Sat one word list


A lot of students immediately think of vocabulary when they hear the word SAT. But are SAT vocab words really that important for doing well on the test? Kind of. If you’re aiming for a high score, you’ll definitely want to spend some time learning key SAT words.

In this guide, we give you a comprehensive list of 262 of the most common SAT vocabulary words. We also explain how vocab is tested on the SAT, what types of questions you’ll see, and how to get the most out of your vocab prep.

How Is Vocabulary Tested on the SAT?

The SAT underwent a significant redesign in 2016, and since then vocabulary has become a far less important part of the test. This is because there are fewer vocabulary questions on the current SAT than there were on the old SAT. 

That said, it’ll still benefit you to study vocab, especially if you’re aiming for a high or perfect score.

All SAT words are about medium difficulty and are tested in the context of reading passages, so you’ll get not just a sentence but an entire paragraph or passage to work with.

Context clues make memorizing SAT vocab words less important on the current SAT than it was on the old SAT, back when you had to memorize dozens of obscure words and answer questions that dealt with isolated sentences (these were called Sentence Completion problems). This made vocab questions particularly hard since you were given minimal context with which to solve them.

What Do SAT Vocabulary Questions Look Like?

Purely vocabulary-based questions don’t make up a large part of the SAT. Based on our analysis of official SAT practice tests, 13% of the Reading section (or about seven questions) ask you to match a word with its correct meaning. We call these Words in Context questions. 

For these questions, you’ll need to know alternative meanings of relatively common words, such as “directly” and “hold.” While you might come across slightly more difficult SAT words, you generally shouldn’t see any as hard as those on the old SAT.

Here’s an example of a Reading vocabulary question (with the relevant part of the passage shown):

In addition to Words in Context questions, you’ll get questions that require you to pick a single word or phrase in order to paraphrase or clarify part of a passage. With these questions, you must understand what all the SAT vocab words mean so that you can choose the right answer.

Here are some examples of these questions: 

In these examples, you’ll need to know the definitions of a variety of SAT vocabulary words, such as “substantiated,” “freewheeling,” and “scandalous,” so that you can select the right answer choice.

Are There Any Vocab Questions on SAT Writing?

Aside from the Reading section, are there any SAT vocab questions on the Writing and Language section? The quick answer is yes—you will see vocab questions on Writing and Language.

While most questions in this section focus on grammar, transitions, and tense, you’ll also get some vocab questions that ask you to replace SAT words in a passage; we call these Precision questions. In total, you’ll get three Precision questions, making up about 7% of the SAT Writing section.

Here’s an example of a Precision question (with the relevant part of the passage shown):


262 SAT Vocab Words You’re Bound to See on Test Day

Now that you know what kinds of vocab questions are on the SAT, let’s go over the 262 words and definitions we suggest memorizing if you want to get high scores on SAT Reading and Writing.

To compile this list, we dug through all official SAT practice tests, looking at both the Reading and Writing sections (and not just the questions but the answer choices and passages, too). We also looked at SAT words from other online vocab lists.

Though you don’t need to memorize all the words below, familiarizing yourself with most of them should help you better identify the tones of passages and make you more efficient at interpreting and answering questions correctly on SAT Reading and Writing.

Below, we give you each word, its part of speech, its definition, and an example sentence (or more if the word has multiple definitions/parts of speech). All words are listed in alphabetical order.



Example Sentence


v. to become less active, less intense, or less in amount

As I began my speech, my feelings of nervousness quickly abated.


adj. existing purely in the mind; not representing actual reality

Julie had trouble understanding the appeal of the abstract painting.


adj. extremely bad

I got an abysmal grade on my research paper!


adv. in accordance with

All students must behave accordingly.


n. the act of gaining a skill or possession of something

Language acquisition is easier for kids than it is for adults.


v. to make suit a new purpose

v. to accommodate oneself to a new condition, setting, or situation

The US has adapted many foreign foods to better suit the tastes of Americans.

Dogs are known for their ability to quickly adapt to their environments.


adj. having knowledge or skill (usu. in a particular area)

Beth loves playing the piano, but she’s especially adept at the violin.


adj. having sufficient qualifications to meet a specific task or purpose

Though his resume was adequate, the company doubted whether he’d be a good fit.


n. the arrival or creation of something (usu. historic)

The world has never been the same since the advent of the light bulb.


adj. relating to hostile opposition

An adversarial attitude will make you many enemies in life.


n. someone who promotes or defends something

v. to defend or promote something (usu. a belief, theory, opinion, etc.)

I am an advocate for free higher education.

Environmental protesters often advocate for cleaner energy practices.


adj. relating to beauty or refined taste

The aesthetic decorations at the wedding reception made you feel as if you were a character in a fairy tale.


v. to be able to buy

v. to be able to spare

He’s saving money so he can afford to buy a new car.

I can’t afford to lose any more pencils!


v. to promote something (usu. a cause)

They’re agitating for better health care.


v. to permit or consent to

US law allows citizens to speak freely.


v. to make a secretive mention of something

She alluded to the problem at hand but didn’t say anything more about it.


n. a noisy argument or confrontation

Greg got into an altercation with a stranger at the bar.


adj. unclear or vague in meaning

Her ambiguous statement made me question whether she could be trusted.


adj. having a powerful desire for success or achievement

Penny is so ambitious, she wants to be president someday.


n. the state of being uncertain or stuck between two or more options

His ambivalence prevented him from immediately signing the contract.


adj. similar but not identical

Green onions are considered analogous to spring onions.


v. to destroy or cause devastating destruction

The dictator sent orders to annihilate the group of rebels.


n. something different from the norm

This result is an anomaly and very rarely happens.


v. assume to be likely to happen

The party was just as fun as I had anticipated it would be.


n. a strong feeling of dislike

Her antipathy toward the professor was obvious: she rolled her eyes whenever he entered the classroom.


n. the highest point of something

The spring play was the apex of our school year.


n. fearful expectation of something

Her apprehension to leave her house resulted in her missing the train.


v. to clearly express in words

She articulated her opinion on the price of the house.


adj. something made; not occurring naturally

Many candies use artificial flavors to make them taste fruity.


n. a strong declaration

His assertion that sharks are mammals made everyone laugh.


adj. extremely plain

adj. stern and forbidding

adj. relating to self-denial

He lived in a small, austere cabin in the middle of the woods.

My boss had an austere expression on her face.

An austere lifestyle, like that of monks, isn’t for everybody.


n. the quality of being real and true instead of fake and contrived

The police officer doubted the authenticity of the suspect’s story.


n. an intangible path or approach to something

The company has decided to pursue other avenues.


adj. actively interested in or enthusiastic about something

Gerald is an avid soccer fan.


adj. relating to the foundation or basis of something

You have to start with basic Russian before you can move on to the advanced level.


v. to have as a characteristic

v. to have (a child)

v. to bring forth

v. to put up with

She bears a strong resemblance to your mother.

Judy will bear her first child later this year.

My garden is going to bear pumpkins this year.

I can’t bear her complaining any longer!


adj. kind, generous

Many cultures believe in benevolent spirits.


n. a preconception that prevents objectivity

It’s important to avoid bias when investigating a crime.


adj. tinged with a feeling of sadness

The ending of the romance movie was bittersweet.


v. to support, strengthen, or fortify

If we work together, we should be able to lift and then bolster the couch.


n. an increase or growth

v. to increase or make grow

The boost in profits was a welcome change.

In order to boost profits, you need to cater to your customers.


n. an intense, loud fight

v. to fight loudly and disruptively

A brawl broke out at school today after one student accused another of cheating.

The two students brawled for an hour.


n. the quality of being brief or terse

The brevity of their time together made it all the more romantic.


adj. direct, blunt

Josh is candid about his desire to become an actor.


n. the trait of being honest and frank

I admire her candor, especially when nobody else bothers to speak up.


v. to use to your advantage

I’d like to capitalize on your math skills by having your work the cash register.


v. to trap or take possession of

v. to successfully represent or imitate

v. to captivate, mesmerize

v. to catch or seize

The spy was captured by the enemy.

Your painting beautifully captures the ephemerality of life.

I was captured by her beauty.

The cops captured the criminal three days after the incident.


adj. relating to the city or citizens

Voting is a civic duty.


adj. emotionally unattached (usu. used in medical or scientific setting)

Her clinical approach to situations allows her to handle them more effectively.


n. special advantage or power

Children of rich and famous people often believe they have a lot of clout.


adj. indicating a rough texture

adj. lacking refinement or sophistication

The horse’s mane was coarse, as if it had never been washed.

The queen’s coarse way of speaking surprised the other members of royalty.


v. to happen at the same time

It wasn’t until after I booked my ticket that I realized the concert coincided with my finals.


n. the use of payment to request something (e.g., a service or product)

This painting was commissioned by a rich merchant in 1589.


adj. able to be compared

This novel is comparable to Huckleberry Finn.


adj. sufficiently qualified

We need to hire a competent web developer to create a good website for our company.


adj. satisfied, with no desire to change or improve

Though he had never won any awards or even been published, he was complacent with his life as a poet.


v. to make perfect or complete

This wine perfectly complements this platter of gourmet cheese.


v. to be forced to agree or surrender

v. to admit to a transgression

With no chance of winning the battle, the army at last conceded.

Dan conceded to pranking his sister.


v. to imagine or come up with

The plan to build the city was originally conceived in the early 1900s.


v. to overlook, approve, or allow

She couldn’t condone her daughter’s rebellious behavior.


adj. able to bring about or be suitable for

The noisy students hardly made the campus library conducive to studying.


v. to control or manage

v. to behave a certain way

The group conducted their research abroad last year.

Be sure to conduct yourself accordingly.


v. to share something secretive with someone

She confided all of her biggest secrets in her best friend.


v. to put limits on; to restrict

We are going to confine the use of this drinking fountain.


n. overall agreement

After weeks of debating, the panel finally came to a consensus.


v. to form or compose (part of) something

The desire for equality constituted the civil rights movement.


v. to think deeply about

She contemplated telling her teacher about the cheating student.


v. to maintain or assert (an opinion)

The president contends that the US government will not negotiate with terrorists.


v. to be in contrast with

The camera footage contradicts his alibi.


adj. highly debatable and causing contention

Millions of viewers watched the controversial debate take place.


adj. abiding by accepted standards

She lives a conventional life in the suburbs.


v. to pass on or transfer (information)

I have trouble conveying my thoughts in French.


n. a firm belief in something

Her religious convictions prevent her from eating meat.


v. to provide evidence for; to back up (a claim)

The note signed by her father corroborates her claim that she was absent from class that day.


v. to work in opposition to

This ingredient seems to counteract the other ones.


n. an argument used to criticize or dismantle another argument

Make sure to include a counterargument in your essay so that you can show you’ve considered the topic from all perspectives.


adj. hindering the achievement of a goal

Bill’s idea to take a shortcut was ultimately counterproductive: it took us twice as long to get to the train station.


n. the final act or climax

The culmination of the performance was unforgettable.


v. to foster the growth of

Teachers don’t just pass on new information to studentsthey cultivate their academic potential.


v. to declare formally and with authority

The president decreed that Halloween would henceforth be a national holiday.


n. respect; regard

Her deference to the elderly makes her the perfect candidate for an internship at the retirement center.


adj. not enough in degree or amount

I feel as though the sources for my paper are deficient.


v. to do as an example

v. gives evidence for

Could you demonstrate the dance move for me?

This book’s use of words such as “grim” and “bleak” demonstrates the author’s mournful tone.


v. to object to

She demurred at my request to transfer to a different department.


v. to (over)use over time (usu. resources)

The lost campers quickly depleted their supply of food.


adj. bare, barren, empty

The moon is one giant, desolate landscape.


v. to come up with (a plan)

Lana devised a plan to make herself famous.


n. a problem, usually requiring a choice between two options

The main dilemma is whether to pay for a commercial or not.


n. conscientiousness; the quality of being committed to a task

Diligence and confidence will get you far in life.


v. to become smaller in scope or degree

The itchiness of mosquito bites usually starts to diminish after a few days.


adj. hopeless and dangerous or fearful

When the police didn’t explain what was happening right away, Jane knew that the situation must be dire.


n. disagreement

Disputes over money caused intense discord in the family.


n. a lack of respect and strong dislike (toward something or someone)

He looked at me with such disdain that I immediately knew the job wouldn’t work out.


n. hopelessness, stress, or consternation

v. to fill with woe or apprehension

To Nick’s dismay, he got an F on the test.

Many were dismayed by the town’s implementation of metered parking.


v. to belittle or speak down to

A good boss is stern but never disparages his or her employees.


v. to send off a message or messenger

The mother dispatched her daughter to their neighbor’s house.


n. the act of becoming diverse

Lately, there’s been noticeable diversification of students at higher institutions.


n. a principle, theory, or position, usu. advocated by a religion or gov’t

Devoutly religious people often live their lives according to their doctrines.


n. power and authority (usu. over a territory)

n. a legal territory

The country claimed to have dominion over parts of Russia.

Puerto Rico is a dominion of the US.


adj. sad, gloomy, dull

The gray clouds in the sky made the day feel dreary.


adj. doubtful, questionable

The man’s claims to the throne were dubious since nobody knew where he’d come from.


adj. peculiar or odd; deviating from the norm

She’s a little eccentric but still fun to be around.


adj. extremely bad

After cheating on the exam, Emily began to feel as though she’d made an egregious mistake.


adj. having refined or expressive communication skills (in speaking or writing)

His speech was not only eloquent but also extremely compelling.


adj. superior or distinguished; high in position or status

Our town made news when the eminent magician came to perform at our local theater.


v. to discharge, give forth, or release

Plants consume carbon dioxide and emit oxygen.


adj. very expressive; using emphasis

Her emphatic smile told me she was excited to ride the roller coaster.


adj. derived from experience, observation, or an experiment

You need empirical evidence to support your claim.


v. to equip or bestow (usu. a quality or ability)

According to the myth, the gods endowed him with the gift of healing.


v. to withstand, sustain, or hold out against

I can’t endure this wait any longer. Will Stanford accept or reject me?


v. to involve or include

A doctoral program entails long nights and a heavy workload.


adj. firmly established

Her face will forever be entrenched in my memory.


v. to specify or count

I can’t enumerate how many times I’ve had to remind my students when their papers are due.


n. excessive jealousy

v. to admire and be jealous of

His envy of her is quite obvious.

She envies her coworker’s social skills.


adj. having no fixed course; deviating from the norm

The car became erratic after slipping on ice.


v. to enact

v. to found (a business, group, school, etc.)

They established a law that made it illegal to drive after drinking any amount of alcohol.

Our group established a new branch in Chicago.


v. to draw forth or call up

Horror movies are great at evoking fear.


v. to make worse or increase the severity of

The doctor told me not to run as it can exacerbate my knee injury.


v. to do something extremely well or to be superior in

She was a well-rounded student but excelled especially in science.


v. to put into use (usu. as effort)

Don’t exert all of your energy at once.


adj. invigorating, stimulating, or exciting

The music playing at the club was catchy and exhilarating.


v. to use up (as in energy or money)

Be careful not to expend all your energy in the first half of a marathon.


v. to use selfishly or for profit

The shoddy company exploited its workers by paying them extremely low wages.


v. to aid the progress of

In grad school, advisors facilitate students’ research and offer constructive criticism.


n. the practicality or possibility of something

The feasibility of her project was doubtful; she’d have to go all the way to Antarctica and back before the school year ended.


n. viciousness, violence

The lion is just one wild animal known for its ferocity.


adj. related to (government) money

Fiscal policy is how the government uses money to influence the economy.


v. to prosper, grow, or make fast progress

After one year, the tiny plants had flourished into a breathtaking garden.


v. to be unstable; to rise and fall

Stocks can fluctuate on a daily basis, making it difficult to determine when to buy or sell one.


v. to stir up

The civilians accused their leader of fomenting political unrest.


adj. capable of being predicted or anticipated

I can’t imagine aliens visiting us in the foreseeable future.


adv. directly, clearly

I frankly don’t see the point in learning to drive.


adj. carefree

His freewheeling attitude often got him in trouble at work.


adj. the most essential or most basic part

A thesis is arguably the most fundamental part of an essay.


adj. thrilling, exciting, stimulating

The galvanizing performance left everyone spellbound.


adj. relating to old age

I became interested in geriatric medicine shortly after my grandfather passed away from cancer.


adj. harmful, dangerous

The voices around the corner sounded angry, hostile even.


adj. supposed; related to a hypothesis

For my physics homework, I must come up with a hypothetical situation.


adj. publicly shameful or humiliating

The politician’s expensive campaign ultimately ended in ignominious defeat.


v. to transmit, bestow, or disclose

Parents must impart common sense to their children.


n. the equal and objective treatment of opposing views

To ensure impartiality, we require everyone to follow these general guidelines.


adj. impressive (esp. in size or appearance)

The old mansion was imposing in its huge size and gothic architecture.


n. an unnecessary burden

If it’s not too much of an imposition, could you proofread my paper?


adj. not cautious or prudent; rash

Backpacking abroad can be fun, but don’t be imprudent about money.


v. to encourage or stir up

Her hateful words incited anger in the crowd.


n. apathy, emotional detachment

The girl’s indifference toward her brother upset their parents.


adv. randomly; with little or no distinction

Lottery winners are chosen indiscriminately.


v. to give into; to satisfy or gratify

My friend loves to indulge in cheesy romance movies.


v. to guess, conclude, or derive by reasoning

You can infer from this quotation that the writer didn’t care for “pretty” language.


adj. novel or new (esp. as an idea or invention)

Her invention was incredibly innovative and won her multiple awards.


adj. can’t be satisfied

A vampire’s thirst for blood is said to be insatiable.


n. a reversal

The culture’s norms were an inversion of our own.


v. to call on; to appeal to (e.g., a higher power)

The shaman attempted to invoke a demon.


adj. incapable of being in harmony or agreed upon

The couple’s differences were ultimately irreconcilable, giving them no choice but to break up.


v. to feel sorrow for; to mourn

Susan lamented her missed chance at going to Europe with her high school class.


n. movement

Physics involves the study of locomotion.


adj. capable of making a lot of money; profitable

Writing books isn’t a particularly lucrative career, unless you’re J.K. Rowling.


adj. harmful, spiteful

The malicious spirit drove out the inhabitants from their home.


adj. capable of being molded or changed

Children’s minds are malleable but only for so long.


adj. superficial; focus on material possessions

Many people accuse Americans of being materialistic.


adj. extravagant or exaggerated (as of a melodrama)

The melodramatic play was well liked by the audience.


adj. simple and humble

adj. small in size or amount

They moved into a modest house in the countryside.

I received a modest sum of money for my help at the company event.


v. to change, alter, or tweak

Dr. Nguyen modified the gene so that it wouldn’t carry the disease.


adj. historically significant

Her win in the election was momentous.


adj. new, innovative

We are looking for novel ways to approach the project.


n. a subtle difference in meaning

Body-language experts even understand the nuances of facial expressions.


adj. legally void and ineffective

The government declared their marriage null.


n. judgment based on observations instead of emotions or opinions

In scientific research, objectivity is of utmost importance.


adj. no longer used; rare or uncommon

Historians assumed record players would be obsolete by now, but in fact they’re making a huge comeback.


adj. almighty and all powerful

Gods are omnipotent beings who can control human destiny.


n. the beginning or early stages

At the onset of her career as a lawyer, things were looking up.


v. to openly express an opinion

The new employee opined at the company meeting.


adj. highly detailed and decorated

That ornate silverware must be worth thousands of dollars!


v. to remove or force out of (usu. a position or office)

Sick and tired of putting up with his bad moods, the pirates ousted their captain.


adj. predominant, superior, most important

Our paramount concern is the safety of our employees.


adj. strange, bizarre

Upon entering the abandoned house, Kate experienced a peculiar feeling, as if someone was watching her.


v. to die; to pass away

According to the news, nobody perished in the fire.


v. to cause suffering to

They will persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with their views of the world.


adj. cranky, pouty, irritable

Petulant children are especially difficult to care for.


n. highest level or degree

Many believe that composers such as Beethoven and Mozart represent the pinnacle of classical music.


adj. deserving pity

The frail-looking dog was pitiable, so I gave it some food and took it inside to care for it.


adj. reasonable and possibly true

Her story is plausible, but that doesn’t mean she’s telling the truth.


v. to assert

The literary critic postulates that romanticism and naturalism are actually interconnected.


adj. having great influence

adj. having a strong, chemical effect

The bald eagle is a potent symbol of the US.

The potion was definitely potentit healed my wounds immediately!


adj. practical, useful

It’s not necessarily more pragmatic to study engineering than it is to study philosophy.


n. an example or subject from earlier in time

This change in law is without historical precedent.


n.  someone who comes before you (usu. in position or office)

My predecessor gave me many tips for running the office.


v. to command orders

v. to issue authorization for medications

The directions for our essay prescribe a length of at least ten pages.

A doctor must prescribe you this medication before you can begin taking it.


n. basic truth, assumption, or rule

Remember the universal principle: treat others as you want them to treat you.


v. to command against, to outlaw

Alcohol was prohibited in the US in the 1920s.


adj. punctual, on time

n. a cue to begin something; instructions

v. to incite, propel, or cause to act

She is always prompt when it comes to turning in her homework.

I had to write an essay based on a prompt.

The possibility of a scholarship prompted him to apply to Harvard.


v. to put into law or formally declare

The ruler will at last promulgate an amnesty with the neighboring countries.


v. to bring criminal action against someone (in a trial)

The suspect was prosecuted yesterday.


adj. intending to provoke, inspire, or arouse

Her nude paintings are considered quite provocative.


adj. involving qualities of something (features and content)

I noticed a qualitative change in her paintings.


adj. involving quantities (numbers and amounts)

We must conduct a quantitative analysis.


n. a strange habit

His biggest quirk is his love of old marbles.


v. to split into two or more branches

Cars ramified throughout the world in the twentieth century.


adj. without attention to danger or risk

Her rash decision to pass the car nearly resulted in a crash.


adj. unrefined

adj. not processed; uncooked (as in food)

He’s got raw talent as a singer, but he needs to work on his performance skills.

In some countries, such as Japan, it is normal to eat raw fish.


adv. right away and without difficulty

Water was readily available at different points in the race.


n. thinking again about a previously made choice

The judges’ reconsideration of her performance resulted in her victory.


n. a change for the better; improvement

v. to improve via change

The reform made it so that only those 18 and older can legally drive.

The government reformed its vague policies on marijuana use.


v. to prove to be untrue, unfounded, or incorrect

The student refuted the professor’s claim in class.


v. to strengthen or add support to

We can use these pipes to reinforce the structure.


adv. somewhat unwillingly

Max reluctantly agreed to see the horror movie with his friends.


v. to give up (usu. power or a position)

v. to cast off

Our CEO renounced her position yesterday.

He renounced his friend after he caught her stealing money from him.


v. to criticize

The mother reproached her daughter’s school for making students come in during a blizzard.


v. to refuse to recognize as true

v. to cast off

The father repudiated his son’s marriage.

She repudiated her son once she found out he’d married someone without telling her.


n. the act of keeping something

Water retention can make you weigh more on certain days.


adj. satisfied (usu. in hunger)

I felt satiated after eating a snack.


adj. having practical intelligence or knowledge

My brother is not very savvy when it comes to using public transportation.


adj. morally offensive, often causing damage to one’s reputation

The scandalous politician decided it was best to resign from office.


v. to look down on with disdain

It’s difficult for me not to scorn those who use improper grammar.


adj. paying great attention to detail

I am a scrupulous proofreader and never miss an error.


v. to examine carefully and critically

The teacher scrutinized her students’ essays.


v. to produce or release (a substance)

Trees secrete a sticky substance called sap.


n. opinion

n. a tender or moving gesture

I am of the sentiment that you should never give out your passwords to anyone.

Even though I’m not a big fan of porcelain dolls, I appreciated the sentiment.


adj. so thin that light can shine through

The curtains on the window were so sheer you could clearly see inside the house.


adj. easy; not complex

adj. undecorated

This math problem is so simple even a first grader can solve it.

The simple beauty of the ocean is what makes it memorable.


adj. ominous, evil

Medieval peasants believed sinister demons could harm humans.


n. the joining of commonalities or common purposes among a group

I stood in solidarity with other female students by refusing to wear the school’s sexist uniform.


adv. insufficiently, meagerly, or in a restricted manner

Due to my condition, I must eat salt sparingly.


v. to release eggs

v. to call forth or generate

Frogs typically spawn in ponds.

The topic spawned an ongoing debate among his family members.


v. to stimulate or incite

Her bravery spurred others to act.


adj. run-down, sordid, or sleazy

The squalid cabin needed a new roof and an exterminator.


adj. very plain; devoid of any details or features

Looking out at the stark landscape, I felt a keen sense of isolation.


adj. motionless

adj. changeless

The ball is static.

Her life has been static for the past three years.


adj. lower in rank

n. someone lower in rank

v. to make dependent on or put at a lower rank

The subordinate officers work every day.

My subordinate will check you in.

You aren’t my bossyou can’t subordinate me to the role of receptionist!


adv. happening later or after something

I subsequently went home.


adj. very large in amount or degree

I was shocked to find a substantial amount of money beneath the park bench.


v. to strengthen with new evidence or facts

It is important for scientists to substantiate their theories whenever possible.


adj. hard to detect or analyze

I detected in her expression a subtle hint of irritation.


adj. enough; just meeting a requirement

These boxes should be sufficient for our move.


adj. unfriendly; inclined to anger

The bartender was a surly fellow who wasn’t afraid to start a fight.


v. to get on top of or overcome

They managed to surmount the language barrier by using a translation app.


adj. to be vulnerable (to something)

Children are more susceptible to certain illnesses than adults are.


adj. skilled at dealing with people

Her tactful attitude toward our class made her one of my favorite teachers.


adj. pulled tight

The rubberband was taut and ready to be fired.


adj. abundantly filled (usu. with living organisms)

Doorknobs are not as clean as they look and are often teeming with germs.


n. usual mood or feelings

She had a hostile temperament, making her intimidating to most people.


adj. not yet finalized

We haven’t made any official arrangements yet, but the tentative location for our wedding is Hawaii.


adj. see-through; so thin that light can shine through

adj. truthful or easy to perceive

Stained window glass isn’t as transparent as regular window glass is.

She was transparent about her plans to end her marriage.


adj. dangerous and unstable

The journey was becoming treacherous, but they continued on regardless.


adj. very large, good, or bad in degree or size

Tremendous news! You don’t have to repay your loans!


adj. being everywhere at once

Cell phones are ubiquitous these days.


adj. undecorated, plain

Though the dress was cheap and unadorned, it was by far her favorite one on the rack.


v. to weaken or subvert (usu. gradually or secretly)

Parents should take care not to constantly undermine their children.


v. to emphasize or give additional weight to

This sentence seems to underscore the overall meaning of the passage.


v. to move as ripples or in a wavy pattern

Belly dancers are known for their ability to skillfully undulate their stomachs.


adj. one-sided

The unilateral decision was deemed unfair by the other party involved.


adj. unfair; not justified

The court’s decision is unjusthe should not go free.


adj. downright, utter, total

My speech was an unmitigated disaster!


adj. completely new and never having happened before; historic

The number of protestors was unprecedented.


v. to make visible; to reveal

We plan to unveil our plans for the new company project on Sunday.


n. desire or impulse

v. to encourage or persuade

He had the urge to tell his parents about his acceptance to Columbia but decided against it.

She urged her sister to apply to Stanford.


v. to prove or declare valid

Your selfish actions do not validate your feelings for me.


n. ability to be done in a practical or useful way

The viability of the solution is questionable.


adj. urgently necessary

It is vital that you respond by the deadline.


v. to promise

My brother quickly broke his vow to never eat chocolate again.


v. to prove to be reasonable

Wanting to look cool in front of your friends doesn’t warrant breaking the law.


n. production of an amount

v. to give way to or surrender to

v. to produce or supply

The farmer’s annual pumpkin yield exceeded 10,000.

Cars turning right on red must yield to oncoming traffic.

Our experiment yielded many unique-looking vegetables.


How to Study SAT Words Effectively: 3 Essential Tips

Now that you’ve got a huge list of SAT vocabulary words you can work with, what’s the best way to study them? Here are three key tips to help you get the most out of your SAT vocab studies.

#1: Make Flashcards and Use the Waterfall Method

One of the absolute best ways to study SAT vocab words is to make flashcards. This lets you control which SAT words you study and even randomizes them so that you don’t accidentally memorize words in a predetermined order.

We recommend using the waterfall method to study your flashcards. With this method, you’ll get to see all the words in your deck, going over the most challenging words more often than the ones you already know or sort of know.

Here’s how to use the waterfall method:


Once you’ve made your flashcards, split them up into decks (you can put whatever words you want in these decks) of about 30-50 cards each. Choose one deck to be your Starting Stack. 

Go through your Starting Stack, looking at each and every card. For the words you know, put them in a Know It pile. For the words you don’t know, put them in a separate Struggled pile as so:


Now, pick up your Struggled pile and go through each card in it (leave your Know It pile where it is). Put the cards you know in a second Know It pile and the ones you don’t know in a Struggled pile.

You should now have two Know It piles and one Struggled pile:


Repeat this process of picking up your Struggled pile and going through each card until you’re left with about one to five cards in your Struggled pile:


By now you should know most, if not all, cards in your deck. But it isn’t enough to just go through them once—you also have to work back up your “waterfall” of cards. 

To do this, combine your Struggled pile with your last Know It pile (the pile closest to the Struggled pile). This will be your Working pile. Go through all the cards in this pile. If there are any words you forgot, go through the entire pile again and again until you’ve learned all the definitions in it.


Continue this pattern by combining your current Working pile with the next Know It pile. Go through all these cards until you know each one.


At the end, you should have made your way all the back to your original Starting Stack. You now know all the SAT words and their meanings in your deck! Repeat this waterfall method with the other decks you make so that you can learn even more critical SAT vocab words.

#2: Focus On Words You Don’t Know

If you don’t have time to study the entire list above or only want to learn some SAT words, use our list to make a new vocab list containing only the words you don’t know. So if you know a word or are fairly sure you’ll be able to recognize it on test day, skip it and instead focus on the words you’ll have the most trouble remembering. Once you have your list, use the waterfall method to study it.

If you’re not a fan of paper flashcards, you can opt for digital flashcards. Anki is a free software you can download and use to make your own flashcards. The program uses spaced-repetition software (SRS) to show you difficult cards more often than those you know (basically, a digital version of the waterfall method).

#3: Take Official SAT Practice Tests

Since the majority of the words in our list above come from official SAT practice tests, once you’ve studied these SAT words, you can put your knowledge to the test by taking a practice test. This lets you see whether you truly know the meanings of the words and whether you’ll be able to get the right answers in the context of a full-length, timed test—just like the real SAT.

If you miss any questions because you forgot the meaning of a word, go back over our SAT vocab words list using your flashcards and the waterfall method.

The Best SAT Vocab Flashcards

If you plan to make your own SAT vocab flashcards from our list, you’ll need at least 300 blank index cards and a system to keep them organized. These basic cards are an affordable option that are also available in fun colors. You can keep them organized with plastic baggies or rubber bands, or you can get an organizer. Alternatively, try these easy-flip flashcards that include binder clips. 

Though we strongly recommend making your own flashcards, you can also buy pre-made ones. There aren’t a lot of options for the new SAT. We’d recommend going with Barron’s 1100 Words You Need to Know, a series of exercises to master key words and idioms, or Manhattan’s GRE flashcards if you’re looking for a challenge. 

Conclusion: The Importance of Studying SAT Vocabulary

Overall, vocabulary words don’t play a huge part on the SAT. That said, you’ll definitely have some questions on both the Reading and Writing sections that test your knowledge of SAT words, so it’s important to study those most likely to appear on test day.

The best way to study SAT vocabulary is to make flashcards and use the waterfall method. This ensures you know all the words in your deck and aren’t glossing over any difficult ones.

If you don’t want to make flashcards or don’t have time to study the whole list, however, it’s a good idea to pick out the words you don’t know and study just those. With these, you can either make a smaller deck of paper flashcards or opt for digital flashcards.

No matter how you choose to study SAT vocab words, be sure to test out what you’ve learned in the context of full-length practice tests. Nearly all the words in our list above come from official SAT practice tests, so you’re guaranteed to come across them in some form!

What’s Next?

Want more tips on how to study SAT vocabulary words? Check out our expert tips for memorizing SAT words fast and learn why the waterfall method works so well.

Aiming for a high SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing score? Take a peek at our in-depth guides to getting a perfect Reading score and learning how to read SAT passages.

Taking the ACT instead? Then you’ll need to know vocab for that test, too. Learn what words to expect on the ACT and how to study them.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?

Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep classes. We guarantee your money back if you don’t improve your SAT score by 160 points or more.

Our classes are entirely online, and they’re taught by SAT experts. If you liked this article, you’ll love our classes. Along with expert-led classes, you’ll get personalized homework with thousands of practice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We’ll also give you a step-by-step, custom program to follow so you’ll never be confused about what to study next.

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 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary Words

1   Overview:

3000 Common SAT Vocabulary Words is a middle-level list for test-takers to warm up known words and learn new words. Usually, students need three or more months to finish it. If you aim to good-rank universities, the list is a solid start to challenge harder SAT vocabulary.

The vocabulary consists of 3000+ SAT words that high school students, especially in 12th grade, should master before SAT exam. These words are mainly from recent SAT papers and the College Board’s official practice materials.

In addition to definitions and explanations, the vocabulary includes interactive exercises, such as meaning matching and spelling. These exercises, available for each word, can be launched with a few clicks. For those who prefer to study SAT vocabulary offline or traditionally, the vocabulary offers printable flashcards and PDF files.

If you want a better SAT score, you must own a strong SAT vocabulary that impacts all test modules. It means that you will spend more time studying SAT words. This list is a good candidate if you schedule 3 months or more. Try some content quickly; you can know if it matches your current vocabulary level and helps to up vocabulary skills efficiently.

Does this SAT Vocabulary List meet your case? We divide the words into three levels; each consists of 4 groups. Want to view them quickly? Watch them here.

Last but not least, SAT Official Website is the right place to solve problems related to the SAT. If any doubts or questions about SAT vocabulary may impact your preparation and even your final score, don’t hesitate to get there and clarify them.

2   Alternative SAT vocabularies:

We know one words list cannot cover all SAT takers’ requirements. If you think the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List doesn’t match your circumstance, please try other lists on the website.

However, if you are serious about preparing for SAT, smaller or easier lists shouldn’t be an option unless you use them as a supplement. For example, we recommend the following two vocabularies to supplement 3000 common SAT vocabulary. They are very useful for enhancing reading and writing words, especially for high score hunters.

3   Words’ EBook, PDF, and Cards:

SAT Vocabulary EBook

We have published an ebook that matches the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List. Students can buy from leading ebook distributors.

Apple iBookKoboBarnes & NobleAmazon Kindle

SAT Vocabulary PDF List

Some students like using PDF lists to learn and review words. We do offer a handy feature to make SAT PDF word list for each group. Below are demos of Level 1’s first group, including nine non-English explanations.

If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups’ word list on the website; the details are in:

SAT Vocabulary Cards

Cards are helpful tools for some students to study new words. We offer two buttons to make SAT one-side and two-side flashcards for each group. Below are one-side cards for Level 1’s first group, including 9 non-English explanations.

If you have a VIP account, you can print all groups’ cards, either one-side or two-side; the details are in:

DIY — PDF files

Some students need PDF files to study English words. We did publish some SAT vocabulary lists in PDF. However, we encourage our visitors to create customized files based on our SAT vocabulary lists.

We have provided a web app to customize PDF through various vocabularies, which can be directly run from Print Vocabulary in PDF. It can load all vocabularies of this website; the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List is one of them.

If you need more flexible solutions, e.g., you plan to include non-English definitions, we suggest following Download SAT Vocabulary PDF. In addition to printing the whole group’s words, it tells you how to leverage other free Internet PDF tools to produce a PDF file based on this website’s vocabulary lists in a few minutes.

4   Manage Word Status:

There are two ways: the Note page or the Panel page to manage words’ statuses. To speed up your studying, you can manage the words by marking them as New, Known, and Review status. You can also save the statuses to the cloud and sync back if your device has trouble or want to switch to other devices.

Word status works for all vocabularies on the website, including 3000 SAT Words. It is a handy flag to skip known words and focus on new and half-familiar words.

By Note

Manage SAT Word by Note

By Panel

Manage SAT Word by Panel

5   View all words by groups:        

Go to Word List by Group:

Select Vocabulary Group:

Words of Group 1: (Part of words, select list to view all.)





































6   Demonstrate word list style:

n. two or more things occurring at the same time by chance
Was it just a coincidence that she and John had chanced to meet at the market, or was he deliberately trying to seek her out?
Show examples and contexts  

n. security pledged for repayment of loan
The sum you wish to borrow is so large that it must be secured by collateral.
Show examples and contexts  

a. in coma; extremely sleepy; unconscious
We would expect a reasonable adult, if a kid is in comatose, to call an ambulance.
Show examples and contexts  

a. held in common; of a group of people
When they were divorced, they had trouble dividing their communal property.
Show examples and contexts  

n. small and economical car; small cosmetics case
I decide to buy a compact because a small car helps to save gas.
Show examples and contexts  

a. overpowering; drivingly forceful; urgently requiring attention
They had better not succeed in compelling anyone to work the proposed shift to midnight.
Show examples and contexts  

7   Word meaning matching — Test words you know:

absolve  Speak

declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly


pronounce clear of guilt or blame; grant remission of sin to; acquit


randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle


overpowering; drivingly forceful; urgently requiring attention

accelerate  Speak

sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind


sudden downfall; complete disaster


a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose


move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected

adage  Speak

cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally


sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind


covered passageway, usually lined with shops; simple arched opening in a wall; vault or vaulted place


wise saying; brief familiar proverb;  expression of popular wisdom

adjacent  Speak

adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near


of extraordinary size; huge; gigantic


sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind


settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states

adverse  Speak

randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle


in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose


find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of


disagreeably damp or humid; cold moisture; unpleasant humidity

anemia  Speak

having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name


the opponent in a contest; someone who offers opposition


disagreeably damp or humid; cold moisture; unpleasant humidity


condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality

8   Interactive spelling — Check your spelling skill online:

Read [Esc]
n. the opponent in a contest; someone who offers opposition

Spelling Word: adversary

Read [Esc]
n. written statement made under oath

Spelling Word: affidavit

Read [Esc]
n. partnership; alliance; association in the same family or society

Spelling Word: affiliation

Read [Esc]
n. assumed name; another name; a name that has been assumed temporarily

Spelling Word: alias

Read [Esc]
n. condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality

Spelling Word: anemia

Read [Esc]
a. arising from feeling or assumption of one’s superiority toward others

Spelling Word: arrogant

Pages Graphical Element.png

Получить 1500 слов для экзаменов



Посмотреть список слов

В заданиях экзаменов SAT и ACT встречаются незнакомые слова, которые  усложняют понимание текста или вопросов. Не зная значение проверяемых слов, выбрать правильный ответ практически невозможно. Не секрет, что даже носители языка специально учат редкие слова при подготовке к образовательным экзаменам. Мы предлагаем вам уникальный ресурс — список 1500 слов, знание которых поможет вам лучше подготовиться к экзаменам.

  • Повысьте ваши шансы сдать экзамен на высокий балл за счет хорошего знания продвинутой академической лексики
  • Не тратьте время на поиск нужных слов в разных учебниках и словарях — мы проделали эту работу за вас!
  • Узнайте произношение слова, его значение и перевод — наш список содержит всю нужную информацию
  • Не отвлекайтесь на слова, которые имеют аналоги в русском языке — в этом списке их нет!
Пример из экзамена SAT

The author’s attitude toward pharming is best described as one of

          (A) apprehension

          (B) ambivalence

          (C) appreciation

          (D) astonishment

(The Official SAT Study Book, page 638)

Vocabulary List

Как учить новые слова?

Традиционный способ заучивания слов – зубрежка – малоэффективен. Мы предлагаем другой подход, основанный на методе ассоциативного запоминания. При таком подходе вы представляете ситуацию с новым словом, стоите ассоциацию. Для того, чтобы добиться этого эффекта, предлагаем вам запоминать не отдельное слово, а фразу из двух слов. Например, слово venom (яд) гораздо легче запомнить в фразе deadly venom (смертельный яд). Узнайте подробнее о том, как работает эта методика.

Нужные слова для экзаменов в одном списке 

Получите один компактный удобный список нужных слов, а не несколько дорогих и громоздких учебников. Наш список составлен на основе лучших учебных пособий ведущих американских издательств (Kaplan, Barrons, Princeton Review, Manhattan Prep)

Зачем смотреть каждое слово в словаре? Теперь самые нужные слова для подготовки к экзаменам вместе с транскрипцией, значением на английском языке и переводом на русский язык. 

В нашем списке только действительно редкие и нужные слова для подготовки к экзаменам. Мы внимательно отсортировали список, удалив из него те слова, которые имеют аналоги в русском языке. Наш уникальный список специально адаптирован для русскоязычных студентов.

Список 1500 слов можно использовать вместе с методикой развития лексики, разработанной в TestVerbal. Знание редких слов даст вам уверенности на экзамене. Многие задания SAT и ACT содержат сложную лексику. Подготовьтесь к экзамену с сдайте его на высокий балл! 

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Looking to build your vocabulary? Then practice this list of 100 «top words» — the kind that used to be tested on the SAT before 2016. If you’re a high school student prepping for the SAT, check out’s
Roadmap to the SAT, which focuses on the vocabulary you’ll need to ace today’s SAT test.

100 words

60,302 learners

Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. abate

    become less in amount or intensity

  2. abdicate

    give up power, duties, or obligations

  3. aberration

    a state or condition markedly different from the norm

  4. abstain

    refrain from doing, consuming, or partaking in something

  5. adversity

    a state of misfortune or affliction

  6. aesthetic

    characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste

  7. amicable

    characterized by friendship and good will

  8. anachronistic

    chronologically misplaced

  9. arid

    lacking sufficient water or rainfall

  10. asylum

    a shelter from danger or hardship

  11. benevolent

    showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding

  12. bias

    a partiality preventing objective consideration of an issue

  13. boisterous

    marked by exuberance and high spirits

  14. brazen

    unrestrained by convention or propriety

  15. brusque

    rudely abrupt or blunt in speech or manner

  16. camaraderie

    the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability

  17. canny

    showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others

  18. capacious

    large in the amount that can be contained

  19. capitulate

    surrender under agreed conditions

  20. clairvoyant

    someone who can perceive things not present to the senses

  21. collaborate

    work together on a common enterprise or project

  22. compassion

    a deep awareness of and sympathy for another’s suffering

  23. compromise

    an accommodation in which both sides make concessions

  24. condescending

    characteristic of those who treat others with arrogance

  25. conditional

    imposing or depending on or containing an assumption

  26. conformist

    someone who follows established standards of conduct

  27. conundrum

    a difficult problem

  28. convergence

    the act of coming closer

  29. deleterious

    harmful to living things

  30. demagogue

    a leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions

  31. digression

    a message that departs from the main subject

  32. diligent

    quietly and steadily persevering in detail or exactness

  33. discredit

    the state of being held in low esteem

  34. disdain

    lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike

  35. divergent

    tending to move apart in different directions

  36. empathy

    understanding and entering into another’s feelings

  37. emulate

    strive to equal or match, especially by imitating

  38. enervating

    causing weakness or debilitation

  39. ephemeral

    anything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day

  40. evanescent

    short-lived; tending to vanish or disappear

  41. exemplary

    worthy of imitation

  42. extenuating

    partially excusing or justifying

  43. florid

    elaborately or excessively ornamented

  44. forbearance

    a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges

  45. fortitude

    strength of mind that enables one to endure adversity

  46. fortuitous

    lucky; occurring by happy chance

  47. foster

    providing nurture though not related by blood or legal ties

  48. fraught

    filled with or attended with

  49. frugal

    avoiding waste

  50. hackneyed

    repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse

  51. haughty

    having or showing arrogant superiority

  52. hedonist

    someone motivated by desires for sensual pleasures

  53. hypothesis

    a tentative insight that is not yet verified or tested

  54. impetuous

    characterized by undue haste and lack of thought

  55. impute

    attribute or credit to

  56. inconsequential

    lacking worth or importance

  57. inevitable

    incapable of being avoided or prevented

  58. intrepid

    invulnerable to fear or intimidation

  59. intuitive

    spontaneously derived from or prompted by a natural tendency

  60. jubilation

    a feeling of extreme joy

  61. lobbyist

    someone who is employed to persuade how legislators vote

  62. longevity

    the property of having lived for a considerable time

  63. mundane

    found in the ordinary course of events

  64. nonchalant

    marked by casual unconcern or indifference

  65. opulent

    rich and superior in quality

  66. orator

    a person who delivers a speech

  67. ostentatious

    intended to attract notice and impress others

  68. parched

    extremely thirsty

  69. perfidious

    tending to betray

  70. pragmatic

    concerned with practical matters

  71. precocious

    characterized by exceptionally early development

  72. pretentious

    creating an appearance of importance or distinction

  73. procrastinate

    postpone doing what one should be doing

  74. prosaic

    lacking wit or imagination

  75. prosperity

    the condition of having good fortune

  76. provocative

    serving or tending to excite or stimulate

  77. prudent

    marked by sound judgment

  78. querulous

    habitually complaining

  79. rancorous

    showing deep-seated resentment

  80. reclusive

    withdrawn from society; seeking solitude

  81. reconciliation

    the reestablishment of cordial relations

  82. renovation

    the act of improving by renewing and restoring

  83. restrained

    under control

  84. reverence

    a feeling of profound respect for someone or something

  85. sagacity

    the trait of having wisdom and good judgment

  86. scrutinize

    examine carefully for accuracy

  87. spontaneous

    said or done without having been planned in advance

  88. spurious

    plausible but false

  89. submissive

    inclined or willing to give in to orders or wishes of others

  90. substantiate

    establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

  91. subtle

    difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze

  92. superficial

    of, affecting, or being on or near the surface

  93. superfluous

    more than is needed, desired, or required

  94. surreptitious

    marked by quiet and caution and secrecy

  95. tactful

    having a sense of what is considerate in dealing with others

  96. tenacious

    stubbornly unyielding

  97. transient

    lasting a very short time

  98. venerable

    profoundly honored

  99. vindicate

    show to be right by providing justification or proof

  100. wary

    marked by keen caution and watchful prudence

Created on December 23, 2009
(updated August 18, 2021)

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