Say and listen to word by you

How to understand English by ear? 5 tips for beginners

как научиться понимать английский язык на слух

When learning English, almost everyone is faced with the problem of listening to the speech of native speakers.

Typically, difficulties are caused by three reasons:

  1. High speed of speech, at which it is quite problematic to determine where one word ends and another begins. In addition, many words have the same sound, while others often “lose” individual sounds in a fast flow of speech.
  2. The specific accent of the carrier, which makes familiar words sound differently.
  3. Lack of vocabulary of the listener, because a large number of unfamiliar words makes the interlocutor’s speech just a set of meaningless sounds.

Also specifics of the English language is that almost always words are pronounced differently than they are spelled (unlike, for example, from Spanish). In addition, help words — articles, conjunctions, prepositions — in the stream of speech are reduced to one barely distinguishable sound or completely drop out. Additional difficulties are created by a large number of sounds compared to the number of letters, in particular, there are more than 20 vowel sounds in English.

Despite these difficulties, you can improve your ability to perceive and reproduce sounds of a foreign language, regardless of age.

Tips for learning English

Here are some tips to help you understand English by ear.

There are many video tutorials on the internet, recorded by native speakers, with the pronunciation of each sound. In this case, it is important not only to listen to the sound many times, but also to repeat it yourself. Note the differences between American and British pronunciation.

Similar sounds present another challenge for ear recognition. Practice the so-called «minimal pairs» — that is, pairs of words that sound very similar, but differ in one sound (for example, «had» / «hat», «pen» / «pan»).

Listening from private to general

Practice private-to-general listening. Think of school dictations — this is a very useful exercise for improving your listening skills.

Select a small piece of audio with text transcription or video with subtitles, listen to it several times (without looking at the text) and record what you hear. Then check yourself for transcriptions or subtitles and correct any mistakes.

Thus, you will see where your weak points are, the boundaries of which words you did not define and which words you missed. If you enjoy learning English from songs, an exercise in filling in the gaps in the lyrics can be effective. For example, the LyricsTraining portal allows you to simultaneously watch a video clip and insert missing words into the text.

Develop this listening skill. Before watching or listening to something in English, explore the context… Find out more about your chosen topic, find common terms, listen to their pronunciation a few times, watch a video trailer, or read a podcast description.

Enjoy learning

Enjoy. What makes you laugh or think? Find and focus on those English resources that you are really interested in. Many people enjoy watching TV series or movies in English. Set a goal, for example, to watch at least one episode of the show per week in the original language.

Bring regular listening to English into your daily life.

Do you like to read? Pay attention to audiobooks in English. The best place to start is with a book you are already familiar with so you can concentrate more fully on pronunciation.

Do not strive to instantly achieve perfection. You don’t have to immediately understand everything by ear. Rewind and listen to the difficult moments as many times as necessary. Remember to resort to subtitling or transcription — this is completely normal and does not mean that you are not learning.

It also takes time to get into the habit of listening to foreign speech.

By completing the above points on a regular basis, combining them with each other, gradually increasing the presence of a foreign language in your daily life, you will definitely overcome difficulties in understanding English and each time you will spend less and less effort on it.


How to learn to understand English by ear Instructions of «Meduza» and Puzzle English — Meduza

как научиться понимать английский язык на слух

Many people read and write in English well, but at the same time have difficulty understanding live speech. First, we are frightened by the very fact of live communication with the carrier. Secondly, the situation is often complicated by a lack of knowledge. Meduza, together with the online service for learning English Puzzle English, have put together a few simple tips to help you better understand a foreign language by ear.

Do not panic

We are all afraid to make mistakes and do not want to look stupid in front of others. And this prevents us from trying new things, including learning foreign languages. In fact, mistakes are okay — on the contrary, they help us gain experience. Language is not a subject for which someone evaluates, but a method of communication.

It was created so that we understand each other, and not be afraid. Before each lesson, meeting with a native speaker, or watching a movie in English, try to turn off your inner critic.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and remember that you don’t owe anyone anything, but learn the language because it’s interesting to you.

Start simple: surround yourself with English to get used to it. Your goal is to ensure that its sound is not a stressful situation, but a familiar background. For example, listen to podcasts. Don’t focus on what the recording says and what percentage of it you get it perfectly. Do not try to immediately make out all the unfamiliar words and figure out their meaning. Just listen and have fun with how foreign speech sounds.

We recommend: Puzzle English has its own podcasts, in which teachers and native speakers of English discuss a variety of topics: favorite dog breeds, relationships with relatives, and even traffic jams.

Look for something that is interesting to listen to for you

The learning process can be annoying and tiring — everyone has such periods. The main thing at this moment is not to lose motivation. Switch to what is enjoyable. Watch an episode of the new series in the original, listen to your favorite song, turn on an audiobook or an English-language blogger on YouTube. It’s not scary if you don’t understand the material you listened to, but English will interest you again — and there will be an incentive to learn it further.

The next step is to use your favorite audio materials as tutorials. While listening to a song or audiobook, read the text version at the same time. Translate the passages, and then listen to them again without the text at hand. Such exercises expand vocabulary and train the perception of foreign speech by ear. And they are also pleasant to perform — after all, you are training English with your favorite characters. 

We recommend: Try the puzzle exercise. This section of Puzzle English contains clips, excerpts from TV series and TV shows. is played according to a sentence — each of them must be assembled from the puzzle words at the bottom of the screen by ear. Turn on subtitles in English or Russian if your level does not allow you to hear speech. Use the filter to select the difficulty level and emphasis with which the characters in the video speak.

Learn new words and expressions

It is impossible to understand someone else’s speech if you do not know the meaning and pronunciation of the simplest words used in everyday communication. Set yourself a norm and practice regularly: learn 10 new words per lesson, three to five times a week. There are many ways to memorize new vocabulary.

For example, you can write down words and their translation into flashcards or create a separate notebook that will become your personal dictionary. Try to remember not only the meaning of the word, but also the pronunciation, which can be checked in Google or any online dictionary.

Start each lesson with a repetition of the learned words — this way they will be better remembered.

Pay attention to phrases, abbreviations, and slang. Literary English is one thing, and conversational English is quite another. Carriers, for example, like to abbreviate want to to wanna — these are things you just need to learn. Slang can be learned from songs, bloggers’ videos, and native speakers while playing online. If the context does not allow you to understand what a particular slang expression means, take a look at the online Urban Dictionary.

We recommend: Puzzle English has Word Training. Set a goal for how many new words you want to learn per day. Select subject categories based on your interests and practice vocabulary building exercises. Translate words from English to Russian and vice versa, collect from letters scattered in a chaotic manner, and write by ear. Play the game «Danetka». The task is to answer if the English word is translated correctly. You need to act quickly, everything has 60 seconds.

Listen to and emulate native speakers from different countries

British and American English sound different. Even residents of one country have their own accents: in Texas they speak differently from New York, and in London they speak differently from Glasgow. Unsurprisingly, understanding the native speaker isn’t easy.

Only practice will solve the problem of accepting accents: search and listen to audio materials with native speakers from different countries and regions, with different dictions and speech speeds. Repeat aloud the words and phrases that caused the difficulty. Sing along to your favorite performers, copy their intonation and pronunciation.

In addition to musical exercises, it is helpful to do assignments in which you need to distinguish words with similar sounds.

We recommend: You can listen to the phrase, and then assemble it from similar-sounding words in the «puzzles» exercise. And in the game «Master Phrases» you need to collect whole sentences voiced by native speakers. The game is played at speed, each participant sees his name in the ranking of the best players. To enter, you only need to press the first letters of each word. 

Use different types of memory

To understand English, it is not enough to train only the auditory perception. New words and expressions are better remembered when you not only hear them, but also write them down, read them and associate them with specific images.

Therefore, it is useful to do exercises that involve several types of memory at the same time: auditory, kinesthetic and visual.

Conduct an experiment: try to memorize 8-10 new words by ear and the same number, but having already written them down by hand and choosing the appropriate picture for each.

We recommend: Most Puzzle English exercises involve different types of memory. For example, the game «Word Baggage». You need to listen to the word, and then write it. Together with the correct answer, the program will show the translation and a picture showing the named thing. Go to the section «My Dictionary» and select a video example for each word you study. So you will also hear its use in speech.

Speak English

Speaking practice is the main exercise for anyone learning a foreign language. In the course of the conversation, we use all the accumulated knowledge and skills: we need not only to understand the interlocutor, but also to support the conversation — to answer in time, choose the right words and build a phrase. Doing all this, you transfer the accumulated stock of knowledge from passive to active, which means that new words are memorized faster, old ones reliably settle in memory, and you yourself learn to react to live speech right on the go.

Don’t be afraid to help foreigners lost on the subway. While you are worried about your imperfect pronunciation, they are just as worried about not being able to navigate the terrain. Speak as best you can — the interlocutor will definitely understand you, in extreme cases he will ask you twice. Even one successful experience of communication with a foreigner is guaranteed to raise your opinion about your abilities and spur you to learn English.

We recommend: If you want to learn English in a comprehensive manner, try the author’s Puzzle English methodology — «Teacher’s Method». It is a curriculum consisting of video tutorials, exercises and of course exams. In addition, it includes regular consultations with teachers who will not only analyze the mistakes, but also draw up a further lesson plan. You can study the Teacher Method at any level of knowledge. In addition, Puzzle English has thematic courses — Business English and Travel Classes. And if you choose the «All Inclusive» tariff, get access to all Puzzle English exercises for an unlimited period.


How to learn to understand English by ear. English Speech Recognition Technique

как научиться понимать английский язык на слух

Many people teach English for years, but, to their deep disappointment, they do not understand anything, barely faced with live English speech. What to do to English speech became clear? How do you train to build the muscles of your English speaking understanding?

Analyzing my experience, the experience of my students and the advice of linguists, I came to the conclusion that there are several stages that we go through when we learn to understand information by ear. Understanding cannot come overnight without proper prior training.

Stages of understanding English and English speech.

Step 1

At first, the brain does not perceive English speech at all. This is a foreign language. And you need to “listen to it”. It is important to understand that you are a Russian-speaking person with a “Russian-speaking” brain firmware. Therefore, a foreign language containing many new sounds and unusual intonations, the brain at first does not perceive at all and cannot «decode» so that you at least understand something.

It should be borne in mind that in English, words are pronounced a little differently than in Russian. There are sounds in English that are not in Russian.

The bad news is that you don’t initially hear sounds that are unfamiliar to you. The good news is that English is not that far from Russian. Many bundles of English sounds are the same as in Russian. You already know most of the Russian sounds (especially consonants).

Learn to hear new sounds for yourself. This happens gradually. Remember, a baby at birth does not understand any language. It is through his conversation with his parents that he gets used to one language. By the way, in English “mother tongue” is mother tongue.

The task is to activate the understanding of new sounds.

Step 2

First, you start to hear some familiar words. For example, when I started to train my understanding of spoken English, I only heard the names of the heroes and the word I (I).

Imagine that you have an antenna in your head that needs to be tuned to receive a signal. Tune in to «catching» from the stream of speech at least some familiar words, even if they are the names of the heroes. Gradually, you will learn to hear more and more words.

What you do not understand may be not only a word, but also an unfamiliar grammatical construction. Therefore, in parallel with the study of words, be sure to study English grammar.

You must understand that the number of words in speech is not unlimited. The average person uses about 2000-4000 words in a conversation. That’s a lot, but they are THE SAME words. 4000 words can be read aloud in less than 1 hour. Among them there are the most common ones that sound more often than others. There are popular combinations with these words that you will hear after you start picking out familiar words from the flow of speech.

Step 3

Gradually, you will learn to highlight separate semantic groups of words. This means that you understand exactly what you are hearing: this is a single word / this is a bunch of words / this is a whole sentence. Your gut says (Gut tells you) that you heard a verb / noun — i.e. you intuitively sense the order of the words in the sentence.

At this stage, you begin to develop a sense of language. And in no other way than through regular listening can you come to this.

Your task is to listen carefully, despite the almost complete misunderstanding of what you are hearing.

Step 4

When something becomes clear, it is important to learn how to complete the meaning based on what you see, feel, hear. Those. you understand that in such a situation they will say something like this. Gestures and non-verbal cues will help you.

For this reason, listening to the radio and music at first does not work at all. It is better to take films with good actors or cartoons that are made so that any child understands what’s happening here. I recommend taking familiar films and cartoons.

The task is to correctly understand the situation and think out what is not clear. Completing the grammar, grasping the meaning without knowing a specific word.

Step 5

Active vocabulary building — you understand most of what you hear. Don’t be lazy, spend at least 100 hours training your ears to English. Faster will not work, no matter how much you want to believe in it.

Remember the golden rule — quantity turns into quality. Your work will gradually begin to bear fruit.

Step 6

Complete understanding of English. Achieved after you have listened to hundreds of hours of English. Do not be under the illusion that 2-3 English films or a week in an English-speaking country will take you to this level. The key to success is that your brain needs to be trained to instantly process the flow of information in English. This can be done if you are constantly exposed to spoken English.

Also consider this psychological moment — the brain will fight against the new language. He is used to working with Russian information, he is used to maintaining your comfort zone. So allow yourself to hear English, allow yourself to use multiple languages. Tell yourself, “I want to. Can. I’ll do it! » Many people do not realize that they resist understanding English or do not believe in themselves. But such thoughts will not lead you to success.

Introduce yourself a daily practice — listening to something in English (say, watching 1 episode of your favorite TV series or show). But English shouldn’t be in the background, which happens when you listen to music. There should be some deliberate work on your part that will help bring your understanding of English to the level of autopilot.

Listening comprehension is being developed. This is not a gift from God, this is a long training session. Practice your English every day and gradually you will learn to understand English by ear.


How to quickly begin to understand English by ear

May 30, 2020Dasha will reply.

Issue No. 11: about Thailand, skiing and native Siberia Read May 29, 2020 can and not: how are things with coronavirus in the regions of Russia (updated) Read 29 May 2020

Issue 10: Easter Island, visa extension and cats Read

I started learning English quite late, at the age of 30. I was always sure that the most difficult thing is to start talking. But when, at the very least, he began to squeeze out the first meaningful phrases, he suddenly realized that this was not the worst thing at all. After all, it turned out that you still need to understand that you are being answered.

Alas, people don’t use standard textbook phrases. On the contrary, they use contractions and slang, speak with different accents and speed, in a word, they use real live speech. I had to pull myself together and purposefully train my listening comprehension. I still don’t understand what is the use of phrasebooks if you still cannot understand what they answered.

So, let’s figure out what to do in order to achieve the goal relatively easily.

Watch movies in English

Probably only the lazy one did not give this advice. But it works. If you watch a movie anyway, why not watch it in English. 

What does it do? You get used to the sound of live English speech (and to different accents and to the manner of speaking), listen and remember how grammar is used. In addition, you hear all the surrounding sounds, intonations, shades of emotions that disappear during dubbing. 

How to watch:

  • If the problem is only in listening comprehension, and the general level of English is above average, then you need to watch without subtitles or with English subtitles.
  • If you are not very good with English yet, you can start with Russian subtitles and gradually get used to the peculiarities of the language. 

The sooner you start watching movies without translation, the weaker the accent will be.

One of the reasons why everyone in Scandinavia speaks English very well is the habit of watching films without dubbing from childhood.

Movies with subtitles take some getting used to. At first it seems that you are only reading the text and do not see the picture. But after half an hour you get involved. After a couple of films, you understand what a thrill it is, and you begin to look sideways with contempt towards dubbing.

  • It is better to start with sitcoms, blockbusters, adventure films, where there is a lot of spoken language and short, simple dialogues. The first parts of «Harry Potter», «The Matrix», «Forrest Gump», «Black Panther», various cartoons are perfect. Then you can go to «Game of Thrones» and revise «Pulp Fiction» in the original.     
  • If you are afraid of missing something and are feverishly reading subtitles, you can watch and revisit your favorite films. 
  • If it doesn’t work at all, don’t suffer. Better try playing another movie. It happens that the speech in the film is really complex and incomprehensible, and it’s not about you at all.  
  • There are many common words, expressions and phrasal verbs in films. A useful habit is to write and memorize these.
  • Search the movie channels for learning English. For example, the Pro English channel has a breakdown of episodes from Harry Potter, Sherlock and Supernatural. And on the OXANA DOLINKA channel I met an excellent analysis on the example of «Friends» and phrasal verbs from the same place.   

My vocabulary has grown quite well thanks to films and TV series. Now even in the cinema I try to find films in the original language.

Listen to podcasts 

Key points: for the process of listening comprehension to go faster, you need to interact with the podcast; at least 70–80% of the vocabulary should be clear in audio.

Several smart podcast sites specifically for language learners

  • — Podcasts and videos from different walks of life. Most of them are very slow and with text;


  • D> What else strongly confuses beginners? Abbreviations. They are in every language, and are part of every spoken language. Not knowing the most popular acronyms greatly complicates the listening experience of English.

    For example, «wanna» is nothing but want to, «gonna» is going to, and «gotta» is go to. I will also write an article on spoken English.

    Understanding the structure of fluent colloquial speech in this matter is not enough. It takes practice, practice and more practice.

    How to practice to finally understand English by ear?

    • Train Your Ears — Spend time (a lot of time) listening to the rapid speech of native speakers.
    • Do not take on too much in the first days of practice — start listening to English materials for 2 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time.
    • Increase your vocabulary. Moreover, learn the correct pronunciation of words.
    • Don’t forget about grammar. Oddly enough, but a complete lack of understanding of English grammar greatly complicates the process of listening to speech.
    • Remember to practice your own pronunciation. The reasoning behind this advice is simple: if you don’t learn how to pronounce the words, then it will be difficult to catch them in someone else’s speech.
    • Take advantage of technical advances. Thank God, this is not the twentieth century. There are many useful programs, applications, and resources for improving your listening comprehension.
    • Listen only to what you like.
    • Subscribe to English-language blogs on Instagram. This vibrant social network can be a great way to improve your listening skills. Short videos in the target language are great for beginners.
    • Try to understand what people are talking about first by ear — start listening with audio podcasts or audiobooks. Why? Listening to audio podcasts or books is much more difficult than, for example, watching videos. Learn to hear speech without seeing the picture, this will be 80% of success.
    • And most importantly, speak English. Try repeating after the announcers, or start talking to someone on Skype. At first, you will have to ask the interlocutor to speak more slowly, ask again or clarify what he meant, but over time, listening will not seem like an impenetrable forest.

    I hope this article was useful and helped answer the question: how to learn to comprehend English by ear?

    How to learn to understand English by ear

    I started learning English quite late, at the age of 30. I was always sure that the most difficult thing is to start talking. But when, at the very least, he began to squeeze out of himself the first meaningful phrases, he suddenly realized that this was not the worst thing at all. After all, it turned out that you still need to understand that you are being answered.

    Alas, people don’t use standard textbook phrases. On the contrary, they use contractions and slang, speak with different accents and speed, in a word, they use real live speech. I had to pull myself together and purposefully train my listening comprehension. I still don’t understand what is the use of phrasebooks if you still cannot understand what they answered.

    So, let’s figure out what to do in order to achieve the goal relatively easily.

    Listen to podcasts

    Key points: for the process of listening comprehension to go faster, you need to interact with the podcast; at least 70–80% of the vocabulary should be clear in audio.

    • — Podcasts and videos from different walks of life. Most of them are very slow and with text;


    How to learn to understand English by ear — useful tips

    Listening comprehension, or listening comprehension, is often very challenging for students, especially beginners. Surely you have heard from your friends and said phrases themselves such as “I don’t understand English / Americans at all”, “I watch a movie and read subtitles all the time — nothing is clear without them”, “Failed listening at the exam” and others. Let’s figure out how to forget about such phrases forever.

    First of all, you need to understand that listening is not knowledge, but a skill, the same as reading, writing and speaking. It is impossible to learn all the grammar and a lot of vocabulary, and then suddenly start to perceive any speech by ear without problems. The principle of the gym works here: the more you train, the better your result.

    If you are currently at Elementary, you shouldn’t listen to half-hour economic podcasts, especially if you are not well versed in the subject.

    Choose interesting topics

    Again, if you are into art, you shouldn’t listen to programs about politics and vice versa.
    Watch the video. the material is an excellent audio accompaniment, because even if you did not understand everything by ear, the video sequence will help you. In pedagogy, there is even such a thing as «embodied» or «disembodied» listening — whether you see the person speaking or not. It’s good if the video has subtitles. The best way to work looks like this:

    • Watch the video 2-3 times without subtitles
    • Watch a video with subtitles, write out unfamiliar words and see their meaning
    • Watch the video again without subtitles for pinning

    Why watch or listen multiple times? The answer is simple: again, the principle of the gym — on the third or fourth approach to the simulator, the exercise will be given to you much easier than on the first. Agree, it’s illogical to do one push-up, one squat and end there.

    Give preference to short video or audio recordings

    At the initial levels, 30-60 seconds will be enough. Why so few, you ask? First, as we said, the material must match the level.

    Secondly, in 1 minute an English-speaking person pronounces about 150 words, which is pretty good material for work. At higher levels, when you are already good at listening, the only limitation is the time you are willing to devote to the practice.

    Thirdly, a small piece of material will allow you to listen to it 4-5 times in a fairly short period of time.

    Watch movies and TV shows

    For a start, you can take familiar films in order to pay more attention to the language and not the plot, and simply not to fall asleep in the middle of a boring film. At the intermediate level, you can watch popular TV shows such as Friends, The Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, and others.

    Do not be afraid to watch cartoons: as a rule, the episodes in them are quite short, and again in 50-60 minutes you will have time to watch the episode several times and work out the vocabulary.
    By the way, we have a detailed article about this — How and why to watch movies and TV shows in English: tips for beginners and more.

    We recommend that you familiarize yourself!

    Useful links

    • Here you can listen to various podcasts and read the text to them, as well as familiarize yourself with the vocabulary
    • Find longer and more complex podcasts here.
    • Collection of talks on various topics
    • Podcasts specifically for English learners


    How to start understanding English? Tips from teachers at PEOPLETALK

    “I read it — everything is clear. I listen — a dark forest. » Many English learners have a hard time recognizing speech by ear. Experts from Skyeng Online School tell you how to learn to comprehend spoken English.

    Step # 1. Train yourself to English

    At first, the sound of someone else’s speech instantly triggers a stressful reaction — we get scared, tense and do not even try to understand what they are telling us, because we are sure in advance that we cannot do it. Therefore, at the first stage, you just need to get used to the very sound of the language.

    You can listen to songs by English-speaking performers or English podcasts on the way to work, and include news in English in the background. Do not try to listen attentively and immediately understand everything. It is enough to get used to the sounds, and soon you will begin to catch familiar words in this stream.

    Andriy Shevchenko, teacher at Skyeng

    There are two types of memory: mediated, when we learn something consciously, with effort, and direct, when we just memorize something in a natural way, because we have heard it many times.

    For example, many can remember the lyrics of a popular song, although they have never tried to learn it by heart. Immediate memory retains information better. Therefore, songs in English are so good for pumping listening — rhymes and melody help to memorize words and constructions.

    I advise beginners to listen to Swedes — Roxette, ABBA, JJ Johansson, Kent — they have a clear pronunciation.

    Step # 2. Determine your level of English

    This is necessary in order to adequately select educational materials. If you, being at the Intermediate level, take up listening to texts for the Advanced level, nothing good will come of it: too complex material can give the false impression that you will never master English for anything and never.

    Step # 3. Find interesting content

    You won’t get very far if you learn from something that makes you yawn. Look for what is interesting and necessary for you. It’s great if it is something really exciting: audiobooks by your favorite authors, series with subtitles that you are ready to watch 10 times, podcasts. The main thing is that the text is also attached to the audio — at first it will be difficult to do without it.

    Andriy Shevchenko, teacher at Skyeng

    While developing your ability to understand speech, do not forget about grammar. You can speak without knowing grammar — yes, you will make serious mistakes, but they will at least understand you. But it is impossible to perceive speech by ear without grammar and vocabulary expansion. Otherwise, you will not be able to dismember what you heard into elements and instead of I’ve been (I was) you will hear ave bean (welcome beans).

    Step # 4. Develop a strategy

    Many people do not understand exactly how to listen to English in order to learn to understand it.

    Stop recording every second and translate every word? Listen while reading the text? Ignore unfamiliar words and phrases, trying to understand the main point? Professional teachers advise you to use this scheme: first you need to listen to the recording, just trying to catch what is at stake.

    If the recording is long, break it up into small 3-5 minute chunks. After listening to a piece, open the transcript and see how words that you do not know or did not hear are spelled and translated. Play the recording again, pause and repeat from time to time.

    As soon as you feel confident, try to copy not only pronunciation, but also the intonation and tempo of speech during repetitions. This will not only help you develop good pronunciation. By learning how to pronounce sink and think, damn and dam, rather and razor correctly, you will begin to hear the difference between these words and be able to better understand native speakers.

    Yana Sher, teacher at Skyeng

    Phonologist Richard Caldwell divides 3 types of speech sounding: «greenhouse» (all words are heard clearly, like on old audio recordings for school textbooks: I — AM — A — STUDENT), «garden» (coherent slow speech) and «jungle» ( the reality we face when people speak at their normal pace). In the «jungle» all words and sounds are mixed.

    But in order to survive in them, you need to learn to perceive spoken language. Listening to public speaking with subtitles helps a lot. As a rule, people in such speeches speak clearly, but at a normal speed.

    After listening to a small fragment, you can try to repeat it behind the speaker, and then listen again without subtitles, so your ears will be more trained to recognize listening.

    Step # 5. Use a variety of recordings

    Often students say: «I want to speak perfectly correct English!» A wonderful aspiration, but it is worth knowing that as TV announcers only TV announcers speak. For your English to be functional, you need to learn to understand the different accents, slang and abbreviations. Therefore, listen not only to audiobooks performed by the impeccably British Stephen Fry, but also to American TV shows like Breaking Bad and Friends, where you can hear spoken American English.

    • Skyeng
    • English
    • learning


    How to learn to understand English by ear: 5 effective methods — Ours in the USA

    It is very difficult to perceive someone else’s language by ear, especially since we often need to do this in an emergency: for example, ask for directions and understand the answer. In order to make it easy to understand English by ear, we suggest that you use these methods.

    Listen to audiobooks

    As well as podcasts, radio programs and watch TV shows without translation. It is important that you surround yourself with English speaking every day and in large quantities — then your hearing will gradually rebuild and get used to the unfamiliar language.

    Only you need to do this regularly and on an ongoing basis, otherwise this method will not bring any result.

    Increase your vocabulary

    Make it a rule to learn a few new words every day. Not necessarily complicated or abstruse. On the contrary, you will need extremely simple and everyday words and terms: it is this kind of vocabulary that will help you understand everyday English speech.

    The more vocabulary, the easier it will be for you to understand what the interlocutor is saying to you.

    Understand grammar

    Sometimes it is difficult to understand English speech due to the fact that you do not understand the structure of sentences and how words interact in English. Therefore, grammar helps a lot in training, take this into account.

    Work on your own speech

    When you learn to speak English, you practice all the skills you have previously learned. Including the ability to perceive English speech by ear. How to use this rule? When you learn a word, at the same time you learn how it “sounds”, so you can easily recognize it in oral speech. So just check how the new word sounds and learn to pronounce it correctly.

    Learn to think in English

    It is very difficult, but worth it: this habit literally divides the world into “before” and “after”. It will be difficult at first, but thinking in English is very helpful while learning the language.


    Hearing and Hearing: 4 Secrets to Successfully Understanding Speaking

    Do you successfully master grammar, understand what you read, but have difficulty comprehending spoken language? After reading our article, you will understand how to listen, to hear and understand!

    Secret # 1: Listen without thinking

    So, her first postulate: “Don’t think! Listen!»

    You have noticed that often, listening to the interlocutor, we think about something of our own. Therein lies the problem: in addition to the “external” voice of the person speaking, you hear your own internal monologue — as a result, you have two conversations, as it were, which leads to confusion: after all, you cannot follow two conversations at once. That is why we do not like it when people speak in parallel to each other and ask: One at a time, please! (Speak one at a time, please!).

    In order to successfully understand oral speech, you need to temporarily «turn off» your own thoughts (which is not so easy to do). However, it is possible: when they speak, just listen without trying to understand. You still perceive information, even if it seems to you that you are not analyzing it properly. 

    Secret # 2: Break it into pieces; ask questions

    Let’s move on to the second «secret»: it stems from the problem. If you listen to someone for more than 10 minutes, you get tired and start missing out on important information. It is very difficult to listen to a long speech with equal attention all the time, catching and keeping in mind all the details (especially if you try not to think about anything).

    What will be our actions? We’ll break a long speech into small chunks; but how?

    Ask questions. When you ask a question, it revives your attention, makes you focus, which is what we need!

    In addition, questions naturally help you divide speech into meaningful fragments, making it easier for you to perceive long-term oral statements.

    And one more thing: by asking questions, you immediately clarify unclear points, which helps you to correctly understand the further train of thought of the speaker.

    This advice will bring immediate results: in doing so, you will understand 60-80% more than you previously did. But there is a small caveat: you still need to rehearse the questions that you will ask in advance.

    Secret # 3: Watch Movies

    For years, teachers have advised students to watch subtitled English films to develop their listening skills. However, in real life, subtitles do not appear synchronously with the speech of your interlocutor, accompanying his statements, so from the very beginning you need to give up the hope of «spying» an incomprehensible word in the subtitles, otherwise watching a movie will turn into reading from the screen.

    Practice has shown that with this method of studying oral speech, students in two months begin to “hear” and understand 20-30% more words than before.

    Another useful point: when watching a movie, also break it into fragments corresponding to several sentences (from 2 to 5), which you will play at least 3 times until you can hear and understand everything (at the first stages, it is recommended to listen to a fragment up to 10 times, gradually reducing the number of plays to 3).

    Important: while working on the fragments, write down every word you hear on paper. Not selectively, not just what you think is most important — write down exactly what you hear. And only after listening to a passage several times, having written down each word by ear, you can turn on subtitles for self-examination.

    In addition, some words may be unfamiliar to you, and subtitles will help you “become familiar” with them. Each unfamiliar word needs to be written out, its meaning and pronunciation must be learned.

    And after all these procedures, you can watch the entire movie, with subtitles turned on. You will be surprised: suddenly you realize that you can make out every word! You can even “watch” a movie with your eyes closed: the visual channel of perception will “rest”, while your hearing will sharpen and it will be easier for you to concentrate on what you hear.


    How to learn to understand English by ear? Captain Obvious shares his secrets

    Hello my beloved subscribers!

    In today’s article we will talk about how to learn to understand English by ear. I think that no other aspect causes more difficulties and fears in my students. “What if I don’t understand what a native speaker is telling me?” They ask. In a panic, rushing to memorize all unfamiliar words or pretending to be deaf and dumb when meeting a foreigner, of course, is not an option! So is it possible to somehow learn the perception of oral speech in a foreign language? Or is it either given or not given?

    Exactly! This is an innate skill, but the best thing is that absolutely everyone has it! Have you noticed how small children, completely without the help of unique techniques, learn to perceive their own speech by ear? They do not even need to be taught, it is enough that they live in a linguistic environment and can freely listen to the speech of adults. And that’s it! For adults, this process is almost as fast. You just need to help him a little.

    Is it possible to learn to understand English spoken language

    Let’s first figure out what it means to «understand speech by ear»? Now I will tell you one thing for which Captain Obvious would probably take me as an assistant: to understand speech by ear means to understand the meaning of what is being said… You don’t need to know the meaning of every word. But you must correctly capture the basic information contained in the statement. How can this be achieved?

    Perhaps my advice will seem obvious to someone, but I am sure that some will definitely discover something useful!

    • Automatism. The more you listen to the speech of native speakers, the sooner you will stop noticing the fact that the text of the message is actually in a foreign language! (Captain Obvious is with you again). As with any skill, you need to devote a certain amount of time to this business on a regular basis.
    • Habit. We are all lazy creatures by nature. The desire to learn English after a long day at work or school does not come to us often. And I don’t want to listen to boring educational audio recordings and banal dialogues. Well, you don’t need to! You can turn on English radio on the way to work, watch at least one episode of your beloved the series in the original sing along to your favorite songs in the shower during your lunch break, and on weekends host a movie lover’s paradise with classics in English Surround yourself with English from all sides, and the result will not be long in coming.
    • Regularity. “Okay, today I will watch 10 videos in English, but for the next two weeks I will not do anything,” you tell yourself. And it’s too bad, because listening skills, unfortunately, do not have a cumulative effect. It is better to do a little bit every day, whichever is really interesting to you, than remembering your exercises every six months.
    • Gradualness. The choice of material depends only on you. Of course, it’s good if you watch or listen to some programs or audio courses about what you are really interested in. But if you are still a beginner, do not take too complex materials. For example, if you started learning English three weeks ago, do not take on BBS documentaries about physics or audio books… Take something more appropriate for your level. At first, these will be very short videos, a lot of which can be found on the Internet, but gradually their duration will become longer. By following this principle, you will not get tired or disappointed in yourself. In addition, training videos that are appropriate for your level contain exactly the vocabulary and grammar that you are learning, which will help you assimilate the material.

    How to choose material according to your level

    Below I suggest you three videos for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels… To determine which level is yours, watch the video, do exercises on it, and then watch transcript — text transcript of the video. If you understand 70-80 percent, or even more, then this is your level. But at the same time, it is good if you come across some new words and phrases. This means that the learning process does not stop.

    If the advanced video seemed too easy, congratulations! This means that you are already an advanced connoisseur of English and it is high time to move on to feature films and non-adapted television programs. Most likely, understanding speech by ear is no longer difficult for you.

    If you are just a beginner and do not understand a lot the first time, it does not matter! Listen to the video two and three times. Everyone has their own pace, and there is nothing wrong with that.

      • For entry level I suggest you watch this video, it has subtitles that help a lot. For example, you can immediately notice new words that you have not met before and see their translation. However, when you reach an intermediate level, I would advise you to turn off subtitles and just watch videos with an average speech rate and neutral vocabulary (it is clear that exotic accents or slang are still quite difficult to distinguish). After all, there won’t be any subtitles in real life!
      • For intermediate level I offer the following lively and fun video from the BBC website. Here you can find many videos for intermediate and advanced levels with assignments and transcripts for self-examination. They are not very long, which means they do not get boring.
      • If you are so motivated and unbending that you have achieved the cherished Advanced level, then my advice is unlikely to radically change your life. However, I am bringing another video here so that you understand what we are generally striving for. At an advanced level of language proficiency, it is assumed that you understand 90-100% of what is being said and on almost any topic. So here’s a video with listening: This lesson is structured around several topics. And I recommend that you listen to at least part of the lesson without the video series. This is the only way to assess your ability and willingness to qualify for the advanced level. If it’s still difficult for you without text, then listen and read the tips — this will be your training for an advanced level.


    Additional life hacks

    Finally, I want to bring a couple more useful resources… You can combine all of the above or choose what you like best. In any case, I have no doubt about the usefulness of all these resources.

    So, you probably noticed that all of the previous videos were in British English. Usually, schools and universities around the world are trying to instill exactly the British pronunciation as purer and more correct. Should I agree with this? Probably not.

    After all, American English, for example, is no worse. Moreover, if you are learning a language in order to enter an American university or communicate with American colleagues in order to join the environment, you will need American English.

    For US citizens, the British accent, in addition to being performed by a non-native speaker, is simply amusing.

    You may have already heard about Dr. Pimsler’s miracle course (perhaps we already met him on my blog — I talked about him in great detail and posted the lessons here), which does not imply cramming textbooks and grammar rules, but contains only audio materials. This method may seem very strange to us, the heirs of the Soviet education system, at first. Is it possible to master a language without rules and endless writing exercises?

    The fact is that sometimes you need to learn to communicate in the language very quickly, for example, before a business trip abroad. But most people don’t have a lot of free time to devote to English. This is where Dr. Pimsler comes in.

    His audio-lingual course is designed to quickly and confidently learn to speak at a household level. Its peculiarity is that you must not only listen to the audio, but also repeat the phrases behind the speaker in a dialogue form. The course is bilingual, so everything will be clear even for beginners. It consists of 90 lessons, each 30 minutes long, since the creators of the course felt that it would be difficult for a person to focus their attention longer.

    Of course, such a course will not give a deep knowledge of the language. However, if you are not a linguist or a teacher, most likely, the knowledge gained will be quite enough to freely interact with native speakers. Pimsler’s course is primarily aimed at communication. Another plus of his course is the beautiful American pronunciation, which you will master by listening carefully to the native speaker.

    But if you choose to follow this program, you will have to learn self-discipline. You need to carefully follow all the instructions for the audio recording. Otherwise, you are unlikely to get the result.

    Another American resource that I really like is the site. Here you can find videos on grammar, vocabulary, preparation for international English exams and much more. In addition, all lessons are divided into levels, so it’s easy to find the one that’s right for you. All the teachers of the site are native speakers and very charismatic personalities, so you will definitely not get bored in the learning process.

    I hope my tips on how to learn to understand English by ear have been helpful to you! Remember that there are no unconquered peaks, and English is no exception.


    How to learn to comprehend English by ear

    Have you ever interacted with native English speakers at least once in your life? If so, do you remember what it was like the first time? Did you answer the Briton “I don’t understand”, who came up to ask where Red Square is located, or, on the contrary, flashed your knowledge? If your option is the first, then this article is for you.

    So why didn’t you understand what the Briton wanted from you? Most likely, you heard an incredible stream of fast, incomprehensible speech, in which familiar words occasionally flashed. Let’s see why this is happening.

    In most Russian schools, English is taught from the second grade, and it seemed that it seemed that every child should speak, let alone understand real speech. As discussed earlier in the article, in educational institutions, learning takes place by cramming grammar and little attention is paid to other language skills. In English lessons, we hear a semblance of real English speech. It is measured, with pauses at the end of the sentence. This is not what real English speech sounds like.

    In addition, one should not forget about different types of information perception. Some people find it much more difficult to grasp any meaning in fast English speech. People are divided according to 4 types of information perception.

    • Visuals are people who have the dominant ability to process visual information. It is worth noting that it is the visuals that are most difficult to listen to.
    • Audials are people whose dominant ability is to process auditory information. Well, everything is clear here: listening is not torture for them, but a very effective means of learning a language.
    • Kinesthetes are people whose dominant ability is to process sensory information: taste, smell, touch, and so on. These people may also have difficulty listening.
    • Digitals are people who process information by logically constructing an internal dialogue.

    Although listening is easiest for audiences, this does not mean that everyone else can abandon the dream of finally watching their favorite TV show in the original into a distant box. This means that you need to learn the language in accordance with your type of information perception. An article will be written about this shortly.

    The reason for not understanding a foreign speech can be even more banal: a small vocabulary. You may be an auditor, only your vocabulary is 15 words. In this case, you may also experience difficulties in listening to English.

    And now, we will figure out how to learn to perceive English by ear?

    English is not just a large collection of words in some dictionary. The sound of individual English words is different from the sound of the same words together. Some sounds are pronounced very quickly, and some disappear altogether!

    All of this must sound very depressing. You are learning a language, spending your time and money to learn to speak, but you still don’t understand anything!

    Fortunately, the structure of fluent English is not chaotic, and once you understand how it works, you can learn to recognize words in regular English.

    There are 4 secrets on how to improve your English listening comprehension:

    Secret 1: all words are interconnected

    In written speech, all words are written separately, this helps to understand what is written. You can easily indicate the beginning and end of a sentence by putting a period at the end of the sentence. And with the help of a question mark and an exclamation mark, you can set intonation and so on. But these rules only work in writing. This is why students who read a lot in English cannot understand what people are saying to them. They can read encyclopedias, but they cannot answer the question about the weather.

    This is because they mistakenly think that spoken English is the same as written. They hope to hear a pause after each word. However, speaking is very different from writing.

    In English colloquial speech, all words merge.

    The consonants at the end of a word are combined with the vowels of the next word. Vowels are connected and sound like consonants.

    • Build a home is pronounced builda home.
    • Later on is pronounced lateron.
    • Two apricots are pronounced tu: wapricots.
    • The end is pronounced as thi: jend.

    Secret 2: The letter h is not pronounced

    Of course, it is not always not pronounced. In the words his, her, him, after words ending in a consonant. When h disappears, the words sound together. For example:

    • Left him alone is pronounced leftimalone (letter h not pronounced: leftim).
    • Washed his hands are pronounced as washtiz hands (the letter h is not pronounced: washtiz).
    • Tell her is pronounced teller (the letter h is not pronounced).

    Secret 3: the letters d and t are pronounced like dzh and tch

    If a word ends with t or d and the next word begins with j, as in you or your, then t + j will be pronounced tch and d + J will be pronounced dzh:

    • Could you pronounce kudzha.
    • D> What else strongly confuses beginners? Abbreviations. They are in every language, and are part of every spoken language. Not knowing the most popular acronyms greatly complicates the listening experience of English.

    For example, «wanna» is nothing but want to, «gonna» is going to, and «gotta» is go to. I will also write an article on spoken English.

    Understanding the structure of fluent colloquial speech in this matter is not enough. It takes practice, practice and more practice. How to practice to finally understand English by ear?

    • Train Your Ears — Spend time (a lot of time) listening to the rapid speech of native speakers.
    • Do not take on too much in the first days of practice — start listening to English materials for 2 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time.
    • Increase your vocabulary. Moreover, learn the correct pronunciation of words.
    • Don’t forget about grammar. Oddly enough, but a complete lack of understanding of English grammar greatly complicates the process of listening to speech.
    • Remember to practice your own pronunciation. The reasoning behind this advice is simple: if you don’t learn how to pronounce the words, then it will be difficult to catch them in someone else’s speech.
    • Take advantage of technical advances. Thank God, this is not the twentieth century. There are many useful programs, applications, and resources for improving your listening comprehension.
    • Listen only to what you like.
    • Subscribe to English-language blogs on Instagram. This vibrant social network can be a great way to improve your listening skills. Short videos in the target language are great for beginners.
    • Try to understand what people are talking about first by ear — start listening with audio podcasts or audiobooks. Why? Listening to audio podcasts or books is much more difficult than, for example, watching videos. Learn to hear speech without seeing the picture, this will be 80% of success.
    • And most importantly, speak English. Try repeating after the announcers, or start talking to someone on Skype. At first, you will have to ask the interlocutor to speak more slowly, ask again or clarify what he meant, but over time, listening will not seem like an impenetrable forest.

    I hope this article was useful and helped answer the question: how to learn to comprehend English by ear?

    I started learning English quite late, at the age of 30. I was always sure that the most difficult thing is to start talking. But when, at the very least, he began to squeeze out of himself the first meaningful phrases, he suddenly realized that this was not the worst thing at all. After all, it turned out that you still need to understand that you are being answered.

    Alas, people don’t use standard textbook phrases. On the contrary, they use contractions and slang, speak with different accents and speed, in a word, they use real live speech. I had to pull myself together and purposefully train my listening comprehension. I still don’t understand what is the use of phrasebooks if you still cannot understand what they answered.

    So, let’s figure out what to do in order to achieve the goal relatively easily.

    How to learn to understand English? Top 10 audio lessons and tests

    When I first started learning a language, I mistakenly believed that correct speech was all that mattered.

    I have mastered a lot of words and grammatical constructions. I could easily introduce myself and communicate using common expressions.

    But listening to audio tapes and podcasts made me realize how much I was missing.

    When the fast speech started, I realized that I could not have a full conversation until I improved my listening comprehension skills — this is necessary in order to understand exactly what they are saying to me!

    As an ESL student, you must focus on English listening training if you want to achieve true fluency.

    That is why we have collected for you The 10 Best Audio Resources on the Internetthat will help improve your English listening skills.

    Below you will find information on resources that contain both short clips of comprehension exercises and long, deep listening material.

    They also have tests to prepare you for the IELTS and TOEFL exams.


    Here are four key tips to maximize your learning outcomes and improve your listening skills in no time.

    • Determine the purpose of listening: sometimes we listen just to understand the other person when speaking.

    Sometimes we listen to get information or to take an exam. Each of these goals requires separate effort and preparation.

    You can find resources that are appropriate for your chosen goal and train in the appropriate direction.

    The resources below cover a wide range of listening learning goals, including test preparation.

    • Try to understand the meaning, not the words: By listening, you can get a lot of additional information.

    Along with words, pay attention to pronunciation, speaker’s accent, and tone. Even the pauses between phrases matter.

    All of this will help you understand how English is used naturally and improve your own spoken language.

    If you are using a video resource to listen to English speech, pay attention to the speaker’s body language and facial expressions.

    • Identify your mistakes and shortcomings: some of us have problems with accents; others find it difficult to keep track of fast speech.

    Knowing your weaknesses will help you avoid mistakes and focus on areas that need improvement.

    Our list of resources below starts with two free English listening tests to help you do just that.

    • Make the most of each resource: it is not enough just to listen to an audio file and answer a few short questions.

    Instead, you should try all the exercises, and repeat them after a couple of days or weeks to see what results you have achieved.

    Here are 10 awesome audio materials to help you achieveчb success

    There are tons of audio and video content online that you can use to practice your English listening skills.

    But choosing the resources that are right for you can be challenging. Therefore, we offer you a detailed guide.

    Online tests to determine your level 

    Your listening comprehension largely depends on your language skills.

    If you are not strong in grammar and have a poor vocabulary, you will not understand even half of the words or you will not be able to follow the speaker’s speech.

    Fortunately, you can determine your non-hearing ability (and your English proficiency in general) with simple tests available online for free.


    This is a short, 20-minute test with 15 questions.

    Once you complete it, you will be given a grade from A2 (upper-beginner) to C2 (most advanced).

    Based on the grade you receive, you will be able to choose whether you want to practice English at basic, intermediate or advanced levels.

    This is a self-adjusting test, meaning the questions may become easier or harder based on your answers.

    I prepared and recorded these short audio lessons for beginners from scratch with native speakers. I wanted to make them as simple and interesting as possible: o)

    The idea is this: a Russian-speaking teacher explains everything simply and clearly in order to «put everything on the shelves.» And then there is a training to understand the native speaker by ear.

    Thus, the student immediately learns how to speak, build sentences, and understand native and non-native speakers. Plus, for clarity, under each lesson there are new words and phrases (those that we analyzed in the lesson).

    I think I was able to create something light and effective, and your comments below the activity tell me that you love this activity! :O)

    Oxford Online English Listening Level Test

    It is always best to take more than one test to accurately determine your level of language proficiency. This is another short test with only 24 questions.

    You will listen to six short audio clips and answer a series of questions about each one.

    Learn English with Complex Courses in a fun and effective way!

    / For beginners. For the Intermediate Level. For work. /

    Short audio exercises to improve your English listening comprehension

    Once you determine your level, you can start practicing your English listening comprehension!

    These resources feature short audio recordings with lots of exercises to help you improve your skills.


    TalkEnglish has a variety of short exercises sorted by skill level (basic, intermediate or advanced). Some of them do not exceed 16 seconds.

    The learning algorithm is simple: listen carefully to the audio file, and then review and answer the questions. After that, you can also watch the dialogue in writing.

    Even the busiest students will be able to fit three to five of these lessons into their daily schedule.


    Here you can sort your listening exercises by skill level and length.

    For example, if you are sitting in a queue, then you can select a 10-minute audio file, and if you are tired after a working day, then a short one-minute file would be the best solution.

    This will help you stay on track.

    These exercises will help you practice listening to information, distinguishing consonants, and understanding implied information in a specific context.


    This website contains useful and interesting library-grade material. It is ideal for those who love a playful and fun approach to learning English.

    In addition to the audio lessons with quizzes, there are also games that practice listening skills. Some even have video and multimedia content.

    This resource also boasts 1400+ free audio lessons, so you will definitely have enough material for a long time.


    If you prefer simple and short audio lessons (15 to 20 minutes) that mainly contain conversations about everyday life, then this site is a great option for you.

    -files of this resource are well suited for building vocabulary.

    In addition, each lesson is accompanied by an e-book, written transcript and the ability to download audio files for later playback.

    Resources for Advanced English Listening Practice

    Is it easy for you to listen to an entire audiobook?

    Can you memorize important pieces of information, follow storylines, and understand even lengthy dialogues?

    Then the following excellent resources will provide you with a good long-term workout.

    Considering the volume of audio materials collected there, you will have a lot of opportunities to raise your skills to the next level!


    This is an amazing site that offers a great selection of comprehension exercises, podcasts, and even audiobooks for all skill levels.

    Here you can also try to listen to English classics, fairy tales and fables.

    Along with these rather long listening materials, Agenda Web offers many shorter exercises and interactive dictations.

    Learning English Online Audiobooks and Speeches

    If you are specifically looking for audiobooks that are read by native speakers, then this site might be a great choice for you.

    All audiobooks are divided into chapters and accompanied by related exercises.

    Here you can also listen to recordings of various performances. By practicing listening to English, you will, along the way, master the art of rhetoric and public speaking.

    You can even listen to the story of the Fernandez family that created this particular language course.

    Learn English By Listening Audio Stories

    If you’re ready to listen to long stories, this website has some great options, such as The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Railway Children.

    They are also accompanied by a written transcript, which will help you if you have difficulty understanding the text or if you want to clarify the pronunciation and spelling of unfamiliar words.

    If you really want to improve your listening skills, you must be willing to practice as much as possible.

    Determine your level, set aside sufficient time to practice English, and choose the resources you like.

    Finally, remember to apply your skills in your daily life and learn from your mistakes.


  • Vocabulary

    Упражнение 1, с. 104

    1. a) Listen and say. — Послушай и скажи вслух.

    text friends — переписываться с друзьями
    instant message someone — мгновенное сообщение кому-то
    send an email — отправить электронную почту
    share photos — обмен фотографиями
    write a blog — вести блог
    chat online — общаться онлайн
    play video games — играть в видеоигры

    look up maps — посмотреть на карты
    listen to music — слушать музыку
    download music/films, etc — скачивать музыку/фильмы и т.д.
    use a social networking site, e. g. Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, etc — использовать социальные сети, например Твиттер, Фейсбук, Фликр и т. д
    use a search engine, e, g. Google, Searchalot, Yahoo, etc. — использовать поисковую систему, например Гугл, Приложения видео игр, Яхо и т. д.

    b) Use the phrases in Ex. 1a to say how we use these gadgets. — Используйте фразы из упр. 1А, чтобы сказать, как мы используем эти гаджеты.

    We can listen to music on an MP3 player.
    Мы можем слушать музыку на MP3-плеере.

    We can share photos on a tablet computer.
    Мы можем обмениваться фотографиями на планшете.

    We can send an email on a laptop.
    Мы можем отправить электронное письмо на ноутбуке.

    We can look up maps on a GPS receiver.
    Мы можем посмотреть карты на GPS-приемнике.

    We can play video games on a video games console.
    Мы можем играть в видеоигры на игровой приставке.


    Упражнение 2, с. 104

    2. a) Look at the text. Where can you see forums: on the Internet, in a newspaper, in a magazine? — Просмотрите текст. Где вы можете посмотреть форумы: в Интернете, в газете, в журнале?

    You can see forums on the Internet.
    Вы можете посмотреть форумы в Интернете.

    b) What is the forum about? Read through and check. — О чём идёт речь на форуме? Прочтите и проверьте.

    This forum is about embarrassing moments people have had with their gadgets.
    Этот форум посвящён неловким моментам, которые люди пережили со своими гаджетами.

    Check these words

    gadget [ˈɡædʒɪt] гаджет
    awkward [ˈɔːkwəd] неловкий
    mode [məʊd] режим
    spot [spɒt] место

    puzzled [ˈpʌzl̩d] озадаченный
    can’t wait [weɪt] не могу ждать
    application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] приложение
    smack-bang [smæk bæŋ] сокрушительный удар

    Forum: Embarrassing moments Форум: неловкие моменты
    A lot of us just can’t without our gadgets. In fact, we are so caught up in texting, tweeting, surfing and updating our Facebook statuses that we are unaware of what is happening in the world around us. Although gadgets are very useful, sometimes they can get us into trouble.

    Многие из нас просто не могут без наших гаджетов. На самом деле, мы настолько поглощены текстовыми сообщениями, твитами, общением в Фейсбук и обновлением наших статусов в нём, что не осознаем, что происходит в окружающем нас мире. Хотя гаджеты очень полезны, иногда они могут доставить нам неприятности.

    Post 7 of 36 Lauraloo  Сообщение 7 из 36 Lauraloo
    I’ve had a few awkward moments while using some gadgets. 1 D Last year we went to London. My dad bought a GPS receiver so we could find our way around town easily. One evening I decided to use it to walk to a restaurant with my parents. 2 F Everyone followed me eagerly. But after walking half an hour we found ourselves at the same spot. I was puzzled. Suddenly my sister pointed across the square. There was the restaurant. 3 B Then, we understood. The GPS receiver was on driving mode and took us through all the one-way streets to reach the restaurant!

    У меня было несколько неловких моментов при использовании некоторых гаджетов. В прошлом году мы ездили в Лондон. Мой отец купил GPS-приёмник, чтобы мы могли легко найти дорогу по городу. Однажды вечером я решил воспользоваться им, чтобы пойти в ресторан с моими родителями. Все охотно последовали за мной. Но через полчаса ходьбы мы оказались на том же самом месте. Я был озадачен. Внезапно моя сестра указала на другой конец площади. Там был ресторан. И тут мы все поняли. GPS-приёмник был включен в режиме вождения и провёл нас через все улицы с односторонним движением, чтобы добраться до ресторана!

    Post 8 of 36 Darioti Сообщение 8 из 36 Darioti
    I think the most embarrassing moment I’ve ever had with a gadget was with my new smartphone. My dad bought this really cool smartphone for my birthday. 4 A I took it out of its box and started playing around with it. It has an excellent menu and loads of application but it was all new to me then. I was so busy going through the menu when suddenly I walked smack-bang into someone and their ice cream went all over me. Everyone around laughed [lɑːft] at me standing there like a circus clown ice cream all over my face. 5 E I had a good laugh [lɑːf] about it with my parents later that day though [ðəʊ].

    Я думаю, что самый неловкий момент, который я когда-либо испытывал с гаджетом, был с моим новым смартфоном. Мой папа купил этот очень классный смартфон на мой день рождения. Я достал его из коробки и начал играть с ним. У него есть отличное меню и множество приложений, но тогда все это было для меня в новинку. Я был так занят изучением меню, когда вдруг наткнулся на кого-то, и его мороженое разлетелось по мне. Все вокруг смеялись над тем, что я стою там, как цирковой клоун с мороженым на лице. Но позже, в тот же день, я посмеялся над этим вместе с родителями.

    Упражнение 3, с. 104

    3. a) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the missing sentences (A-F). There is one extra sentence. Compare with your partner. Which words helped you decide? — Прочитайте текст и заполните пробелы пропущенными предложениями (A-F). Есть ещё одно лишнее предложение. Сравните с вашим партнером. Какие слова помогли вам определиться?

    A I couldn’t wait to try it out. Я не мог дождаться, чтобы попробовать его.

    B I felt so stupid in front of the others. Я чувствовала себя такой глупой перед остальными.

    C I threw my old phone away. Я выбросил свой старый телефон.

    D The worst was with my dad’s GPS receiver. Хуже всего было с приёмником GPS моего отца.

    E I was so embarrassed [ɪmˈbarəst]. Мне было так неловко.

    F I took it out of my dad’s pocket and entered the name of the restaurant. Я достал его из папиного кармана и ввёл название ресторана.

    b) Listen and read the text. Which storydo you think is the most embarrassing? Tell the class. — Послушайте и прочитайте текст. Какую историю вы считаете самой неловкой? Расскажите об этом классу.

    I think the second story is the most embarrassing. It’s pretty stupid not to look in front of you when you walk. The other person could be very annoyed about their ice cream, too!

    Я думаю, что вторая история — самая неловкая. Довольно глупо не смотреть перед собой, куда идёшь. Другой человек тоже может быть очень раздражён, испачкавшись мороженым!

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    ГДЗ по английскому языку. Starlight. Звёздный английский. Учебник. 5 класс. Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.

    Рабочая тетрадь. Starlight. 5 класс. Workbook.

    Английский язык. 5 класс

    Are you afraid of listening to natives too?

    How well do you understand English from listening? I have never met an adult learner in 15 years who would say it’s a walk in the park for them. Really. Never.

    ‘Boy, this is the hardest part, because you not only need to understand what the other person is talking, which is hard due to all the different accents there is, but you also need to comprehend what they are talking!’

    ‘But listening, oh boy, that’s the tough one. You have to face native speed of speech, accents, intonation… I always thought English as a “hungry language”, its speakers “eat” a lot of letters we were taught they were pronounced. And you seem to say full sentences without moving your lips. We just hear a mumble.’

    These are just some answers I received when I asked which skill is the hardest in learning English.

    Listening is a difficult skill to master. We can’t deny that.

    In a situation like that, we usually end up blaming ourselves (I am hopeless, I have no language talent, learning languages is not for me) or native speakers (they ‘eat’ words and they speak too fast – crazy language, crazy people).

    The thing is English is no exception in that. It’s equally hard for any other foreign language to master. The French speak incredibly fast and so do Spanish speakers. Try to listen to a German native speaker when you are a complete beginner. I will not even mention Chinese with their tonic system.

    What you need to know about listening and understanding

    As I said, listening is hard to master. But not because there is something wrong with our ears. It happens because people try to learn listening using the same methods they learn reading. But how is it possible? They are so different, reading and listening.

    When you read a text, you can see it in front of your eyes. It means two things:

    • you can see all the words separately in the page
    • you have time to stop, to return to some point and think about it.

    What happens when you listen?

    • You need to decode a line of sounds, with no breaks, because they are all connected together.
    • It’s usually quick, especially in conversations.
    • And you have no control over what’s going on (I mean you have less opportunity to ‘rewind’ and to think about it). You rely on your memory.

    In fact, a listener very often hear something like:

    Extract from JJ Wilson's 'How to teach listening'

    Extract from JJ Wilson’s ‘How to teach listening’

    So, you just can’t learn to listen like you have learnt reading.

    Another popular myth: you will learn to understand what people say if you listen a lot. But again, just listening to a lot of stuff in unadapted English is a long (and frustrating) way. It’s not focused learning. Without strategies, it will take you years.

    It’s a bit funny how most listening tasks you will find on the Web or in the textbooks are tests.

    So, somehow you learnt to listen already (when? where?) and now you check yourself. But when was the actual learning happening? If you just hear a lot of text in English, it doesn’t mean learning. If you don’t understand what’s going on, how would you learn?

    Even if you come to a teacher for help, it is not always productive. First of all, teachers try to speak comfortably for you, even native speakers. That’s why many people say they understand their teachers well, but can’t understand people in the streets.

    I remember one colleague of mine who just came back from her internship in the USA and started teaching English to adults. She used to be saying: ‘I spent so many years learning English. I don’t want to spoil it by speaking unnaturally. I will show my learners how real English sounds’. Well, intermediate and advanced students loved her. Elementary students hated her. At first. But somehow, after a month or so, each of her students developed a better listening understanding of English than mine, for example. Guilty on the spot. I DO speak too comfortably for my students. I can list you many explanations for this, but I won’t. This is just a reality.

    So, the first takeaway from this article: Don’t be afraid of being exposed to original listening material. I also vote for variety. Listen to the texts of different difficulty and of different origin. The more accents (both native and non-native) you hear, the more prepared you will be for real life. Learn which TV series you can start with.

    The key thing in this process: LEARN to listen, don’t just wait for a miracle to happen one day.

    What kind of strategies could help you improve your listening skills?

    I will switch now from general linguistics to English. What exactly do you need to know about English to hear it better?

    First of all, ‘what you see is not what you hear’. Don’t expect the words will be separate like you see them in this written text.

    Let’s take an example.

    You see a phrase: ‘half an hour ago’. If you could hear it the same way it is written, the sound would be something like that:

    In reality, even in slow pronunciation, the words won’t have pauses between them.

    If this phrase is a part of a longer text, it will be pronounced even faster.

    Ok, is it all non-stop stream of speech? No, it isn’t. When we speak, we divide our speech into units, not into words. The words serving one meaning will live together. We call them ‘tone units’. We use them in all languages to organise our speech and put accents on the parts which are most important for our message.

    The phrase from the example: ‘half an hour ago’. It means 1 unit of information. All the words here constitute 1 meaning. The speaker will pronounce them together, in 1 unit, to serve the meaning. The non-stop speaking all the time is not possible: we need to breathe. These breathing pauses made between short ideas constituing a bigger one.

    So, in the sentence: I came home half an hour ago (7 words) there are actually only 3 tone units: I came // home // half an hour ago. They will say it: /aikeim//heum//havenaueegeu/. Just 2 pauses.

    Of course, it is not:

    Nobody speaks like that. You don’t speak like that.

    Here is your first step in improving listening: your brain should get used to the fact that it hears not words but tone units containing one idea. Train yourself for that.

    Some practice.

    How many tone units can you identify in these sentences:

    When are you going on holiday this year?

    When // are you going // on holiday // this year? (4 tone units)

    – What kind of books do you prefer?

    What kind of books // do you prefer? (2 tone units)

    Practise with this ‘difficult’ piece. This one should be hard:

    (video source – 00:27)

    Even in this fast talking, we can hear some small pauses the speaker does between the tone units:

    ‘Thanks // for coming back on//. – How is it going? (one tone unit, that’s why so fast) – It’s going awesome! (again one tone unit – they all seem to be stuck together). We’re gonna // have // some fun today…’

    I recommend you to practise this way: listen to some short extracts (up to 1 minute long) with the transcript to hear how sentences are divided into tone units in natural speaking. Let your brain learn to hear it differently from what he reads. Listen to the same extract several times until you can hear which small groups the words are organised into in every sentence.

    You can use listening materials from the web or some podcasts.

    Here are some example resources I always recommend my students:

    English Numbers | Listening Test

    Deep English

    Listen a minute

    6-minute English

    It’s crucial that you practise listening to very very short extracts, as I said, not longer than a minute. Also, always practise with the text in front of your eyes. You will need some time to re-wire your brain from trying to listen for single words to listening to tone units. They are logical. After listening to 10 or 15 sentences (not at once, every day or every other day), the whole listening process will become different.

    Inside the tone unit, words will be organised hierarchically (what a word, hah), so to say, by their importance. Your next step will be to learn the hierarchy of these words and ways how they are connected together. If it seems like a lot of work, no, it isn’t. It’s, again, quite logical. It’s focused work and it is some work, yes. But it is much better than just ‘listen to as much English as possible for a long time’ without any control of what’s happening with your English skills.

    Divide this ‘stream’ you hear into into units and then learn how words work together inside each unit. This way, you will focus and start improving. And you will start understanding English, even the films, quite soon (of course, if your vocabulary is good enough 🙂

    So, the key takeaways from the today’s post are:

    – listening is a skill to train; you can’t learn to listen the right way just by random listening;

    – don’t be afraid to vary the difficulty of your listening material;

    – expose yourself to as many accents, both native and non-native, as possible;

    – develop a simple short routine to learn listening using short (up to 1 minute long) extracts to train yourself for the right focus;

    – learn not to expect to hear single words (like they are written in the page) but tone units where words are grouped around 1 small idea.

    In the next post, we will continue re-focusing your brain from what it reads to what hears. Stay tuned!

    Please share this article with your friends if you find it useful. 

    Learn about the 50 most commonly mispronounced words in English

    Free Guide ’55 Common Phrasal Verbs’

    Download our free e-book teaching you the most widely used phrasal verbs in English speaking.

    Little talks


    Hey! Hey! Hey!

    I don’t like walking around this old and empty house
    So hold my hand, I’ll walk with you, my dear

    The stairs creak as I sleep, it’s keeping me awake
    It’s the house telling you to close your eyes

    And some days I can’t even dress myself
    It’s killing me to see you this way

    ‘Cause though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Hey! Hey! Hey!

    There’s an old voice in my head that’s holding me back
    Well tell her that I miss our little talks

    Soon it will be over and buried with our past
    We used to play outside when we were young
    And full of life and full of love.

    Some days I feel like I’m wrong when I’m right
    Your mind is playing tricks on you, my dear

    ‘Cause though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Don’t listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore


    You’re gone, gone, gone away
    I watched you disappear
    All that’s left is the ghost of you.
    Now we’re torn, torn, torn apart,
    There’s nothing we can do
    Just let me go we’ll meet again soon
    Now wait, wait, wait for me
    Please hang around
    I’ll see you when I fall asleep

    Don’t listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same
    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Don’t listen to a word I say
    The screams all sound the same

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Though the truth may vary
    This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

    Хэй! Хэй! Хэй!

    — Я не люблю бродить по этому старому и пустому дому.
    — Возьми меня за руку, дорогая, я буду идти рядом.

    — Лестница скрипит и не дает мне спать.
    — Это дом говорит тебе закрыть глаза.

    — В некоторые дни мне сложно даже одеться.
    — Мне невыносимо видеть тебя такой.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

    Хэй! Хэй! Хэй!

    — В моей голове звучит старый голос, зовущий меня назад.
    — Скажи ей, что я скучаю по нашим разговорам.

    — Скоро всё закончится, погребенное под грузом прошлого.
    — Мы играли во дворе, когда были детьми,
    полные жизни и любви.

    — В некоторые дни мне кажется, что я ошибаюсь, хотя я права.
    — Твой разум играет с тобой, дорогая.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

    Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
    Все крики звучат одинаково.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.


    Тебя нет, нет, нет,
    Ты исчез(ла) на моих глазах.
    Всё что осталось — твоя тень.
    Теперь мы разорваны, разлучены,
    Ничего с этим не поделать.
    Просто отпусти меня, и мы скоро встретимся.
    И жди, жди, жди меня,
    Пожалуйста, будь неподалёку,
    Я увижу тебя во сне.

    Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
    Все крики звучат одинаково.
    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

    Не слушай ни единого моего слова,
    Все крики звучат одинаково.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

    И, хотя истина может быть разной,
    Корабль принесёт наши тела к берегу.

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