Same word means two things

  • #1

Just a little correction. This is called «false friends», bacause the same word means two completely different things in two languages. The examples yuou gave are perfect, since «false friends» do not exist only in English, but in all languages.
trudna — slovenian — tired
trudna — croatian/serbian — pregnant

False friends is very «deep» subject in slavic languages:

For example
Polish: «Poprawić» — means to improve
Chechs: «Popravit» — means to spoil

Polish: «Szukać» — to find
Chechs: «Sukat» — to fuck

Polish: «Ja wolę» — I prefer
Serbian: «Ja volim» — I love

Polish: «Spawanie» — welding
Serbian: «Spavanie» — sleeping

and many more :D

  • natasha2000

    • #2

    Polish: «Spawanie» — welding
    Serbian: «Spavanje» — sleeping

    Just a little correction….:D

    BTW, very interesting list…:)

    • #3

    False friends? Polish vs Russian:

    zapomnieć — forget
    запомнить — memorise
    zapamiętywać — remember
    запамятовать (an older version of забыть) — forget

    krzesło — chair
    кресло — arm-chair
    dynia — pumpkin
    дыня — melon
    pukać — to knock
    пукать — to fart (the word is not too rude, talking about kids, for example)

    More here:

    The one I like with Russian vs Czech:

    pozor — attention
    позор — disgrace

    Similarly «позориште» in Serbian means theatre, in Russian «позорище» — is disgrace, like позор but emotionally stronger and more colloquial.

    (Serbian «шт» maps to the Russian «щ» in most words; — in Bulgarian the letter щ is pronounced as шт but «theatre» is «театър».)


    • #4

    False friends is very «deep» subject in slavic languages:

    For example
    Polish: «Poprawić» — means to improve
    Czech: «Popravit» — means to spoil to execute (to put to death)

    Polish: «Szukać» — to find to look for
    Czech: «Šukat» :warn: :warn: — to fuck

    Some corrections. :)


    • #5

    A little correction:

    Similarly «позориште» (accent on first syllable, and there is no such thing as щ in the Serbian alphabet — might be correct for Bulgarian, though) in Serbian means theatre (not sure about the accent but щ is pronounced «sht»), in Russian «позорище» — is disgrace, like позор but emotionally stronger and more colloquial.

    And your example about chairs made me think of one of the rare false friends within German:
    Tvoj primjer sa stolicama me podsjeća na jedan od rijetkih primjera unutar njamačkog jezika:

    Sessel — chair — stolica
    Sessel — arm chair — fotelja

    …and another one:
    pokój — room — soba

    pokoj — quietness, rest — pokoj ;)


    • #6

    English — Polish x Czech — English

    maybe — chyba x chyba — mistake
    matter — rzecz x řeč — language, speech
    hail (weather) — grad x hrad — castle
    celebration, festivity — obchód x obchodshop
    shopsklep x sklepcellar
    cellarpiwnica x pivnice — pub

    chair — krzesło x křeslo — armchair
    liquid — płyn x plyn — gas
    enemy — wróg x vrah — murderer
    berry — jagoda x jahoda — strawberry (thread)
    deck (of a ship) pokład x poklad — treasure
    ship, craft — statek x statek — farm, manor
    bed linen — pościel x postel — bed
    April — kwiecień x květen — May
    briefcase — teczka x tečka — point, full stop
    west — zachód x záchod — restroom
    capital city — stolica x stolice — chair, faeces (well, yes… :))
    day (24 hours) — doba x doba — time, duration
    a pleasant smell — zapach x zápach stench (do you know how funny it is to hear Polish commercial spots about «świeży zapach», a fresh stench? :D)
    corn — zboże x zboží — merchandize
    country — kraj x kraj — edge, margin, rarely region (thread)

    Pairs in italics are — if I am not mistaken — notoriously know in the Czech Republic.

    Kurzívou psané dvojice jsou — pokud se nemýlím — v České republice notoricky známé.



    • #7

    More false friends in Slavic languages here.

    Još lažnih prijatelja u slavenskim jezicima ovdje.

    • #8

    Excellent link, GoranBcn.

    a pleasant smell — zapach x zápach stench

    Запах has also positive meaning in Russian like in Polish and unlike Czech but «вонь» is «stench» Russian but «woń» is «fragrance» in Polish.

    Jana, in your list I see that Russian coinsides sometimes with Polish but sometimes with Czech. Excellent work!

    In my observation, although words can mean quite different things in different Slavic languages, which can be fun and cause some interesting situations or just a smile, they can be understood and explained when the roots are known. Words can mean opposite things but have the same roots — forget/memorise or smell/stench/fragrance, etc.

    • #9

    Two funny examples that I like to give to students (these are not mine, I’ve learnt them off one of my university teachers), why you should be very careful when translating things that seem obvious:

    pl: kawior — caviar
    puszka — a tin
    rus: ковёр — carpet
    пушка — cannon

    kawior w puszce — tinned caviar
    ковёр в пушке — a carpet in a cannon

    The other way round, there is a whole sentence built only of false friends, which in Russian sounds fully innocent, and — if translated ‘by ear’ into Polish — gets a very indecent connotation:

    Сначала разберёмся, а потом будем доказывать кто на кого может положится.

    Russian: First we will assess the situation, and then we will be proving who can count on whom.

    Polish «false friend» translation: First we will undress, then go playful and lie on each other.

    • #10

    English — Polish × Czech — English

    tree — drzewo × dřevo — wood
    way — droga × droga — drug, narcotic
    stick — laska × láska — love
    toilet — ustęp × ústup — retreat
    tent — namiot × námět — theme
    state — stan × stan — tent
    pool, pond — staw × stav — state
    fox — lis × lis — press, squeezer
    finger — palec × palec — thumb
    short — krótki × krotký — tame
    government — rząd × řád — order
    priceless — bezcenny × bezcenný — worthless
    livestock — bydło × bydlo — livelihood
    hypocritical — obłudny × obludný — monstrous
    institute — zakład × základ — base, foundations
    maple — klon × klon — clone

    English — Slovak × Czech — English

    bitter — horký × horký — hot
    thin, slim — chudý × chudý — poor

    I remember very furious disputation caused by these very specialized and slightly varying false friends:

    Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) krysa × krysa — rat (Rattus rattus)
    rat (Rattus rattus) — potkan × potkan — Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus)

    Brian P

    • #11

    I remember very furious disputation

    Werrr, may I give you some help with your English?

    It would be more correct to say «I remember a furious dispute ..»

    «very furious» is not incorrect but «furious» is seldom qualified with «very» because the word itself means «very/exteremly angry», which makes «very» redundant. (I’m sure that it wasn’t a furious dispute and that you are just using hyperbole!)

    I suppose that you could form the noun «disputation» from the verb «dispute» but this word sounds strange and I have never seen it before.



    • #12

    Werrr, may I give you some help with your English?

    Of course.

    It would be more correct to say «I remember a furious dispute ..»

    Yes, I know, I always forget these «redundant» English words :D.

    I suppose that you could form the noun «disputation» from the verb «dispute» but this word sounds strange and I have never seen it before.

    Yes, dispute and disputation are cognate but I used it as a word directly derived from Latin disputatio. Czech disputace and German Disputation mean an academic dispute. In English, I used it unwittingly in the same way, but now I’m not sure it was correct.

    I think we are a little off-topic and it is suitable to open a new thread, Jana could you please…


    • #13

    In Serbian:

    drvo — tree/ wood, lumber
    droga — drug, narcotic
    flattery (laskati — to flatter)
    stan — flat, apartment
    stavposture / pose, position / attitude
    lis(ac) — (male) fox / (fig.) sly person
    palac — thumb
    krotak — tame, gentle, meek
    kratak — short, brief
    rad — work, labor

    red -order
    bescenje — cheap
    zaklad — ornament / pledge, guaranty
    klon — clone
    reč — word /
    talk, speech, conversation / the right to speak, the floor
    grad — city, town / hail (weather)
    pivnica— pub, bar /
    tavern / beer hall
    plin — gas

    vrag — devil, Satan
    jagoda — strawberry

    poklade — carnival (rel.)
    postelja — bed

    posteljina — bed linen
    tačka — period, full stop / item, point / dot
    zahod — toilet
    stolica — chair /
    residence, seat, see (as in the Holy See) / bowel movement (nemati stolicu — to be constipated)
    doba — time / era, period, epoch / age / season
    kraj end / region, area; neighborhood; / as prep. next to, near, beside;


    • #14

    The one I like with Russian vs Czech:

    pozor — attention
    позор — disgrace

    We have a cognate of the above in Polish too (with different meaning):
    pozór — appearance(s)

    …and another one:
    pokój — room — soba

    pokoj — quietness, rest — pokoj ;)

    There’s I think a corresponding Polish cognate to Croatian pokoj:
    and its derivative:
    spokój — quietness, calmness

    English — Polish x Czech — English

    capital city — stolica x stolice — chair, faeces (well, yes… :))​

    We have stolec which means faeces.



    • #15

    stick — laska × láska — love

    Laska in Polish can also mean «a chick» (very attractive woman) ;)

    • #16

    stick — laska × láska — love

    Laska in Polish can also mean «a chick» (very attractive woman) ;)

    ласка (Russian) — caressing (noun), affection, gentle handling (of kids for example)


    • #17

    ласка (Russian) — caressing (noun), affection, gentle handling (of kids for example)

    łaska (Polish) = mercy (Eng.)


    • #18

    Most Russians will have heard that трус doesn’t mean ‘coward’ in Belarusian, it means ‘rabbit’. But трусы means both ‘rabbits’ and ‘pants’! :D Люстра(n) means ‘large mirror’ in Belarusian — and in Russian люстра(f) stands for ‘chandelier’.

    The Polish word for ‘shop’ is sklep which sounds somewhat discomforting to me because склеп is ‘cellar’ in Belarusian and ‘crypt, burial vault’ in Russian.

    • #19

    In Croatian, »laska» is a verb, the third person present form of »laskati» (to flatter).

    Also, the Slovenian-Croatian trudna-tired and trudna-pregnant false friend reminds me of embarazada(Spanish for pregnant)-embarassed. But, yeah, in Croatian there are a lot of archaic/poetic usages of trudna-tired.

    »Spokoj» also means »calmness» and »quietness» in Croatian, so it’s very similar to Polish. »Pokoj» is mostly used in the phrase »pokoj mu duši» (may he rest in peace), and the deceased are called »pokojnici».


    • #20

    Another fine example is the Russian/Bulgarian term «булка»/»bulka», «young woman» in BG & «cookie» (sweet white bread roll)» in Russian :D

    Другой прелестный пример Русское/Балгарское слово «булка», «девушка» в балгарском, и … «булка» :D по Русски.

    Alas, Wikibooks has a big huge list of slavic false friends on

    Кстате, В викикниги есть большой список славянских … :confused:Фолзфрэндсов :D

    The one I like with Russian vs Czech:

    pozor — attention
    позор — disgrace

    Similarly «позориште» in Serbian means theatre, in Russian «позорище» — is disgrace, like позор but emotionally stronger and more colloquial.

    (Serbian «шт» maps to the Russian «щ» in most words; — in Bulgarian the letter щ is pronounced as шт but «theatre» is «театър».)

    That’s one of the funnier ones. I first heared it in a Czech train station. It seemed they loudly asked for disgrace before each announcation — and i thought it was some way to excuse for a train comming late or something. :D A theatre scene vs. great disgrace/shame is also hilarous!

    Это одно из более весёлых. В первые я это услышал на Чешском вокзале. Казалось будь-то бы они громко просили позора перед каждой передачей — я-дурак подумал они прошчения просят, за то, что у них поезда постоянно опаздавают. :D Театральная сцена пр. позорища тоже просто умора!

    • #21

    Another Slovenian-Croatian one.

    »Zahod» is Croatian for toilet. I can’t remember exactly what it means in Slovenian, but I know it’s a completely different meaning and that this false friend always made me laugh when I was a kid. Can someone say what it is?

    • #22

    I’m not sure about Slovenian but it mean West (cf. zapad) in several Slavic languages, including Russian.

    Just remembered, it might be «exit», like on the motorway (I seem to be recalling something from on the way between njemačkog i štokavskog govornog područja).


    • #23

    werrr said:

    -stick — laska × láska — love

    Laska in Polish can also mean «a chick» (very attractive woman) ;)

    It can also have a very obscene meaning, i.e dick.

    • #25

    I’m not sure about Slovenian but it mean West (cf. zapad) in several Slavic languages, including Russian.

    Just remembered, it might be «exit», like on the motorway (I seem to be recalling something from on the way between njemačkog i štokavskog govornog područja).

    Zahod in Slovene means west.

    No, it doesn’t mean exit. Exit on motorway is called izvoz, exit in general (in buildings, buses, etc.) is izhod.

    Just a note on the word trudna. This word is not in vocabulary of Slovene standard language, maybe it is used in dialects close to Croatia. I personally never use it and I don’t hear it here in Ljubljana.
    We use the word utrujena and it only means tired, never pregnant (pregnant = noseča).

    And let me pass the ball back to Croatians. ;)
    Back in the days of Yugoslavia the military vocabulary here included a lot of Serbian words. In the ’80 it started to change deliberately. I just wonder why the Croatian and Serbian soldiers became mad if they were sent to serve their duty in stražnica (it used to be called karavla = a border military post). :D Stražnica comes from stražiti (to guard, to ward).


    • #26

    Hi everybody! I’m the student of Slovenian Philology in Poland, and I during our last slovenian classes, my friend wanted to ask our lector, if she can take this yyyy somewhere… and she asked: «Ali lahko zanosim?» What meaned «Can I become pregnant??» Our lector was really surprised! Well.. In Poland «zanosić» means «to take (somewhere)»… So….. ;-) Isn’t learning languages fantastic? :D


    • #27

    Another Slovenian-Croatian one.

    »Zahod» is Croatian for toilet. I can’t remember exactly what it means in Slovenian, but I know it’s a completely different meaning and that this false friend always made me laugh when I was a kid. Can someone say what it is?

    I think it means the same in Slovak.

    When it comes to croatian, yesterday everybody was laughing during croatian classes, when we were speaking about «Where is where». So…. First sentence was «Moja torba je na stolcu». What means in polish «My bag is on faeces» (not on stool). ;-)

    • #28

    my friend wanted to ask our lector, if she can take this yyyy somewhere… and she asked: «Ali lahko zanosim?» What meaned «Can I become pregnant??» Our lector was really surprised! Well.. In Poland «zanosić» means «to take (somewhere)»… So….. ;-) Isn’t learning languages fantastic? :D

    How one letter can change the meaning! If she would ask «Ali lahko znosim yyy v/na xxx?», it would be totally correct.


    • #29

    rumena (slovene) = yellow (stress on the second syllable)
    rumena (croatian) = red, blushing (stress on the first syllable)

    ali (slovene) = or for ex. me or you jaz ali ti
    ali (croatian) = but for ex. he’s nice, but i don’t like him= drag je ali mi se ne sviđa

    ampak (slovene) = but

    grad (slovene) = a castle
    grad (croatian) = a town, a city

    priča (slovene) = a witness
    priča (croatian) = a story

    umor (slovene) = a murder (stress on the last syllable)
    umor (croatian) = exhaustion (stress on the first syllable)

    • #30

    umor (slovene) = a murder (stress on the last syllable)
    umor (croatian) = exhaustion (stress on the first syllable)

    umor (slovene) = a murder (stress on the last syllable)
    umor (croatian) = exhaustion (stress on the first syllable)

    umor (Russian) = something really really funny (I guess you laugh until you die if exhaustion :D)

    • #31

    umor (slovene) = a murder (stress on the last syllable)
    umor (croatian) = exhaustion (stress on the first syllable)

    umor (Russian) = something really really funny (I guess you laugh until you die if exhaustion :D)

    úmor (Czech) = repayment (as mortage repayment, no revenge)


    • #32

    umor (slovene) = a murder (stress on the last syllable)
    umor (croatian) = exhaustion (stress on the first syllable)

    umor (Russian) = something really really funny (I guess you laugh until you die if exhaustion :D)

    it’s like humor in english, right?

    • #33

    I’ve found this when looking for an ethimological explanation of the word prag (threshold) from a topic next by.

    Slovene: prah = dust
    Czech: prah = threshold

    Yes, I know that Czechs «soften» all Gs to Hs. We also have a dialect where people change Gs to Hs. Here is one joke from the black humour:
    Primorec (a man from Primorska) fell into the lake and because he couldn’t swim he shouted for help: «Pomahajte, pomahajte!» And people started to vawe him by hands.
    pomagati = to help
    pomahati = to vawe by hand

    • #34

    Shouldn’t a «Primorec» know to swim better than anybody else, having more «more» around him?

    • #35

    Shouldn’t a «Primorec» know to swim better than anybody else, having more «more» around him?

    Good one. But Primorska region is Slovenia starts on the coast of the Adriatic sea and ends up in Trenta valley in the Julian Alps. :)

    • #36

    (If I were to speak from a Croatian perspective: You call half of your country «Primorska» to hide the fact that you only have a few miles of coast, right? Don’t be offended, as you see I am from a country that doesn’t have even a centimetre of seashore.)


    • #37

    it’s like humor in english, right?

    Not really. The russian word for humor is yumor. Umor(a) is something causing you to roflyao. The may derrive from the same source, but I guess the latter derives from the Slavic root for exhausition. The archaic verb «umoritsa» does mean «to get exhausted».

    • #38

    The word that really got me was the Slovenian verb brati.

    Once, looking for a translation of a Latin proverb, I found a Slovenian translation on the web: Vse znaš, če vse bereš, which naturally I translated «you know all if you take all» When I tried to confirm this here, I was suprised to find out that in Slovenian brati means to read, and that they consider chitati as either archaic or SCB.

    • #39

    Hi to rest of the slavophiliacs!!!
    I hope as many people as possible can help out in this….
    One of the main reasons why I started to learn Slavic languages was to find, what I would call in english » false friends» or in russian » ложные друзья передвочика». I love it when I see a word which I think I know but it turns out to be completely different.
    I will give a few examples of words which I have met:

    buchat’ in slovak means to hit, стучать in russian.
    But the verb in russian is usually used to mean drink heavily, Hlestat’, бухать.

    čerstvy hleb translates as fresh bread from slovak, in russian it means the opposite: tvrdy hleb, stale bread, чёрствый хлеб. :)

    There are these and also words which just sound funny… well from a russian point of view.

    Voňavka (cz) = perfume
    sounds like ( for a russian) someone who stinks. :)
    ty vonaš = you smell nice… if this was said to a russian he would understand it as: you stink, ты воняеш. :)

    In polish diarrohea is biegunka….. For a russian that sounds like… something thats running, бежит :)

    Well I have plenty more but I would love to see if anyone else knows any.


    • #40

    this is an excellent topic. So excellent, in fact, that there is a thread dealing with false friends in Slavic languages here. ;)

    I am guessing :)) ) your post will be merged into that thread, because you have some really nice examples and the discussion can be continued there.



    • #41

    I am going to merge your thread with an older one, full of examples. Please remember to capitalize the names of languages. ;)


    • #42

    I recently came across an especially delicious false friend.

    In Czech, «školka» means «kindergarten» (it’s literally a diminutive of «škola» — «school»).
    In Slovene, apparently, «školjka» means «seashell» or «toilet bowl» (there’s a similar duality in Czech with the word «mušle»). :)

    Can anyone confirm or provide the etymology of the Slovene term?

    • #43

    I don’t know about Slovene, but it is correct for Croatian.

    • #44

    jsem moc rád, že se mi náhodou povedlo objevit tohle forum. Zhruba 2 roky přicházím v Londýně do styku s Polštinou a moc mě baví shodná slova s rozdílnými významy. Je to vždy zdroj legrace. Někde jsem se dočetl, že se tomu říká falešní přátelé. Napadlo mě, že se z toho dají dělat řetězy. Například:

    wiedro (PL) = kýbl (CZ) / kibl (PL) = záchod (CZ) / zachod (PL) = západ (CZ)

    nenapadá někoho podobný, popřípadě delší řetěz?

    P.S. Omlouvám se za chyby v polštině, mám jí jen naposlouchanou …

    Díky a těším se na příspěvky!!!


    • #45

    Vítám Tě ve fóru. :)

    Sloučila jsem Tvůj příspěvek s vláknem, které Tě asi bude zajímat.

    Pokud chceš, aby Ti rozuměli i naši polští přátelé, piš raději anglicky.


    Brian P

    • #46

    Vítám Tě ve fóru. :)

    Sloučila jsem Tvůj příspěvek s vláknem, které Tě asi bude zajímat.

    Pokud chceš, aby Ti rozuměli i naši polští přátelé, piš raději anglicky.


    I have never studied Czech, Jana, but from my knowledge of Russian and Polish I think that you are welcoming Kurt to the Forum but referring him to the Rules and gently pointing out that he should write in English as few Forum users understand Czech.

    Am I right?


    • #47

    Yep, you are right. I just thought that this would only make sense to people who understand Czech, but anyways once more for all the rest of you:-

    Having lived in London for over 2 years I could not escape Polish :D it can be heard literally everywhere. So I came across the false friends subject very quickly. I realised that they can be sometimes formed into sequences like the one below:-

    wiedro (PL) = kýbl (CZ) / kibl (PL) = záchod (CZ) / zachod (PL) = západ (CZ)

    does anyone know about a similar or (even better) a longer one than the example above?

    P.S. Excuse my


    Polish, I’ve only learnt basics by listening to people …

    Cheers — looking forward to your posts!!!

    • #48

    wiadro (PL) = kýbl (CZ) / kibel (PL) = záchod (CZ) / zachód (PL) = západ (CZ)


    • #49

    Wiedro is definitely wrong, I’m sure I heard it in some rural areas of Poland.



    • #50

    Croatian and Russian have many amusing false friends that are especially hilarious because they are totally straightforward transliterations of each other, perhaps only with a change in stress. My favorite such pair is врач/vrač, meaning physician in Russian, but shaman/witch doctor in Croatian. :D

    Other funny examples:

    буква = letter (of an alphabet);
    варенье = jam, marmalade;
    запрашивать = to request;
    затвор = breech-block (on a firearm);
    шкаф = closet, wardrobe;
    запросить = to ask (a question);
    работа = work, labor;
    мука = torment, but also flour;

    bukva = beech tree;
    varenje = welding (in Serbian also digestion);
    zaprašivati = to spread dust (over something);
    zatvor = prison;
    škaf = bucket, wash-bowl (informal);
    zaprositi = to propose marriage;
    rabota = machination, an evil plot;
    muka = torment (exclusively);

    A few more examples can be found here. Note however that I’ve never learned Russian (unless you count the guesswork while trying to decipher Russian texts based on the similarity with Croatian :D), so a Russian speaker might have something to add or correct.

    With the vast nature of the English language, it’s natural that some words have overlapping meanings, or one word may have a very similar meaning to another word. And while these overlapping words are already a lot, you might also be confused about what to call these alike meaning words.

    Terms For Two Words That Mean The Same Thing

    The word ‘synonyms’ is the most preferred way to describe two words that mean the same. ‘Synonym’ is straightforward with its meaning that when two words are synonymous, it means two words have almost or the same exact definition. Thus, making it the most appropriate word in any context.


    Calling two words ‘synonymous’ is one way to indicate that two words mean the same thing. The word ‘synonym’ also follows an equal definition. However, it would be good to note that not all synonyms exactly mean the same, and there is still a most appropriate word for any context.

    For example, ‘thin’ and ‘narrow’ maybe synonymous in a way. However, it seems off to describe a person as narrow or a road as thin. In that way, even if the two words mean the same, there is still a more preferred or appropriate word in a given context. It’s best to describe the road as narrow and a person as thin or skinny. But another synonym for the two words would be slim or slender, which we can use to describe either a person or a road.

    Words Alike

    Describing two words as ‘alike’ is another way of saying that the two are synonymous. In other contexts, it could also mean that two things are similar in a way. Many also prefer to use ‘alike’ as it still means similar, but does not imply exact duplicates.

    The word ‘alike’ is also versatile as it is not only used to describe two words, but other things that are similar to each other. In the context of words or synonyms, we say ‘brave’ and ‘courageous’ are two words alike. But, we can also say ‘both of you look alike’ or ‘the two of them dress alike’ to express similarity in visuals and fashion, respectively. Thus, saying two words are alike is another way of saying they mean the same thing.

    Similar Words

    The words ‘alike’ and ‘similar’ are synonyms, and in this context, they mean the exact same thing. Like ‘alike,’ describing two words as similar means that the two words have definitions that are almost the same or in some way alike, but it does not imply exactly the same.

    The only difference between using ‘similar’ and ‘alike’ is the grammar rules or how we structure them in a sentence. We usually say that two words are alike, but when we use ‘similar,’ we say that the two are similar words. So, we say, ‘beautiful and pretty are words alike,’ but we say ‘beautiful and pretty are similar words.’ Despite this difference, the two phrases and words are still synonymous and mean the exact same.


    ‘Likewise’ is another synonym for ‘alike’ and ‘similar,’ and these three words mean that two words are alike or in the same way. Saying that two words are likewise is like saying that one word is also another. However, saying there are limitations in saying two words are likewise.

    Saying that two words are likewise may imply that the two words mean exactly the same. For example, saying that ‘long and tall are likewise’ is the same as saying ‘long is also tall’ and implies that the two are interchangeable. However, saying that a person is tall may not have the same meaning as saying a person is long (this may also be totally improper and inappropriate). So, it’s best to use ‘likewise’ only for words that mean the exact same.

    Parallel Words

    Describing two words as parallel is another way of saying the two are synonymous. However, there are limitations to saying this, as it implies that the two are exactly the same or their meanings are exact duplicates of one another, just like how parallel lines are.

    The limitation in using the term ‘parallel’ is that not all synonymous words may exactly be the same as another. It means that they are similar but not exactly parallel. For example, ‘happy and joyful are parallel words,’ meaning they are exactly the same in this particular context. However, you can’t say ‘nerdy and smart are parallel words’ because the two words may not mean exactly the same. Smart may be a compliment, while nerdy may come off as something offensive.


    Like the word ‘parallel,’ using the word ‘equal’ or ‘equivalent’ implies that two words mean exactly the same thing. In Math, equal or equivalent terms are usually interchangeable in positions. In the same way, saying words are equal implies that they are interchangeable with each other.

    Using the term equal or equivalent may not be applicable in all cases, as not all synonyms are always interchangeable in all contexts. For example, the word ugly and horrible may be equals or equivalents when describing a person’s looks. However, ugly is not an appropriate equivalent of horrible when describing the taste of a food.

    Describing two words are the ‘same’ is a graver version of saying two words are ‘similar’ or ‘alike.’ Unlike the two latter words, the word ‘same’ emphasizes or implies that the two given words are exactly the same. It’s another way of saying the two are equal or parallel.

    However, describing something as ‘the same’ is not always applicable and varies depending on the context. In one context where two words are interchangeable, ‘Dirty and filthy are the same’ for example, here, ‘same’ works. However, there are also synonymous and similar words that aren’t exactly the same and are not interchangeable with each other.

    Identical Words

    Describing two words as ‘identical’ strongly implies that the two are exactly the same. A simple analogy for this is that, identical twins are usually twins that are almost exact duplicates of each other. In the same way, identical words imply they are duplicates or totally the same.

    However, not all words are always the same. So, using ‘identical’ actually needs more caution, especially since it may give off a wrong meaning that two words are precisely the same but may not be the case all the time. For example saying ‘charm and beauty are identical words’ may be true for some individuals or in a given context, but it may not be the case for others or other contexts.

    Interchangeable Words

    Saying two words are interchangeable directly means that the words are synonymous and interchangeable. It simply means that you could use both words in the given context. Given this, though, we only use it for two words that are precisely the same and appropriate for the said context.

    For example, saying that ‘beautiful and pretty are interchangeable’ directly implies that you can use either of the two words in your sentence or the context you want to use it. However, we only use ‘interchangeable’ for two words that are precisely the same and interchangeable with each other, without any change of meaning.


    We say words are redundant when they are put in the same sentence but mean the same thing. ‘Redundant’ actually means exceeding what is necessary, meaning there are more than the needed words to describe what you want to do so. In the same way, one can redact redundant words.

    An example of redundancy is saying, ‘she was shy and bashful during the first day.’ Here, ‘shy’ and ‘bashful’ may be redundant as they mean the same thing. While keeping the sentence as is works also, one may also remove redundancy by keeping only one of the two words, and discarding or redacting the other.


    Saying a phrase is tautologous is another way of saying that it is redundant, implying that there is an unneeded repetition of ideas in a sentence. Though these words are usually redundant, there are different tautologous phrases that we often use in everyday conversations.

    An example of a tautologous phrase would be ‘adequate enough.’ Essentially, adequate and enough have the same meaning of being as much as required or needed. So, putting ‘adequate’ and ‘enough’ together may seem redundant, but many speakers still use it in various contexts and daily conversations.


    Pleonasm is more of a linguistic style and expression. It is using redundant phrases and words, more words than necessary, to emphasize meaning and add more style. The word pleonasm, in it’s Latin origin, already means to be excessive, and so pleonasm also means being excessive in redundant phrases.

    An example of pleonasm is saying ‘burning fire.’ Saying ‘burning’ and ‘fire’ becomes redundant, as saying ‘fire’ in itself already means it is burning. Another would be the phrase ‘hear with my own ears,’ which becomes redundant as the ears is the only way one can hear.

    You may also like: 10 Terms For Two Words That Contradicts Each Other

    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

    Have you ever been in a conversation — maybe an argument, maybe just a talk — and felt like the other person was hearing something different than what you were saying? Worse still, did they accuse of you of not listening to them even when you were listening, and even when you could recite what they said?

    If the answer to these questions was yes, then it had to be an irritating, even frustrating experience … and you probably wondered if the other person was speaking your language (presumably English).

    Here’s the problem: they probably weren’t speaking your language.

    Here’s what I mean.

    Everyone has a slightly different language than everyone else. Regionally, it’s easy to see; people in Massachusetts and Mississippi use different expressions … to say nothing of people from different countries, like Australia or the United Kingdom. My wife and I once stayed in Scotland, where our tour guide told us that, since there were no telephones in the guest rooms in our vintage hotel, staff would come to our room the next day and “knock us up.” We delicately explained that, in America, that was an expression for getting someone pregnant, which was not what he meant. (We suspect he already knew that and was making a joke.)

    But even among family members the language can be different. My wife and I recently had a friendly debate over what the words “a couple” and “a few” and “several” mean, and when we asked others, we discovered plenty of differences. For some people (including me), “a couple” meant “two” and “a few” meant “three,” while for my wife they were far more fluid terms. Likewise, when I say “let’s watch a movie” I have a different set of ideals in my head than my wife or daughters do.

    The reason is that we each have our own assumptions and subtexts about words. Some of that is shaped by the worlds we live in, while other parts are shaped by our experiences. When you think the word “dad,” do you smile, or does your face cloud over in sadness or even anger? When you think “math,” do you get excited or do you find yourself filled with dread?

    The fact that we all think differently about the same words is really important. That’s how, for example, we can wind up in an argument where it seems like we’re talking past one another.

    Let’s take a political example. (That can’t possibly be dangerous, right?)


    You want to really destroy a good party, ask a group of people what they think about guns. you’ll find it’s incredibly difficult for two people with different attitudes on guns to have a civil debate on the gun issue. Why is that? Is it because people just have different political beliefs?

    Partially. But it’s also a language barrier. Bernie Sanders, the senator from rural-but-liberal Vermont, once remarked that “guns in Vermont are not the same thing as guns in Chicago or guns in Los Angeles.” Part of his meaning is that the word “gun” has an entirely different subtext to a person who lives 30 miles from the nearest town versus someone who lives in a dense urban area, and when the two try to have a conversation, they interpret each other’s language very differently because of it.

    Here’s a relationship example: “You don’t love me.” The other person in the relationship might say, “Of course I do!” How is that possible? The simple answer is that the two people might define love in different ways. For one of them, paying the bills might be enough … while the other might associate love with gifts or time or intimacy. That’s how one person could feel unloved while the other person might have no clue about it.

    Here’s another example: “Get out of my face.” Those words were shouted to me, years ago, by an angry student. What I learned later was that those words were rooted in a broken family and troubled childhood. My definition of those words was, initially, an attack on me personally; only later did I realize that those words had more to do with not wanting to be hurt again.

    So how do we get past this? How do we make sure that we mean the same things when we use the same words? Coming to a common understanding isn’t always easy. Some people don’t want — or even know how — to explain what they mean by what they say, and sometimes even the definition can get entangled in other words that may not have the same meaning. The end result is a lot of misunderstanding and hard feelings.

    The only antidote is communication, and that starts with questions. Things like:

    • What does the word “__________” mean to you?
    • When you say “__________,” what other words do you connect that with?
    • What in the past or in your life has shaped how you feel about “__________?”
    • What makes “__________” important to you?

    Those alone may not make everything clear. But the better you become at being “bilingual,” the more understanding you will have, especially with those you care about.

    What about you? Any words or phrases that you’ve come across that have different meanings to different people?

    Table of Contents

    1. What are 2 songs that sound the same?
    2. What songs have the same title?
    3. Why do songs sound similar?
    4. How do you ask for song suggestions?
    5. What is a word for making everything the same?
    6. How do you say two things are the same?
    7. Does music sound the same?
    8. Why does today’s music sound the same?
    9. Are there any songs that have the same beat as Ed Sheeran?
    10. Are there any songs that have the same chord sequence?
    11. Is the song Blurred Lines the same as Marvin Gaye?
    12. Is the song Born This way by Lady Gaga the same as another song?

    Some common synonyms of equal are equivalent, identical, same, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean “not different or not differing from one another,” equal implies being identical in value, magnitude, or some specified quality.

    What are 2 songs that sound the same?

    20 Hit Songs That Actually Sound Exactly the Same

    • Selena Gomez’s “Same Old Love” and Camila Cabello’s “Havana”
    • Kesha’s “TiK ToK” and Katy Perry’s “California Gurls”
    • Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” and Madonna’s “Express Yourself”
    • Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” ft.

    What songs have the same title?

    Article bookmarked

    • 1. ‘ The Power of Love’
    • 2. ‘ Dagenham Dave’
    • 3. ‘ God Is A DJ’
    • 4. ‘ Stockholm Syndrome’
    • 5. ‘ For Whom the Bell Tolls’
    • 6. ‘ God Save the Queen’
    • 7. ‘ Absolute Beginners’
    • 8. ‘ Come Together’

    Why do songs sound similar?

    In short: So many songs sound the same because they use the same underlying sequence of chords. Different keys, different arrangements, different styles – but the same progression! Learn about this progression and playing songs by ear becomes much easier!

    How do you ask for song suggestions?

    Tap the camera icon in the upper left-hand corner to open Story mode.

    1. You can also swipe to the left to open the camera. Meira Gebel/Business Insider.
    2. Select the sticker icon. Meira Gebel/Business Insider.
    3. Select the “Questions” sticker.
    4. Tap the music note icon.
    5. When you’re done, send your question.

    What is a word for making everything the same?

    uniformity. noun. the state of being the same as each other or as everything else.

    How do you say two things are the same?

    Some common synonyms of same are equal, equivalent, identical, selfsame, and very. While all these words mean “not different or not differing from one another,” same may imply and selfsame always implies that the things under consideration are one thing and not two or more things.

    Does music sound the same?

    A new study shows that not only does modern music sound similar, it’s also getting louder.

    Why does today’s music sound the same?

    No, radios aren’t playing the exact same songs over and over – it just sounds that way because pop songs have become increasingly similar over time. Basically, this means that fewer sounds are being used in music, leading to a sameness of sound.

    Are there any songs that have the same beat as Ed Sheeran?

    “Let’s Get It On” – Marvin Gaye These two have the same beat and tempo, as well as something else I can only describe as “groove.” Ed Sheeran released “Thinking Out Loud” on September 24, 2014 and Marvin Gaye released “Let’s Get It On” on June 15, 1973.

    Are there any songs that have the same chord sequence?

    “We’re actually friends with Emmalyn from GRL and she loves the song,” said Jade to QMusic. “Every song is going to have a similar chord sequence, slightly similar lyrics and melodies – it happens all the time.

    Is the song Blurred Lines the same as Marvin Gaye?

    In March 2015, a US jury confirmed that ‘Blurred Lines’ had indeed copied Marvin Gaye’s 1977 single ‘Got To Give It Up’, and it was a big, costly mistake. It didn’t take a genius to hear that the smooth, 70s-inspired sounds including the hook, the keyboard-bass and the melody were all very similar.

    Is the song Born This way by Lady Gaga the same as another song?

    Lady Gaga’s 2011 hit Born This Way was all about accepting your individuality and embracing everything that makes you unique. So it’s kind of ironic that this is the song of hers which most often gets accused of sounding similar and copying another.

    Every language has words that look and sound the same but mean different things. Russian is no exception: many Russian words have two or even more different meanings.

    Click to enlarge the image. Drawing by Niyaz Karim

    The most frequently cited examples of homonyms in the
    Russian language are the words kosa (коса) and klyuch (ключ)

    The word kosa means a braid and also, in another
    meaning, a scythe. Hence the comic play on words in the expression devushka
    s kosoi
    (девушка с косой), which can mean both a young woman with braided
    hair and the Grim Reaper. In addition, kosa also means a spit of land
    sticking out into the sea.

    Klyuch means a key that you
    use to open and close the door but also a key to a cipher (klyuch ot shifra,
    ключ от шифра), a clue, and a clef (e.g. a skripichny klyuch (скрипичный
    ключ) is a treble clef). It also forms part of the Russian word for a spanner, gayechny klyuch (гаечный

    The adjective klyuchevoi (ключевой) is used in the same sense as
    the English ‘key’ in key element, key player, key moment, etc. In a separate
    meaning, a klyuch is also a spring, a source of clean, fresh, cool

    The word mat (мат) has three completely different
    meanings. First, it is the chess term checkmate. Second, a mat, especially a
    gym mat (gimnastichesky mat, гимнастический мат). Third, and most commonly
    these days, it is foul language, swear words.

    Under a new Russian law that came into effect on July 1, the
    use of foul language is banned on television, in films, books, in the media, as
    well as in the theater and other public performances. The boundaries of what
    constitutes foul language are quite blurred (some words are considered more
    acceptable than others).

    The debate of what should fall under «the
    banned» foul language has been going on for a long time. At present,
    experts have concluded that the ban should cover four basic roots (rude names
    for male and female genitals, sexual intercourse and a prostitute) and all of
    their derivatives.

    The word klass (класс) in Russian has approximately
    the same wealth of meanings as «class» in English. In a school or
    university, it means a classroom and a group of students who study together, as
    well as the entire cohort of students in a particular grade.

    In another sense,
    it means a level of quality, as in first-class, second-class, third-class. In
    yet another meaning, a class is a division of people in society according to
    their social status, e.g. working class, middle class.

    The word post (пост) has until recently been used in
    two senses: the place where a soldier, guard or other person has been told to
    remain (as in guard post, storozhevoi post (сторожевой пост), which
    later evolved into meaning a position in a company or organization, usually one
    that involves responsibility.

    The other meaning of the word is religious: a
    fast (the derivative verb is postitsya (поститься). In recent years, the
    word post has developed a new meaning that is to do with the advent of
    blogs and social network sites. It has even created a new verb, zapostit
    (запостить), meaning to post something on the internet.

    Another word that has acquired an additional meaning as a
    result of borrowing from English is luk (лук). Traditionally, luk
    had two distinct meanings in Russian: an onion and a bow (as in a bow and arrows).
    Recently, in youth slang it has begun to be used in the sense of a person’s

    The word val (вал) has even more meanings. It can
    mean an earthen wall, hence the names of some old streets in Moscow, e.g. Zemlyanoi
    Val (Земляной вал) or Koroviy Val (Коровий вал). At sea, a val is a big
    wave (e.g. a famous painting by great Russian seascape artist Ivan Aivazovsky
    is called Devyatiy Val (“Девятый вал»).

    It also means a shaft, as
    in a drive shaft. Finally, in economics, it means the gross output of a
    company, an industry or a country as whole. 

    Read more: The 10 most well-known Russian words>>>

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