Sayings with the word time

Sayings about Time

Time is a great story teller. ~ Irish Proverb

Love makes time pass away and time makes love pass away. ~ French Proverb

With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. ~ Chinese Proverb

It takes time to build castles. ~ Irish Proverbs

There is a time and place for everything. ~ Traditional Proverb

The day is short and work lasts a long time. ~ Hebrew Proverb

It is never too late to ask what time it is. ~ Traditional Proverb

Time has no respect for beauty. ~ Polish Proverbs

What may be done at any time will be done at no time. ~ Scottish Proverbs

It is not enough to run; you must start on time. ~ French Proverb

Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time. ~ Chinese Proverb

It’s better to arrive on time than to be invited. ~ Spanish Proverbs

Time spent laughing is time spent with the gods. ~ Japanese Proverbs

The cure for bad times is patience. ~ Arabian Proverb

You can’t buy an inch of time with an inch of gold. ~ Chinese Proverb

It is only idle people who can find time for everything. ~ French Proverb

Time will tell. ~ Traditional Proverb

Hours are Time’s shafts, and one comes winged with death. ~ Scottish Proverb

The poor have no time to spare. ~ Japanese Proverb

Time waits for no one. ~ Japanese Proverb

Every seed knows its time. ~ Russian Proverbs

In times of prosperity friends will be plenty, in times of adversity not one in twenty. ~ English Proverbs

With time even a bear can learn to dance. ~ Yiddish Proverb

Time and place make the thief. ~ Dutch Proverbs

Do everything at the right time and one day will seem like three. ~ Chinese Proverb

Eat when the meal is ready, speak when the time is ripe. ~ Ethiopian Proverb

Our time runs on like a stream; first fall the leaves and then the tree. ~ Dutch Proverb

Time builds castles, and time destroys them. ~ Serbian Proverb

Men fear, but time fears the pyramids. ~ Arabian Proverb

Time is longer than a rope. ~ Virgin Islander Proverb

Lazy men get active when it’s time to sleep. ~ German Proverbs

Times are not always the same; the grass is not always green. ~ Mongolian Proverb

Quicker by taking more time. ~ Traditional Proverb

Time is a river of passing events — a rushing torrent. ~ Greek Proverbs

In the garden of time grows the flower of consolation. ~ Russian Proverb

Time is the master of him who has no master. ~ Arabian Proverb

He who does not know what to do in his spare time is not a businessman. ~ Chinese Proverb

Love kills time and time kills love. ~ Italian Proverbs

Truth is the daughter of time. ~ Traditional Proverb

You have to give time some time. ~ French Proverb

Good things require time. ~ Dutch Proverb

For lazy people it is always party time. ~ Greek Proverb

The day you are leaving is not the time to start your preparations. ~ Nigerian Proverb

Patience, money and time bring all things to past. ~ Traditional Proverb

When the time comes for you to live, there aren’t enough years. ~ Yiddish Proverbs

Never spend time with people who don’t respect you. ~ New Zealander Proverb

Time is anger’s medicine. ~ German Proverb

Distance tests a horse’s strength; time reveals a marls character. ~ Chinese Proverb

To be a fool at the right time is also an art. ~ Swiss Proverbs

Time flies when you are among friends. ~ Basque Proverb

The right time to dine is: for the rich man, when he is hungry; and for the poor, when he has something to eat. ~ Mexican Proverb

There is no hand to catch time. ~ Indian Proverbs

Nothing is more changeable than time and a woman. ~ Romanian Proverb

There has to be a first time for everything — even our most natural habits. ~ Arabian Proverb

Wasting time is stealing from oneself. ~ Estonian Proverb

If it weren’t for sorrow and bad times, every day would be Christmas. ~ Lithuanian Proverb

Accusing the times is but excusing ourselves. ~ English Proverb

Procrastination is the thief of time. ~ Chinese Proverb

Too much hurry, and get there tomorrow; take time, get there today. ~ Jamaican Proverb

You have to bow a few times before you can stand upright. ~ Japanese Proverb

Time destroys all things. ~ Dutch Proverb

Time heals all wounds. ~ English Proverb

Time is a great healer. ~ Traditional Proverb

There is always lots of time to die and to pay. ~ Catalonian Proverb

Time and tide wait for no men. ~ English Proverb

The tail of an ox says, “Time goes, time comes.” ~ Creole Proverb (Southern U.S.)

If your time ain’t come not even a doctor can kill you. ~ American Proverb

Time is the best adviser. ~ Greek Proverb

Why kill time when one can employ it?. ~ French Proverb

A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure. ~ Traditional Proverb

There is a time to fish and a time to dry the nets. ~ Chinese Proverb

No time like the present. ~ Traditional Proverb

Flint and gunpowder: every time they meet there is an explosion. ~ Malagasy Proverb

Time is the soul of business. ~ English Proverb

Life just gives you time and space — It’s up to you to fill it. ~ Chinese Proverb

The right man comes at the right time. ~ Italian Proverb

Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones. ~ Hebrew Proverb

An inch of time cannot be bought with an inch of gold. ~ Chinese Proverb

All times are good when old. ~ Polish Proverb

Mother Nature, time and patience are the three best doctors. ~ Bulgarian Proverb

Three times an early rise makes a whole day. ~ Chinese Proverb

Time chases love away and love chases the time away. ~ German Proverb

The person who is tired will find time to sleep. ~ Traditional Proverb

Time is the soul of the world. ~ Greek Proverb

Better to blush once than pale a hundred times. ~ Serbian Proverb

If the time has passed, there is no point in preparing. ~ Yemeni Proverbs

People say that time goes by; time says that the people go by. ~ Vietnamese Proverb

All things grow with time — except grief. ~ Jewish Proverb

Something done at the wrong time should be regarded as not done. ~ Indian Proverb

If it’s not your time, you won’t be born and you won’t die. ~ Corsican Proverb

Be happy while you’re living, for you’re a long time dead. ~ Scottish Proverb

Time, not medicine, cures the sick. ~ Portuguese Proverbs

Time cures the sick man, not the ointment. ~ Traditional Proverb

The time to make friends is before you need them. ~ Traditional Proverb

Everything in time comes to him who knows how to wait. ~ French Proverb

Time has strong teeth. ~ Norwegian Proverbs

Time and I against any two. ~ Spanish Proverb

The happier the time, the more quickly it passes. ~ Latin Proverbs

Borrowed money shortens time; working for others lengthens it. ~ Chinese Proverb

Saying about time

Quotations about Time

No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. ~ Thomas Jefferson Quotes

Time too stops dead. ~ Angelus Silesius

Time is money. ~ Benjamin Franklin Quotes

We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Quotes

Time makes heroes but dissolves celebrities. ~ Daniel J. Boorstin

Time goes, you say? Ah, no! Alas, Time stays, we go. ~ Austin Dobson

There is a time for work and a time for love. That leaves no other time. ~ Coco Chanel

The real secret of how to use time is , to pack it as you would a portmanteau, filling up the small spaces with small things. ~ Henry Haddow

Time stays long enough for those who use it. ~ Leonardo Da Vinci

Time is the most precious gift in our possession, for it is the most irrevocable. ~ Dietrich Bonboeffer

Time is not a line, but a series of now-points. ~ Taisen Deshimaru

Time is too slow for those who wait, Too swift for those who fear, Too long for those who grieve, Too short for those who rejoice. But for those who love, time is not. ~ Henry Van Dyke

It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. ~ Henry Ford Quotes

he strongest of all warriors are these two — Time and Patience. ~ Leo Tolstoy

One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. . ~ Peter F. Drucker

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can’t reuse time. ~ Merrick Furst

Time has no meaning in itself unless we choose to give it significance. ~ Leo Buscaglia

Old Time, that greatest and longest established spinner of all!…. his factory is a secret place, his work is noiseless, and his hands are mutes. ~ Charles Dickens Quotes

Time is the scarcest resource of the manager; If it is not managed, nothing else can be managed. ~ Peter F. Drucker

Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them. ~ Dion Boucicault

Have a time and place for everything, and do everything in its time and place, and you will not only accomplish more, but have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying. ~ Tryon Edwards

The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in. ~ Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Time goes, you say? Ah no! Alas, Time stays, we go. ~ Henry Austin Dobson

Time makes friendship stronger, but love weaker. ~ Jean De La Bruyere

Money-All my possessions for a moment of time. ~ Queen Elizabeth

Much may be done in those little shreds and patches of time which every day produces, and which most men throw away. ~ Charles Caleb Colton

Everything requires time. It is the only truly universal condition.~ Peter F. Drucker

To realize the unimportance of time is the gate to wisdom. ~ Bertrand Russell

The long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown. Nothing is impossible. ~ Sophocles

It is nonsense to say there is not enough time to be fully informed…. Time given to thought is the greatest time saver of all. ~ Norman Cousins

There is time for everything. ~ Thomas A. Edison Quotes

Time is lost when we have not lived a full human life, time unenriched by experience, creative endeavor, enjoyment, and suffering. ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer

We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it. ~ Roald Dahl

Money-Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determine how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you don’t let other people spend it for you. ~ John Dryden

As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. ~ Henry David Thoreau

Time wastes our bodies and our wits, but we waste time, so we are quits. ~ Author Unknown

We must use time as a tool, not as a couch. ~ John F. Kennedy

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes

Time will run back and fetch the Age of Gold. ~ John Milton

Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else. ~ Peter F. Drucker

A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours. ~ John B. Priestly

Time is a created thing. To say “I don’t have time” is to say “I don’t want to.” ~ Lao Tzu

You can’t measure time in days the way you can money in dollars, because each day is different. ~ Phillip Hewett

We all find time to do what we really want to do. ~ William Feather

Time is an eternal guest that banquets on our ideals and bodies. ~ Elbert Hubbard

Time, like money, is measured by our needs. ~ George Eliot

In reality, killing time is only the name for another of the multifarious ways by which Time kills us. ~ Osbert Sitwell

Money-Time is money says the Proverb, but turn it around and you get a precious truth. Money is time. ~ George Robert Gissing

I recommend you to take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves. ~ Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Time itself is an element. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Time brings all things to pass. ~ Aeschylus

Money-Time is money, especially when you are talking to a lawyer or buying a commercial. ~ Frank Dane

The highest value in life is found in the stewardship of time. ~ Robert M. Fine

Time is what prevents everything from happening at once. ~ John Archibald Wheeler

Time is a great healer, but a poor beautician. ~ Lucille S. Harper

If time is precious, no book that will not improve by repeated reading deserves to be read at all. ~ Thomas Carlyle

Nothing lies on our hands with such uneasiness as time. Wretched and thoughtless creatures! In the only place where covetousness were a virtue we turn prodigals. ~ Joseph Addison

Time is the fire in which we burn. ~ Delmore Schwartz

The best way to fill time is to waste it. ~ Marguerite Duras

All time management begins with planning. ~ Tom Greening

Time is the one thing we possess. Our success depends upon the use of our time, and its by-product, the odd moment. ~ Arthur Brisbane

One always has time enough, if one will apply it well. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life. ~ William Faulkner

There is time enough for everything in the course of the day if you do but one thing at once; but there is not time enough in the year if you will do two things at a time. ~ Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield

Time spent on hiring is time well spent. ~ Robert Half

Time is a circus always packing up and moving away. ~ Ben Hecht

Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire. ~ Jorge Luis Borges

Money-Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. ~ Laertius Diogenes

19 Time Quotations more

  1. Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. – Groucho Marx, American comedian and film star.
  2. Time is the wisest counselor of all. – Pericles, Ancient Greek statesman.
  3. Time is a dressmaker specializing in alterations. – Faith Baldwin, American author.
  4. Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. – Marthe Troly-Curtin, British author.
  5. The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once. – Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist.
  6. Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. – Carl Sandburg, American poet and historian.
  7. Time is the longest distance between two places. – Tennessee Williams, American playwright.
  8. Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. – William Penn, English Quaker leader.
  9. They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. – Andy Warhol, American artist.
  10. Time is the thief of memory. – Stephen King, American author.
  11. Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils. – Hector Berlioz, French composer.
  12. Time is the wisest of all things that are; for it brings everything to light. – Thales, Ancient Greek philosopher.
  13. Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind. – Nathaniel Hawthorne, American author.
  14. Time is the best author. It always writes the perfect ending. – Charles Chaplin, English comic actor.
  15. Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. – Ray Cummings, American author.
  16. Time is the mother of truth. – François Rabelais, French Renaissance writer.
  17. Time is a sort of river of passing events, and strong is its current. – Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor and philosopher.
  18. Time is a game played beautifully by children. – Heraclitus, Ancient Greek philosopher.
  19. Time is an illusion. – Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist.

In the English language, there are plenty of time sayings that provide us with a colorful way to describe the passage of time or the pressing nature of a situation. We often hear these expressions in our daily conversations and they can be used in humorous or serious settings. For instance, you may have heard someone say that a sports team is running out the clock, or a coworker state that they are running out of time to finish a project. These are just a few occasions where sayings about time are used to express ourselves.

A clock with the phrase "time sayings" next to it.

Time sayings are a group of expressions that are used to describe time in a figurative or creative way. These phrases utilize words in a manner that communicates a thought or feeling that relates to time. Generally speaking, sayings about time are not meant to be taken at face value, but instead should be understood figuratively. For example, if someone says that “time flies” they do not mean that it’s literally flying, but rather that time feels like it’s passing by quickly.

Some expressions about time have a strong emphasis on moving quickly or rushing, while others have to do with patience and waiting. So whether you are pushing against the clock, or are eagerly awaiting a delivery, remember that there’s always a time saying you can use to get your point across.

20 Time Sayings That Are Common

The clock is ticking on these time related expressions, so pause for a moment and go over them before the seconds slip away. Actually, there’s no rush; here is a list of 20 time sayings that you can use in your speech:

1. A race against time
Trying to accomplish something quickly, and usually there is a sense of urgency present.

  • Example: The lifeguard was in a race against time to save the floundering swimmer from drifting out to sea.
  • Similar: Against the clock

2. Ahead of its time
Something that is advanced in its thought, design, or some other way and it’s not fully appreciated until later.

  • Example: The revolutionary technology this company developed in the early 2000s was ahead of its time.
  • Similar: Ahead of the curve, ahead of the game

3. Better late than never
It’s better to do something, even if it is delayed, than not doing it at all.

  • Example: Sadly, I turned in my homework past its due date, but better late than never as the saying goes.
  • Similar: It’s never too late

4. Call it a day
Putting a stop to any kind of work for the remainder of the day.

  • Example: We’ve been practicing our recital for hours, let’s call it a day and resume tomorrow.
  • Similar: Finish up, take a break, wind down, wrap it up

5. Crunch time
A temporary period of time where work is intensified because a deadline has to be met.

  • Example: We are struggling to get our product released by the target date, so it’s crunch time all week.
  • Similar: In home the stretch, pulling an all-nighter, the clock is ticking

6. Don’t waste your time
Advice given to someone to warn them not to spend their time on something that is likely to be unproductive.

  • Example: Don’t waste your time watching so much TV, go for a walk and enjoy the weather.
  • Similar: Don’t chase your own tail, don’t even bother

7. Even a broken clock is right twice a day
An unreliable person who is often incorrect on things can sometimes be right by chance.

  • Example: I don’t trust his report, but a broken clock is right twice a day, so I’ll double-check his numbers to be sure.
  • Similar: A blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, every dog has its day

8. Fifteen minutes of fame
Enjoying a temporary period of time in the public spotlight.

  • Example: The viral video he made gave him his fifteen minutes of fame, but things returned to normal soon after.
  • Similar: Flash in the pan, flavor of the month, here one minute gone the next

9. In the nick of time
Doing something at the last possible moment before it is too late.

  • Example: The fire was extinguished in the nick of time before it got out of hand.
  • Similar: By the skin of your teeth, just under the wire, with seconds to spare

10. Just a minute
A phrase indicating that someone needs a little bit more time to complete a task or to attend to the matter at hand.

  • Example: Let me finish washing my clothes, it’ll be just a minute.
  • Similar: Bear with me, give me a second, hang on a moment, hold your horses

11. Make every second count
A common saying about using your time in an effective and wise manner, not wasting it away on pointless pursuits.

  • Example: In a race, competitors have to make every second count in order to win.
  • Similar: Make hay while the sun shines, time is money

12. On borrowed time
Having a limited amount of time left, usually having to do with one’s lifespan or the existence of something that will soon pass away.

  • Example: Despite knowing that he’s on borrowed time, the aging veteran player still enjoys playing with his team.
  • Similar: Living on the edge, running out of steam, the end of the road

13. On the clock
Someone who is working and is being paid for their time.

  • Example: I can’t stay and chat at this moment because I’m on the clock and have to get back to work.
  • Similar: Nine to five, punching the clock

14. Time flies
This phrase means that time goes by quickly, especially when we are enjoying an activity or busy with work.

  • Example: I would like to keep playing, but times flies and it’s getting late.
  • Similar: Before you know it, in the blink of an eye

15. Time is money
Both time and money are valuable resources that should be spent wisely, not wasted away on needless ventures.

  • Example: In this busy industry, time is money, so wasting seconds is money down the drain.
  • Similar: Every minute counts, money doesn’t grow on trees

16. Time is of the essence
This expression describes circumstances where time is running out, and that action needs to be taken quickly to avoid any serious consequences.

  • Example: Given the limited supply of hot water, time is of the essence while showering.
  • Similar: Hurry along, hurry up, strike while the iron is hot

17. Time is on my side
Someone who is calling attention to the fact that they have plenty of time and it’s working in their favor.

  • Example: I’m not rushing to make a decision since I know that time is on my side.
  • Similar: Patience is a virtue, slow and steady wins the race

18. Time will tell
The outcome of an uncertain situation will be known later, so one should wait and see how things unfold.

  • Example: It’s hard to know how my first stage performance will go, but time will tell.
  • Similar: All in good time, let’s wait and see

19. Time’s up
The assigned time for an activity or task has reached an end, so there is no more left.

  • Example: We waited an hour for them to arrive, but time’s up and we’re leaving now.
  • Similar: Out of time, the clock ran out, the clock is ticking down

20. Working against the clock
Trying to complete a project or task before the allotted deadline, and there is little time remaining.

  • Example: With rain steadily approaching, she was working against the clock to finish painting the house.
  • Similar: Against the odds, under pressure, up against the clock

Expressions About Time And Patience

These expressions relate to time and they showcase that sometimes, we just need to wait calmly and be patient:

1. A watched pot never boils
Waiting specifically for something can make it feel like it’s taking forever to happen.

  • Example: The pizza delivery is taking forever to show up, but then again a watched pot never boils.
  • Similar: A rolling stone gathers no moss

2. Hold your horses
A request that expresses to someone that they need to to wait patiently.

  • Example: I know that you are hungry, but hold your horses because dinner isn’t ready yet.
  • Similar: Give me a minute, two seconds, wait a moment

3. Patience is a virtue
Waiting calmly is a good trait to have.

  • Example: His grandmother told him that patience is a virtue, so even though the bus is behind schedule, he’s waiting calmly for it.
  • Similar: Good things come to those who wait, the wait will be worth it

4. Patience is key
An expression that emphasizes the importance of being patient.

  • Example: I understand you’re frustrated about not meeting your goals, but patience is key.
  • Similar: Patience is a virtue, just be patient

5. Rome wasn’t built in a day
Sayings like this point out that sometimes, considerable time and effort are needed to accomplish something.

  • Example: Learning how to play a musical instrument is challenging, but Rome wasn’t build in a day.
  • Similar: Slow and steady wins the race, you can’t rush art

6. Slow and steady wins the race
Taking a consistent approach to something, even if it is slower, will have better results than just diving in and rushing things.

  • Example: I’ve been working on gradually improving my cardio every week. It’s not much, but slow and steady wins the race.
  • Similar: Haste makes waste, tortoise and the hare

7. The waiting game
A situation or outcome that a person has little to no control over, so all they can do is wait patiently for a result.

  • Example: I’ve applied to numerous jobs, so now it’s just the waiting game to see if they call me back.
  • Similar: it’s out of our hands, the ball is in their court, we’ll have to wait and see

8. Wait for the right moment
To wait for an opportune time to act instead of making an impulsive decision.

  • Example: Instead of talking to her while she’s upset, wait for the right moment once she has calmed down.
  • Similar: Seize the moment, timing is everything

9 . Waiting with bated breath
Anxiously anticipating something that is expected to happen soon,

  • Example: I’m waiting with bated breath for her to return home so that I can propose.
  • Similar: Eagerly anticipating, on pins and needles, on the edge of one’s seat

10. Wait your turn
A common phrase that conveys the thought of being patient and waiting for your opportunity to act, especially when standing in a line.

  • Example: Someone tried to cut in front of me in line, so I calmly told them to wait their turn like everyone else.
  • Similar: Bide your time, hold your horses, stand by

Christmas is the time of the year when you have to bring your creativity out. Creative out of love or to get a bit nifty. Crafted gifts and cards show dedication and compassion towards the receiver. The tradition of crafting cards and gifts has existed for centuries, and with those crafts subsisting, the songs, words, idioms, and poems are now rooted in our culture or collective consciousness. The collection of Christmas phrases is a collection of culturally embedded phrases known worldwide. When you write and share these Christmas Phrases on Christmas cards, you share the spirit of Christmas with them.

Note: If you’re looking for some Catchy Christmas Slogans, there’s a whole article dedicated to that: 430 Catchy Christmas Marketing Slogans, Taglines & Christmas Phrases You’ll Love

Christmas Phrases

The top 10 Christmas Phrases include

  1. Believe in the Magic of Christmas
  2. Tis the season
  3. Peace on Earth
  4. Let It, Snow
  5. Merry and Bright
  6. Deck the Halls
  7. A Thrill of Hope
  8. Naughty or Nice
  9. Merry and Bright
  10. Goodwill to Men

Joy to the World

Ho Ho Ho

Let Your Heart Be Light

Better Not Pout

Baby, it’s Cold Outside

Peace, Joy, and Love

Home for the Holidays

Dear Santa…

Naughty or Nice?

Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose

Sparkle and Shine

Good Tidings

Under the Mistletoe

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Christmas is in the Air

Jingle All the Way

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

‘Til He appeared and the Soul Felt Its Worth

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

There’s Room for Everyone On the Nice List

Wherever You Find Love, It Feels Like Christmas

Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer and Vixen, on Comet, on Cupid, on Donner and Blitzen

Funny Christmas Phrases

Funny Christmas does not make fun of Christmas but adds a witty decision to Christmas. It is like adding a pinch of cinnamon to the dish. It just adds to the flavor. The funniest of the Christmas phrases is one with puns.  We have collected exclusively the punniest of all the phrases for your annoying friends. Pick your favorite.

Funny Christmas phrases Include

You’ll shoot your eye out, kid.

Don we now our ugly sweaters.

Keep Calm and Wait for Santa.

Santa is looking younger each year.

God bless us, everyone! (Excluding assholes, of course.)

What does Santa call his little helpers? Subordinate clauses!

May your nuts remain untracked this holiday season.

What do you call a kid who won’t sit on Santa’s lap? Claustrophobic!

May you be surrounded by ho’s this Christmas season.

Why did Santa quit smoking? Because it was bad for his elf.

What’s the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Snowballs!

Sure, being on the Nice list gets you more presents, but being Naughty is its own reward.

Whoever said “All is Calm” has never been to our house around Christmas. Some might say we’re not very bright, either.

Just one Santa delivery team? How could there be? There are 526,403,012 children, all expecting presents before tomorrow morning. So, that’s 22 million children per hour. It’s impossible. Obviously, I got a second sled.”  (Steven Moffat)

Some Puny Christmas Phrases as Bonus!!!

Elves are always defending the shape of their ears. They make some good points.

How did Rudolph survive his first trip with Santa? He held on for dear life!

Did you hear that reindeer like to gather in large groups? Yeah, I heard!

What do you call a reindeer ghost? Cari-boo!

If you’re lucky this Christmas, Santa Claus will grace you with his presents.

Did you hear about the mall Santa who lost his job? He was fired for Claus!

Santa’s beard is so long because he’s bad at shaving. Why do you think they call him Saint Nick?

How do the elves clean Santa’s sleigh on the day after Christmas? They use Santa-tizer!

What do you call someone who can’t stop thinking about past Christmases? Santa-mental!

Why does Santa always pick the last sleigh in his garage to take out on Christmas Eve? Because he insists on having the final sleigh!

Remember not to leave a fire burning in your fireplace this Christmas Eve, or else you might wake up to a Crisp Kringle.

What do Santa’s little helpers like to eat on a cold day at the North Pole? Elf-abet soup!

Santa owes a lot to his little helpers. You might say he’s an elf-made man.

What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa’s Workshop? A rebel without a Claus!

What did Santa’s helper do when he wanted to improve his toy-making skills? He read an elf-help book!

Did you hear the forecast for Christmas Eve? They’re calling for rain, dear!

What do you call a reindeer that suddenly forgets how to fly? The dearly departed!

Christmas Card Phrases

The best present one can hope for this year is to spend time together. I can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with you.

  • Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas, Let your heart be light.
  • Ho Ho Hope you’ve been good this year. Merry Christmas!
  • May the spirit of Christmas is with you throughout the New Year.
  • ending you glad tidings this holiday season.
  • Thinking of you this Christmas. “Yule” be on my mind.
  • I hope your holiday season is so bright that you need sunglasses!
  • I hope this special time of year is filled with joy!
  • I’d send you peace, love, and joy in an envelope if I could.
  • God bless you this holiday season—Merry Christmas!
  • May the sights and sounds of Christmas work their merry magic in your heart.

May the sweet magic of Christmas conspire to gladden your heart and fill every desire.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Let us celebrate by spreading goodwill and Christmas cheer!

May this Christmas end the present year on a cheerful note and make way for a fresh and bright New Year. Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

Thinking warmly of each of you and wish your family an extra measure of comfort, joy, and hope this Christmas.

May the magic and thrill of the holiday season stretch on!

Have a great Christmas! Take the time to celebrate your desires, values, and affections with your loved ones. Wishing you all the best.

The [insert name here] family wishes you and all those close to you a joyous holiday season and a new year filled with happiness and hope for a world at peace.

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

To those we love and see each day and other loved ones far away, to all good friends who mean so much, and those with whom we’re out of touch… Wishing you every happiness this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Hope you have a remember-forever-and-ever kind of holiday.

Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly Merry Christmas.” -Peg Bracken

A Christmas candle is a lovely thing; It makes no noise at all, But softly gives itself away; While quite unselfish, it grows small.” -Eva K. Logue

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” -Norman Vincent Peale

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.” -Andy Rooney

“Keep calm and jingle on.” -Anonymous

“If kisses were snowflakes, I’d send you a blizzard.” -Anonymous

“My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” -Bob Hope

“At Christmas play and make good cheer, For Christmas comes but once a year.” -Thomas Tusser

“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone else” -Charles Schulz

Here’s to a season filled with warmth, comfort, and good cheer!

Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide-open heart that thinks of others first. The birth of the baby Jesus stands as the most significant event in all history because it has meant the pouring into a sick world of the healing medicine of love which has transformed all manner of hearts for almost two thousand years. Underneath all the bulging bundles is this beating Christmas heart. (George Mathew Adams)

Short Christmas Phrases

If you want your Christmas greeting or wish to be concise, clean yet inspirational, then this category is for you. You can use one of the following Short Christmas phrases and convey your wishes without the need for long motivational cards.

Reindeer Xing

This House is Under Elf Surveillance

Santa’s Little Helper

Dashing Through the Snow

Dreaming of a White Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

Santa Claus is Coming to Town

O Christmas Tree

Christmas is Claus for Celebration

Silent Night, Holy Night

Season’s Greetings

Away in a Manger

Christmas is Coming

Bah Humbug!

Making Spirits Bright

Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire

Reindeer Parking

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

All I Want For Christmas Is You

All is Calm, All is Bright

I Believe in Santa Clause

The Weary World Rejoices

Let Earth Receive Her King

Dashing Through the Snow

Let There Be Peace on Earth

Oh Come Let Us Adore Him

Christmas Bells Are Ringing

For unto Us a Child Is Born

Glory To The Newborn King

Like turkeys voting for Christmas

Lit up like a Christmas tree

Have A Holly Jolly Christmas

‘Tis The Season To Be Freezin’

Let There Be Peace On Earth

All I Want for Christmas is You

Don’t Get Your Tinsel in a Tangle

Walking In A Winter Wonderland

Believe in the Magic of Christmas

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Kid.

“Fra-gee-lay. Must Be Italian.”

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Meet Me Under the Mistletoe

O Come Let Us Adore Him

Comfort and Joy

Eat, Drink & Be Merry

All is Bright

Sleigh Bells Ring

Fa La La La La

This Way to Santa’s Workshop

Merry Christmas Phrases

Merry Christmas phrases are the best ones to use on the cards. They are authentic and genuine, and above all, they represent the Christmas vibe. They are also more formal, so if you are looking for the perfect phrase to write on Christmas cards for colleagues, boss, aunt, or uncle, these are perfect for you.

Here is a collection of the best Merry Christmas phrases

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

You make the stars shine brighter and the winter days warmer just by being in my life. Merry Christmas to my favorite person in the world.

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” (Burton Hills)

From home to home, and heart to heart, from one place to another the warmth and joy of Christmas bring us closer to each other.” (Emily Matthews)

Christmas is a day of meaning and traditions, a special day spent in the warm circle of family and friends.” (Margaret Thatcher)

Christmas is all about love, family, and children. it doesn’t matter what we eat or what presents we get as long as the holidays are spent with loved ones. happy happy happy Christmas.”

For me, the spirit of Christmas means being happy and giving freely. It’s a tradition for all the kids in the family to help mom decorate the tree. Christmas is all about family, eating, drinking, and making merry.” (Malaika Arora Khan)

I love spending time with my family and friends during the holidays, and my favorite holiday tradition would be the pozole that my mom makes almost every Christmas. It’s the best!”  (Becky G)

Naughty Christmas Phrases

Christmas is not only for the little angels but also for the little devils. By the devil, I mean people who like to get a little naughty sometimes. These naughty creatures wouldn’t want to feel left out of the Christmas greetings. Make sure you have that naughty touch in your Christmas cards to make them wholesome.

We have assembled a list of the Best Naughty Christmas Phrases

Be Naughty. Save Santa the Trip.

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.

What kind of fish do they have at the North Pole? Jollyfish!

What does a cranky sheep say at Christmastime? Baa humbug!

“I asked Santa to Put You Under My Tree This Morning. Where Are You? LOL”

It’s All Fun and Games ‘Til Santa Checks the Naughty List.

Don’t forget your buddies at Christmastime. Bros before ho ho ho’s.

What does a festive sheep say at Christmastime? Fleece Navidad!

I’m pining for a Christmas tree to spruce up the place.

All I Want for Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth (Spike Jones song)

Some people love eggnog, while others find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

Did you know that Father Christmas has a daughter? Her name is Mary Christmas!

Some people love eggnog, while others find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

The Weather Outside is Frightful, But The Fire Is So Delightful

Are you part of the Inn crowd or are you one of the Stable few?

Did you know that Father Christmas has a daughter? Her name is Mary Christmas!

We all know that Santa Claus brings gifts to children, but who brings gifts for the pets? Santa Paws!

Did you hear about the kid who wouldn’t eat broken candy canes? He wouldn’t take them unless they were in mint condition!

Did you hear about the amorous couple whose car stalled on Christmas Eve? They got a mistle-tow!

Christmas Tree Phrases

Done up like a Christmas tree.

“The perfect Christmas tree? All Christmas trees are perfect!”

Christmas Gifts, Christmas Trees, Christmas is the time to please.

The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature.

The perfect Christmas tree, all Christmas trees are perfect.

“I grew up with a Christmas tree, I’m going to stay with a Christmas tree.” – Thomas Menino

“Not everyone who sells Christmas trees believes in Santa Claus.” – Matt Barr

“Christmas tree stands are the work of the devil and they want you dead.” – (Bill Bryson)

“A Christmas tree–the perfect gift for a guy. The plant is already dead.” – (Jay Leno)

“A Christian should resemble a fruit tree with real fruit, not a Christmas tree with decorations tied on” – John Stott

“my beer drunk soul is sadder than all the dead Christmas trees of the world.” – Charles Bukowski

“The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.” – Tess Gerritsen

“If my Valentine you won’t be; I’ll hang myself on your Christmas tree.” – Ernest Hemingway

“They’ve got plastic Christmas trees now. They’re hard to tell from the real aluminum ones.” – Milton Berle

“If God consistently sent lightning bolts in response to bad doctrine, our planet would sparkle nightly like a Christmas tree.” – Philip Yancey

The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.

“The best gifts in life will never be found under a Christmas tree, those gifts are friends, family, children, and the one you love.”

“Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree. In the eyes of children, they are all 30 feet tall.” – Larry Wilde.

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” – Burton Hillis.

“Don’t measure the height of your Christmas tree. Measure the abundance of the love present in your heart! Have a Blessed Christmas!”

“The Christmas tree is a symbol of love, not money. There’s a kind of glory to them when they’re all lit up that exceeds anything all the money in the world could buy.”

“Taking down the Christmas tree makes it feel official: time to get back to joyless and cynical.” – Greg Fitzsimmons

“The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.” – Bill Vaughan

“November, I’ll give thanks that you belong to me. December, you’re the present beneath my Christmas tree.” – Neil Sedaka

“Freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin – inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night.” – John J. Geddes

“There’s no experience quite like cutting your own live Christmas tree out of your neighbor’s yard.” – Unknown

“The Christmas tree, twinkling with lights, had a mountain of gifts piled up beneath it, like offerings to the great god of excess.” – Tess Gerritsen

“The Christmas spirit that goes out with the dried-up Christmas tree is just as worthless.” – Unknown

“I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way (s)he handles these three things: a rainy day lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.” – Maya Angelou

“You don’t want your jewelry to make you look fat. A lot of what’s out there now does – you just wind up looking like a Christmas tree.” – Padma Lakshmi

“I love Christmas tree bulbs, and I started putting them in my paintings. You’ve got to plug this painting in, and it’s got a rig in the back so that each one can be replaced if it burns out.” – David Lynch

“If I want to put a Christmas tree in my yard, or three crosses for the crucifixion story, that’s fine. But if I try to use public property or a public school as a way to impress my religion on other people, I think that violates the constitution.” – John Shelby Spong

Where The Treetops Glisten and Children Listen to Hear Sleigh Bells In The Snow.

“Our task is to stand tall in God’s love, secure in our place, sparkling in kindness, surrounded by his goodness, freely giving to all who come our way. You, me, and the Christmas tree. Picked, purchased, and pruned.” – Max Lucado

“A lovely thing about Christmas is that it’s compulsory, like a thunderstorm, and we all go through it together.” – Garrison Keillor

“Make your plate look like a Christmas tree,” I tell people, “mostly green with splashes of other bright colors.” – Victoria Moran

“Taking down the Christmas tree makes it feel official: time to get back to joyless and cynical.” – Greg Fitzsimmons

“Now I’m an old Christmas tree, the roots of which have died. They just come along and while the little needles fall off me replace them with medallions.” – Orson Welles

“I manage a toast to the Christmas tree and one to the sweet absurdity in the miracle of the verb to be. Lucky you, lucky me.” – Miller Williams

“I bought a Christmas tree for twenty dollars. When I came home the next day, my wife was wearing it in her hair.” – Milton Berle

“It is the custom to sneer at the modern apartment-house, television, big-city Christmas, with its commercial taint . . . office parties, artificial . . . Christmas trees . . . but future generations in search of their lost Christmases may well remember its innocence; yes, and its beauty, too.” – Paul Gallico

“Moving between the legs of tables and of chairs, rising or falling, grasping at kisses and toys, advancing boldly, sudden to take alarm, retreating to the corner of arm and knee, eager to be reassured, taking pleasure in the fragrant brilliance of the Christmas tree.” – T. S. Eliot

“While I was walking I passed these two guys that were unloading this big Christmas tree of a truck. One guy, kept saying to the other guy, ‘Hold the sonunvabitch up! Hold it up, for Chrissake!’ It certainly was a gorgeous way to talk about a Christmas tree.” – J. D. Salinger

“Nothing ever seems too bad, too hard, or too sad when you’ve got a Christmas tree in the living room. All those presents under it, all that anticipation. Just a way of saying there’s always light and hope in the world.” – Nora Roberts

“Adults who still derive childlike pleasure from hanging gifts of a ready-made education on the Christmas tree of a child waiting outside the door to life do not realize how unreceptive they are making the children to everything that constitutes the true surprise of life.” – ( Karl Kraus)

“The best Christmas trees come very close to exceeding nature. If some of our great decorated trees had been grown in a remote forest area with lights that came on every evening as it grew dark, the whole world would come to look at them and marvel at the mystery of their great beauty.” – Andy Rooney

“I have been looking on, this evening, at a merry company of children assembled round that pretty German toy, a Christmas Tree. The tree was planted in the middle of a great round table and towered high above their heads. It was brilliantly lighted by a multitude of little tapers, and everywhere sparkled and glittered with bright objects.” – Unknown

Religious Christmas Phrases

Religious Christmas phrases are part of the article so that we could help you keep alive the original aim of it. The religious lens is necessary to keep the spirit of Christmas intact. If not, then it is all going to be just about tradition without any meaning. The meaning is Significant for any festival to take place in its full spirit and leave an impact.

Asleep with Jesus

For Christ’s sake

Gentle Jesus, meek and mild

Come to Jesus

Every Time A Bell Rings an Angel Gets His Wings

Christmas is a time to believe in things you can’t see

Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin with Me

Oh by Golly Have a Holly Jolly Christmas This Year

It’s Christmas in the Heart That Puts Christmas in the Air

Christmas is joy, religious joy, an inner joy of light and peace.

Where meek souls will receive Him still, the dear Christ enters in.

The Best Way to Spread Christmas Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.”

To prepare our hearts for Christmas, we must cultivate the spirit of expectancy.”

For Unto You Is Born This Day in The City Of David A Savior Which Is Christ The Lord

And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful, Counselor, All Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

God never gives someone a gift they are not capable of receiving. If he gives us the gift of Christmas it is because we all have the ability to understand and receive it.

We consider Christmas as the encounter, the great encounter, the historical encounter, the decisive encounter, between God and mankind. He who has faith knows this truly; let him rejoice.

The great challenge left to us is to cut through all the glitz and glam of the season that has grown increasingly secular and commercial and be reminded of the beauty of the One who is Christmas.

Who can add to Christmas? The perfect motive is that God so loved the world. The perfect gift is that He gave His Only Son. The only requirement is to believe in Him. The reward of faith is that you shall have everlasting life

When we were children we were grateful to those who filled our stockings at Christmas time. Why are we not grateful to God for filling our stockings with legs?

Faith is salted and peppered through everything at Christmas. And I love at least one night by the Christmas tree to sing and feel the quiet holiness of that time that’s set apart to celebrate love, friendship, and God’s gift of the Christ child

God grant you the light in Christmas, which is faith; the warmth of Christmas, which is love; the radiance of Christmas, which is purity; the righteousness of Christmas, which is justice; the belief in Christmas, which is truth; the all of Christmas, which is Christ.

“Ultimately, Santa is here to teach us about giving unconditionally. That’s why he visits so many children. But when kids get older they don’t need him as much because they have already learned the lesson and have started giving to others just as Santa gave to them.”

Christmas Holiday Phrases

The holiday season is contained in many grandeur events. Christmas is also part of it, most people make the holiday all about Christmas. So If you are planning to send Cards pre-Christmas and in general excited about the holiday season, these phrases are for you.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Christmas waves a magic wand over the world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.”

The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Let us celebrate by spreading goodwill and Christmas cheer!

May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter.

Whatever is beautiful, whatever is meaningful, whatever brings happiness, may it be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year.

Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas…perhaps… means a little bit more

Famous Christmas Phrases

The most famous ones are the ones which you must have heard once or let’s be real, every year in your life. These phrases are said by celebrities and used on social media, cards, or in shops. They do bring that trendy Christmas vibes.

Here is a collection of Trendy Famous Christmas Phrases

Keep calm Christmas is coming.

Prepare your ears, Christmas music is coming.

You are either a little late or very, very early.

“Christmas isn’t a season. It’s a feeling.” (Edna Ferber)

“All the world is happy when Santa Claus comes.”  (Maud Lindsay)

Christmas is coming, keep calm and carry on accounting.

Galgo, you might want to get out of that seat. Christmas is coming.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.” (Calvin Coolidge)

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”  (Dr. Seuss)

Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality. (Washington Irving)

“I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” (Charles Dickens)

“Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves.” (Eric Sevareid)

You better watch out, you better not cry Better not pout, I’m telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town.

“Santa only comes to those who believe. He doesn’t care if you believe in him or not, and he’s not trying to make anyone believe who doesn’t believe. If you don’t believe, he just skips your house.” (Jenn-Anne)

“To say there is no Santa Claus is the most erroneous statement in the world. Santa Claus is a thought that is passed from generation to generation. After a time, this thought takes on a human form. Maybe if all children and adults understand the symbolism of this thought we can actually attain Peace on Earth and goodwill to men everywhere.” (Charles W.Howard)

The more the merrier. That is why we brought a vast collection of Christmas phrases to add a great phrase to your Christmas cards. Christmas is all about sharing, giving, and receiving. It should not strictly be Gifts, but it could be simple words. A simple expression can make someone feel happy and special, so why restrain our words. These phrases bring joy and comfort to the faces who go through the practicalities of life all year long and let them know how much you care.


Время – одна из главных ценностей в нашей жизни. Важно уметь управлять им правильно. Это умение начинается, в частности, со способности выразить свои мысли о времени на разных языках, если вы ими увлекаетесь. На страницах нашего сайта можно научиться это сделать по-английски. Мы предлагаем вам 20 устойчивых выражений с переводом и примерами использования со словом time – время.

Выражения с Time - Time idioms

  1. be on time – не опоздать

    ‘The trains always run on time in my country. They are never late.’

  2. time flies – время летит быстро

    ‘Time flies when you are having fun.’

  3. in the nick of time – в мгновение ока

    ‘My team scored in the nick of time. The game was in the last few seconds.’

  4. turn back the hands of time – повернуть время вспять

    ‘If I could turn back the hands of time, I wouldn’t have done what I did.’

  5. save time – экономить время

    ‘We will save time if we drive instead of taking the bus.’

  6. spare time – свободное время

    ‘In my spare time I like to learn English.’

  7. as time goes by – со временем

    ‘As time has gone by I have become less interested in going to nightclubs on the weekends.’

  8. be out of time – испытывать нехватку времени

    ‘Please stop writing. You are out of time. The exam has finished.’

  9. make time – выкроить, уделить время

    ‘I know that you are busy, but you will have to make time to attend the meeting.’

  10. time for a change – время перемен

    ‘After working in the same job for 5 years, I now feel like it is time for a change.’

  11. time is money – время — деньги

    ‘I can’t wait here all day. Time is money, you know?’

  12. time heals all wounds – время лечит раны

    ‘I was sad for a long time after I broke up with my boyfriend, but time heals all wounds. I’m fine now.’

  13. only time will tell – время покажет

    ‘Will we ever have peace in the world? Only time will tell.’

  14. kill time – убить время

    ‘We’ve got 4 hours until our flight leaves. What are we going to do until then? How are we going to kill time?’

  15. time after time – время от времени

    ‘Time after time Tom was late for school. His teacher told him if he was late again he would be in big trouble.’

  16. time off — отпуск

    ‘You are working too much. You need to take some time off.’

  17. a waste of time – напрасная трата времени

    It’s a waste of time calling that company. They never answer the telephones.’

  18. a hard time – тяжелые времена

    ‘She’s had a hard time recently; she lost her job and then her mother died.’

  19. too much time on my hands – вагон времени

    ‘He watches so much TV because he has too much time on his hands.’

  20. a whale of a time — развлечение

    ‘I had a whale of a time at your party. Please invite me to your next one.

time phrases

Have you ever been in the wrong place at the wrong time?
Do you travel to work during rush hour?
What do you like doing in your spare time?
Do you agree that time is a healer?
Have you ever been to a country in a different time zone?
What fruit and vegetables are in season at the moment?
Do you book last minute holidays?
What do you do to kill time?
Do you get up at the crack of dawn?

Not sure what these idioms mean? Scroll down and have a read to find out what these sayings with time mean.

how to tell the time

First things first… Do you know how to tell the time? If you don’t, check out this graphic. It’ll teach you how to tell the time in British and American English.

British English vs American English - how to read a clock

Here are some time topics for you to choose from.

Let’s move on to some other time related idioms.

clock expressions

clock expressions - against the clock

clock idioms - beat the clock

clock expressions - biological clock is ticking

clock idioms - clock in

clock phrases - clock is ticking

clock phrases - clock out

clock idioms - clock someone

clock expressions - clock up

clock phrases - like clockwork

clock expressions - round the clock

clock expressions - turn back the clock

sayings with time

waste time

time idioms - wrong place, wrong time

time idioms

that ship has sailed

twelfth of never

twenty four seven

when hell freezes over

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