie too much boring to watch. Acting was also soo bad.

    Just dont watch this movie
    you will regret it after watching this just like me :’)

    Reviewed by paul_haakonsen

    3 / 10

    School is boring, and so was this movie…

    As I sat down to watch the 2014 Japanese horror movie titled «Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit» (aka «Gakkou no kaidan: Noroi no kotodama»), I must admit that I was expecting a bit more of a horror movie than what this turned out to be.

    Now, school is boring, granted, but did writer and director Masayuki Ochiai really have to transfer the boredom of school and attending classes to the movie? This movie was so unfathomably slow paced that it was hard to stay awake during the ordeal that passed as a horror movie. And little did it help that the storyline was just utter garbage. It is without a doubt one of the most unappealing and boring of Japanese horror stories I have had the misfortune of sitting through.

    In fact, this movie was so boring that I just gave up on it with about 30 minutes left of the movie. But since absolutely nothing interesting or scary had happened up to that point, I just had my share of wasting my time, and called it quits on «Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit».

    And I can honestly say that I have zero intention of returning to watch the rest of the movie, because I didn’t care one bit about the storyline, much less have an interest in the rigid and wooden characters that milled about with no purpose in the movie.

    If you enjoy Japanese horror movies, you should do yourself a favor and wide «Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit» a wide berth. This is seriously a waste of time to sit down to watch. And for a horror movie, then «Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit» was just awfully devoid of anything even remotely scary, disturbing or creepy.

    My rating of «Haunted School: The Curse of the Word Spirit» lands on a generous three out of ten stars, solely based on the production value of the movie, and the fact that the actors and actresses put on adequate enough performances, given the fact that they had literally nothing to work with in terms of script and characters.

    Reviewed by my_first_last

    4 / 10

    The lack of power in dialogue.

    The premise of «Kotodama» seems interesting enough; mysterious things begin to happen to a group of friends, and these paranormal events seem to be linked to the class of 1988.

    In truth, Kotodama tries to intertwine different storylines into one setting, but it lacks any continuity or substance beyond the premise. From beginning to end, the storyline seems to be in «auto pilot» mode and doesn’t go anywhere, even the resolution is lacklustre and poorly done.

    The film is devoid of effective scares or atmosphere. However, props to the director for filming a horror film during daytime, in all of its entirety.

    Skip it, there’s many Japanese Horror films worth a view, Kotodama isn’t one of them.

    Read more IMDb reviews

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