Sale report in excel

Perfect your papers and reports with customizable templates

Your papers and reports will look as professional and well put together as they sound when you compose them using customizable Word templates. Whether you’re writing a research paper for your university course or putting together a high priority presentation, designer-created templates are here to help you get started. First impressions are important, even for papers, and layout can make or break someone’s interest in your content. Don’t risk it by freestyling, start with a tried-and-true template.

Remember, though: Papers and reports don’t have to be boring. Professional can still pop. Tweak your favorite layout template to match your unique aesthetic for a grade A package.

Choose from our top daily sales report templates in Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF formats. Each template is free to download and fully customizable for your small business. 

On this page, you’ll find a daily sales report sample template for retail and other small business owners, a daily sales report for restaurants, a daily sales call activity report, and more.

Sample Daily Sales Report Template

Sample Daily Sales Report Template

Download Sample Daily Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

This sales report template is appropriate for retail stores or other small businesses that need to track daily sales. The template includes one tab with sample data and a second blank tab. To use this template, edit the inventory list with your item names and numbers. Add product or service descriptions and prices for each item. On the daily sales report tab, use the drop-down menu in each cell of the Item No. column to select an item from your inventory list. Enter the quantity and tax rate for each item sold to determine the sales total.

Restaurant Daily Sales Report Template

Restaurant Daily Sales Report Template

Download Restaurant Daily Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Create an itemized sales report showing subtotals for morning and evening shifts at a restaurant, as well as daily totals. Tally sales from multiple registers to view sales performance in different sections of your restaurant. The template subtracts discounts and complimentary items from your gross sales to determine net earnings. It also factors in tax and gift certificates to show the total cash amount that needs to be accounted for. In addition to total sales, you get a breakdown of credit card, certificate, and cash settlements for the day.

Hotel Daily Sales Report Template

Hotel Daily Sales Report Template

Download Hotel Daily Sales Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Track hotel sales and occupancy statistics with this daily sales report spreadsheet template. View daily sales totals and compare current sales with budgeted amounts for the month-to-date, year-to-date, and previous year’s sales. Keep track of sales from lodging, food and beverage outlets, spa treatments, catering, and other hospitality services. The template also shows sales per segment for transient and group travelers. Edit the segment categories to reflect the type of travelers your hotel serves. In the statistics section, enter the number of rooms occupied, rooms available, total guests, and other data you want to monitor.

Salon Daily Sales Report Template

Salon Daily Sales Report Template

Download Salon Daily Sales Report Template
Microsoft Excel | Adobe PDF

This simple sales report compares daily salon transactions with your sales goals. Set monthly goals for customer count, service sales, and retail sales. Divide those amounts by the number of days your salon is open in a month to figure out your daily goals. For each weekday, enter the number of customers you served, total sales, and the variance between those numbers and your goals. Get a daily, weekly, and monthly view of salon performance with a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format or a printable Adobe PDF file.

Daily Sales Call Report Template

Daily Sales Call Report Template

Download Daily Sales Call Report Template — Microsoft Excel

Use this spreadsheet template to keep track of customer calls and compare your daily sales activity to your goals. The first tab in this template lists the sale amount, salesperson name, contact information, and follow-up actions for each customer call. The second tab compares actual versus target numbers for calls made, sales completed, and sales value for each day. Enter the dates that you want to track, and compile your data to create a detailed report over any time period.

Find more templates for sales planning, tracking, and customer relationship management in this roundup of free sales plan templates for Microsoft Excel and Word.

Daily Sales Report for Sales Executive

Daily Sales Report for Sales Executive

Download Daily Sales Report for Sales Executive — Microsoft Excel

This template provides a summary of daily calls made by an individual sales executive. For each call, list the date, time, customer, call type, contact details, and sales information. The template includes product details such as quantity sold, unit prices, and total sales amounts for each call. Enter your product descriptions in the separate tab provided, then use the drop-down menu in each product cell on the main sales report sheet to select the items sold.

Example Daily Sales Forecast Template

Example Daily Sales Forecast Template

Download Example Daily Sales Forecast Template — Microsoft Excel

Forecast your daily sales for a single product over the course of five weeks with this example daily sales forecast template. Use sales data from a previous time period to estimate total daily, weekly, and monthly sales. Enter the start date for each week, unit prices, and units sold. The template calculates totals and provides space for notes on discounts or other price changes. The first tab in this template includes example sales report data, while the second tab is blank. 

For more sales projection tools, see this collection of free sales forecasting templates.

Daily Sales Dashboard Report

Daily Sales Dashboard Report

Download Daily Sales Dashboard Report — Microsoft Excel

Create a daily sales report with a dashboard format to get a visual snapshot of your sales KPIs. Enter your daily sales data for one month, including revenue, number of customers, and average order value. Your daily performance is represented in a vertical bar chart, with monthly percentages represented in the Current Average section. The template includes a sample dashboard with example sales data and a blank version that is ready to use. Copy and paste the template into multiple tabs for tracking daily sales in an ongoing monthly report.

What Is a Daily Sales Report Template?

A daily sales report template is a tool for monitoring sales data for a salesperson, sales department, or small business. The report may show data for one day or month, allowing you to track daily, monthly, and annual sales performance.

Learn more about sales management, and download related templates, in this expert guide to the sales management process.

Use Smartsheet to Manage Your Sales Reports with Ease

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Download Daily Sales Report Excel Template

Daily Sales Report is a ready-to-use excel template that you can use to track and manage sales data of individual salesmen on a monthly basis.

In addition to the above, you can generate a date-wise, product-wise, client-wise sales report with the help of the table filter option. This template can be helpful to you when you have a large sales team and products.

Furthermore, this template also consists of a printable sales report that your executive can carry and fill the data. At the end of the day, they can insert the data into this template.

We have created a simple and easy Daily Sales Report Excel Template where you can maintain the monthly records of sales of your salesperson.

Moreover, this template comes with a printable sales report. It also helps you to generate multiple reports that you can use for sales analysis.

Click here to download the Daily Sales Report Excel Template.

Click here to Download All Sales & Marketing Excel Templates for ₹299.

Additionally, you can also download Sales Revenue Analysis Template to analyze your sales further. If you are an e-commerce seller then you can use Online Sales Tracker.

Let us understand how to use this template in detail.

Contents of Daily Sales Report Excel Template

This template consists of 4 sheets: Daily Sales Report, Product List, Sales Summary, and Printable Daily Sales Report.

Product List

Insert the list of products and their descriptions in this sheet. This sheet will be helpful to fetch data in the DSR. It consists of the serial number, item code, product name, unit (Unit of measure) and rate per unit.

Product List

Daily Sales Report (DSR)

This sheet consists of 3 sections:

  1. Sales Executive Details
  2. Client Call Details
  3. Sales Details

Sales Executive Details

Daily Sales Report

Insert company name, Name of sales executive, region and applicable month and year.

Client Call Details

Daily Sales Report

Client call details consist of the following columns:

Sr. No: Serial Number.

Date: Date on which the sales call takes place.

Day: As soon as you enter the date, the day cell will auto-fill using the TEXT Function.

Time: Time of Sales Call. AM or PM.

Client Type: Select from the drop-down list. If it is a new client select “New” and if it is a follow-up client select “Follow Up”.

Client Name: Name of the client.

Area: A sales rep is usually allocated areas. Hence enter the name of the area in the client dwells.

Call Type: A sales call can be of different types. Select from the drop-down list hot, cold, warm or sale.

Sales Details

Daily Sales Report

Sales details constitute the details of the order received from the client. It includes the following columns:

Item Code: Select the product item code from the drop-down list.

Product Name: As you have entered details in the Product List sheet, it will automatically fetch the product name once you enter the code.

Qty: Enter the quantity ordered by the client.

Rate: This cell is auto-filled as per the item code selected.

Amount: This is the line total of that particular sale made. Amount = Qty X Rate.

Remarks: Enter if there are any issues or special instructions from the client in this section.

This sheet consists of table filter options. Hence, you can fetch multiple reports to analyze the data. You can generate date-wise, product-wise, and client-wise reports.

Daily Sales Report

For example, If you want to generate sales for a particular date, click on the button beside the column heading. Deselect all and select your desired date and click on OK. This generates the sales report for that particular date.

Daily Sales Report

Similarly, you can use this to generate a product-wise report and a client-wise report. The final totals for quantity and Sales revenue are given in the last line.

Sales Call Summary

Monthly Sales Summary

This sheet displays a monthly summary of the sales call made during the whole month.  It displays the following:

Total Calls made in a month
No. of New Clients
No. of Follow Up Calls
Hot Calls
Warm Calls
Cold Calls
Sales Calls
Total Units Sold
Total Monthly Sales

This sheet doesn’t require any entry. All cells in this sheet are auto-populated.

Printable Daily Sales Report

Printable Daily Sales Report

A printable version of DSR is also available. Just insert the company name and logo and print the sheet. It consists of all similar columns as in the DSR sheet except the amount column.

Click here to download the Printable Version.

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main dashboard for daily sales report template

One of the first templates which I created in Excel was for a Daily Sales Report. And while doing this, one thing which I learned: You need a format that is quick and simple to use.

Today, I’d like to share with you one of my favorite templates which I used to share with my boss. I am pretty sure this daily sales template will make your boss smile, even if the sales are going down. And you know the best part?

This is a one-page template with a simple format to understand. But before you download it, let me tell you how to use it and what are the features of this template.


There are some key features that make this template easy to use. So read ahead to get a detailed view of these features.

1. Day Wise Sales Against Monthly Target

To track daily performance, you have a chart and in this chart, you can get day-wise performance against the target. To compare daily sales with the target, we have a target line in this chart.

day wise sales chart in daily sales report template

When you input your monthly target, this template will convert it into a daily average. And, that target will be a benchmark for your daily performance. A small message box at the top will remind you about the daily average you need throughout the month.

2. Total Target vs. Actual Achievement [Percentage]

Next to our daily sales chart, there is a thermometer chart to show the total percentage achieved.

total achievement chart in daily sales report template

This simple chart will help you to track what you have achieved month to date.

3. Sales Achieved

The first box in the section will give a quick snapshot of sales you have done against the total target.

amount achievement keynote in daily sales report template

4. Per Day Average to Meet Target

The next box will alert you about the per-day average you have to manage for the rest of the days in the month.

This figure will change every day based on your performance to date in the month.

required average in daily sales report template

If your day-wise sale is less than the expected per-day target, this figure will increase or vice-versa.

5. Days Left in the Month

This box will show you the days left in the month which is a driving factor for your performance.

days left in month in daily sales report template

The calculation of these days is dynamic.

6. Special Remarks Section

We also have a special notes and remarks box. You can use this section to add some special notes.

other remarks in daily sales report template

I used to collect remarks from my sales team before submitting this report to my boss. You can this section in your way.

Input Data

As I told you that it’s super easy to prepare this template, all you have to do is just input your following data.

1. Current Month

Before you start tracking your daily sales make sure to select the current month. Selecting the current month is important because this will define the total number of days. Let’s say you have selected “Sep” then the total days of the month will be 30, and if you select “Oct” then it will be “31”.

For this, all you have to do, is just use this drop-down to select the current month.

drop down to select month in daily sales report template

2. Monthly Target

Once you select your current month the next thing to input is your monthly target. There is a direct connection between your monthly target and the total days of the month.

As soon as you enter your monthly target it will calculate the per-day average we need to meet the total target.

If you have a monthly target of $50000 and month days are 31, then the per day average will be $1613 per day.

So, just enter your monthly target in cell A34.

monthly target in daily sales report template

You know the best out the best part of this sales format? You need little effort to input data.

3. Daily Sales

Now, here is the main thing you have to enter “Day Wise Sale”. In the table below, you can enter your sales on daily basis. And, once you do that it will update the calculation in the entire template.

day wise sales entry in daily sales report template

This is the only thing you have to do every day as the rest of the two are one-time inputs.

If you have selected a month that has 30 days, then you have to enter the sales for only 30 days. And, for 31 days, input sales for 31 days. This daily sales report template is fully dynamic. There is no need from your end to make any changes. But, if you still want to customize it just follow me.


Before you customize this template make sure to unlock the worksheet. And, here I have some essential points for you If you want to customize this daily sales report template.

1. Change Currency Format

I have used the dollar as the currency format in this template. But if you want to change that format, just make this little tweak.

  • Go to cell A40, where I have pasted the $ format.

change currency format in daily sales report template

  • Just change the dollar format with your desired one.

Make sure to maintain the cell format for cell A40 as text.

2. Change Keynote Messages

To change some keynote messages just tweak in AG26:AG37 for that. This cell range contains the entire messages used in this template. I hide the messages by changing the font color to white, making sure to make it visible.

Download this template from here to try it yourself.


This daily sales report template will give your boss a quick impression of the daily sales. It’s a fact that anyone can understand this format in seconds but the thing is it’s super easy to prepare.

Please don’t forget to share this template with your friends.

More Templates

  • Stock Tracking in Excel
  • Gantt Chart Template in Excel
  • Monthly Expense Tracker Template in Excel

About the Author

puneet one point one

Puneet is using Excel since his college days. He helped thousands of people to understand the power of the spreadsheets and learn Microsoft Excel. You can find him online, tweeting about Excel, on a running track, or sometimes hiking up a mountain.

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Learning how to make a sales report using popular tools such as excel, powerpoint and freshbooks are considered staples to any field manager’s diet. Done properly, they provide a basic level of insight into a team’s performance and inform managers of the progress being made towards achieving their sales goals.

Managers can analyze:

  • Weekly sales revenue
  • Number of calls made
  • Face-to-face sales visits
  • Market share increases
  • Opportunity win rate
  • Sales pipeline coverage
  • Customer retention figures

Using this information managers can then formalize one-to-one coaching sessions with individual members, make adjustments to the sales process or package into a sales report presentation for management.

What’s more, for the most part these tools are (free) seeing as most businesses pay for the Microsoft Office 365 package. They are also reasonably easy to use once you get the hang of it.

So with that being said I’ve put together a simple, 5 step process to show you how to make a sales report using Excel.

How to Make a Sales Report: A Step by Step Guide

Now there are various different types of sales report we could focus on. We could gather data on sales calls made, number of clients visited, wallet allocation, market share, new business acquisition figures etc. etc.

But seeing as that’s impractical (for me) and unnecessary for teaching (you) how to make a sales report, we are just going to focus on one specific metric to get you started – weekly sales revenue.

Step #1

The first thing you need to do is gather your data and pop into a standard table like the one below in a new Excel document:

A weekly revenue sales chart on how to make a sales report

For this example we are examining the weekly revenue figures for a team of 6 sales reps. I’ve added two additional columns:

  1. The total amount of revenue for the week.
  2. The forecasted revenue for the week.

This will give us a better visual representation of our sales team’s performance once the data is plotted into a chart.

Step #2

  • Highlight ALL the data within the chart (title, days, sales reps, figures etc.).
  • Click the INSERT tab from the header menu.
  • From the drop-down bar select CHARTSINSERT COLUMN CHARTS and then CLUSTERED COLUMN.

How to make a sales report with a clustered chart

Once you click on CLUSTERED CHARTS a chart should appear like the one pictured to the right of the data table.

Step #3

To continue with our weekly sales report we need to:

  • Right click on the chart and hit the SELECT DATA option.
  • In the select data source box, hit SWITCH/ROW COLUMN

This will switch your X and Y axis around:

  • (X) Sales reps
  • (Y) Weekly revenue sold

Using switch colums in Excel to make a sales report presentation

You may need to change the title of the chart and you can do so simply by double clicking on the empty text base along the top.

You should be left with a chart similar to the one below:

How to do sales forecast using an Excel graph

Step #4

The final step is change the forecasted revenue value so it’s represented as an intersecting data line.

To do so:

  • Select the forecasted data column “in this example, the one in blue) and right-click and select CHANGE SERIES CHART TYPE
  • Now inside the Change Chart Type box, scroll down to the bottom to the “forecasted” chart type and change it from Clustered Column to LINE.

How to make a sales report using a line chart

Once you hit enter your graph will have changed to something like this:

How to create a sales report in excel

Step #5

The final step is completely optional, but I like to add the numerical value of each rep’s forecasted revenue just above their target line.

To do so:

  • Highlight the forecasted revenue line and click on the box icon with a plus sign inside called CHART ELEMENTS
  • Select DATA LABELS
  • Click on the black directional arrow and select ABOVE

How to make a sales report by changing data in Excel

The chart should look like this:

An Excel graph showing a completed sales report

With the green line representing the total revenue made by each rep during the week, and the blue line the figure obtained from your sales forecasting process, you can clearly track the progress and performance of your sales team.

Remember, you can create basic sales reports to represent a variety of different activities. I picked revenue as its one of the most popular/common sales metrics measured by sales managers but you can use this template to analyze:

  • Number of sales visits
  • Number of calls made
  • New business acquisition
  • Measuring customer retention rates
  • Market share

Literally any sales metric you deem necessary to measure your field sales reps performance against.

However, I would not recommend using this method unless you operated a smaller sales team of maybe 5, maximum 6 field sales reps.


Because as soon as you ramp up sales activity, expand into new territories or hire new salespeople you’re going to find the Excel model becomes increasingly difficult to manage.

Remember, the primary role of IT in sales management is to provide insight of the sales process and the performance of the team. If that data is of poor quality or managers lack the time to coach and advise their team, then these sales reports are going to hinder, rather than help their ability to manage.

Let’s explore some of the alternative options of how to make a sales report and why they are better suited to larger sales teams

Time Management

I’m not sure about you, but putting together that chart took me a good half hour to do (and that was just for individual revenue figures). Imagine repeating that process for each of your sales rep’s:

  • Desired business results
  • Objectives
  • Sales activities

It’s time consuming to say the least…

What’s more, the data I’ve used for these examples is, (I admit) completely invented. If I wanted a true representation of my team’s revenue figures, I’d have to either go into our sales management application and export/print this data, or speak to each sales rep individually to acquire these figures.

How much time do you think that would take? A couple hours? Half a day at best? Too long probably.

The thing is when we are pressed for time, the first task to be dropped from our “to-do list” is those 1-to-1 coaching sessions. Yet when we think of what makes a great sales manager you’d have to argue it’s their ability to coach their sales team.

As it is, we spend so much time putting the monthly sales report together that the little time we have left is spent “telling” sales reps to “go do this,” or “your sales pipeline looks empty, go make more calls” instead of sitting down with them individually and figuring out “why is it like this?”

So to avoid wasting a lot of valuable time with an Excel grid, try filtering through the fields in your mobile sales management system and select those that apply to your specific sales performance activity chain. These are the metrics that are credibly linked to the field sales activity that directly affects sales objectives and desired business results.

Let’s look at this common sales activity chain as an example:

How to make a sales report using focused sales metrics

The desired over business result here is to increase revenue by 25%.

The two elected objectives to achieve this end result were to add 15 additional customers from new business and increase our market share by 10%.

Now the two measurable field activity metrics in this case are the increase in SMB customers and field sales visits made per month.

Armed with this knowledge, it’s simply a case of filtering out the appropriate fields and punching “run” in your CRM system. It will deliver a concise report in a matter of seconds that you are able to review individually with your sales rep.

You might see that they’re falling short of their target of 5 SMB customers a month, or maybe they are 6 field sales visits short of their goal?

Whatever it might be, there’s no time lost manually entering data into an excel. No time wasted turning that data table into a fanciful graph and even less time spent gathering all this data in the first place. Just more time available for you to spend coaching your team and helping them hit these targets.

Data entry

Another advantage of using a mobile sales management tool is its higher user uptake ratio.

One of the drawbacks of traditional CRM systems, especially in field sales, is that they are difficult to use for the sales people out on the road. Some of the traditional provider have powerful systems that while great in the office, are extremely limited when it comes to mobility.

And those sales reps making face-to-face visits with clients across their territories need mobility. They need an intuitive, easy-to-use mobile application that can be used to record certain sales data and within 10 seconds, have the phone back in their pocket.

If not, the systems does not get adopted, the sales data does not get entered and sales managers do not have sufficient data with which to make a good, accurate sales reports.

Real-time Data Accuracy

A knock-on effect of the high user adoption rates experienced after employing a mobile-first sales solution is real-time data.

Because the field sales team is uploading information into the system as soon a sales call or face-to-face visit is over and not traversing miles across their territory to return to to the head office, the quality and accuracy of the data is second to none.

This means that when creating your sales report presentation you can be 100% confident in its validity and subsequently, confident in the business decisions you make.

To conclude I think it’s safe to say that when looking at how to make a report on sales, while Excel provides a basic option for small sales teams, if you are leading a field-based team with more than 6 sales reps a mobile sales management tool is a better option. Not only does it save managers a great deal of time that could be better spent coaching, but it increases the focus and data accuracy of your sales reports and consequently your ability to manage your sales team.

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