Same word for stop

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 4 votes

  1. stop

    To abide is to remain continuously without limit of time unless expressed by the context: «to-day I must abide at thy house,» Luke xix, 5; «a settled place for thee to abide in forever,» 1 Kings viii, 13; «Abide with me! fast falls the eventide,» Lyte Hymn. Lodge, sojourn, stay, tarry, and wait always imply a limited time; lodge, to pass the night; sojourn, to remain temporarily; live, dwell, reside, to have a permanent home. Stop, in the sense of stay or sojourn, is colloquial, and not in approved use. Compare ENDURE; REST.

    abide, anticipate, await, bear, bide, confront, continue, dwell, endure, expect, inhabit, live, lodge, remain, reside, rest, sojourn, stay, tarry, tolerate, wait, watch

    abandon, avoid, depart, forfeit, forfend, journey, migrate, move, proceed, reject, resist, shun

    Abide in a place, for a time, with a person, by a statement.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopverb

    close, obstruct, plug, cork, bar, seal, arrest, suspend, end, rest, halt, hinder, suppress, delay, cease, terminate

    open, expedite, clear, broach, unseal, promote, advance, farther, continue, proceed, speed, hasten

  2. stopnoun

    pause, cessation, intermission, rest, quietus

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote

  1. stop, haltnoun

    the event of something ending

    «it came to a stop at the bottom of the hill»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, freeze, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, get going, go, start up

  2. stop, stoppagenoun

    the act of stopping something

    «the third baseman made some remarkable stops»; «his stoppage of the flow resulted in a flood»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, go, get going, start up

  3. stop, stopover, layovernoun

    a brief stay in the course of a journey

    «they made a stopover to visit their friends»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, way station, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, go, get going, start up

  4. arrest, check, halt, hitch, stay, stop, stoppagenoun

    the state of inactivity following an interruption

    «the negotiations were in arrest»; «held them in check»; «during the halt he got some lunch»; «the momentary stay enabled him to escape the blow»; «he spent the entire stop in his seat»

    hitch, verification, enlistment, limp, full stop, stoppage, apprehension, hindrance, halt, impediment, chip, tab, interference, handicap, arrest, tick, check-out procedure, occlusion, confirmation, point, freeze, check mark, pinch, cheque, block, tour of duty, stop consonant, baulk, term of enlistment, diaphragm, checkout, taking into custody, duty tour, hinderance, hobble, blockage, curb, chit, layover, rub, occlusive, plosive, collar, plosive speech sound, period, substantiation, stay, hang-up, tour, deterrent, encumbrance, catch, balk, stopover, plosive consonant, preventive, incumbrance, bank check, full point, preventative, snag, assay, bridle, closure, check

    get going, start up, start, go

  5. stopnoun

    a spot where something halts or pauses

    «his next stop is Atlanta»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, start up, go, get going

  6. stop consonant, stop, occlusive, plosive consonant, plosive speech sound, plosivenoun

    a consonant produced by stopping the flow of air at some point and suddenly releasing it

    «his stop consonants are too aspirated»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start up, go, start, get going

  7. period, point, full stop, stop, full pointnoun

    a punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations

    «in England they call a period a stop»

    hitch, occlusion, plosive, spot, menses, halt, catamenia, dot, period of time, head, full stop, gunpoint, peak, flow, plosive speech sound, diaphragm, point, point in time, blockage, percentage point, breaker point, catch, full point, stop consonant, block, menstruation, time period, stopover, layover, level, occlusive, stage, degree, pointedness, stoppage, arrest, period, power point, stay, detail, decimal point, distributor point, item, plosive consonant, geological period, compass point, menstruum, tip, closure, check

    start, go, start up, get going

  8. stopnoun

    (music) a knob on an organ that is pulled to change the sound quality from the organ pipes

    «the organist pulled out all the stops»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, plosive speech sound, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive consonant, occlusion, block, halt, layover, occlusive, arrest, point, closure

    start, start up, get going, go

  9. diaphragm, stopnoun

    a mechanical device in a camera that controls size of aperture of the lens

    «the new cameras adjust the diaphragm automatically»

    plosive, period, stay, diaphragm, stop consonant, layover, pessary, midriff, hitch, stopover, full point, stoppage, full stop, catch, check, blockage, plosive speech sound, occlusion, block, point, halt, occlusive, arrest, plosive consonant, closure, contraceptive diaphragm

    start up, go, start, get going

  10. catch, stopnoun

    a restraint that checks the motion of something

    «he used a book as a stop to hold the door open»

    hitch, stoppage, apprehension, plosive speech sound, plosive, diaphragm, full stop, snap, arrest, snatch, occlusion, point, stop consonant, taking into custody, full point, block, blockage, stopover, layover, occlusive, collar, period, pinch, stay, match, halt, catch, plosive consonant, gimmick, grab, haul, closure, check

    start up, start, go, get going

  11. blockage, block, closure, occlusion, stop, stoppageverb

    an obstruction in a pipe or tube

    «we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe»

    hitch, cube, blocking, full stop, stoppage, layover, cloture, law of closure, halt, plosive, gag law, diaphragm, pulley-block, pulley, arrest, closing, point, closedown, plosive speech sound, occlusion, cylinder block, check, occluded front, obstruction, mental block, engine block, full point, block, blockage, stop consonant, stopover, shutdown, occlusive, city block, auction block, resolution, period, stay, pulley block, catch, plosive consonant, gag rule, closure, settlement

    start, go, start up, get going

  12. stop, haltverb

    come to a halt, stop moving

    «the car stopped»; «She stopped in front of a store window»

    staunch, block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay off, terminate, hold, barricade, check, break, give up, stanch, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, stem, contain

    start, get going, go, start up

  13. discontinue, stop, cease, give up, quit, lay offverb

    put an end to a state or an activity

    «Quit teasing your little brother»

    spare, leave office, allow, block up, abandon, drop by the wayside, forfeit, vacate, halt, release, resign, forgo, block off, hold back, end, kick, throw in, finish, block, surrender, part with, fall by the wayside, lay off, cede, turn back, waive, throw overboard, stop over, break off, break, throw in the towel, step down, give up, depart, relinquish, blockade, hold on, deliver, arrest, bar, cease, barricade, renounce, take leave, discontinue, contain, drop out, free, chuck up the sponge, kibosh, intercept, terminate, furlough, forego, dispense with, quit, foreswear, check

    start up, start, go, get going

  14. stop, halt, block, kiboshverb

    stop from happening or developing

    «Block his election»; «Halt the process»

    staunch, close up, block up, lug, halt, draw a blank, immobilise, obturate, jam, arrest, block off, intercept, end, blank out, stanch, finish, obstruct, block, deflect, impede, embarrass, hold back, lay off, turn back, stop over, break off, break, stymie, give up, forget, immobilize, stuff, occlude, stymy, freeze, blockade, hold on, bar, cease, barricade, hinder, stem, discontinue, contain, parry, kibosh, choke up, terminate, hold, quit, check

    start, start up, get going, go

  15. stop, stop oververb

    interrupt a trip

    «we stopped at Aunt Mary’s house»; «they stopped for three days in Florence»

    block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay over, lay off, terminate, barricade, check, break, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, contain

    start, start up, get going, go

  16. stopverb

    cause to stop

    «stop a car»; «stop the thief»

    block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, end, stop over, hold back, finish, lay off, terminate, barricade, check, break, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, intercept, turn back, break off, contain

    get going, start up, start, go

  17. break, break off, discontinue, stopverb

    prevent completion

    «stop the project»; «break off the negotiations»

    crack, break away, give way, arrest, soften, reveal, cut off, develop, give up, unwrap, conk out, block up, hold on, collapse, die, transgress, founder, weaken, barricade, kibosh, bar, discover, chip, terminate, snap off, go, demote, break out, separate, split, give away, damp, smash, finish, interrupt, break short, offend, get out, fracture, relegate, chip off, bring out, violate, divulge, pause, cut short, let on, get around, cease, blockade, wear out, cave in, break-dance, break up, check, hold back, lay off, give out, break in, quit, give, split up, block, better, burst, go bad, breach, break off, disclose, bust, erupt, intercept, recrudesce, break dance, go against, dampen, break down, fall in, bump, let out, ruin, fall apart, contain, kick downstairs, knap, part, infract, turn back, fail, come apart, bankrupt, block off, come off, expose, break, stop over, discontinue, end, intermit, halt, wear

    get going, go, start, start up

  18. check, turn back, arrest, stop, contain, hold backverb

    hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of

    «Arrest the downward trend»; «Check the growth of communism in South East Asia»; «Contain the rebel movement»; «Turn back the tide of communism»

    ensure, hold on, hold in, bar, collar, jibe, incorporate, tick off, control, carry, fit, gibe, run off, hold, moderate, cop, learn, checker, barricade, check out, mark off, retain, pick up, condition, double back, assure, finish, tally, comprise, reverse, return, suss out, kibosh, check off, check over, stop over, match, check up on, cease, look into, ascertain, mark, insure, regress, forbear, go over, check, train, arrest, hold back, lay off, retrovert, quit, chase away, hold off, take, conceal, halt, block, catch, find out, see, discipline, terminate, wait, drive off, get, give up, nail, backtrack, intercept, revert, correspond, curb, restrain, keep, drive away, keep back, check into, blockade, contain, invert, bear, determine, nab, dispel, retard, crack, turn back, watch, block off, break off, see to it, break, discontinue, end, block up, tick, chequer, drive out, apprehend, agree, delay

    get going, start, go, start up

  19. intercept, stopverb

    seize on its way

    «The fighter plane was ordered to intercept an aircraft that had entered the country’s airspace»

    intercept, block, kibosh, quit, blockade, arrest, block off, contain, end, stop over, wiretap, hold back, lay off, tap, terminate, barricade, finish, check, break, bug, give up, bar, halt, cease, block up, discontinue, hold on, break off, turn back

    go, start, start up, get going

  20. end, stop, finish, terminate, ceaseverb

    have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense; either spatial or metaphorical

    «the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed»; «Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other»; «My property ends by the bushes»; «The symphony ends in a pianissimo»

    eat up, block up, complete, sack, halt, can, arrest, give up, finish up, block off, hold back, end, give the axe, finish, block, displace, polish off, lay off, turn back, stop over, break off, break, fetch up, fire, land up, blockade, hold on, wind up, bar, cease, barricade, discontinue, contain, end up, force out, give notice, kibosh, give the sack, intercept, dismiss, terminate, send away, quit, check

    go, start, start up, get going

  21. barricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up, barverb

    render unsuitable for passage

    «block the way»; «barricade the streets»; «stop the busy road»

    debar, block up, banish, lug, cease, immobilize, seal off, relegate, obturate, hold on, give up, jam, arrest, block off, close up, end, blank out, freeze, finish, obstruct, terminate, deflect, parry, embarrass, hold back, kibosh, lay off, draw a blank, stop over, hinder, break, impede, block, shut off, forget, exclude, stuff, stymy, break off, turn back, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, discontinue, halt, contain, close off, barricado, choke up, intercept, stymie, quit, check

    get going, start up, go, start

  22. hold on, stopverb

    stop and wait, as if awaiting further instructions or developments

    «Hold on a moment!»

    block up, stop over, halt, hang on, hang in, give up, arrest, block off, hold back, end, finish, keep, lay off, turn back, grasp, hold the line, break off, break, block, blockade, hold on, bar, cease, barricade, persist, discontinue, contain, persevere, kibosh, intercept, terminate, quit, check

    start, start up, get going, go

Matched Categories

    • Act
    • Catch
    • Ending
    • Knob
    • Mechanical Device
    • Music
    • Obstruent
    • Punctuation Mark
    • Stay
    • Topographic Point

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. don’t move

    Submitted by anonymous on April 27, 2021  

  2. avast

    a command to stop or desist

    young man avast

    Submitted by acronimous on August 26, 2014  

  3. choke (verb)

    obstruct one’s throat

    she choked on a tiny fish bone

    Submitted by erhnice on July 28, 2019  

  4. choke back (verb)

    fail to control one’s emotions

    they choked back tears (feelings; anger; disappointment, etc.)

    Submitted by erhnice on July 28, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopverb

    close, close up

  2. stopverb

    HINDER, repress, restrain, suppress, obstruct, stay, intercept, preclude, thwart, impede, interrupt, block, blockade, barricade, check, bring to a stand-still, lay an embargo on

  3. stopverb

    leave, cease from, desist from, refrain from, leave off, make an end of

  4. stopverb

    suspend, arrest, intermit, discontinue, quiet, put an end to

  5. stopverb

    be at a stand-still, come to a stand, come to a stand-still, come to a dead lock, cease progress, halt, stand still, lie by, LIE TO

  6. stopverb

    cease, desist, forbear, leave off, break off

  7. stopverb

    [colloquial, U. S.] tarry, stay, lodge, take lodgings, have lodgings

  8. stopnoun

    pause, rest, intermission

  9. stopnoun

    interruption, repression, obstruction, hinderance, obstacle, check, impediment

  10. stopnoun

    point, mark of punctuation

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopnoun

    cessation, discontinuation, surcease, pause, suspension, intermission, interception, interruption, obstruction, obstacle, impediment

  2. stopverb

    obstruct, close up, stanch, arrest, hinder, impede, block, stay, check, repress, restrain, suppress, deter, interrupt, suspend, thwart, preclude, intercept, impede, halt, pause, stagnate, stand, refrain from, discontinue, cease, desist, suspend, intermit, break off, forbear, lodge, tarry

    continue, persist

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «stop»:

    halt, cease, quit, stopping, arrest, prevent, stopper, end, cessation, discontinue, braking, judgment, curb, suspend, stops, halts, quitting, terminate, parada, interrupt, apprehend, stopped, stoppage, pause, stem, desist, paro, suspends, halting, station, -stop, detain, freeze, detention, suspension, stopover, intercepted, cesar, brake

Suggested Resources

  1. stop

    The stop symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the stop symbol and its characteristic.

  2. stop

    Song lyrics by stop — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by stop on the website.

  3. STOP

    What does STOP stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the STOP acronym on the website.

How to pronounce stop?

How to say stop in sign language?

How to use stop in a sentence?

  1. Will Rostov:

    We’re facing a clean water emergency in California and, despite a water-scarcity crisis caused by the worst drought on record, DOGGR is turning its back on its contamination problem until 2017, the agency is not enforcing the Safe Drinking Water Act and it is endangering precious sources of drinking water. This needs to stop now.

  2. Toby Southgate:

    There are notions of good governance and transparency that the financial services category is very alert to, it won’t stop people from buying cans of Coke, but it will at a market level or an analyst level impact perception of organizations associated with corruption.

  3. Michael McCaul:

    Russia President Vladimir knows that if Russia President Vladimir’s ever going to invade Ukraine, now is the time. I hope Russia President Vladimir doesn’t make that miscalculation. But the fact is, if Russia President Vladimir does invade Ukraine, what is the United States, what is our commander-in-chief prepared to do to stop it ?

  4. Barbara Hoffman:

    Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and celebrate the journey!

  5. Gae Magnafici:

    As the Assembly chair of Family Law, a nurse, and a mom, I am insulted. I’m calling on Governor Evers to stop downplaying womanhood, stop downplaying motherhood, and stop downplaying settled science.

Translations for stop

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • stop, halte, punt, stilhouAfrikaans
  • مَوْقِف, وَقْفَة, أَوْقَفَ, تَوَقَّفَ, وَقَفَ, قفArabic
  • dayanacaqAzerbaijani
  • прыпы́нак, спыня́цца, спыні́ццаBelarusian
  • спи́рка, спи́рам, спра, прекратя́вамBulgarian
  • punt, parada, oclusiva, aturar, deixar, pararCatalan, Valencian
  • zastávka, ukončit, zůstat, zastavit, pobývat, skončitCzech
  • stoppested, stoppe, standseDanish
  • Stopper, Busstopp, Stoppball, Haltestelle, Punkt, Stopp, stoppen, aufhören, stehen bleiben, beenden, stopfen, anhalten, haltGerman
  • στάση, στοπ, παύω, σταματώ, τελειώνωGreek
  • haltejoEsperanto
  • parada, paradero, parar, dejar, deténgaseSpanish
  • peatusEstonian
  • ایستگاه, ماندن, نگه داشتن, ایستادن, درنگ كردن, بستن, بازداشتن, بازایستادنPersian
  • pysäytyslyönti, piste, seisake, pysäkki, stoppari, keskeytys, lopettaa, loppua, pysähtyä, pysäyttääFinnish
  • arrêt, occlusive, ammorti, arrêter, s’arrêter, cesser, arrêtezFrench
  • stûkjeWestern Frisian
  • stad, stopIrish
  • casg, crìochnaich, fan, leig seachad, cuir crìoch air, stadScottish Gaelic
  • עָצַר, גמר, נגמר, סתםHebrew
  • ठहरना, रुकना, रोकनाHindi
  • megálló, megállít, abbamarad, megszűnik, megáll, abbahagyHungarian
  • դադար, կանգառ, վերջանալ, դադարել, կանգնել, կանգ առնելArmenian
  • hentiIndonesian
  • punto, pulsante di arresto, fermata, registro, occlusiva, fermare, smettere, fermarsi, far smettere, stopItalian
  • 停留所, バス停, 止める, 止まる, 留まる, 停止Japanese
  • გაჩერება, დადგომაGeorgian
  • 정류장, 구치다, 정지하다, 멈추다, 서다, 그치다, 그만Korean
  • sekinîn, sekinandin, rawestandin, rawestînKurdish
  • inhibeo, absisto, consistere, detineo, quiesco, desinere, sistere, desistere, cesso, cohibeo, subsistoLatin
  • stotelėLithuanian
  • punkts, pietura, apstātiesLatvian
  • taunga, komutu, tiriwā, purupuru, tūMāori
  • постојка, застанува, застанеMacedonian
  • perhentian, hentiMalay
  • ရပ်Burmese
  • holdeplassNorwegian
  • komma, occlusief, pauze, halte, puntkomma, register, stopper, stop, dubbele punt, punt, langsgaan, stoppen, blijven, deppen, stilstaan, aanhouden, verblijven, beëindigen, afbreken, ophouden, halthoudenDutch
  • przystanek, zatrzymać się, zatrzymaćPolish
  • oclusiva, parada, interrupção, ponto final, ponto, plosiva, obstáculo, tapar, parar, deixar, passar, tamparPortuguese
  • sayayQuechua
  • minge stopată, punct, stop, oclusivă, opri, terminaRomanian
  • остано́в, остано́вка, кла́пан, взрывно́й согла́сный, знак препина́ния, сто́пор, ограничи́тель, останови́ться, заткну́ть, переста́ть, прекрати́ть, останови́ть, прекрати́ться, остана́вливаться, прекраща́ть, остана́вливать, прекраща́ться, затыка́ть, перестава́ть, остановиться, стоять, стопRussian
  • станица, stanica, stajalište, стајалиште, zaustavljati, заустављати, зауставити, zaustavitiSerbo-Croatian
  • zastávka, zastaviť, prerušiť, prestaťSlovak
  • postaja, ustaviti, ustavljatiSlovene
  • stopp, hållplats, punkt, stoppboll, klusil, avbryta, stanna, sluta, upphöra, stoppa, haltSwedish
  • ఉండు, ఆగు, ఆపుTelugu
  • หยุด, ป้ายรถเมล์Thai
  • tigilTagalog
  • durak, mola, durmak, durdurmak, kesmek, durTurkish
  • зупи́нка, зупини́тися, зупиня́тисяUkrainian
  • رکناUrdu
  • bến xe, dừng lạiVietnamese
  • aresterWalloon

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verb (used with object), stopped or (Archaic) stopt; stop·ping.

to cease from, leave off, or discontinue: to stop running.

to cause to cease; put an end to: to stop noise in the street.

to interrupt, arrest, or check (a course, proceeding, process, etc.): Stop your work just a minute.

to cut off, intercept, or withhold: to stop supplies.

to restrain, hinder, or prevent (usually followed by from): I couldn’t stop him from going.

to prevent from proceeding, acting, operating, continuing, etc.: to stop a speaker; to stop a car.

to block, obstruct, or close (a passageway, channel, opening, duct, etc.) (usually followed by up): He stopped up the sink with a paper towel. He stopped the hole in the tire with a patch.

to fill the hole or holes in (a wall, a decayed tooth, etc.).

to close (a container, tube, etc.) with a cork, plug, bung, or the like.

to close the external orifice of (the ears, nose, mouth, etc.).


  1. to check (a stroke, blow, etc.); parry; ward off.
  2. to defeat (an opposing player or team): The Browns stopped the Colts.
  3. Boxing. to defeat by a knockout or technical knockout: Louis stopped Conn in the 13th round.

Banking. to notify a bank to refuse payment of (a check) upon presentation.

Bridge. to have an honor card and a sufficient number of protecting cards to keep an opponent from continuing to win in (a suit).


  1. to close (a fingerhole) in order to produce a particular note from a wind instrument.
  2. to press down (a string of a violin, viola, etc.) in order to alter the pitch of the tone produced from it.
  3. to produce (a particular note) by so doing.

verb (used without object), stopped or (Archaic) stopt; stop·ping.

to come to a stand, as in a course or journey; halt.

to cease moving, proceeding, speaking, acting, operating, etc.; to pause; desist.

to cease; come to an end.

to halt for a brief visit (often followed by at, in, or by): He is stopping at the best hotel in town.

stop by, to make a brief visit on one’s way elsewhere: I’ll stop by on my way home.


the act of stopping.

a cessation or arrest of movement, action, operation, etc.; end: The noise came to a stop. Put a stop to that behavior!

a stay or sojourn made at a place, as in the course of a journey: Above all, he enjoyed his stop in Trieste.

a place where trains or other vehicles halt to take on and discharge passengers: Is this a bus stop?

a closing or filling up, as of a hole.

a blocking or obstructing, as of a passage or channel.

a plug or other stopper for an opening.

an obstacle, impediment, or hindrance.

any piece or device that serves to check or control movement or action in a mechanism.

Architecture. a feature terminating a molding or chamfer.


  1. an order to refuse payment of a check.
  2. stop order.


  1. the act of closing a fingerhole or pressing a string of an instrument in order to produce a particular note.
  2. a device or contrivance, as on an instrument, for accomplishing this.
  3. (in an organ) a graduated set of pipes of the same kind and giving tones of the same quality.
  4. Also called stop knob. a knob or handle that is drawn out or pushed back to permit or prevent the sounding of such a set of pipes or to control some other part of the organ.
  5. (in a reed organ) a group of reeds functioning like a pipe-organ stop.

Sports. an individual defensive play or act that prevents an opponent or opposing team from scoring, advancing, or gaining an advantage, as a catch in baseball, a tackle in football, or the deflection of a shot in hockey.

Nautical. a piece of small line used to lash or fasten something, as a furled sail.


  1. an articulation that interrupts the flow of air from the lungs.
  2. a consonant sound characterized by stop articulation, as p, b, t, d, k, and g.Compare continuant.

Photography. the diaphragm opening of a lens, especially as indicated by an f- number.

any of various marks used as punctuation at the end of a sentence, especially a period.

the word “stop” printed in the body of a telegram or cablegram to indicate a period.

stops, (used with a singular verb) a family of card games whose object is to play all of one’s cards in a predetermined sequence before one’s opponents.

Zoology. a depression in the face of certain animals, especially dogs, marking the division between the forehead and the projecting part of the muzzle.

Verb Phrases

stop down, Photography. (on a camera) to reduce (the diaphragm opening of a lens).

stop in, to make a brief, incidental visit: If you’re in town, be sure to stop in.

stop off, to halt for a brief stay at some point on the way elsewhere: On the way to Rome we stopped off at Florence.

stop out,

  1. to mask (certain areas of an etching plate, photographic negative, etc.) with varnish, paper, or the like, to prevent their being etched, printed, etc.
  2. to withdraw temporarily from school: Most of the students who stop out eventually return to get their degrees.

stop over, to stop briefly in the course of a journey: Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods.



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Idioms about stop

    pull out all the stops,

    1. to use every means available.
    2. to express, do, or carry out something without reservation.

Origin of stop

before 1000; Middle English stoppen (v.), Old English -stoppian (in forstoppian to stop up); cognate with Dutch, Low German stoppen,German stopfen; all ≪ Vulgar Latin *stuppāre to plug with oakum, derivative of Latin stuppa coarse hemp or flax <Greek stýppē

synonym study for stop

3. Stop, arrest, check, halt imply causing a cessation of movement or progress (literal or figurative). Stop is the general term for the idea: to stop a clock. Arrest usually refers to stopping by imposing a sudden and complete restraint: to arrest development. Check implies bringing about an abrupt, partial, or temporary stop: to check a trotting horse. To halt means to make a temporary stop, especially one resulting from a command: to halt a company of soldiers.


stopless, adjectivestop·less·ness, nounmul·ti·stop, adjective

Words nearby stop

stoop ball, stoop labor, stoop to, stoor, stoozing, stop, stop and frisk, stop-and-go, stop at nothing, stopbank, stop bath Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to stop

bar, block, break, conclusion, pause, destination, halt, stage, station, stopover, cease, close, drop, end, hold, kill, put an end to, quit, stall, stand

How to use stop in a sentence

  • Now I have a plausible explanation for how I feel, putting a stop to some of the second-guessing going on in my head.

  • It seems like he’s going to continue to do this until someone puts a stop to it.

  • That promise was enough to quell a few lawsuits filed by California groups against the federal government for failing to put a stop to the sewage-filled stormwater rolling from Mexico’s hills.

  • The agency issued a stop sale, use or removal order, which is supposed to prevent the company from selling its product.

  • The chair of the Uptown Community Parking District board proposed using the funds for cleaning bus stops, but the city said no.

  • But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.

  • That ground hold was to stop you flying through weather that could kill you and everyone else aboard.

  • Thankfully there were no casualties—the driver managed to stop the train immediately.

  • The men were accused of reneging on pledges to stop working for the Iraqi government.

  • Has L.A. figured out how to stop the epidemic it set loose on the world?

  • «But I can’t stop to argue about it now;» and, saying this, he turned into a side path, and disappeared in the wood.

  • At twelve, or fifteen, or sixteen, or twenty it was decided that they should stop learning.

  • He had seen the act committed, he felt sure but had made no effort whatever to stop the thief.

  • The Kangaroo can hop and hop and hop; Somehow he never seems to want to stop.

  • Yet when I stop gazing the next impulse is to move on; for if I have time to rest anywhere, why not at home?

British Dictionary definitions for stop

verb stops, stopping or stopped

to cease from doing or being (something); discontinuestop talking

to cause (something moving) to halt or (of something moving) to come to a haltto stop a car; the car stopped

(tr) to prevent the continuance or completion ofto stop a show

(tr often foll by from) to prevent or restrainto stop George from fighting

(tr) to keep backto stop supplies to the navy

(tr) to intercept or hinder in transitto stop a letter

(tr often foll by up) to block or plug, esp so as to closeto stop up a pipe

(tr often foll by up) to fill a hole or opening into stop up a wall

(tr) to staunch or stemto stop a wound

(tr) to instruct a bank not to honour (a cheque)

(tr) to deduct (money) from pay

(tr) British to provide with punctuation

(tr) boxing to beat (an opponent) either by a knockout or a technical knockout

(tr) informal to receive (a blow, hit, etc)

(intr) to stay or restwe stopped at the Robinsons’ for three nights

(tr) rare to defeat, beat, or kill

(tr) music

  1. to alter the vibrating length of (a string on a violin, guitar, etc) by pressing down on it at some point with the finger
  2. to alter the vibrating length of an air column in a wind instrument by closing (a finger hole, etc)
  3. to produce (a note) in this manner

(tr) to place a hand inside (the bell of a French horn) to alter the tone colour and pitch or play (a note) on a French horn in such a manner

bridge to have a protecting card or winner in (a suit in which one’s opponents are strong)

stop at nothing to be prepared to do anything; be unscrupulous or ruthless


an arrest of movement or progress

the act of stopping or the state of being stopped

a place where something halts or pausesa bus stop

a stay in or as if in the course of a journey

the act or an instance of blocking or obstructing

a plug or stopper

a block, screw, or other device or object that prevents, limits, or terminates the motion of a mechanism or moving part

British a punctuation mark, esp a full stop

Also called: stop thrust fencing a counterthrust made without a parry in the hope that one’s blade will touch before one’s opponent’s blade


  1. the act of stopping the string, finger hole, etc, of an instrument
  2. a set of organ pipes or harpsichord strings that may be allowed to sound as a group by muffling or silencing all other such sets
  3. a knob, lever, or handle on an organ, etc, that is operated to allow sets of pipes to sound
  4. an analogous device on a harpsichord or other instrument with variable registers, such as an electrophonic instrument

pull out all the stops

  1. to play at full volume
  2. to spare no effort

Australian a stud on a football boot

the angle between the forehead and muzzle of a dog or cat, regarded as a point in breeding

nautical a short length of line or small stuff used as a tie, esp for a furled sail

Also called: stop consonant phonetics any of a class of consonants articulated by first making a complete closure at some point of the vocal tract and then releasing it abruptly with audible plosion. Stops include the labials (p, b), the alveolars or dentals (t, d), the velars (k, g)Compare continuant

Also called: f-stop photog

  1. a setting of the aperture of a camera lens, calibrated to the corresponding f-number
  2. another name for diaphragm (def. 4)

a block or carving used to complete the end of a moulding

Also called: stopper bridge a protecting card or winner in a suit in which one’s opponents are strong

Derived forms of stop

stoppable, adjective

Word Origin for stop

C14: from Old English stoppian (unattested), as in forstoppian to plug the ear, ultimately from Late Latin stuppāre to stop with a tow, from Latin stuppa tow, from Greek stuppē

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with stop

In addition to the idioms beginning with stop

  • stop at nothing
  • stop by
  • stop cold
  • stop in
  • stop off
  • stop payment
  • stop short
  • stop someone’s clock
  • stop the clock
  • stop up

also see:

  • buck stops here
  • pull out all the stops
  • put an end (a stop) to

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

The following is a list of stop words that are frequently used in english language.

Where these stops words normally include prepositions, particles, interjections, unions, adverbs, pronouns, introductory words, numbers from 0 to 9 (unambiguous), other frequently used official, independent parts of speech, symbols, punctuation. Relatively recently, this list was supplemented by such commonly used on the Internet sequences of symbols as www, com, http, etc.

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Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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