Say one word about your best friend

Мы не можем жить без друзей. Дружба — это взаимоотношения между людьми, в основе которых лежит общий интерес, общее дело, духовная близость, взаимопомощь, взаимоуважение. Человек может считать себя по-настоящему счастливым, если у него есть верные друзья.

У человека не может быть много друзей, вот знакомых — да, как хоккейная команда. Чаще всего, у нас 2-3 близких друга, начиная с детства. Друзья помогают в сложных ситуациях, хранят секреты и поддерживают советом.

Еще со школьной скамьи детей учат рассказывать о своем лучшем друге на уроках английского. Ниже мы предлагаем вам несколько вариантов сочинений про дружбу и лучших друзей для разного возраста. Все рассказы с переводом. Ознакомьтесь также с базовым словарем, чтобы составить свое собственное сочинение про лучшего друга.

Словарь по теме «My Best Friend»

  • a loyal friend — преданный друг;
  • a close friend / a good friend — близкий друг;
  • a mate -приятель;
  • a real friend — настоящий друг;
  • to make friends — заводить друзей;
  • a lifelong friendship — дружба на всю жизнь;
  • to get on well together — хорошо ладить друг с другом;
  • to have something in common — иметь что-то общее;
  • a friend in need is a friend indeed — друг познаётся в беде;
  • a bestie — лучшая подруга;
  • chamber fellow — товарищ по учебе;
  • fair weather friends — друзья только в радости;
  • no matter what happens — что бы ни случилось;
  • circle of friends – круг друзей;
  • to be at odds with someone — быть в конфликте с кем-то;
  • to cross someone’s path — неожиданно встретиться с кем-то;
  • to hit off with somebody — найти общий язык, подружиться;
  • to go through hell and high water — пройти сквозь огонь и воду;
  • to go through thick and thin — испытать вместе хорошее и плохое;
  • to trust with anything — доверять что либо;
  • to share secrets — делиться секретами;
  • to have the occasional row — иногда ссориться;
  • to support — поддерживать.

Примеры сочинений про лучшего друга на английском

Рассказ про друга для начальной школы

I have many friends, most of them study with me at school.
My best friend Artyom. He is 10 years old. He is very fond of playing computer games and reading books about travelling.
Artyom is very popular at school. He is a leader. Everyone likes him because he is very sociable and kind. He is a good companion, he will come to the rescue if trouble happens.

Artyom has blonde hair and green eyes. He’s pretty tall. We often play basketball together. Artyom has a good sense of humor, so it’s always fun with him. We often walk, chat about everything. Sometimes I help him with his homework.

my best friend


У меня много друзей, многие из них учатся со мной в школе.
Мой лучший друг Артём. Ему 10 лет. Он очень любит играть в компьютерные игры и читать книги про путешествия.
В классе Артем очень популярен. Он лидер. Все его любят, потому что он очень общительный и добрый. Он хороший товарищ, придёт на помощь, если случится беда.

Артём имеет светлые волосы и зелёные глаза. Он довольно высокий. Мы часто вместе играем в баскетбол. Артём обладает хорошим чувством юмора, поэтому с ним никогда не скучно. Мы часто гуляем, болтаем обо всем. Я иногда помогаю ему с домашней работой.

Сочинение «My Best Friend» для средней школы

Everyone is looking for a friend, a person with common interests. True friends will always help and support.
Many people make friends at school and then do not part with them all their lives.

I would like to tell you about my best friend Vera. She is 15 years old. She is going to become a fashion designer, so she is always trendy and stylish.

Vera is blonde, she has very beautiful blue eyes. She is tall and thin. Vera is very sociable and friendly.

She is fond of reading fashion magazines and watching fashion shows. In her free time, she sews clothes for dolls — this is how she hones her skills.
We often prepare for tests and laboratory assignments together.

I adore Vera as a friend, she will always listen to me and help with advice. When people look in the same direction, they have common views and interests, this makes friendship strong and lasting.


Каждый ищет себе друга, человека по интересам. Настоящие друзья всегда помогут и поддержат. Многие находят себе друзей в школе и потом не расстаются с ними всю жизнь.

Я бы хотела рассказать про свою подругу, которую зовут Вера. Ей 15 лет. Она собирается стать дизайнером одежды, поэтому она всегда модная и стильная.
Вера блондинка, у неё очень красивые голубые глаза, она очень худая и высокая. Вера очень общительная и дружелюбная.

Ее хобби — это читать журналы про моду, смотреть модные показы. В свободное время она шьет одежду для кукол, так она оттачивает мастерство. Мы часто готовимся к контрольным и лабораторным вместе.

Я обожаю Вера как подругу, она всегда выслушает и поможет советом. Когда люди смотрят в одном направлении, у них общие взгляды и интересы, это делает дружбу крепкой и прочной.

make friends эссе

Топик «My Friend» для старшеклассников

No doubt, everyone dreams of having a true and faithful friend but not all of us are lucky enough to find one. Frankly speaking, I’m rather sociable, that’s why I have many friends. As for me I’m happy with my friends. Firstly, I don’t have «fair weather» friends. Secondly, all my friends are very pleasant people, and I’m never bored with them.

My best friend is Masha. We study in the same class and though she doesn’t live next door we manage to spend much time together. In appearance she is very attractive. She has an oval face, a straight nose, thick dark hair, big brown eyes and a pleasant smile. So people and, of course I, find her smart. Besides, Masha is known for her warm and friendly character. She is usually open-minded and interested in other people. More than that, she is considerate, supportive and responsible. I can always turn to her whenever I’m in trouble, and she never fails to help.

I’d like to point out, that Masha is rather brainy, and that’s why she is excellent at school. In general, Masha is loyal, trustworthy, tactful and great at keeping secrets. For me it is very important that my best friend is an honest girl. I can fully rely on her and trust her everything. To tell the truth, we have never let each other down.

In conclusion I’d like to add, that my friend is an interesting person. She is well-read. Her favourite foreign author is Julian Rowling and her creation Harry Potter.

Besides, she is keen on modern music and enthusiastic with sport. To sum up, «A good friend is like the sun in winter», it’s about Masha. I’m the happiest girl in the world, because I have such a wonderful friend.


Несомненно, каждый мечтает о верном и преданном друге, но не всем нам повезло найти его. Честно говоря, я довольно общительный, поэтому у меня много друзей. Что касается меня, я доволен своими друзьями. Во-первых, у меня нет друзей, которые со мной только в хороших ситуациях. Во-вторых, все мои друзья — очень приятные люди, и мне с ними никогда не бывает скучно.

Моя лучшая подруга — Маша. Мы учимся в одном классе, и, хотя она не живет по соседству, нам удается проводить много времени вместе. С виду она очень привлекательна. У нее овальное лицо, прямой нос, густые темные волосы, большие карие глаза и приятная улыбка. Так что люди и, конечно же, я считаю ее умной. Кроме того, Маша известна своим теплым и доброжелательным характером. Обычно она открыта и интересуется другими людьми. Более того, она внимательна, отзывчива и ответственна. Я всегда могу обратиться к ней, когда у меня возникнут проблемы, и она всегда поможет.

Хочу отметить, что Маша довольно умная, поэтому в школе хорошо учится. В целом Маша лояльна, надежна, тактична и умеет хранить секреты. Для меня очень важно, чтобы моя лучшая подруга была честной девушкой. Я могу полностью на нее положиться и во всем ей доверять. По правде говоря, мы никогда не подводили друг друга.

В заключение хочу добавить, что мой друг — интересный человек. Она начитана. Ее любимый зарубежный автор — Джулиан Роулинг и ее творение Гарри Поттер.

Кроме того, она увлекается современной музыкой и увлекается спортом.

Подводя итог: «Хороший друг — как солнышко зимой», это про Машу. Я самая счастливая девушка в мире, потому что у меня есть такой замечательный друг.

Эссе «Friends and Friendship» для ОГЭ/ЕГЭ

In this life, we make relations with many people. Many people come and go in our lives. Few people stay for little time whereas a few more than little. Man’s nature is very complex. Only a few people one may like and become their friend. Those people are really lucky who are surrounded by best friends.

Not every friend may become your best friend. The best friend is one who understands you truly. Who becomes your partner in your good time as well in your bad time. A good friend is not a just fair-weather friend. This sort of friendship is really a great ever gift one may have.

I am lucky enough to have a best friend of life. Nikkil is my best friend of mine. I call him ‘Niki’ in love. He truly loves me and understands me fully. He is my class fellow. He has been my best friend since my childhood days. We both come to our school together. There many similarities between me and Nikki. For instance, he is very true and committed to studies.

He has always a genuine heart towards our class-fellows who are not good at studies. We both help our class fellows in studies. In our free time from school, I love spending time with Nikki. We both are working over a mission of teaching younger and poor students from our community.

For that purpose, we spend our free time teaching those kids. It gives a sense of pleasure and purpose of social service. Apart from being good at studies at school, we both feel pleasure in participating in various extracurricular activities at school.

We take part in speech contests, debates, tabloids, singing and dancing competitions, and sports events. In fact, Nikki is quite good at volleyball. He is the capitain of our School’s Volleyball team. I feel great pride in telling you that Nikki has won Volleyball finals in annual inter-schools sports events. He has received many prizes and medals in this regard.

In every summer vacation, our families always plan for a weekly tour. We visit several places around our country. In these family trips, it is always a great pleasure for me to be with Nikki all around. In fact, our families know about our true attachment as sincere friends and always praise us for that.

I am very much happy and thankful to God for blessing me a true and sincere friend Nikki. I always pray for stability and long long life of our friendship.


В этой жизни мы строим отношения со многими людьми. Многие люди приходят и уходят из нашей жизни. Мало кто задерживается на небольшое время, в то время, как некоторые проходят еще меньше. Природа человека очень сложна. Лишь немногие люди могут понравиться и стать их друзьями. Действительно удачливы люди, которых окружают лучшие друзья.

Не каждый друг может стать вашим лучшим другом. Лучший друг — это тот, кто искренне вас понимает. Кто станет вашим партнером в хорошее время, а также в плохое. Хороший друг — не просто приятель в хорошую погоду. Такая дружба — действительно отличный подарок.

Мне посчастливилось иметь лучшего друга жизни. Никкил — мой лучший друг. Я в любви зову его «Ники». Он искренне любит меня и полностью меня понимает. Он мой одноклассник. Он был моим лучшим другом с детства. Мы оба вместе ходим в школу. Между мной и Никки много общего. Например, он очень верен и предан учебе.

Он всегда искренне относится к нашим одноклассникам, которые плохо учатся. Мы оба помогаем одноклассникам в учебе. В свободное от школы время я люблю проводить время с Никки. Мы оба работаем над миссией обучения младших и бедных студентов из нашего сообщества.

С этой целью мы проводим свободное время, обучая этих детей. Это дает ощущение удовольствия и цели социальной службы. Мы оба не только хорошо учимся в школе, но и получаем удовольствие от участия в различных внеклассных мероприятиях в школе.

Мы участвуем в конкурсах выступлений, дебатах, таблоидах, песенных и танцевальных конкурсах, а также в спортивных мероприятиях. На самом деле, Никки неплохо играет в волейбол. Он является капитаном волейбольной команды нашей школы. Я горжусь тем, что Никки выигрывал финал по волейболу на ежегодных межшкольных спортивных мероприятиях. За это время он получил множество наград и медалей.

Во время каждого летнего отпуска наши семьи всегда планируют еженедельный тур. Мы посещаем несколько мест в нашей стране. В этих семейных поездках мне всегда доставляет огромное удовольствие быть рядом с Никки. Фактически, наши семьи знают о нашей истинной привязанности и всегда хвалят нас за это.

Я очень счастлив и благодарен Богу за то, что он послал мне настоящего и искреннего друга Никки. Я всегда молюсь о стабильности и долгих годах нашей дружбы.

Преданных вам друзей и успехов в изучении английского!

Who does not have a friend in this world? On top of it, if one has a best friend, it is probably the best gift one can have.


    • List of Essays on My Best Friend in English
      • Essay on Best Friend for Kids – Essay 1 (150 Words)
      • Short Essay on Best Friend – Essay 2 (250 Words)
      • Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 3 (300 Words)
      • Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 4 (400 Words)
      • Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 5 (500 Words)
      • Essay on My Best Friend – Common Interests and Different Career Paths – Essay 6 (750 Words)
      • Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 7 (1000 Words)

Students of different classes are often required to write essays on My Best Friend, no matter whether the student is in class 1st or 2nd or is studying in a higher class.

Here we have come up with different essays on My Best friend which suit the needs of students of all classes. These essays shall definitely ease the stress the students face while compiling essays on such topics which though seem easy to write but consume a lot of time and energy.

List of Essays on My Best Friend in English

Essay on Best Friend for Kids – Essay 1 (150 Words)

A person’s best friend is the closest and most special person in that person’s life. A best friend is someone with whom we share all of the most important and crucial things in our life.

Best friends support each other in everything they do. My best friend is Frank; our parents are also very good friends. I can’t even remember when we became friends which show how long we have been friends.

There are pictures of us crawling together as babies. We do almost everything together, we understand each other so well and he is always there to listen to me and comfort me when I am sad and not feeling too good.

Some people think we are siblings because we are always together and we live on the same street so we spend all the time together at home and in school.

My best friend is the greatest friend in the world.

Short Essay on Best Friend – Essay 2 (250 Words)

The one person in the world that will give you equal love and devotion like your parents and lovers is your best friend. My best friend is Mark. We both study in the same school. Mark also helps me in my studies. We also live in the same locality. My best friend Mark and I spend most of the time together doing the things we like to do. We enjoy our life according to our needs and wishes.

My best friend is the person on whom I can truly count on all through my life. Whenever I need help or support, my best friend is always there for me.We have lived moments together and have created memories that will remain throughout my life.

Having a best friend like Mark makes my life easier. In any crucial situation, the first person that comes to my mind is my best friend. Whenever I am in any problem, my best friend helps me to get out of the problem by providing the best solutions. My best friend gets angry when I do something wrong and appreciates me when I achive something.

My best friend helps me to become a better person. We plan our weekends and enjoy together. My best friend is the person who makes me happy and deserves all my love and attention. My best friend has been my support system and my strength. No one can take the place of my best friend Mark in my life.

Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 3 (300 Words)

Friendship is a great blessing in anybody’s life. A person gets acquainted with different people during their life journey. Among these, we find a few who think in our wavelength with similar taste and nature. We become more attached to these type of people and spend more time with them. Gradually a kind of relationship develops which turns out to leave long-lasting impressions in one’s life.

It is an indication of a healthy relationship, and the friendship starts from here. And for most of us, friends are more or less family. You and your friends will have many things in common. You spent most of your day with your friends. You share anything and everything with your friends. In short, the most memorable moments in everybody’s lives will be the ones spent with the best friends.

I am indeed lucky to have my school friend, Kajal as my best friend even now. I still remember the day I met her. It fell on the second day of my U.K.G class. It sounds to be a cock and bull story, but I earned the best friend of my life when I was just five years old. I do believe that she is the best thing ever happened to me. She is still there as strong motivator.

We played together, studied together, laughed together, sometimes cried together, did grow up together, made incredible memories together and finally when fourteen years of school life came to pause, we bid goodbye and parted our ways.

Friendship never ends:

Though miles apart, we either call or send messages on a daily basis. Wherever we go, we are connected by heart and manages to organize a meet up once every three months. We chat about the events in our lives so far, cherish our mischievous moments together, reminisce our good old days, capture every single moment in photographs and separate again.

Life continues its incredible journey, so many intimate friends moved in and out of my life, but none replaced the sole position reserved for my girl, now a strong woman, who stood by my side during the ebb and flow of my little life.

Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 4 (400 Words)


A friend is just anyone with whom a bond exists and mutual affection forms a relationship. A person could have many friends depending on the social character and the ease of being relatable with others. At different stages of life, we need friends who are the same level as us in order to fit in but to some people, that is not an option because they believe in functioning independently, which is still okay.

Psychologists recommend that people should co-exist together so that they can help each other during times of need. There is also a fact that coping mechanisms to stress are better off when friends are involved. A friend could be any one but a best friend is usually that one person you value the most of all your friends. A best friend is like family.

Who is my best friend?

My best friend is a girl named Shanaya. We grew up together. Our parents were friends from college and so they progressed to pursue the same career and that is how they ended up in the same neighborhood because they work in the same hospital. Her father is a doctor while my father is an anesthetist.

Since we were young, we would play together, went to school together. We were separated for about one year because she joined a different high school from mine but she later joined me at my current school. The separation made me realize that she was actually my best friend because it was hard without her around. My best friend and I are now in senior year but different classes. We interact on a daily basis.

Reasons why I like my best friend:

My best friend possesses qualities that just make me love her. She is kind to everyone, even animals. We have grown up like sisters and she has been the bigger sister to me because she has always protected me from bullies.

She is intelligent both academically and in issue concerning life. My class performance was not so good when she joined my school but through her help, I have been able to Improve. Her sense of fashion is impeccable. She always steals the attention of everyone when we walk together, which makes me invisible. We have very imaginative minds. Sometimes we just sit and plan our future and it is just amazing how she jokes about everything. She wants to be a doctor just like her father and she believes in humanity.

Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 5 (500 Words)

Who is a Friend?

The definition of a friend is relative to different personalities with their different backgrounds, orientations and beliefs. However, a conventional description of a friend is; someone you care about. Caring about someone goes beyond the ordinary meaning of the word. He or she must cherish the other enough to call it love.

Now love is built on trust; a friend is someone you trust, at least, to a reasonable extent. If I can’t trust you, then I’m in trouble having you as a friend. Where there is no trust, there is no love and where there is no love, there can’t be friendship.

Who deserves to be Called My Best Friend?

If a friend is someone I love, then my best friend should be the one I love most. Best friends are usually fond of themselves. When two friends get used to each other, a strong mutual understanding is created. At this level, their friendship hits new heights.

Understanding is very important in friendship. A person is most likely to pick the friend he or she understands the most as his/her best friend. These kind of friends must have become very compatible and would easily share almost anything because of their trust for each other.

One may opine that not everybody has such a friend. So, it may be expedient to consider another definition of a best friend as simply; the best amongst your friends. However, most people in such a case would not recognize a best friend amongst his/her friends. But just as we started, definitions of concepts in friendship are relative.

My Best Friend:

Now, I’m about to discuss my own best friend so my beliefs, strictly, are adequate enough at this level.

My best friend is Divyakshi. Not a best friend but my own best friend, ‘bestie’, as some would say, is one, among many I call friends, who has chosen to stay distinguished and I have accepted her proof of trust.

My best friend is my first friend, an acquaintance, one who has offered me presence, wasted and utilized time with me, won my trust and respect, shown me love and why I should love, supported and defended me, had my back and stood by me. My best friend has not just done these things to me but has made me see reasons to do same to her.

My best friend is a unique companion, the one among my friends who does the best things to me, for me and with me. She is simply indispensable and indescribable. She is not necessarily my lover but I love her.

My best friend and I are a team, we struggle together, we lie together, we fight together, we save each other, we back one another and we survive in this order. We may not be one but we make one. We may not be so strong but united, we stand tall.

My best friend, favorite pal, is the one among my friends I have found myself loving most.

Essay on My Best Friend – Common Interests and Different Career Paths – Essay 6 (750 Words)

Friends are an integral part of your life, be the school years, the college life, colleagues at office or friends near your house. Everyone needs friends to share their feelings, spend some good time and relax in life. I am fortunate to have such a friend in my life on which I can just rely for anything. Whether it is sharing my feelings, my good and bad times and sometimes even my clothes, I just enjoy everything with him. His name is Rishi.

Meeting my would be a best friend at School:

When I was in class 2, Rishi joined our school and our class. His parents have just migrated to our city and here he was, the first time in a new city, new school, new class and new people around it everywhere.

Fortunately, my teacher made him sit with me in the class. He was a bit shy at first, but by the end of the day, we both felt comfortable with each other. Subsequently, when we met each other every day, we realised that we had quite a many similarities and this allowed to gel with each other easily. Since then there has been no looking back.

Our Friendship:

Our friendship slowly became the talk to the class and gradually we became best friends. Even our teachers came to know about it and. But, thanks to all, no one ever tried to create distance between us as we complemented each other so perfectly that even our teachers and parents felt happy about it. In fact, we used to help each other with class notes as well as homework if one of us could not attend the school due to any reasons. In fact, we had this healthy competition in us as to who would stand first in the class.

Our Common Interests:

Apart from studies, we both a common interest in table tennis. We both joined an academy and used to go for practice together in the evenings. The only difference in our habits, perhaps, was the while I was right-handed, he was a left-handed person. But this was also a blessing in disguise for us as due to this very reason we made a good team and were even selected in our school team to play as a doubles team. We both won many competitions together and brought accolades to the school. This made our parents as well as school teachers very proud of us.

Different Career Paths:

After our schooling, we got separated as we both chose different career paths. While I went on to become an engineer, Rishi went to a different city to become a scientist. But, as life would have it, after some years, we both landed in the same city and came in contact with each other again.

My best friend has been the biggest strength for me in my life. During the weekend, we went to a short cookery course as well, and we sometimes get a kick out of the chance to cooperate in the kitchen and make some creative dishes. At times these dishes turn out well, however, there are times when we don’t hit the nail on the head as we might not have pursued the formula accurately. Our wives are thoughtful and don’t admonish us much when we mess up a dish. My friend and I appreciate watching films together amid occasions or excursions. We like watching comedies. Horror films don’t excite us and we try to stay away from them.

My Friend, my strength:

In my times of need, my best friend has been a pillar of strength for me. Not only did he take care to see that I resolve my issues, but also ensured that my family is not affected much due to the turmoil in my professional life. He has always encouraged me to face problems as they are and not to duck under during adverse situations. I am glad that I have such a friend in my life on which I can rely on blindly.

Why a friend is so important?

True friendship is the most prized thing in the world. Although, it may be, at times, that one does not have a friend whom one can call as a best friend. But, if you are able to find someone like a best friend to you, it is perhaps, the greatest joy in the world. The mutual understanding and honesty which can be shown by your best friend cannot be done by anyone else in the world. A best friend is indeed a precious gem in one’s life.

Essay on My Best Friend – Essay 7 (1000 Words)

Friends are the family that we get to choose. Blessed are those who have a best friend for life. A best friend is nothing less than a precious gem. And I am lucky to have such a person in my life. My best friend’s name is Deepa and I met her in school.

My family used to live in Lucknow. But then a few years ago my father got transferred and we came to the town of Allahabad in Uttar Pradesh. Everything was new here. The neighborhood, the market, and even the school.

I was not liking it here much. At this new school, nobody knew me. As I was shy, I had difficulty making friends and felt lonely all the time. During the lunch breaks, I used to have lunch all by myself. Although the teachers were nice to me, I still missed my old school.

One day, when I was sitting in my seat, a girl came to me and introduced herself. She was Deepa. She smiled at me and asked if I wanted to have the lunch with her. That day, we spent a great time together. We told each other about ourselves, our families, likings, and dislikings.

Slowly, we became best friends. I liked her nature. She was soft-spoken and always had a smile on her face. The school was close to my home but Deepa used to come to school by cycle. So, when the school would be over, we would often walk together till we reached my home. From there, we would say goodbye to each other and she would start riding the cycle to her home.

A few weeks passed by. The weather was changing and I had a high fever. It was a viral infection, so I needed a bed-rest all the time. I had to miss the classes. I was also worried about the coming exams, wondering how I would cover the unattended chapters.

To my surprise, Deepa came to visit me as she already knew my address. She was worried about my health but she consoled me and asked me not to panic about the studies. Next day, when she came to my house, there were plenty of photocopied notes with her. It was all for me so that I could study easily.

My best friend would stay with me for a few hours to explain the difficult concepts and chapters in mathematics and other subjects. Gradually, my health was improving and I had also prepared most of the syllabus for the upcoming exam. In my heart, I felt so lucky to have Deepa as my best friend.

When the exam results came, we both had passed with good marks. It was all because of Deepa’s efforts and hard work that made everything possible. Later I made a greeting card for her to express my affection and gratitude toward her. She was so excited and happy to see it.

After that incident, our families also developed a bonding. I and Deepa became inseparable sisters. In the coming month of October, it was my best friend’s birthday. I and the other classmates in the school had planned a day out for her. In the evening, there was a party at her house.

So, we all decided to give her a surprise party and take her to a nearby picnic spot in the afternoon. Everybody contributed a little for the cake and snacks. Deepa came to school in her lovely sky blue frock. She looked like a fairy.

After the school was over, we took her to the picnic spot. She cut the cake and we all enjoyed the snacks. Deepa was thrilled with her surprise party. After everybody had eaten, we all decided to enjoy the boat ride. Only 4 people could come in one boat. So, with two other girls, Deepa and I settled in a boat. Rest of the students took separate boats.

It was a pleasant day. The lake was small but beautiful and the wind was so cool. We were all singing together and cheering up. In the clear blue water of the lake, we could see the colorful fishes swimming rapidly. There were also ducks and swans adding to the beauty of the scene.

Everybody started clapping looking at those pretty birds. Deepa also became quite excited. Just when she was trying to wave her hand and touch the ducks, she lost her balance. Before anyone could understand, she slipped into the lake.

Everyone was shocked to see this. Without losing a minute, I jumped into the water. Nobody knew but I had learned swimming in my previous school. At a distance, I could see Deepa struggling in the water. I swam to her and grabbed her arm. Soon, the boat arrived there and the girls pulled us out one by one.

For a few minutes, Deepa was unable to breathe. But with some efforts, the water came out of her mouth and she started feeling better. She was cold and shivering with fright. We immediately came to the side and took Deepa to her house.

When her parents heard what happened they were shaken and disturbed. The doctor came to see her and said that there was no need to worry. Deepa was all right now. We helped her wrap up in a warm cozy bed. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and told her parents about how I jumped into the water to save her from drowning.

I told her about my swimming classes in the old school and promised her to be there for her in every difficult situation. I also reminded her of when I was ill and she used to come to my house to teach me the chapters and as she was my best friend, I did the same for her today.

Her parents also got emotional and they hugged me. Deepa and I became true best friends. From that day, we support and help each other in every decision. I wish every person could experience a friendship like this.

Message from Sophia!

I would love to hear from you and read your comments on this article. Let me know what you think about this article. Is it helpful to you? Your comments and suggestions will serve as an inspiration and learning platform for me.
Regards, Sophia

How do you describe your best friend in English?

You’ve known this person for so long but when someone asks you — maybe the IELTS examiner — you don’t know where to begin. It seems like an impossible task.

But in fact, it is a very simple thing to do. As with anything else you need to break it down into smaller parts. When you look at that great big mountain in front of you and you think to yourself I’ll never get to the top of that, it’s just too high and too far.

Well, of course, you can’t get to the top in one big step. You need to get to the top of the mountain using many small steps. And all of those small steps add up and then after some time, you find yourself way up high on top of the mountain. You did it! You got there!

And that is how you should attempt all your English skills. You just have to break them down into smaller parts and then you can accomplish anything.

Talking about your friend is easy. You know this person very well and you know everything about them. Just don’t talk about every detail at the same time.

Get organised and introduce your friend in smaller sections. Then it makes sense to the listener and they can follow what you are saying and understand you.

Are you ready?

Let’s get into it!

What Does Your Friend Look Like?

The first thing you can talk about is their physical appearance. What they look like.

And even with this part, you need to break it down into smaller parts. I wrote a guide on how to describe someone’s physical appearance here — feel free to take a look.

But we will do some quick practice here and now.

Remember the order when describing someone’s physical appearance:

The Bodyheight and build

The Headhair colour and main features of their face; good-looking? Handsome? Pretty?

The Faceeyes, nose, mouth, complexion. Facial hair if they have any!

Body Languagewhat are their common gestures? What do they always do with their hands or eyes?

The Clothingwhat do they usually wear?

I am not saying this is the only way to describe someone’s physical appearance; I am just saying this is a system I would use. I think it works very well — but if you have other things to add by all means add them. And if you have anything useful to add, please tell me in the comments below.

But let’s take the above system as something we can work with. How do we begin?

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Height and Build

So you can describe your friend’s body. No need to go into too much detail here. We don’t need to know exactly how tall they are or their weight.

It would be a little strange to say the following:

My friend is 178cm tall, and he weighs 83.5 kilos.

We don’t need to know that. You could say:

My friend is about average height, maybe the same height as me. And he is a little overweight.

That is enough information to describe your friend’s body.

Other examples are:

My friend is very tall, and she has a beautiful figure.

My best friend is of average height, but he is very muscular as he plays a lot of sport every day.

My friend is a little short, but he has an athletic body because he is always running.

My friend is a bit fat but very tall.


After describing your friend’s height and body shape you can move to his or her head and face.

The first thing you can talk about is their hair.

Hair can be many different colours — black, brown, light brown, dark brown, blonde or red.

It can also be many different styles — short, long, shoulder-length, curly, wavy or straight.

So you could say:

My friend has long beautiful hair, really wavy, and it is a dark brown colour.

My friend’s hair is very short and black.

My friend has curly red hair.

Good-looking, Handsome, Beautiful, Pretty?

You can then give a general description of your friend’s face using one of the above words.

So you could say:

He is quite handsome.

She is very pretty.

He is a good-looking dude.

She is so beautiful.

Be nice! This is your friend you are talking about!

Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Complexion

Now you can go into more details.


When we talk about the eyes, we can say the following:

My friend has deep-set, dark-brown eyes.

She has green eyes, very clear and bright.

He has blue eyes.

She has brown eyes.


For the nose, we can say someone has a big nose, a small nose or a long nose. That is about it for noses.


Then for the mouth, we can say a big mouth or a small mouth.

Sometimes people have a very wide mouth but it may be unkind to say that — instead you can say:

She has a really big beautiful smile.

That sounds much nicer!

Skin Complexion

And then you can talk about their skin complexion. Complexion can be dark or pale.

If your friend is black or white or brown, you can say that. It helps us to know what your friend looks like.

Body Language

What does your friend do with his or her hands? Do they have special gestures that only they do? You can talk about that too.

So you can say:

My friend always scratches his head when the teacher asks him a question.

My friend often looks up when she is trying to tell me something.

He always shrugs his shoulders and shakes his head.

She tilts her head to the side when she is trying to remember something.


And then you can give a description of the clothes they wear. If you and your friend are at school, then you probably wear school uniform but you can describe his or her shoes.

She wears these really cool Adidas sports shoes.

He has these great Nike shoes. I think they were quite expensive.

Putting It All Together

So let’s put all of these things together and look at a few examples.

My friend is quite tall and kind of athletic because she is good at sport. She has long black hair and has big eyes. Her eyes are dark brown. She has a small nose and a small mouth too.

She walks in a very elegant way and her gestures are always very refined and slow. She also wears very nice clothes so I think she gives a good impression to people that meet her.

My friend is a little overweight, but he is very strong because he likes to go to the gym. He has short blonde hair and blue eyes. He is always smiling and has a big smile for the world to see.

He sometimes rubs his chin when listening to people. He likes to wear sports clothes.

Why don’t you try?

Describe your friend using the above ways to talk about someone’s appearance.

What about your friend’s personality?

These are the main personality words to use in English:








There are many other ways to talk about your friend’s personality but I think the best way is through telling stories. I wrote an article about this here — please take a look.

But when talking about your friend’s personality you can say his or her personality type — and then provide more details to show their personality type.

I mean like this:

My friend is very shy. So if the teacher asks him a question he finds it difficult to answer and his voice is very quiet. His face turns red and I can see he looks very uncomfortable.

In this example, the speaker shows how their friend is shy by giving a very clear example. Little stories like this can really help you describe the personality of your friend.

Let’s look at another example:

My friend is a very quiet person. She doesn’t like to go to parties, and she prefers to stay indoors and reading. She once told me that her favourite place is the library because it is very quiet and she can just sit down and read all day. I like reading too, but not as much as my friend.

Again, in this example, the speaker shows us how her friend is a quiet person who likes to read. She tells us a little anecdote about her friend going to the library and from that, we can determine that her friend is indeed a very quiet person.

She also makes a comparison between herself and her friend about who likes to read more. This is also very helpful.

How about describing your friend who is confident?

I have a friend who is a very confident person. She is always the first to volunteer for class activities and she has no problem in standing at the front of the class and doing a presentation. I think this could help her in the future.

Can you see how the speaker shows us how confident her friend is by telling us a little story of her friend? You can do the same as this. This is the best way to describe your friend’s personality.

What about a happy and cheerful friend?

My friend is always in a good mood. Every time I see him he is happy and has a big smile on his face. Even when we have lots of homework to do he is smiling. He just says that we have to do and we have no choice. I wish I could be like him.

Telling stories about your friend is the best way to describe their personality.

Give it a try now by yourself. Think of different stories you can tell of different friends to describe their personalities.

How did you meet this friend?

This is something that many English students forget to talk about when describing their friend.

But it is one of the best things you can talk about because quite often there could be a great story behind how you both met.

Things you need to think about for this story

Where — where did you meet? What was the location?

When — when did you meet? Was it in the morning or the evening? Was it at the beginning of a new school year?

How — how did you meet? What was the situation that made you meet each other?

What — what did you say to each other? What was the first thing you spoke about?

Who — who spoke first? Was it you or your friend?

Why — why did you stay in contact with each other after the first meeting? What did you like about this person that made you want to become friends with them for a long time?

Use the above system of questions to create a story of how you met your friend. Then put it all together and practice saying it out loud.

But let me give you an example so you can see how it might work.

I met my best friend Steve at school. We were put in the same class together and we were sitting at the same desk. It was the first day of school and we were both new students — everyone was new — so no one knew each other.

Steve sat next to me because the teacher told him to sit down quickly and the nearest seat was next to me.

The class began, and the teacher asked us to write something in our notebooks. We were writing something then Steve looked at me.

He didn’t know how to spell a word in English. I did, so I helped him.

After the first class, we sat together in the next class. Then it got to lunchtime, and we didn’t know where to go. These other students told us where to go and we went to the canteen together.

We found out that we were both big football fans so we had lots to talk about then.

Since then we have become best friends.

Now you try!

What Things Do You Do Together?

This should be very easy for you. You just describe all the things you like to do together. That could be all your interests. Plus any studying you might do together.

At the weekend what do you like to do together?

Go to see a movie?

Go shopping?

Watch a game of sport?

Think about all the activities you do together and talk about those. This provides a very clear description of your friend as you are still talking about this person.

Plus, there are also some stories you can talk about in this part.

Let’s try some examples.

My friend and I are both really crazy about football so at lunchtime at school you can always find us playing football in the playground. At the weekend, we play football in the stadium near where we live. We play in a big team and we have a great coach who teaches us some special football skills.

And of course, we watch football matches. Usually on TV, but sometimes we are lucky to go to a real game. It’s very exciting to see all the spectators cheering the players on.

Me and my friend both love shopping. So every weekend that is what we do. There are two big shopping malls near where we live and we like to go there and just browse around all the shops.

We don’t always buy something — we are not rich! — but we like to look around and see what the latest fashions are. Plus, going to the shopping mall is a great place for people watching. You can see what other girls our age are wearing.

After walking around looking in all the shops we like to sit down and drink some coffee. It’s very relaxing.

Me and my friend James both love tropical fish. I have a tank in my house and James has one in his house too. We love to read up on all the important information on looking after tropical fish. We just think it’s interesting.

There’s a tropical fish shop near where we live and we like to go to this place and check out all the fish and the tanks. They just look amazing.

I hope you can see that to talk about your interests and the things you like to do with your friend is very simple.

You just say what the interest is, where and when you do this thing, and why you like to do it.

Try now — write down a few sentences about the things you like to do with your friend.

What do you like about your friend?

This is your friend you are talking about. There must be plenty of things you like about this person.

Avoid saying simple things like:

He is honest

She is kind

He is very clever

She is interesting

These things don’t really say anything about why you like your friend. They are bland and uninteresting.

Again, like with the other things that you say about your friend, you can use stories.

Let’s look at an example.

I like my friend because he is funny.

One time we were in class and the teacher asked if anyone knew anything about frogs. My friend told us a story about when he went to the park and saw some frogs in the pond. He tried to catch one but fell in the water. He then tried to dry his clothes before getting home by standing in the middle of the park with his arms and legs open wide. He thought the wind would dry his clothes in time but it didn’t work.

It was the way he told us the story that made us all laugh out loud. Even the teacher was laughing.

Or something like this:

I like my friend because he is always trying to help me.

I am not very good at maths and so my friend helps me work out all the maths problems. Whenever we get maths homework, I go to his house and he shows me how to do it.

I think this is very kind of him. He is being very generous with his time.

Now think.

Why do you like your friend?

What are the qualities you like about your friend?

How does your friend make a difference in your life?

Think about these things and tell the story.

What do you dislike about your friend?

As there are things we like about our friends, there are also things we dislike about them too.

There should not be many things we dislike about them, but certainly, one or two things that get on our nerves at times.

For example:

Sometimes my friend bites his nails.

I can’t stand it when he does this because it looks so dirty.

My friend sometimes sends me a message late at night. It really disturbs me but she thinks it is very important.

My friend smokes too much. I think this is really harmful to his health, but he doesn’t listen to me.

You don’t need to go into too much detail about the things you dislike about your friend. But if you can say just one thing that you dislike it provides balance. In the IELTS test, the examiner like to hear opposing views of one thing, so this is helpful to you.


If you follow all the steps, you should be able to create a great description of your friend.

Just remember to follow the system I laid out in this guide.

Physical Appearance

Personality + Story

How did you meet your friend?

What things do you like to do together?

What do you like about your friend?

What do you dislike about your friend?

This is just a system I created, it is not the only way to do it.

If you have any suggestions, please tell me in the comments below!

First of all I want to tell you that my best friend’s name is Irina and she is 15. She is the best person I have ever met.

A few  words about her appearance. Her height is nearly 149 cm. But she’d like to be a bit taller. Well, she is not slim but she is not fat either. 

Irina has a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. Her skin is a bit pale but she likes this fact, she doesn’t like ruddy faces. She has no freckles as my friend Nina has. Her forehead is open. I think Irina has a charming smile. 

Her hair isn’t very short but it’s not long either. It is straight and black. Iuina has rich hair.

I think that she looks like her father.

Irina is very active and creative, cheerful and curious. But the best thing is that she is reliable. We spend much time together. We go for a walk, we play tennis, watch TV, do things which we like.

I love my friend.

Прежде всего, я хочу сказать вам, что мою подруг зовут Ирина и ей 15. Она самый лучший чловек, которого я когда-либо встречала.

Несколько слов об ее внешности. Её рост около 149 см. Но она хотела бы быть немного выше. Ну, она не худенькая, но и не толстая.
У Ирины круглое лицо, как и у всех, немного длинный нос и большие радостные серые глаза. Ее кожа немного бледная, но ей это нравится, она не любит румяные лица. У  нее нет веснушек как у моей подруги Нины. Ee лоб открытый.  Я думаю, у Ирины очаровательная улыбка.

Ее волосы не очень короткие, но это не длинные. Они прямые и  черные. У нее густые волосы.
Я думаю, что она похожа на своего отца.

Ирина очень активная и творческая, жизнерадостная и любознательная. Но самое главное — она надежная. Мы проводим много времени вместе. Мы ходим гулять, играем в теннис, смотрим телевизор, делаем вещи, которые нам нравятся.

Я люблю мою подругу.

Describe your best friend

IELTS Cue Card Question 154 with Model Answer:

Describe your best friend.

You should say:

  • who is he/she
  • how long you two are friends
  • what you do together

and explain why you think s/he is your best friend.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The human cannot live alone and thus requires friends. The trend has been on since the inception of the civilisation. I also have many friends and have usually pass moments with them. But Jacob Stalin is my best friend.

One might have a good number of friends in different forums but not everyone is considered as the best friend. A best friend should have some specific qualities and responsibilities. Jacob Stalin, a boy of 17 is my best friend for some specific reasons. He is a kind hearted boy and behaves very well with everyone. He proudly owns an adventurer –like look and has a very special hairstyle. He never combs his hair or uses any sort of hair care element. He has a manly look for his large brown eyes and wide forehead. With his sharp nose, he looks wonderful as well. He lives with his family in the block we live in.

We are familiar for around eight years. When I was a child of nine years, my father shifted in the current location (Davao City in southern Philippine). He is a businessman and shifted in this coastal city with the aim to enlarge his business. When I was admitted to the local school, I met with the local students and all of them accepted me cordially. However, there were some invisible distances between us and at last, I found that Jacob is also like me. His family also shifted there a few months ago. Since both of us could not be familiar with the local children, we planned to be together. Already eight years have passed since we met first and hope our friendship will last till our death. By the period of eight years, we have had many quarrels but everything was okay after a few moments. In fact, Jacob and I understand each other very well and thus the troubles do not last long.

We do a lot of things together. The first thing is the study. Both of us help each other in studies since we are in the same grade. During or before the academic tests, we share our views and take notes. Often we exchange notes of different subjects and try to make the texts clearer with each other. Sometimes we move for an outing in far places using bicycles. Fishing is a great task for us. We catch fish from the Davao River. Sometimes we board on boats and move towards the sea for fishing. That is the most important way for us to get entertained. Besides, both of us like to enjoy movies at theatre halls. Whenever we see an advertisement for any new movie, we immediately rush to the theatre. During the familiar events, both of us are invited to our respective families and it appears that we have turned the part of the families. All of the family members are well aware of our activities and love us unconditionally.

There are many reasons to pick him as my best friend. When I was isolated in my school, he came forward to accompany me in my distress. The cultural mismatch was one of the key causes of the mismatch with the local children though they initially appreciated me for arriving from a different culture. But they were less cordial with me and treated me as an alien. At that moment, Jacob expanded his helping hand and still he is with me. He is very careful about some issues and with his direct inspiration, I have been performing well in the examinations. Besides, he has a developed an improved sense of right and wrong. When I want to commit any misdeeds, he forbids me. So, often I feel lucky to have him as my best friend.

Model Answer 2:
This a very interesting question to answer. In fact, all the friends are best for me. But if I consider the issue deeply, it appears that Lara is the best of the best. Now it is my time to describe her. Thank you again for asking such a nice question.

Lara is my very best friend for some reasons. She is the person whom I admire most for her personality and friendly attitude. I do not know how a young lady of 18 become the centre of attraction with all her charming attitudes. She is helpful and loves to socialise with people.

I met her first at my university here in Austria. She was the most interesting character in the class. Coincidentally she sat with me and started talking about various issues. At first, I was a bit disturbed by her excessive talking because I am introvert in nature. Later, I realised that she is a girl of an outgoing nature. I also discovered some other qualities of Lara that attracted me most. Finally, when the classes were over and we were set for home, I found that she lived in the next lane of mine. It was the beginning of our friendship and it is running for over three years.

We do a lot of things together. The first and the most important thing is that we love to read books. We exchange books. Sometimes we also have some assignments together for our classes. Watching movies regularly has become a passion for us. Besides, both of us has a common goal. We love to shop. So, visiting the malls is a kind of hobby for us. Every evening we move for shopping but we do not buy all the times. Sometimes, we have window shopping. Further, participating in indoor activities is another mutual activity for us that both of us love to take part in. Joining nightclubs is another form of entertainment for us that we love so much.

Lara is my best friend for some reasons. Initially, I was not interested in making friends with her for her extrovert nature. But later I thought that I was jealous of her outgoing nature and thus tried to avoid her. Finally, I came to the conclusion that I should not avoid Lara and be a good friend of her. Now we are having a very intimate and nice relationship. In fact, she is the best friend of mine now. She has occupied the place with her natural quality and also loves me much. She is always with me and provides realistic suggestion to make the things smoother. For all the reasons, I think she is my best friend.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card Topic:

1.  Elizabeth Cooper is my best friend. We have been sharing the bond from our childhood. We became friends when we lived in the same neighbourhood in New York. Usually, we do a good number of things together like shopping, watching movies, listening to music and obviously participating in table tennis at my place. She is my best friend because we have a similar attitude towards life and our way of living.

2.  Brown is the best friend of mine. I was born and brought up in Paris and we grew up together. In fact, we have been living in the same apartment block for over 20 years. We are very good friends and love to take part in adventurous activities together. In fact, we had taken several road trips together in the past few years and thoroughly enjoyed our experience. We often love to do camping at night. He is my best friend because he shares a strong relationship with me.

3.  Well, if you ask me about my best friend, I would say Robin is the person who occupies my heart as a really good friend. He is the most trustworthy friend I have ever had. And we are companions since our childhood. The age of our friendship is over 16 years. Usually, we spend time together by playing cricket, and many other indoor games. Both of us love to read books and science fiction is our favourite genre. We have developed some common interests so far. This is another reason he is my best friend.

4. Barbara is my best buddy. I met her in my early school days and our friendship is going on since then. We have crossed about 12 years of bond together. Since our childhood, both of us have loved to take some daring activities. We have travelled together in different parts of Spain on foot. And our families have tired their bests to prevent us from such trips. She is my best friend because she values our mutual understanding and fellowship.

5. I do not know how Maria became my best friend. I have countless memories with her. We lived in the same area in Hong Kong. I know her for over six years and she became my best friend when I was in grade eight. Usually, we go shopping together and watch movies. Going to college is our daily routine. She is my best friend because she has a very caring attitude. She actually loves me like her own sister. And emotionally I got attached to have a friend like her in my life.

If you can talk about the cue card topic «Describe your best friend.» you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:

  • Describe a childhood friend you have.
  • Describe a good friend you have.
  • Describe a friend you like to spend time with.
  • Describe a friend you have not met for a long. 
  • Describe someone you really like. 
  • Describe someone similar to you. 
  • Describe someone you know is a good person. 

Describe a person – your best friend
example answer

I usually make friends easily, so I have a lot of friends – schoolmates, neighbours, relatives. I can’t imagine my life without them. But there is one, who will always be in the first place in my heart. Her name is Anna and she is my closest friend. 

Anna is a very beautiful and charming girl and always attracts males’ attention. She is taller than me and has straight brown hair and deep chestnut brown eyes. Like most teenagers she pays a lot of attention to her appearance and likes dressing in the latest and most extravagant fashion. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her in a T- shirt or jeans. 

By nature Anna is communicative and outgoing and the thing she likes best is being the centre of attention. Her biggest dream is to become a singer and I truly believe that one day she’ll make her wish come true. Anna has won many prizes and has taken part in many concerts, because she sings really incredibly. 

As a normal human being, however, Anna also has her shortcomings. She never goes on time to her dates. Sometimes she is absent-minded and inconsiderate and that makes people think she never takes things seriously. But this is not true. She has a strong sense of responsibility and you can always rely on her. 

Another characteristic she has is that she’s gregarious, sensitive and emotional. She also gets confused easily and doesn’t forget those who have caused her harm. 

The thing I admire most about Anna is that she is protective and likes to look after people. Believe it or not, once she ever saved my life! I’ll never forget that day. We went swimming in a pool. Suddenly, my left leg went dead I couldn’t go on swimming. I lost consciousness. When I opened my eyes I found myself lying and Anna holding my hands. She, herself had pulled me out of the water. That was a real narrow escape from the death, and if she weren’t there, I would have drowned. 

For me, friendship is the most important thing in the world. I am proud to say that I have such loyal and helpful friend – one in a million.

Рассказ о друге не кажется сложной задачей, а наоборот — одной из самых интересных тем для обсуждения. Без сомнений, это так и есть, однако при общении с англоговорящими знакомыми тебе потребуется знание специальных английских слов и фраз.

В этой статье мы разберемся, как правильно составить рассказ о друге на английском. Это пригодится и для сочинения, и для живого разговора.

Полезная лексика для рассказа о друге

Для начала рассмотрим главные слова по теме. Самое важное слово в разговоре о дружбе — «друг», по-английски это «friend». Если ты хочешь сказать о подруге, то применимы будут «friend» и «girlfriend». Еще одно полезное слово — «friendship», что по-русски означает «дружба». Вот так их можно использовать в речи и на письме:

  • Kendall is my girlfriend. — Кендалл моя подруга.
  • Ben is my friend. — Бэн мой друг.
  • We are friends. — Мы друзья.

Друзья бывают разными: например, чтобы сказать «лучший друг» по-английски, нужно добавить к «friend» форму превосходной степени сравнения прилагательного «good» — «best» (по-русски «лучший»). Получается, «мой лучший друг» по-английски — это «my best friend».

Друг может быть «близким» и «хорошим», по-английски это «close friend» и «good friend». Если речь идет не о друге, а скорее о приятеле, то можно использовать слово «mate». Вот несколько других полезных словосочетаний о друзьях:

  • (to) make friends — заводить друзей
  • (to) have something in common — иметь что-то общее
  • Lifelong friend — друг на всю жизнь
  • Circle of friends — круг друзей

Как описать внешность друга

В разговоре о друге пригодятся слова для описания внешности человека на английском. Самые употребляемые и базовые слова ты найдешь в таблице ниже:

  • beautiful — красивый
  • tall — высокий
  • short — низкий
  • blond — светлый цвет волос
  • dark-haired — темноволосый
  • red-haired — рыжеволосый
  • eyes — глаза
  • hair — волосы
  • face — лицо
  • skin — кожа

Как описать характер

Внешний вид — это лишь одна сторона образа человека. Дополни свое описание друга чертами его характера: в этом разделе узнаем, какие английские слова для этого использовать.

  • friendly — дружелюбный
  • kind — добрый
  • supportive — поддерживающий
  • helpful — помогающий
  • caring — заботливый
  • funny — смешной
  • sportive — спортивный
  • adventurous — предприимчивый
  • curious — любопытный
  • polite — вежливый
  • open-minded — открытый, восприимчивый
  • talented — талантливый
  • educated — образованный
  • brave — смелый
  • honest — честный
  • responsive — отзывчивый

Например, вот так эти слова можно использовать в речи или тексте на английском:

  • My friend Laura is very responsive: she always helps me with homework. — Моя подруга Лаура очень отзывчивая: она всегда помогает мне с домашним заданием.
  • I have never met anyone as friendly and polite as Sarah. — Я никогда не встречала такого дружелюбного и вежливого человека, как Сара.

Что еще можно рассказать о друге

топик my friend

Теперь узнаем, о чем еще можно упомянуть в твоем рассказе о друге на английском.

Поделись тем, как давно ты его знаешь и насколько вы хорошие друзья. Например, можно сказать «мы знаем все друг о друге» — по-английски это «we know everything about each other», или «мы знаем друг друга с детства» — «we have known each other since childhood». Можешь рассказать о том, как и где вы познакомились, используя следующие слова и фразы:

  • We recently met at a coffee shop — мы недавно познакомились в кафе
  • We met at school — мы познакомились в школе
  • We are classmates — мы одноклассники
  • I met my friend on the football team in school — я встретил своего друга в школьной футбольной команде
  • Our parents introduced us to each other when we were little — наши родители познакомили нас друг с другом, когда мы были маленькими.

Другие топики на английском:

  • «Travel» topic: сообщение о путешествии на английском
  • Как описать свою комнату на английском языке
  • Тема «About Myself»: как составить рассказ о себе на английском
  • Сочинение на тему «Профессия мечты» на английском: примеры с переводом
  • Topic «My Family»: как рассказать о своей семье на английском
  • My Pet: описание домашнего животного на английском языке
  • Сочинение на тему «Мое хобби» на английском
  • My Day: рассказ о своем распорядке дня на английском
  • Letter to an English friend: пишем письмо иностранному другу
  • Топик «Мои летние каникулы» примеры эссе для разных классов

Как писать эссе о друге на английском

В этом разделе подробнее поговорим о письменном рассказе: как составить план эссе, о чем писать и какие фразы для этого использовать.

Главное в твоем сочинении — понятный и последовательный план. Вот схема, по которой мы советуем структурировать эссе о друге:

  • Вступление
  • Основная часть
  • Заключение


Обычно вступление — вводная часть твоего эссе, которая объясняет читателю, о чем пойдет речь в основном тексте сочинения. На вступление стоит выделить около 2 предложений, в которых можно кратко представить своего друга или подчеркнуть важность дружбы с помощью общих фраз или фразеологизмов. Рассмотрим оба варианта вступления.

Если тебе больше нравится первый вариант вступления с кратким представлением друга, то вот как это можно сделать по-английски:

  • I have many friends but my best friend is Lisa, she is my classmate and lives in my neighborhood. — У меня много друзей, но мою лучшую подругу зовут Лиза, она моя одноклассница и живет в моем районе.
  • My friend’s name is Mark, he is 11 years old and he goes to the same school as me. — Моего друга зовут Марк, ему 11 лет, и он учится в той же школе, что и я.
  • Stella is my best friend and classmate, she is 10 years old and lives across the street. — Стелла — моя лучшая подруга и одноклассница, ей 10 лет, она живет через дорогу.

В конце такого вступления можно добавить фразу «let me tell you more about my friend» (по-русски «позвольте рассказать больше о моем друге») для перехода к основной части эссе.

В качестве общей фразы во вступлении подойдут, например,такие:

  • It is impossible to measure how important friendship is. — Невозможно измерить, насколько важна дружба.
  • Tell me who you go with and I’ll tell you who you are. — Скажи мне, кто твои друзья, и я расскажу тебе, кто ты.
  • Friendship is one mind in two bodies. — Дружба — это один разум в двух телах.

Основная часть

Во второй части эссе поделись подробностями о твоем друге: расскажи, сколько ему лет, как он выглядит, какой он по характеру и как вы познакомились. Для того, чтобы написать это по-английски, ознакомься со следующими примерами:

  • My friend Mark is 12 years old and he goes to my school. His favourite activity is football just like mine. As for his appearance, he is tall and dark-haired. He is very kind and educated. — Моему другу Марку 12 лет, и он учится в моей школе. Его любимое занятие — футбол, как и у меня. Что касается его внешности, то он высокий и темноволосый. Марк очень добрый и образованный.
  • Stella is my best friend and I can tell you so much about her! First of all, she is 10 years old and she is my classmate. Secondly, she is a very beautiful and funny girl, she loves making jokes. — Стелла — моя лучшая подруга, и я могу рассказать о ней очень много! Во-первых, ей 10 лет, и она моя одноклассница. Во-вторых, она очень красивая и веселая девочка, она любит шутить.
  • I have many friends at school but Sarah is my best friend! Sarah is a talented and friendly girl. She is 12 years old but she has already won several dance competitions, she is a great dancer! — У меня много друзей в школе, но Сара — моя лучшая подруга! Сара — талантливая и дружелюбная девочка. Ей 12 лет, но она уже выиграла несколько танцевальных конкурсов, она отлично танцует!

В этой части расскажи о том, как вы проводите время вместе. Например, поделись играми, в которые вы играете, или общими увлечениями. Если у тебя есть интересная и смешная история о твоем друге, ее тоже можешь описать в эссе. Ориентируйся на следующие примеры:

  • Sarah and I both love tennis and we play together after school. — Мы с Сарой любим теннис и играем вместе после школы.
  • We have a tradition: every weekend we go to each other’s houses to watch new movies. Stella and I are both obsessed with movies, especially superhero movies. — У нас есть традиция: каждые выходные мы ходим друг к другу домой смотреть новые фильмы. Мы со Стеллой обе одержимы кино, особенно фильмами о супергероях.
  • Mark loves cycling, and we often ride our bikes together. — Марк любит ездить на велосипеде, и мы часто катаемся вместе.

Для того, чтобы эссе было интереснее и проще читать, советуем использовать в эссе «linking words» — это специальные слова, которые отмечают разные смысловые части текста. К таким словам в английском относятся «firstly», «first of all» («во-первых»), «secondly» («во-вторых») и «in addition» («в дополнение»).


Последняя часть сочинения нужна для того, чтобы подвести итог и сделать вывод. Для вывода пригодятся следующие «linking words»:

  • Overall — подводя итог
  • Thus — таким образом
  • To sum up — суммируя вышесказанное
  • In conclusion — в заключение

Обрати внимание, что заключение, как и вступление, не должно быть длинным — в этой части достаточно написать пару предложений. Вот как может выглядеть твое заключение:

  • Thus, I think friendship and friends help us to achieve our goals. — Таким образом, я считаю, что дружба и друзья помогают нам достигать наших целей.
  • In conclusion, I am lucky to have a friend like Stella because we have so much in common and the same plans for the future. — В заключение хочу сказать, что мне повезло иметь такого друга, как Стелла, потому что у нас много общего и одинаковые планы на будущее.

Примеры эссе про друзей

Теперь настало время закрепить пройденный материал и посмотреть примеры готовых сочинений о друге на английском.

My friend Brian

I have a good friend and I want to tell you more about him.

My friend’s name is Brian, he is 10 years old. He is a tall blond boy and he is my classmate. I am happy to have a friend from school because we can go to classes and do homework together. Brian loves to dance and he is very good at it.

Brian is also very kind, he helps me with homework and lends me books. He supports my ideas and we have a lot of fun together. For example, last weekend we watched a movie and made pancakes. And this summer we are planning to go on a vacation together!

Brian is my friend because we spend a lot of time together and know each other very well. Brian also inspired me to start dancing. He influences my life in many ways, because he is my friend.

Мой друг Брайан

У меня есть друг и я хочу рассказать вам больше о нем.

Моего друга зовут Брайан, ему 10 лет. Он высокий светловолосый мальчик и мой одноклассник. Я рад, что у меня есть друг из школы, потому что мы можем ходить на занятия и делать домашнее задание вместе. Брайан любит танцевать, и у него это очень хорошо получается.

Брайан также очень добрый: он помогает мне с домашним заданием и одалживает книги. Он поддерживает мои идеи, и нам очень весело вместе. Например, в прошлые выходные мы смотрели фильм и вместе готовили блины. А этим летом мы планируем вместе поехать куда-нибудь на каникулах!

Брайан — мой друг, потому что мы проводим много времени вместе и очень хорошо знаем друг друга. Брайан также вдохновил меня начать заниматься танцами. Он влияет на мою жизнь во многих отношениях, потому что он мой друг.

My best friend Mark

I have many friends but my best friend is Mark, and we live on the same street. Let me tell you more about my best friend.

First of all, Mark is 12 years old and he loves video games. We often play together after school, his favourite game is Minecraft and he can play it for hours. Secondly, Mark is an athletic and tall guy, he does not like sports, but sometimes we play basketball. We have many things in common, for example, we both love video games, superhero movies, basketball, and reading.

I also like that Mark is very creative, he always finds something interesting to do together. For example, he created a secret language that we use to communicate at school. I like that nobody but us can understand what we say.

I think it is very important to have a best friend. Friends are always helpful and supportive, they have the same activities and interests. It makes our life happier.

Мой лучший друг Марк

У меня много друзей, но мой лучший друг — Марк, и мы живем на одной улице. Позвольте мне рассказать больше о моем лучшем друге.

Во-первых, Марку 12 лет, и он любит видеоигры. Мы часто играем вместе после школы, его любимая игра — Minecraft, и он может играть в нее часами. Во-вторых, Марк — атлетичный и высокий парень, он не любит спорт, но иногда мы играем в баскетбол. У нас много общего, например, мы оба любим видеоигры, фильмы про супергероев, баскетбол и чтение.

Мне также нравится, что Марк очень творческий человек, он всегда находит что-то интересное, чем можно заняться вместе. Например, он создал секретный язык, на котором мы общаемся в школе. Мне нравится, что никто, кроме нас, не может понять, что мы говорим.

Я думаю, что очень важно иметь лучшего друга. Друзья всегда помогают и поддерживают, у них такие же занятия и интересы. Это делает нашу жизнь более счастливой.

My friend Lucy

My girlfriend’s name is Lucy, she is 14 years old and she wants to become a teacher. Let me tell you more about her.

Lucy is a red-haired girl with big dark eyes, she is short and thin. She goes to my school but is in a different class. She is fond of languages, especially Spanish. She wants to teach children Spanish when she grows up. As for me, I don’t like to learn languages, I am keen on swimming. Lucy is a calm and educated person, she likes to study and discover new beautiful places in our city. I am, on the contrary, more active and less interested in studying. I prefer sports and do not like to read and stay at home.

We are different and we have different interests, but there is one thing we have in common — it is music. We are passionate about music and we always share new favourite songs with each other. In addition, we both like to spend time outdoors. We often go for walks near the school or our neighbourhood.

I think friends don’t always have to be like each other, it’s important that they have something in common and enjoy their time together.

Моя подруга Люси

Мою подругу зовут Люси, ей 14 лет, и она хочет стать учительницей. Позвольте мне рассказать о ней побольше.

Люси — рыжеволосая девочка с большими темными глазами, она невысокая и худая. Она учится в моей школе, но в другом классе. Она любит языки, особенно испанский, и хочет учить детей испанскому языку, когда вырастет. Что касается меня, то я не люблю изучать языки, я увлекаюсь плаванием. Люси — спокойная и образованная, она любит учиться и открывать для себя новые красивые места в нашем городе. Я, наоборот, более активная и меньше интересуюсь учебой. Я предпочитаю спорт и не люблю читать и сидеть дома.

Мы разные, у нас разные интересы, но есть одна вещь, которая нас объединяет, — это музыка. Мы очень любим музыку и всегда делимся друг с другом новыми любимыми песнями. Кроме того, мы обе любим проводить время на свежем воздухе. Мы часто гуляем рядом со школой или нашим районом.

Я думаю, что друзья не должны быть всегда похожи друг на друга, важно, чтобы у них было что-то общее и они наслаждались временем, проведенным вместе.

Friends and friendship

It is impossible to measure how important friendship is. Having friends is essential in order to socialize and be truly happy.

We all have friends: at school, university or at work. They impact our lives, help and support us when we need it. I completely agree with the statement «a friend in need is a friend indeed». But emotional impact is the most important aspect of friendship. Let me tell you a story about my friend and the way he changed my life.

My friend’s name is Dylan, we met at school and now we are applying to the same university. He has always been interested in music, and one day I heard him playing a guitar. I was very impressed by it, and ever since then I wanted to play like him. On my 14th birthday my parents bought me a guitar and Dylan taught me how to play. A year after we started a band and we have been playing together for 2 years. Dylan wants to be a famous guitarist and we both decided to study music at university. That is how Dylan’s hobby became his passion and helped me to understand what I wanted to do after school.

In conclusion, having friends is an everyday life decision but it can make a big difference in our future.

Друзья и дружба

Невозможно измерить, насколько важна дружба. Наличие друзей необходимо для того, чтобы общаться и быть по-настоящему счастливым.

У каждого из нас есть друзья: в школе, университете или на работе. Они влияют на нашу жизнь, помогают и поддерживают нас, когда мы в этом нуждаемся. Я полностью согласна с утверждением «друг познается в беде». Но эмоциональное воздействие — это самый важный аспект дружбы. Позвольте мне рассказать историю о моем друге и о том, как он изменил мою жизнь.

Моего друга зовут Дилан, мы познакомились в школе и сейчас поступаем в один и тот же университет. Он всегда интересовался музыкой, и однажды я услышала, как он играет на гитаре. Меня это очень впечатлило, и с тех пор я хотела играть, как он. На мой 14-й день рождения родители купили мне гитару, и Дилан научил меня играть. Через год после этого мы создали группу и играем вместе уже 2 года. Дилан хочет стать известным гитаристом, и мы оба решили изучать музыку в университете. Вот так хобби Дилана стало его страстью и помогло мне понять, чем я хочу заниматься после школы.

В заключение, иметь друзей — это ежедневное жизненное решение, но оно может иметь большое значение для нашего будущего!



Английский для детей

Групповые и индивидуальные онлайн-уроки английского для детей с носителем языка. Попробуйте бесплатно!


My Best Friend. English words related to «My best friend». List # 1

как описать друга на английском

If you already know how to describe the appearance of a friend (girlfriend) and can talk about his (her) character, let’s talk about what makes you friends. This will help you Englishwords related to «My Best Friend» (list # 1 for beginners), English text about a friend and a few questions about “Friends”.

My Friends. English words on the topic «My friends» List # 1

  1. make friends — make friends
  2. friends forever — friends forever
  3. see each other — see each other
  4. miss each other — miss each other
  5. meet each other — meet each other
  6. enjoy doing. together — to do something together with pleasure
  7. have much in common — have a lot in common
  8. share ideas — share ideas
  9. phone each other — call each other
  10. help in trouble (in need) — help in trouble

My Best Friend (text in English)

My best friend is my classmate. His name is Dima. He is a tall boy with short dark hair. He has blue eyes and wear glasses. He is brave and strong. Dima is a very optimistic person. He is never sad. He knows a lot of jokes and often makes me laugh.

We made friends in the first form and since then we have a deep friendship.

We often go for a walk together and talk about different things. Dima is my close friend and I can tell him about my problems. He also shares his ideas with me. I can’t say that we have much in common but we have the same hobby. We playing chess.

We always help each other in need. I think we will be friends forever.

My Best Friend. Vocabulary activation tasks

Task 1. Tell us about your friend. Remember to say:

  • what he / she looks;
  • what kind of person he or she is;
  • when and how you made friends;
  • what friends are for.

Task 2. Answer the questions to find out if you are a good friend

  • find out — find out
  • let — allow
  • has forgetten — forgot
  • be absent from school — absent from school
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Do you let your friend copy your homework if he (she) hasn’t done it?
  3. Do you always buy a present for your friend if he (she) has a birthday?
  4. Do you share your lunch with your friend if he (she) has forgotten it?
  5. Do you call your friend if he (she) is absent from school?
  6. Will you help your friend if he (she) gets a bad mark in some subject?
  7. Will you talk to your friend if he (she) calls you when you are watching your favorite TV program?


Know writing: 70 phrases, like to promote your ball

как описать друга на английском

There is less and less time left until ZNO-2019, and schoolchildren throughout Ukraine are getting more and more actively preparing for it. Today we have prepared a selection of useful phrases that will come in handy for Writing on ZNO in English, which, as you know, will be writing a letter to a friend. Save to yourself so you don’t forget to learn!


The letter always begins with a greeting, the phrases for which may differ depending on how close the friend you are writing. 

1. Greetings for a good friend, comrade:

  • Dear Anna,
  • Hi Andrew,
  • Hello Kate.

2. Greetings to your best, close friend, to whom you emphasize how dear he is to you:

  • My sweet Ann
  • Dear Andrew,
  • My dear Kate.

Do not forget to put a comma after the address, and write the rest of the sentence on a new line.


Here you can ask how you are, write that you hope your friend is doing well, apologize for not writing for a long time, and thank him for the letter if the assignment indicates that you are answering his letter or question.

3. How are you? / How are you doing?

4. Hope you’re fine.

5. Hope everything’s going well. / Hope everything goes well for you.

6. I am writing to you after a long time.

7. Sorry for not writing for so long.

8. Thanks for your letter.

9. Lovely to hear from you!

10. It was great to get your letter.

Main part

In the main part, you need to reveal the topic indicated in the assignment. Start with why you are writing and what you want to talk about, and then tell. In your letter, be sure to use connecting words and phrases — for a high score on the ZNO in English, your letter should contain at least 5–7 of them.

11. The reason I’m writing (to you) is

12. In your letter you ask me (to tell you) about / In your letter you ask me to tell you about

13. I’d to tell you about

14. I’m writing to tell you about

15. I can’t wait to tell you the news.

Connecting phrases for expressing opinions

16. I think / believe / consider that

17. From my point of view,

18. In my opinion

19. I don’t agree to

20. Personally I feel that

Phrases about what you like or dislike

21. As for me, I / love / enjoy

22. Most of all I / love

23. I adore

24. I’m totally / really into

25. I’m crazy about

26. I don’t

27. I’m not a huge fan of 

28. I hate / I can’t stand

29. (Rap music) is not my cup of tea.

30. I don’t care that much about

Linking words to reinforce thought / express confidence

31 Indeed

32. For sure

33. Undoubtedly

34. Of course

Connecting words and phrases to add additional information

35. As well as

36. Furthermore / moreover / What is more

37. In addition / In addition

38. Like / wise

39. Not only, but also

40. On top of that

Linking words and phrases for comparison and contrast

41. In contrast / By comparison

42. On the other hand

43. Although

44. However

45. Meanwhile

Linking words and phrases for examples

46. ​​For example / For instance

47. The best example is

48. Such as

49. To give an illustration

Connecting words to explain the reason

50. Because/Because of

51. The

Linking words and phrases to describe the result

52. For that reason

53. As a result

54. So

55. As a consequence

Connecting words and phrases to summarize

56. To sum up

57. In conclusion

58. Above all

59. All things considered


In the final part of the letter, you can ask a friend for his opinion on the subject of your letter, if the purpose of the letter was to share his opinion, as well as ask him to write to you more often and wish health to his entire family.

60. What do you think about?

61. Tell me (please) what’s your opinion on this matter.

62. I’m eager to hear from you.

63. Looking forward to hearing from you.


IELTS: exam format

как описать друга на английском

If your goals are not limited to knowledge of English at a household level and you are making more ambitious plans, considering work, study or living abroad, then in any of these cases IELTS will become a guiding star for your dreams.

Depending on the tasks, the IELTS test is broken for two modules:

Academic Module Is an exam format for those who are going to enter a higher educational institution, master’s degree or MBA program abroad.

General Module (General Training) Is an exam format designed for people who are going to immigrate to English-speaking countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain), who want to get an education not lower than secondary, as well as for those who are looking for work in their specialty.

IELTS Description of each of the exam modules

Academic Module is a series of scientific tasks, where you will be asked to describe a graph, diagram, diagram or draw conclusions from a table. 

General Module (General Training) includes assignments on general topics, for example, writing a letter to a friend or describing a situation, writing an essay in response to a point of view, argument or problem. 


In terms of difficulty level, Academic IELTS and General IELTS Training do not differ, in both modules the same speech patterns used by the candidate are checked and identically assessed in terms of the level of difficulty and literacy of their use.

IELTS Structure

The exam consists of four parts:

— Listening — Reading — Writing

— Speaking

IELTS: Listening

Duration: about 30 minutes (+ 10 minutes for transferring answers)

Number of tasks: 40 questions

Number of parts: Consists of 4 parts, each of which you listen to only once. Different voices and accents are used for native English speakers.


How to write letters in English correctly: 5 templates with examples

Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Do you want to leave a pleasant impression about yourself? We will introduce you to the basic rules of correspondence in English. 

People have been writing letters to each other since time immemorial. By the letters you can judge the character of a person, his education, hobbies, and most importantly, how well he speaks the language in which he writes. Those who study the language will sooner or later face the need to learn how to write letters in English correctly. 

The letter may be needed when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when passing a language exam, when applying for a job. But not only in the world of business communication, it is important to know how to write a letter in English. Informal correspondence can also have an impact on your life, communication with friends and acquaintances.

Your letters will be judged by those who read them. Do you want to leave a pleasant impression about yourself? We will introduce you to the basic rules of correspondence in English. It is also worth repeating the rules for writing the address in English.

 Before you start writing a letter, you need to determine for what purpose you are doing it, and therefore — to determine the type of letter. 

Types of letters in English

All letters can be divided into personal (Personal letter) and business (Business letter). We talked about correspondence with business partners and the main taboos of business correspondence earlier, today we will discuss in more detail the rules of personal correspondence. Are there general strict rules for writing letters in English? If we are talking about personal correspondence, the answer is obvious — no.

This is in business documentation, communication with business partners, letter templates in English are often used. Personal correspondence is your own business, forgive the tautology. And yet, there are some tips to help make the correspondence more enjoyable for you and the person with whom you are having an epistolary conversation.

In addition, if you are a beginner in the world of English, it is still better to try writing your first letters using templates. 

Tip 1. The letter must be properly structured

Of course, the stream of consciousness is a good thing, but only in the works of Joyce. If you want your letter to be read to the end, respect the addressee. Try to make the text easy to read. The construction of your writing in English is as important as the meaning you put into the words you write. 

As a rule, a letter contains the following structural elements: 

  • appeal — a separate line
  • a short introduction (in which you can refer to previous contacts, previously written letters, etc.) — a separate paragraph
  • main body — a few paragraphs
  • conclusion — a separate line
  • end phrase — a separate line
  • signature (name only) — a separate line
  • in the upper right corner, you should indicate the author’s address and the date under the address

We offer a sample letter in English, with the following structure: 

Tip 2. Correct handling in letters in English

The form of the appeal always depends on the degree of acquaintance with the person to whom you are addressing in the letter. Here are some examples.

  • Dear John! — address to a friend, relative
  • Dear Sir — appeal if this John is your boss. Official appeal.
  • My dear sir — an appeal that can be used in personal correspondence with irony 
  • Dear Mr. Smith — an official appeal to an unfamiliar person (you do not know who John is)

Tip 3. A few important points to pay attention to 

1. If you do not know the gender of the addressee, write his full name: Dear TK Spinazola 

2. If you do not know which abbreviation is better to use: Miss or Mrs, since you do not know if a woman is married, use the neutral Ms. 

3. If writing a letter to two people, include both names in the appeal

4. These appeals cannot be shortened: Professor, Dean, Governor, Captain, Admiral, JudgeSister, Senator

5. These calls should never be used in full Mr., Ms., Mrs. and Dr. 

In order to write a letter correctly the first time, it is a good idea to have a sample letter in English handy. 

 Template phrases for writing letters

5 templates of introductory phrases: 

  • It was great to get your letter.
  • Thanks for your letter. It was great / lovely to hear from you. 
  • Thanks for your long letter. It was really great to hear all your news, after not hearing from you for ages.
  • Sorry I haven’t written for so long but.
  • I was really pleased to hear that

These phrases are neutral, with them you can start a letter to any addressee. Sometimes it can be difficult to find words, especially if you are not writing in your native language. Template phrases will help you structure the text of the letter, correctly form your thoughts.

5 templates for closing phrases: 

  • I would really visit me this summer. Write to me and tell me your plans.
  • Please give / send my regards (love) to your. 
  • And write and tell me your plans for.
  • Write back soon! 
  • If you want to know anything else, just drop me a line. 

Template for a letter asking for advice (5 options): 

  • I am writing to ask for your advice
  • Can you give me your advice?
  • I’ve got a problem and I need your advice. 
  • What do you think I should do? 
  • Do you think I should? 

Phrases for different letters: 

 Invitation letter Letter of apology  Thank You letter  Congratulations


Composition Description of a friend Grade 7 Russian (Characteristics of a classmate)

I want to tell you about my friend, his name is Sasha. We have known each other from an early age. We went to kindergarten together, and now we study in the same class and attend the football section.

Each person looks different. My friend is no exception. Sasha is quite tall and fit. Of course, because he is a future athlete! He has dark, slightly curly, short hair. The nose is straight, pointed. The eyebrows are wide, and the eyes are brown and very expressive. Sasha’s eyes are serious, and sometimes even stern. But at the same time, the smile is charming and kind, and the laughter is very contagious. In clothes, Sasha prefers a sporty style, but, of course, wears a uniform to school.

Alexander is a very friendly and open person. Together with him it is always fun and interesting. In addition to training, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink and play hockey.

It happens, of course, that we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Sasha is the first to rush to the rescue. He is a true friend.

Essay description of a girlfriend on behalf of a girl for grade 7

I want to tell you about my friend, her name is Olya. We have known each other for a long time. We were in the same group in kindergarten. And now classmates and dancing together.

Each person has their own distinctive features. My friend is no exception. Olya has very long and beautiful blonde hair. And when he dissolves them, everyone is just delighted. She is short, but slender and athletic, thanks to her love of dancing. Olga’s eyes are gray-blue, her eyebrows are thin, her skin is light, and her cheeks are ruddy. Facial features are soft and smooth. Her smile is very perky, and her laugh is contagious. She dresses well, loves to wear dresses. But, of course, he goes to school in uniform.

Olya is a very friendly and open person. It is always fun and interesting with her. In addition to dancing, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink.

It happens, of course, that we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Olya is the first to rush to the rescue. She is a true friend.

Characteristics of a classmate

I would like to introduce Vanya Samarova to my close friend and classmate. We are on friendly terms with him from a very early age. When we went to kindergarten with him, we constantly fought, but the next scuffle suddenly grew into a strong friendship. Since then, we have not parted. We went to the same school and ended up in the same class. And the more we are in an excellent relationship with him, the more good I learn about Vanya.

 If you look at his appearance, then he can be mistaken for a kindergartner. In fact, this is not the case. Vanya is a very physically strong boy, and hardy. In physical education lessons, he runs the fastest and can pull up on the bar 10 times without much effort. And he plays football perfectly, as he attends a football school.

He has curly ash-colored hair and big blue eyes, which girls really like, and therefore they often flirt with him. However, my classmate is indifferent to the female sex, although he does not refuse to help them, and sometimes protects them from hooligans. Vanya loves to read, and taught me to read literature too. He reads everywhere: at breaks, on the street, in transport.

His passion for reading helps him in his studies, because he is a drummer.

Ivan is a devoted comrade and a man of his word. Somehow my English was not good at all. I could not understand some of the rules, and it is natural to do the corresponding exercises. My mother already wanted to hire a tutor, but Vanya happily agreed to help me. Every day he came and explained the topics to me and helped me with my homework.

Suddenly Vanya fell ill, and I was already thinking about how I would cope with all of these. But then his mother called and invited me to them. Vanya decided to continue his studies in this position. I felt ashamed that I was bothering a sick friend, and began to delve into the topics on my own.

Vanya, having recovered, began to help me again, and two months later I got the first five.

My classmate is also hardworking and respects his household. He constantly helps mom buy groceries and clean the house. Ivan also goes to his sick grandmother twice a week and takes care of her. And, despite the fact that he succeeds everywhere, both in studies, and in additional activities for hobbies, and spending free time on the street. I am proud that there is such a boy in my class who is also a good friend.

Option 4

My deskmate’s name is Amalia, and I really like that name. Me and the rest of the guys in the class often affectionately call her Alcoy. At first she was angry about it, but now she seems to be used to it. We became friends with Alya in the fifth grade, when the class teacher put us at one desk. Now we are already in the ninth, but we continue to communicate just as well.

My friend is a real Armenian, despite the fact that she was born in Russia and visits her homeland only during the holidays. Her origin betrays her appearance, because Amalia looks like all oriental beauties. She has dark, thick hair that she always braids in a ponytail, brown eyes, dark skin and luxurious long eyelashes. Alya loves to laugh, a smile undoubtedly adorns the face of my classmate, and even braces do not spoil it.

Amal prefers pencil skirts to trousers, complements them with neat ballet flats and lace blouses. Her style is very feminine and graceful. She always chooses massive earrings from accessories. For her fifteen years, Alya has amassed a fairly large collection of these jewelry: she contains earrings of almost all colors and sizes.

Amalia is the friendliest and most outgoing person I know. My friend maintains warm friendly relations with the guys from the class, she always agrees to help everyone. In addition, Alya is very quick-witted, she studies only excellently. But classmates do not consider her boring or arrogant, but on the contrary, they respect and follow an example.

Alka has not yet decided who she will become in the future, but she knows for sure that her profession will have to benefit society. Amalia stopped at two faculties, choosing between medicine and economics.

I think she will make an excellent doctor! For this, my classmate has all the necessary qualities, for example, responsibility and patience. Perhaps she should have become a pediatric pediatrician, because she adores children. She especially often deals with her younger brother.

He is in the sixth grade and enjoys sports, so he and his sister love to play football or other outdoor games.

I really appreciate my friend for her character, if necessary, she is ready to listen and give good advice. I am sure that our friendship with Amalia will last for many more years!

Grade 4, Grade 7, 8


Letter of invitation in English

Nowadays, it is important to know how to write an invitation letter in English to all kinds of significant business events and parties. Correctly drafting the invitation is the first step to a successful event. We will reveal for you all the nuances and subtleties of writing an invitation letter in English.

Never let someone else be your priority, letting yourself be their choice.

~Mark Twain

In our article, you will learn what structure and principles should be followed when composing an invitation letter, as well as familiarize yourself with an example of writing an invitation letter in English.

Examples of letters of invitation in English with translation

Writing a letter may be needed when passing a language exam, when entering a higher educational institution abroad, when applying for a job.

Time is money. Today we cannot afford to waste it inviting everyone in person. In this case, the best option is to write an invitation letter.

An invitation letter is usually written for an invitation to an event such as a family gathering, party, business meeting, or social event. All of these types of invitation letters can be divided into two categories: business and personal. In any of these letters, you need to adhere to the same structure of the letter.

Business letter of invitation in English

Inviting colleagues, clients or potential clients to an event is an important aspect of doing business. The number of guests who will attend your event depends on how professional and effective the invitation letter is.

The main rules for writing an invitation letter in English:

  1. In a business letter of invitation, a prerequisite is to address the reader by name (Dear Mr. Smit), perhaps it will require a little more effort, but it is always more pleasant to receive a letter addressed specifically to you, and not written in impersonal phrases like: Dear Colleague.

  2. In a business-style invitation letter, you should always use a formal tone, because you usually write such letters to business partners.

  3. The invitation letter should be short and answer the questions What? Where? How ?, because business people value their time.

  4. Offer an incentive like a free lunch at an event or a prize draw. This will show that you value the time of the invitees. In addition, the incentive will keep guests at the very end of the event.

  5. Write an invitation long before the event itself. This will help the invitees plan their visit to you. Make sure there are no important holidays or football on this day.

  6. Check the letter carefully for grammar and style. And let the other person read the letter so that he finds the mistakes that you missed. A misspelled letter can wipe out all your previous efforts.

Example of an invitation

Dear Ms Blue, It gives us great pleasure to invite you to our annual partners appreciation event on Friday, the 29 of October at 6 pm We believe it to be a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about your company, establish strong business relations and have a good time. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Sincerely yours, Alexander Pemsky CEO Dear Miss Blue, It is with great pleasure that we invite you to our annual event to celebrate our partners, which will take place on Friday, October 29th at 18:00 pm. We are convinced that this will be a great opportunity for us to learn more about your company, build strong business relationships and have a good time. We look forward to meeting you at our event. Sincerely yours, Alexander PemskyGeneral Director

Write an invitation letter in English

Strictly adhere to the design rules when writing the invitation letter, we used to. However, please note that the invitation letter cannot be long. There should be the most necessary information and very few phrases like “we are very happy to invite you to a meeting”.

  1. Welcome / introduction + name of the person to whom this invitation is addressed.

  2. The main part, which contains information: on what occasion the invitation, the place and time of the meeting, as well as additional information (for example, in what clothes you should come or what to bring with you).

  3. Conclusion / Signature

Your friend will always be pleased to receive an invitation letter from you.

Example of an invitation

Dear William, Thank you for your letter. I was very happy to receive it. I miss you and your family. I will always remember the interesting places which we visited. It was the best holiday ever. I want to invite you to my city. I will be very happy if you agree to come. I am looking forward to your early reply. Love, Debbie. Dear William, Thank you for your letter. I am very happy to receive it. I miss you and your family. I will always remember those interesting places that we visited. This was the best vacation ever. I want to invite you to my city. I will be very glad if you agree to come. I am looking forward to your early reply. Love, Debbie.

Letter of invitation in English for a visa

If you want to get a visitor visa to the USA , then the receiving party draws up an invitation letter on its own behalf. An invitation letter can be from friends, relatives, business partners, organizers of various events. Below we provide one of the options for how such an invitation might look.

Example of an invitation


Learning to correctly describe pictures for the exam — examples and advice!

Hello my beloved readers.

Description of pictures in English on Unified State Examination — one of those tasks for which you need to prepare for a long time and thoroughly. Of course, it may seem to you that everything is as simple as possible, but in reality, an untrained student can fall into the typical pitfalls of this part of the test.

(click and go to the desired part):

  • Plan and useful phrases
  • Sample descriptions with audio recording

Therefore, today I want to discuss in detail with you the plan for this assignment, for which it was invented, and also give you a couple of illustrative examples that you can rely on.

By the way, to prepare for the Unified State Exam, a network of reputable English language schools in Moscow and Moscow Region BKC International House  offers special courses that will allow students to improve their language very well and mentally prepare for the format of this difficult exam.

For those who love (or are suitable!) Distance learning, I heartily recommend . They will be happy to help you pass any exam with 100 points! to the best English teachers (and not only!) and prepare well!

What is it and why did you come up with it?

Description of pictures is the third task in the oral part of the test. It tests your ability to quickly formulate a 2-minute monologue according to the existing plan. In addition, your grammar and vocabulary level is checked, as well as your ability to speak unprepared. This task is considered one of the easiest in the oral part, especially if you put it next to the comparison of pictures.

Action plan

The primary wording of the assignment in 2020 will be as follows.

Imagine these photos are taken from your photo album. Pick one photo to share with your friend. You will start in 1.5 minutes and have to speak for no more than 2 minutes.

Now, pay attention that you have a whole 1.5 minutes to already carefully examine the pictures, make a plan for your answer, and even remember all the words that you may forget while answering. Believe me, these 1.5 minutes give you an unrealistic head start.

After this formulation, you have a small plan, according to which you describe the pictures. It doesn’t change, so now you can start preparing and remembering it.

  • Where and when this photo was taken.

1-2 sentences for this part will be enough.

  • Who or what is shown in this photo.

Here, too, you can not focus too much. 2-3 sentences will be enough.

The most voluminous part of the answer, where you can prove yourself. Tell everything you can about this part, but remember the timing!

  • Why do you keep this photo in your album.

Here the answers may differ for each person, but they may be based on the phrase “to recall good memories”.

  • Why are you showing this photo to your friend.

Unlike other parts of the plan, here you can just come up with a couple of ready-made proposals in advance, and in those same 1.5 minutes, just check if they fit.

Useful phrases to help

Well — Okay. — If you do not know where to start, say this word. It will give you a head start of 1-2 seconds.

In the photo — In the photo

I took this picture when / because —I took this picture when / because

In the foreground / background of the picture — In the foreground / background of the picture

At the very particular moment — At this very moment

Samples and examples

Today I want to give you a sample, memorizing which you can cope with this task without any difficulties. I will also show you examples of how best to answer this assignment.

The first thing I do is evaluate which of the photographs I can speak the most, where I can use my vocabulary knowledge as effectively as possible.

So, let’s begin! I also attach a record.


Adverbs in English

Adverb Is a part of speech that denotes a sign of action.

In other words, an adverb indicates how, where, when, or to what extent something happened:

The guests moved hurriedly into the dining room.
The guests hurriedly went into the dining room.

English adverbs are divided into the following semantic groups:

here — here

there — there

where — where

inside — inside

outside — outside

above — at the top

below — below

somewhere — somewhere, somewhere

anywhere — anywhere, anywhere

nowhere — nowhere, nowhere

and more

now — now

when — when

then — then then

today — today

yesterday — yesterday

tomorrow — tomorrow

before — before, before

lately — recently

recently — recently, recently

once — once, once

and more

much — very

little — little

very — very, very

too — too, very

so — so, to such an extent

enough — enough, enough

hardly — barely, barely

scarcely — barely, with difficulty

nearly — almost

almost — almost, almost

and more

well — good

fast — fast

quickly — quickly, soon

slowly — slowly

quietly — quietly

easily — easy

and more

too — also, too

also — also, besides

either — also, too

else — more, except

only — only, just

even — even


When are adverbs used in English?

Adverbs can characterize an action:

He is running fast.
He runs fast.


She is very witty.
She is very witty.

other adverb:

It’s too late.
Too late.

or the whole sentence:

honestlywe did a great job.
Honestly, we did a great job.

In addition, adverbs in English can combine separate sentences (adverbs therefore, then, however, nevertheless, still, yet, besides, moreover, otherwise, else) or a subordinate and main clause as part of a complex (when, where, how, why) :

It was very hard to start my own business. I continued suddenheless and never looked back.
Starting your own business was very difficult. However, I continued and never looked back.

I don’t care why you are late again.
I don’t care why you’re late again.

Adverbs When, Where, why, how can serve as an interrogative word, opening an interrogative sentence:

Where is that boy?
Where is this boy?

When did you come?
When did you come?

In addition, adverbs can reflect the speaker’s personal attitude to the topic of conversation, in which case they are called «viewpoint adverb».

Foolishly, I agreed to help him.
Out of my stupidity, I agreed to help him.

Clearly, he is mistaken.
He’s obviously wrong.

Actually, I share your opinion.
In general, I share your point of view.

Formation of English dialects


How to create meaningful titles and page descriptions for Google search results


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Google generates page titles and descriptions completely automatically. This takes into account both the content of the page and links to it from other sites. The title and description are intended so that the user can get a general idea about it and understand if it matches his request.

We use a variety of sources to get the information we need to make this feature work, including page titles and meta tags. We can also take into account publicly available information or create rich results based on the markup in the code of the pages.

We do not manually change the titles or descriptions for individual sites automatically generated by Google, but we are working to improve their relevance. You can improve your page titles and descriptions by following the guidelines below.

Create informative page titles

The title is an important element of the search result as it provides an overview of the content of the site and its relevance to the search query. Often a user makes a decision to go to a site based on the information in the title. This is why you should pay special attention to creating titles for your pages.

Below are some tips for headings.

  • As mentioned above, every page of the site must have a title enclosed in a tag .
  • Page titles should be informative and concise… Try not to use too general descriptions (for example, a page for the home page or Profile for a user profile page). Also, avoid overly long descriptions as they may be truncated in search results.
  • Do not use excessive number of keywords… In some cases, it can be useful to add a few informative keywords to the title, but you should not repeat the same words and phrases several times. You should not use expressions that do not carry any semantic meaning. Keyword abuse can be considered spam.
  • Избегайте repetitive or patterned headers… Each page on your site should have a unique descriptive title. If every page of an online store is called «Sale of Cheap Goods», users will not be able to find the desired page among many others. It is also not recommended to use long headings in which only individual phrases are changed (so-called template headings). For example, the standard view title — videos, lyrics, posters, albums, reviews, and concerts is not very informative. This can be avoided, for example, by dynamically changing the title to reflect the actual content of the page. In this case, the words «video», «lyrics», etc. will be present in the title only if the page actually contains the relevant content. You can also specify only a variant as a short title, and use meta tags to describe the content (read more about them below).
  • Use brand elements in your headlinesbut don’t overuse them. It makes sense to specify additional information about the site in the title of the main page (for example, ExampleSocialSite is a place for dating and communication). However, you should not include this text in the heading of every page, as it complicates the perception. In addition, when showing multiple pages of your site in search results for the same query, these titles will look the same. In this case, it is best to include only the site name at the beginning or end of the title line, separating it from the rest of the text with a hyphen, colon, or vertical bar, as shown below: ExampleSocialSite: Register a new account.
  • Be careful when blocking access to search engine robots to the pages of your site. The robots.txt file can prevent Googlebot from crawling your site pages, but it does not guarantee that they will not be added to the index. For example, Google can index your pages if it finds links to them on other sites. To show these pages in search results, Google will create titles for them. Since we won’t be able to access the page itself, external information, such as link text from other sites, will be used to create the header. The noindex attribute can be used to ensure that URLs are not indexed.

Why the titles in the search result and the tag on the page may not match

If we find that the title of a search result contains the above-mentioned shortcomings, we will try to generate a more appropriate version of it based on the text of the links, page content and other sources.

In some cases, a Google-generated title may be used in the search results to make the title of a page more accurately reflect its relevance to a search query, even if the original title is short, informative, and of good quality.

There is a simple explanation for this: the title tag provided by the webmaster cannot change depending on the request.

Since we know the user’s request, we can find an alternative text on the page that more closely matches it. By placing this text in the title, we will help both the user and your site. When users browse search results, they look for keywords entered and other indicators of the relevance of the proposed content. Hence, a well-chosen headline increases the likelihood that a user will click through to your site.

If the titles of your pages in the search results have changed, check to see if it is related to the problems described above. If there are no problems, the reason for the mismatch between the headers may be that the alternative is more relevant to the request. If you think the original title is more appropriate, please let us know in the Webmaster Help Forum.

How Google creates descriptions

Descriptions are automatically generated based on site content. They are intended to provide Google Search with the content of the page that is most relevant to your search query. In other words, users will see different descriptions depending on which queries they entered.

There are two ways to recommend content for creating descriptions:

How to set up the display of descriptions

You can prevent automatic creation of descriptions for your pages in Google search results or specify their maximum length. In the first case, use the nosnippet meta tag, and in the second, use the max-snippet: number. You can also prevent text from specific sections of the page from being taken for descriptions by specifying the data-nosnippet meta tag.

Create accurate meta descriptions

In some cases, Google will use the content of a tag when creating a description if we believe it will help users get a better understanding of its content, so the content of this tag should be concise, relevant and interesting. Its purpose is to convince the user to follow the link. The meta description can be of any length, but the descriptions in the search results are shortened in many cases — usually to fit the width of the device screen.

  • Make sure that all pages of your site have a meta description.
  • It is desirable to use a separate description for each page. Identical or similar descriptions on each page of the site are not informative if individual pages are displayed in the search results. We prefer not to show placeholder texts. Whenever possible, create descriptions that accurately reflect the content of a particular page. Site-level descriptions can be used on the home page or other general pages, otherwise it is better to use page-by-page descriptions. If you don’t have time to create descriptions for each page, try to prioritize by first creating a description for the most important URLs, such as the home page of a site or its most popular pages.
  • The information in the descriptions needs to be systematized. The meta description doesn’t have to be just sentences — it can (and should) include a variety of page-related data. For example, in news articles or blog posts, you can include the author’s name, publication date, and related information. This allows potential visitors to see important information that would otherwise not be included in the description. Likewise, important information such as price, age group, and manufacturer can be included in product page descriptions. This information is usually scattered throughout the web page. A good meta description will help you piece them together. For example, the following meta description provides detailed information about a book: In this example, the information is clearly labeled and structured.
  • Use automated tools when creating descriptions. For some sites (news sites, for example), creating accurate and unique descriptions of each page is quite easy because the content on them is diverse and not very large. The situation is much more complicated with web resources that work on the basis of databases (for example, aggregators of information about goods). In this case, we recommend using automated tools. Good descriptions should be easy to read and distinguish from one another. It is better to create descriptions for individual pages with specific data using software tools. Keep in mind that meta descriptions that consist of long chains of keywords do not give users a clear idea of ​​the page’s content and are unlikely to be used in place of a regular descriptive snippet.
  • Descriptions should unambiguously characterize the content, that is, to be informative. Since users don’t see meta descriptions when they browse the pages, it’s easy to overlook this piece of content. However, useful descriptions can show up in Google search results and increase the amount of quality traffic from search engines to your site.

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Description of a person’s character in English — adjectives that characterize a person and his qualities

The description of the qualities of a person is no less important than the characteristics of his appearance. There are dozens of words that can be used to describe personality traits in English, and each one has its own flavor.

The desire and desire to assimilate as much vocabulary as possible regarding a person’s personal qualities is a chance to make your speech more diverse and rich, as well as the opportunity to improve communication skills and the ability to convey as accurate information as possible to the interlocutor.

Asking a question about a person’s character

To invite the interlocutor to describe someone’s character in English, two phrases are most often used:

What kind of person is she / he? — What kind of person is she (he)?

What is she / he — What is her (him) character?

No less interesting is the fact that character in English can be expressed in two concepts — personality и character… Personality means the innate personality traits of a person, while character means character traits formed during life. The line between the two is very thin, so context plays a key role in their use.

Jim resembles his father both in looks and personality — Jim resembles his father both in appearance and character.

Mary showed a really strong character having done all the work in spite of her illness. — Mary showed a really strong character when she did all the work despite her illness.

English adjectives that characterize a person

All adjectives describing the character can be conditionally divided into several groups, depending on the specific side of the personality.

Attitude to life

The most general group that allows you to describe the mood and view of the world. Includes the qualities of a person in English shown in the table below.

cheerful cheerful, cheerful, energetic
doleful, sad sad
extraverted open, sociable, extrovert
down to earth sane, practical
introverted secretive, withdrawn, introvert
optimistic optimistic, cheerful


English phrases about friendship

Friendship is one of the main components of our life. A person cannot live both without love and without friendship. There are countless books, films, sayings, quotes, aphorisms and catch phrases on this topic.

But today we are not talking about that. Today we are looking at basic English phrases and idioms about friendship (friendship) and friends (friends). How to talk about a friend in English? What phrases should you use to describe friend and friendship in general? You will learn all this by reading this article to the end. We hope that you will learn a lot of interesting and useful information for yourself. So let’s get started!

Describing a friend in English

First, let’s look at those basic phrases and idioms about friendship and friends that will help you describe, describe your friend, and briefly tell about him in English. What kind of friend can be? It can be completely different, but you pay attention to the following English phrases with translation into Russian and choose the ones that you like.

Let’s characterize friends!

  • Alex is mine best friends… — Alex is my best friend.
  • Ann is my close friend… — Anna is my close friend.
  • Tom and mike are good friends… — Tom and Mike are good friends.
  • They are friends… — They are friends.
  • Is tom an acquaintanceof yours? — Do you know Tom? Is Tom an acquaintance of yours?

Pay attention to phrases with the word «friend», which can also give some information, a brief description of your friend or your friendship with someone:

  • True courier — true friend
  • Loyal courier — a devoted friend
  • real friend — a true friend
  • Fast friends — Close friends
  • School friends — school friends
  • Childhood friends — childhood friends
  • old friends — old friends
  • boy-friends, girl-courier — boyfriend, girlfriend (in a relationship)

And now some kind of idioms about what you could go through with your friend and what trials you had:

  • That’s it go attraverso thick and thin — to experience good and bad together, to experience a lot, to go through
  • To go through hell and high water — go through fire and water
  • Fair-weather courier — a friend only in favorable situations
  • Friends in high places — friends in high circles, profitable connections
  • Circle of friends — circle of friends

Talking about friendship and friends

Pay attention to how these idioms behave in sentences in English with translation:

  • Mike is my old best friend; together we wentthrough thick and thin. — Mike is my old best friend; together we have experienced a lot.
  • Anybody s Tom; he is a fair-weather courier… — Nobody likes Tom; he is a friend only in favorable situations.
  • I can resolve this problem, because I have some friends in high places… — I can solve this problem because I have friends in high circles.
  • We wouldn’t to enlarge the circle of our friends… — We would not want to expand the circle of our friends.

A few more phrases about friendship

How to introduce your friend in English to the community? This is very easy to do.

  • This is my friend — This is my friend
  • Meet my courier — Meet my friend
  • Let me introduce my friend — Let me introduce my friend
  • Get acquainted with my friend — Meet my friend

And now some English phrases on how to be friends, with translation:

  • That’s it build bridges — build bridges (links)
  • That’s it cross someone ‘s path — accidentally collide, meet
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed — friend is known in trouble
  • That’s it make friends — make friends, make friends
  • That’s it be at odds at someone — be at odds with someone
  • That’s it be birds of a feather — be from one dough, one field of berry

These expressions will help you talk about your friendship, about your relationship, describe specifically your situation in friendship.

How to tell about your friend in English?

The topic of friendship and friends is the most common topic in any conversation. Therefore, a conversational situation can often arise when the interlocutor asks you to talk about your friend or friends. Also, this is a common topic for school essays or essays — “My Best Friend”.

Tell us about your friend in English!

We want to offer you an example of how you can tell about a friend using the English expressions above. Let’s start!

I think that nobody can live without friendship. Friends make our life happier and worthy. I want to tell about my old and best friend Alex. He is my closest friend. I know that I can believe him, because he always helped me. Together we went through hell and high water. We made friends in our early childhood, and everyone who knows us, says that we are birds of a feather.

Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. He has a small family, a wife and a son, and we often spend weekends together. Also we go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is fond of mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.

We had different situations in our life, but always we helped each other.

I am proud of my friend Alex and I am happy of our friendship.

If you have difficulty understanding this text, then pay attention to its translation:

I believe that no one can live without friendship. Friends make our life happier and more dignified. I want to tell you about my old and best friend Alex. He is my closest friend. I know I can trust him because he has always helped me. Together we went through fire and water. We became friends in early childhood, and everyone who knows us says that we are made of the same dough.

Alex is an engineer, he works in a factory. He has a small family, wife and son, and we often spend weekends together. We also go fishing, play tennis and football together. Alex is fond of mathematics and chess; he often plays chess with his son.

We have had different situations in life, but we have always helped each other. I am proud of my friend Alex and I am happy with our friendship.

Friends, this is all we wanted to tell you about today. Make friends, expand your circle of acquaintances. And of course, communicate in English!


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