Say in one word or phrase an educational institution ответы

Задания для самостоятельной работы по «Английскому

College and
Student’s Life.


Academic  corp                                            учебный корпус

Applied   arts                                               
прикладное искусство

Assembly  hall                                             
актовый зал

Be famous for                                              
быть известным чем-либо

Be founded                                                  
быть основанным

Be proud                                                       гордиться




Course paper                                                
курсовая работа                                              


Diploma  paper                       
                     дипломная работа                                          

First school                                                 
  детский  сад

High  – quality                                             

Hostel                                                            общежитие



Optional  course                                            факультатив

Optional  education teacher                          педагог дополнительного образования

Out – of — class activities                               внеклассная деятельность

Primary  school                                             начальная школа

Prosperity                                                      процветание


Research                                                        исследование,

Right  away                                                  
сразу, прямо сейчас

Social  life                                                    
общественная жизнь



Take  part.                                                    
принимать участие

учить, готовить

Well  – equipped                                          
хорошо оборудованный


Our College

We study in Amur
Pedagogical College and I would like to say a few words about it. Our college
was founded in 2005. It consists of 2 departments. The first department trains
teachers of English and Russian,  primary and first school teachers,  specialists
in applied informatics and social work.. The second department train teachers
of arts and drawing and teachers of music. Also there are non-pedagogic
specialties: applied arts and design. The college is famous for high – quality
education and strict discipline.

Our department
is situated in 58,  Zeyskaya street. It is a three – storeyed  building, very
well – equipped. On the ground floor there is a gym, an assembly hall and
classrooms, information technology , foreign language, a lecture hall. On the
second and the third floor there are also learning classrooms, information
technology laboratories and cabinets of supervisors. The college is very clean
and light, with lots of flowers. We also have a library on the ground floor.

We go to the
college six days a week. Classes begin at 8.15
in the morning. Each lesson lasts 40 minutes. After the fourth lesson we have
a 30-minute lunch break. Every day we have 6 or 8 lessons. In the college we
study many different special, humanities and natural subjects: history,
philosophy, foreign and Russian languages, physical education and many others.

 After classes
we don’t go home right away. Sometimes we stay at the library to prepare for
some lessons or to write a report. We also have well-organized social life and
out-of-class activities. Thus, we have different optional courses, sports
sections and clubs: an orchestra, a dancing club, a drama club,  a youth
organization “Perspective” and many others.  We also have different subjects’
weeks, conferences, competitions and contests. Every student in our college is
busy with research work and writes course and diploma papers. Every year we
have creative and research contests, where every student has a chance to take
part. Our teachers call this work as “The first steps in science”

Many students
live in the hostel. It is a five-storeyed building, standing not far from the
academic corp. It is not new, but has all modern conveniences: running cold and
hot water, central heating, a shower. The students live in sections, which
consist of five rooms. From 2 up to 3 students live in each room. It’s a pity,
but the furniture in the hostel is not new, but we try to keep it in order. In
the hostel we have a buffet, where we can have lunch or buy something for tea.
We also have kitchens with electric stoves, where we can cook dinner or supper.

We are proud
of our college and wish it every prosperity.

Exercise 1.  Translate
into English:

     Я бы хотел;
несколько слов;  специалист по социальной работе; декоративно-прикладное
искусство; строгая дисциплина; трехэтажное здание; первый (цокольный) этаж; 
большая перемена;  гуманитарные дисциплины; естественные науки;  предметная
неделя; соревнование; конкурс; современные удобства; отопление;  гордиться;
желать процветания.

Exercise2. Say in one word
or phrase.

  1. An educational institution,
    giving secondary vocational education.
  2. A house where students live.
  3. Having many different
  4. A kind of activity in school or
    a college that takes place after lessons.
  5. Additional education.
  6. A kind of work, when a student
    does his experiments and makes conclusions.
  7. With good technical, methodical
    and learning media.
  8. Classes outside the schedule.
  9. Time to have meals between
  10. A big room or several rooms
    where books are kept and given to people.

Exercise 3.   Ask general
and special questions to the following sentences.

  1. We study in Amur Pedagogical
  2. Many students live in
    the hostel.
  3. The college is famous for
    high – quality education and strict disciple
  4. Every year we have creative
    and research contests.
  5. On the ground floor there is a gym,
    an assembly hall and classrooms in pedagogic, foreign language, a lecture
  6. We go to the college six days
    a week.
  7. Sometimes we stay at the
    to prepare for some lessons or to write a report.
  8. We also have a library on
    the ground floor.
  9. Classes begin at 8.15
    in the morning.
  10. Each lesson lasts 40
  11.  Every day we have 6 or 8

Exercise 4.   Answer the
questions and arrange a discussion.

  1. Why did you choose this
  2. Who helped you with your
  3. What do you like in the college
    best of all?
  4. What do you dislike in the
  5. What would you like to change
    in the college?
  6. Do you take part in out – of –
    class activity?
  7. What other social life would
    you like to have? Can you suggest your idea?
  8. Do you live in the hostel or at
  9. What would you like to change
    in the hostel?

Exercise  5.  a) Read a
list of subjects and translate them into Russian: Information Technology,
methodology of social work, philosophy, psychology, foreign language, physical
education, Russian, pedagogics,  mathematics, statistics,  social medicine,
technology of social work, computer architecture, project activity, management,
economy, discrete mathematics, history, multimedia technology.

b) Insert the subjects into
proper columns:

Information Technology

Social Work

Dialogue .

Student’s Day

Max : Hello, Helen! Nice
to see you! How’s life?

Helen: Hello, Max! I’m
glad to see you. I’m well. And what about you?

Max :Thanks, everything is
alright. Can’t complain. Let’s go somewhere together.

Helen: Oh, sorry, but I’m
short of time. I have much work to do.

Max :You are so busy! And
what are your plans for today?

Helen: You see, first, I’m
going to the library to prepare a report, second, I have to do some shopping,
and, moreover, I wish to do my homework properly.

Max : Sorry to interrupt
you. They say you a college student now, aren’t  you?

Helen: Yes, I am. That is
why I am very busy on weekdays. I have to get up very early in the morning
because my college is far from my house.

Max : How much does it
take you to get to the college?

Helen: Well, it takes me
half an hour to go by bus. Sometimes, I’m in a hurry and even take a taxi…

Max : Oh, Helen, I see.
But still, let’s keep in touch. I’ll call you some time. Bye!

Helen: You
are welcome. Bye.

Exercise 1.  
Find in the dialogue
the English for: жаловаться; не хватать времени; приготовить доклад; более того;
сделать как следует; прерывать, перебивать; говорят; занимать (времени);
добраться до; торопиться; поддерживать связь; добро пожаловать.

Exercise 2.   Reproduce
a) Max’s questions in the 3 person singular; b) Helen’s answers in indirect

Exercise 3.   Translate
into English, using words and phrases from exercise 1.

  1. Учителя часто
    жалуются родителям на их сына.
  2. Давайте
    поддерживать связь и встречаться время от времени (
    from time to time).
  3. Мне всегда не
    хватает времени, я принимаю участие во внеклассной работе и факультативе.
  4. Утром я часто
    тороплюсь и поэтому еду на автобусе.
  5. У меня занимает 
    целый час, чтобы добраться в университет.
  6. Вы должны как
    следует приготовить курсовую работу.
  7. Добро пожаловать
    в наш колледж, многопрофильное учебное заведение (
    educational institution).

Exercise 4. Use correct preposition of time with the
words and expressions:

Night, afternoon, 10 minutes, April, Monday, summer, the
10th of December, Friday,  2010, morning,  the 28th of
May,  3 weeks,  10 o’clock, winter, September,   11.30.

Unit 2

Education in 
Different Countries

Text 1.  Education in Russia.

Every citizen has the right to
education. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not only a right
but a duty, too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to
school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years
old. At school pu­pils study academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature,
Mathematics, History, Biology, a For­eign Language and others.

After finishing nine forms of
secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th
and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical
school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college
gives general knowledge in aca­demic subjects and a profound knowledge in one
ore several subjects.

After finishing a secondary,
vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter
an institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in
different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes five
years. Many have eve­ning and extramural departments. They give their students
an opportunity to study without leav­ing their jobs. Institutes and
universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral

Education in this country is free
at most schools. There are some private primary or secon­dary schools where
pupils have to pay for their studies. Students of institutes or universities
get scholarships. At many institutes or
universities there are also departments where students have to
pay for
their education.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: право
на образование; гарантиро­ваться; среднее образование; получать образование;
общеобразовательный предмет; училище, техникум, получить профессию; общие
знания, углубленные знания; поступить в институт; готовить специалиста; курс
обучения; вечернее отделение; заочное отде­ление; предоставить возможность; без
отрыва от работы; аспирантура; кандидатская (докторская) степень; бесплатный;
частная школа; начальная школа; получать стипен­дию; платить за образование.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the words. Read them aloud: citizen; guaranteed; subject; bi­ology; foreign language;
knowledge; profound; extramural; opportunity; without; gradu­ate; private;
scholarship; department.

Exercise 3. Correct the false sentences.

  1. All
    Russian children must get primary education.
  2. The
    right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution.
  3. At
    school pupils study Special and academic subjects.
  4. After
    finishing nine forms of a secondary school pupils must leave school.
  5. At
    technical or vocational schools young people receive a profession only.
  6. Young people can enter an institute or a university
    after finishing a college only.
  7. A
    course at an institute or a university lasts 3-4 years.
  8. Education
    in Russia is free in all schools and institutes.

4.   Answer the questions.

What does the term “The right to education” 

Why is education
a duty, too?

What subjects do pupils study at

4.  What can young people do after finishing the 9′ form?

What subjects do young people study at
technical schools or colleges?

6.  What can young people do after finishing
the 11th form?

7.  What departments are there at institutes or universities?

Do children and people in Russia
have to pay for education?

Exercise 5. Translate into English, using the vocabulary of
the text. Mind The Pre­sent Simple and the verb «to be».

1.  Право на образование в России гарантируется Конституцией.

В средней школе ученики
изучают академические предметы.

После окончания девятого
класса средней школы молодые люди могут пойти в техникум или ПТУ.

Там они изучают
академические предметы и получают специальное об­разование.

Молодые люди могут
продолжить образование в колледже, дающем уг­лубленные знания по одному или
нескольким предметам.

6.  Курс обучения в институте или университете продолжается 5

7.  Студенты заочного или вечернего отделения могут получить
образова­ние без отрыва от работы.

Начальное и среднее
образование в России бесплатно в большинстве школ.

В частных школах, 
колледжах или университетах учащиеся должны платить за образование.

Text 2.  British Schools.

All British children must stay at
school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of them stay longer and take
final examinations when they are 17 or 18. There are different types of sec­ondary

State schools are divided into the following types:

Grammar schools. Children
who go to grammar schools usually prefer academic subjects, although many
grammar schools now also have some technical courses.

Technical schools. Some children go
to technical schools. Most course there are either commercial or technical.

Modern schools. Boys and girls who
are interested in working with their hands and learn­ing in a practical way can
go to a technical school and learn some trade.

Comprehensive schools. These
schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology,
laboratories, machine workshop for metal and woodwork
and also
geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.

There are also many schools which
the state does not control. They are private schools. They charge fees for
educating children, and many of them are boarding schools, at which pupils live
during the term time.

After leaving school many young people go to colleges of
further education. Those who become students at Colleges of Technology come
from different schools at different ages between 15 and 17. The lectures at
such colleges, each an hour long, start at 9.15
in the morning and end at 4.45 in the afternoon.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: выпускные экзамены; сдавать экзамены; го­сударственная
школа; средняя школа; технические предметы; современная школа; про­фессия,
ремесло; общеобразовательная школа; мастерская; домоведение; частная школа;
брать плату за образование; школа-интернат; семестр; технический колледж;

Exercise 2.    Transcribe the words. Read
them aloud:
final; through; commercial;
physics; chemistry; biology; geography; workshop; private; boarding; further;

Exercise 3.   True or false? Give your arguments.

All British children must stay at school from 7
until 18.

State schools are divided into 2 types.

In grammar schools most
courses are either commercial or technical.

Modern schools usually combine all types of

In comprehensive schools pupils mostly study
academic subjects.

Technical schools teach children to work with
their hands.

The state controls all private schools.

After leaving schools all pupils must start to

Exercise 4.    Answer the questions.

1.  When do British children start going to school?

When do they take their examinations?

Do children pay money for their studies
in all schools?

In what type of school do pupils learn
to work with their hands?

What is grammar school?

What school combines all types of
secondary education?

What is boarding school?

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

1.  Британские дети должны учиться в школе с 5 до 16 лет.

Ученики сдают экзамены в 16

Общеобразовательная школа учит
физике, химии, биологии, математике, истории, ис­кусству, коммерции и

Большинство частных школ —
школы-интернаты, где ученики живут во время учебно­го семестра.

В 16 лет многие ученики
заканчивают школу и идут в колледж дальнейшего образова­ния.

Text 3.  British Universities.

There are about 90 universities in Great Britain. They are divided into 3 types: the  old uni­versities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), the 19lh century universities such as London
and Manchester Universities, and the new universities. Some years ago there
were also polytechnics. After graduating from a polytechnic the student got a
degree, but it was not a uni­versity degree. 31 former polytechnics were given
university status in 1992.

Full courses of study offer the
degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. Most degree courses at universities last
3 years, language course 4 years (including a year spent abroad). Medicine and
dentistry courses are longer — 5-7 years. Students may receive grant from their
local educa­tion authority to help pay for books, accommodation, transport and
food. The grant depends on the income of their parents.

Most students live away from home in flats or halls of

Students don’t usually have
jobs during term time because the lessons called lectures and seminars ,
classes or tutorial (in small groups) are full time. However, many students
have to work in the evenings.

University life is considered
«an experience». The exams are competitive but the social life and
living away from home are also important. The social life is excellent with
lots of bars, con­certs, clubs and parties.

There are not only
universities in Britain but colleges. Colleges offer courses in teacher
training, technology and some professions connected with medicine.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: политехнический институт; окончить вуз; получить степень;
университетская степень; курс обучения; бакалавр гуманитарных и ес­тественных
наук; получать стипендию; местный орган образования; зависеть от; доход
родителей; общежитие; практическое занятие; конкурсный; подготовка учителей.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the
following words:
technology; graduate;
tutorial; competi­tive; bachelor; polytechnic; authority; accommodation;

Exercise 3.   Answer the questions.

1.  What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?

What degrees do students get after
finishing full courses of study?

What grants do students receive?

Do students work during term time?

Why is the university life considered
«an experience»?

What courses do colleges offer?

Exercise 4.   Paraphrase the sentences. Use words and
phrases from exercise 1.

1.  After finishing a polytechnic a student got a

Students may get grants from their
local educational authorities.

Many students live in the hostels.

Students don’t usually work
during term time.

Colleges offer courses in pedagogic and

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1.  Многие студенты работают вечером потому, что занятия
занимают полный день.

После окончания университета
студенты получают степень бакалавра.

Студенты получают стипендию для
оплаты стоимости жилья, транспорта, питания и учебников.

Размер стипендии зависит от
дохода родителей.

Курс обучения в университете
длится 4 года или больше.

Степень бакалавра в
политехническом институте не соответствует университет­ской степени.

Text 4.  School Education in the USA.

The federal government pays little
attention to school education in the USA. There is nei­ther a school uniform
system nor a uniform curriculum. Each state has its own system of schools. But
there are some common features in the organization of school education in the

Schools in the USA
can be divided into state, or public, and private schools. State schools are
free, and private schools are fee-paying.

Elementary and secondary
schools consist of twelve grades. Classes meet for about ten month a year, five
days a week and five hours a day. At elementary schools children learn Eng­lish,
mathematics, science, music, sports and other subjects.

Elementary education begins at the
age of six, when a child goes to the first grade. Secon­dary education is
offered at high schools. At the age of 14 pupils go to junior high school. At
the age of 16 children leave junior high school and may continue their
education at the upper grades of high school.

Besides giving general education
some high schools teach some other subjects. Students choose these subjects if
they want to enter colleges or universities or hope to find jobs in industry or
agriculture. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.

Many young people go to colleges or
universities. But some students of high school don’t finish it. 1% of American
citizens from the age of 14 can neither read nor write.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: уделять внимание; единая система школ; общая черта;
государственная школа; частная школа; бесплатный; платный; класс; на­чальная
школа; преподавать; предмет; среднее образование; средняя школа; окончить
школу; продолжить образование; младшие (старшие) классы средней школы; общее
обра­зование; поступить в колледж (университет); навыки работы на компьютере;
обществен­ные науки.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the
neither; age; uniform; feature;
education; private; science; mathematics; subject; hour; junior; continue;
upper; basic; citizen.

Exercise 3.  True or false? Give your arguments.

There is a uniform school system in
the USA.

Public and private schools are free.

Elementary and secondary schools
consist of 11 grades.

Classes meet for 9 month a year.

Children go to school at the age of 5.

At the age of 14 pupils go to upper
grades of high school.

All schools teach basic computer

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1.  Does state pay much attention to school education in the USA?

What types are schools in the USA
divided into?

How long do school classes meet?

What subjects do elementary school
pupils learn?

At what age do pupils go to high

What kind of education do high schools

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

Школы в США делятся на
бесплатные государственные и платные частные.

Дети идут в начальную школу в
возрасте 6 лет.

Начальная школа учит
математике, естественным наукам, общественным наукам. музыке, спорту и другим

В США нет единой программы и
единой системы школ.

Средняя школа включает средние
и старшие классы.

Многие ученики продолжают
обучение в старших классах средней школы и по­лучают общее среднее образование.

Text 5.  Higher Education in the USA.

In the United States a student who finished high school, may continue in higher education. There
are several ways to do it: universities, colleges, community colleges,
technical or voca­tional schools.

A university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it. Each has a special subject
area. It may be a college of liberal arts, where humanities, social science,
natural science and mathematics are taught. It may be a college of education or
a college of business. A program for undergraduates usually takes four years.
University students get an undergraduate degree in the arts or sciences. If
they complete a course of study, they get Bachelor of Arts or Science degree.
Students may leave a university at this time. They may also go on for a
graduate or professional degree. The university has always programs for
graduate or professional study in many subjects.

The university may get money from
different sources. A public university gets some money from the state
government or private sources. A private university gets money only from
private sources.

College students also study four
years. But a college doesn’t have graduate or professional programs. If a
college student completes a course of study in arts or sciences, he or she gets
Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. But if a student wants to continue for a
graduate or profes­sional degree, he must go to the university.

The program of study in the
community college usually lasts two years. The community college may give
courses in academic subjects or subjects like dental technology and other
non-academic, subjects. Not all students of a community college have a high
school diploma. They may then go to a college for two more years to get a
Bachelor’s degree. Community colleges are nearly always publicly funded.

A technical or vocational school
has only job training, it has no academic programs. Stu­dents may have a high
school diploma or not. Programs may last from six month to two years or more.
The technical or vocational schools give training for work in carpentry,
electronics, con­structions and others.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: средняя школа, высшее образование; ме­стный
колледж; профессиональная школа; колледж свободных искусств; гуманитарный
предмет; общественные науки; естественные науки; студенты (выпускники);
получить степень; закончит курс обучения; степень Бакалавра гуманитарных или
естественных на­ук; получить степень магистра или профессиональную степень;
различные источники; государственный университет; частный университет; диплом
средней школы; обеспечить профессиональную подготовку.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the
higher; community; vocational;
humanities; natural; science; bachelor; graduate; subject; government; usually;
carpentry; construction.

Exercise 3. True or false? Give your arguments.

University is only one way to get
higher education in the USA.

A program for undergraduates usually
takes five years.

If a student completes four years of
study, he or she gets a professional degree.

The universities in the USA
get money only from the state sources.

Every American college has graduate or
professional programs.

The program of study in the community
college usually lasts six month.

All community college students must
have a high school diploma.

Technical or vocational schools give
training in law, science, medicine, pedagogic.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1.  What colleges does an American university consist of?

What degrees are given at the

What sources can a university get money

What programs and degrees are offered
at a college?

What courses are learned at a community

What programs do technical and
vocational schools offer?

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

После средней школы молодые
люди могут продолжить образование в универси­тете, колледже, местном колледже,
профессиональном или техническом училище.

Колледжи университета
специализируются в различных областях знаний: медици­не, образовании, бизнесе,
гуманитарных или естественных науках.

Если студент колледжа
заканчивает курс обучения по гуманитарным или естест­венным наукам, он получает
степень бакалавра.

Каждый университет предлагает
программы для студентов, аспирантов и профес­сиональные программы.

Если студент продолжает
обучение, он получает степень магистра или доктора, или профессиональную

Университеты могут получать
деньги из общественных или частных источников.

Местный колледж предлагает как
академические, так и неакадемические курсы.



Учебно-методическое пособие

Практический курс по английскому языку

для студентов 2 курса всех специальностей

Составитель: Бондарь Ирина Николаевна, преподаватель иностранного языка

первой квалификационной категории



Пояснительная записка

          Учебно-методическое пособие Практический курс по английскому языка предназначено для студентов вторых курсов Ижорского колледжа всех специальностей.

Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие составлено с учетом современных действующих программ и предназначено для практического применения знаний основных разговорных тем, грамматического строя изучаемого английского языка и выработки навыков применения  их в устной спонтанной речи.

          Представленные послетекстовые упражнения носят коммуникативный характер и имеют целью совершенствовать навыки грамотного общения на английском языке. Главное внимание в упражнениях уделено  конструкциям живой разговорной речи.

Учебное пособие может быть использовано на учебных занятиях для выполнения отдельных заданий преподавателя, для самостоятельного изучения отдельных тем или для подготовки к экзамену или зачету.

 Данное пособие составлено для студентов колледжей, но допустимо его использование преподавателями, обучающимися лицеев, гимназий, и студентами высших учебных заведений, всеми теми, кто стремится овладеть правильной речью на английском языке.

Учебная дисциплина «Иностранный язык» является обязательной, предусмотренной требованиями ФГОС для подготовки специалистов среднего профессионального образования по всем специальностям.

Специфика учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» обусловлена ее практической направленностью. Программой учебной дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предусмотрено проведение практических занятий, направленных на развитие устной речи на иностранном языке и выполнение самостоятельной работы. Данное учебно-методическое пособие может служить основой для развития навыков устной речи студентов на практических занятиях по английскому языку для уровней pre-intermediate и intermediate. Учебное пособие содержит темы, включенные в рабочую программу дисциплины. Учебное пособие состоит из девяти разделов, каждый из которых включает тексты и лексико-грамматические задания к ним. Данные темы предусмотрены программой дисциплины «Иностранный язык». В каждом из разделов также представлены диалоги для практики языкового общения.

Учебно-методическое пособие «Практический курс по английскому языку» призвано помочь будущим специалистам выработать умения и навыки устной речи на иностранном языке.


1.  Unit 1.  College and Student’s Life…………………………………………..стр. 3

2.  Unit 2.  Education in  Different Countries……………………………………стр. 6

3.  Unit 3.  Mass Media…………………………………………………………. стр. 12

4.  Unit 4.  Travelling……………………………………………………………. стр. 18

5.  Unit  5.  Hobbies and Leisure……………………………………………….. .стр. 24

6.  Unit 6.  Job Hunting…………………………………………………………. стр. 29

7.  Unit 7.  Youth Problems…………………………………………………….. .стр. 34

8.  Unit 8.   Computers in Modern Life. стр…………………………………………стр. 42

9.  Unit 9.   A List of  Information Resources…………………………………………. стр. 46

College and Student’s Life.


Academic  corp                                            учебный корпус                                              

Assembly  hall                                              актовый зал

Be famous for                                               быть известным чем-либо

Be founded                                                   быть основанным

Be proud                                                       гордиться чем-либо

Competition                                                  соревнование

Contest                                                          конкурс

Creative                                                        творческий

Course paper                                                 курсовая работа                                              

Department                                                   отделение

Diploma                                                        дипломная работа                                          

First school                                                    детский  сад

High  – quality                                              высококачественный

Hostel                                                            общежитие

Last                                                                продолжаться

Multi-special                                                 многопрофильный

Optional  course                                            факультатив

Optional  education teacher                          педагог дополнительного образования

Out – of — class activities                               внеклассная деятельность

Primary  school                                             начальная школа

Prosperity                                                      процветание

Report                                                            доклад

Research                                                        исследование, исследовательский

Right  away                                                   сразу, прямо сейчас

Social  life                                                     общественная жизнь

Strict                                                              строгий

Supervisor                                                     администратор

Take  part                                                      принимать участие

Train                                                              учить, готовить

Well  – equipped                                           хорошо оборудованный


Our College

I study at Izhorsky College and I would like to say a few words about it. Our college was founded in 1921. It consists of 2 departments. The first department (Social) prepares hair dressers, chiefs, dress designers, shop assistants… The second department (Technical) trains mechanics, welding operators, electricians, masters of housing and communal services. The college is famous for high – quality education and strict discipline.

Our college is situated in 29, Trudyashchikhsya br. It is a four – stored  building of 6 Academic corps, very well – equipped. On the ground floor there are a gym, a swimming pool, laboratories, an assembly hall and classrooms of information technology , foreign language, a lecture hall. On the second and the third floor there are also learning classrooms, information technology laboratories and cabinets of supervisors. The college is very clean and light, with lots of flowers. We also have a library on the forth floor.

We go to the college six days a week. Our classes begin at 8.05 in the morning. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes. After the fourth lesson we have a 30-minute lunch break. Every day we have 6 or 8 lessons. In the college we study many different special, humanities and natural subjects: history, philosophy, foreign and Russian languages, physical education and many others.

 After classes we don’t go home right away. Sometimes we stay at the library to prepare for some lessons or to write a report. We also have well-organized social life and out-of-class activities. Thus, we have different optional courses, sports sections and clubs: an orchestra, a dancing club, a drama club, a youth organization “Volunteers” and many others.  We also have different subjects’ weeks, conferences, competitions and contests. Every student in our college is busy with research work and writes course projects and diploma. Every year we have creative and research contests, where every student has a chance to take part. Our teachers call this work as “The first steps in science”

We are proud of our college and wish it every prosperity.

Exercise 1.  Translate into English:

     Я бы хотел; несколько слов; технический блок, социальный блок, строгая дисциплина; четырехэтажное здание; первый (цокольный) этаж;  большая перемена;  гуманитарные дисциплины; естественные науки;  предметная неделя; соревнование; конкурс; современные удобства; отопление;  гордиться; желать процветания.

Exercise2. Say in one word or phrase.

  1. An educational institution, giving secondary vocational education.
  2. Having many different specialties.
  3. A kind of activity in school or a college that takes place after lessons.
  4. Additional education.
  5. A kind of work, when a student does his experiments and makes conclusions.
  6. With good technical, methodical and learning media.
  7. Classes outside the schedule.
  8. Time to have meals between lessons.
  9. A big room or several rooms where books are kept and given to people.

Exercise 3.   Ask general and special questions to the following sentences.

  1. We study in Izhorsky College.
  2. Many students live in Kolpino.
  3. The college is famous for high – quality education and strict disciple.
  4. Every year we have creative and research contests.
  5. On the ground floor there is a gym, an assembly hall and classrooms in pedagogic, foreign language, a lecture hall.
  6. We go to the college six days a week.
  7. Sometimes we stay at the library to prepare for some lessons or to write a report.
  8. We also have a library on the forth floor.
  9. Classes begin at 8.05 in the morning.
  10. Each lesson lasts 45 minutes.
  11.  Every day we have 6 or 8 lessons.

Exercise 4.   Answer the questions and arrange a discussion.

  1. Why did you choose this college?
  2. Who helped you with your choice?
  3. What do you like in the college best of all?
  4. What do you dislike in the college?
  5. What would you like to change in the college?
  6. Do you take part in out – of – class activity?
  7. What other social life would you like to have? Can you suggest your idea?
  8. What would you like to change in the hostel?

Exercise  5.  a) Read a list of subjects and translate them into Russian: Information Technology, methodology of social work, philosophy, psychology, foreign language, physical education, Russian, mathematics, statistics,  social, technology of social work, computer architecture, project activity, management, economy, discrete mathematics, history, multimedia technology.

b) Insert the subjects into proper columns:

Applied Information Technology

Social Work

Dialogue .

Student’s Day

Max : Hello, Helen! Nice to see you! How’s life?

Helen: Hello, Max! I’m glad to see you. I’m well. And what about you?

Max :Thanks, everything is alright. Can’t complain. Let’s go somewhere together.

Helen: Oh, sorry, but I’m short of time. I have much work to do.

Max :You are so busy! And what are your plans for today?

Helen: You see, first, I’m going to the library to prepare a report, second, I have to do some shopping, and, moreover, I wish to do my homework properly.

Max : Sorry to interrupt you. They say you a college student now, aren’t  you?

Helen: Yes, I am. That is why I am very busy on weekdays. I have to get up very early in the morning because my college is far from my house.

Max : How much does it take you to get to the college?

Helen: Well, it takes me half an hour to go by bus. Sometimes, I’m in a hurry and even take a taxi…

Max : Oh, Helen, I see. But still, let’s keep in touch. I’ll call you some time. Bye!

Helen: You are welcome. Bye.

Exercise 1.   Find in the dialogue the English for: жаловаться; не хватать времени; приготовить доклад; более того; сделать как следует; прерывать, перебивать; говорят; занимать (времени); добраться до; торопиться; поддерживать связь; добро пожаловать.

Exercise 2.   Reproduce a) Max’s questions in the 3 person singular; b) Helen’s answers in indirect speech.

Exercise 3.   Translate into English, using words and phrases from exercise 1.

  1. Учителя часто жалуются родителям на их сына.
  2. Давайте поддерживать связь и встречаться время от времени (from time to time).
  3. Мне всегда не хватает времени, я принимаю участие во внеклассной работе и факультативе.
  4. Утром я часто тороплюсь и поэтому еду на автобусе.
  5. У меня занимает  целый час, чтобы добраться в колледж.
  6. Вы должны как следует приготовить курсовую работу.
  7. Добро пожаловать в наш колледж, многопрофильное учебное заведение (educational institution).

Exercise 4. Use correct preposition of time with the words and expressions:

Night, afternoon, 10 minutes, April, Monday, summer, the 10th of December, Friday,  2010, morning,  the 28th of May,  3 weeks,  10 o’clock, winter, September,   11.30.

Unit 2

Education in  Different Countries

Text 1.  Education in Russia.

Every citizen has the right to education. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution. It is not only a right but a duty, too. Every boy or girl must get secondary education. They go to school at the age of six or seven and must stay there until they are 14-17 years old. At school pupils study academic subjects, such as Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology, a Foreign Language and others.

After finishing nine forms of secondary school young people can continue their education in the 10th and the 11th form. They can also go to a vocational or technical school, where they study academic subjects and receive a profession. A college gives general knowledge in academic subjects and a profound knowledge in one ore several subjects.

After finishing a secondary, vocational, technical school or a college, young people can start working or enter an institute or a university. Institutes and universities train specialists in different fields. A course at an institute or a university usually takes five years. Many have evening and extramural departments. They give their students an opportunity to study without leaving their jobs. Institutes and universities usually have graduate courses which give candidate or doctoral degrees.

Education in this country is free at most schools. There are some private primary or secondary schools where pupils have to pay for their studies. Students of institutes or universities get scholarships. At many institutes or universities there are also departments where students have to pay for their education.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: право на образование; гарантироваться; среднее образование; получать образование; общеобразовательный предмет; училище, техникум, получить профессию; общие знания, углубленные знания; поступить в институт; готовить специалиста; курс обучения; вечернее отделение; заочное отделение; предоставить возможность; без отрыва от работы; аспирантура; кандидатская (докторская) степень; бесплатный; частная школа; начальная школа; получать стипендию; платить за образование.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the words. Read them aloud: citizen; guaranteed; subject; biology; foreign language; knowledge; profound; extramural; opportunity; without; graduate; private; scholarship; department.

Exercise 3. Correct the false sentences.

  1. All Russian children must get primary education.
  2. The right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution.
  3. At school pupils study Special and academic subjects.
  4. After finishing nine forms of a secondary school pupils must leave school.
  5. At technical or vocational schools young people receive a profession only.
  6. Young people can enter an institute or a university after finishing a college only.
  7. A course at an institute or a university lasts 3-4 years.
  8. Education in Russia is free in all schools and institutes.

Exercise 4.   Answer the questions.

  1. What does the term “The right to education”  mean?
  2. Why is education a duty, too?
  3. What subjects do pupils study at school?
  4. What can young people do after finishing the 9′ form?
  5. What subjects do young people study at technical schools or colleges?
  6. What can young people do after finishing the 11th form?
  7. What departments are there at institutes or universities?
  8. Do children and people in Russia have to pay for education?

Exercise 5. Translate into English, using the vocabulary of the text. Mind The Present Simple and the verb «to be».

  1. Право на образование в России гарантируется Конституцией.
  2. В средней школе ученики изучают академические предметы.
  3. После окончания девятого класса средней школы молодые люди могут пойти в техникум или ПТУ.
  4. Там они изучают академические предметы и получают специальное образование.
  5. Молодые люди могут продолжить образование в колледже, дающем углубленные знания по одному или нескольким предметам.
  6. Курс обучения в институте или университете продолжается 5 лет.
  7. Студенты заочного или вечернего отделения могут получить образование без отрыва от работы.
  8. Начальное и среднее образование в России бесплатно в большинстве школ.
  9. В частных школах,  колледжах или университетах учащиеся должны платить за образование.

Text 2.  British Schools.

All British children must stay at school from the age of 5 until they are 16. Many of them stay longer and take final examinations when they are 17 or 18. There are different types of secondary schools.

State schools are divided into the following types:

Grammar schools. Children who go to grammar schools usually prefer academic subjects, although many grammar schools now also have some technical courses.

Technical schools. Some children go to technical schools. Most course there are either commercial or technical.

Modern schools. Boys and girls who are interested in working with their hands and learning in a practical way can go to a technical school and learn some trade.

Comprehensive schools. These schools usually combine all types of secondary education. They have physics, chemistry, biology, laboratories, machine workshop for metal and woodwork and also geography, history and art departments, commercial and domestic courses.

There are also many schools which the state does not control. They are private schools. They charge fees for educating children, and many of them are boarding schools, at which pupils live during the term time.

After leaving school many young people go to colleges of further education. Those who become students at Colleges of Technology come from different schools at different ages between 15 and 17. The lectures at such colleges, each an hour long, start at 9.15 in the morning and end at 4.45 in the afternoon.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: выпускные экзамены; сдавать экзамены; государственная школа; средняя школа; технические предметы; современная школа; профессия, ремесло; общеобразовательная школа; мастерская; домоведение; частная школа; брать плату за образование; школа-интернат; семестр; технический колледж; лекция.

Exercise 2.    Transcribe the words. Read them aloud: final; through; commercial; physics; chemistry; biology; geography; workshop; private; boarding; further; technology.

Exercise 3.   True or false? Give your arguments.

  1. All British children must stay at school from 7 until 18.
  2. State schools are divided into 2 types.
  3. In grammar schools most courses are either commercial or technical.
  4. Modern schools usually combine all types of schools.
  5. In comprehensive schools pupils mostly study academic subjects.
  6. Technical schools teach children to work with their hands.
  7. The state controls all private schools.
  8. After leaving schools all pupils must start to work.

Exercise 4.    Answer the questions.

  1. When do British children start going to school?
  2. When do they take their examinations?
  3. Do children pay money for their studies in all schools?
  4. In what type of school do pupils learn to work with their hands?
  5. What is grammar school?
  6. What school combines all types of secondary education?
  7. What is boarding school?

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

  1. Британские дети должны учиться в школе с 5 до 16 лет.
  2. Ученики сдают экзамены в 16 лет.
  3. Общеобразовательная школа учит физике, химии, биологии, математике, истории, искусству, коммерции и домоводству.
  4. Большинство частных школ — школы-интернаты, где ученики живут во время учебного семестра.
  5. В 16 лет многие ученики заканчивают школу и идут в колледж дальнейшего образования.

Text 3.  British Universities.

There are about 90 universities in Great Britain. They are divided into 3 types: the  old universities (Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities), the 19lh century universities such as London and Manchester Universities, and the new universities. Some years ago there were also polytechnics. After graduating from a polytechnic the student got a degree, but it was not a university degree. 31 former polytechnics were given university status in 1992.

Full courses of study offer the degree of Bachelor of Arts or Science. Most degree courses at universities last 3 years, language course 4 years (including a year spent abroad). Medicine and dentistry courses are longer — 5-7 years. Students may receive grant from their local education authority to help pay for books, accommodation, transport and food. The grant depends on the income of their parents.

Most students live away from home in flats or halls of residence.

Students don’t usually have jobs during term time because the lessons called lectures and seminars , classes or tutorial (in small groups) are full time. However, many students have to work in the evenings.

University life is considered «an experience». The exams are competitive but the social life and living away from home are also important. The social life is excellent with lots of bars, concerts, clubs and parties.

There are not only universities in Britain but colleges. Colleges offer courses in teacher training, technology and some professions connected with medicine.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: политехнический институт; окончить вуз; получить степень; университетская степень; курс обучения; бакалавр гуманитарных и естественных наук; получать стипендию; местный орган образования; зависеть от; доход родителей; общежитие; практическое занятие; конкурсный; подготовка учителей.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the following words: technology; graduate; tutorial; competitive; bachelor; polytechnic; authority; accommodation; residence.

Exercise 3.   Answer the questions.

  1. What are the three types of universities in Great Britain?
  2. What degrees do students get after finishing full courses of study?
  3. What grants do students receive?
  4. Do students work during term time?
  5. Why is the university life considered «an experience»?
  6. What courses do colleges offer?

Exercise 4.   Paraphrase the sentences. Use words and phrases from exercise 1.

  1. After finishing a polytechnic a student got a degree.
  2. Students may get grants from their local educational authorities.
  3. Many students live in the hostels.
  4. Students don’t usually work during term time.
  5. Colleges offer courses in pedagogic and technology.

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

  1. Многие студенты работают вечером потому, что занятия занимают полный день.
  2. После окончания университета студенты получают степень бакалавра.
  3. Студенты получают стипендию для оплаты стоимости жилья, транспорта, питания и учебников.
  4. Размер стипендии зависит от дохода родителей.
  5. Курс обучения в университете длится 4 года или больше.
  6. Степень бакалавра в политехническом институте не соответствует университетской степени.

Text 4.  School Education in the USA.

The federal government pays little attention to school education in the USA. There is neither a school uniform system nor a uniform curriculum. Each state has its own system of schools. But there are some common features in the organization of school education in the country.

Schools in the USA can be divided into state, or public, and private schools. State schools are free, and private schools are fee-paying.

Elementary and secondary schools consist of twelve grades. Classes meet for about ten month a year, five days a week and five hours a day. At elementary schools children learn English, mathematics, science, music, sports and other subjects.

Elementary education begins at the age of six, when a child goes to the first grade. Secondary education is offered at high schools. At the age of 14 pupils go to junior high school. At the age of 16 children leave junior high school and may continue their education at the upper grades of high school.

Besides giving general education some high schools teach some other subjects. Students choose these subjects if they want to enter colleges or universities or hope to find jobs in industry or agriculture. Many schools include classes teaching basic computer skills.

Many young people go to colleges or universities. But some students of high school don’t finish it. 1% of American citizens from the age of 14 can neither read nor write.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: уделять внимание; единая система школ; общая черта; государственная школа; частная школа; бесплатный; платный; класс; начальная школа; преподавать; предмет; среднее образование; средняя школа; окончить школу; продолжить образование; младшие (старшие) классы средней школы; общее образование; поступить в колледж (университет); навыки работы на компьютере; общественные науки.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the words: neither; age; uniform; feature; education; private; science; mathematics; subject; hour; junior; continue; upper; basic; citizen.

Exercise 3.  True or false? Give your arguments.

  1. There is a uniform school system in the USA.
  2. Public and private schools are free.
  3. Elementary and secondary schools consist of 11 grades.
  4. Classes meet for 9 month a year.
  5. Children go to school at the age of 5.
  6. At the age of 14 pupils go to upper grades of high school.
  7. All schools teach basic computer skills.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. Does state pay much attention to school education in the USA?
  2. What types are schools in the USA divided into?
  3. How long do school classes meet?
  4. What subjects do elementary school pupils learn?
  5. At what age do pupils go to high school?
  6. What kind of education do high schools give?

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

  1. Школы в США делятся на бесплатные государственные и платные частные.
  2. Дети идут в начальную школу в возрасте 6 лет.
  3. Начальная школа учит математике, естественным наукам, общественным наукам. музыке, спорту и другим предметам.
  4. В США нет единой программы и единой системы школ.
  5. Средняя школа включает средние и старшие классы.
  6. Многие ученики продолжают обучение в старших классах средней школы и получают общее среднее образование.

Text 5.  Higher Education in the USA.

In the United States a student who finished high school, may continue in higher education. There are several ways to do it: universities, colleges, community colleges, technical or vocational schools.

A university in the United States usually has several different colleges in it. Each has a special subject area. It may be a college of liberal arts, where humanities, social science, natural science and mathematics are taught. It may be a college of education or a college of business. A program for undergraduates usually takes four years. University students get an undergraduate degree in the arts or sciences. If they complete a course of study, they get Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. Students may leave a university at this time. They may also go on for a graduate or professional degree. The university has always programs for graduate or professional study in many subjects.

The university may get money from different sources. A public university gets some money from the state government or private sources. A private university gets money only from private sources.

College students also study four years. But a college doesn’t have graduate or professional programs. If a college student completes a course of study in arts or sciences, he or she gets Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. But if a student wants to continue for a graduate or professional degree, he must go to the university.

The program of study in the community college usually lasts two years. The community college may give courses in academic subjects or subjects like dental technology and other non-academic, subjects. Not all students of a community college have a high school diploma. They may then go to a college for two more years to get a Bachelor’s degree. Community colleges are nearly always publicly funded.

A technical or vocational school has only job training, it has no academic programs. Students may have a high school diploma or not. Programs may last from six month to two years or more. The technical or vocational schools give training for work in carpentry, electronics, constructions and others.

Exercise 1. Find in the text the English for: средняя школа, высшее образование; местный колледж; профессиональная школа; колледж свободных искусств; гуманитарный предмет; общественные науки; естественные науки; студенты (выпускники); получить степень; закончит курс обучения; степень Бакалавра гуманитарных или естественных наук; получить степень магистра или профессиональную степень; различные источники; государственный университет; частный университет; диплом средней школы; обеспечить профессиональную подготовку.

Exercise 2. Transcribe the words: higher; community; vocational; humanities; natural; science; bachelor; graduate; subject; government; usually; carpentry; construction.

Exercise 3. True or false? Give your arguments.

  1. University is only one way to get higher education in the USA.
  2. A program for undergraduates usually takes five years.
  3. If a student completes four years of study, he or she gets a professional degree.
  4. The universities in the USA get money only from the state sources.
  5. Every American college has graduate or professional programs.
  6. The program of study in the community college usually lasts six month.
  7. All community college students must have a high school diploma.
  8. Technical or vocational schools give training in law, science, medicine, pedagogic.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. What colleges does an American university consist of?
  2. What degrees are given at the university?
  3. What sources can a university get money from?
  1. What programs and degrees are offered at a college?
  2. What courses are learned at a community college?
  3. What programs do technical and vocational schools offer?

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

  1. После средней школы молодые люди могут продолжить образование в университете, колледже, местном колледже, профессиональном или техническом училище.
  2. Колледжи университета специализируются в различных областях знаний: медицине, образовании, бизнесе, гуманитарных или естественных науках.
  3. Если студент колледжа заканчивает курс обучения по гуманитарным или естественным наукам, он получает степень бакалавра.
  4. Каждый университет предлагает программы для студентов, аспирантов и профессиональные программы.
  5. Если студент продолжает обучение, он получает степень магистра или доктора, или профессиональную степень.
  6. Университеты могут получать деньги из общественных или частных источников.
  7. Местный колледж предлагает как академические, так и неакадемические курсы.

Unit 3  Mass Media

Text l . Mass Media

Mass media, or the press, the radio and television play an important role in the life of society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the events and sometimes make them change their opinions.

Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers and magazines in their free time. People listen to the radio while driving a car. On the radio we can hear music, plays, news and different discussions of current events. Lots of radio or TV games and films attract large audience.

Newspapers give more detailed reviews of political life, culture and sports. There is a lot of advertising in mass media. Many TV channels, radio stations and newspapers are owned by different corporations. The owners can advertise what they choose.

Mass media also tries to raise the cultural level of people and develop their tastes. Mass media bring to millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programs.

There are a lot of TV channels, cable TV, satellite TV and many radio stations and newspapers now.

Exercise 1. Find in text 1 the English for: средства массовой информации; играть важную роль; воспитывать; развлекать; влиять; менять мнение; новости, текущие события; привлекать аудиторию; подробный обзор; реклама; владеть; собственники; рекламировать; поднять уровень; развивать вкус; кабельное ТВ.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions.

  1. What is mass media?
  2. What role do mass media play in the life of society?
  3. What can we hear on the radio?
  4. What do newspapers publish?
  5. Who owns mass media?
  6. How do mass media raise the cultural level of people?

Exercise 3. Find in text 1 the sentences with the Present Simple. Ask General questions and        make them negative.

Text 2.Television

Television, or TV, is one of the most important means of communication. It brings pictures and sound from around the world into millions of homes.

Some TV stations are commercial and sell advertising time to pay for operating costs and to make profit. Others are public stations, which are non-profit organizations.

Commercial TV stations broadcast mostly entertainment programs because they must attract more people for to sell advertising time at high prices. These programs include situation comedies, action-packed dramas about detectives, police, doctors and lawyers, soap operas, dancing and singing shows, movies, cartoons. Commercial TV broadcasts also documentaries and talk shows. Documentaries can be programs about travelling, people and animals in faraway countries, problems of alcoholism, drug abuse, racial prejudice. On talk shows a host interviews politicians, movie and TV stars, famous sportsmen and writers. Commercial TV also translates sport programs, local, national and international news. Commercial advertising appears between and during most programs. They urge viewers to buy different products and services.

Public television focuses mainly on education and culture. They are programs on different topics: from physics and literature to cooking and yoga. Public TV also broadcasts plays, ballets,

symphonies, programs about art and history. Public television attracts less viewers than commercial TV.

Exercise 1. Find in text 2 the English for: средство общения; продавать рекламное время; текущие расходы; извлекать прибыль; общественные станции; некоммерческие организации; транслировать развлекательные программы; высокие цены; мыльная опера; танцевальные шоу; наркомания; расовые предрассудки; местные новости; коммерческая реклама; убеждать зрителей; общественное телевидение; привлекать зрителей.

Exercise 2. Compose questions and answer them.

  1. TV / is / the most important I why / means of communication?
  2. Commercial TV stations I advertising time I why I sell I do /?
  3. Broadcast I what programmes / do / mostly / commercial TV stations/?
  4. Documentaries I what I are/?
  5. Commercial advertising I does I appear I when/?
  6. On public television I are I programmes I what/?
  7. Is / a talk show / what/?

Exercise 3. Divide TV programmes into 2 groups:

  1. Commercial TV programmes
  2. Public TV programmes.

Exercise 4. True, false or half-true. Give your arguments.

  1. Commercial TV translates mostly entertainment programmes because they have little money for serious programmes.
  2. All public stations sell advertising time.
  3. Talk shows and documentaries are translated only by public TV.
  4. Documentaries are programmes about pop-singers, dancers, faraway countries and social problems.
  5. Public television focuses only on politics.
  6. Public TV has no advertising at all.

Exercise 5. Say what you like and what you dislike to watch on TV. Organise a discussion in group. Use the initial phrases: What do you think about…?, Do you like …?, What do you prefer…?, What do you say to…? And the responses: As for me…, In my opinion…, I think…, etc.

Text 3. Press in the United Kingdom

More daily newspapers are sold in Britain than in most other countries of the world. Britain is one of the few countries where daily newspapers are delivered at the door, before breakfast. There are about 135 daily papers and Sunday papers. A lot of people buy a morning paper, an evening paper and a Sunday paper.

National newspapers have a circulation 15.8 million copies on weekdays and 17.9 million copies on Sundays. National newspapers are papers which are sold in all parts of Britain. Nearly all the national newspapers are in London. The famous newspaper street, Fleet Street, now houses only «The Daily Express».

The newspapers are divided into two main groups: quality papers and popular papers. Quality papers are: «The Times», «The Gardian», «The Daily Telegraph», «The Independent», «The Financial Times», «The Observer», «The Sunday Times» and «The Sunday Telegraph».

They report national and international news very thoroughly. They also publish articles on many general subjects.

The popular papers publish sensational news. The popular papers are: «The News of the World, «The Sun», «The Daily Mirror» and others. They publish personal articles which shock the readers. Many articles deal with the private lives of famous people.

Newspapers do not depend financially on political parties. But many of them support a political party unofficially. For example, during the general elections many editors write open letters to the readers. They are called «leaders» and ask their readers to vote for this or that party.

Most newspapers in Britain belong to financial groups. They do not belong to the Government or political parties.

Exercise 1. Find in text 3 the English for: ежедневные газеты; доставляться; воскресные газеты; тираж; экземпляр; делятся; серьезные газеты; популярные газеты; тщательно освещать; иметь дело с…; частная жизнь; зависеть финансово; всеобщие выборы; редактор.

Exercise 2.   Complete questions and answer them.

  1. Newspapers I how many / in Great Britain I there I are?
  2. The circulation of national papers I is /what?
  3. Divided I groups I what I are I British papers / into?
  4. Articles / what / publish / quality papers / do?
  5. Write / do / about / what I popular papers?
  6. Does/ what groups / belong to / British press?

Exercise 3. Find in Text 3 all sentences with the Passive voice. Turn them into questions and negative forms.

Exercise 4.   Inset proper words or phrases.

  1. In Great Britain daily newspaper        before breakfast.
  2. There are about… daily newspapers and Sunday newspapers.
  1. National newspapers have … 15.8 million … on weekdays and 17.9 million … on Sundays.
  2. National newspapers        in all parts of great Britain.
  3. The national newspapers        into 2 main groups: … papers and … papers.
  4. Quality papers  … national and international groups very thoroughly.
  5. Quality papers … articles on many        
  6. Popular papers publish        
  7. Many articles deal with        of famous people.
  8. Newspapers do not… financially on political parties.
  9. Many … write open letters to the readers during        
  10. Newspapers in Great Britain do not… to … or political parties.

Text 4 . Newspapers in the USA

In the USA the newspapers are published in 34 different languages. The daily papers are of two kinds: quality and popular. A quality paper is a serious newspaper which publishes articles and commentaries on politics. A popular paper contains mainly photographs; its articles are often sensational and mostly deal with private life of famous people.

«The Wall Street Journal» is a quality paper. It covers national and international news. It is a business newspaper with the largest circulation in the country. «The Washington Post», a serious daily newspaper, covers the meetings of the Congress. «US Today» has a circulation of

1.2 million. It was meant as an only truly national newspaper. But it is not enough for the country where state, city and local news most deeply affect the reader.

Somebody can say that there is no national paper in the USA. Most papers are distributed locally. But in another sense there is a national press in the USA. Some of the largest newspapers not only print, but collect and sell news, news features and photographs. «The New York Times», «The Washington Post», «The Los Angeles Times» are the best news services in the country. There are also newspapers in the USA which are famous all over the world for their quality. «The New York Times» is the world’s top daily.

American newspapers get much of their news from the same source as all newspapers in the world — the two world’s largest news agencies — AP (Associated press) and UPI (United Press International). Neither of them is owned, controlled or operated by the government. They have thousands of subscribers — newspapers, radio and television stations and other agencies which pay to receive and use the news and photographs in more than 100 countries in the world.

Exercise 1. Find in text 4 the English for: публикуются; качественная газета; комментарии; содержать; статья; иметь дело с…; освещать; тираж; глубоко влиять на…; распространяться на местном уровне; печатать; продавать новости; служба новостей; получать новости; источник; качество; лучшая газета в мире; агентство новостей; принадлежит правительству; подписчики.

Exercise 2.  True or false? Give your arguments.

  1. The daily newspapers are of 3 kinds.
  2. A quality paper deals with private lives of famous people.
  3. «The Wall Street Journal» is a popular paper.
  4. «The Washington Post» covers national and international news.
  5. «US Today» is a business newspaper.
  6. Most newspapers are distributed regionally.
  7. «The Los Angeles Times» is the world’s top daily.
  8. American newspapers get much of their news from the Internet.
  9. The news agencies are owned, controlled and operated by the government.

Exercise 3.  Open the brackets, use the Passive Voice.

  1. This newspaper (to publish) in many languages.
  2. The latest news (to receive) yesterday.
  3. American newspapers (not to own and control) by the government.
  4. This popular newspaper (to distribute) locally.
  5. The last month meetings in the Congress (to cover) in «The Washington Post».

Exercise 4.  Ask questions to the sentences.

  1. A serious newspaper publishes articles on politics.
  2. AP & UPI have thousands of subscribers.
  3. American newspapers get much of their news from the 2 news agencies.
  4. «The New York Times» is the world’s top daily.
  5. Most papers are distributed locally.
  6. «US Today» has a circulation of 1,2million copies.
  7. «The Wall Street Journal» covers national and international news.
  8. A popular paper contains photographs and sensational articles.

Additional Texts


British Broadcasting Corporation broadcasts radio and television programmes to audiences in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It also broadcasts programmes in English and 35 other

languages to other countries in all parts of the world.

The BBC has 4 national radio networks for the United Kingdom. Radio l and Radio 2 each provide continuous programmes of light and popular music. Radio 3 offers a range of classical documentaries, drama and programmes on the arts and science. Radio 4 provides the principal news and information services. Also, Radio 4 offers drama, music and broadcasts for schools. Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales have regional radio services. England has 32 local radio stations. BBC television has 2 national channels and regional channels for Scotland and Wales.

The BBC is a public corporation and operates under a royal charter. It has complete independence in the conduct of its radio and TV services. The British people believe that the BBC must remain independent of political parties.

The British government organized the BBC in 1927 under the term of a royal charter. The Queen appoints 12 governors, who are independent of politics, to determine the BBC’s general policies. A director-general heads the BBC and is responsible for carrying out those policies. Eleven directors assist the director-general, and each is responsible for one aspect of the BBC’s work.

American Television

TV dominates the life of the American family most of the time. The TV set is not only a piece of furniture, but «one of the family». It is also a habit-forming drug, impossible to resist. An American scientist said that television is a «chewing gum for eyes and ears».

There are many serials on TV in the USA. They may run for one or two month, or even a year and arise viewers’ interest. For example, «Lucille Ball Show», the recode-holder of American television, ran for 23 years. This genre is very popular because it touches on feelings common to all people — kindness, a mother’s concern for her son and a father’s for his daughter.

TV games — quiz shows — attract a large audience, too. During TV quiz programmes viewers answer different questions. There is a lot of education on television. For example, you can take a TV course in history, political economy, management, banking and in many other subjects, or learn a foreign language by TV. Educational TV films and programmes are shown at schools and colleges as a part of curriculum.

There is a lot of advertising on American TV. Some of the TV stations are owned by big corporations or individuals. The owners can advertise whatever they choose. To advertise their goods commercial firms buy TV time. Here is the list of the biggest TV companies:

ABC (American Broadcasting Companies)

CNN (Cable News Network)

CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System)

Fox Television

NBC (National Broadcasting Company)

PBS (Public Broadcasting Service)

TNT (Turner Network TelevisionO

Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.

Life with the Box

A.     Television belongs to the twentieth century. John Baird from Scotland was one of the first men to send pictures of moving things by electric waves. His friends who lived a few miles away could receive these pictures at he same time. In 1928 he showed that color TV was possible. Although he discovered all this, there were other people who also wanted to make television systems and later in 1936 a system from America was first used in Britain.

B.     Today in Britain and the USA television is very popular. Ninety-nine per cent of all households have at least one TV set and over half of these also own  videorecorders. Television has a very large effect on Americans. Politicians know all about this. They try to make their big public speeches at times when they can get  the largest audiences on the evening news

programmes. Advertisers, too, understand the power of television. They want to spend billions of  dollars a year on television.

C.     In Britain the average adult watches twenty-six hours of television a week and children watch about twenty hours. Some Americans watch twice as much. People say too much television is bad for children because they just watch the pictures and don’t think – but they can also learn a lot from TV.

D.     At present there are four television channels in operation: BBC 1, BBC 2, ITV and Channel 4. BBC 1 concentrates more on programmes of general interest, such as light entertainment, comedy, sport or children’s programmes. BBC 2 provides serious programmes: drama, documentaries, classical music, including full-length operas. If we watch the news programmes, we can see what happens all over the world.

E.     The news about American television is not all bad. For one thing, Americans themselves are turning off the more violent shows and watching more comedy and news programmes. For another, the news programmes themselves become more interesting. The most popular is “60 minutes”.  If you didn’t watch it on Sunday, you wouldn’t know what your friends are talking about on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.  

Exercise 1.    Match the  headings to the paragraph. There is one paragraph extra.

  1. The most popular leisure activity.
  2. The invention of television.
  3. British television channels.
  4. Television and children.

Exercise 2. Make the questions and ask your partner.

  1. how TV operate
  2.  when colour TV start
  3. when first use in Britain
  4. how many a week adult watch
  5. how many a week children watch
  6. what BBC 1 show
  7. what BBC 2 provide
  8. good or bad for children
  9. why good
  10. why bad

Exercise 3. Look at the list of TV programmes and tick that you usually watch. Discuss them with your partner. Ask, what programmes he (she) likes (prefers, is interested, etc) and why.

News broadcast, soap operas, drama, game shows, talk shows, current affairs, quizzes, sport, variety shows, documentaries, music programmes, weather forecast, commercials.    

Exercise 4.   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of TV watching. Fill in the chart below.



1.   A medium to inform

1.   People spend many hours in front of TV





Unit 4.  Travelling


  1. attendant- проводник
  2. air terminal- аэровокзал
  3. airplane- самолёт
  4. airport- аэропорт
  5. baggage coach- багажный вагон
  6. baggage rack- багажная полка
  7. be late- опаздывать
  8. bedding- постельные принадлежности
  9. berth- полка
  10. boarding pass- посадочный талон
  11. boarding- посадка в самолёт
  12. boat- лодка
  13. bow- нос корабля
  14. cabin- кабина
  15. cabin- каюта
  16. captain- капитан
  17. captain- командир корабля
  18. captain’s bridge- капитанский мостик
  19. car for non-smokers- вагон для некурящих
  20. car- вагон
  21. charter- чартерный, специальный рейс
  22. coach- пассажирский вагон
  23. compartment- купе
  24. crew- команда
  25. cruise- круиз
  26. dining-car- вагонресторан
  27. electric train- электропоезд
  28. express- экспресс
  29. fast- скорый
  30. flight number- номер рейса
  31. flight- полёт
  32. forced landing- вынужденная посадка
  33. gang-plank- трап
  34. hostess- бортпроводница
  35. jet – реактивный
  36. left-luggage room- багажный вагон
  37. life-belt- спасательный пояс
  38. liner- лайнер
  39. lower deck- нижняя палуба
  40. non-stop flight- беспосадочный полёт
  41. one way ticket- билет в один конец
  42. pier- пристань
  43. pilot- лоцман. пилот
  44. porter- носильщик
  45. promenade deck- прогулочная палуба
  46. railway station- жд станция
  47. ramp- трап
  48. reserved seat- плацкартный вагон
  49. return ticket- обратный билет
  50. rocking- качка
  51. round-trip- в оба конца
  52. runway- взлётнопосадочная полоса
  53. sailor- матрос
  54. sea sickness- морская болезнь
  55. seat belts- ремни безопасности
  56. seat- место
  57. ship- корабль
  58. shore- берег
  59. side- борт
  60. smoking car- вагон для курящих
  61. station of destination- станция назначения
  62. take-off – взлёт
  63. to announce a boarding- объявлять посадку
  64. to arrive- прибывать
  65. to be airsick- страдать воздушной болезнью
  66. to be delayed- задерживать
  67. to be on board- находиться на борту
  68. to be on deck- быть на палубе
  69. to catch the train- сесть на поезд
  70. to check in- регистрироваться
  71. to come down- снижаться
  72. to depart- отправляться (о поезде)
  73. to enter the port- заходить в порт
  74. to ferry- переправляться на пароме
  75. to go ashore- сходить на берег
  76. to go out to sea- выходить в море
  77. to land- высаживаться на берег. приземляться
  78. to leave for a sea cruise- отправляться в морской круиз
  79. to make a landing- совершать посадку
  80. to miss the train- опоздать на поезд
  81. to sail- плыть на корабле
  82. to take (one’s) place on a train- садиться на поезд
  83. to take a cruise- совершать круиз
  84. to take a seat in a plane- садиться в самолёт
  85. to take-off- взлетать
  86. tourist class- туристический класс
  87. track- путь
  88. travel card- проездной
  89. upper deck- верхняя палуба
  90. van- тележка
  91. vessel- судно
  92. wave- волна
  93. weather unfit for flying- нелётная погода

Dialogue 1

                      Booking Railway Tickets

Mr. James: Hello! Is that a booking-office? I want 2 second-class sleepers on the Sevastopol

express on Saturday.

Booking-clerk: I’m sorry, but we are all booked up for Saturday. I can offer you a separate

compartment in a first-class sleeper on Sunday if you want.

M. J: that’s an express train, isn’t it?

B.C: yes, it is.

M.J: Two first class sleepers than, one upper berth and one lower berth.

B.C: Okay, here are your tickets. Have a nice trip.

Dialogue 2.  On the Ship.

  • I want to wish you a pleasant journey, Jane!
  • Thank you! I hope to have a good time on board the ship. How many passengers do you share you cabin with?
  • I think, four.

And where is your cabin?

  • On «A» deck.
  • Is there a swimming-pool on board the ship?
  • Yes, there is. It’s a comfortable ship. When does the ship start?
  • At 1 o’clock sharp, according to the time-table.
  • What ports does the ship land at?
  • I don’t know yet.
  • Well, good luck and have a pleasant journey!

Dialogue 3. Booking Air-Line Tickets

  • What flights to Chicago have you got?
  • There are two flights a week, on Tuesday and on Friday.
  • What time?
  • At 10.30 a.m every Tuesday and at 8.30 a.m every Friday.
  • How much is an economy class ticket to Chicago?
  • A single ticket is 30 dollars, and a return ticket is 55 dollars. I want one single economy class ticket for Friday.
  • Here it is.

Text «Travelling by Air»

Many people prefer travelling by air as it is the most convenient, comfortable and quickest means of travelling. If you travel by air, you must buy tickets beforehand. Each passenger may carry 20 kilograms of luggage free of charge.

Before boarding the plane the passenger must register at the airport. When registering the passenger must weigh his luggage. Before the plane takes off, the stewardess gives all the information about the flight. The speed and the altitude. Inside the cabin the air is always fresh and warm. You are offered a hot lunch if the flight lasts more than 2 hours. The stewardess helps everyone to get comfortable in the seats and wishes a pleasant trip.

Text «Travelling by Sea»

Many people enjoy traveling by sea. They say it is the most pleasant way of traveling. It combines comfort and speed. You can enjoy fresh sea air, the sights of the sea and the sky. In any weather you feel comfortable and safe on board the big liner. But some passenger may get sea-sick when traveling by sea.

If yoμ want traveling by sea, you’better book passage on board a modern liner. They have all modern conveniences and a wide choice of sport and entertainment facilities. Every modern liner has a number of decks with all sorts of names, such as «promenade deck», «sun deck», etc. there are passenger cabins above and below deck. A cabin looks very much like a compartment of a railroad sleeping-car, but the windows are different. In a cabin they are called «portholes».

You needn’t worry about your meals , restaurants will take care of you. In short, if you are not sea-sick, the voyage will give you many moments of pleasure.

Exercise 1.   Paraphrase the sentences, using the glossary.

  1. All the passengers must goon the plane.
  2. When people travel abroad, they usually have many bags and cases.
  3. The passengers can take to a plane 20 kilograms without extra money.
  4. Some people don’t feel well on board a ship.
  5. The windows in a ship are round.
  6. You’d better buy tickets beforehand.

Exercise 2.   Insert prepositions.

  1. The train … leaves … platform 2,.. .track 4.
  2. Our train leaves … 8.45 p.m.
  3. I want 2 first-class sleeper .. .the «Red Arrow» … Monday, … a separate compartment.
  4. I was lucky to get tickets … the express train … Saratov.
  5. Does the train come in time?
  6. Let’s go … deck and enjoy the sea.
  7. The «Rossiya» will land .. .the port… 4 days.
  8. Who do you share the cabin …?

Exercise 3.   Translate into English.

  1. Если у вас есть проблемы, бортпроводница всегда вам поможет.
  2. На борту самолета вы можете пообедать, почитать газеты, послушать музыку и даже посмотреть видеофильм.
  3. В салоне самолета всегда тепло и удобно.
  4. Путешествие самолетом имеет преимущества: удобство, скорость, отличное обслуживание.
  5. Откровенно говоря, я боюсь летать самолетом,
  6. Меня никогда не укачивает на море.
  7. Когда отходит скорый поезд в Санкт-Петербург?
  8. Мне нужна нижняя полка в отдельном купе.
  9. Скажите, пожалуйста, могу ли я заказать билеты на «Красную Стрелу» на субботу?
  10. Мы заказали одно верхнее и одно нижнее место в плацкартном вагоне.
  11. Поезд дальнего следования «Владивосток — Москва» отходит со второго пути.

In the Hotel

  1. What hotel are we staying at? – В каком отеле мы остановимся?
  2. Where is that hotel located? – Где находится этот отель?
  3. I need a hotel not far from… — Мне нужен отель недалеко от…
  4. Please reserve a room in… — Пожалуйста, забронируйте номер в…
  5. I reserved a room by telephone (letter,telegram, internet)… — Я забронировал номер по телефону (письмо,телеграмма, интернет)
  6. Here is the confirmation… — Вот подтверждение…
  7. Please help me fill in this form… — Пожалуйста, помогите мне заполнить эту форму…
  8. I need a room for one person (two persons)… — Мне нужен номер на одного… (двоих)
  9. What’s the price per night? — Сколько стоит номер в сутки?
  10. What floor is my room on? – На каком этаже мой номер?
  11. This room (doesn’t’t) suit me – Этот номер подходит (не подходит) мне.
  12. Is there a cheaper (better) room? – Есть номер дешевле (лучше)?
  13. What is the checkout time in your hotel? – Когда в вашем отеле расчётный час?
  14. Do I play in advance or on departure? – Мне оплатить вперёд или при отъезде?
  15. How long will you be staying with us? – Как долго вы пробудите у нас?
  16. I plan to stay for one day (three days, a week, a month…) – Я планирую пробыть у вас день (три дня, неделю, месяц)
  17. I want a room for one day… — Мне нужен номер на сутки
  18. Is there a restaurant (post office, left luggage, internet-café) in the hotel? Здесь есть ресторан (почта, камера хранения, кафе)
  19. Where is the currency exchange? – Где обмен валюты?
  20. Please send a chambermaid… — Пожалуйста пришлите горничную..
  21. Please give me the key to number… — Пожалуйста, дайте мне ключ от номера…

The Glossary

  1. discount — скидка
  2. hotel facilities — комплекс услуг, которые предлагает гостиница (например, бассейн, салон-парикмахерская, фитнес-зал и т.д.)
  3. The rate includes sauna, gym, parking, safe deposit box. — B стоимость включено: посещение сауны, спортивного зала, парковка автомобиля на территории отеля, возможность пользоваться сейфом для хранения ценностей.
  4. check-in time — час, с наступлением которого возможно заселение в номер
  5. check-out time — час, до которого необходимо освободить номер в день отъезда
  6. pay for services — оплатить услуги
  7. payment in local currency — оплата в местной валютеpay cash — расплатиться наличными
  8. At the moment there are no rooms available. — В данный момент свободных номеров нет.

Types of Hotel Rooms

  1. single room — одноместный номер  
  2. twin room — двухместный номер с двумя кроватями
  3. double room — двухместный номер с одной двуспальной кроватью
  4. Standard room — стандартный номер
  5. Superior room — номер повышенной комфортности
  6. Junior suite room — номер «полулюкс»
  7. Suite room — номер «люкс»
  8. B&B — bed and breakfast — питание: завтрак
  9. HB — half board — полупансион (как правило, завтрак и ужин)
  10. FB — full board — трехразовое питание
  11. All Inclusive — питание по программе «все включено»

Helpful expressions

In the Train

  1. Where is the terminal (station)? – Где находится вокзал?
  2. How do I get to the station? — Как добраться до станции?
  3. Is there a (through) train to…? — Есть ли поезд (прямого сообщения) до…?
  4. How much does a ticket in the international (first class, second class) car to … cost? — Сколько стоит билет в международном (первого класса, второго класса) вагоне до…?
  5. Please give me a ticket in the sleeping car to…? –Пожалуйста, дайте мне билет в мягком вагоне до…?
  6. When does the train leave for…? — Когда отправляется поезд на…?
  7. From which platform? — С какой платформы?
  8. How do I get to platform number…? — Как мне добраться до платформы №…?
  9. When does the train get in to…? — Когда поезд прибывает в …?
  10. When does the train number… leave (arrive)? — Когда поезд №… отправляется (прибывает)?
  11. Is this train number…? — Это поезд №…?
  12. Is this carriage number…? — Это вагон №…?
  13. How much time before the train leaves? — Сколько времени осталось до отправления поезда?
  14. Here is my ticket – Вот мой билет
  15. What is the next station? — Какая следующая станция?
  16. I’d like to book one ticket to…- Я бы хотел заказать (купить) билет до…

In the Plane

  1. On what days are there planes for…? — По каким дням летают самолёты на…?
  2. When is the next flight to…? — Когда следующий рейс на…?
  3. When does flight number … leave? — Когда отправляется рейс №…?
  4. Is this a direct flight? — Это прямой рейс?
  5. When does the plane get to…? — Когда самолёт прилетает в …?
  6. Is there a stopover? — Есть ли промежуточная посадка?
  7. Where does the plane making landing? — Где самолёт делает посадку?
  8. I want a ticket on a plane to… please; flight number… — Мне нужен билет на самолёт до…; № рейса…
  9. When (where) is the check –in? — Когда (где) регистрация?
  10. Here is my ticket (passport, baggage, hand luggage) — Вот мой билет (паспорт, багаж, ручная кладь)
  11. Help me fasten my safety belts (put my seat back), please…- Помогите мне пристегнуть ремни (откинуть кресло), пожалуйста…
  12. Where do I board? — Где посадка?-
  13. Where is the lounge? — Где зал ожидания?
  14. What altitude are we flying at? — На какой высоте мы летим?
  15. Please bring me some water (a candy, an air-sickness pill, an air-sickness bag)? – Пожалуйста, принесите мне воды (конфету, аэрон, гигиенический пакт)
  16. When are we to land? — Когда мы должны приземлиться?
  17. Are we late? — Мы опаздываем?

In the Ship

  1. Where is the river (ocean) port? — Где речной (морской) вокзал?
  2. When does the ship sail for (get to)…? — Когда отплывает (прибывает) теплоход в…?
  3. What are the ship’s ports of call? — В какие порты заходит теплоход?
  4. How long is the voyage? — Сколько времени длится рейс?
  5. Does the ship call at…? — Заходит ли теплоход в…?
  6. How long does the ship stay in port? — Сколько теплоход стоит в порту?
  7. Where is the salon (lift, head, restaurant)? — Где салон (лифт, туалет, ресторан)?
  8. Where is my cabin? — Где моя кабина?
  9. What deck is my cabin on? — На какой палубе моя каюта?
  10. I am prone (not prone) to sea sickness? — Я плохо переношу (хорошо переношу) морскую качку. Дословно: подвержен, не подвержен.
  11. When do we get to…? — Когда мы приходим в…?

Unit  5.  Hobbies and Leisure

Exercise 1. Match a hobby and a benefit people get from it.

1.   Stamp-collecting

2.   Writing to pen-friends

3.   Gardening

4.   Sport

5.   Electronics

6.   Art

7.   Music

8.   Model-making

9.   Tourism

10. Sewing

11. Painting

a. more general knowledge.

b. an introduction to foreign languages.

c. pride in the way things look

d. keeping fit

e. a chance to complete

f. meeting people

g. gaining or saving money

h. discipline

i. knowledge of science

j. habit of being accurate and careful

k. enjoying the beautiful.

Exercise 2.   Put the following words into correct columns: amateur theatre; antiques; board games; books; camping; cards; climbing; coins; computer games; draughtscheckers; gardening, hang-gliding; hiking; musical instruments; needlework; painting; photography; postcards; pottery; puppets; stamps; wind-surfing; writing poetry.

Things people collect

Creative hobbies

Outdoor hobbies

Things you play

Text l

Healthy Hobbies

By the way a person uses his leisure his character can be told. In their free time people do what they really want to do, and their real selves are reflected in their actions.

Some people are passive, they spend their free time at a place where they take no effort: theatre, cinema, a dancing hall.

An active person is full of ideas, he plans some interesting things for his leisure time. This is a creative type of a character. For him leisure time is full of activity.

Hobby is a wonderful occupation for free time. Hobbies teach us a lot of things and they do it in a pleasant way. For example, stamp collecting is more than just having stamps. It is our entry into the whole world of culture and history. Such hobbies as carpentry and modeling teach us practical things and the basics of science.

There are clubs for constructions enthusiasts, so you won’t be alone. And learn some useful things. Gardening and music are the hobbies which teach us to enjoy the beautiful. Another hobby is having pen-friends. You’ll get a lot of interesting letters sent to you by different interesting people from remote and exotic places. You learn a lot of things about culture and traditions of different countries and at least some words from foreign language.

Some hobbies keep us fit: boating, hiking, camping. With sports the competitive spirit is given its outlet. You’ll gain discipline, respect for the judge and the counterparts.

The life of a person can really be full and rich thanks to his hobbies. It is also a wonderful chance to make new friends.

Exercise 3.   Find in the text 5 reasons why it is good to have a hobby.



Exercise 4. Make a list of hobbies given in the text.

Exercise 5.   Match the words and phrases in both columns.


2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.




I study a lot. I have no…

Playing computer games is. I joined the club

Dancing is…

I go in for sports… I am crazy about… I love theatres. I attend…

I am keen on…

I enjoy… . I love …

a. to keep fit

b. a drama society

с. fun

d. hiking and camping

e. leisure time

f. amusing

g. to meet interesting people
h. knitting
i. pop-music
k. poetry and art

Exercise 6. Tell about your ( your friend’s, parents’) hobby. Say what you gain from it. Use the words and phrases: to be interested in; like doing something; take part in; learn; get much new; collect; have fun; make friends; keep fit.

Exercise 7.   Translate into English.

  1. Я интересуюсь искусством и часто хожу на художественные (painting) выставки.
  2. Я люблю рисовать. По воскресеньям я рисую пейзажи (landscapes) в парке или за городом.
  3. Я увлекаюсь музыкой. Недавно я поступил в джазовый оркестр.
  4. Моя семья занимается спортом. Мы с отцом и братом играем в футбол и стараемся поддерживать хорошую спортивную форму.
  5. Театр — мое увлечение. Мы с сестрой часто ходим на премьеры (first nights).
  6. Мы с друзьями любим ходить в походы и живем в палатке в лесу или у озера. Это прекрасный способ встретить новых друзей.
  7. Мой брат увлекается коллекционированием. Он собирает марки и открытки. У него есть более 1000 открыток. Это хобби помогло ему узнать новое о разных странах и городах.

Text 2

One of the best film directors

Steven Spielberg

What do the films «Jaws», «Schindler’s List» and «Jurassic Park» have in common? They were all directed by Steven Spielberg. Over the last 30 years Spielberg directed and produced some of the most successful films of all times.

Steven Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1947 and was interested in cinema from a very early age. In 1970 Spielberg’ talent came to the attention of Universal Pictures and he was signed to a seven-year contract   to direct films for television.

«Sugarland express» was the first of Spielberg’s films shown on the big screen. One year later, in 1975, the thriller «Jaws» gave him his first big success. Spielberg’s films were popular with people and critics because of their special effects, imaginative scripts and dramatic music.

Soon every film of Spielberg became a tremendous success, both financially and artistically. By the late 1970s, Spielberg was not only directing, but also producing and scriptwriting. He established his own independent production unit, Amblin Entertainment, in

1982, and began to produce a number of famous films, including «Gremlins», «Back to the Future», and animation, such as «An American Tail» and «Who Framed Roger Rabbit».

The film which gave Spielberg wide recognition was the science fiction fantasy «ET: the Extraterrestrial», which was released in 1982. At the time «ET» made more money than any film ever made, but the record was broken 11 years later when Spielberg’s «Jurassic Park» with amazing and terrifying computer-made dinosaurs was released.

Spielberg has also more serious films, such as «Schindler’s List». This black-and-white epic film showed that Spielberg is a director of great power and sensitivity. Spielberg won a second Academy award for best director for the film «Save Private Ryan» in 1999.

In 1994 Spielberg formed a new studio, Dreamwork SKG, with 2 other powerful Hollywood executives, Jerry Katzenberg and David Geften. Spielberg’s influence on popular American culture will continue to grow.

Exercise 8.   Answer the questions on the text above.

  1. What are the most famous films directed by Spielberg?
  2. When was Spielberg’s well-known film «Jaws» produced?
  3. Why are his films so popular?
  4. What film brought Spielberg worldwide recognition?
  5. How is his remarkable black-and-white epic film called?

Exercise 9.   There are different types of films.(movies). Match the type of a film on the left with the correct definition of it on the right.

  1. documentary        a) a film designed to shock and frighten people
  2. epic film        b) an old film, usually in black-and-white, with pictures but

no sound

  1. horror film        c) a film made by photographing a serious of drawing
  2. a comedy        d) a movie that is funny, usually with a happy ending
  3. science fiction fantasy        e) films giving facts about politics, history, nature,


6.        animated cartoon        f) film about the future, often with spaceships, space travel

and life on other planets

Exercise 10.   Read and translate the film review.

Not long ago I saw a film «E.T: the Extraterrestrial», part 3. It is a sequel of the famous «E.T: the Extraterrestrial», part 1 and 2. It is a science fiction fantasy. The film is directed by famous Steven Spielberg. It is full of special effects and stunts. The two main characters are the old granny as a space invader and a gangster from Brooklyn. It is interesting to watch how their relations develop in the course of the film. The film is full of suspense, when the old lady kept as a prisoner and she turns out to be more clever than the gangsters and escapes. This successful film is worth seeing and is popular with different people. I recommend

you to see this film.

Write a review about a film you saw not long ago. Use the words and expressions given below: To recommend to see; to enjoy; to be worth seeing; to expect much little of; to be a fan; to star in a film; to be based on; to be popular with; a sequel; a successful film; special effects and stunts; the main character; leading role; to keep in suspense.

Text 3. Theater

      The 20th century made great changes into the theatre. Cinema, radio, television, video altered the course of the major performing arts and created the new ones. But still there are hundreds of puppet theatres, conservatoires and philharmonics, musical comedy theatres, drama theatres and opera houses where the audiences are excited at the prospect of seeing a play and the actors are most encouraged the warm reception.
      We go to the theatre to see a play, that is to say, a performance given by actors and actresses. A play of a serious character, dealing with important human problems is called a tragedy. A play of a humorous, lighter character is a comedy (or a farce). Dramatists are called playwrights nowadays and there are no longer such great dramatists as Shakespeare or G.B.Show.
But before going to a theatre you should book a ticket at a box-office. The most expensive seats are in the stalls, boxes and dress-circle. The seats in the balcony, pit and the upper circle are less expensive, they are cheap. Then at the entrance to the theatre the attendant tears your theatre ticket in half. He gives you your half back so that you can find your seat by its number. Another attendant shows you to your seat and sells a programme that will tell you which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there are in the play. Then you take your seat and may enjoy the play.
      If we want to go to the theatre we buy tickets at the box-office and show them to the attendant at the entrance. In the building there is a hall, a large foyer and a cloak-room where we leave our overcoats, hats, etc. The audience can walk in the foyer in the intervals. Many doors lead to the auditorium consisting of stalls, boxes and balconies. In front of the auditorium there is a curtain separating it from the stage. The curtain rises when the play begins and falls at the end of each ct.
      Many people must work together to produce a play. The author writes it; the producer conducts the acting; carpenters, mechanics, designers prepare the scenery; electricians and light operators see to the light effects and operate the floodlights. We, the playgoers (or fans) demand an interesting plot, good acting, impressive scenery — that is two hours of good entertainment.

Exercise 1.  What is in English?  Изменить курс, исполнительское искусство,  кукольный театр, оперный театр, филармония, зрители, теплый прием,  спектакль, сценарист,  касса, дорогие места, партер, ложа, бельэтаж,  дешевый, билетер,  фойе, гардероб, антракт, занавес, сцена,  поставить пьесу, декорации, сюжет, театралы, развлечение.


Seats at the Theatre.
stalls – партер
box – ложа
pit – амфитеатр
upper-circle – первый ярус
dress-circle – бельэтаж
gallery – галерка
balcony – балкон
gangway seats – места у прохода между рядами
to command a view (to have a clear sight) – хорошо видеть сцену
in the front row of the dress circle – в первом ряду бельэтажа
in the back row of the box – в последнем ряду ложи
at the back of the first (second, etc.) tier – последних рядах первого (второго) яруса
seats are too far back – места расположены слишком далеко от сцены
to book a seat (to get a seat, to buy a seat) – купить билет (на спектакль)
to sell seats (to sell tickets) – продавать билеты
to exchange seats (tickets) for another performance – обменять билеты на другой спектакль
at the Booking-Office (Box-Office) – в театральной билетной кассе
the House is sold out (tickets are sold out) – театр заполнен зрителями, мест нет
“Full House” (“(Tickets) Sold Out”) – «все билеты проданы»
expensive seats – дорогие билеты
cheap seats – дешевые билеты
How much are the seats (tickets)? – Сколько стоят билеты?
to reserve seats – заказать билеты

Actors and Actress.
players – актеры, исполняющие роли
cast –состав исполнителей
the leading role (the lead) – главная роль
actor playing the leading role (the lead, the starring actor) – исполнитель главной роли
to be in the title role – исполнять главную роль
musician – музыкант
conductor – дирижер (оркестра)
composer – композитор
soloist – солист, солистка
pianist – пианист
company – труппа
part – роль
performer – исполнитель
singer – певец
scene-painter – художник-декоратор
producer – режиссер
director-producer – режиссер-постановщик
director – постановщик
dancer – танцовщик, танцовщица
prompter – суфлер

matinee (performance) – утренний спектакль
evening performance – вечерний спектакль
ballet – балет
satirical play – сатирическая пьеса
opera – опера
dramatic play – драма
comedy – комедия
musical comedy – музыкальное шоу
dress-rehearsal – генеральная репетиция
opening performance (opening night, first night) – премьера
gala – празднество, торжественный, парадный, праздничный
theatre goers – люди, часто посещающие театр
the new season – новый театральный сезон
a play (an opera) begins its run on June 10 – пьеса (опера) пойдет с 10 июня.

Unit 6.  Job Hunting


Application                                                             заявление                                                      

Employment,  occupation                                       занятие, должность

Career                                                                     карьера

Job market                                                              рынок труда

Training                                                                  обучение

Vocational training                                                 профессиональное обучение

On- the-job training                                                обучение без отрыва от работы

Advertisement                                                         реклама

Experience                                                              опыт

Requirement                                                           требование

Job interview                                                          собеседование при приеме на работу

Promotion                                                               продвижение по службе

Calling for                                                               призвание, талант

Leave (finish) school                                              закончить шкоду

Get training in                                                         получит профессиональную подготовку

Enter a university (a college)                                  поступить в …

Take a course in                                                      изучать что-либо

Employ                                                                    нанимать на работу

Work full-time                                                        работа на полный рабочий день    

Work part-time                                                       работа на неполный рабочий день

Train for a job                                                        обучаться какой-либо профессии

Trainee                                                                   ученик

Qualify for (a job)                                                  получить квалификацию для работы

Join a firm (company)                                            поступить на работу в фирму (компанию)

Study medicine (law,…)                                        изучать медицину (право, т.д)

Do smth for a living                                               зарабатывать на жизнь

Have a calling for                                                   иметь призвание к …

Exercise 1. Match the profession and its duties (responsibilities). Think of some more job

descriptions and let your mates guess the profession.

  1. I write a lot. Sometimes a take photos too. I work for a newspaper.
  2. I have lots of books at home. I sit in front of many people. I work in education.
  3. I do many things: I write, type, copy, use the phone, work with the computer. I work in an office.
  4. I have to carry many things. My job has to do with food and drinks. I work in a restaurant or a café.

Jobs: secretary, teacher, waiter, journalist.

Exercise 2.  What profession is it?

It is a person who…

  1. Repairs water-pipes                                             10.   Flies airplanes
  2. Builds houses                                                       11.   Designs houses
  3. Grows food in his field                                        12.   Repairs cars
  4. Sells meet                                                             13.   Sells vegetables
  5. Looks after sick people                                        14.   Works in an office and deals with
  6. Grows flowers and trees                                              filing, correspondence, etc
  7. Writes articles for newspapers                           15.   Treats domestic animals
  8. Writes novels and stories                                   16.   Drives cars
  9. Looks after people’s teeth                                  17.   Plays the piano

Exercise 3.   Match the professional skills and character traits. More than 1 answer is possible.

Skills: decorating, designing, filing, nursing, cleaning, typing, helping people, building things, making crafts, organizing, speaking, talking to people, putting in order.

Character traits: creative, organized, punctual, dependable, responsible, thoughtful, neat, clever, talented, hardworking, intelligent, tactful, patient, skillful, efficient, ambitious, artistic, logical.

Exercise 4.   Sometimes you don’t know what occupation you are interested in or if you can cope with the profession you like. There are 5 professional types. Look at the chart and say what profession you can be good at. Prove it, using word combinations from exercise 3.

Profession types

Personal qualities

Deals with


“Man – technology”

Technical thinking, good memory, clever, skillful, logical, organized, hard-working

Machines, devices, meters, instruments, machine-tools, etc.

Turner, driver, builder, engineer,

pilot, cosmonaut, designer,

mechanic, fitter

“Man – nature”

Good eye memory, neat, patient, observant, rational

Plants, animals, nature environment

Gardener, farmer, veterinary,

chemist, geologist, forester,


“Man – man”

Communicative, sympathetic, well-wishing, tactful, dependable, friendly


Teacher, doctor, nurse, manager,

salesman, waiter, secretary,

trainer, policeman, inspector

“Man – image”

Artistic, creative, talented, observant, good eye memory, imaginative

Works of art and their elements

Painter, sculptor, musician,

architect, designer, composer,

writer, jeweler, hair stylist, artist,


“Man – sign system”

Good at Maths, intelligent, logical, careful, organized, punctual

Figures, words, formulas,  symbols, music, drawings

Interpreter, translator, printer,

 accountant, programmer,

economist, cashier, stenographer,

 typist, corrector,


Exercise 5.    Say why these young people decide on these professions. Match the 2 parts of the sentences. There is 1 extra.

  1. I’d like to be a shop assistant in a boutique.
  2. I’d like to be a stewardess.
  3. I want to be a car mechanic.
  4. I think an actor’s job is interesting.
  5. I want to be a fireman.
  6. I’d like to be a nurse.


  1. It is very exciting to make films.
  2. It is very important to save people from fire.
  3. I like clothes.
  4. I can see the world.
  5. I like working with people.
  6. I am very interested in cars.

Exercise 6.   Read the text and answer the questions.

Job Qualifications

In our society work is almost a must for a person. So, even if you are rich, you have to work, if you want to be accepted by your friends, relatives and neighbors. That is why some unemployed persons make believe that they still have a job, they can’t admit even to their family that they are out of work.

An unemployed person often feels unwanted and useless. If I could choose their job freely, this job would have to meet the following qualifications:

  1. A person must like his job; the job must give satisfaction, and not only for the moment, but in the long run.
  2. This job must be well-paid. Not to become a millionaire, of course, but not to reject certain luxury.
  3. In this job I would like to work with other people and not only things.  That doesn’t mean that a job in research or production is excluded from my list – but I do not want to be isolated from other people.

To put it in a nutshell, a job that satisfies, that pairs fairly well and lets me work together with people.


  1. Why does a person have to work?
  2. What problems does an unemployed person have?
  3. What are the most important job qualifications for this person?
  4. What are the most important job qualifications for you?

A Letter of Application

I am still at school but I finish it in June. So I’m looking for a job. I’ve got my own PC and I can use a word processor. I also finished driving courses and I studied English and Chinese in a language school. It’s a pity, but I haven’t got work experience. So I’m going to take a secretarial course and I want an office job, but I don’t want to work for a large firm.

Read and translate a letter of application and write that of your own.

How to Write a resume?

Parts of a resume

1)Personal Information (персональная информация)
2) Career Objective либо Objective (должность, на которую претендуете)
3) Education (образование)
4) Work Experience (опыт работы)
5) Skills (навыки)
6) Languages (знание языков)
7) References (рекомендации)

  1. Personal Information: Olga I. Petrova.
    Kiev, ul. Timoshenko, d. 34, kv. 217.
    Phone: +38 (044) 123-45-67, cell: 8-050-123-45-67, e-mail:, Web:
  2. Objective
    a. Objective:  Sales Manager.
    b. Objective To contribute outstanding skills to achieving your company’s goals as a sales manager.
  3. Education
    Master of Science in Networking, Networking Faculty, Kiev State University, Kiev, Ukraine, 2003  
  4.  Work Experience
    July 2002 – March 2005 Administrative Assistant, Sales Department, OOO «Roga i Kopyta», Moscow, Russia
    — Arrangement of Director’s business time;
    — Business correspondence;
    — Negotiations arrangement, contacts with foreign partners;
    — Office work.
  5. Skills
    Skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), 1C, Outlook Express, Photoshop 
    6) Languages
    native — родной язык;
    fluent — свободно владеете;
    working knowledge — можете читать и говорить, но не свободно;
    basic knowledge — можете читать со словарем.
    Languages: native Russian, fluent English, basic knowledge of German. 
    7) References
    Letters of Reference is available upon request from: 
    Kiev Municipal Administration
    ul. Ivanova, d.5
    Kiev, Ukraine 12345

A  Resume (1)

Alexey I. Maximov

123456, Moscow,
Lenin St. 1, apt.2
Tel. home: (495) 555-55-55
Tel. mobile: 8-ХХХ-555-55-55

Date of Birth: July 15, 1973

To obtain a position of IT Specialist, Supply Support Engineer, Technical Support Engineer, Technical Representative and any position related to software and hardware of end-user system support.


  • 1989 – 1995
    Moscow Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automatics (MIREA). Graduate as an Engineer Of Electronic Engineering

Work Experience:

  • 1995 to present
    working as a chief specialist in Scientific Technical Centre «SYSTEMA» of Federal Agency of Government Media under the President of the Russia Federation
    Responsibilities: programming, supporting, of end-user system, preparing documentation for software, design of software interface, participation in international exhibition. Producing Power Point presentations of software Computer articles, software and documentation translation (Eng-Rus, Rus-Eng). Two patents for created products

MS Windows (3.11, 95, 98, XP) MS Word (6.0, 7.0, 97), MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Internet (all popular browsers ), skills of handing multimedia files

English – fluent

Personal information:
Russian native speaker, Moscow permanent resident Responsible, communicative, work well individually and in team, willing to travel a lot

Additional information:
Driving license, foreign passport

Alpine skiing, climbing, music, foreign languages, traveling

Mrs. Elena Sidorova, Assosiate Mr.Homer Green, Manager
professor St.Petersburg, Anglo-American School
State University 11, US Consulat General
Universitetskaya Nab. St.Petersburg
St.Petersburg Phone: +7 812 325 63 00
Phone: +7 812 298 90 00

Resume (2)

(Curricular Vitae)

Olga Smirnov
2300 West Fruitbridge Rd.
Send Terre, Indiana 47811
(521) 777 12 48

to obtain a position as an secretary with a large corporation.

March 1995                  Secretary, the Benlow Corporation.
to present                  620 West Second street. Send Terre, Indiana.
                            Responsible for general running of the office of small private


October 1993 to       Receptionist, Dr. Mark O’ Roum,
March 1995            703 South Fulton Str., Bern, Indiana.

July 1991 to           File Clerk, Ajax Insurance Company,
October 1993          277 Westgage Ave. Berne, Indiana.

September 1989 to         Judson Secretary School, Berne, Indiana.
July 1991                 Courses in typing,. Filing, Gregg  shorthand, and business machines operation.
                            Central High School, Berne, Indiana.  Diploma, July 1989.

typing — 70 w. p.m.
shorthand — 120 w. p. m.
Languages — French, Russian


Mrs. Olga Popova                                                        Mr. Alfred Snow

Associate chancellor                                                     An American Embassy Amur State University                                                  A personal Assistant of the      891476538937                                                              Ambassador

Unit 7.  Youth Problems

The Glossary




Pet name

Call smb after smb



Household chores

Get along well





Argue with

Lie, tell lie

Compete with smb. for smth.

Treat smb.

Share smth.

Be divorced


Feel hurt

Resemble smb.






ласкательной имя

назвать в честь к.-л.

братья и сестры


 домашние хлопоты

 хорошо ладить

ссориться, драться


спорить, пререкаться


 спорить с к.-л.



обращаться с к.-л.

делить ч.-л.

 быть в разводе



быть похожим на к.-л.



Exercise 1.   Choose and fill in proper words from the glossary

  1. My friend’s name is also Mike. He is my …
  2. I get along very well with my brother We never …
  3. My … (brothers and sisters) are my best friends.
  4. She is thirteen, she is a …
  5. I have many uncles and aunts, so I have a lot of…
  6. Mary has funny freckles on her nose, but nobody … her. We all like her.
  7. There are only three rooms in out flat, so I have … a room with my brother.
  8. Sometimes I… with my brother about computer time.
  9. Small families , so-called … are very popular in Europe now.
  10. If a marriage ends with a …, children are often left with fathers or mothers only.

Exercise 2.   There are several types of families: an extended family, a nuclear family, a family, having many children, a single-parent family. Read the sentences below. Decide which sentence goes with each family type. More than one answer is possible. In your answers use the following: I think…, in my opinion…, to my mind…, it can be…, I don’t think.

  1. All the members of my family have close relations. We live together.
  2. The only child is the center of attention.
  3. We are many. We share our parents’ attention.
  4. In a big family we have much love and support.
  5. We enjoy doing many things together.
  6. We love to celebrate holidays together. We have a lot of great parties.
  7. There are only two of us. We do everything together.
  8. I have my own room. I have a lot of privacy.
  9. When I have a problem, I can always find a person to discuss it frankly.
  1. Sometimes I feel lonely, I wish I had a brother/sister.
  2. Sometimes I feel lack of one parent badly.
  3. The advantage of having a big family is that you always have a baby-sitter in the house.
  4. I’m a twin. It’s an advantage. We are very close.
  5. The problem of being the oldest child in the family is that you should take care of the younger ones.
  6. Mother/father is my best friend.

Exercise 3.   Translate into English.

  1. Наша семья очень дружная. Мы никогда не ссоримся.
  2. Моя мама очень сердится, когда я с ней пререкаюсь.
  3. Не дразни свою сестру, Роджер!
  4. Вы с братом не должны конкурировать, нужно помогать друг другу.
  5. Мы с сестрой очень близки, мы делимся всеми своими секретами.
  6. Меня назвали в честь дедушки, я на него похож.
  7. Мой тете примерно 35 лет, она на 10 лет моложе мамы.
  8. У мамы много домашних забот, никто не хочет их с ней разделить.
  9. Мои родители в разводе 10 лет, них обоих новые семьи, но я хорошо с ними лажу.

Text l Generation Gap

First, let us dispel a myth. The idea that growing up is one long fight between teenagers and their parents is not accurate. Majority of teenagers say that they love their parents and get along well with them. However, it is true that arguing increases in the teen years.

The arguing arises out of clash of roles. Teenagers want to have greater independence, more freedom. Young people and their parents have different opinions on what children should be allowed to do things alone: go shopping, choose what to wear and to eat, what time to come home, with whom to go out, etc.

Researches showed that most disputes between parents and children are not very sharp and are typically about the questions:

  • Fighting with brothers and sisters;
  • Cleaning up bedrooms;
  • Possessions
  • Their own space;
  • Time;
  • Helping out around the house;
  • Doing homework;
  • Time to come home;
  • Household chores;
  • Friends and responsibilities;
  • Talking back to parents
  • Lying
  • Getting poor results at school;
  • Getting in trouble at school. Words and phrases to help you:

 Dispel a myth — развеять миф

 Accurate — точный

Fight — спорить, ссориться

Clash — столкновение, не совмещение

Arise out of — возникать из-за

Research — исследования

Sharp — острый

Exercise 4.  Answer the questions and do the task· after reading the text.

  1. How true are these issues for you?
  2. Mark the ones that apply to you.
  3. Say what you ague with your parents about
  4. Make your own list, choose three of them and try to explain your reasons.

Text 2 Sibling conflicts

«Why can’t our kids get along? Why must they always fight?» Parents get tired of bickering, teasing, competing. They can’t understand why their children can’t leave each other alone, and just be friends. «Who needs it?» parents ask.

The answer is «the children do». Fighting doesn’t mean the children don’t get along. It is how they get along — using conflicts to test their power, establish differences and let out the emotions. Children compete for dominance, parents’ attention, parents’ support, household resources. Who gets what? Who does what? Who goes first? Who gets most? Who is right? Who is best?

When we are children, our brothers and sisters are our first friends and first enemies. The effect of sibling relationships in childhood can last a lifetime. Many experts say that the relationship between brothers and sisters explain much about the family life, especially today when brothers and sisters often spend more time with one another than with their parents.

Sibling relationships between sister-sister and brother-brother are different. Sister pairs are the closest. Brothers are the most competitive. Sisters are usually more supportive to each other. They are more talkative, frank and expressing themselves and sharing their feelings. But twins have unusual intimacy. The more alike they are, the closer they feel. The closer they feel, the more alike they want to become. They can feel bad in absence from each other and they may even construct a secret language between them that no one else understands.

Experts agree that relationship among siblings is influenced by many factors. For example, studies show that both brothers and sisters become more competitive and aggressive when their parents treat them even a little different from one another. But parents’ treatment is not the only factor. Genetics, gender, life events, people outside the family all shape the lives of siblings.


Get tired of- уставать от

Power — сила, власть

Establish differences — утвердиться в различиях

Enemy — враг

Relationship — отношения

Support — поддерживать

Frank — откровенный

Intimacy — близость

Construct — строить, создавать

Treat — относиться

Shape — формировать

Exercise 5.   Tick the statements that are mentioned in the text.

— parents get tired of sibling arguments;
— parents quite understand their children;
— parents want their children to leave them alone;
— children fight for dominance and parents’ attention;
— sibling are our oldest friends in life;

— fighting means the children can’t get along;

— some siblings have good relationships, but others have bad relationships;

— siblings relationships are among the most important relationships in life;

— sisters get along better with their sisters than with their brothers;

— females and males generally have different sibling relationships;

— siblings spend a lot of time together because they have to;

— there are many causes of good and bad sibling relationships;

— studies show that siblings hate to fight;

— when parents treat each child a little differently, the children get along better.

Exercise 6.   Prove the facts, using the text.

  1. Parents get tired of sibling conflicts.
  2. The reason of these conflicts is in children themselves.
  3. Sibling relationships between sister-sister and brother-brother are different.
  4. The effect of sibling relationships in childhood can last a lifetime.
  5. The relationships between siblings is influenced by many factors.

Text 3

One Who Understands

When Matt Kelley was growing up in the United States, he often thought to himself, «Who am I!?» Of course, there is nothing unusual about it, most teenagers ask the same question from time to time. But Matt’s problem was special. When he saw his schoolmates, he didn’t see anyone who looked like him. There were white kids and black kids, Asian kids and Hispanic kids, but none like him. When Matt came home and watched TV or read a magazine, he still didn’t see anyone who was quite like him.

Matt Kelley was a multiracial teen, his dad was white and his mum was a Korean. He felt he didn’t fit with white kids because of his Asian blood and he didn’t fit with Asians because he was half-white. This made him feel worried and confused and he often wondered if he was the only teenager in the world with this problem.

When Matt entered the university, he met other young multiracial people and he began to talk with them about the problem they had in common. Soon he learned that there were a lot of multiracial people in the U.S. and that they didn’t really have a place to discuss their problems.

So, in 1998, when Matt was only 19, he founded MAVIN. MAVIN, which means «one who understands» in Hebrew, is a magazine for young multiracial people who want to read about other people of mixed race and their experiences. It publishes articles about the same problems that affect multiracial teens and invites the readers to write their own stories for publication in the magazine.

In a recent survey, when a group of American teens were asked if they ever dated someone of a different race or ethnic background, 60% said «yes». This and the popularity of multiracial celebrities like Tiger Woods, Lenny Kravitz and Mariah Carey made people reconsider the old concepts of race. «Multiracial means disregarding old models», explained Matt Kelly. «It means there are no boundaries to race. We can be comfortable being whatever we want to be».

Today, in addition to editing his magazine, Matt is a president of the MAVIN foundation, an organization that gives support to multiracial teens and their families. He is truly one who understands.


Fit — подходить, соответствовать

Blood — кровь

Feel worried — чувствовать беспокойство

Confused — находящийся в замешательстве

Wonder — интересоваться

In common — общий

Experience — случай, опыт

Affect — влиять

Survey — статья, обзор

Date — встречаться; свидание

Background — слой

Celebrity — знаменитость

Disregarding — переосмысливание Boundary — ограничение

I n addition to — в добавок к

 Support — поддержка

Truly — на самом деле

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences, using information from the text.

  1. Matt’s problem was that…
  2. Matt discovered that there were a lot of multiracial people when…
  3. Matt’s magazine MAVIN is for…
  4. The magazine articles are about…
  5. The ΜAVIN foundation is an organization which…

Exercise 8.   Find the information in the text.

  1. What kinds of kids did Matt go to school with?
  2. Why is Matt described as multiracial?
  3. What are MAVIN readers encouraged to do?

Exercise 9.   Suppose the situations. Say what would happen if…

  1. If Matt weren’t multiracial…
  2. If there were some other multiracial kids in his school …
  3. If he didn’t worry about his multiracial origin …
  4. If he failed to found MAVIN …
  5. If Matt lived in Russia …
  6. If he were the only teen in the world with such a problem …

Time for fun.   Read and complete the short text.

A Boy or a Girl?

In western countries a lot of boys and girls have the same hairdos and many of them wear similar clothes. So it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. On day an old gentlemen went for a walk in the park in New York. He saw a teenager standing near the pond and feeding ducks.

«Oh, my God», said the gentlemen to the person near him. «Do you see that teen over there, in trousers and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?»

«A girl», replied the person. «She is my daughter».

«Oh!» the old gentlemen answered quickly. «I didn’t know that you were her mother!»

Notes: hairdo — прическа, similar — похожий, pond — пруд.

Exercise 10.    Read the text, fill in the gaps and answer the questions below.

Solomon Decision

Once upon a time 2 women argued about a small baby, whose he was. The first woman said he was her child, another replied that hers. At last they asked the judge to help them. The judge drew a circle, put the kid into it and told the women to pull him That who wins will be his true mother. The women started pulling the baby. Suddenly the second …

‘That is his real mother!» — said the judge, «You may take him!» Questions:

1 .Why do you think the judge gave the baby to the second woman? 2.Was she really his mother?

Notes: judge — судья, decision- решение, to pull — тянуть

Street children

Words and phrases:

Orphan — сирота

civil war — гражданская война

victim — жертва

famine — голод

poverty — бедность

rubbish — мусор, отходы, отбросы

odd jobs — разовые работы

beat — бить

slavery — рабство

turn to — обратиться за

imprison — заключать в тюрьму

tidy up — чистить, убирать

There are 100 million young people around the world who call the street their home. And their number is raising by the hundreds of thousands each year. In Africa there are orphans of civil war and victims of famine. In Latin America and Asia they are victims of poverty, in the Western world they are the run-aways.

Street children have to look after themselves, living off rubbish, trying to earn money by odd jobs. The two most difficult cities in the world right now are Rio de Janeiro in Brazil and Bangkok in Thailand. Many of the street children are beaten, raped and sold for slavery. They can not turn to the police for help because the police often does the same things to them. In some Latin American countries children are imprisoned or killed just to tidy up the streets for important foreign visitors.

Questions for discussion.

  1. How many street children do you think there are in Russia?
  1. Do you think street children is an economical, political, social or cultural problem? Why?

Read and translate the text. Think of its title.

More than a million American teenagers run away from home every year. Their parents are often puzzled and hurt: why do they do it?

There is usually lack of understanding on both sides — parents and a child — problems in communication.

More than half of these runaways are girls. Their average age is fifteen. For one reason or another, they refuse to stay at home. Of course, the great majority of young people never run away from home. Nevertheless, the problem is a serious one. There is no typical runaway. Many come from homes broken by divorce or homes where there is an alcoholic parent. Some run away from parents who beat them. But there are also many runaways who come from healthy families where no such problems exist.

Steve, aged 15, ran away when he was 13. His father drank and everyone in the family suffered when he got drank. One night his father grabbed a gun and with his finger on the trigger threatened to kill everybody in the family. Steve ran away and stayed away. His main concern was to find enough food and a safe place to sleep.

«It’s frightening to be homeless because you don’t know about tomorrow», Steve says. Everything you’ve got is what is on your back. You wonder where you are going to eat or live. You don’t know if you’ll be all right.

Sharon’s parents are divorced, but she says she had no real problems at home. She lived in a small town in Vermont. One evening a friend rang her up. «We are going to New York. Want to come along?» Sharon, 14 years old, hesitated a little and agreed. When the police finally found her, she became a drug addict.

     Unfortunately, these young people often get into trouble. Only few runaways have any idea of how to survive when they are alone and very often they find dangerous world after leaving home. Most take off only with few dollars. When the money is spend, they find it is not easy to make new when you are only fifteen or sixteen. It’s useless for them to look for a proper job because legally they are too young to work.

The police says the most runaways return home within a few days. Often a phone call home is enough to put things right. But the longer the runaway is away from home the more likely he or she is to get into trouble. One set of problems is often replaced by another. Runaways often think that they will find friendly people wishing to help them. But the fact is that cities are full of people who only want to take advantage of the runaways.

On the street there are three main means to survive: stealing, begging and drug dealing. It’s like a quicksand: the deeper in you go, the deeper down you sink. Sometimes it leads to a suicide.

There are a lot of charity organizations which try to protect children. But unfortunately, the number of teen runaways is rising and the kids are getting younger.

Notes: puzzle — озадачивать; lack — нехватка, отсутствие; average — средний; reason -причина; refuse — отказываться; the great majority — подавляющее большинство; nevertheless — тем не менее; suffer — страдать; grab — схватить; threaten — угрожать; concern — забота; frightening — страшно; hesitate — колебаться, сомневаться; survive — выживать.

Exercise 1.   Paraphrase the given sentences, using words and phrases from the text.

  1. More than a million American teenagers escape from home every year.
  2. Of course, most of young people never run away from home.
  3. His main problem was to find to find enough food and a safe place to sleep.
  4. You are interested where you are going to eat or live.
  5. Unfortunately, these young people often find many problems.
  6. Most leave home only with few dollars.
  7. It’s useless for them to look for a suitable work.
  8. Often a phone call home is enough to correct things.
  9. The police says the most runaways return home during a few days.

10)  But the fact is that cities are full of people who only want to make use of the runaways.

  1. Sometimes it leads to killing oneself.
  2. There are a lot of charity organizations which try to save children

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with your own words.

  1. Their parents are often puzzled and hurt…
  2. There is usually lack of understanding on both sides…
  3. For one reason or another…
  4. Many come from homes…
  5. But there are also many runaways…
  6. Everything you’ ve got is…
  7. When the police finally found her…
  8. Only few runaways have any idea of…
  9. When the money is spend, they find it is …
  10. Often a phone call…
  11. One set of problems is often …
  12. But unfortunately, the number of teen runaways…

Exercise 3.  Answer the questions.

1. Why do you think children escape from homes?

2. Why is it frightening to be homeless?

3. How can runaways survive in the street?

4. How often do runaways return home?                                            

5. What can adults do to help these children?

Exercise 4.   Think of the main idea of the text. Discuss it in group. Exercise 5.   Give the summary of the text (in 8-10 sentences).

Speech exercises

Exercise 1.  Answer the questions.

  1. What is the best way to punish a child?
  2. Do you think it’s easier to be a father or a mother?
  3. What problems face single-parent families?
  4. What are the main reasons for conflicts between different generations?
  5. Do you think married children and their parents should live together?
  6. How many children do you think should be in the family?
  7. Who has more responsibilities and duties in the family, a father or a mother?
  8. What do you think is the best age for a person to get married?
  9. Would you feel happier in an extended or a nuclear family?

Exercise 2.   Explain the following proverbs. Give their Russian equivalents if possible.

  1. Every mother thinks her own gosling a swan.
  2. As the tree, as the fruit.
  3. Life is not all cakes and ale.
  4. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  5. A good example is the best teacher.
  6. A good husband should be deaf and a good wife should be blind.

Exercise 3.   What do you think on the points?

  1. People should not marry outside their religion, nation, class, education.
  2. Loneliness can be beneficial.
  3. No herb will cure love.
  4. Happiness takes no account of love.
  5. Adopted children should know who their natural parents are.
  6. Divorce is on the increase in Russia.
  7. Interracial marriages should be discouraged.
  8. Children should be seen and not heard.
  9. Putting children first or parents matter too.

Unit 8.   Computers in Modern Life

Text 1. What is a Computer?

Computer is a device for processing information. Computer has no intelligence by itself and is called hardware. A computer system is a combination of four elements:

  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Procedures
  • Data/information

Software are the programmes that tell the hardware how to perform a task. Without software instructions, the hardware doesn’t know what to do.

The basic job of the computer is the processing of information. Computers take information in the form of instructions called programmes and symbols called data. After that they perform various mathematical and logical operations, and then give the results (information). Computer is used to convert data into information. Computer is also used to store information in the digital form.

information in digital forms.

of information.

Exercise 1. Fill in the gaps.

Computer has no ……………………

A computer system is……………….

Without……………. Instructions  …

Computer is used …………………

The basic job of the computer is ……  

by itself.

of four elements.

doesn’t know what to do.

Exercise 2.   Answer the questions.

  1. What does the term «Computer» describe?
  2. Is computer intelligent?
  3. What are four components of computer system?
  4. What is software?
  5. What is the difference between software and hardware?
  1. In what way do terms «information» and «data» differ?
  2. How does computer convert data into information?

Exercise 3.   Are the statements true or false? Give your arguments.

  1. Computer is made of electronic components so it is an electronic device.
  2. Computer has no intelligence until software is loaded.
  3. There are four elements of computer system: Software, hardware, diskette and data.
  4. Without software instructions hardware doesn’t know what to do.
  5. The software is the most important component because it is made by people.
  6. The user inputs data into computer to get information as an output.

Text 2.

Welcome to Computer World.

Many companies computerized their offices because computers can do work more quickly and accurately than people. The computer stores and finds information and does calculations. This work is called data processing. The part of the computer that processes the data (information) is called the central processing unit. It contains only electronic components called microchips.

A computer can only do what it is instructed to do. This instructions that are stored in a computer are called the computer programs. The parts of the computer used by most people are called terminals. The terminals consist of α keyboard, which looks like a typewriter, and a visual display units, which looks like a television. Information put into the computer on the keyboard is called input. When the computer shows the result of the data processing on the video display unit, it is called output.

When a computer goes wrong, it is usually because there is something wrong with the input. In other words it is a mistake made by a person not by a computer. This is sometimes called GIGO (Garbage in, Garbage out).

Text 3. To Use or not to Use.

Advantages and disadvantages of computers at work.

Interview: Ann, as a secretary, what do you think about the introduction of a computer into office life?

Ann: I don’t really know. I think you are pushed into a new world — a keyboard world. It takes away the role of a secretary. Towards the end of the day you may feel that you unplugged yourself.

Interview: And you. Swan, as an office administrator, what do you think?

Swan: I am not very sure. All our bosses have them on their desks, but they don’t use them. Senior management thinks that if they install a computer system in their office and give their staff a couple of days training, amazing new levels of efficiency will be attained. But that’s not true. At first, things may get even worse.

Interview: What about you, Mark? You are a bank clerk.

Mark: I think it’s very economical, computers are good time-saving devices. But I am sure that we are far from having exhausted the possibilities computers offer us. We are probably using only 1/3 of their capacity.

Mary, a typist: Computers made my life more difficult.

Interview: It seems that without organizing office work differently, introducing computers doesn’t help much.

Text 4.

Boss: Anne, would you like a computer in your office?

Anne: I would, I think. I can type and thus use the keyboard to enter information. The monitor shows what you type, so you can correct mistakes very easily. Then the printer quickly produces what you need. They are excellent for storing information on a disk.

Boss: So you know how to use a computer?

Anne: I know only the simpliest things — timesaving tricks for a typist. Nothing more. But I am willing to learn.

Boss: Are you interested in taking a course?

Anne: Oh, yes, very much.

Boss: We’ll see to that.

Exercise 1. Answer the questions on text 1.

  1. Why did many companies computerize their offices?
  2. What work does a computer do?
  3. How is this work called?
  4. What is the function of the central processor unit?
  5. What are computer programs?
  6. How does a keyboard look?
  7. Why does a computer go wrong?

Exercise 2. Find in text 2 all sentences with Passive Voice. Detect their grammar forms. Turn them into the Past simple and Future  simple tense forms.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Хранение, поиск информации и вычисления называется обработкой данных.
  2. Компьютер запрограммирован на выполнение различных операций.
  3. В компьютер заложены много разных программ.
  4. Информация, поступающая в компьютер, называется вводом.
  5. Если ошибка сделана человеком, компьютер может дать сбой.

Exercise 4. Correct the sentences from text 3.

  1. A computer helps a secretary in her work.
  2. All bosses widely use computers in the office.
  3. A computer made the typist’s work easier.
  4. Mark uses all the computer’s capacity in his office.

Exercise 5. Tell, what Mark, Mary, Swan and Ann think about introducing of a computer into office life.

Exercise 6. Find in texts 3 and 4 the English for:

Мир клавиатуры; роль секретаря; установить компьютерную систему; уровень эффективности; будет достигнут; устройство, ускоряющее работу; исчерпать возможности; мощность; введение компьютеров; вводить информацию; печатать, набирать; хранение информации; пройти курс обучения.

Exercise 7.   Translate into English.

  1. Сейчас в офисах и компаниях установлено много компьютеров.
  2. Мы используем клавиатуру для ввода информации.
  3. Компьютеры помогают достичь новый уровень эффективности в работе.
  4. Многие сотрудники прошли курс обучения пользования компьютером.
  5. Мы еще не исчерпали все возможности компьютера.

6.   Для многих компьютер — это устройство, ускоряющее работу.

Exercise 8.   Match the words.

  1. Technical electronic devices
  2. A person, who uses a computer
  3. Something is wrong with a computer
  4. A manipulator
  5. It looks like a typewriter
  6. A floppy disk.
  7. Dialogical
  8. Program devices




a user






computer breakdown


a diskette

a mouse


a keyboard

Exercise 9.   Insert proper words and phrases.

When a computer goes wrong, there is something wrong with the
We use the keyboard to        .

We haven’t exhausted all        

Information put into a computer on a keyboard

The work the computer does is called        

A computer can do only        


The instructions stored in a computer are called
Computers are good        

Text 5.   Introduction to the WWW and the Internet.

Million of people around the world use the Internet to search for and retrieve information on all sorts of topics including arts, business, humanities, news, politics and recreation. People communicate through electronic mail (e-mail), discussion groups, chat channels and other means of informational exchange. They share information and make commercial and business transactions. All this activity is possible because tens of thousands of networks are connected to the Internet and exchange information in the same basic ways.

The World Wide Web (WWW) is a part of the Internet. But it is not a collection of networks. Rather, it is information that is connected or linked together like a web. You access this information through one interface or tool called a Web browser. The number of resources and services that are part of the World Wide Web is growing extremely fast. In 1996 there were more than 20 million users of the WWW. By using a computer terminal (hardware) connected to a network that is a part of the Internet, and by using a program (software) to browse or retrieve information that is a part of the World Wide Web, the people connected to the Internet and WWW through the local providers. Each browser provides a graphical interface. You move from place to place, from site to site on the Web by using a mouse to click on a portion of text, icon or region of the map. These items are called hyperlinks or links. Each link you select represents a document, an image, a video clip or an audio file somewhere on the Internet. The user doesn’t need to know where it is, the browser follows the link.

All sorts of things are available on the WWW. One can use the WWW for the recreation purposes. Many TV and radio stations broadcast line on the WWW. Essentially, if something can be put into digital format and stored in a computer, then it’s available on the WWW. You can even visit museums, gardens, cities throughout the world, learn foreign languages and meet new friends. And of course you can play computer games through WWW, competing with partners from other countries and continents.

Exercise 1.  What is the English for?

Искать информацию, извлекать информацию, развлечение, общаться, коммуникационный обмен,  делиться информацией, заключать сделки, сеть, обмениваться информацией, получать информацию, программа поиска, местные провайдеры, ярлык, гиперссылка, идти по ссылке, доступный,   транслировать, цифровой формат.

Exercise 2. Answer the questions (general understanding).

  1. How can people use the Internet?
  2. What is WWW?
  3. How do people access information in WWW?
  4. How do people connect to the Internet?
  5. What sorts of things are available on the WWW?

Exercise 3.  Insert proper words or phrases.

  1. People communicate through … , … .
  2. Thousands of… are connected to the Internet and … information.
  3. The        is a part of the Internet.
  4. You … information through one … called ….
  5. Each browser provides a graphical ….
  6. You move from site to site by using a … to … on a portion of text.
  7. The … doesn’t need to know where it is, the browser follows the link.
  8. One can use the Internet for … purposes.

Exercise 4.   Correct the sentences.

  1. People use the Internet to do shopping.
  2. People communicate through the browser.
  3. The Internet is a part of the World Wide Web.
  4. The people connect to the Internet through another computer.
  5. A user must know where the needed files or documents in the Internet are.
  6. The Internet is used for business transactions only.

Exercise 5.   Translate into English.

  1. Люди используют Интернет чтобы извлекать информацию и общаться.
  2. Мы находим информацию через специальную программу поиска.
  3. Кто-то может использовать Интернет для отдыха и развлечений.
  4. С помощью всемирной сети мы можем посетить разные города и страны, выучить иностранный язык и встретить новых друзей.
  5. Люди подключаются к Интернету и всемирной сети через местных провайдеров.
  6. Пользователю не нужно знать, где находится информация, ему поможет программа поиска.
  7. Десятки тысяч сетей соединены в Интернет, где люди обмениваются информацией.

1. Is education in our country free 
— Secondary education is free in our country but higher education isnt free
2. Is education in Russia right or duty 
 it is not only a right, it is a duty, too
3. What kind of schools are there in Russia 
There are schools of general education. There is also a number of specialised schools
4. What are the possible ways to continue education 
after the finishing of the secondary school 
After finishing secondary school young people can continue their education at different kinds of vocational or technical schools or colleges, after them they can enter an Institute or a University.
5. What are the main types of educational institutions 
in our country 
The main types are: schools, colleges, Institute and Univercity
6. What are the types of higher education institutions 
in Russia? 
As for high schools, there are a lot of them in our country. Some of them train teachers, others — doctors, engineers, architects, actors and so on. Many institutes have evening and extra-mural departments. 

Оцени ответ

Помогите пожалуйста! Я уже запуталась.
I. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below.

State, terms, seminar, degree, co-educational, private, primary,
tutorial, graduate, nursery school, grant, secondary, lecture, break up,
compulsory, fees, academic
When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a 1. ____,
where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called a 2. ______
school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The 3._____ year in
Britain begins in September and is divided into three 4._____. Schools 5. ______ for
the summer holiday in July. 6. _____ education begins at the age of about eleven, and
most schools at this level are 7. _____ , which means boys and girls study together in
the same classes. In Britain education is 8._____ from five to 16 years of age, but
many children choose to remain at school for another two or thee years after 16 to
take higher exams. Most children go to 9. ______ schools, which are maintained by
the government or local education authorities, but some children go to 10. _____
schools, which can be very expensive. University courses normally last three years
and then students 11. _____, which means they receive their 12. ______. At
university, teaching is by 13. _____ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one
or two students), 14. ______ (a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher),
15.___ (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course
private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a 16. _____ by
the government to help pay their 17._____ and living expenses.

Education is a life-long process of developing the intellectual faculties of people.

Albert Einstein defined education as what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Here is an ESL education vocabulary list that includes a number of collocations and verbs relating to the term education. The list specifically includes also some education vocabulary advanced, some education vocabulary for teachers, and some higher education vocabulary.

Education Vocabulary (Education Words)

Education vocabulary: Essential educational vocabulary

Here is a number of collocations and vocabulary related to education with meaning (education words list)


The qualification students obtain when they successfully complete a college or university course.

Bachelor’s degree

The first degree that students get when they study at the university for three or four years.

 Bachelor of Arts (= BA)

A first university degree in an arts or social sciences subject.

Bachelor of Science (= BSc)

A first university degree in science.

Higher degree

A degree that is taken after a first degree, at a more advanced level. For example, a Master’s Degree ( = MA = Master of Arts), a Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) …


Students who left school before completing basic education.

Basic education

It refers to a variety of educational activities that take place in a variety of settings (formal, informal and non-formal). These activities aim to meet basic learning needs like writing, reading.

Compulsory education

A number of years or age span during which children are legally obliged to attend school. (education vocabulary)

Formal education 

Formal education refers to the education that students receive in an educational institution using a programme. This type of education leads to certification (diploma /certificate /degree)

Informal education

Informal education is learning that takes place outside the educational institution in the context of daily life and work. It is a lifelong process whereby people acquire knowledge, skills, and values from daily experience, family, the Internet, mass media, etc.

Non-formal education

Non-formal education usually results from a programme but it is not usually evaluated and learners don’t get a certificate. Specifically, The term non-formal education refers to adult literacy. This type of education is voluntary.

Self-directed learning

It is a type of learning in which a learner plans, implements and evaluates what he/she is learning without the help of anyone.

Vocational education

Vocational education is the kind of education that prepares students for careers or professions.

Vocational school

A school where learners learn and develop skills that are necessary for particular jobs.


The ability to read and write. Nowadays, a literate person is someone who is able to use a personal computer as well.

Adult literacy

Teaching adults who are illiterate reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Adult education (continuing education)

Education for adults that is available outside the formal education system, for example at evening classes.


A person whose job is to teach or educate people. (education vocabulary)


A person who has a special knowledge of the principles and methods of teaching.

Private school

A school where the education of students is paid for by their parents. This type of school doesn’t receive any money from the government.

education vocabulary

College related words (education vocabulary)

State school 

A school that is paid for by the government and provides free education.

Public school (in England)

A private school for young people between the ages of 13 and 18, whose parents pay for their education. The students often live at the school while they are studying.

Play school

A school where kids younger than five years old go to play and learn.

Primary school (in Britain)

A school for pupils between the ages of 5 and 11.

Elementary education

Elementary education, also called primary education, the first stage traditionally found in formal education, beginning at about age 5 to 7 and ending at about age 11 to 13. In the United Kingdom and some other countries, the term primary is used instead of elementary. (Education vocabulary)

In the United States, the term primary customarily refers to only the first three years of elementary education—i.e., grades 1 to 3. Elementary education is often preceded by some form of preschool for children age 3 to 5 or 6 and is often followed by secondary education.

Secondary education

Education beyond the elementary grades; provided by a high school /a secondary school.

Elementary school (in the US)

A school for students between the ages of about 6 and 12.

Secondary school 

A school for young people between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18. (

High school (in the US)

A school for young people between the ages of 14 and 18.

High school ( in Britain)

A school for young people between the ages of 11 and 18.


Something that is compulsory must be done because of a rule or law. (Compulsory education)


They are similar to universities, but in polytechnics, the courses tend to be more practically-oriented.

Tertiary education

Refers to education at the college or university level.

Timetable (UK)/ Schedule( US)

A list of the times when classes in school happen. (education related vocabulary)

 Principal (UK) 

  1. The person who is in charge of a college or a university.
  2. A teacher who is in charge of a school.

Headmaster (US)

A teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school.


A group of people working together for the same school, college, university, organization, etc.

Textbook (US)

A book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in schools and colleges.

Coursebook (UK) 

A book that is used regularly in a class for studying.

Homework (uncountable)

Work that a teacher gives to students to do at home.


A series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject, usually leading to an exam or qualification.


The subjects which are included in a course of study or taught in an educational institution; a school, a college, or an institute.


A list of the topics, books, etc. that students have to study in a particular school subject or a particular subject at university.


It is a type of education and training that uses information technology such as computers and the Internet.

Active learning 

In this type of learning, students learn by doing things rather than sitting at their desks reading, listening to a teacher, or doing exercises inside or outside of school. Education vocabulary

Mental agility

The ability to think quickly and clearly.


A building where a collection of books, CDs, newspapers, etc. are kept for people to read, study or borrow.


A class at university or college when a teacher and a group of students meet so as to study and discuss something.


A formal event at a university or college where a larger group of students listen to a lecturer and take notes.

Student counselor 

A person who is trained to listen to students and give them pieces of advice about their personal problems.

A student

A student who always gets higher marks.


A teacher who works with a student / a learner or a small group of students.


A university teacher of the highest rank. ( a senior university academic)


Somebody who teaches at a university or college.


A student in his or her first year at a university or college.


A student in the second year of a course of study at a college or university.


A third-year student at university or college.


A fourth-year student at college or university.

Graduate student

A student with a bachelor’s degree (e.g. BA, BSc)


The amount of money that students pay to go to a private school, university, etc.


An amount of money paid by a school, university, etc. to a student who has a lot of ability, but not much money.

A student loan

The money that a student borrows from a bank while at university or college.

MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) (Distance education/ distance training)

A course of study that is made available over the Internet. It is usually followed by a large number of learners.

Education vocabulary list of verbs: Education collocations (education vocabulary)

  • Attend

To go regularly to a school or university

  • Learn

to acquire knowledge, a skill, or an ability to do something.

  • Learn by heart

memorize, commit to memory.

  • Study

take a course or a number of courses on a particular subject.

  • Prepare for an exam/a test /a quiz

To review what you have already learned to get ready for an exam…

  • Take an exam/ a test/a quiz

To do an exam/a test/a quiz.

  • Sit an exam/a test/a quiz

To do an exam/a test/a quiz.

  • Pass an exam/a test /a quiz

To achieve a successful outcome from an exam…

  • Fail an exam/a test /a quiz

Not to succeed in an exam…

  • Resit an exam

To take an exam a second time.

  • Do well

Do well in an exam/a test/a quiz

  • Do badly

Do badly in an exam/a test/a quiz.

  • Skip classes

miss classes deliberately.

  • Skip lectures

miss lectures deliberately.

  • Graduate

To complete a university degree successfully.

  • Secure a place

To be accepted as a student; get a place.

  • Acquire knowledge

To learn and get to know about different things.

Education Vocabulary: Adjectives with prepositions (words for education)

  • Good at: Successful

She is good at languages.

  • Bad at: Not successful

She is very bad at Physics and Science and she hates them.

  • Be interested in: To want to do something or know more about it.

I’m really interested in history.

  • Be keen on sth: To like something very much.

My son is really keen on Mathematics. He likes it very much and he never skips it.

  • Bored with: Not interested

He is usually bored with Philosophy. He finds it boring.

Education vocabulary: School vocabulary (school subjects)

Core subjects:

Subjects which all the students on a course have to do.

  • Languages
  • Physical Education (Sport)
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Science
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Art
  • Computers
  • Literature

IELTS education vocabulary

Online education vocabulary/ Vocabulary about education


An app is a short term for “application”. It is the same as a software program.

Blog (also web blog)

A website where a blogger writes regularly about topics or events that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites.


Cookies are computer files that a website uses to track a (visitor) user’s online activity. Cookies also recognize when a visitor returns to a source website.

Fully Online Learning

Fully online learning refers to the learning where all the work and activities are done completely online, especially when you are enrolled in a course at a school or university that is physically far from you. (Education vocabulary)


A word, phrase, or picture on an electronic document that you can click on to jump to a new section or another document. Hyperlinks are also found on web pages.


The standards or rules that people should follow when working online (when using the Internet).


URL stands for Uniform/Universal Resource Locator. An URL is the address of a specific website or file on the Internet.

Virtual classroom

A virtual classroom is an online classroom learning space that allows both educators (teachers) and learners to interact with each other over the Internet rather than in a physical classroom. A virtual classroom may include a variety of features such as videoconferencing, instant messaging, a digital whiteboard, group chats, etc.


A list of websites of electronic works about a particular subject that have been used by a person writing a book, an article, etc.


A magazine that is published on the Internet, not on paper.

Vocabulary words related to education pdf

Education vocabulary pdf

This list of education vocabulary is not exhaustive. More vocabulary education, education collocations, school vocabulary, and education advanced vocabulary will be added to the list.

If you are interested in online education, check this article about the best online colleges and universities.

If you are an English teacher, these free online courses with certificates are perfect for you.

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Участник Всероссийской олимпиады «Английский язык для студентов ВУЗА»

ФИО участника: Добина Виктория Александровна
Учебное заведение: Российский университет транспорта (РУТ МИИТ), Юридический институт
Результат: 10/10

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Вопрос Варианты ответа Ответ Правильный ответ Баллы
1. Выберите правильный вариант: a British word ‘pavement’ in American English
  • sidewalk
  • side line
  • side street
sidewalk ДА 1
2. Выберите правильный вариант: a word or phrase that is difficult to say quickly and correctly
  • tongue twister
  • language twister
  • mouth twister
tongue twister ДА 1
3. Выберите правильный вариант: a daily record of events
  • diary
  • dairy
  • daisy
diary ДА 1
4. Выберите правильный вариант: movement of people or cars along the street
  • traffic
  • vehicle
  • transport
traffic ДА 1
5. Выберите правильный вариант: not able to walk normally because of injury or defect
  • lame
  • humpy
  • dumb
lame ДА 1
6. Выберите правильный вариант: to give somebody hope and confidence
  • to encourage
  • to encroach
  • ) to enclose
to encourage ДА 1
7. Выберите правильный вариант: to be in a difficult or dangerous situation
  • to get into trouble
  • to trouble
  • to interfere
to get into trouble ДА 1
8. Выберите правильный вариант: to stop attempting to do something
  • to give up
  • to give away
  • to give off
to give up ДА 1
9. Выберите правильный вариант: He’s playing first fiddle means he’s … .
  • a leader
  • a conductor
  • a good musician
a leader ДА 1
10. Выберите правильный вариант: If you do something at the last moment it means you do it … .
  • at the eleventh hour
  • at the twelfth hour
  • at the tenth hour
at the eleventh hour ДА 1
Результат: 10/10
  1. wet
    light cloud near the ground, which is difficult to see through

  2. rather
    cold, in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable;

  3. a
    gentle pleasant wind;

  4. a
    short period of light rain;

  5. very
    cloudy and dash;

  6. extremely

  7. a
    storm with a lot of snow and strong winds;

  8. frozen
    raindrops that fall as small balls of ice;

  9. soft
    white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky in cold weather;

  10. a
    mixture of snow and rain.

  1. Match
    the words and their definitions.

1. forecast

the amount of rain, snow etc. that falls;

2. precipitation

rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or condenses on the

  1. rain

weather conditions of a place or area;

  1. mist

a light gentle wind;

  1. weather

thick water vapor which is difficult to see through;

  1. climate

water falling in drops from the clouds;

  1. fog

small dirty pool of rain water;

  1. drizzle

water vapour at or near the earth’s surface, less thick than

  1. shower

a heavy fall of rain;

  1. breeze

rain in small fine drops, thin continuous rain;

  1. puddle

conditions over a particular area, at a specific time with
reference to sunshine, temperature, rain and so on.

  1. Read
    the text and decide which answer
    A, B, C, D best fits each space for questions

    1-10. The first is done for you.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

you (0) ever thought,
‘Oh, no! Not another grey rainy day!’? Bad weather can really
affect your mood, (1) ……… it? Most of us get depressed at some
point (2) ……….. the winter, and we can’t wait for spring to
come. For some people, (3) …………. , those dark, cold winter
days can cause real medical problems.

have (4) ………… a condition which is (5) ………….. as SAD
(Seasonal Affective Disorder) and it can be a big problem in
countries in northern Europe where the winters are long and dark. SAD
sufferers find it difficult to (6) …………… , often feel
depressed or anxious and their behavior affects the people (7) ………….

whole problem is caused by a lack of sunlight. Bright light affects
the chemistry of the brain, although scientists don’t understand
(8) ………… how. There are two main cures. The first is to
travel to a country that has a warm (9) ………… , with bright,
sunny winters. The second is to use (10) …………. light. So, if
it’s raining and you are depressed, perhaps it’s time you had a
holiday in the sun!

A hardly




A doesn’t




A during




A despite




A invented




A called




A imagine




A around




A accurately




A weather




A false




  1. Choose
    the correct option.

    1. This
      area has a very comfortable ……….. all year around.

weather B climate C barometer D data

    1. About
      a hundred trees were destroyed in the ………… .

static B shower C hurricane D mist

    1. Watch
      you don’t step in that big ……….. of water!

flake B gust C flash D puddle

    1. On
      Win a Million, the game show, four …………… answer questions
      to win money.

producers B presenters C contestants D cameramen

    1. We
      might have to cancel the trip because it’s starting to rain
      …………….. .

tough B hard C badly D wetly

    1. Put
      the news on. I just want to see ………………….. .

headlines B titles C headings D labels

    1. Let’s
      hope the weather ……………. Up before the wedding.

clears B cleans C comes D goes

    1. Last
      year it snowed, but this winter has been quite ……………

mild B soft C gentle D smooth

    1. I
      don’t like ……………… at all. The stories are too
      dramatic and the characters aren’t real.

cartoons B game shows C sitcoms D soap operas

    1. Can
      I borrow your umbrella? It’s …………. with rain outside.

dropping B pouring C running D flowing

  1. Translate
    the following dialogues in English.

  • Дощ

  • No,
    it isn’t. It has stopped raining.

  • Гадаю
    погода зміниться.

  • I
    think so.


  • Сніг

  • Not
    yet. It has been snowing for two hours.

  • Усюди
    повно снігу. Давай підемо на лижах

  • I
    can’t. Urgent business.


  • What
    summer sports do you go in for?

  • I
    like swimming and rowing. What about you?

  • Я
    також люблю плавання, але не люблю

  • Вам
    подобаються зимові види спорту?

  • Yes,
    I’m fond of skating and skiing.


  • Сьогодні

  • Так,
    15 градусів нижче нуля.

  • Не
    забудь надіти дублянку / пуховик / шубу.

  • I


  • Погода
    чудова, чи не так?

  • Так.
    Дуже тепло і сонячно.

  • Let’s
    go for a walk.

  • Я
    не проти.


  1. a)
    Complete the following text with suitable words.

single greatest influence on Japanese weather is the wind. During the
summer it (1)………. from the Pacific, causing (2) ………. and
humid weather, but in winter, the north-westerly (3) …………
from Siberia are very cold and it (4) ………….. heavily on the
mountains of the north west. The south-eastern parts receive cold dry
air. Between June and mid July, there is a (5) ………….. of wet
weather when the rice fields get the water vital for the growth.
After that, there is less (6) …………… rain, but the air is
still (7) ………….. . Autumn, however, is drier, and usually
very pleasant.

Describe the weather in your own country, its specific part or your
own region. Use topical vocabulary (point 3).

  1. a)
    Read the text about life in the Nordic countries and find:

  • another
    word for ‘Nordic’, used to refer to countries such as Norway;

  • manufactured
    items produced in those countries;

  • items
    of clothing important for a cold country;

  • examples
    of winter sports

region north of the Arctic Circle is known as ‘The
land of the midnight sun’ because the sun never sinks below the
horizon during the summer time. This means that in the winter the sun
never rises above the horizon and there is very little sunlight.

to imagine living in a country where sometimes there are only a few
hours of daylight for the winter months of the year. People wake up
in the dark, go to work in the dark and return home at night in the
dark. Normal temperatures are often around 00
C, although they can drop much lower and outdoors everyone wears
furs, hats, boots, gloves and scarves to keep warm. Ordinary trees
and houses, mountains and parks are suddenly transformed by the
brilliance and sparkle of snow and ice, which make the long dark
nights seem lighter.

is famous for its glassware, candles and light wooden furniture. In
winter you quickly understand why. Candles burn in houses and in the
windows of hotels, shops and restaurants. Shop windows glitter with
displays of crystal vases, glass tableware and sculptures as well as
brightly colored wooden toys and jewelry made of local gemstones. All
of those things bring color and light to winter days.

course, with ice and snow come the winter sports. Skis come in many
shapes and sizes as Scandinavian children usually learn to ski at a
very early age. Although downhill skiing in the mountains is popular,
cross-country skiing is also common and can be practiced in the
flatter parts of the region. Snowboarding, which is rather like
surfing, is also common on the ski slopes, particularly among the
younger skiers. Ice sports are popular, too. Not only can you go ice
skating on many of the thousands of frozen lakes but fishing through
a hole in the ice is also popular.

Say as many words as possible about your reaction to life in a cold
climate. Include what you found strange or surprising, what the
advantages and disadvantages might be and whether or not you would
like to live in a cold place.

  1. a)
    There are a lot of sayings and expressions with weather in English.
    Here are ten well-known ones for you to match with their meanings.

and expressions


Make hay while the sun shines

extremely happy

Come rain or shine

disappeared without trace

Every cloud has a silver lining

in dreamland and completely unrealistic

It never rains but it pours

even a difficult situation may have some good aspects

A storm in a teacup

to take advantage of an opportunity

It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good

a big fuss made over unimportant matter

On cloud nine

to save something so that you can use it if bad times come

Gone with the wind

in any event, whatever happens

Saving for a rainy day

someone usually profits from every misfortune

Head in the clouds

troubles don’t come along and one problem will bring others

Think about sayings in your own language about the weather and
explain them in English.


for discussion and essays.

  1. Where
    do you get your weather information?

  2. Are
    there any special traditions associated with different season in
    your country?

  3. Do
    you sometimes feel under the weather? When?

  4. Speak
    about the problem of disasters’ influence / consequences on

  5. How
    can extreme weather conditions affect the economy and social life in

  6. Can
    a person influence weather?

  7. Why
    are sometimes / often weather forecasts wrong and don’t come true?

  8. Why
    do you think the weather on our planet changes with years?


Environmental Problems

is a child of his environment.

a tree dies, plant another in its place.

we heal the earth, we heal ourselves.

not an environmentalist. I’m an Earth warrior.

cannot command nature except by obeying her.

care of the earth and she will take care of you.

frog does not drink up the pond in which he lives.

are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.

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