Save and send word

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  • I take a Word (2010) document then click FILE and then SAVE AND SEND. I then click send as attachment. The email box opens with the document in the attached panel. I then enter the email address and click SEND.  I have tried several times but no email
    has ever arrived. Why is this?

Все ответы

  • Hi,

    What detailed version of Word 2010 are you using? Please check your Outlook 2010 and mark sure you can seed mails with your account. 

    Based on your description, I had a test in Word 2010(version 14.0.7229.5000) on my Windows 10 and there is no issue. I could save and send the document as attach file to my other mail accounts.

    Please create a new profile in Control Panel and perform the same operations in Word to have a check.

    In addition, please send the mail to other mail accounts to have a check.

    If you have any updates, feel free to post back to let us know.

    Best Rgeards,


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    • Предложено в качестве ответа

      30 апреля 2019 г. 8:27

  • Hi,

    I am checking the status of this issue. Do you have any update for it?

    If my reply is helpful to this question, please remember to mark it as answer. Your action would be helpful to other users who encounter the same issue and read this thread. Thanks for your understanding.

    Anything unclear or any questions, feel free to post them back to let us know. I will be glad to follow up and help you.

    Best Regards,


    Please remember to
    mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact


    here to learn more. Visit the dedicated
    forum to share, explore and
    talk to experts about Microsoft Office 2019.

Best Answer

  • @jloati

    thanks for the help. problem resolved. i logged in as myself and had the same issue on this PC. I went and repaired the office install and this resolved the issue.

    you guys definitely helped me think to the root of the issue which seemed to fix it.

    thanks for the help guys i do appreciate it!

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    7 Replies

    • Author Justin Loati

      This has worked for us in the past. 

      1.    Close Outlook.
      2.    Click on Start>Accessories>Run>
      3.    Type “fixmapi” (Without Quotes)
      4.    Click ok and check if it helps.

      (this from a Microsoft forum)

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    • Author Greg Gomach

      Does this user have any specific add ins that the other users don’t?

      Also I noticed you are running word in compatibility mode.  Uncheck that and try again.

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    • @ jloati

      I tried that, didnt change anything

      @ greg

      it has been working for months. We have not done any updates or changed anything, nor does this user have the ability to do so. They are all standard installs of office 2010. I did take them out of compatibility mode and that changed nothing.

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    • Author Justin Loati

      Does this happen on that machine for just one user or any user that loggs in?  If it is just 1 user you can try backing up and deleting the file from that users profile.  The next time word opens it will put in a clean copy.

      (note that this will remove any custom macros the user has created)

      Was this post helpful?

    • @jloati

      thanks for the help. problem resolved. i logged in as myself and had the same issue on this PC. I went and repaired the office install and this resolved the issue.

      you guys definitely helped me think to the root of the issue which seemed to fix it.

      thanks for the help guys i do appreciate it!

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    • Author Greg Gomach

      glad you got it fixed

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    • Author Justin Loati

      Good work!

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  • As I said earlier in the thread, when something like Word is used to open an email an Inspector window is opened. However while that Inspector is added to the Inspectors collection (since Outlook 2002), it does not fire the
    NewInspector() event of the Inspectors collection.

    To be able to detect that item if your addin is already running you need to use a timer. When the timer fires you need to check the Inspectors collection and if there are any Inspectors not being handled already you would handle

    In managed code a timer like that will fire on a background thread. The Outlook object model may not be accessed from a background thread, or you risk crashing or hanging Outlook. Therefore you would need to synchronize your
    code that handles the new Inspector back to the main addin thread so your object model code is running on the same thread as the Outlook UI.

    If your addin is not already running it will be opened in what’s called «headless» mode. In that mode there is no ActiveExplorer in the Explorers collection (Explorers.Count == 0). So to know that you’ve been started by a Simple
    MAPI window you need to check for Explorers.Count and Inspectors.Count. If Explorers.Count == 0 in your Startup() event but Inspectors.Count != 0 then you just start handling that Inspector.

    Simple MAPI windows are always opened as modal Inspector windows. There is and always has been a problem with modal Inspector windows, when you interact with them in code they often leave a «ghost» when closed. That «ghost»
    window cannot be closed by normal means, and there is no Inspector in the Inspectors collection for it. It can be closed in the UI by clicking on the Close() box of the window.

    This applies not only to Simple MAPI windows, BTW, but to all Inspector windows opened modally, they are nothing but trouble and problems.

    What you often have to do after sending the item using code is to set up a timer in the send event that fires very shortly after the Send() event ends. I usually set the timer for something on the order of about 100 ms. In that
    timer event handler I synch back to the main thread and call the Close() event on the Inspector. That’s something you need to do regardless of whether or not the item was a Simple MAPI item. 

    Then, if the item was a Simple MAPI item (I set a flag for those), I also force the window closed in the Inspector.Close() event handler. What I do is grab the window handle of the Inspector window using a pinvoke of FindWindow().
    You supply that Win32 API call the caption of the window (Inspector.Caption) and the window class «rctrl_renwnd32». I do that when I first start handling the Inspector. I then use a pinvoke of PostMessage with a message of WM_CLOSE to that window, forcing
    it to close.

    That’s pretty much how you have to handle Simple MAPI windows.

    I haven’t been able to locate those threads about MAPI handling and workarounds Ken, can you help me out here?

    From my own testing it seems that no properties in any other class may be accessed, like trying to MessageBox.Show() a string in ThisAddIn or global. But you can still use any methods in other classes.

    Ken Slovak MVP — Outlook

    • Marked as answer by

      Monday, February 28, 2011 8:42 PM

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