Sayings with the word one in them

Have you ever felt that people, who talk too much about nothing, start to irritate you after a while? In some situations, it’s possible to agree that talkative people can be too annoying! Of course, sometimes we cannot bring all the necessary nuances of some cases without a detailed story.

However, it doesn’t mean that you need to use many additional words to share your ideas. It’s easy to lose the whole essence of a conversation in the thousands of words!

Everybody knows how useful words can be! In this regard, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of one-word expressions and quotes! Even a single word of encouragement can help you to cheer up a person; while a simple word, said in a heated moment, is able to hurt a man to a core. Isn’t it powerful?

Words can be used as both a medicine and poison at the same time! Words are an efficient way to manipulate public opinion as well as each individual. That’s why you should always choose carefully what you want to say to avoid misunderstanding of any kind!

Perhaps, it sounds confusing, but one word may be enough to reach a specific goal! You’ll be surprised to hear that it’s easy to get a piece of motivation with the help of only one word! It’s not hard to remember motivational quotes, consisted only of a single word, to improve your life. Find your inspiration in the inspirational one-word quotes we’ve rounded up for you below!

What do you think of the idea to use famous one word sayings about life and love are the best ideas as captions for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks in order to attract somebody’s attention? Sounds interesting, right? That’s why pay your attention to the following 1 word quotations.

They are simple to focus on and easy to use. You don’t need to spend a lot of time writing or reading these meaningful quotes and sayings: concise, deep, useful, universal, effective. Do you need any other reasons to save some of the great images with one word quotes to live by?

Whatever happens in your life, always remember that brevity is the soul of wit! Enjoy the following one word quotes for all occasions!

Inspirational Quotes To Show The Power Of One Word

Do you know at least one person who doesn’t need to be motivated? It’s easy to predict your negative answer. Sooner or later everybody needs to get a word of inspiration and motivation!

No matter how much purposeful and self-motivated you are, you’ll definitely face times of disappointment and tiredness on the way to your goal. In the case, you feel the lack of strength to move on, pay attention to the inspirational one word quotes! Be sure, even one word from the list below will inspire you:

  • Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. – Buddha
  • Everything starts with one step, or one brick, or one word or one day. – Jeremy Gilley
  • I cannot take back one word or action; the past does not change for anyone. – Charles Van Doren
  • Sometimes kids ask how I’ve been able to write so many books. The answer is simple: one word at a time. Which is another good lesson, I think. You don’t have to do everything at once. You don’t have to know how every story is going to end. You just have to take that next step, look for that next idea, write that next word. – Andrew Clements
  • One word can end a fight; One hug can start a friendship; One smile can bring Unity; One person can change your entire life! – Israelmore Ayivor

Vital One Word Sayings about Life

It may seem that it’s almost impossible to tell others about your life or thoughts with the help of just one word! It’s a widespread mistake! From time to time, a single word, chosen carefully, maybe eloquent!

Why should you believe us? This is because almost all elements of our life, important for people, can be called in one word: happiness, love, family, belief, encouragement, support, etc. Who knows, maybe, these one word sayings about life will become your guiding principle:

  • My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that’s procrastination. – Ron Cooper
  • What drove me and kept me going over the decades? If I had to use a single word, it would be ‘curiosity’. –  Eve Arnold
  • Opportunities – You only get few chances to change yourself. Make sure you avail the opportunity that comes your way. – Unknown
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘grace.’  – Max Lucado

Powerful 1 Word Quotes for You To Live By

You have already heard how powerful one word can be. However, you may think that it’s only the myth, created for too gullible people. You have the chance to admit that you were wrong with your thoughts!

Relevant quotes with 1 necessary word are exactly what you need to live by! Let the following one word quotes be your life motto:

  • All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. – Winston Churchill
  • Dare. Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail. – Lester B. Pearson
  • The one word that no politician will ever speak, is ‘enough.’ Enough.  – Carl Hiaasen
  • If I had to describe myself in one word, ‘Hercules.‘  – Bryce Harper
  • I get paralyzingly nervous a lot of times, so I tried bravado. The way I dress and carry myself, a lot of people find it intimidating. I think my whole career can be boiled down to the one word I always say in meetings: ‘strength.’  – Lorde

Famous One Word Quotes about Everything

Every situation in our life can be defined with one word. It’s up to you to decide what word it will be! There are so many things that influence your choice of the word! Everything depends on the time, place, personal attitude, feelings, and so on.

In any case, famous one word quotes will interest you as soon as they reveal the most popular aspects of life!

  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • If someone was like, ‘Describe yourself in one word,’ I would never say, ‘Handsome.’ – Ian Harding
  • Encourage. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. – Margaret Cousins
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The one word that makes a good manager – decisiveness. – Lee Iacocca

Best One Word Quotes About Love

When people hear the word “love”, all of them associate it with something personal. As a rule, they unlikely to have the same thoughts. However, love has one meaning, common to everybody! What is love for you? Is it an innermost feeling, or a problem for you? If you still cannot define what love means exactly, don’t miss the best one word quotes about love! Isn’t it a good way to understand other people?

  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love. – Sophocles
  • The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love‘. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. – Lydia M. Child
  • Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. –  Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap. – Ray Charles
  • I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. – Martin Luther King

Universal Single Word to Use in Motivational Quotes

People are used to thinking that long texts and phrases are better to use to motivate somebody. It’s a common belief that you should make up a kind of essay to persuade a person to change his or her life, move on, reach different goals and so on.

Although a thousand words are useful, sometimes this way may be counterproductive! Do you really want to waste your precious time, trying to cheer somebody up? We don’t think so!

That’s why you’d better apply to motivational quotes with a single word! If it’s impossible to help your friend with a single word, you don’t have any chances to motivate him or her even with a thousand words!

  • One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice–president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared‘. – Dan Quayle
  • Action. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Fly – Don’t think what would happen if you fail! Think, what if you fly? – Unknown
  • Dream – Have the courage to pursue your dreams. Live them and act on them. -Unknown
  • The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience. – Tokugawa Ieyasu

Witty One Word Captions for Instagram

Don’t know how to make your page on the social net popular? Do you think that you have tried everything? That’s not entirely true! You haven’t used witty one word captions for social pages, collected in the post!

The users of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will become interested in the short, but creative captions, used on your page! Don’t write long posts. They make everybody bored, so people begin losing their interest in your profile. One word captions are what you need!

  • Grateful. I am grateful for all of my blessings.
  • Kindness. I express myself with love and kindness.
  • Freedom – You’re free to go. Enjoy the air of freedom and live your life.
  • Question. I ask the right questions to progress in the right direction.
  • Think. I create my day and life with the thoughts I think.

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images

Great images with only one word are much more attractive than the same with long text. You’re surely puzzled over this statement now, aren’t you? In fact, one word contains the kind of mystery.

People can solve it, but the truth is that the answer will be different for different people. Don’t look for the deeper meaning of the following 1 word quotations on images, enjoy them:

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 1

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 5

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 4

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 3

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 2

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Еvеry culture hаs а cоllеctiоn оf wisе sаyings thаt оffеr аdvicе аbоut hоw to livе yоur lifе.

Thеsе sаyings аrе cаllеd «prоvеrbs». Pоvеrbs hаvе bееn cоnsidеrеd thе flоwеrs оf pоpulаr wit аnd thе trеаsurеs оf pоpulаr wisdоm.

A Proverb is a simple and short saying, widely known, often metaphorical, which expresses a basic truth or practical precept, based on the practical experience of humankind, and the idiosyncrasies of a people and their culture in time and history.
А Sаying is a shоrt wеll-knоwn еxprеssiоn — а rеmаrk оf wisdоm аnd truth оr а gеnеrаl аdvicе.

А grеаt wаy tо imprоvе yоur undеrstаnding оf thе Еnglish culturе, pеоplе аnd histоry is tо study Еnglish prоvеrbs аnd sаyings. By mеmоrizing thеm, yоu will nоt оnly lеаrn sоmе cоmmоn Еnglish sаyings; yоu will аlsо hеlp yоur brаin tо bеcоmе bеttеr аt fоrming gооd Еnglish sеntеncеs.

Below is the list of common English proverbs and sayings along with their meanings

A drowning man will clutch at a straw   Meaning: in desperate situation people use any chance, even if it is hopeless, to get themselves out of it

A good beginning makes a good end  Meaning: If a task is carefully planned, there’s a better chance that it will be done well

A good mind possesses a kingdom  Meaning: Material assets are fleeting, but intellectual assets will basically stay with you for the rest of your life

A good name is the best of all treasures  Meaning: Your good reputation is worth more than money

A friend’s eye is a good mirror  Meaning: A real friend will tell you the truth

A fool and his money are soon parted  Meaning: Stupid people spend their money carelessly and soon become poor

A fool at forty is a fool forever  Meaning: If a person hasn’t matured by the age of 40, they never will

The apple never falls far from the tree  Meaning: Children are in many regards like their parents

Advisers run no risks  Meaning: It is easy to give advice, but hard to act

All’s fair in love and war  Meaning: Nothing is out of bounds when it comes to love and war

All are not friends that speak us fair  Meaning: Someone says nice things about you doesn’t mean that they are your friend or that they even like you

All hat and no cattle  Meaning: All talk and appearance and little or no substance

All roads lead to Rome – Meaning: There are many different routes to the same goal

All things come to those who wait  Meaning: A patient seeker will be satisfied in due time

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy  Meaning: Be sure to take breaks from work and do something entertaining

An army marches on its stomach  Meaning: An army needs a regular supply of food in order to keep on fighting

March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers  Meaning: Sometimes unpleasant things are required to bring good things

As you make your bed, so you must lie in it  Meaning: You have to suffer the consequences of what you do

A hedge between keeps friends green  Meaning: Your friendship will flourish if you and your friend respect each other’s privacy

Actions speak louder than words  Meaning: What one does is more important than what one says

A friend in need is a friend indeed  Meaning: A friend is never known till a man has need

A leopard cannot change its spots  Meaning: It is not possible for a bad or unpleasant person to become good 

All cats love fish but hate to get their paws wet  Meaning: a person who is keen to obtain something of value, but who is not bold enough to make the necessary effort or to take the risk

All good things must come to an end  Meaning: All experiences, even pleasant ones, eventually end

All’s well that ends well  Meaning: An event that has a good ending is good even if some things went wrong along the way

All that glitters is not gold  Meaning: Not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so

An apple a day keeps the doctor away  Meaning: Apples are so nutritious that if you eat an apple every day, you will not ever need to go to a doctor

A loaded wagon makes no noise  Meaning: People with real wealth don’t talk about it

A man is known by the company he keeps  Meaning: A person’s character is judged by the type of people with whom they spend their time

A new broom sweeps clean  Meaning: A newly-appointed person makes changes energetically

A rotten apple injures its companions /A rotten apple spoils the barrel  Meaning: A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on a group

A stitch in time saves nine  Meaning: It’s better to deal with a problem at an early stage, to prevent it from getting worse

A stumble may prevent a fall  Meaning: Correcting a small mistake may help you to avoid making a bigger one

A tree is known by its fruit  Meaning: A man is judged by his actions

A young idler, an old beggar  Meaning: If you don’t work, you won’t have any money when you’re old

As fit as a fiddle  Meaning: Very fit and well

Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies  Meaning: There are subjects I’d rather not discuss

Aught for naught, and a penny change  Meaning: You can’t get something for nothing — you might as well expect to get paid to take it

Bad news travels fast  Meaning: Information about trouble or misfortune disseminates quickly

A bad penny always turns up  Meaning: An unpopular person will always return to the place he came from

Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow  Meaning: It is better to have a sure thing now than a possibility of more later

Better be the head of a dog then the tail of a lion  Meaning: It’s better to be the leader of a small group than a subordinate in a bigger one

Better is the enemy of good  Meaning: The aim for perfection or mastery might be in the way of progress

Better late than never  Meaning: Doing something late is better than not doing it

Better lose the saddle than the horse  Meaning: It’s better to stop and accept a small loss, rather than continue and risk losing everything

Better safe than sorry  Meaning: You should be cautious—if you are not, you may regret it

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts  Meaning: Don’t trust your enemies

Birds of a feather flock together  Meaning: People with important similarities seek out one another’s company, often to the exclusion of others

Bitter pills may have blessed effects  Meaning: The remedy might be bitter, but the cure might be wonderful

Blood is thicker than water  Meaning: Family ties are always more important than the ties you make among friends

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder  Meaning: Different people have different ideas about what is beautiful

A bad workman blames his tools  Meaning: someone blames the objects they are using for their own mistakes

Barking dogs seldom bite  Meaning: A person who often threatens rarely carries out his threats

Beggars can’t be choosers  Meaning: If you are in a bad situation or do not have much to offer you must be content with whatever help you can get

Better to be alone than in bad company  Meaning: Be careful in the choice of the people you associate with

Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t  Meaning: It is often better to deal with someone or something you are familiar with and know, even if they are not ideal, than someone new

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush  Meaning: It is better to keep what you have than to risk losing it by trying to get something better

A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword  Meaning: The pen is mightier than the sword

Bloom where you are planted  Meaning: It is often better to escalate your commitment rather than starting over with something new

Born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth  Meaning: Born in a rich family

Boys will be boys  Meaning: Boys are traditionally expected to misbehave, while girls are not

A broken watch is right two times a day  Meaning: A person who is wrong will eventually be right about something

A burnt child dreads the fire  Meaning: You will avoid an activity which has given you a bad experience for the rest of your life

By hook or by crook  Meaning: A thing to be achieved will be done in a straightforward way, but if it cannot, then it will be achieved by any means necessary

The calm comes before the storm  Meaning: Turbulent times wait just around the corner when it is calm

A cat has nine lives  Meaning: Cats can survive many accidents

A cat may look at a king  Meaning: Everyone has the right to be curious about important people

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link  Meaning: A group is not stronger than its weakest member

Clothes don’t make the man  Meaning: Appearances can be deceiving

Constant occupation prevents temptation  Meaning: When you work you avoid temptation

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t  Meaning: Refers to a situation where both possibilities will lead to harm or blame

Dead men tell no tales  Meaning: A dead person cannot cause difficulties by revealing something 

Desperate times call for desperate measures  Meaning: In adverse circumstances actions that might have been rejected under other circumstances may become the best choice

Different strokes for different folks  Meaning: Different things suit different people

Diligence is the mother of good fortune — Meaning: Hard work brings rewards

Distance makes the heart grow fonder  Meaning: When you are separated from the person you love, your feelings are even stronger

Don’t bark if you can’t bite  Meaning: Don’t do things you haven’t got the competence for

Don’t bite off more than you can chew   Meaning: To try to do more than you are able to do

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you  Meaning: To treat someone badly who has helped you in some way

Don’t burn the candle at both ends  Meaning: Don’t work early in the morning and late into the evening as well

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched  Meaning: You should not count on something before it happens

Don’t cross a bridge before you come to it  Meaning: Focus on a problem the moment you are facing it, and not earlier

Don’t cut off your nose to spite your face  Meaning: Do not take action to spite others that will harm you more than them

Don’t fall before you’re pushed  Meaning: Don’t give up in the face of adversity

Don’t have too many irons in the fire  Meaning: To be doing too many things at once

Don’t judge a book by its cover  Meaning: Don’t judge by appearances

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth  Meaning: Never criticize gifts

Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill  Meaning: Don’t make a big deal out of a little thing

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you  Meaning: One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket  Meaning: Meaning: Do not rest all your hopes on one eventuality; plan for several cases

Don’t put the cart before the horse  Meaning: Do not do things in the wrong order

Don’t spit into the wind  Meaning: Don’t take actions which you know will harm yourself or be futile

Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater  Meaning: Don’t reject an idea entirely because parts of it are bad

Easier said than done  Meaning: What is suggested sounds easy but it is more difficult to actually do it

Eyes are bigger than your belly  Meaning: Think you can eat more than you can

The early bird catches the worm  Meaning: Those who starts working early in the morning will get much done

An Englishman’s home is his castle  Meaning: There is no place like home

Every cloud has a silver lining  Meaning: There is nothing bad that does not bring about something good

Every man has his price  Meaning: Everyone’s loyalty can be bought for a price

Every rose has its thorn  Meaning: No one is perfect

The exception proves the rule  Meaning: Something that does not follow a rule shows that the rule exists

Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise — Meaning: Going to bed early and waking up early is good for success

Easy come, easy go  Meaning: When you get money quickly, it’s easy to spend it or lose it quickly as well

The ends justify the means  Meaning: You can use bad or immoral methods as long as you accomplish something good by using them

Every dog has its day  Meaning: Everyone gets their chance eventually

Experience is the father of wisdom  Meaning: Experience and knowledge result in better judgement

Failure is the stepping stone for success  Meaning: Failing will make you more determined to succeed the next time you try

Fine words butter no parsnips  Meaning: No amount of talking can replace action

First come, first served  Meaning: Is a service policy whereby the requests of customers or clients are attended to in the order that they arrived

First things first  Meaning: The most important and most urgent worries should be taken care of first

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me  Meaning: One should learn from one’s mistakes

Forewarned is forearmed  Meaning: Those who know that something is coming are better prepared to face itthan those who do not know

Forgive, but don’t forget  Meaning: Let things go and pass, but don’t forget what they were

Fortune favours the bold  Meaning: People who bravely go after what they want are more successful than people who try to live safely

Fretting cares make grey hairs  Meaning: Worrying can age you prematurely

The grass is always greener on the other side  Meaning: You will always want what you don’t have

Grasp all, lose all   Meaning: Trying to get everything will often result in not gaining anything

God helps those who help themselves  Meaning: Don’t just wait for good things to happen to you, work hard to achieve your goals

Good things come to those who wait  Meaning: Be patient and eventually something good will happen to you

Good and quickly seldom meet  Meaning: A well-done job takes time

Green leaves and brown leaves fall from the same tree  Meaning: If you are good at one aspect of a skill, you should be skilled at the other aspects

Half a loaf is better than none  Meaning: You should be grateful for something, even if it’s not as much as you wanted

Hard words break no bones  Meaning: It is often good to tell someone a harsh truth

Haste makes waste  Meaning: You do not save any time by working too fast

Hawks will not pick out Hawk’s eyes  Meaning: One belonging to a group having common interests is not likely to act against or find fault with another

The head and feet keep warm, the rest will take no harm  Meaning: If you take care of the important matters, everything else will fall into place

He laughs best who laughs last  Meaning: He who wins in the end wins

He who dares wins  is a Latin aphorism, is a motto made popular by the British Special Air Service

Health is wealth  Meaning: The loss of health is loss of all happiness

He who plays with fire gets burnt  Meaning: If you behave in a risky way, you are likely to have problems

He who hesitates is lost  Meaning: The person who waits too long loses the opportunity

He who wills the end wills the means  Meaning: If you are determined to do something you will find a way

Handsome is what handsome does  Meaning: Behaviour is more important than looks

Honesty is the best policy  Meaning: It’s always better to be honest

Honey catches more flies than vinegar  Meaning: You can obtain more cooperation from others by being nice

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst  Meaning: Bad things might happen, so be prepared

However long the night, the dawn will break — Meaning: Bad things don’t last forever

If a camel gets his nose in a tent, his body will follow  Meaning: If you let something intrusive enter your life, your life will become difficult

If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one  Meaning: If you try to do two things at the same time, you won’t succeed in doing either of them

If you want a thing done right, do it yourself  Meaning: You cannot rely on other people to do things properly for you

Ignorance is bliss  Meaning: Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it

In for a penny, in for a pound  Meaning: Commitment will often escalate

In one ear and out the other  Meaning: Heard but not remembered

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king  Meaning: If surrounded by people less capable, someone who would not normally be considered special can shine

In times of prosperity friends are plentiful  Meaning: You have many friends when you have no difficulties

It never rains but it pours  Meaning: Misfortunes usually come in large numbers

It takes both rain and sunshine to make rainbows  Meaning: It takes good and bad to make good things in the future, or make them stand out

It’s a long lane that has no turning  Meaning: Bad times won’t last for long

It’s always darkest before the dawn  Meaning: There is hope, even in the worst of circumstances

It’s an ill wind that blows no good  Meaning: There is nothing bad that does not bring about something good

It’s easy to be wise after the event  Meaning: It is easy to understand what you could have done to prevent something bad from happening after it has happened

It’s never too late to mend  Meaning: It is never too late to apologize for something you have done wrong

It’s no use crying over spilt milk  Meaning: It is not useful feeling sorry about something that has already happened

Justice delayed is justice denied — Meaning: If the law is applied too late, there is no justice

Kill the goose that lays the golden egg  Meaning: Destroy something that would be a source of wealth

Kindness begets kindness  Meaning: If you are kind to people, they will be kind to you

Knowledge is power — is a Latin aphorism

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer  Meaning: If you have an enemy, pretend to be friends with them instead of openly fighting with them

Least said sooner mended  Meaning: A bad event can more easily be forgotten if you do not talk about it

Let sleeping dogs lie  Meaning: Leave something alone if it might cause trouble

Let the cobbler stick to his last  Meaning: Don’t talk about things you don’t know anything about

Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas  Meaning: You will become like your company

Lightning never strikes twice in the same place  Meaning: The same misfortune won’t happen to a person twice

Life is what you make of it  Meaning: Nothing’s going to change unless you do something about it

Like cures like  Meaning: A person can better help another if they have something in common

Little by little and bit by bit  Meaning: Do things slowly and carefully

Live and let live  Meaning: Let others do whatever they want as long as it does not hurt anyone

The longest mile is the last mile home  Meaning: It is always the end of something that feels the most difficult

Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves  Meaning: Save every penny you can and it will build up into a significant amount of money

Look before you leap  Meaning: Think before you act

Loose lips sink ships  Meaning: Disclosing important information could result in large losses

Love is blind  Meaning: If you love someone, you cannot see any faults in that person

Man proposes but God disposes  Meaning: Things often don’t turn out as you have planned

Manners make the man  Meaning: A person’s manners show their origins

Many hands make light work  Meaning: Sharing work makes work easier

Many a mickle makes a muckle  Meaning: Many small parts will eventually creat something impressive

Marry in haste, and repent at leisure  Meaning: If you marry someone you do not know well,you will regret it for a long time

Measure twice, cut once  Meaning: Think before you act

Misery loves company  Meaning: Unhappy people like other people to be unhappy too

Misfortunes never come singly  Meaning: Bad things tend to happen in groups

A miss by an inch is a miss by a mile  Meaning: A miss is a miss regardless the distance

Missing the wood for the trees  Meaning: While tending to every detail you might miss out the big picture

Money cannot buy happiness  Meaning: Wealthy people have their own set of concerns

Money is the root of all evil — Meaning: Money is the main cause of wrongdoing and problems

Monkey see, monkey do — Meaning: People will do like others without thinking

More haste, less speed  Meaning: Hurry, but work slowly to make sure what you attend to gets done properly

Need teaches a plan  Meaning: Necessity will make you find a solution

Never cast a clout till May be out  Meaning: Don’t discard your winter clothing until May is over

Never put off till (until) tomorrow what you can do today  Meaning: You should not delay doing something if you can do it immediately

Never say never  Meaning: Nothing is impossible, anything can happen

Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you  Meaning: Stay out of trouble, but be prepared in case you become troubled

A new broom sweeps clean  Meaning: Newcomers are the most ambitious

No man is an island  Meaning: Everyone needs help from other people

No man can serve two masters  Meaning: It’s impossible to follow instructions from two different sources

No pain, no gain  Meaning: If you want to improve, you must work so hard that it hurts

No news is good news  Meaning: someone feel less worried when they have not received information about something, because if something bad had happened, they would have been told about it

No time like the present  Meaning: Don’t spend time regretting past actions or worrying about the future

Nothing succeeds like success  Meaning: If you have succeeded in the past, you will continue to be successful in the future

Nothing ventured, nothing gained  Meaning: You cannot expect to achieve anything if you don’t take risks

An old dog will learn no tricks  Meaning: It is impossible to change people’s habits or traits 

One good turn deserves another  Meaning: Treat someone good who has been treating you good

One man’s meat is another man’s poison — Meaning: People don’t always like the same things

One rotten apple will spoil the whole barrel  Meaning: One bad person can influence many others to behave in a bad way

One today is worth two tomorrow  Meaning: What you have today is better than what is hoped for

One swallow doesn’t make a summer — Meaning: A single satisfactory event does not mean that all the others will be as good

Once bitten, twice shy  Meaning: When something has hurt you once, you tend to avoid that thing 

Opportunity knocks only once  Meaning: You will only have one chance to do something important 

Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings  Meaning: Children often speak wisely

Out of sight… Out of mind  Meaning: You will not see a thing which is out of your sight

Penny wise, pound foolish  Meaning: A person who is careful about spending small amounts of money, but not careful about spending large amounts of money

A penny saved is a penny earned  Meaning: Money that you save is more valuable than money that you spend right away

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at another  Meaning: You should not criticize other people for having the same faults that you yourself have

Practice before you preach Meaning: Before asking others to do something, make sure you are following it yourself

Practice makes perfect  Meaning: You have to practice a skill a lot to become good at it

Prevention is better than cure — Meaning: It is best to be proactive

Pride comes before a fall  Meaning: Don’t be too self-confident; something may happen to make you look foolish

The proof of the pudding is in the eating  Meaning: You will not really learn about something unless you test it

Put a beggar on horseback and he’ll ride it to death  Meaning: If you get rich suddenly you will spend a lot of money

Revenge is sweet  Meaning: There is satisfaction in returning an injury

Rome wasn’t built in a day  Meaning: It takes time to create something impressive

Seeing is believing — Meaning: You believe in something when it is confirmed by concrete evidence

Silence gives consent  Meaning: If you don’t object to something it can be assumed that you agree with it

Silence is golden  Meaning: sometimes it is better not to say anything

Simple minds think alike  Meaning: Simple things amuse simple minds

Some days you get the bear, other days the bear gets you  Meaning: Some days you win, and some days you lose

The squeaky wheel gets the grease  Meaning: A person that complains about a service often gets much

Spare the rod and spoil the child  Meaning: If you don’t punish a child when he does wrong, you will spoil his character

Still waters run deep  Meaning: Taciturn people have the most interesting things to say

Stolen fruit is the sweetest  Meaning: Forbidden things are the most desirable

Strike while the iron is hot  Meaning: Take the opportunity now; don’t waste it

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof  Meaning: Don’t worry about the future; focus on today’s worries

That which does not kill you, makes you stronger  Meaning: Unpleasant experiences will make you wiser

Tall oaks grow from little acorns  Meaning: Great things may come from small beginnings

The die is cast  Meaning: A decision has been made and it’s impossible to change it

The dogs bark but the caravan goes on  Meaning: Let the world say what it will

The end justifies the means  Meaning: Wrong methods may be used if the result of the action is good

The road to hell is paved with good intentions  Meaning: It’s not enough to intend to do something, you must actually do it

The straw that broke the camel’s back  Meaning: The last of a number of little things which led to something major

The truth is in the wine  Meaning: People speak more freely under the influence of alcohol

There is no smoke without fire  Meaning: Everything happens for a reason

There’s no time like the present  Meaning: If you need to do something, don’t wait until later

There’s no such thing as a free lunch  Meaning: Things that are offered for free always have a hidden cost

Time is money  Meaning: Time is valuable and should not be wasted

Time will tell  Meaning: Sometime you just can’t know

Tomorrow is another day — Meaning: You can’t do everything today

Too many cooks spoil the broth  Meaning: Too many persons involved in managing an activity can ruin it

Too much of one thing, good for nothing  Meaning: You can have too much of something good

Tread on a worm and it will turn  Meaning: Even the weakest person will try to defend when he feels threatened

Trouble shared is trouble halved  Meaning: If you tell someone about a problem you are having, the problem will not seem so daunting

Two heads are better than one  Meaning: Two people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person working alone

Two is a company; three is a crowd  Meaning: A loving couple wants to be left alone

Two wrongs don’t make a right  Meaning: A second misdeed or mistake does not cancel the first

Union is strength  Meaning: If people join together, they are more powerful than if they work by themselves

Use it or lose it  Meaning: Not using a skill might lead you into losing it

Variety is the spice of life  Meaning: You should try many different kinds of experiences, because trying it keeps life interesting

Walk softly, carry a big stick  Meaning: Be affable but be sure to have powerful punitive measures

Walk the walk and talk the talk — Meaning: First do your task, and then talk about it

Walls have ears  Meaning: Someone may be listening

A watched pot never boils  Meaning: While waiting for something to happen, it feels like time is moving slower

Well begun is half done  Meaning: Beginning a project well makes it easier to do the rest

What goes around comes around  Meaning: Good acts will quite often reward you

What a man says drunk, he thinks sober  Meaning: People speak more freely under the influence of alcohol

What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals   Meaning: People are less discreet under the influence of alcohol

What you sow is what you reap  Meaning: Everything that happens to you is a result of your own actions

When in Rome, do as the Romans do  Meaning: When you are visiting another country, you should behave like the people in that country

When the cat is away, the mice will play  Meaning: When no one in authority is present, the subordinates can do as they please

When the going gets tough, the tough get going  Meaning: Strong people don’t give up when they come across challenges

Where there’s muck there’s brass  Meaning: There is money to be made in dirty jobs

You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink  Meaning: You can give someone an opportunity, but you can’t force him to take advantage of it

You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs  Meaning: When you try to do something great, you’ll probably make a few people annoyed or angry

Test your English

Кладезь мудрости от учёных, писателей, политиков, знаменитостей и бизнесменов. Расширяйте кругозор, удивляйтесь и удивляйте других знанием цитат на английском языке!

60 цитат на английском для развития эрудиции и пополнения словарного запаса

Всем нам время от времени бывает сложно оставаться позитивными, ведь жизнь — непростая штука. Если вы никак не можете увидеть стакан наполовину полным, чтение вдохновляющих цитат о жизни может вытащить вас из пучин уныния. Эти 60 цитат на английском помогут вам увидеть потрясающие возможности, которые предлагает жизнь.

Об успехе


1. «Success is the child of audacity». (Benjamin Disraeli)

«Успех — дитя смелости». (Бенджамин Дизраэли)

2. «Success is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration». (Thomas Edison)

Успех — это один процент вдохновения и девяносто девять процентов пота.

Томас Эдисон


3. «Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm». (Winston Churchill)

«Успех — это умение двигаться от неудачи к неудаче, не теряя энтузиазма». (Уинстон Черчилль)

4. «You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take». (Wayne Gretzky)

«Вы промахнётесь 100 раз из 100 бросков, которые так и не сделаете». (Уэйн Гретцки)

Уэйн Гретцки — выдающийся канадский хоккеист, один из самых известных спортсменов XX века.

5. «It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change». (Charles Darwin)

«Выживает не самый сильный и не самый умный, а тот, кто лучше всех приспосабливается к изменениям». (Чарльз Дарвин)

6. «Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs». (Farrah Gray)

Воплощайте собственные мечты, или кто-то другой наймёт вас, чтобы воплощать свои.

Фаррах Грей

американский бизнесмен, филантроп и писатель

7. «The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence». (Confucius)

«Воля к победе, желание добиться успеха, стремление полностью раскрыть свои возможности… вот те ключи, которые откроют дверь к личному совершенству». (Конфуций)

8. «Fall seven times and stand up eight». (Japanese Proverb)

«Упади семь раз, поднимись восемь». (Японская пословица)

9. «There are no shortcuts to any place worth going». (Helen Keller)

«К достойной цели нет коротких путей». (Хелен Келлер)

Хелен Келлер — американская писательница, лектор и политическая активистка.

10. «Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success». (Herman Cain)

«Успех — не ключ к счастью. Это счастье — ключ к успеху». (Герман Кейн)

Герман Кейн — американский бизнесмен и политик-республиканец.

О личности

Léa Dubedout/

1. «The mind is everything. What you think you become». Buddha

«Ум — это всё. Что вы думаете, тем вы становитесь». (Будда)

2. «We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light». (Plato)

«Можно с лёгкостью простить ребёнка, который боится темноты. Настоящая трагедия жизни — когда взрослые люди боятся света». (Платон)

3. «When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion». (Abraham Lincoln)

«Когда я делаю добро, я чувствую себя хорошо. Когда я поступаю плохо, я чувствую себя плохо. Вот моя религия». (Авраам Линкольн)

4. «Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place». (Kurt Vonnegut)

«Будь мягким. Не позволяй миру ожесточить тебя. Не дай боли заставить тебя ненавидеть. Не допусти, чтобы горечь украла твою сладость. Гордись тем, что, пусть даже мир с тобой не согласен, ты всё равно считаешь его прекрасным местом». (Курт Воннегут)

5. «I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions». (Stephen Covey)

Я не продукт моих обстоятельств. Я продукт моих решений.

Стивен Кови

американский консультант по вопросам руководства и управления жизнью, преподаватель

6. «Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent». (Eleanor Roosevelt)

«Помните: никто не может заставить вас почувствовать себя униженным без вашего согласия». (Элеонора Рузвельт)

7. «It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years». (Abraham Lincoln)

«Имеет значение не количество прожитых лет, а качество вашей жизни в эти годы». (Авраам Линкольн)

8. «Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing». (Benjamin Franklin)

«Или напишите то, что стоит прочитать, или сделайте то, о чём стоит написать». (Бенджамин Франклин)

9. «There are people who have money and people who are rich». (Coco Chanel)

«Есть люди, у которых есть деньги, и есть богатые люди». (Коко Шанель)

10. «The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can’t be any large-scale revolution until there’s a personal revolution, on an individual level. It’s got to happen inside first». (Jim Morrison)

«Самая главная свобода — свобода быть собой. Ты обмениваешь свою реальность на роль, обмениваешь здравый смысл на спектакль. Ты отказываешься чувствовать и взамен надеваешь маску. Никакая масштабная революция невозможна без персональной революции, революции на уровне личности. Она должна сначала произойти внутри». (Джим Моррисон)

О жизни

Michael Fertig/

1. «You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough». (Mae West)

«Мы живём один раз, но если правильно распорядиться жизнью, то и одного раза достаточно». (Мэй Уэст)

Мэй Уэст — американская актриса, драматург, сценарист и секс-символ, одна из самых скандальных звёзд своего времени.

2. «Happiness lies in good health and a bad memory». (Ingrid Bergman)

«Счастье — это хорошее здоровье и плохая память». (Ингрид Бергман)

3. «Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life». (Steve Jobs)

«Ваше время ограничено, так что не теряйте его, проживая чью-то чужую жизнь». (Стив Джобс)

4. «The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why». (Mark Twain)

Два самых важных дня в вашей жизни: день, когда вы родились, и день, когда поняли зачем.

Марк Твен


5. «If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough». (Oprah Winfrey)

«Если вы будете смотреть на то, что у вас уже есть в жизни, вы приобретёте ещё больше. Если вы будете смотреть на то, чего у вас нет, вам всегда будет чего-то не хватать». (Опра Уинфри)

6. «Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it». (Charles Swindoll)

«Жизнь на 10% состоит из того, что происходит со мной, и на 90% из того, как я на это реагирую». (Чарльз Свиндолл)

Чарльз Свиндолл — христианский пастор, радиопроповедник и писатель.

7. «Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, I’m possible!» (Audrey Hepburn)

«Нет ничего невозможного. В самом этом слове заключена возможность*!» (Одри Хепбёрн)

* Английское слово impossible («невозможно») можно записать как I’m possible (буквально «я возможно»).

8. «Always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself». (William Faulkner)

Всегда мечтайте и стремитесь превысить предел ваших возможностей. Не ставьте целью быть лучше, чем ваши современники или предшественники. Стремитесь быть лучше самих себя.

Уильям Фолкнер


9. «When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life». (John Lennon)

«Когда мне было пять лет, мама всегда говорила, что счастье — главное в жизни. Когда я пошёл в школу, меня спросили, кем я хочу быть, когда вырасту. Я написал: „Счастливым человеком“. Тогда мне сказали, что я не понял вопроса, а я ответил, что они не понимают жизни». (Джон Леннон)

10. «Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened». (Dr. Seuss)

«Не плачь, потому что это закончилось, улыбнись, потому что это было». (Доктор Сьюз)

Доктор Сьюз — американский детский писатель и мультипликатор.

О любви

Nathan Walker/

1. «You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection». (Buddha)

«Вы сами, не меньше чем кто-либо другой во Вселенной, заслуживаете своей любви». (Будда)

2. «Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired». (Robert Frost)

«Любовь — это непреодолимое желание быть непреодолимо желанным». (Роберт Фрост)

3. «The very essence of romance is uncertainty». (Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays)

«Вся суть романтических отношений — в неопределенности». (Оскар Уайльд, «„Как важно быть серьёзным“ и другие пьесы»)

4. «It was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight». (Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita)

«Это была любовь с первого взгляда, с последнего взгляда, с извечного взгляда». (Владимир Набоков, «Лолита»)

5. «You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams». (Dr. Seuss)

«Вы понимаете, что влюблены, когда не можете заснуть, потому что реальность наконец-то прекраснее ваших снов». (Доктор Сьюз)

6. «True love is rare, and it’s the only thing that gives life real meaning». (Nicholas Sparks, Message in a Bottle)

«Истинная любовь встречается редко, и только она придаёт жизни подлинный смысл». (Николас Спаркс, «Послание в бутылке»)

Николас Спаркс — известный американский писатель.

7. «When love is not madness it is not love». (Pedro Calderón de la Barca)

Если любовь не безумна, то это не любовь.

Педро Кальдерон де ла Барка

испанский драматург и поэт

8. «And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many». (J. R. R. Tolkien)

«И он обнял её и поцеловал под залитым солнцем небом, и он не заботился о том, что они стоят высоко на стене под взглядами толпы». (Дж. Р. Р. Толкиен)

9. «Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none». (William Shakespeare, All’s Well That Ends Well)

«Люби всех, доверяй избранным и никому не делай зла». (Уильям Шекспир, «Всё хорошо, что хорошо кончается»)

10. «Never compare your love story with those in the movies, because they are written by scriptwriters. Yours is written by God». (Unknown)

«Никогда не сравнивайте свою историю любви с кинофильмами. Их придумали сценаристы, вашу же написал сам Бог». (Автор неизвестен)

Об учёбе и образовании


1. «The limits of my language are the limits of my world». (Ludwig Wittgenstein)

«Границы моего языка — это границы моего мира». (Людвиг Витгенштейн)

Людвиг Витгенштейн — австрийский философ и логик первой половины XX века.

2. «Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere». (Chinese Proverb)

«Знание — это сокровище, которое всюду следует за тем, кто им обладает». (Китайская пословица)

3. «You can never understand one language until you understand at least two». (Geoffrey Willans)

«Вы никогда не поймёте один язык, пока не будете понимать хотя бы два». (Джеффри Вилланс)

Джеффри Вилланс — английский писатель и журналист.

4. «To have another language is to possess a second soul». (Charlemagne)

Владеть вторым языком означает обладать второй душой.

Карл Великий

император Священной Римской империи

5. «Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow». (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

«Язык — это кровь души, в которую текут мысли и из которой они произрастают». (Оливер Уэнделл Холмс)

6. «Knowledge is power». (Sir Francis Bacon)

«Знание — сила». (Фрэнсис Бэкон)

7. «Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher». (Maya Watson)

«Познание — это дар. Даже когда боль — твой учитель». (Майя Уотсон)

8. «You can never be overdressed or overeducated». (Oscar Wilde)

«Нельзя быть слишком хорошо одетым или слишком хорошо образованным». (Оскар Уайльд)

9. «Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language». (H. Jackson Brown, Jr.)

«Никогда не смейтесь над человеком, который говорит на ломаном английском. Это значит, что он знает и другой язык». (Х. Джексон Браун — младший)

Х. Джексон Браун — младший — американский писатель.

10. «Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever». (Mahatma Gandhi)

Живи так, будто умрёшь завтра. Учись так, будто будешь жить вечно.

Махатма Ганди

индийский политический и общественный деятель

С юмором

Octavio Fossatti/

1. «Have no fear of perfection; you’ll never reach it». (Salvador Dali)

«Не бойтесь совершенства; вам его никогда не достичь». (Сальвадор Дали)

2. «Only two things are infinite — the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former». (Albert Einstein)

Две вещи бесконечны — Вселенная и человеческая глупость, но насчёт Вселенной я не уверен.

Альберт Эйнштейн

физик-теоретик, один из основателей современной теоретической физики

3. «All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure». (Mark Twain)

«Имейте в жизни только невежество и самоуверенность, и успех не заставит себя ждать». (Марк Твен)

4. «If a book about failures doesn’t sell, is it a success?» (Jerry Seinfeld)

«Если книга о провале не продаётся, можно ли считать это успехом?» (Джерри Сайнфелд)

Джерри Сайнфелд — американский актёр, стендап-комик и сценарист.

5. «Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It’s the transition that’s troublesome». (Isaac Asimov)

«Жизнь приятна. Смерть безмятежна. Вся проблема в переходе от одного к другому». (Айзек Азимов)

6. «Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer». (Ellen DeGeneres, Seriously… I’m Kidding»

«Примите себя таким, какой вы есть. Только если вы не серийный убийца». (Эллен Дедженерес, «Серьезно… я шучу»)

Эллен Дедженерес — американская актриса, телеведущая и комедийная актриса.

7. «A pessimist is a man who thinks everybody is as nasty as himself, and hates them for it». (George Bernard Shaw)

«Пессимист — это человек, который считает всех настолько же невыносимыми, как он сам, и ненавидит их за это». (Джордж Бернард Шоу)

8. «Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more». (Oscar Wilde)

Всегда прощайте своих врагов — ничто не раздражает их сильнее.

Оскар Уайльд

английский философ, писатель и поэт

9. «If you would like to know the value of money, try to borrow some». (Benjamin Franklin)

«Хотите узнать цену деньгам? Попробуйте взять взаймы». (Бенджамин Франклин)

10. «Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny». (Stephen Hawking)

«Жизнь была бы трагичной, если бы не была такой забавной». (Стивен Хокинг)
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Пословицы и поговорки – это отражение народной мысли, установок, моральных ценностей. Обычно они имеют аналоги в других языках, поскольку воспроизводят “простые истины”, свойственные любому человеку каждой нации. Пословица может иметь другие образы, но будет доносить тот же смысл:

Английские пословицы      Русские эквиваленты английских пословиц
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.      В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.
The early bird catches the worm.      Кто рано встаёт – тому Бог подает.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.      У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

Но есть высказывания, которые вообще не имеют эквивалента в русском языке. Такие пословицы в наибольшей степени отражают отличия менталитета, поэтому составляют для нас особый интерес.

Английские пословицы, не имеющие русских аналогов

Кстати, сегодня мы узнаем не только смысл этих английских пословиц, но и связанные с ними занимательные истории.

Обрати внимание: если вдруг ты не согласен с описанным примером и точно знаешь русский аналог, то обязательно пиши об этом в комментариях – подискутируем! 🙂

Уникальное наследие: пословицы на английском языке с переводом

1. If you can’t be good, be careful.

Дословный перевод: Если не можешь быть хорошим, будь осторожен.

Если ты собираешься делать безнравственные вещи, убедись, что они не опасны для тебя или общества. Когда ты планируешь сделать что-то аморальное, удостоверься, что об этом никто не узнает.

Первое упоминание именно этой формулировки датируется 1903-м годом, но смысл выражения намного старше и берет свое начало из латинской пословицы “Si non caste, tamen caute” (если не целомудренно, то по крайней мере осторожно).

2. A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Дословный перевод: Один доброволец стоит двадцати принужденных.

Значение пословицы по сути прямое: даже маленькая группа людей может быть полезнее, если у нее есть энтузиазм, стремление и т.д. Зародилась эта пословица в начале 18-го века.

В то время Королевский флот имел группу матросов, вооруженных дубинками, чья цель была “насобирать” моряков на флот. Они могли делать это, рассказывая о небывалых преимуществах службы, или же просто силой (все же вооружены дубинками они были неспроста).

Английская пословица: A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men.

Такое стечение обстоятельств не делало принужденного хорошим моряком. Отсюда и “вытекло” это умозаключение.

Заметь, что в этой пословице можно менять соотношение цифр:

100 volunteers are worth 200 press’d men.

One volunteer is worth two pressed men

и т.д.

3. Suffering for a friend doubleth friendship.

Дословный перевод: Страдание за друга удваивает дружбу.

Значение этой шотландской пословицы понятно без особых объяснений. Казалось бы, в русском языке есть довольно похожая пословица “друг познается в беде”. При этом очень интересен сам смысл “страдания за друга”. Если в русском варианте говорится о том, чтобы не отвернуться от друга и помочь ему в трудной ситуации, то здесь именно страдать вместе с ним, тем самым усиливая дружбу.

Еще одна интересная с точки зрения образов английская пословица о дружбе: Friends are made in wine and proven in tears (дружба рождается в вине, а проверяется в слезах).

Также читайте: Какой он — живой английский язык?

4. A woman’s work is never done.

Дословный перевод: Женский труд никогда не заканчивается.

Ну вот и о нашей нелегкой женской доле английские пословицы позаботились 🙂 Выражение пошло от старинного двустишия:

Man may work from sun to sun,
But woman’s work is never done.

Получается, значение пословицы в том, что женские дела (в отличие от мужских) длятся бесконечно. Видно это из примера:

“A woman’s work is never done!”, said Leila. She added: “As soon as I finish washing the breakfast dishes, it’s time to start preparing lunch. Then I have to go shopping and when the kids are back home I have to help them with their homework.”

(“Женский труд никогда не заканчивается!”, – Сказала Лейла. Она добавила: “Как только я заканчиваю мыть посуду после завтрака, приходит время готовить обед. Потом я должна идти по магазинам и, когда дети возвращаются домой, я должна помогать им с домашним заданием”.)

Пословица на английском: A woman’s work is never done.

5. Comparisons are odious / odorous.

Дословный перевод: Сравнения отвратительны / воняют.

Люди должны оцениваться по их собственным заслугам, не стоит кого-либо или что-либо сравнивать между собой.

Два варианта пословица имеет не просто так. Первый вариант (Comparisons are odious) очень древний, и впервые он был запечатлен еще в 1440 году. А вот измененный вариант (Comparisons are odorous) был “создан” Шекспиром и использован им в пьесе “Много шума из ничего”.

6. Money talks.

Дословный перевод: Деньги говорят (сами за себя).

Значение – деньги решают все. Происхождение выражения является предметом споров среди лингвистов. Одни считают, что пословица зародилась в Америке 19-го века, другие – что в средневековой Англии.

Кстати, пословица использована в названии песни австралийской рок-группы AC/DC.

7. Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself.

Дословный перевод: Не держи собаку, если лаешь сам.

Значение этой английском пословицы: не работай за своего подчиненного. Высказывание очень древнее: первое упоминание зафиксировано еще в 1583 году.

По поводу отсутствия аналога: в разных источниках дана разная информация. Кто-то согласен с тем, что аналогов в русском языке нет, другие в качестве эквивалента предлагают пословицу:

За то собаку кормят, что она лает.

Однако, в Большом словаре русских пословиц такой пословицы о собаке нет вообще. Возможно, то что предлагают нам в качестве альтернативы, это адаптированный перевод именно английской пословицы (такое бывает).

8. Every man has his price.

Дословный перевод: У каждого есть своя цена.

Согласно этой пословице, подкупить можно любого, главное предложить достаточную цену. Наблюдение впервые зафиксировано в 1734 году, но, скорее всего, имеет и более давнюю историю.

Также читайте: История Англии: список лучших документальных фильмов

9. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Дословный перевод: Подражание – самая искренняя форма лести.

Значение пословицы прямое. Эта формулировка восходит к началу 19-го века. Но сама мысль еще древнее и встречалась в текстах 18-го века, например, в 1714 году у журналиста Юстаса Баджелла:

Imitation is a kind of artless Flattery (Имитация является своего рода бесхитростной лестью).

10. It’s better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

Дословный перевод: Лучше зажечь свечу, чем проклинать темноту.

Вопрос об аналоге снова спорен: в некоторых источниках, где даны английские пословицы с переводом на русский, эквивалентом называют:

Лучше пойти и плюнуть, чем плюнуть и не пойти.

Хочу с этим поспорить. Значение русской пословицы: лучше сделать, чем жалеть, что не сделал. Смысл английской – лучше исправить положение, чем жаловаться на него. Лично мне смысловая составляющая про жалобы кажется первостепенной, поэтому приравнивать эти пословицы я бы не стала.

11. Stupid is as stupid does

Дословный перевод: Глуп тот, кто глупо поступает.

На самом деле это не совсем “народная пословица”, а фраза, которой Форест Гамп отбивался от назойливых вопросов о своем интеллекте:

Фраза ушла в народ 🙂 Прародитель этого выражения – пословица “Handsome is as handsome does” (красив тот, кто красиво поступает), уже имеющая аналог в русском языке: “Не тот хорош, кто лицом пригож, а тот хорош, кто для дела гож”.

Также читайте: Игра престолов с Lingualeo, или Hear me roar

12. You can’t make bricks without straw

Дословный перевод: Нельзя сделать кирпич без соломы.

Опять же в некоторых источниках в качестве аналога указывается русское “без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда”. При этом английская пословица говорит не о трудолюбии, а о невозможности выполнить задачу без необходимых материалов.

“It’s no good trying to build a website if you don’t know any html, you can’t make bricks without straw.” (Не пытайся создать веб-сайт, если ты не знаешь HTML: ты не можешь делать кирпичи без соломы).

Согласно википедии выражение берет начало из библейского сюжета, когда Фараон в наказание запрещает давать израильтянам солому, но приказывает делать то же количество кирпичей, как и раньше.

Где искать пословицы и поговорки на английском языке по темам?

Возможно, это не все высказывания, не имеющие русских аналогов, ведь английских пословиц (и их значений) огромное множество. Кстати, ты вполне можешь поискать их самостоятельно в нашей Библиотеке материалов по запросу “proverb”, чтобы насытить свою английскую речь чудесными выражениями. Успехов! 🙂

Пословицы и поговорки
для детей

Пословицы и поговорки на анлийском языке.


  1. English Proverbs and Sayings.
  2. Новые пословицы на анлийском языке.
  3. Пословицы и поговорки на анлийском языке.
  4. Пословицы и поговорки на английском про дом.
  5. English Proverbs and Sayings about House.
  6. Пословицы и поговорки на английском про здоровье.
  7. English Proverbs and Sayings about Health.
  8. Пословицы и поговорки на английском про путешествия.
  9. English Proverbs and Sayings about Travelling.
  10. Пословицы и поговорки на английском про пищу.
  11. English Proverbs and Sayings about Food.
  12. Пословицы на английском про работу. Work.

English Proverbs and Sayings.

Новые пословицы на анлийском языке.

A bargain is a bargian. – Уговор дороже денег.

A cracked bell can never sound well. – Сломанный колокол никогда не звонит. (Старость не в радость).

A good example is the best sermon. – Хороший пример – лучшая проповедь.

A friend in court is better than a penny in purse. – Влиятельный друг дороже денег. (Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей).

A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Истинный друг познаётся в беде.

A little help is worth a deal of pity. – Малая помощь лучше больших сожалений.

A man is known by the company he keeps. – Скажи мне, кто твой друг, и я скажу, кто ты.

A stitch in time saves nine. – Один стежок, сделанный вовремя, стоит девяти. (Дорога ложка к обеду).

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. – В разлуке чувства крепнут.

Barking dogs seldom bite. – Лающие собаки редко кусаются. (Кто много грозит, тот мало вредит).

Better an open enemy than a false friend. – Лучше хороший враг, чем фальшивый друг.

Better a new friend than an old foe. – Лучше новый друг, чем старый враг.

Eggs can’t teach a hen. – Яйца курицу не учат.

Fling dirt enough and some will stick. – Набросай достаточно грязи – и часть её пристанет. (Клевета как уголь: не обожжёт, так замарает).

Get anything given – run being beaten. – Дают – бери, бьют – беги.

No man is a hero to his valet. – Никто не бывает героем в глазах своего свлуги.

Once bitten, twice shy. – Однажды укушенный – вдвойне пуглив. (Пуганная ворона куста боится).

Pride goes before a fall. – Гордыня предшествует падению. (Диавол гордился, да с неба свалился).

The devil is not so black as he is painted. – Не так страшен чёрт, как его малюют. (Не так страшен лев, как его рисуют).

The first wealth is health. – Здоровье – главное богатство.

(There is) now smoke without fire. – Нет дыма без огня.

You can’t serve two masters. – Нельзя служить двум господам.

Если вас интересует нативное изучения английского языка для вашего ребенка и всей семьи, имеет смысл задуматься об иммиграции в ведущие развитые страны. Для экономии времени и денег, а также во избежание рисков отказа, разумным решением будет обратиться за оформлением необходимых документов к профессионалам. По ссылке: вы сможете получить бесплатную консультацию по любым вопросам оформления иностранного паспорта для граждан России.

Пословицы и поговорки на анлийском языке.

A dog in the manger. – Собака в яслях. Собака на сене.

A good name is better than riches. – Добрая слава лучше богатства.

A word is enough to wise. – Умному и слова довольно. Умный слышит с полуслова.

All sugar and honey. – Весь из сахара и мёда. Сахар Медович (о слащавом неискреннем человеке.).

An Englishman’s home (house) is his castle. – Дом англичанина – его крепость; англичанин у себя дома – хозяин.

As slippery as an eel. – Скользкий как угорь (изворотливый).

Better late than never. – Лучше поздно чем никогда.

Charity begins at home. – Милосердие начинается дома. Своя рубашка ближе к телу.

Custom is a second nature. – Привычка вторая натура.

Fortune favours the brave. – Удача благоприятствует смелым.

Politeness goes far, yet costs nothing. – Вежливость ценится дорого, но ничего не стоит.

Still waters run deep. – Тихие воды имеют глубокое течение. В тихом омуте черти водятся.

To take to something like a duck to water. – Как рыба в воде.

To wear one’s heart upon one’s sleeve. – Носить своё сердце на рукаве. Душа нараспашку.

Two heads are better than one. – Одна голова хорошо, а две лучше.

You can’t serve two masters. – Нельзя служить двум господам.

Пословицы и поговорки на английском про дом.

English Proverbs and Sayings about House.

Burn not house to rid it of the mouse. – Не сжигай своего дома, чтобы избавиться от мыши.

East or West, home is best. – Восток ли, запад ли, а дома лучше.

Keep a thing seven years and you will find a use for it. – Продержите вещь семь лет, и вы сумеете извлечь из нее выгоду. (В конце концов, любая вещь может пригодиться).

People who live in glass houses should never throw stones. Люди, которые живут в стеклянных домах, не должны кидать камни. (Не руби сук, на котором сидишь).

There is no place like home. – (Родной) дом – самое лучшее место. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Пословицы и поговорки на английском про здоровье.

English Proverbs and Sayings about Health.

A sound mind in a sound body. – В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. -Кто рано ложится и рано встаёт, здоровье, богатство и ум наживёт.

Fit as a fiddle. – Здоров как бык.

Health is better than wealth. – Здоровье – лучшее богатство.

One hour’s sleep before midnight is worth two after. – Час сна до полуночи стоит двух после.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. – Что для одного еда, для другого яд.

Health is not valued till sickness comes. – Здоровье не ценится, пока здоров.

Prevention is better than cure. – Лучше предотвратить болезнь, чем лечить.

Пословицы и поговорки на английском про путешествия.

English Proverbs and Sayings about Travelling.

Every country has its customs. – У каждой страны свои обычаи. Что город, то норов.

So many countries, so many customs. – Сколько стран, столько и обычаев.

To carry coals to Newcastle. – Возить уголь в Ньюкасл. Ездить в Тулу со своим самоваром.

When at Rome, do as Romans do. – Когда находишься в Риме, поступай как римляне. В чужой монастырь со своим уставом не ходят.

Пословицы и поговорки на английском про пищу.

English Proverbs and Sayings about Food.

I am as hungry as a hunter. – Я голоден как волк.

A hungry belly has no ears. – Голодное брюхо к ученью глухо.

An apple a day the doctor away. – По яблоку в день – и доктор не нужен.

Appetite comes with eating. – Аппетит приходит во время еды.

Don’t live to eat, but eat to live. – Не жить, чтобы есть, а есть, чтобы жить.

Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. – Ешь вволю, (а) пей в меру.

Hunger breaks stone walls. – Голод ломает и каменные стены; нужда всему научит.

Hunger is the best sauce. – Голод – лучшая приправа.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. – Что для одного еда, то для другого яд.

Tastes differ. – О вкусах не спорят.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating. – Чтобы узнать, каков пудинг, надо его отведать, (все проверяется практикой).

Too many cooks spoil the broth. – Слишком много поваров портят бульон, (У семи нянек дитя без глазу).

You can’t eat your cake and have it too. – Нельзя съесть свой пирог и в тоже время сохранить его (нельзя делать взаимно исключающие вещи).

Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet. – Кто никогда не пробовал горького, не знает, что такое сладкое.

Пословицы на английском про работу. Work.

A light purse is a heavy curse. – Хуже всех бед, когда нет денег.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. – Кому на месте не сидится, тот добра не наживёт.

An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. – Один утренний час лучше двух вечерних. Утро вечера мудренее.

Business before pleasure. – Делу время потехе час.

By fits and starts. – Рывками; судорожно; нерегулярно.

If you want a thing well done, do it yourself. – Если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано хорошо, – делай его сам. Свой глаз – алмаз.

It is never too late to learn. – Учиться никогда не поздно.

Jack of all trades and master of none. – За все берущийся человек, но ничего не умеющий делать.

Live and learn. – Живи и учись. Век живи, век учись.

Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. – Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

No pain, no gain. – Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда.

To be busy as a bee. – Вертеться как белка в колесе.

To know everything is to know nothing. Знать все – значит ничего не знать.

To know something like the palm of one’s hand. – Знать, как свои пять пальцев.

To work with the left hand. – Работать спустя рукава. Работать левой рукой.

Well begun is half done. – Хорошо начатое наполовину сделано.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. – Где есть желание, там есть и путь (т.е. средство). Где хотенье, там и уменье.

Everyday English под редакцией Т.Ю. Дроздовой.

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