Say the word idiom

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The present version, which is a gross mistranslation, empties the response of its scriptural echoes, reading: «Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed.» The new text refers us to Luke 7:6-7, from which the words «come under my roof» (sub rectum meum) derive.

White was also told about the fate of young Christian children who were threatened with death if they don’t say the words that they will follow Mohammed.

«I had to say the words I hated most, over and over, and it worked.»

I heard of a young gymnast who said that in the training gym, she and her teammates were never allowed to say the words «I can’t.» If they struggled with a new skill, they could say, «I’m working on it,» or «I have to get stronger,» but never «I can’t.»

Say the words «down time» to any mining contractor, and one is guaranteed to see him cringe.

In the pages of a family newspaper I can’t tell you what he said but let’s just say the words used rhyme with «Joe» and «blob».

The actual explicit exercise of infallibility is rare in the church, but trust in it is present every time we say the words «I believe in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.»

Ohwa, tagu, siam.» They needed to say the words faster in order for the chant to work.

Say the words «coal-powered engine,» and images of men shoveling black rock into the fiery belly of a steam engine come to mind.

Administrators say the words and phrases are considered obscene under the college’s sexual harassment policy.

«It helps them to speak more quickly because we say the words as we do the sign and they have already learned how to communicate.

CHARLES Kennedy did not say the words attributed to him about his ability to lead the Liberal Democrats (Page 2, September 22).

The book features a map of the continent of Africa and even offers a «how to say the words» section at the end of the book.

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  • say in a roundabout way
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  • Say it ain’t so, Joe
  • Say it ain’t so, Joe!
  • say it, don’t spray it
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  • say out loud
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  • say over and over (again)
  • say piece
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  • say the word
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  • say to face
  • say to oneself
  • say uncle
  • say uncle, to
  • say what you like (about someone or something)
  • Say what?
  • say when
  • say your piece
  • say, etc. something in the same breath
  • sayin
  • saying
  • saying is one thing, doing is another
  • says me
  • Says me!
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  • Says who?
  • says you
  • Says you!
  • say-so
  • Sb
  • SBD
  • scab
  • scab over

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  • say something under our breath
  • say something under their breath
  • say something under your breath
  • say that
  • say that about
  • say that against
  • say that black is white
  • say that in a roundabout sort of way
  • say that in a roundabout way
  • say that out loud
  • say that over and over
  • say that over and over again
  • say that to face
  • say that to her face
  • say that to herself
  • say that to himself
  • say that to his face
  • say that to my face
  • say that to myself
  • say that to one’s face
  • say that to oneself
  • say that to our face
  • say that to our faces
  • say that to ourselves
  • say that to their face
  • say that to their faces
  • say that to themselves
  • say that to your face
  • say that to yourself
  • say that to yourselves
  • say the word
  • say their piece
  • say this about
  • say this against
  • say this for
  • say this much for
  • say to
  • say to (oneself)
  • say to face
  • say to oneself
  • Say Uncle
  • Say Uncle
  • Say Uncle
  • Say uncle!
  • say uncle, to
  • Say uncle.
  • say under breath
  • say under her breath
  • say under his breath
  • say under my breath
  • say under one’s breath
  • say under our breath
  • say under their breath
  • say under your breath
  • say what
  • say what you like
  • say what you like (about someone or something)
  • say what you like about
  • say what you like about her
  • say what you like about him
  • say what you like about it

say the word

выразить, высказать желание; приказать

I’ll not be happy till I’ve given you the time of your life. What shall we do first? Say the word and it’s as good as done. (A. J. Cronin, ‘Hatter’s Castle’, book I, ch. 2) — Я буду счастлив только тогда, когда сумею повеселить вас, как вы еще никогда в жизни не веселились. Ну, с чего же нам начать? Скажите только слово, и ваше желание будет исполнено.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «say the word» в других словарях:

  • Say the Word — Single par Namie Amuro extrait de l’album Love Enhanced Face A Say the Word Face B Let s not fight Sortie 8 août 2001 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • say the word — {v. phr.}, {informal} To say or show that you want something or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, or readiness; give a sign; say yes; say so. * /Just say the word and I will lend you the money./ * /I will do anything you want; just… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • say the word — {v. phr.}, {informal} To say or show that you want something or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, or readiness; give a sign; say yes; say so. * /Just say the word and I will lend you the money./ * /I will do anything you want; just… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • say the word — say yes or no, tell us when you want to begin    We re waiting for you. Just say the word and we ll start working …   English idioms

  • say the word — ► say the word give permission or instructions. Main Entry: ↑say …   English terms dictionary

  • Say the Word — Infobox Single Name = Say the Word Artist = Namie Amuro from Album = Love Enhanced Single Collection B side = Let s Not Fight Released = August 8, 2001 (CD) September 12 2001 (Vinyl) Format = CD Single, Vinyl Recorded = Genre = Pop Length = 22:09 …   Wikipedia

  • say the word — v. phr. informal To say or show that you want something or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, or readiness; give a sign; say yes; say so. Just say the word and I will lend you the money. I will do anything you want; just say the word.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • say the word — (just) say the word to tell someone that you want something. If you want me to pick up some fish for dinner, just say the word. You only have to say the word and I ll come and help you paint the kitchen …   New idioms dictionary

  • say the word — if you tell someone that they only have to say the word and you will do something for them, you mean that you will do it immediately if they ask you. You only have to say the word and I ll come and help. Just say the word and the boys ll make… …   New idioms dictionary

  • say the word — give a sign, show a wish Just say the word and I will come and pick you up at the airport …   Idioms and examples

  • Say the Word (Arcadia song) — Infobox Single | Name = Say the Word Caption = Artist = Arcadia from Album = Playing for Keeps OST B side = Instrumental Released = July 1986 Format = 7 , 12 Recorded = France Genre = Dance, New Wave Length = 4:29 Label = Atlantic 7 89370 Writer …   Wikipedia



say the word — отдать распоряжение; отдать приказание; отдать команду
to say the word — приказать; распорядиться
you have only to say the word — вам стоит только слово сказать, только прикажите
to give the word, to say the word — отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/
he didn’t say a word — он не вымолвил /не произнёс, не сказал/ ни (одного) слова
to say the magic word — произнести заклинание /магические слова/
he could not say a word — он не мог сказать ни (одного) слова
to say a good word for smb. — замолвить за кого-л. словечко
to say a few words about smth. — высказать своё мнение о чём-л.
to put in / say a word for smb. — замолвить словечко за кого-л.
you didn’t say a word to help me out — ты и слова не сказал, чтобы как-то выручить меня
say a few words by way of introduction — сказать несколько слов в качестве вступления
he was that angry he couldn’t say a word — он был до того рассержен, что слова не мог вымолвить

Автоматический перевод

сказать слово

Перевод по словам

say  — говорить, сказать, утверждать, слово, мнение, высказывание, влияние
word  — слово, известие, речь, обещание, текст, вести, сформулировать, выражать словами


Anywhere you want to go, just say the word.

Куда захочешь, туда и пойдём, только скажи.

If you say the word, we’ll take the mustache off for you, right now.

Вы только скажите, и мы тотчас сбреем усы в вашу честь.

Just say the word. *

Ты только Скажи.

Say the word and you’ll be free. *

Ты только скажи, и я оставлю тебя в покое.

I’m ready to start any time you say the word. *

Когда скажешь, тогда и начнем.

You’ve only to say the word and the money’s yours. *

Одно только твое слово, и деньги твои.

Say, is this guy giving you any trouble? Say the word and I’ll give him the bum’s rush. *

Послушай, этот парень, что, пристает к тебе? Скажи только слово, и я нагоню его отсюда.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I’d like to say a few words about the plans.  

I didn’t mean to say it. The words slipped out.  

She hated to say the words, for fear of causing pain.  

Before anyone could say a word, he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Смотреть что такое SAY THE WORD в других словарях:


say the word: translationsay the wordto give a signal to begin; to say yes or okay. • I’m ready to start any time you say the word. • We’ll all shout “… смотреть


say the word: translationsay the wordto give a signal to begin; to say yes or okay. • I’m ready to start any time you say the word. • We’ll all shout “… смотреть


say the word: translationSynonyms and related words:OK, accord, admit, allow, bid, call on, call the signals, call upon, charge, command, commission, c… смотреть


word, say the expr infml Just say the word Ты только скажи You’ve only to say the word and the money’s yours Одно только твое слово, и деньги твои Say the word and you’ll be free Ты только скажи, и я оставлю тебя в покое I’m ready to start any time you say the word Когда скажешь, тогда и начнем… смотреть


expr infml
Just say the word — Ты только Скажи
You’ve only to say the word and the money’s yours — Одно только твое слово, и деньги твои
Say the word and you’ll be free — Ты только скажи, и я оставлю тебя в покое
I’m ready to start any time you say the word — Когда скажешь, тогда и начнем… смотреть

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of SAY THE WORD in English

{v. phr.}, {informal} To say or show that you want something or agree to something; show a wish, willingness, or readiness; give a sign; say yes; say so. * /Just say the word and I will lend you the money./ * /I will do anything you want; just say the word./ * /If you get tired of those pictures, say the word./

Dictionary of English idioms .

     Словарь английских идиом.

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