Sanctified by the word

William Cowper (Уильям Купер)

Afflictions Sanctified by the Word

Oh how I love Thy holy Word,
Thy gracious covenant, O Lord!
It guides me in the peaceful way;
I think upon it all the day.

What are the mines of shining wealth,
The strength of youth, the bloom of health!
What are all joys compared with those
Thine everlasting Word bestows!

Long unafflicted, undismay'd,
In pleasure's path secure I stray'd;
Thou mad'st me feel thy chast'ning rod,
And straight I turned unto my God.

What though it pierced my fainting heart,
I bless'd Thine hand that caused the smart:
It taught my tears awhile to flow,
But saved me from eternal woe.

Oh! hadst Thou left me unchastised,
Thy precepts I had still despised;
And still the snare in secret laid
Had my unwary feet betray'd.

I love Thee, therefore, O my God,
And breathe towards Thy dear abode;
Where, in Thy presence fully blest,
Thy chosen saints for ever rest. 

William Cowper’s other poems:

  1. Catharina
  2. The Christian
  3. On The High Price Of Fish
  4. By Moschus
  5. The Cantab


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Let me state, categorically, that the traditional family is the union sanctified by marriage.

Со всей категоричностью хотелось бы заявить, что традиционная семья — это союз, освященный браком.

Glorified bymyth and legend and sanctified by religion, it has always attracted a large number of pilgrims and worshippers from times immemorial.

Воспетый мифами и легендами, освященный религией, он всегда привлекал большое количество паломников и верующих с незапамятных времен.

HD 00:41 Frame night window is sanctified by the swinging lantern.

HD 00:41 Рама ночного окна освящается качающимся фонарем.

«The water is sanctified by nature,» the Church sings to the Epiphany: the entire material world, in the person of the water element, is called to serve a new life.

«Днесь вод освящается естество» — поет Церковь на Богоявление — весь вещественный мир, в лице водной стихии, призывается служить новой жизни.

After the present feast, which the Holy Spirit has sanctified by His descent, all the people usually keep a fast beneficially established for the healing of soul and body, and therefore requiring that we spend it with the appropriate reverence.

За настоящим празднеством, которое Дух Святой освятил Своим сошествием, обыкновенно следует всенародный пост, благодетельно установленный для врачевания души и тела, и потому требующий, чтобы мы провожали его с должным благоволением.

Every lawful trade may be sanctified by the gospel to noblest ends.

Любой светский труд может быть освящен евангелием самым славным образом.

That place had long since been believed sanctified by prayers.

Место это издавна считалось освященным молитвами.

The seasonal cycles and the stages of life are sanctified by ritual action.

Сезонные циклы и стадии жизни освящены ритуальным действием.

There were no such forms of slavery, despotism and obscurantism, not sanctified by tradition.

Нет таких форм рабства, деспотизма и обскурантизма, которые не были бы освящены традицией.

Augustine mixes faith in general and religious faith, sanctified by the authority of the church.

Августин смешивает веру вообще и религиозную веру, освященную авторитетом церкви.

In nearly all pre-industrial cultures, man’s relationship was well-defined, viable, and sanctified by the full weight of tradition and myth.

Почти во всех доиндустриальных культурах отношение человека к окружающей его природной среде было строго определенным, живым и освященным всей тяжестью традиции.

They spoke instead of the minimum required for the preservation of a standard of living sanctified by historical tradition and inherited customs and habits.

Вместо этого они говорили о минимуме, необходимом для сохранения уровня жизни, освященного историческими традициями и унаследованными привычками и обычаями.

What events in the life of a layman should be sanctified by the blessing of a priest?

Какие события в жизни мирянина должны быть освящены благословением священника?

Here, the poetic text paints a romantic picture: the emotional experiences of the heroine against the backdrop of a nightly blooming spring garden sanctified by a young moon.

Здесь поэтический текст рисует романтическую картину: душевные переживания героини на фоне ночного весеннего цветущего сада освящённого молодой луной.

Love in the New Testament is understood very broadly, and almost all of its aspects are sanctified by divine authority.

Любовь в Новом завете понимается очень широко, и практически все ее аспекты освящены божественным авторитетом.

Besides, the restaurant was sanctified by a real Siberian shaman, so people believe that if you make a wish there, it will certainly come true.

Кстати, ресторан-музей был освящен настоящим сибирским шаманом, поэтому считается, что желания, загаданные здесь, обязательно сбудутся.

And sanctified by the Tomos of the Orthodox Church, too, no one to invite power.

И в освященную томосом православную церковь тоже никто никого не «приглашать» силой.

«Simple living and high thinking» was one of his motto’s and we felt sanctified by all that he did for us.

«Простая жизнь и высокое мышление» было одним из его девизов, и мы чувствовали себя освященными всем, что он для нас делал.

The creative act, which the secular world is concerned with, is not given justification, is not sanctified by the Church.

Творческие дела, которыми занят мир светский, не оправданы, не освящены Церковью.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 116. Точных совпадений: 116. Затраченное время: 100 мс


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“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth”. John 17:17(KJV)

These are unusual times and everyone is saying, can’t you see that things are not working and there are no answers. The world is in a cup of trembling and many are wondering, what’s going on. No one has the answer. All the postulation, calculations, and predictions are falling flat. But I come to present to you something that can never fail: the infallible, errorless, impregnable, authoritative word of God. Get addicted to this word and you will never regret it. This is the hour to connect to the word of God; and you will see the word become flesh, manifest in your life. The Scripture says the entrance of the word giveth light and it giveth understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:30). 

In John 17:15, Jesus in his prayer for the church in John 17:15 said, “Lord I pray not that thou should take them out of the world”. In other words, Jesus is saying I know the world is filled with evil; the world is filled with challenges and difficulties, pressures here and there. But I’m not praying that you take them out of the world but that thou should keep them from evil. I declare that God will keep you from every evil and evil will bow before you, the wicked will bow at your gate in the name of Jesus. No plague or calamity will come near your dwelling. 

Beloved, even though we are in the world, even as Christ is not of the world, because we and Jesus have become one. When He said, “sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth”. He is saying, set them apart amid pandemic, set them apart amid the challenge. Sanctifying them means to set them apart or make them uncommon. The word of God makes you uncommon. When others are saying there’s a casting down, you will say there’s a lifting up. When others are saying there’s no hope, you’ll say that the hope of Christ maketh us not ashamed. When the others are saying that they are sick, you’ll be saying you’re healed. When others are saying they’ve failed, you will say no, I’m successful. 

Further Reading: John 15:3; 17:1-26

Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Ezekiel 47-48; Evening- 1 John 3

Publication date


Jesus prayed for the sanctification of those the Father had given to Him. In this sermon we answer three questions: What is sanctification? Why is sanctification necessary? How are we sanctified? An exposition of John 17:17.


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2019-09-16 15:37:45
Jim Osman
© Kootenai Community Church. All Rights Reserved.
Kootenai Church: The Gospel of John
Internet Archive Python library 1.8.5

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