Say i love you without saying a word

How to say I love you without words (penstrokes)

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. You don’t have to say a word to express your love for someone.

Instead of saying ‘I love you’, try these alternative ways to show your love without uttering a word:

1. Help them out

A happy couple in their kitchen, cooking.

When someone is stuck, actions will speak louder than words. When your partner is in need and you step up and give a hand, they will know that you actually love them even though you don’t say it.

2. Compromise

Is there that one person who always compromises for your sake? They are just trying to show you how much they love you. If they miss their family gathering because they don’t want to miss your graduation, that is love in its purest form.

3. Hug them


We are not talking about an ordinary hug. It’s that special tight hug that is warm and reassuring. Be the way you hug someone, they can tell how you feel towards them.

4. Be an active listener

Nothing is annoying as when you really want someone to hear you out but they are busy scrolling their phones. If you want to show love without saying it, be an active listener. Don’t just hear, listen to what they say attentively.

5. Make time for them

Happy couples  [Credit - Shutterstock]

Even if it means sacrificing something you love, it’s worth it for someone you truly love. Sometimes it’s about sacrificing your boys’ time just to be with her.

6. Gift them

Best 7 gifts your boyfriend  wants

One of the languages of love is gifts. If your partner’s love language is gifts, they will know how much you love them if you gift them more often.

7. Give them genuine compliments

Men and women love compliments equally. If your partner is really good with the kids or you think he is


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There are many ways to say I love you without actually saying the words. You can do this through a variety of everyday actions that express love. Though there are times that you may not feel the need to actually say the words I love you to your partner for some reason best known to you. In this case, you can choose to show, rather than just say the words.

The words ‘I love you’ are among the most soothing expressions in the world. They can melt a stony heart and reposition people’s outlook on things. Those three simple words are enough to change lives and influence people for a lifetime and if you are in love, you should definitely say the words to your partner, letting your lover know what you feel about them. It will go a long way to keep your relationship strong.

Ways To Say I Love You Without Words

How To Tell Your Partner ‘I Love You’ Without Words

Flirting with your partner is a very important thing to do in your relationship. Flirting keeps you bonded with your lover and constantly reminds you of what got you into the relationship with them in the first place. When you flirt with your partner, the spark of your romance is kept alive, and no matter how much time has gone by, you can be sure to keep being connected with your significant other.

Flirting is a good way to say the words ‘I love you’ without actually saying them. There are many ways you can flirt with your lover and stir them up emotionally and romantically.

Touch them tenderly

This is one of the ways to flirt with your lover. When you’re together, get close to them and touch them tenderly in suggestive ways that tell them how much they mean to you and how much you crave them. Put your arm around them or come from behind them and hug them from the back. As a man, you can run your fingers through your woman’s hair and touch her arm gently when giving her things. You can even tickle them and watch them with tender eyes while they laugh.

I love you

When you do this, even if you do not say the words, they will know you love them and are making efforts to let them know.

Use your eyes

Your eyes are very powerful weapons when you’re flirting with your partner, use them well. When alone with your partner and even when you have company, use your eyes to tell them how much you love them. Look at them passionately in ways that stir them up and create sexual awareness from them. Make sure you let them know you’re attracted to them. If they ask you why you’re looking at them, tell them you’re wondering why they are so good-looking.

Snuggle up to them

You can snuggle up to your partner when you’re with them. This can happen especially when you’re watching TV together. Just snuggle up to them and hold each other as you observe the scenes on your TV. It shows you enjoy them being around and that you feel comfortable with them.

Be spontaneous with romantic gestures

To flirt with your partner, you can also do spontaneous things like smacking them gently on their behind. When they try to return the favor, run playfully, and look at them lustfully with coy eyes. This immediately tells them about your feelings for them which includes the fact that you crave them.

You can also write them sweet notes spontaneously, talking about how they look good doing what they’re doing at the moment. For instance, if your lover is cooking in the kitchen, write a short piece saying “I like the way your hands move while you cut those onions. You can conclude by saying her hands are so sexy while holding them. This sparks something romantic between you immediately.

You Can Say I Love You Without Words By Making Your Relationship A priority

You can show you love your partner without actually saying the words to them by simply learning to put your relationship first. Showing your partner that you really value the romance you share with them tells a lot about how you want them to remain in your life and how much you adore them.

I love you

There are different ways you can show that you value your relationship. Let’s discuss them below:

Learn to compromise

You and your lover are two different people who come from different backgrounds and have had different experiences in life. You went t different schools, had different upbringings, and may have grown up in different environments. So, you may not have the same beliefs or agree on the same things. From time to time, you are bound to disagree on certain things.

However, the ability to compromise on a number of issues is one of the most important things you can do when you disagree with your partner. It shows them how much you value the relationship you have and how far you’re willing to go to keep them in your life. Without saying it, you have shown them you love them and will do anything to keep on loving them.

Settle your misunderstandings the same day

This is another way to show how much you value your relationship. Everyone disagrees with others from time and even lovers fight too. But, while some people are good at dealing with their hurt ad making up with the people they have fought with, others are good at keeping malice and making sure the altercation drags on for a long time.

However, when you fight with your lover, the one thing you can do to show you value the relationship is settling the misunderstanding as fast as possible, preferably on the same day. This is very important because it passes a very sensitive message which is that you utterly value your relationship that you are willing to swallow your pride and make sure your romance does not get broken up by your altercation. Go the extra mile to make things work and your partner will deeply appreciate it. Without you saying it, you would have told them you love them.

Buy Your Partner Gifts That Say I Love You

This is a very self-explanatory step in telling your partner you love them without actually saying the words. Buying a gift for people you love is very important in relationships. It goes a long way to prove that your profession of love for them is not fake at all. When you buy gifts for your lover, it helps to remind them about how much you love and appreciate their presence in your life. It creates a fresh bond between you and helps you get deeper connections with each other.

There are different gifts you can buy for your partner. All you need to do is think about what they like at that particular moment in time and try to get it for them. Remember that you don’t have to break the bank to buy your gifts. Just get something thoughtful that you can afford and present it to them when you see them.

But you don’t have to physically present your gift to your lover. Instead, you can also have the gifts delivered to them with a specially written note from you. That will surprise them and really endear them to you even more. Cultivate the habit of buying gifts for your partner every once in a while.

Say I Love You Without Words By Lending Your Lover A Helping Hand

This is one very important way to prove to your partner that you love them without even saying the words out. Actions do speak louder than words and what you do to help your lover tells them a lot about you.

There are many ways you can lend a helping hand to your lover and get them endeared even more to you.

Do their chores

Sometimes your lover gets really stressed and fails to do their chores. In these instances, you can step in and help them out. Go around and look for what has been left undone and help them finish up. Do this also when they are too busy to do some chores.

Run errands for them

Don’t feel too big to run errands for your lover. They may need something but are too held up to go get those things. Volunteer to help them and put a smile on their faces. You can also call them when coming home from work and ask if they need anything so you can get it for them.

Get their car washed

You can wash your lover’s car when they are too busy or just not able to do so themselves. It’s very important to show kind gestures towards them all the time. This list is not exhaustive. There are other things you can help your lover do around or outside the house. Just look around and help them out.

How To Say I Love You By Planning Surprise Outings

Everyone loves going out every once in a while. In relationships, the importance of outings can not be overemphasized. That break from the daily grind and hustle to be with your lover helps to spark the deeper connection between you two. Every couple should take time out to go on romantic outings and just be together.

Planning surprise outings for your lover gets them endeared to you in ways you cannot fathom. First, you sweep them off their feet with your unexpected announcement that you’re going on an outing and then the excitement that you both feel can help you become closer than ever.

Below are some ideas for romantic outings you can plan for you and your lover:

  • Plan a picnic for you and your lover.
  • Arrange for a couple’s massage at a spa you love.
  • Take them out for a surprise romantic dinner or lunch.
  • Arrange for a hot air balloon ride with your lover.
  • Rent a sailboat and give your lover a thrill on the water.
  • Buy tickets to their favorite concerts and take them to the show.

There are many other ways you can take them on outings. Just think about what suits you best, considering your environment and how much you can afford to spend.

How to Say I Love You By Engaging In PDAs

PDA means Public Display of Affection. It refers to couples publicly showing affection for each other by kissing, holding hands, or doing other decent things in the full view of other people. PDAs are very important in relationships and have been said to help in drawing couples together.

When you kiss your partner in public with everyone watching, it shows that you’re very comfortable with everyone knowing that they are your lover. It goes a long way to show that you admire them, you’re attached to them, completely committed to them, and are not scared or ashamed of showing the world you love them.

However, it is important to note that not everyone loves engaging in PDA. Some people are extremely shy and may not be comfortable with engaging in a public display of affection. If your partner is like that, gently ask permission from them before you engage in PDA with them.

Checking On Them Randomly Is A Way to Say I Love You Without Those Words

This is another way to show that you really care about your lover and make them see that you actually value them. While they are at the office or any other place that is not with you, put a call through to them when they don’t expect and then tell them you have nothing to say, but that you have only called to check how they are doing. This will definitely warm up their hearts. Apparently, this goes to show that you have them in your heart and are actually thinking about them while they are away from you.

You can also randomly walk into their workplace to check on them. You don’t have to do this very often so that you don’t become predictable. It is important for them not to expect your coming. The element of surprise is something that goes a long way to spice things up about your visit to them. With this act, you don’t need to say the words ‘I love you’. They know already that you are in love with them.

Why is it so hard to say I love you? Or just be romantic for the sake of it? I often find myself wanting to be romantic, but usually can’ find a good way of expressing it. If you’re anything like me, there’s a chance you will cross this road if you haven’t already: how do you express love in a way that feels right?

Want to know what all marriage and relationship experts agree on?

Well, not a whole lot.

They’re all constantly fighting with each other and everyone else about the right way to be in a relationship, and the right thing to do, and the right things to say.

But there is no right way to be in a relationship or right word to say to a partner. One person’s “I love you” might be different from yours or mine, or in another language! No “I love you” is better than the next.

But what all experts can agree on is this:

And not everyone wants to hear “I love you” in the same way! Some people are moved by metaphor, some by example, others by beauty or wit (1).

Love has a ton of crazy ways of expressing itself.

Whatever it is, there are million ways people like to hear their partner say ‘I love you’.

Which means you’re in luck, because there’s nothing that keeps the love alive in a relationship like expressing your love and devotion to your partner—it really can make a relationship last forever!

So, if you want to keep your relationship strong and you want variety in the ways you say “I love you,” whether that be a note tucked in his briefcase, a text message, or straight-up
love letter
, well, we’ve got you covered.

Watch the Video: The Best Ways To Say I Love You

In this video, Erin walks you through some of the very best ways of saying “I love you” and why each can work so well. Watch now, then keep reading for our list of the 25 most romantic ways to say “I love you”!

The Most Romantic 25 Ways To Say ‘I Love You’

  • Every day I look at you and feel love and inspiration.
  • If I were spelling out my favorite thing in the world, it’d be spelled ‘ y-o-u‘ (3).
  • I don’t even want to think about what life would be like without you.
  • Everything you do in my life adds to my happiness, subtracts from my sadness, and multiplies my joy!
  • I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together.
  • Sometimes I can’t stop looking at you… you look too damn good.
  • You are the person I want to spend my life with – my soul mate.
  • I can’t believe how perfectly we were made for each other.
  • You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight of my nights.
  • I just wouldn’t feel complete without you.
  • Everything about you turns me on.
  • I cherish you above anything else in my life.
  • I can’t believe how hard I’ve fallen for you.
  • You make my soul sing when you walk into a room.
  • I feel such powerful adoration for you and only you.
  • You are my treasure – the most precious thing in my life.
  • I love you more and more every day.
  • When I wake up, I’m smiling, because it’s another day with you.
  • I will never love another person with as much intensity as I love you.
  • How did you become the utterly amazing person that you are?
  • You are the best boyfriend/husband in the entire world.
  • I’m so excited that we have so much time to be with each other.
  • Every time I see you, you leave me breathless.
  • To you – the only person I will ever love.
  • I can’t say it enough – I love you more than anything.

MORE: 35 Beautiful Romantic Ways to Say ‘I Love You’

That being said, there are ways to say I love you without such serious statements or quotes. Sometimes less is more, and sometimes men want to hear something concise, or something creative. They are creatures of mystery, after all. So, if you’re looking for creative ways to say I love you to him, we’ve got you covered.

100 Creative Ways To Say ‘I Love You’

  • I’ve got nothing but love for you.
  • I have feelings for you.
  • I’m falling for you.
  • I care for you.
  • You’re everything to me.
  • I’m turned on by you.
  • You’re my one and only.
  • I’m yours.
  • I’m yours to keep.
  • You’re my partner in crime.
  • You’ve got me head over heels.
  • I cherish you.
  • I crave you.
  • You’re mesmerizing.
  • I’m devoted to you.
  • You’ve got me smitten.
  • You twist my insides.
  • You’re breathtaking.
  • Baby, be mine.
  • You take me to the moon and back.
  • You brighten up my life.
  • You make me want to be a better person.
  • You’re always on my mind.
  • You’re the one that I want.
  • I keep falling in love with you over and over again.
  • You’re the object of my affection.
  • I’ve never felt this way about someone before.
  • I can’t imagine a life without you.
  • You’re the apple of my eye.
  • You make my heart warm.
  • You light up my life.
  • I will be there for you through thick and thin.
  • I love you more than words can do justice.
  • Being with make anything feel possible.
  • You complete me.
  • I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you.
  • You’re my best friend.
  • You’re the butter to my bread.
  • I know I’ll be fine when you’re near me.
  • I will always catch you when you fall.
  • You mean more to me than you might know.
  • I’m crushing on you.
  • You leave me breathless.
  • You rock my boat.
  • I’d be lost if it weren’t for you.
  • You bring me sunshine.
  • You inspire me.
  • You make my heart flutter.
  • You feel like home to me.
  • You have the keys to my heart.
  • I value every waking moment with you.
  • You’re perfection.
  • You drive me crazy in a good way.
  • You’re precious to me.
  • I’m grateful to have you in my life.
  • I treasure you.
  • Being with you is like a dream come true.
  • I deeply care for you.
  • You’re mesmerizing.
  • You keep me under your spell.
  • Nothing compares to you.
  • You captivate me.
  • You drive my heart wild.
  • You’re the light to my flame.
  • You inspire me.
  • You’re the one.
  • I desire you.
  • You’re all that I need.
  • You mean the world to me.
  • I’m so lucky to have you in my life.
  • You sweeten the sourest of days.
  • You lift me up when I’m down.
  • The world is a better place with you in it.
  • I feel so much affection for you.
  • You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever met.
  • I’ve waited a lifetime for some like you.
  • Your lips are like sugar.
  • Meeting you was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
  • You keep me going.
  • Your love is like a drug.
  • I can always count on you to make me smile.
  • You are so sexy in the morning.
  • I felt familiar the moment I met you.
  • I love looking at you.
  • You make me rise to the occasion.
  • You make me feel like my best self.
  • Our bond cannot be broken.
  • I love you more and more every day.
  • I love exploring your body.
  • Thinking about our future puts a smile on my face.
  • We’re meant to be.
  • Your voice is like a song.
  • I’m crazy about you.
  • You made me believe that love is possible.
  • I love everything you stand for.
  • I see you for who you are, and it’s who I love.
  • I feel like we can take on the world together.
  • You feel like paradise.
  • We belong together.

Being in a relationship in the digital age has its checks and balances. We can reach the people we’re dating instantly, which means there’s more time we can spend with our partners. But we’ve all been in a situation where we can’t figure out how to express love in a way that feels natural through a screen. So here are 5 cute ways to say “I love you” in a text.

Cute Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ in a Text’

And what if you’re in another country, let’s say on a whimsical summer vacation in Paris, and you stumble upon the man of your dreams. Or what if you want to spice things up and make the phrase less serious? Regardless of the reason, we’ve included ways to say “I love you” in 20 different languages.

Ways To Say ‘I Love You’ in 20 Other Languages

  • Arabic: “Ana behibak” (male) or “Ana behibek” (female)
  • Czech: “Miluji te”
  • Dutch: “Ik hou van je”
  • French: “Je t’aime” or “Je t’adore”
  • Filipino: “Mahal kita”
  • German: “Ich liebe dich”
  • Greek: “S’agapo”
  • Hebrew: “Ani ohev otah” (female) or “Ani ohevet othah” (male)
  • Hindi: “Maim tumase pyara karata hum”
  • Italian: “Ti amo”
  • Japanese: “Aishiteru” or “Anata ga daisuki desu”
  • Korean: “Sarang hapnida”
  • Latin: “Te amo”
  • Norwegian: “Jeg elsker deg”
  • Polish: “Kocham cie”
  • Portuguese: “Eu te amo”
  • Russian: “Ya tebya lyublyu”
  • Swedish: “Jag alskar dig”
  • Spanish: “Te quiero” or “Te amo”
  • Turkish: “Seni seviyorum”

Sometimes a quote can express love in a way our own words cannot.

It can be hard to make sense of your own feelings when in love—feelings that are usually overwhelming and hard to put into words. But at the same time, your heart can grow heavy if there are no ways to express your love. It can grow heavy with the nagging need to be heard.

And what I mean by being heard is that you want the object of your affection to truly understand the depth of your feelings.

Before we start breaking down any specific words or phrases, one thing to note: saying I love you and making romantic gestures is obviously important to any relationship. But it’s not, I repeat, NOT the be-all-end-all of your relationship.

Focus on the quality of the time your spend with him, and try not to obsess over what he says and what you say. Overthinking and over-analyzing how you say “I love you” might actually blur the sentiment you’re trying to express.

Sometimes you can say “I love you” by pushing him up against a wall and “making love” to him (see what I did there?). There’s a reason we always see this kind of moment in movies—it’s effective, and usually works! Words are not the only tools we have to say “I love you”; men actually feel love more with a physical expression. Remember: there are many languages of love. Men happen to speak the best in body language.

Holding his hand or looking into his eyes are good starting points for showing love in a way that he might respond to better than most ways of saying “I love you.”

Let yourself express your love for him in a way that feels natural. If something feels natural, it will come across in a way that he can intuit. What better way to communicate something naturally than with good old-fashioned body language.
Though it’s important to establish a natural way of expressing your love for him, be sure it’s never forced. Trying to “force” a romantic exchange between you and him will set you up for disappointment.

And speaking of disappointment, a key point to always remember is this: don’t look for him to respond in a certain way. Have no problem with how he responds. Listen to him and be fully engaged in each passing moment. Love is not something that can be concretely defined. Love just is.

MORE: 50 Inspirational Love Quotes and Sayings

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romantic ways to say I love you

How do you express love in words?

Celebrate his dreams and his passions. Talk about how he specifically makes you feel vs. the love you feel for him.

How do you express love to someone?

You can express love to someone with words, actions, or physical affection. For example, you can leave him a little love note in his briefcase, or you can throw him up against a wall when he gets home from work.

How can I express my love without saying I love you?

Be a good listener. Show up for him. Saying “I love you” is the easy part. Learning to love the person you’ve said it to is even harder.

How do you tell someone you love them without saying the words?

Use body language. Hold your gaze at him for 10 seconds longer, make sure to graze his hand whenever possible. Point your body in his direction and start taking note of how bodies interact with each other.

We all want to be loved. In fact, according to George Sand, there is only one happiness in this world — and that is to love and be loved.

When we are in love, our emotions bounce between exhilaration, euphoria, and anxiety. At times, it can even cause us to feel butterflies in our stomachs.

Ah, that wonderful feeling of being in love!

However, not all people can express their feelings in ways we want.

According to Dr. Gary Chapman, there are 5 love languages. So, if the person you love doesn’t say “I love you” too much, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are not loved. It could be that he or she has a different love language.

At Hack Spirit, we believe in the power of love and the importance of expressing it in different ways.

Here are 6 ways that people say “I love you” without saying the words:

1. Words of affirmation

This is the most common way of expressing love. If this is your partner’s love language, even a little praise goes a long way in making them feel happy and secured in your relationship. They are verbal compliments or words of appreciation such as the following:

“You look sharp in that suit.”

“Do you ever look incredible in that dress! Wow!”

“I really like how you’re always on time to pick me up at work.”

“You can always make me laugh.”

“To me, you are perfect” — Love Actually

“You mean more to me every single day.”

“I never get tired of looking at you.”

“There is no one I would rather be with right now than you.”

“I love your body.”

“I feel so lucky to have you in my life.”

“You complete me.” — Jerry Maguire

The idea is to spill your guts and just tell them how you feel.

But, if you struggle with complimenting your partner, you can make a list of things you appreciate about your partner. From the list you have, try to think of positive comments you would like to give. Now, use your list as a guide to express your appreciation on a daily basis.

2. Quality time

This means giving someone your undivided attention and being present.

The love language of quality time is focused on sharing feelings and thoughts together. It is not defined by what you do and how long you do it. Instead, it is about being together while giving each other your full attention.

If this is one of your partner’s love languages, do not just sit on the couch and watch television together. It is because when you spend time that way, you are focused on your tv show and not on your significant other.

What you can do is to schedule time for each other. It can be as short as 15 minutes before bed, meeting each other for lunch, or going for a walk together.

If quality time is your partner’s love language, make the most of those hours by committing some of them to your beloved. Because all you mate wants is you and being with you.

3. Receiving gifts

Don’t confuse this with being materialistic. People who have this love language see gifts as a symbol of love and thought. It doesn’t matter how cheap it costs, what is important is that you thought of him or her.

This love language is the most visual of all the 5 languages because it captures the thought of love in a gift to give to someone. It is something that you can hold in your hand and say, “Look, he was thinking of me all day,” or, “She remembered me while she was away.”

If this is your partner’s love language, start by remembering all the gifts they were excited to receive in the past. Create a list to get an idea of what kinds of gifts they like to receive in the future. Remember, the price of the gift doesn’t matter — it’s the thought that counts.

4. Acts of service

This love language refers to doing things you know your spouse would like you to do. You seek to please your beloved by serving her and requires time and effort.

Here are some ways you can show your love if your beloved identifies with this language:

1. Cook a meal

2. Set the table

3. Empty the dishwasher

4. Vacuum the floor

5. Change the baby’s diaper

6. Pick up a prescription

7. Keep the car in operating condition

All of those are acts of service because they require thought, planning, time, effort and energy. If you do it with a positive spirit, they are indeed expressions of love.

If this is your loved one’s language of love, get started by writing down things anything you did that made your partner feel loved. Then try doing it more and it will make the love of your life happy and contented.

5. Physical touch

According to Psychology Today, we all have the ability to send and receive emotional signals solely through touch. That being said, it is a powerful vehicle for communicating love.

If this is your loved one’s primary love language, they will feel unloved if you don’t touch them. For them, it can make or break a relationship.

So, it is important to communicate your love and care through touching such as kissing, hand holding, massages, and sex. Here are some ways you can convey your love through this language:

1. Sit close to each other as you watch your favorite television program.

2. Make it a habit to touch them whenever you are in the same room.

3. Give them a hug.

4. Kiss them when you arrive and leave the house.

5. Have sex

6. Cuddle when you have time

These actions only take a small effort but it will speak volumes to the person you love.

Indeed, love comes in many forms. We may have different ways of delivering the same message but it is the same message, nonetheless.

When you figure out which method your loved one uses to express him/herself, it will help you understand what makes them happy.

Additionally, there are many small ways we show our love for each other without actually saying “I love you.”

Below are common ways to express your love, even when you aren’t actually saying the words:

Flirt with them

When you are in the “getting-to-know-each-other” phase, it’s fun. You flirted with each other and it made the relationship exciting.

No matter how long you’ve been in your relationship, healthy flirting will bring back the spark in your relationship. It just shows that you still find them as attractive and interesting as you did in the beginning.

If you’re interested in learning how to flirt, check out our article explaining how to flirt like a pro.

Give them space

Sometimes, your loved one will need some space to enjoy a much-needed night out. Or, he may need space to watch the game in peace with his buddies.

Whatever it is, everyone needs a little alone time every now and again. Recognize this need rather than begrudging it. It’s healthy to give each other space and time for yourself because it means you care for each other’s well-being as an individual.


Do you like the thermostat set to 72 degrees while he likes it set at 65? It doesn’t hurt to be a little colder, or warmer than you’d like if it contributes to your partner’s happiness.

If your partner is a better cook, then allow him or her to be in charge of your meals while you do other stuff that you’re better at like cleaning the house.

Compromise makes relationships go round. It’s easy to bend than to break, right?

Be positive

Negativity will bring your relationship down. So, don’t waste time on the negative aspects of your relationship.

Focus on the positive things about your partner and your relationship that make being with them worthwhile. Think about the things you love about him/her; how generous, thoughtful or helpful they are.

Indeed, life is too short to focus on the negative. So, be positive and work on making your relationship worth the investment.

Prioritize your relationship

Everyone is busy but a person who truly loves you will make a way to let you know you are on their mind. It can be through text, call or a simple 5-minute talk before bedtime.

It is because when you love, the little things matter as much as (if not more than) the big thing.

When is the Right Time to Say I Love You?

Declaring your love is no small matter. It can be downright scary for some people, especially if you’ve been rejected by the one you loved in the past.

Some people never recover from that kind of rejection. So how can you know when it’s the right time to say I love you?

The hesitation most people have is around the fear of moving too fast, scaring someone off, or of course, being rejected. Here’s how to express your feelings without worry.

Understand that people move at different speeds.

Relationships mean different things to different people.

If you are someone who likes to move fast and your partner is a little more reserved, consider how that might play into your relationship.

If you know right away that you are in love, there’s no reason to rush into it, especially if your partner is not someone who tends to rush into things.

You can bide your time and wait for the perfect moment. The thing we need to remember about declaring our love for someone is that it’s not about them; it’s about us.

We feel the need to say those words out loud for our own gain. Telling someone you love them is not always about them.

Keep that in mind when you are trying to rush things along so you can say I love you.

Be respectful of the timing and consider how it will make the other person feel if you move too fast.

Should you do it spontaneously or plan to say I love you?

Some people fret for days over how to tell someone they love them.

It shouldn’t be that hard. Declaring your love should be a joyous occasion and if it’s not, you need to stop and ask yourself why?

Where does the stress come from when you consider saying it out loud? If you are not sure, you might just want to wait until the time feels right and go for a spontaneous declaration.

We’ve all seen those movies where “it just slipped out” and then the lives of the characters are changed forever.

Can that happen in real life? You bet it can.

You might find yourself feeling overwhelmed with joy and love and needing to say it.

If you prefer the more traditional route, you might decide to plan a romantic evening and let the cat out of the bag when the mood is right.

What happens if they don’t say it back?

A few things might happen when you finally say, I love you.

First, the person might immediately say it back – congratulations!

Another outcome is that the person is taken off guard and needs a minute to collect their thoughts. Don’t be alarmed. It’s a big deal so treat it like the big deal it is.

Give them the time and space they need to process it. Alternatively, they might not say anything or they might say that they don’t love you.

It does happen from time to time that people experience unrequited love. It hurts, but at least you find out early on that the relationship isn’t going anywhere and you can move on.

What if things change?

Every relationship has its ups and downs. Saying I love you for the first time is always magical, but over time it becomes part of the routine.

Couples kiss on the way to work and say I love you, without ever really thinking about how it felt to say it on that first occasion.

Taking time to really connect and communicate about love is important. It shouldn’t be taken for granted.

If feelings change over time, you can discuss that, but don’t put it off. Being honest, despite being hurt, is the best practice.

If you find that you are growing apart and that the love is gone, celebrate what you once had, and don’t be bitter about it. It happens. People change. Love changes. Lives change.

So whether you say I love you once or a million times throughout your life, be grateful for having had the chance to be in love at all. It’s a really wonderful thing.

In conclusion: how to make him fully commit to you

If you’d like to avoid major negative changes in your relationship, you must know that loving each other is not enough.

To really make a man commit to you, there’s something in him that you need to trigger. It’s called the Hero Instinct and if you manage to use it in your favor, you might never have a change of heart about your partner either.

How so?

According to relationship expert James Bauer, the one who developed this fascinating concept, once you trigger the hero instinct in your man, you’ll not only give him what he needs. He will give you everything you need as well.

Click here to watch the free video.

In it, you’ll learn how to make any man feel like your hero in the sense that he provides you with something no other man can.

It holds the key to a man’s love and devotion.

Here’s the link to the free video again.

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26 Ways Couples Say ‘I Love You’ Without Saying A Word

There’s no denying that saying “I love you” is hugely important in any happy, healthy relationship.

But finding ways to show your partner just how much you care means even more than those three little words ever could. We asked readers to share the thoughtful gestures and everyday acts of love that reaffirm their romantic bond. Read on to see what they had to say:

1. “My fiancé keeps a hair tie in his pocket because he started noticing I always forget! Whenever he sees one, he always sticks it in his pocket for later when I inevitably forget to bring one when we go out.” — Leah W.

2. “He helps out with things my parents need done.” — Rima B.

3. “Every morning before he goes to work, he loads the dishwasher and puts away the toys so when we wake up, we have a nice clean house to start the day with.” — Sarah B.

4. “He warms my side of the bed for me before I come to bed.” — Cathrine L.

5. “After a long day, we relax in our living room and watch a little TV. He sits on the couch and I lay down. He reaches for my foot and begins to rub. Next is the other foot. I don’t ask, he just does it. I would say that’s love.” — Deby H.

6. “I have night terrors and PTSD and he stays up so I can fall asleep first so I know I’m safe.” — Taye S.

7. “He makes me dinner every night. 12 years strong.” — Katy A.

8. “He lets me sleep in and brings me bacon sandwiches in bed when I’ve been out till 6 a.m. on a girls night out.” — Ze N.

9. “My husband died suddenly when he was 48. What I miss the most about him was when he made me coffee, he heated the cup first so it didn’t cool off quickly because he knew how much I love hot, hot coffee.” — Jacque C.

10. “He kisses me goodbye and then I see him eyeing my tires to make sure they’re filled with air.” — Clarees E.

11. “I love Snickers and salted caramel. Whenever he goes to the market, he always comes back with either a Snickers or salted caramel snack. Doesn’t matter what day or occasion, I know whenever he looks at a Snickers he thinks of me and gets me one just to see me smile.” — Laura C.

12. “He doesn’t allow company over on ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ nights because that’s my favorite show.” — Crystal L.

13. “He takes allergy medication as part of his morning routine. I’ve recently started suffering from allergies but I’m way too forgetful to include in my routine, so every time he takes his pill after breakfast, he brings an extra upstairs to me as I put on my makeup. It’s silly but it warms my heart every single time.” — Renee C.

14. “He carries band-aids if we go out on the town because he knows my shoes will start to chafe!” — Ashleigh M.

15. “My fiancé has to get up pretty early to get ready for work but he makes a point to wake up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than he needs to so he can get back into bed and cuddle with me before he leaves for the day. He does this every morning even if I don’t wake up to realize it.” — Heather M.

16. “If my fiancé can tell that I’m upset by something I don’t want to talk about, he makes me food, cuddles me on the couch and watches stupid shows and documentaries with me until I finally talk to him about what’s bothering me.” — Rebekkah A.

17. “He takes the bus so I can go to work by car.” — Audrey B.

18. “He has texted me every day at 4 p.m since the day we met. It’s always something sweet just to brighten my day.” — Terri H.

19. “He runs errands after work, like picking up my prescriptions, so I can come right home and not worry about it.” — Ali E.

20. “My husband Nick cleans the hair out of the shower drain for me because it makes me gag.” — Mahina H.

21. “He comes to every music gig that I get hired for, and always makes time for me even though he’s in medical school.” — Savanah P.

22. “When I worked late at night I would have tea when I got home. So he would set it all out for me so all I had to do was put the kettle on.” — Deborah L.

23. “Every time he travels somewhere for work, he spends his free time browsing local shops and markets for food gifts to bring back. When he comes home he always has stories and delicious treats to share that make me feel like I get to be a part of his adventures!” — Gina I.

24. “He always puts the toilet seat down when he’s finished. I know it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s indicative of his love and respect.” — Kate J.

25. “My husband will trim and bread raw chicken for me because he knows I hate touching it.” — Ashley S.

26. “He listens — plain and simple. Not many take the time to just stop and hear what you are saying.” — Anni B.

**Some responses have been edited or condensed for clarity.

Source: Huffington Post via Ideaspots

On Jul 5, 2017
Last updated Oct 4, 2018

Loving someone is always best communicated by action.

The actions you take to show your sweetheart that you love them mean more than words issuing forth from you mouth ever could.

Here are ten awesome ways to show your partner that you love them…without saying a word.

1. Act Spontaneously

Take the impromptu road trip. Spend an afternoon blowing bubbles and making up silly outdoor games that only make sense to the two of you. Take a fun class together -throw pots, learn to cook something a little different, become amateur stargazers. The point is, break out of your usual routine and keep your relationship fresh and fun by doing something spontaneous together.

2. Get on board with a favorite of theirs

He’s into disc golf? Try throwing a game or two with him. She loves a particular band (that you may not be crazy about)? Get tickets for the two of you to attend their next concert when they’re in town. The point is, try to enjoy their hobbies with them. It doesn’t have to be all the time, but spend some time with them appreciating what they enjoy doing.

3. Send a sweet text

Something creative, something crazy…you know best what they’ll enjoy receiving. Getting a midday text from you says “I’m thinking of you” and is sure to put an extra spring in their step.

4. Give an unexpected hug or kiss

Who doesn’t enjoy a bit of spontaneous sugar? An unexpected hug or kiss says you’ve been thinking of them and communicates how much you love them without saying a word.

5. Wear a sexy outfit

He in a police or fireman’s uniform, she in a skimpy nurse’s outfit…let your imaginations run free! It’s easy to say you love someone when you wear a sexy outfit especially for them.

6. Set a date night and stick to it.

Corral the kids with a baby-sitter, let your parents and dear friends know you’re bricking your phones for the evening, and leave the phones behind. Give the babysitter the info about where you’re going in case a real emergency comes up and then go enjoy an evening together. Make it a regular part of your weekly or monthly routine so that you spend time celebrating your relationship.

7. Put out fresh towels

This may seem silly, but it’s a great way to tell your partner you love them. When the workday is over, they get to come home to fresh towels to use after they shower or bathe.

8. Turn on the outside light, and leave a love note for your partner if they are working late.

How nice it is to come home and be able to see your way to the door easily, and then to find a sweet note from you?! THAT’s the kind of nonverbal affection that really stands out.

9. Launder their clothing

Having fresh clothing is wonderful; not having to have done it yourself is even better. It’s not too great a hassle to throw in laundry while doing other things around the house, and it will make them feel super-special when they arrive home.

10. Cook their favorite meal

You don’t have to be a contender on a pro cooking show to throw together their favorite meal. It will absolutely make their day, too, coming home to a fragrant house and dinner waiting for them. Or pack their lunch, make breakfast on the weekends…whatever works for your partnership! Your partner is sure to appreciate it.

5 Ways to Say «I Love You» Without Even Saying a Word

“How often do you say to your loved ones that you love them? If you”

say I love you

5 Ways to Say «I Love You» Without Even Saying a Word

“How often do you say to your loved ones that you love them? If you”

By Eleanor Dyer
June 11, 2021

How often do you say to your loved ones that you love them? If you say it every day, the meaning of this words fades and doesn’t bring the same meaning anymore. And if you don’t say it often enough, you partner starts losing the feeling of love and support in your relationship. Though, you should know that your manners, your actions, and your body language can say more than you realize. Though you may not necessarily intend to, you are telling them that you love them every time you act a certain way. We say so much with the way that we conduct ourselves around our significant other.

No matter what stage of the relationship you may be at, your body language is saying so much more than words ever could. This is interesting and maybe slightly scary all at the same time. Don’t let it scare you, just know how to focus your intentions into the way that you hold yourself around them and you’ll speak volumes. You will tell them how you feel and they will be sure to reciprocate, and the rest is a beautiful history!

Smile at each other

One simple but a well-planned smile can say so much. You are telling them that you care about them. You are telling them that you feel happy with them. You are embracing the moment and showing all of this by looking them in the eyes and smiling at them. You may not even plan this for smiles may just come naturally. Know that your smile and the way that you look at them when you do smile can speak volumes and prove that you are way into them.

Read also: What his body language says: physical signs he wants to kiss you

A gentle but meaningful hug speaks volumes

It’s not a hug shared between friends, it’s one that means so much more. It’s a hug that connects you and that lingers just a little bit longer. It’s a hug that says how you feel without you ever having to articulate it. This is a hug that draws you both in closer together and shows that there is a strong emotion and strong connection shared. That shows that there is a lot of love there and that this is something far more than just friends.

Grabbing each other’s hand

It may be an involuntary motion that you don’t even realize that you are doing. You may be in a crowd and reach for each other’s hand to help one another through. It may be that the two of you are caught in a happy moment and you involuntary reach for the other person’s hand. It may just be a further way of connecting and staying in touch with one another and it speaks to the love present.

Touching their back

This touch says that you are drawn to each other. This touch speaks to many emotions running high. This touch says that you are connected to each other and that there is a lot of love present. Therefore, if you touch the small of their back or if they do the same, then this indicates a lot of love in the relationship.

Standing close and leaning into each other

The proximity of how you stand towards each other says a lot. It’s as if you’re leaning in for a kiss even when you’re not. The way that you stand in relation to each other can speak to your connection. It’s a really subtle way of saying you love each other and it helps to bridge the gap at the same time. It’s a really cool way of connecting and these all add up to a lot of love without the words ever being said!

Read also: How Girls Disclose Their Feelings

And if you still haven’t found your one and only,  don’t forget to install Meetville app on Android and iOS right now and go on a date with local singles!

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 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” (Without Speaking A Word)

It’s unfortunately very easy to get so caught up in life and routine that you forget to show affection to those most important to you. This trend starts honestly enough but quickly you realize that years have gone by.

If your relationship has become stale or if you tend to take your friends for granted, here are some ways to show your love for those around you. As you consider these, some of you may find that the time is not the issue; it’s the technique and act of verbalizing your feelings.
Therefore, go in knowing that you can accomplish these without saying a word. As most of us know, actions can speak louder than words…

    1. Leave Notes (in Unusual Places)
      Perhaps life has become so busy that you feel like your schedule rarely coincides with that of your partner or kids. How about leaving them a note somewhere unexpected? You’ve probably all heard of kids having little notes from their mom’s in their lunch bags – that’s one place to start, but how about a note by the kettle, in the fridge, on the pillow, on the computer screen…? This can become a bit of a game as you compete to leave a note in the most unusual places! 
  • Hug Someone
    Physical gestures mean a huge amount, and a hug can be just what a loved one needs to put a big smile on their face. Whether it’s snuggling up on the sofa with your partner or giving your kids a goodnight hug, being held and warmed by another person is a perfect way to feel loved. 
  • Write A Poem
    A time-honored way to say “I love you” is to write a poem. You don’t have to be Shakespeare – look for sincere, original ways to tell someone that you love them. Try not to fall back on hackneyed phrases about their beautiful blue eyes or their rosy red lips; write about something that’s meaningful to you, perhaps that dimple on their chin, or the way they laugh at your jokes. 
  • Give An Unexpected Gift
    I’m sure you give your loved ones gifts on their birthday, at Christmas, and on special occasions like Valentine’s day. But how about bringing a gift completely at random? An unexpected present is a moment of pure joy for the recipient and the giver, and it needn’t be anything expensive. A few of their favorite chocolates, a small bunch of flowers, a book which you know they’ll enjoy … for a few dollars, you have the perfect way to say “I love you”. 
  • Do The Chores (Without Being Asked)
    For many people, another extremely welcomed gift is someone else doing the chores! If it’s your partner who usually cleans the kitchen, why not do it and surprise him/her? If you normally have to be nagged to vacuum, get it done without being asked. Finding little ways to make someone else’s day smoother lets them know how much they mean to you. 
  • Hold Hands
    Like hugging, holding hands is something that we often neglect to do when a relationship becomes cozy and familiar. Try taking your partner’s hand when walking down the street, or hold their hands across a table in a restaurant. Being in contact physically helps you feel closer emotionally. This is especially important if you need to talk through a difficult issue or problem. Holding hands can also be a visible demonstration of support if your partner is upset or feeling down. 
  • Make A Special Meal
    If Friday nights usually mean ordering takeout, why not offer to cook for a change? Make a special meal for your partner (you don’t need an excuse for this – it doesn’t have to be Valentine’s day or an anniversary!) Include their favorite foods, take a few minutes to set the table, to light candles and put music on, and your usual forgettable evening slumped on the sofa can become a night to remember… 
  • Dress Up
    In the early stages of a relationship, you probably made the effort to look your best. Of course it’s nice to get to the point where you can lounge around in your jammies or your over sized, hole-ridden t-shirt… but occasionally getting dressed up can rekindle that early excitement in the relationship. Why not go out to a “swankier” restaurant than usual (it doesn’t have to be much more expensive), or just get dressed up in your party clothes for a special meal for two at home? 
  • Give a Foot/Shoulder Rub
    Modern life is stressful and many of us have aches and pains caused by tense muscles. A shoulder rub, back rub or foot rub is a wonderful way to tell your partner “I love you”. It demonstrates that their physical well being and comfort is important to you, and it’s also a great way to reinforce physical and emotional closeness. 
  • Listen to Them
    It’s easy to talk over people or to tune out most of what they’re saying whilst reading the newspaper or chatting online with friends. Listen actively to your partner – when they want to talk, put down what you’re doing, and focus all your attention on them. Listen for what they don’t say; unvoiced concerns or worries, or hints at what they’d really like. Nod and make eye-contact to show that you’re paying attention.

I’m sure there are far more than ten ways to say “I love you” without speaking a word – what tips do you have? What has a loved one done for you that showed their love in a powerful way?

Written on 2/4/2008 by Ali Hale. Ali runs Alpha Student, a blog packed with academic, financial and practical tips to help students get the most out of their time at university. Photo Credit: Éamonn

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