Say any word backwards

ToggleCase cuts out all the hassle of manually figuring out what words to type backwards to create Reverse Text. Simply type or paste any words you want to convert into the form below, hit the magic Backwards Text button and that’s it. Then just copy and paste your Reverse Text to use elsewhere. Easy!

Have fun with ToggleCase and create crazy and wacky Reverse (Backwards) Text messages online for your Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace posts (or anything else for that matter). The great thing about ToggleCase is it’s quick, easy, web-based, free, and completely awesome! After all, who doesn’t enjoy a bit of Reverse (Backwards) Text madness every now and then? Should you ever need to reconvert your Reverse (Backwards) Text back to its original format, it’s just a simple matter of repeating the above process again. To demonstrate the true power of ToggleCase here’s an example of some Reverse (Backwards) Text you can create in just seconds, not donkey’s years.

Transform from this chunk of text in sentence case:

ToggleCase is the coolest website ever! Where have you been all my life?!

To this chunk of text in Reverse (Backwards) Text:

!?efil ym lla neeb uoy evah erehW !reve etisbew tselooc eht si esaCelggoT

1 Star 80Loading…

Thanks to our new backward text generator you can reverse any word or phrase to see what it would look like if read backwards! Writing backwards is fun and you can even use this online tool to startle your friends by having them read aloud the words as they appear written backwards or even sign up for a backwards challenge.

Backward Text Generator

Hope you will enjoy the generator! Don’t forget to hit the heart above and give it some love. If you want more fun you can check out our list of more text generators and text tools. Since you like reversing text you will enjoy our palindrome converter as well.

Reverse Text 

(Enter text in the box below and it will automatically be reversed and spelled backwards)


(New feature: The tool can now also talk backwards. If you want more voices and other settings you can copy the result and paste it into our new free text to speech tool)

See what others are writing on Twitter #IloveIT!

Spell Backwards has joined the I love IT Toolbox for a more active development. Please tell us if there is any feature you want added or you think is missing!

Text tools often used together:

Use this text reverser to quickly reverse text online. This free generator tool can also convert your text message into a backwards text version of your words.

This reverse text generator will take a word like «reverse» for example and change the letter order so that it now reads «esrever».

This is also a mirror mode option where the letters are mirror backwards versions of themselves but can also be put in reverse order. So for example, the word «MIRROR», would now look like «MIЯЯOЯ» when the mirror text option is chosen. It’s like you’re writing backward.

You can now copy and paste the text from this converter for use on Twitter, Instagram, or wherever the fun is.

Reverse Text Tool

I’ve made some revisions to this backwards text generator so it generally functions faster and better. I hope it works well for you.

An Interesting Fact about Backwards Text

Leonardo Da Vinci wrote backwards in what people call mirror writing style. Mirror writing is when the letters are not just in reverse order so that you have to read them backward but the orientation of each letter is also changed.

This backward writing can easily be deciphered by looking at it in a mirror. It’s similar to the way the word ambulance becomes legible if you see the word written on a vehicle in your rear-view mirror.

It’s been postulated that Da Vinci wrote in reverse not to hide his written ideas from people as there are far better ways for him to encode his work but to prevent him from smudging his notes.

The main theory right now is that, as a left-hander, Da Vinci found writing backward was the most efficient way to avoid smearing his notes. Plus it made him seem cool and who doesn’t want to seem cool?

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  • Capitalize sentences or Fix Caps Lock
  • Convert Plain Text Content to Clean HTML

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A simple backwards text converter.

Reversing Your Text

This is a simple translator I made that simply reverses your words or phrases. Note that you may be looking for a translator which mirrors your text (oƨ ɘʞil) — if so, click that link.

The way it does it is quite simple. Since you’re viewing this online in your browser, JavaScript is used as follows:

> «my example text».split(«»).reverse().join(«»);

The letters of the string are first split into individual array components, then the handy «String.reverse()» method is used, then we join the elements back up into a string, resulting in the same characters, but i a reverse or backwards direction.

Reverse Words

Writing text backwards is a great way to add a very light layer of cryptography to the things you write — reverse the word and character order, and make it slightly messy, and you may find that no one can understand it at all! You can also make other rules like leaving out the last vowel or something like that to make it harder.

A few quick examples of what this translator produces:

  • yellow = wolley
  • dog = god
  • sheep = peehs
  • park = krap
  • racecar = racecar
  • supercallifragilisticexpiallidocious = suoicodillaipxecitsiligarfillacrepus

Try reverse a word or phrase and post it in the comments below :)

I hope this little online tool helps you with whatever you’re doing. If you’ve got any suggestions for how I could improve this translator please let me know by putting them in the suggestions form. Thanks! :)

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Brenda Windler

Score: 4.4/5
(54 votes)

A palindrome is a word, sentence, verse, or even number that reads the same backward or forward. It derives from Greek roots that literally mean “running back” (palin is “again, back,” and dromos, “running.”) The word appears to have been created in English based on these roots in the early 1600s.

What words can you spell backwards and forwards?

The most familiar palindromes in English are character-unit palindromes. The characters read the same backward as forward. Some examples of palindromic words are redivider, deified, civic, radar, level, rotor, kayak, reviver, racecar, madam, and refer.

What does spell backwards forward mean?

A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or sequence of words that reads the same backward as forward.

Which vehicle is spelled the same forward and backward?

Racecar. Everyone has heard of the famous palindrome example of “racecar,” which is spelled the same backwards and forwards.

What time is spelled the same forwards and backwards?

Answer: Time which is spelled the same forwards and backwards is a palindrome, the word is NOON. NOON is spelled the same forwards and backwards.

33 related questions found

Who uses it but has no need for it?

Answer to this amazingly interesting Who Makes It, Has No Need Of It. Who Buys It, Has No Use For It. Who Uses It Can Neither See Nor Feel It. Riddle is Coffin.

What word when pronounced wrong is right?

What word is right when pronounced wrong, But is wrong when pronounced right Riddle — FAQ. 1. Where do cows go for their holidays? The answer is Moo York.

Which month do you sleep the least?

During which month do people sleep the least? Scroll down to find the answer: Answer — February (there are usually fewer nights in February).

What is the longest palindrome word?

The longest palindrome in English is often considered tattarrattat, coined by James Joyce in his 1922 Ulysses to imitate the sound of a knock on the door. That’s 12 letters.

What is black when you buy it red?

The answer to What is black when you buy it, red when you use it, and gray when you throw it away? is «Charcoal«.

What does it mean when you say words backwards?

Inversion (also known as anastrophe) is the reversing of word order.

What is Hamilton spelled backwards?

As a cry of anguish, as opposed to joy or excitement, Hamilton apparently came up with the spelling yarooh by reversing the letters of hooray.

What names are the same backwards?

There are lots of palindromic given names, for example ADA, ANNA, BOB, ELLE, EVE, HANNAH and OTTO. More unusual ones include ABBA, AOITOA, ESEESE, LERREL, NEVEN, ODDO and VYV. Palindromic surnames are just as plentiful: CIRIC, EDE, IYAYI, MASSAM, RETTER, SILLIS, YELLEY. I’m sure you can think of others.

Are numbers palindromes?

. The first few palindromic numbers are therefore are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111, 121, … (OEIS A002113).

Can palindromes be even?

@Nick: Rewording: a palindrome can have any length (even 0).

What is a fear of palindromes called?

Aibohphobia is the (unofficial) fear of palindromes, which are words that read the same front and back and, you guessed it, the word itself is a palindrome.

What is a palindrome word?

: a word, verse, or sentence (such as «Able was I ere I saw Elba») or a number (such as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward. Other Words from palindrome Example Sentences Learn More About palindrome.

What is the best palindrome?

List of the best palindrome sentences:

  • A dog! A panic in a pagoda.
  • A lot not new I saw as I went on to L.A.
  • A man, a plan, a canal – Panama.
  • A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena.
  • A Toyota. Race fast, safe car. A Toyota.
  • Able was I ere I saw Elba.
  • Amore, Roma.
  • Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.

What can you hear but not touch or see?

Answer to the What Can You Hear But Not Touch or See? Riddle. The Answer to this What Can You Hear But Not Touch or See? Riddle is Your Voice.

What fruit is always sad?

1. I am a fruit that is always sad. What am I? Answer: A blueberry.

What can clap but has no hands?

The answer for I Can Clap Without Hands Riddle is “Thunder.”

What is white when it’s dirty?

The answer to this interesting What Becomes White When It Is Dirty? Riddle is Blackboard.

What word takes 3 hours to say?

That’s called: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia and it’s one of the longest words in the dictionary.

What has an eye but can’t see?

The needle has an opening at one end which is the eye of it. Despite that eye, the needle cannot see. Therefore, What has one eye but cannot see answer is a needle.

Generate reversed or mirrored text to use in your social media posts, bios, instant messages, browser tabs, and just about anywhere online.

How does the backwards text generator work?

Turning text backwards is simple. A small bit of code that reverses the order of the letters you type.

How does the mirrored text generator work?

Unicode is the standard encoding for all computer characters. It a global agreement on how our devices render the symbols for all languages, math, and even emoji.

The mirrored text generator replaces the roman alphabet with symbols with other uses. So long as those characters look like the reverse of the roman characters.

Where do the mirrored unicode characters come from?

There are no unicode characters defined for mirror writing. But most letters have a similar backwards version used in a different writing system.

Some roman characters are symetrical and already look the same backwards. These ones stay the same. Many of the other letters are swapped with symbols from the international phonetic alphabet (IPA).

The IPA is a set of symbols used by linguists to describe the exact sounds of spoken languages.

Use the table below to see which letters the tools swaps out.

Origin of replacement
a ɒ Latin Small Letter Turned Alpha — part of the international phonetic alphabet (IPA)
b d just the letter ‘d’
c ɔ Latin Small Letter Open O — part of the IPA
d b the letter ‘b’
e ɘ Latin Small Letter Reversed E — part of the IPA
f ʇ Latin Small Letter Turned T — part of the IPA
g ϱ Greek Rho Symbol
h OCR Chair — part of a set of characters used for electronic scanning
i i doesn’t change
j Canadian Syllabics Caa — part of a writing system for indiginous Canadian languages
k ʞ Latin Small Letter Turned K – part of the IPA
l l stays the same
m m stays the same
n n stays the smae
o o stays the same
p q the letter ‘q’
q p the letter ‘p’
r ɿ Latin Small Letter Reversed R with Fishhook – part of the IPA
s ƨ Latin Small Letter Tone Two – used in various obscure phonetic alphabets
t ɟ Latin Small Letter Dotless J with Stroke – part of the IPA
u u stays the same
v v stays the same
w w stays the same
x x stays the same
y γ Greek Small Letter Gamma
z z no reasonable backwards ‘z’ could be found, so it stays the same
A A stays the same
B Canadian Syllabics Carrier Kha
C Ɔ Latin Capital Letter Open O
D Canadian Syllabics Carrier Tha
E Ǝ Latin Capital Letter Reversed E
F Latin Epigraphic Letter Reversed F
G Lao Letter Wo
H H stays the same
I I stays the same
J Canadian Syllabics Ca
K Lisu Letter Kha
L Reversed Sans-Serif Capital L
M M stays the same
N И Cyrillic Capital Letter I
O O stays the same
P Canadian Syllabics Ke
Q Ϙ Greek Letter Archaic Koppa
R Я Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya
S Ƨ Latin Capital Letter Tone Two
T T stays the same
U U stays the same
V V stays the same
W W stays the same
X X stays the same
Y Y stays the same
Z Z no reasonable backwards ‘Z’ could be found
Why hoard it?

Ever tried to pronounce a word backwards but end up failing and looking like a total whack job in the process? Use this site to say any word in the english language backwards. It’s good fun for wasting time in the office or for creating your own secret code words that no one will suspect.

Users rating
  • The Bored Hoard

    27 November 2020 at 5:37 pm

    Ever tried to pronounce a word backwards but end up failing and looking like a total whack job in the process? Use this site to say any word in the english language backwards. It’s good fun for wasting time in the office or for creating your own secret code words that no one will suspect.

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Backward Text is a unique tool of ConvertertoGenerator that is used to flip, reverse, or rotate the Text in a backward direction.

Incredible Backwards Text Tool Offered By ConvertortoGenerator:

When employing reverse Text, the initial letter is positioned last, and the last letter is positioned first. As a result, the letters in between are identical.

For example, we will change the word vehicle to “rac.”

Thank you for visiting ConvertertoGenerator, a website with some helpful resources.

However, if you want to flip or reverse Text in different unique font styles, you’ve come to the right place. With the reverse text tool on ConvertertoGenerator, you can flip your Text.

On the other hand, you could flip the letters in each word in the statement and then invert the sentence.

A Magnificent Additional Special Feature:

However, this generator also has a special feature that performs character flips quickly. You’ll be amazed at how wonderfully this tool works. This tool allows you to use it without touching any buttons, unlike other tools that require you to wait for the website to reload before your output appears. 

Our helpful tool will automatically reverse the orientation of your Text as you put it in the text box.

How To Use Backwards Text Tool?

Backward Text is quick, simple, web-based, and free, which makes it an excellent tool.

You may instantly reverse, mirror, or reverse the Text without making any clicks or waiting a long time for the desired result.

Steps To Use Text Backward Tool   
Step 1 Before flipping or reversing it, type your Text in the backward text tool’s text area first.
Step 2 Details Before flipping or reversing your Text, type it first in the text area of the backward text tool.

  Backward Text’s Benefits Will Astound You:

In general, the backward Text is a free, web-based tool with astoundingly useful applications that is quick, simple, and easy to use.

  • Backward Text is created when writing in the direction the given language naturally uses. The outcome is a mirror image of how writing typically appears. However, when viewed in the mirror, it seems natural.
  • It is frequently used as a very basic form of code, though.
  • We may publish Text swiftly on social networking platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Thus, we can use a text cap to get this.
  • Some people might see it as a game that fosters imagination and mental clarity, especially kids.
  • The word “AMBULANCE” is typically written in large, mirrored letters on the front of ambulances so that drivers can view it in the correct direction in their rearview mirrors. However, in contemporary culture, mirror writing is frequently used.
  • Mirror writing calligraphy was common in the Ottoman Empire when mystical parallels were employed.

Generator For Reverse Text:

The reverse text generator can reverse words, spelling, letters, and sentences. It’s a tool for creating a backward text generator.

There are four options available for this backward text translator:  

 Options For Backward Text Translator

1 Reverse Wording  
2 Reverse Text  
3 Reverse word Lettering  
4 Flip Text

How Does Backward Reading Aid In Brain Exercise?

Everyone knows the need to keep their bodies in shape, but what about their minds? Have you ever wondered how reading words backward helps our brains?

However, this amazing and mesmerizing thing that may surprise you reading words in a backward direction keeps your mind busy and enhances your reading skills.

How To Write Backward Letters?

Do not let go of either pencil. Write normally forward with the opposite hand while writing backward with the same hand. A mirror allows the brain to coordinate movements by reflecting the motion of the other hand.

Seems hard, right?

Why spend time when you can type your sentences or words into the input field of our backward text tool and instantly get the output you want or have reversed words generated? Our backward tool is straightforward, quick, and simple to use and can help you in a matter of seconds.

How does the backward text tool work?

As previously noted, our backward text tool reverses or mirrors the input text by placing the first characters in the last position and the last characters in the first position.

However, this will happen when you write your Text in the input field; let us illustrate it. We will give your output to you as soon as you type input text in this area. 


Input text: “Convert to Generator uses reverse image search.”

Output text: “hcraes egami server sesu rotareneg to trevnoC.”

As you can see, the sentence and the letters in each word have also been reversed using this tool feature.

Important Applications Of Backward Text Tool:

The backward text generator, however, has limited potential applications. For instance, as previously noted, we can use it for encoding, ambulance services, and critical data protection. Let’s examine this tool’s usage in more detail.

Writing Of Ambulance Mirror:

You’ll undoubtedly notice that the word “ambulance” is pronounced backward, like “ECNALUBMA,” when you encounter one on the street. Do you know or have you ever wondered why?

The main reason is that when motorists see an ambulance behind their cars, the terms are simple to comprehend. On the front of the cars, the word “Ambulance” is printed backward to make it easy for drivers to read it from their rearview mirrors, especially in an emergency.

Encoding Data

We employ a text inverter for data encoding and backward writing ambulances and emergencies. Since the dawn of the digital age, big organizations have focused highly on data protection. We should always respect even the privacy of IT companies and typical Internet user.

By generating secure passwords, backward text programs can protect users from password theft. Hackers typically guess the passwords or use the most popular ones to access Google, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts.

It will be challenging for hackers to guess the reverse text password due to having a strong password that may not be steel. You are in safe hands, then!

Sports of fun and knowledge

Kids enjoy playing interactive games when they learn new words, phrases, and phrases. Your kids should read backward texts to discover new words. For instance, we can write the word “words” as “sword” in reverse, which will help the kids quickly memorize both.


The finest alternative you can find online, provided by, if you also want to turn your Text, is a text reverser. With just a few touches on your device, you can reverse your Text using our online backward text tools. This online reverse text generator will handle the rest of the magic, and you’ll have the reversed Text in no time.

Backward Or Mirror Text In The Past

Writing backward or in reverse is not a recent phenomenon. It was utilized by eminent painters, calligraphers, and other artists to create stunning masterpieces. In the Ottoman Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries, the Bektashi orders frequently used mirror calligraphy, which also had magical connotations. This mirror-writing tradition has its roots in pre-Islamic rock inscriptions from the western Arab peninsula.

Critical Thinking and Brainstorming

As you read backward, you will learn how some current myths and prejudices came to be. However, you will gain a better understanding of what is objective, what is arbitrary, and what is universal.

Mirror text

  • In essence, a mirror text is a text that has been flipped; it can be flipped from one hand to the other or upside down, depending on your preferences. However, this is a variation of the modern writing style, which is very interesting.
  • Many of you anticipated using a text generator that produces accurate Text. However, a new variation of the innovation has appeared that will give you a fresh perspective on writing texts, messages, and typefaces by reversing the Text and then upside-down.
  • To provide you with the best version, this translator first flips the order of several characters before adjusting the Unicode.
  • Although there is a chance of tangentially related usage in gaps, few forms of mirror character generators are available or left with numbers of characters. You can use these mirror words in a variety of ways, thanks to them.
  • But this is a very entertaining and appealing content generator. With the help of this text scrambler, you can take acceptable text formats and make them even more useful for creating panic in other people.

Which tool is used for mirror text?

Our upside-down text tool may help you to produce mirror text. It is specially made to turn over any written messages or letters into present material. A portion of the general public needs help understanding, and that makes the Text mimic your particular way of consolidating and sending it to everyone you like.

This one is so unique and remarkable that people always use it to contrast other social networks. You will also be able to write notes in a dialect only you can read and decipher.

How to read backward?

There are many interesting ways to read words or sentences backward and exercise your skillful brain. Some of these interesting methods are explained below:

Reading words from left to the right.

On some paper, type up a little sentence. Generally speaking, it is beneficial to begin with, shorter, easier words and work your way up to lengthier sentences. It would only take two or three words.

Please rephrase the phrase in reverse. Starting with the last letter of the word before and finishing with the first letter of the word after. As always, leave spaces in between the words. A few repetitions of penning the expression will help the brain become more aware of the right-to-left movement.

Please practice reading this word. As you would typically read, start with the letter on the right and move to the left. As you continue, try to sound out each letter, recognizing it individually. You won’t need to sound out words because your brain will eventually start to recognize their structure.

Using your power of visualization:

Utilize a term to help you visualize. Any word can do, but it’s easier to begin with, words that are two to four letters or less in length. Draw each letter of the word you imagine on a piece of paper.

However, mentally flip the word from right to left.

Instead of attempting to flip the entire word as you advance to larger terms, it could be helpful to mentally write each letter one at a time, beginning with the last letter. Flipping a complete word will become simpler as your confidence grows.

Reading the mirror image’s Text:

Refer back to the mirror with the writing if you attempt to decipher the reverse-written Text. We may make it readable in a straightforward manner. The Text in the mirror, or the Text you read while looking in the mirror, would appear to be written normally.

Writing backward from right to left is different from writing in reverse. Each letter appears backward in the writing of the mirror image, yet the letters are still written left to right. You can see the impact if you maintain the regular Text facing the mirror.

Practice as much as you can

You can view every word backward because this is a mental exercise. Next time you are waiting for a friend at a restaurant, standing in line at the grocery store, or in traffic. Choose any word you come across, and then practice mentally flipping it. Read a random sentence backward from a book as practice.

Rewrite the statement on paper if it’s tough to detach it from the book. We should then rewrite the sentence from left to right.

Put a finger under each word at first to assist your eyes in tracking where you are.

Some Amazing Tips Of Advice:

Test your relatives and friends to see how many words you can say backward. Both your vocabulary and English will get better.

Write anything backward a few times and then wait for someone to misread it. However, the main objective is to have fun or engage in self-practice.

When reading both ways, we refer to some words be palindromes. Some examples include “EYE, LEVEL, MOM, MADAM, RACECAR.”

Learn these terms through practice to expand your vocabulary. As a result, you may even test your children by asking them to determine which words are palindromes and which are not.

Try reading upside down and in front of a mirror. Both exercises are beneficial for practicing letter reversal. It is the same as reading a word from a piece of paper while holding it to the light or mirror.

Frequently Asked Questions:

There are some frequently asked questions by different people related to the topic “Backwards Text” are as follows:

Q1: How do you say ‘world’ backward?

The character for World is “low” in the backward text tool. By entering the word “World” in the backward text tool above, you can verify it.

Q2: How is a C written backward?

You must write C into the input field on our site’s webpage for upside-down Text for it to immediately change backward or upside-down. After flipping C around, it will appear as follows:


Q3: Who would need to be able to read or write backward?

Said our minds can read backward when we want to or can. We occasionally need help understanding what they are doing.

It could be beneficial to read documents that belong to a different group in terms of utility. The format of documents must allow you to see what someone is reading or writing without asking for a paper. Alternatively, you might find it amusing and interesting to learn how to do it.

Q4: Can anyone read backward?

Many people are capable of reading backward. It all comes down to imagining shapes for commonplace letters. You can read the word if you can make them properly.

Q5: How is the number 50 reversed?

Visit “” to learn how to pronounce this phrase. Enter some text, like 50, in the input text box.

We will automatically change the input in reverse. The output after changing 50 backward will appear as “05”.

Q6: What is the name of an upside-down V?

Caret is the name given to an upside-down V, and it is written without the middle line, just like the letter A.

Q7: How can I flip Text on its side?

Visit the page at When you enter Text in the input field box, the tool will automatically flip it over.

Q8: How can I flip Text on its side?

Visit the page at When you enter Text in the input field box, the tool will automatically flip it over.

Q9: What is the slang for talking backward?

The general norm is to pronounce a word as closely as possible to the frequently impossible arrangement of letters after first spelling it backward (Slang Today and Yesterday, 1960). We refer to Backtalk as Jacob’s generals by costermongers.

Q10: What does writing in a mirror mean?

Many kids may have trouble writing in the mirror or reverse because they need help to grasp how to create the letters properly. Additionally, mirror writing is frequently a sign of dyslexia in students. It’s crucial to understand that not all dyslexic students struggle with mirror writing.


With the help of our brand-new backward text generator, you can read any word or phrase backward to see how it would appear! Writing backward is entertaining, and you may even use this online tool to surprise your friends by having them read the words aloud as they look written backward, or you can even take on a backward challenge.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the backward text tool! Don’t forget to hit and love the heart up there. Check out our list of more text tools and generators for extra amusement. You’ll like our palindrome converter because you like text reversal.

back in 1992 when i was in college, my mother and i were featured on the local news for having this «ability.» We went and spoke with MIT linguist Steven Pinker. He ran us through a bunch of tests and we were mentioned in one of his textbooks. From the time i could read, i could read backwards. When my mother and i do it, its the actual pronunciation backwards not just a backwards reading of the word. For example, the word «safe» is pronounced like the word «face» when said backwards because of the long A sound, not like «ehfas» which is how it would sound it you were just reading it backwards and not actually pronouncing it. And yes, it does sound legit when played backwards on a recording. The strangest thing though, is that, when you speak, you are exhaling so when you speak backwards into a recording device and then play it backwards it sounds like your speaking while inhaling. It kinda sounds like what you’d expect some demon in a movie to sound like. Its simply known as «fluent backwards talking.» Not the coolest name, but its not exactly a useful skill.

Edit: after hearing the reverse version that some of you were nice enough to post, im realizing that its really difficult to emphasize the correct syllable on multi syllabled words when saying them backwards. Also, I’ll grab moms at some point next week and try and do a full conversation video with no forwards talking whatsoever.

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