С word in game of thrones

A journalist from Canada recently shared a video on Twitter in which she asked people in Manchester their opinion of Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon). Two young people – one male, one female – replied immediately with the word “cunt”. The journalist was taken aback, and the video quickly racked up retweets and comments. So what’s going on here? Is the status of this notorious word changing?

Swearing is power language, a parallel vocabulary packed with emotion and social force. But its effects depend heavily on context: one person’s everyday expletive is another’s strict taboo. These differences also vary greatly across time and place. The strong religious swears in English in the Middle Ages are now mild in most places, though minced versions remain popular (jeepers, cripes, gosh).

Over time, taboos shifted from religion to sex and excretion: fuck, shit and company. Salient among them is cunt. “In the premier league of profanity,” Susie Dent tells us, “cunt has been dominating the table for over two centuries.” Yet it was not originally profane at all. It was once routine enough to appear in street names, surnames, even medical books. “In the 14th century cunt was standard English for the female pudendum,” writes Jane Mills in Womanwords. A century later it was still “the standard way to define vulva”, according to Melissa Mohr in Holy Shit: A Brief History of Swearing.

Attitudes then began to change, and cunt became taboo. Slang lexicographer Eric Partridge notes it was “avoided in written and polite English” – though Shakespeare snuck it in anyway. Later it became obscene by law. Partridge’s forerunner Francis Grose, in his 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, defined it – nastily – as “a nasty name for a nasty thing”. The OED prudishly omitted it from its first edition but caught up in 1972 and has fared better in recent years, adding the adjectives cunted, cunting, cuntish and cunty in March 2014. (The authoritative Green’s Dictionary of Slang catalogues a great variety of such terms.)

“By the early 20th century cunt has acquired a layer of hatred in its meaning,” Kate Warwick writes in an exploration of the word’s offensive power, describing how phonetics and connotation contribute to that effect. Germaine Greer’s influential Female Eunuch (1970) deemed it “the worst name anyone can be called”, and many would still agree. Surveys by broadcasting standards authorities in different English-speaking countries consistently place it at or near the top of their offensiveness charts.

But profanity is determined socially, which traditionally has meant locally, and in certain dialects cunt has little or no shock value. For some speakers of Australian English, Irish English and British (especially Scottish) English, it is an ordinary element of their speech. In Scotland it’s even becoming a pronoun. There are socioeconomic implications: “Even within England,” writes Ally Fogg, “it is used more commonly the further you get (both geographically and sociopolitically) from the ruling class and the bourgeoisie.”

Its casual use can be hard to adjust to if your culture categorises it as a serious, misogynistic slur. In dialects where cunt is less taboo, it’s often used of men, typically as an insult but also with affection. That doesn’t rid it of its gender-markedness, though (any more than “guys” has become gender neutral) simply because some people use it that way. As Lynne Murphy writes, “The shift from feminine to masculine in British English is part of a more general tendency to use words for women (or our parts) as the ultimate way to put down a man. Which sums up the status of womanhood in our culture rather neatly.”

There are signs that cunt’s taboo is decreasing slightly in North America, or at least parts of it. Feminist efforts to reclaim it gained momentum through Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues, while Michael Adams has tracked its reappropriation on American TV – though he concludes that the examples don’t yet constitute a trend.

The word’s occurrence in high-profile shows such as Game of Thrones may reduce its profane power, if only a little, but the greater influence of religious and social conservatism will preserve the taboo’s strength. In language use we take our cues from family, friends and peers far more than from pop culture. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, and even a couple of swears doesn’t break a taboo.

This article is written from an out-of-universe perspective.
Eddard Stark: «Look at me. You’re a Stark of Winterfell. You know our words.«
Arya Stark: «‘Winter is Coming’.«
— Lord Eddard Stark and his daughter Arya.[src]

Each of the noble houses of the Seven Kingdoms have their own official family motto, or «words«. These usually take the form of boasts or threats, used as battle-cries, such as House Baratheon’s words «Ours is the fury!», or House Tully’s words «Family, Duty, Honor». House Stark is a major exception in that unlike most other houses, its words are not a boast or a threat but the ominous warning «Winter is coming».

Each noble house also has its own unique heraldry, such as the Stark direwolf or Lannister lion. While a house’s heraldic symbol and motto are often associated, the words are usually not depicted directly in heraldry or on an army’s banners. Rather, house words are usually shouted by the men carrying the banners as they charge into battle. A noble house’s choice of heraldry and official motto often reflects the general character, philosophy, or political strategy that the family espouses.

A Tyrell lady holds up her embroidery, featuring the golden rose of the Tyrell sigil surmounting their words, «Growing Strong».

House words do not typically appear on a house’s heraldry, in the books as well as the TV series. In the first three TV seasons, house words have only appeared written out exactly once, when a Tyrell lady displays her embroidery of the House Tyrell golden rose sigil, surmounting their motto «Growing Strong».[1]

None of the official house words which have appeared in the TV adaptation produced by HBO were changed from the original A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Not all of the house words established in the books have, however, been established within the TV continuity. It would be awkward to fit this into on-screen dialogue for every single noble house which appears. The words of each of the Great Houses, which control the constituent regions of the Seven Kingdoms, have been established in on-screen dialogue. There are well over a hundred major noble houses underneath them, however, not all of which have been established within the TV series.

A benefit is that the Histories & Lore narrated Blu-ray shorts, as well as the HBO Viewer’s Guide, have been quite thorough about stating what each house motto is, when possible. These ancillary materials are part of the official «TV series canon», and so far have always matched what a house’s words were in the books, but casual viewers may have skipped over them.

House words for the TV series generally fall into three categories: those mentioned in on-screen dialogue, those mentioned in ancillary materials (Blu-ray shorts and the HBO Viewer’s Guide), and those known only from the books. On a few occasions, certain house words have not yet been revealed in the books (i.e. despite their prominence within the storyline, the words of House Frey and House Umber have not been revealed even by the end of the fifth novel).

The TV series has referred to them as both «words» and «motto» at various points, so both terms are correct usage. They tend to be called «words» more often, but Maester Luwin refers to the Lannister «official motto» in «The Wolf and the Lion».

House words which have appeared on-screen in the TV series proper

Great Houses

  • House Baratheon — Ours is the Fury[2]
  • House Greyjoy — We Do Not Sow[2][3]
  • House Martell — Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken[2]
  • House Stark — Winter Is Coming[4][5]
  • House Tully — Family, Duty, Honor[2]
  • House Tyrell — Growing Strong[1]

The Lannisters are an unusual case in that their unofficial motto is used far more often within the narrative of both the TV series and the books than their official motto. Their official motto, as mentioned in «House Lannister», is actually «Hear Me Roar!» — but this is hardly ever used, even within the books. It is usually brought up solely for characters to point out that it isn’t as popular as their unofficial motto: «A Lannister always pays his debts». The unofficial motto is used on numerous occasions in the TV series. In «The Wolf and the Lion», Maester Luwin quizzes Bran on the heraldry and words of different noble houses. When asked to name the motto of House Lannister, Bran answers «A Lannister always pays his debts». Luwin points out that though this is a common saying, it is not their official motto. The official motto was given in the Season 1 Blu-ray set, but wasn’t heard on-screen until the finale of Season 6, when Lannister soldiers are heard saying the words at Walder Frey’s victory celebration following the retaking of Riverrun.[6]

  • House Lannister — «A Lannister always pays his debts» (unofficial, common saying)[2]
    • Female Lannisters of course adapt the unofficial motto to «A Lannister always pays her debts».[7]

Other houses

  • House Frey — We Stand Together
    • The Freys’ motto is unknown even in the books, but in the Season 6 finale, when Walder Frey toasts the Lannister soldiers they cheer their official motto, «Hear me roar!», and then the Freys cheer «We Stand Together!» — given the context this seems to be presenting that this is the Frey motto (the first time a motto was revealed in the TV show before the books) — but it is unclear if this was just a «statement» given the context. Following right after this, in the Season 7 premiere «Dragonstone», the Freys toast each other at a feast by just saying «Stand Together!» — reinforcing that this is probably meant to be their motto, while at the same time introducing a little confusion about which is the official version. Apparently it was meant as a play on words for how their home castle the Twins is actually two castles on opposite sides of a river linked by a bridge, combined with the irony that the Freys are a fractious lot, with numerous internal rivalries.
  • House Hornwood — Righteous in Wrath[2]

Words confirmed from supplementary materials within the TV continuity

  • House Arryn — As High as Honor[8]
    • In reference to the Arryn’s heavy focus on honor, and the location of their castle-seat, the Eyrie, atop high and very formidable defensive mountains.
  • House Targaryen — Fire and Blood[9]
    • In reference to the fire of the Targaryen dragons and that they forged the Seven Kingdoms into one unified realm through a bloody conquest. In the novels, it is explained that Aegon the Conqueror chose their sigil and words when he began his conquest of Westeros.
    • So far, the Targaryen words have been explicitly identified as such on-screen, but in Season 2’s «The Old Gods and the New» Daenerys Targaryen warns the Spice King of Qarth that she will take what is hers «With fire and blood.» TV-first viewers (who didn’t watch the Season 1 Blu-ray animated shorts) would have no way of knowing she was quoting her house words. In «The Winds of Winter», Varys greets Olenna Tyrell with with the words «fire and blood», as a means of clarifying Ellaria Sand’s offer of «justice and vengeance». Olenna would naturally recognize the implication of the words instantly.
  • House Bolton — Our Blades are Sharp[10]
    • In reference to their sigil, a flayed man, and their infamy for flaying their enemies alive.
    • Like with House Lannister’s preference for the usage of their unofficial motto of «A Lannister always pays his/her debts,» over the official «Hear Me Roar!» House Bolton also has a similar situation. Although House Bolton’s words are «Our Blades Are Sharp,» the more common saying of the house, and used frequently in the TV adaptation, is «A naked man has few secrets; a flayed man, none.»[11]
  • House Karstark — The Sun of Winter[12]
    • In reference to their sigil, a white sunburst on black.
  • House Tallhart — Proud and Free[13]
  • House Mormont — Here We Stand
    • Jorah Mormont does loosely quote this when he says «Yet here I stand», as he blocks Viserys from stealing his sister’s dragon eggs in «A Golden Crown». TV-first viewers would have no way of knowing that his line was quoting his house words.

Words of houses present in the TV series, known only from the books

This list is not meant to be exhaustive of every house that might have appeared in the background of the TV series at any point, but a few of the more prominent houses from the TV series which either have major speaking roles or are prominently mentioned by name:

  • House Cerwyn — Honed and Ready
    • In reference to their sigil, a battle-axe.
  • House Mallister — Above the Rest
    • In reference to their sigil, an eagle.
  • House Stokeworth — Proud to be Faithful
  • House Tarly — First in Battle
    • In reference to House Tarly’s reputation as the best warriors and military commanders in the Reach.
  • House Royce — We Remember
    • In reference to the fact that the Royces are one of the oldest families in the Vale, a holdout First Men family while the rest of the major houses of the Vale descend from the Andal invaders.
  • House Marbrand — Burning Bright
    • In reference to their sigil, a burning tree.

Houses whose words are unknown even from the books

  • House Blackwood
  • House Bracken
  • House Florent
  • House Glover
  • House Manderly
  • House Payne
  • House Reed
  • House Tarth
  • House Umber
  • House Frey (Unconfirmed if «We Stand Together,» is official)

House words invented in the TV continuity

Rarely, house words have been invented for the TV continuity (including spin-off media such as video games).

It is possible that house words might be introduced first in the TV series, though later confirmed in subsequent novels, i.e. if Season 6 mentions what the House Frey words are but this might only be confirmed in the sixth novel. This has not occurred yet, but if it does, an attempt will be made to confirm if the words provided in the TV series match the book continuity, and simply haven’t been mentioned in them yet.


  1. 1.0 1.1 «And Now His Watch Is Ended»
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 «The Wolf and the Lion»
  3. «What Is Dead May Never Die»
  4. «Winter Is Coming»
  5. «Lord Snow»
  6. «The Winds of Winter»
  7. «The Prince of Winterfell»
  8. «House Arryn»
  9. «House Targaryen»
  10. «House Bolton»
  11. «Garden of Bones»
  12. Mentioned in the Season 3 Inside the Episode running notes.
  13. HBO viewers guide entry on Torrhen’s Square

External links

  • A Wiki of Ice and Fire favicon.PNG House words on A Wiki of Ice and Fire

Игру престолов стоит смотреть. Хочется начать именно с этого, ведь кто-то обязательно увидит название статьи и скажет «Боже, опять это». Да, Игру престолов стоит смотреть если не из-за качества и фантастически интересного сюжета, то хотя бы из-за красивого, порой не простого, чрезвычайно разнообразного английского. Да, местами он грубый и слово «fuck», чего уж греха таить, появляется в каждой серии много раз. Но это тоже английский, который также следует знать.

Конечно, интересных слов в этом сериале так много, что мне бы и двадцати статей не хватило, чтобы их проанализировать. Однако есть некоторые слова и выражения, понимание которых существенно поможет вам в просмотре Игры Престолов на английском. Именно такой вокабуляр я собрала в этой статье. Поверьте, каждое из этих слов вы услышите не раз, поэтому будьте уверены, просто прочитать и забыть их не удастся!

Кстати, важный alert. Если вы только собираетесь смотреть сериал и вовсе не знаете сюжета, будьте осторожны с просмотром видео, for the night is dark and full of SPOILERS! Если же вы, как я, пытаетесь разгадать тайну Короля Ночи и собрались посмотреть Игру престолов английском, help yourself.

Итак, начнем. Игра Престолов полна прозвищ, которые дают главным героям:

  • Dwarf /dwɔː (r) f/ — a person of unusually small stature, an offensive word for a person affected with the medical condition of dwarfism — карлик, гном
  • Imp — an imaginary creature that looks like a small child and likes to have fun by behaving badly — бесенок, проказник

  • Bastard — someone whose parents are not married to each other — внебрачный ребенок, бастард

Ниже отрывок из сериала с прекрасным диалогом «гнома» и «бастарда». Когда будете его смотреть, обратите внимание еще и на красивое слово armor.

  • Armor — metal clothing that soldiers wore in the Middle Ages to protect their bodies — броня

Если уж об этом зашла речь, должна вас предупредить, что сага о Вестеросе значительно обогатит ваш словарный запас обидными прозвищами. И не говорите, что вам не нужно знать эти слова. Носители английского, с которыми вы будете общаться — обычные люди, они ссорятся.

  • Scum — an insulting word for someone who you think is very unpleasant — сволочи
  • Moron — an insulting word for someone who behaves in a stupid way — идиот
  • Savage — an insulting word for someone from a culture that is not considered to be advanced. This is now considered offensive — дикарь
  • Cripple — an offensive word for someone who is physically disabled, especially someone who is unable to walk — калека

Игра Престолов известна своими драками, войнами и баталиями. А еще там всегда кто-то кому-то изменяет. Вот несколько слов, которые сопровождают большинство сериальных измен:

  • Execute — to kill someone as a punishment for a crime — казнить
  • Treason — the crime of helping your country’s enemies or of trying to destroy your country’s government — предательство
  • Slaughter — to kill a lot of people in a violent way — оказывать массовое убийство
  • Break the oath — to not do something you have promised to do — нарушить клятву
  • Usurper — a person who takes a position of power or importance illegally or by force — узурпатор
  • Traitor — who is not loyal to their friends, family, employer etc — предатель

Как говорится, every cloud has a silver lining. В мире, где живут драконы и белые ходоки, случаются и радостные события, а соответственно, и радостные (или хотя нейтральные) слова:

  • Prudent — careful, and using good judgment — рассудительный
  • Honorable — morally good and deserving respect — благородный
  • Knight — a soldier from a high social class who wore a suit of armor and rode a horse — рыцарь
  • Squire — a young man in the Middle Ages who worked for a knight (= a man who rode a horse when fighting) — оруженосец
  • Courtesy — polite behavior that shows respect for people in social situations — вежливость
  • Truce — an agreement between two people or groups involved in a war, fight, or disagreement to stop it for a period of time — перемирие

Если вы смотрели сериал, вы знаете какое большое значение большинство героев уделяет своему статусу и месту в обществе. Они гордятся своими (или чужими) званиями и не упускают возможности ими похвастаться. Именно поэтому фразы типа «heir to the Iron Throne» или «protector of the realm» становятся привычными уже после первых трех серий.

  • Realm /relm/ — a country ruled by a king or queen — королевство
  • Reign — the period of time when a king or queen rules a country — власть, царствование
  • Heir /eə (r)/ — someone who will receive money, property, or a title when another person dies — наследник, наследник
  • Bend the knee — submit — преклонить колено

Кстати, о звании.

Игра Престолов, как любое хорошее фэнтези, имеет набор своих собственных слов и выражений, которые имеют особое значение в ее вселенной. В переводе большинство из них звучат по-другому, поэтому посмотрите на оригинал.

  • Direwolf — лютоволки. Слово dire в английском означает «зловещий». Волшебные животные, которые являются символом севера в Вестеросе.

  • Greyscale — серая болезнь. Та самая, что превращает человека в камень.
  • Hand of the King — the King’s most senior advisor — десница короля.
  • Kingslayer — цареубийца. Вы знаете, кто у нас в Вестеросе известный цареубийца. Кстати, slay — убивать.
  • Maester — wise old men — Мейстер. Старенькие мужчины, которые лечат, дают советы и многое знают о жизни.
  • Dothraki — дотракийци, всадники с севера. До сих пор скучаю по Дрого, if you know what I mean.

  • Night’s Watch — an army of men who guard The Wall — ночная стража. Их еще называют crows — вороны. Там начинал Джон Сноу до того как стать King in the North.
  • Wildlings — the people who live beyond The Wall — дикие. Те же, среди которых «You know nothing, Jon Snow» girl.
  • Unsullied — безупречные, элитная армия рабов. Кстати, unsullied в английском означает not spoilt.

Посмотреть Game of Thrones на языке оригинала можно здесь, 1 месяц бесплатно.

Да, конечно, эти 33 слова — лишь капля в океане. Пожалуйста, не пугайтесь, если после просмотра одной серии на языке оригинала, вам будет казаться, будто вы понимаете совсем мало. Наш мозг — приспособленец. Чтобы привыкнуть к акцентам, особым выражениям и новым словам ему понадобится время. Однако если вы не сдадитесь, то точно заметите, что с каждой новой серией вы понимаете все больше. Поэтому попробуйте, ведь … Valar Morghulis;)

The finale is coming… Скоро мы, наконец, узнаем, кто победит в битве за Железный трон. Смотреть «Игру престолов» гораздо интереснее в оригинале: не теряются интонации актеров, акценты и другие значимые вещи. Давайте запомним семь важных (по крайней мере, для вселенной Джорджа Мартина) английских слов, без которых будет непросто отказаться от русского дубляжа.

Главный бастард сериала — Джон Сноу, внебрачный сын Нэда Старка. Как правило, бастарды жили отдельно от отца, но Джон рос вместе с детьми Нэда в Винтерфелле несмотря на то, что Кейтлин Старк и Санса его недолюбливали. Да и остальные персонажи не упускали возможности напомнить Джону о его статусе.

— Let me give you some counsel, bastard. Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not («Позволь дать тебе совет, бастард. Никогда не забывай, кто ты такой, ведь мир этого не забудет»).

В современном английском bastard, в основном, используется как оскорбление — «сволочь», «ублюдок»: «There’s been a power cut and now I can’t watch another episode of Game of Thrones. Bloody bastards!» («Вырубился свет и теперь я не могу посмотреть еще одну серию „Игры престолов“. Гребаные сволочи!»)

Практически каждый главный персонаж в «Игре престолов» чей-то наследник, вот они и претендуют на Железный Трон. Даже Джон Сноу в итоге оказался никаким не бастардом, а наследником Таргариена. В общем, слово heir, которое читается так же, как air (воздух), можно услышать в сериале очень часто.

— He’s never been a bastard. He’s the heir to the Iron Throne («Он никогда не был бастардом. Он — наследник Железного Трона»).

— You stand in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne («Вы стоите перед Дейенерис Бурерожденной из дома Таргариенов, законной наследницей Железного Трона»).

За пределами вселенной «Игры престолов» и исторического фикшна вам это слово вряд ли придется использовать часто. Но вдруг вам оставят в наследство замок где-то в Шотландии (an heir to a castle), а вы и не поймете, что рассказывают вам не про чистый шотландский воздух.

Колдуны живут в городе Кварта, в the House of the Undying (Доме Бессмертных). Ходят слухи, что из Дома Бессмертных невозможно выйти. Узнать колдунов можно по синим губам, которые приобретают такой цвет от напитка Shade of the evening (Вечерняя тень). Многие колдуны верят, что этот напиток увеличивает их магические силы, но что действительно может вернуть им былую мощь — это драконы Дейенерис. Однако, никакая магия не может удержать Дейенерис и ее деток в заточении.

— Once, the Warlocks truly were mighty. Or so they would have us believe («Когда-то колдуны были действительно могущественными. Или они заставили нас в это поверить»).

Warlock произошло от древнеанглийского слова, обозначающего the Devil (дьявол), потому так называют колдуна, который практикует именно черную магию. Колдуны из Кварта — это warlocks, а Альбус Дамблдор — великий wizard.

Больше лексики из «Игры престолов» вы можете найти в приложении Skyeng для изучения новых английских слов. Мы подготовили отличный большой список (в этой статье — лишь малая его часть).

Средневековье — не про сказочные земли, фей, прекрасных принцесс и драконов. Это один из самых темных и кровавых периодов в истории человечества. Неудивительно, что каждый сезон сериала — это сплошная бойня. Пожалуй, одна из самых ярких кровавых сцен за историю сериала — the Red Wedding (Красная свадьба). Потому что всегда нужно выполнять свои обещания, Робб Старк.

7 английских слов, без которых вы не поймете «Игру престолов» в оригинале

Слушай, на свадьбе присутствуют четыре или пять главных персонажей. Думаю, с нами все будет ок…

Серсея — один из самых расчетливых узурпаторов власти в «Игре престолов». По крайней мере, до того момента, пока она не решила объединить силы с Эуроном Грейджоем. Он не внушает особого доверия. Сначала Серсея usurped the throne (захватила престол) для своего старшего сына Джоффри, прекрасно понимая, что он незаконный наследник. После убийства Джоффри она проделывает ту же схему с Томменом. Затем и вовсе доводит сына до самоубийства, чтобы самой заполучить трон. А потом Серсея еще и упрекает Дейенерис в захватнических мотивах. Вот кто бы говорил.

— Your capital will be safe until the Northern threat is dealt with. You have my word («Столица будет в безопасности, пока мы не разберемся с угрозой на Севере. Даю слово»).
— The word of a would-be usurper! («Слово будущего захватчика!»)

Еще глагол to usurp можно встретить в сочетании со словами power (власть) и land (земли).

Погода в мире «Игры престолов», мягко говоря, странная. Здесь лето может длиться десять лет (не самый худший вариант). Куда неприятнее оказаться на Севере, особенно зимой. Страшно представить, что творится в это время года, если даже летом здесь лежат сугробы по грудь восьмилетнему Брану Старку. Неподготовленный путешественник наверняка может to freeze to death — замерзнуть насмерть.

7 английских слов, без которых вы не поймете «Игру престолов» в оригинале

«Зима близко». 59 серий спустя: «Зима наступила». Ждать пришлось недолго.

Если вы живете не в Винтерфелле, то можете использовать глагол to freeze в значении «заморозить» — например, лед для коктейля (to freeze ice cubes) или мясо (to freeze meat). Еще в американских фильмах можно услышать, как полицейские кричат: «Freeze!» («Ни с места!»).

Джон Сноу, Дейенерис и Тирион Ланнистер убеждены, что единственная возможность спасти Семь Королевств от нашествия Белых Ходоков — заключить alliance (союз), хоть и временный. Вместе с армией Серсеи и Железным флотом Эурона Грейджоя у них есть шанс противостоять Королю ночи. Пока что их попытки добиться перемирия не увенчались успехом. Посмотрим, что будет в финальном сезоне.

— If we don’t win this fight then that is the fate of every person in the world («Если мы не победим в этой битве, то вот какая участь ждет всех людей в мире»).

Чтобы подготовиться к просмотру финального сезона, найдите сет слов по «Игре престолов» в мобильном приложении Skyeng. Приложение дает возможность учить новые слова в любом месте — за завтраком, в очереди за кофе, в метро по дороге домой. Специальный алгоритм будет показывать вам конкретное слово как раз тогда, когда оно готово забыться.

В основе приложения лежит принцип «кривой забывания» — мы уже про него рассказывали. Ученики Skyeng пользуются приложением совершенно бесплатно. Остальные могут свободно потестировать его в течение двух недель (вспомнить лексику из сериала точно успеете!). Помимо Game of Thrones, там много списков слов на самые разные темы — путешествия, еда, технологии и так далее.

Хотите узнать способы, которые эффективнее всего помогают учить новые слова? Поделитесь этим материалом в соцсетях: если наберется 100 репостов, мы сделаем об этом отдельный материал.

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Following is a collection of last words spoken by characters in the television series, Game of Thrones.

Season 1[edit]

  • Forgive me, Lord.
    • Who: Will
    • Source: Episode 1×1, «Winter Is Coming»
    • Note: Character has just been apprehended as a deserter of the Night’s Watch. Though he apologises to Ned Stark, aware of the consequences of his actions, he affirms that he saw White Walkers beyond the Wall. The words above are a final whispered utterance to both himself and his liege, and he is beheaded for his crime.
  • You’re not supposed to be here. No one’s supposed to be here. It’s a mercy, he’s dead already.
    • Who: Unnamed assassin
    • Source: Episode 1×2, «The Kingsroad»
    • Note: Spoken to Catelyn Stark, upon seeing that she is in the room with his target, her comatose son Bran. After struggling with Catelyn, his throat is ripped out by Bran’s direwolf, Summer.
  • If you threaten my lord again…
    • Who: Jory Cassell
    • Source: Episode 1×5. «The Wolf and The Lion»
    • Ned Stark and his retinue of bannermen have been surrounded by Jaime Lannister and his guards, spurred into action by news of Tyrion’s capture. Character says the above after Jaime attempts to intimidate his liege, and he is killed after he singles Jaime out in the fight that follows, with his opponent swiftly plunging a dagger into his eye.
  • No, Dany. Dany, tell them. Make them! Dany, make them… No, you can’t! dany— please! just, please!
    • Who: Viserys Targaryen
    • Source: Episode 1×6, «A Golden Crown»
    • Note: After threatening Daenerys try and force Khal Drogo to help him gain his crown, character is restrained by Khal Drogo’s guards and begs Daenerys to call them off. Daenerys watches impassively as Khal Drogo «crowns» Viserys with a pot of molten gold, killing him.
  • My memory…hehe. King Robert Baratheon…murdered by a pig. Give me something for the pain, and let me die.
    • Who: King Robert Baratheon
    • Source: Episode 1×7, «You Win or You Die»
    • Note: Character has been mortally wounded by a boar he was hunting. He clings to life long enough to entrust his kingdom to the regency of his friend Ned Stark until his «son» Joffrey comes of age. Ned knows that Joffrey is in fact not Robert’s child, but cannot bring himself to hurt his friend on his deathbed with the truth.
  • What do we say to the god of death?
    • Who: Syrio Forel
    • Source: Episode 1×8, «The Pointy End»
    • Note: Spoken after fighting off four Lannister guardsmen to protect Arya Stark, before finally being disarmed by Ser Meryn Trant. He refuses to flee with Arya, and instead utters this line, harkening back to an earlier lesson. Arya responds correctly with «Not today» and makes her escape. Syrio is presumed dead, but his final fate is not shown.
  • My horse…blood of my blood…no, I must ride.
    • Who: Khal Drogo
    • Source: Episode 1×9, «Baelor»
    • Note: Character has become deathly ill from an infected wound and fallen from his horse, which among the Dothraki means he is no longer fit to be Khal. He slips further into fever and delirium, prompting Daenerys to order Mirri Maz Duur to save him with blood magic. Mirri’s ritual, however, only returns character to a catatonic state despite killing his and Daenerys’ unborn child. Seeing that character has no hope of recovery, Daenerys smothers him with a pillow.
  • I am Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and Hand of the King. I come before you to confess my treason in the sight of gods and men. I betrayed the faith of my king and the trust of my friend, Robert. I swore to protect and defend his children, but before his blood was cold, I plotted to murder his son and seize the throne for myself. Let the High Septon and Baelor the Blessed bear witness to what I say: Joffrey Baratheon is the one true heir to the Iron Throne, by the grace of all the gods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
    • Who: Eddard Stark
    • Source: Episode 1×9, «Baelor»
    • Note: Eddard falsely confesses to treason in order to save his daughters, though he has also been promised his own life will be spared. Joffrey breaks this promise and orders that Ned be beheaded.
  • You will not hear me scream!
    • Who: Mirri Maz Duur
    • Source: Episode 1×10, «Fire and Blood»
    • Note: After character betrays Daenerys, causing the deaths of Khal Drogo as well as Daenerys’ unborn child, character says the above as Daenerys binds her to Khal Drogo’s funeral pyre.

Season 2[edit]

  • A cup of wine to honor the one true god.
    • Who: Maester Cressen
    • Source: Episode 2×1, «The North Remembers»
    • Character, disturbed by the amount of influence Melisandre is holding over Stannis, to the point of having him renounce his old religion, plans to commit murder-suicide for the sake of his lord; at a gathering, offering to set aside differences in order to make up for speaking out against her, he discreetly poisons a cup of wine and drinks it first. As the poison takes effect, he watches Melisandre drink the rest of the cup unaffected, and he collapses soon after.
  • I’ve always hated crossbows. Take too long to load!
    • Who: Yoren
    • Source: Episode 2×3, «What is Dead May Never Die»
    • Note: Character, a Night’s Watch recruiter, has been confronted by Lannister soldiers looking for Gendry, a boy in Yoren’s caravan. After refusing to disarm, and being shot by a Lannister crossbow, he says this line, charging the Lannister soldiers as he shouts the second part. Ultimately he is overpowered and executed by the leader of the soldiers, Ser Amory Lorch.
  • No. You’ll have to carry me.
    • Who: Lommy Greenhands
    • Source: Episode 2×3, «What is Dead May Never Die»
    • Note: Character, a teenage Night’s Watch recruit, has been wounded in a fight with Lannister soldiers and taken captive along with Arya, Hot Pie, and Gendry. When asked by Polliver, a Lannister soldier, if he can walk, he responds with the above line. He is then killed out of hand by Polliver, who mocks character’s request to be carried by his captors.
  • Please bring my terms to your son. I believe we are natural allies, I hope he feels the same. Together, we can end this war in a fortnight.
    • Who: Renly Baratheon
    • Source: Episode 2×5, «The Ghost of Harrenhal»
    • Note: Negotiating the terms of an alliance with Catelyn Stark, character is then stabbed by a shadow creature birthed earlier by Melisandre.
  • Hush now, child. I’m off to see your father. Gods help you, Theon Greyjoy. Now you are truly lost.
    • Who: Ser Rodrik Cassel
    • Source: Episode 2×6, «The Old Gods and the New»
    • Note: Character is about to be executed by Theon Greyjoy for openly disrespecting him after Theon captures Winterfell. Character says the first line to calm a frantic Bran Stark, referring to Ned Stark who was killed in Season 1. He then addresses the final line to Theon himself, who had been raised by character and the rest of the Stark household as a ward.
  • Tell me.
    • Who: Alton Lannister
    • Source: Episode 2×7, «A Man Without Honor»
    • Note: Character, conversing with a captive Jaime, inquries about whether or not Jaime has thought about trying to escape. He responds that he has, yet he didn’t think he could until then, and character asks what he can do to help. Jaime subsequently beats him to death to attract the attention of his jailer.
  • There’s only one ship.
    • Who: Matthos Seaworth
    • Source: Episode 2×9, «Blackwater»
    • Note: The crew on board Davos’ ship see a lone vessel of the Royal Fleet heading towards their armada. Character makes the above comment before they discover the ship is unmanned, but leaking wildfire. The flotilla attempts to steer away, but a flaming arrow ignites the wildfire and engulfs the fleet in flames, with Matthos being killed as the explosion hurls him overboard.
  • Do it quickly.
    • Who: Maester Luwin
    • Source: Episode 2×10, «Valar Morghulis»
    • Notes: Character has been mortally wounded by Dagmer Cleftjaw in the Ironborn’s betrayal of Theon. Content in seeing Bran and Rickon alive, he urges them to go north to the Wall to meet Jon and tasks Osha with protecting them. Osha asks for the milk of the poppy to ease his pain but he refuses, imploring that she kill him out of mercy instead.
  • They will be waiting a long time.
    • Who: Pyat Pree
    • Source: Episode 2×10, «Valar Morghulis»
    • Note: Character has welcomed Daenerys Targaryen «home» as he chains her inside the House of the Undying. Daenerys responds that her home is across the sea where her people are waiting for her. Character responds with the above line, after which Daenerys commands her dragons to incinerate him.
  • Khaleesi!
    • Who: Xaro Xhoan Daxos
    • Source: Episode 2×10, «Valar Morghulis»
    • Notes: Character is locked in his own vault by Daenerys Targaryen after she escapes from the house of the Undying.
  • We are…the watchers…on the Wall.
    • Who: Qhorin Halfhand
    • Source: Episode 2×10, «Valar Morghulis»
    • Note: Having been captured by the wildlings, character provokes a fight with fellow prisoner Jon Snow in order to allow Jon to gain the wildlings’ trust and infiltrate their army by killing him. The line, spoken after being mortally wounded, is taken from the Night’s Watch vows, reminding Jon of his duty.

Season 3[edit]

  • I’ll chop the hands off the next man who calls me bastard!
    • Who: Craster
    • Source: Episode 3×4, «And Now His Watch is Ended»
    • Note: Character has just been insulted by the Night’s Watch men he is sheltering, who have become fed up with the meager food they’ve been given and Craster’s remarks about their wounded. Karl, a Night’s Watch brother finally pushed beyond the breaking point, deliberately calls character a bastard again. Craster lunges at Karl, but is fatally stabbed by him.
  • Unhand her. I shall have your head for this!
    • Who: Lord Commander Jeor Mormont
    • Source: Episode 3×4, «And Now His Watch is Ended»
    • Note: Character has just watched one of his Night’s Watch men, Karl, kill their host Craster (see above). Karl then grabs one of Craster’s daughter-wives, demanding to know where their food is hidden, prompting the above line. Character moves to fight Karl, but is stabbed in the back by another disgruntled Night’s Watch brother, Rast.
  • I am your master! Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!
    • Who: Kraznyz mo Nakloz
    • Source: Episode 3×4, «And Now His Watch is Ended»
    • Note: Character has just traded 8,000 Unsullied slave soldiers to Daenerys Targaryen for her dragon, Drogon. Daenerys orders the Unsullied to kill all the slavers in Astapor and free their slaves. Character speaks the above, trying to order the Unsullied to kill Daenerys, but they ignore him since he is no longer their owner. Daenerys then orders Drogon (whose loyalty cannot be bought or traded) to incinerate character.
  • Is this a rescue? Are we…
    • Who: Willem Lannister
    • Source: Episode 3×5, «Kissed by Fire»
    • Note: Character, a nephew of Tywin and a captive of Robb’s forces, is killed by Rickard Karstark and his bannermen in retaliation for his son’s death at the hands of Jaime in the previous season.
  • Please, I didn’t do anything! I’m just a squire, please!
    • Who: Martyn Lannister
    • Source: Episode 3×5, «Kissed by Fire»
    • Note: Character, a nephew of Tywin and a captive of Robb’s forces, is killed by Rickard Karstark and his bannermen in retaliation for his son’s death at the hands of Jaime in the previous season.
  • Kill me, and be cursed! You are no king of mine!
    • Who: Rickard Karstark
    • Source: Episode 3×5, «Kissed by Fire»
    • Note: As vengeance for his sons’ death, Karstark murders two captive Lannister boys; Robb executes him for treason. Character reminds Robb that they are distantly related, not because he thinks it will save him, but as a taunt: killing a member of your own family is one of the most damning sins in their shared religion.
  • Eddard. Don’t you want to teach little Ned Stark how to ride horses?
    • Who: Queen Talisa
    • Source: Episode 3×9, «The Rains of Castamere»
    • Note: After giving her husband, Robb Stark, the news that she is pregnant, character proposes the name Eddard if the child is a boy. Shortly afterward, she is stabbed repeatedly in the stomach by Lothar Frey, the first victim of the Red Wedding’s bloodshed.
  • On my honor as a Tully, on my honor as a Stark, LET HIM GO, or I will cut your wife’s throat!
    • Who: Catelyn Stark
    • Source: Episode 3×9, «The Rains of Castamere»
    • Note: In the midst of the carnage of the Red Wedding, character siezes Lord Walder Frey’s young wife, Joyeuse, and holds her at knifepoint in a desperate attempt to bargain for the life of her son, Robb. Lord Walder casually responds that he’ll find another wife, and Roose Bolton delivers the final blow to Robb, stabbing him through the heart. Catelyn then carries out her threat, and stares in horror at her son’s body for a moment before her throat is cut in turn by Black Walder Frey.
  • Mother.
    • Who: Robb Stark
    • Source: Episode 3×9, «The Rains of Castamere»
    • Note: Character has just been wounded by crossbow bolts during the Red Wedding, and is now witnessing his mother, Catelyn holding Walder Frey’s wife at knifepoint to barter for his life. Immediately afterward, he is stabbed through the heart by Roose Bolton.

Season 4[edit]

  • Carry me?
    • Who: Polliver
    • Source: Episode 4×1, «Two Swords»
    • Note: Character is being held at swordpoint by Arya Stark, who plans to kill him as revenge for killing her friend (see Lommy Greenhands, S2E3) and taking her sword, Needle. Arya repeats the lines character had said during the above deeds. Character initially doesn’t recognize Arya and utters the above in confusion, but realizes the truth as Arya continues her recitation. Arya then stabs him through the neck with Needle, just as Polliver had done to Lommy.
  • No. [begins coughing] No. You’ll wait here un… [continues coughing more forcefully] [Tyrion: Your Grace?] It’s nothing. [continues coughing and gasping uncontrollably]
    • Who: Joffrey Baratheon (Joffrey Lannister)
    • Source: Episode 4×2, «The Lion and the Rose»
    • Note: After drinking the wine he ordered his uncle Tyrion to serve him, character begins coughing and gasping uncontrollably. He chokes to death immediately thereafter, apparently the victim of poison.
  • Keep talking, and I’ll cut your friends’ throats. Starting with the idiot. Do you hear? Do you hear?
    • Who: Locke
    • Source: Episode 4×5, «First of His Name»
    • Note: Character is attempting to smuggle Bran Stark out of Craster’s Keep in order to kill him, on Roose Bolton’s orders. He intimidates Bran into silence by threatening his companions, however Bran wargs into Hodor’s body, breaks Hodor free, and then kills character by snapping his neck.
  • You know what’s wrong with honor?
    • Who: Karl
    • Source: Episode 4×5, «First of His Name»
    • Note: Character, a Night’s Watch mutineer, is dueling Jon Snow, who has arrived to kill him and his fellow mutineers. He taunts Jon about his castle-taught «honorable» fighting style, concluding with the above as he knocks Jon down and disarms him. Character is then stabbed from behind by one of Craster’s former wives, whom he and the mutineers had abused since killing Craster. He turns to confront the girl, but is promptly stabbed through the head by Jon.
  • Rorge.
    • Who: Rorge
    • Source: Episode 4×7, «Mockingbird»
    • Note: After a failed attempt to kill the Hound, character is recognized by Arya Stark as an enemy from her journey in Yoren’s caravan. The Hound asks Arya if character is on her «hit list», and she replies he isn’t because she doesn’t know his name. The Hound asks character his name, prompting the above reply. Arya promptly thanks character, draws her sword, and stabs him through the heart.
  • You want her. This empty-headed child. [Petyr Baelish: Let her go.] She’s just like her mother, she’ll never love you. I lied for you, I killed for you. Why did you bring her here, why?
    • Who: Lysa Arryn
    • Source: Episode 4×7, «Mockingbird»
    • Note: After seeing Baelish kiss Sansa Stark, character has gone mad with jealousy and is dangling Sansa over the Moon Door, believing she is trying to steal Petyr. Petyr intervenes, asking character to let Sansa go, prompting the above, and character finally releases Sansa after Petyr promises to send her away. Petyr moves to comfort character, swearing that he’s only loved one woman in all of his life. He then proclaims that woman to be Lysa’s sister (Catelyn Stark), and shoves character out of the Moon Door.
  • Wait. Are you dying? No, no, no, you can’t die yet, you haven’t confessed. Say it. Say her name. Elia Martell. You raped her. You killed her children. Elia Martell. Who gave you the order? [points toward Tywin Lannister] Who gave you the order?! Say her name! You raped her! You murdered her! You killed her children. Say it. Say her name. Say it!
    • Who: Oberyn Martell
    • Source: Episode 4×8, «The Mountain and the Viper’
    • Note: Character is fighting Ser Gregor Clegane in Tyrion’s trial by combat to gain revenge for Clegane murdering character’s sister and her children. After seemingly defeating Clegane, character demands he confess to his crimes. As character approaches, Clegane knocks him off his feet and kills him by crushing his skull.
  • Elia Martell. I killed her children. Then I raped her. Then I smashed her head in like this!
    • Who: Gregor Clegane
    • Source: Episode 4×8, «The Mountain and the Viper’
    • Notes: Character, gravely wounded by Oberyn Martell in Tyrion’s trial by combat, manages to catch his opponent off guard as he attempts to force him to confess to murdering his sister and her children. He trips him up, knocks out his teeth and gouges out his eyes while saying the above, and crushes his skull. Despite being severely poisoned, character is taken to Qyburn who transforms him into a knight of the Kingsguard, who has ostensibly vowed never to speak until all enemies of the realm have been vanquished — technically, hence, these are his last words as a whole man.
  • I got one! Right through the heart, he’s dead. [Samwell: Is it over?] No… [Samwell: Well then…]
    • Who: Pyp
    • Source: Episode 4×9 «The Watchers on the Wall»
    • Note: Character has been defending the gate with a crossbow alongside Samwell. After he exalts over finally hitting and killing a wildling, Samwell reminds him that the battle is far from over and hands him another loaded crossbow. As character rises to find a new target, he is shot through the throat by Ygritte.
  • I am the sword in the darkness! I am the watcher on the walls! I am the shield that guards the realms of men! I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch for this night, and all the nights to come!
    • Who: Grenn
    • Source: Episode 4×9 «The Watchers on the Wall»
    • Note: Character, along with five other men of the Night’s Watch, had been instructed to hold a crucial gate against enemy attack. As a giant begins to charge the gate, Grenn leads the others in a recitation of the Night’s Watch oath, finishing just as the giant reaches them. All six men are later found dead, their corpses surrounding the slain giant.
  • You know nothing, Jon Snow.
    • Who: Ygritte
    • Source: Source: Episode 4×9, «The Watchers on the Wall»
    • Note: After being mortally wounded during the fight for Castle Black, character is being held in the arms of Jon Snow, her former lover. After Jon tries to assure her that she will be alright, and that they will still return to the cave where they first made love, character utters the above before dying in Jon’s arms. The above line had become a running joke between the two, often used by Ygritte to express Jon’s ignorance of a subject.
  • Go with them.
    • Who: Jojen Reed
    • Source: Episode 4×10 «The Children»
    • Note: After being attacked and mortally wounded by wights, character implores his sister, Meera, to flee with Bran and Hodor to safety. Character is then mercy-killed by Meera and his body burned by a Child of the Forest to prevent him from being resurrected as another wight.
  • Tywin…? [sleepily] My lion…?
    • Who: Shae
    • Source: Episode 4×10 «The Children»
    • Note: Character has been found in Tywin Lannister’s bed by Tyrion, revealing the extent of her betrayal of Tyrion and the reason for her false testimony against him. Character then struggles with Tyrion, who ultimately strangles her using the golden necklace she is wearing.
  • You shot me. You’re no son of mine.
    • Who: Tywin Lannister
    • Source: Episode 4×10 «The Children»
    • Note: Character has been angrily confronted by his son, Tyrion, for falsely convicting him of Joffrey’s murder and sentencing him to death. Tyrion shoots character with his crossbow, prompting the above. Tyrion replies that he has always been Tywin’s son, and then shoots him again, this time fatally.

Season 5[edit]

  • I wish you good fortune in the wars to come.
    • Who: Mance Rayder
    • Source: Episode 5×1 «The Wars to Come»
    • Note: Character says this to Stannis Baratheon before he is to be executed by being burned alive on a pyre. Before the flames engulf character, Jon Snow shoots him through the heart with an arrow to end his suffering.
  • I was wrong! You’re the Lord Commander! We all serve you! I’m sorry! Not only for this, for all I’ve done and said! I was wrong! My lord, please, mercy! Mercy! I’ll go, I will! Please… I’m afraid… I’ve always been afraid…
    • Who: Janos Slynt
    • Source: Episode 5×3 «High Sparrow»
    • Note: After repeatedly and publicly refusing to follow the orders of the new Lord Commander, Jon Snow, character is arrested and sentenced to death. He pleads for mercy, but is executed by Jon himself.
  • Your Grace.
    • Who: Ser Barristan Selmy
    • Source: Episode 5×4 «Sons of the Harpy»
    • Note: Character has just told Daenerys a story of her older brother, Rhaegar, and his love of singing. Dany then tells him to go out into the city and sing a song for her. Character responds with the above and departs; shortly thereafter, he is killed during an ambush set by the Sons of the Harpy.
  • Egg…I dreamed…that I was old.
    • Who: Maester Aemon
    • Source: Episode 5×7 «The Gift»
    • Note: Character, dying of old age, believes in his delirium that he is talking to his younger brother, Aegon (Egg). He then dies peacefully with Sam and Gilly at his side (the first death by natural causes seen in the series).
  • Father, Father don’t do this! Please! Mother, no! Please! Please help! No, don’t do this! Please, Father, Mother, help! Help me! Don’t do this! Don’t do this, please Father! Please Father, Mother, help! Mother help, heeeelp! Please don’t do this Father! Please! Please Father, please! Please, nooooo! Nooooooo… [her voice dissolves into incoherent screaming as the flames reach her]
    • Who: Shireen Baratheon
    • Source: Episode 5×9 «The Dance of Dragons»
    • Note: Character is being sacrificed to the Red God R’hllor, at the command of her father, King Stannis through the urging of Melisandre. She begs for her parents to stop as she is tied to the pyre and the flame is lit, but even though her mother initially tries to save her, her father insists the sacrifice be carried out.
  • NOOOOO!!!!
    • Who: Selyse Baratheon
    • Source: Episode 5×9 «The Dance of Dragons»
    • Note: Character yells the above as she watches her daughter, Shireen, burn to death. In the next episode, «Mother’s Mercy», she hangs herself in the nearby woods.
  • Your Grace, your Grace! Come with me, I know a way out.
    • Who: Hizdahr zo Loraq
    • Source: Episode 5×9 «The Dance of Dragons»
    • Note: As the Sons of the Harpy attempt to assassinate Daenerys at Daznak’s Pit, character tries to lead her and her entourage to an escape route. He is then immediately seized and stabbed to death by several Sons.
  • Go on, do your duty.
    • Who: Stannis Baratheon
    • Source: Episode 5×10 «Mother’s Mercy»
    • Note: After his army has been destroyed in battle by the forces of Roose and Ramsay Bolton, character is found by Brienne of Tarth, who had sworn to kill him for the murder of Renly Baratheon (Episode 2×5). Character confesses to Renly’s murder, after which Brienne prepares to execute him in Renly’s name, as one of his Kingsguard. Character replies with the above. Brienne appears to execute him, though exactly what happens next is not shown.
  • Reek! Please! Stop!
    • Who: Myranda
    • Source: Episode 5×10 «Mother’s Mercy»
    • Note: Character, along with Theon, has caught Sansa attempting to escape Winterfell, and threatens to mutilate her as punishment. After describing the future horrors in store for Sansa, character prepares to shoot her with an arrow to begin the torture. However, Theon, unable to bear any more, suddenly grabs character, prompting the above as he throws her off the walls of Winterfell to her death.
  • I can see I have my work cut out for me. You two, out.
    • Who: Ser Meryn Trant
    • Source: Episode 5×10 «Mother’s Mercy»
    • Note: Character is choosing between three young girls in a brothel, and chooses the one who refuses to cry out when he hits her. The girl, actually Arya Stark wearing another face, then reveals herself and attacks character, putting out both his eyes and stabbing him repeatedly. Arya then reminds character of her identity and the reasons for her hatred towards him (see Syrio Forel, Episode 1×8), punctuated with further non-fatal stabbings, before finally finishing character off by cutting his throat.
  • I do. I know. About you and Mother. I think a part of me always knew. And…I’m glad. I’m glad you’re my father.
    • Who: Myrcella Baratheon (Myrcella Lannister)
    • Source: Episode 5×10 «Mother’s Mercy»
    • Note: Character is returning to King’s Landing with Ser Jaime, who begins to reveal to character that he, not King Robert, is her father. Character responds with the above, revealing that she already knew. Shortly thereafter, she collapses and dies. It is then revealed that character was given a slow-acting poison upon her departure by Ellaria Sand, to gain vengeance for the death of Oberyn Martell (Episode 4×8).
  • Olly…
    • Who: Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen)
    • Source: Episode 5×10 «Mother’s Mercy»
    • Note: Character has been lured into an ambush, and then stabbed by Ser Alliser Thorne and several other Night’s Watch brothers, «for the Watch», over his controversial decision to allow wildlings through the Wall. Finally, character is approached by Olly, prompting the above, before Olly stabs him as well. The brothers then leave character bleeding to death in the snow. However, character is later brought back to life in season 6.

Season 6[edit]

  • My son…Trystane…
    • Who: Doran Martell
    • Source: Episode 6×1 «The Red Woman»
    • Note: Character receives news from a Maester that Myrcella is dead. Before he can fully comprehend the message’s contents, Tyene Sand kills Areo Hotah with a dagger to the back and Ellaria stabs Doran in the chest with a concealed knife. After a light struggle, Doran collapses, eventually bleeding out as Ellaria brands him and his son as weak, declaring that ‘weak men’ will never rule Dorne again.
  • You.
    • Who: Trystane Martell
    • Source: Episode 6×1 «The Red Woman»
    • Note: Character is approached by Nymeria and Obara Sand, who have stolen away on board his ship with the intent to kill him. Despite his reluctance to fight, Nymeria asks twice who he would rather have kill him — her, or her sister. Character draws his sword and says the above in response, but Obara soon runs the blade of her spear through his head, killing him instantly.
  • You’ll always be my firstborn.
    • Who: Roose Bolton
    • Source: Episode 6×2 «Home»
    • Note: Character has just received the news that his wife has given birth to a son. After receiving the congratulations of his legitimized bastard son, Ramsay (who the new child could displace as heir), character says the above to reassure him. With the question of inheritance seemingly settled, Ramsay then stabs character to death.
  • Please, Ramsay. He’s your brother.
    • Who: Walda Frey/Bolton
    • Source: Episode 6×2 «Home»
    • Note: After being lured into the Winterfell kennels, character has just been told by Ramsay Bolton about Roose’s death, thus making it clear that she and her newborn son are also to be killed to eliminate the threat they pose to Ramsay. Character tries to plead for her son’s life with the above, but Ramsay replies that he preferred being an only child, and sets the dogs loose on both.
  • What kind of an Ironborn loses his senses during a storm?
    • Who: Balon Greyjoy
    • Source: Episode 6×2 «Home»
    • Note: Character has just encountered his hated and exiled younger brother, Euron, on a bridge in Pyke. Character insults his brother by recounting a tale he had heard of Euron losing his mind when his ship was caught in a storm. Euron replies that he has become the storm, and throws character off the bridge to his death.
  • Your friend the Usurper’d lie beneath the ground if we had been.
    • Who: Ser Gerold Hightower
    • Source: Episode 6×3 «Oathbreaker»
    • Note: In a flashback seen by Bran Stark, Eddard Stark has questioned the absence of character and his fellow Kingsguard Arthur Dayne at the pivotal Battle of the Trident. Character responds with the above line, and is later killed by Eddard in the ensuing fight.
  • I wish you good fortune in the wars to come. And now it begins.
    • Who: Ser Arthur Dayne
    • Source: Episode 6×3 «Oathbreaker»
    • Note: In a flashback seen by Bran Stark, Eddard Stark has questioned why character remained at the Tower of Joy, rather than taking part in the pivotal events that led to the deaths of his king and prince, and the end of the Targaryen dynasty. Character makes it clear that he has been following the orders of Rhaegar Targaryen, and that he will continue to do so even though Rhaegar is now dead. Character then says the above, acknowledging his respect for Eddard, but also the certainty that they must now fight to the death. In the ensuing battle, character kills or wounds all of Eddard’s companions and disarms Eddard himself, before being stabbed through the neck by Howland Reed, and then killed by Eddard.
  • You shouldn’t be alive. It’s not right.
    • Who: Bowen Marsh
    • Source: Episode 6×3 «Oathbreaker»
    • Note: Character has been sentenced to hang for his part in the murder of Jon Snow, who (after being brought back to life) asks character for his final words. Character says the above, to which Jon replies that neither was killing him. Character then hangs along with his fellow conspirators.
  • My mother’s still living in White Harbor. Could you write her? Tell her I died fighting the Wildlings.
    • Who: Othell Yarwyck
    • Source: Episode 6×3 «Oathbreaker»
    • Note: Character has been sentenced to hang for his part in the murder of Jon Snow, who (after being brought back to life) asks character for his final words. Jon makes no reply to character’s request to lie for him, and then hangs him along with his fellow conspirators.
  • I had a choice, Lord Commander: betray you, or betray the Night’s Watch. You brought an army of Wildlings into our lands. An army of murderers and raiders. If I had to do it all over, knowing where I’d end up, I pray I’d make the right choice again. [Jon: I’m sure you would, Ser Alliser.] I fought. I lost. Now I rest. But you, Lord Snow, you’ll be fighting their battles forever.
    • Who: Ser Alliser Thorne
    • Source: Episode 6×3 «Oathbreaker»
    • Note: Character has been sentenced to hang for his part in the murder of Jon Snow, who (after being brought back to life) asks character for his final words. Character responds with the above, showing his lack of remorse and continuing conviction that he did the right thing. Jon then hangs him along with his fellow conspirators.
  • That so?
    • Who: Osha
    • Source: Episode 6×4 «Book of the Stranger»
    • Note: Character, being asked why she was with Rickon Stark, is attempting to seduce Ramsay Bolton whilst simultaneously reaching for a nearby knife. Character, who claims that she intended to betray Rickon, says the above in response to him claiming that she talked faster than Theon. He sees through her ruse, revealing that Theon told him everything he needed to know (including how she used the same ruse on him). She grabs the knife, but Ramsay stabs her in the neck before she can react, and she succumbs to her injury.
  • Alright. No Dosh Khaleen for you. Instead, we’ll take turns fucking you. And then we’ll let our bloodriders fuck you. And if there’s anything left of you, we’ll give our horses a turn. You crazy cunt. Did you really think we would serve you?
    • Who: Khal Moro
    • Source: Episode 6×4 «Book of the Stranger»
    • Note: Character has brought Daenerys before all of the khals to decide her fate. Daenerys ridicules their small ambitions and declares she will lead the Dothraki, since they are all unfit. Character responds with laughter and the above, mocking her along with the other khals. Daenerys in turn states that they will not serve, but will die instead. She then knocks over the braziers in the hut (the doors of which have been barred by her friends), and burns the khals in a massive fire from which she then emerges unburnt.
  • The time has come. Leave me.
    • Who: The Three-Eyed Raven
    • Source: Episode 6×5 «The Door»
    • Note: Said to Bran as the two share a final weirwood vision. Character’s physical body is then killed by the Night’s King, causing him to disappear from the vision.
  • Go!
    • Who: Leaf
    • Source: Episode 6×5 «The Door»
    • Note: While fleeing from the wights and White Walkers, character says the above as she stops to try and delay the pursuit, buying time for Meera and Hodor to escape with Bran. Character then drops a firebomb into the pursuing wights as they hack her to death.
  • Hodor.
  • Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold door! Hold door! Hold the door! Hold the door! Hold door! Hold door! Hold door! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor! Hodor!
    • Who: Hodor
    • Source: Episode 6×5 «The Door»
    • Note: The first line is technically character’s last quote chronologically, said enthusiastically in response to Meera’s description of the foods she hopes to find after they leave the cave. The second line is the last that we hear, though it is actually uttered approximately thirty years earlier. While attempting to flee with Bran, character is told to «hold the door» by Meera. Bran, whose consciousness is divided between warging Hodor in the present and a vision of the past which includes a young Hodor, hears Meera while his mind is connected to Hodor’s. This causes young Hodor to have a seizure, during which he frantically shouts the above, as this command is so implanted in his mind that he becomes incapable of saying anything but his own form of it. As Bran realizes the truth of his vision, in the present character carries out the command that has dominated his mind for decades, holding the back door to the Three-eyed Raven’s cave closed against a horde of wights, until they finally begin to break through and tear him apart.
  • I’ll save you a bowl of soup. Might even have some ale hidden away.
    • Who: Septon Ray
    • Source: Episode 6×7 «The Broken Man»
    • Note: Said to Sandor Clegane as character leaves for dinner. Sandor remains chopping firewood, and later returns to find character hung, and his entire village slaughtered, by a group of outlaws.
  • Go on, now! I haven’t had a proper swordfight in years. I expect I’ll make a damn fool of myself.
    • Who: Brynden «Blackfish» Tully
    • Source: Episode 6×8 «No One»
    • Note: After being forced by his nephew and lord, Edmure Tully, to surrender Riverrun, character helps Brienne and Podrick escape. He chooses to remain and die fighting in his family home rather than leave with them or be captured by the Lannisters and Freys. His final fight and fate are not shown, however his death is later reported to Jaime Lannister.
  • Please don’t. I’ll give you anything!
    • Who: Lem
    • Source: Episode 6×8 «No One»
    • Note: Character, the leader of the outlaws who murdered Septon Ray and his village (see episode 6×7), has been captured by Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, and the Brotherhood Without Banners (which he once belonged to) and is set to be hung along with his accomplices. Sandor Clegane, in pursuit of the outlaws for revenge, comes upon the hanging and demands the right to kill them himself. Beric and Thoros agree to let him kill two of the three, on the condition that he hang the outlaws as they would do, rather than butcher them with his axe. Character, the second of Sandor’s two kills, says the above in an attempt to beg for his life. Sandor ignores him and unceremoniously kicks away the stump holding character under the noose, leaving him to slowly strangle.
  • Sleep is the only way you’ll heal. Trust me, if my soup didn’t kill you, nothing will.
    • Who: Lady Crane
    • Source: Episode 6×8 «No One»
    • Note: Character, an actress whom Arya Stark was assigned to kill by the Faceless Men, but befriended instead, has now taken Arya in and cared for her after she was attacked by the Waif for failing her mission. Character says the above as she gives Arya milk of the poppy to help her sleep; Arya later awakens to find that character has been killed in gruesome fashion by the Waif.
  • Haven’t we been through this already? That won’t help you.
    • Who: The Waif
    • Source: Episode 6×8 «No One»
    • Note: Character has been sent to kill Arya after she fails to assassinate Lady Crane. Arya leads her in a chase through Braavos, ending in a windowless dead-end room with a single candle. Arya draws her hidden sword Needle, prompting the above from character in reference to the numerous times they have sparred, with character inevitably winning easily. As character advances, Arya closes her eyes and then cuts the head off the candle, plunging the room into total darkness and forcing them both to fight blind (which character has never had to do, but Arya has). The next scene reveals the outcome: character’s face added to the House of Black and White, and Arya alive and determined to return home.
  • He’s not one of us — he’s an outsider, low-born! He does not speak for us.
    • Who: Razdal mo Eraz
    • Source: Episode 6×9 «Battle of the Bastards»
    • Note: Character and two other representatives of the Masters have approached Daenerys and her inner circle, attempting to force her into surrendering. Drogon appears and interrupts the proceedings, and as he and his escaped brothers lay waste to the largest ships in the Masters’ fleet and the forces of the Sons of the Harpy are butchered by the Dothraki under Daario’s command, Tyrion and Missandei inform the Masters that one of them must die, as punishment for violating their agreement. Character offers Yezzan as a sacrifice, saying the above as he does so, only for Grey Worm to kill him and the third Master instead by slicing their throats open.
  • Who owns the North? [Bolton soldiers: We do!] Who owns the North?! [Bolton soldiers: We do!] Show me!
    • Who: Lord ‘Smalljon’ Umber
    • Source: Episode 6×9 «Battle of the Bastards»
    • Note: Character is participating in the battle of Winterfell, leading his troops directly. In the middle of the engagement as Jon Snow’s forces are increasingly hemmed in, character shouts the above to his soldiers as a rallying cry before charging into the remnants of the Stark-Wildling forces over a mound of corpses. As the Bolton spearmen close in on the trapped ranks of Snow’s forces, character engages Tormund Giantsbane in physical combat, initially beating him into submission before a second wind allows him to bite into character’s throat and stab him to death.
  • Sit. Down. Down! Down! Down! Down!
    • Who: Ramsay Bolton (Ramsay Snow)
    • Source: Episode 6×9 «Battle of the Bastards»
    • Note: Character has had his army broken in the battle at Winterfell, and has been defeated by Jon in single combat. After being knocked out and almost beaten to death, character awakens in Winterfell’s kennels, bound to a chair with Sansa watching him. The two converse, and he taunts her, confident that she won’t harm him. As Sansa replies, claiming that his house, name and memory will vanish, his hounds walk out of the kennels to surround him — hounds deliberately starved by character so that they would feed on Jon and his advisors after the battle. As he asserts that they won’t harm him, Sansa reminds him of their hunger, and character says the above to attempt to control one of his hounds as it licks and sniffs his bloodstained face. Suddenly the hound bites in, and two more quickly follow suit as character is swiftly devoured.
  • What’s the meaning of this? I was told that…ah. I have more important things to do with my time than waste them in the presence…
    • Who: Grand Maester Pycelle
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: On the way to Cersei and Loras’ trial, character is stopped by one of Qyburn’s little birds who redirects him to his laboratory. Assuming Tommen had been kept there for safe keeping and that he had been sent to fetch him, character finds no-one in the laboratory save Qyburn himself and the rest of his birds. Character questions him on the king’s whereabouts, then says the above before Qyburn apologizes to him and asks him for forgiveness. As his birds brandish knives, he tells character that although he does not deserve to die in such a place, the old must be ‘put to rest’ before that which is new can be ushered in. Immediately after, the birds attack him, overwhelm him and stab him to death.
  • What are you doing?!
    • Who: Lancel Lannister
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: Character has been dispatched by the High Sparrow to bring Cersei to her impending trial. Finding himself sidelined by one of Qyburn’s ‘little birds’, he follows him into a dark hallway that leads to a massive stockpile of wildfire. As he tries to find him in the darkness, the boy leaps from the shadows and stabs him in his spine, paralyzing him. Character says the above as his assailant briefly kneels over him before running off, and upon seeing three lights down the hall he crawls towards them. As he approaches, he discovers the lights are candles burning down in pools of wildfire as a primitive time bomb, but he reaches the candles too late to extinguish them and he is incinerated in the resulting explosion.
  • If the accused is not here, she will be tried regardless. We cannot escape the justice of the gods!
    • Who: High Sparrow
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: After Loras’ trial, as the congregation wait for the arrival of Cersei and Tommen, Margaery questions character with regards to their absence who says the above in response. Margaery ignores his reply and attempts to implore him to listen to reason and let them leave. As the Faith Militant blocks those within from leaving, character, growing increasingly unnerved, exchanges glances with Margarery and Loras, until after a distant rumbling wildfire rips through the floor of the Sept and incinerates character instantly, along with everyone else inside.
  • I will.
    • Who: Loras Tyrell
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: Character is undergoing his trial in the Great Sept of Baelor, freely confessing to his crime of homosexuality, pleading for clemency by forfeiting his noble status and all claims on Highgarden and pledging to join the Faith Militant. Character says the above as the High Sparrow seeks final affirmation of his penitence from him, and a member of the Faith Militant carves the symbol of the Faith into his forehead as a mark of atonement. Later, when Cersei fails to appear for her trial and Margaery suspects something is amiss, he and Margaery try to leave the Sept, but the way is blocked by Militant members. As the crowd tries to exit the Sept, he and Margaery stare at the High Sparrow, and they are immolated moments later when wildfire tears through the building, killing all inside.
  • No, I can’t let them!
    • Who: Mace Tyrell
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: Character is observing his son’s trial, watching the conclusion of the proceedings. As proof of his penance, a member of the Faith Militant begins to carve the symbol of the Faith into Loras’ forehead. Character says the above as he tries to interrupt, but Margaery restrains and placates him. The Sept is later obliterated by an explosion of wildfire, killing character and everyone else inside.
  • Let us through!
    • Who: Margaery Tyrell
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: In the absence of Cersei and Tommen ahead of the former’s trial, character attempts to reason with the High Sparrow, questioning Cersei not being present despite her being aware of the consequences of being absent. Declaring that something is amiss and that they need to leave, character and Loras make for the exit, but members of the Faith Militant block the Sept’s occupants from leaving. Character says the above to two Faith Militant guards who bar her way, and as the crowd try to force their way out of the Sept she and Loras stare coldly at the High Sparrow. Moments later, the detonation of wildfire beneath King’s Landing consumes the building, killing all within it.
  • All right, I’m ready. [Sees Gregor Clegane blocking the door.] I have to go. I’m…I’m late for the trial.
    • Who: Tommen Baratheon (Tommen Lannister)
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: Character, preparing to leave the Red Keep to preside over his mother’s trial, is barred from leaving by Gregor. Character says the above as he protests, but he remains confined to the Keep regardless. He later bears witness to the explosion that destroys the Great Sept of Baelor, and realizing his mother is responsible, he sets aside his crown and hurls himself out of a window to his death.
  • Well, what are they doing? Trimming their cunt hairs? Tell them to come here, now.
    • Who: Walder Frey
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: Character, having recently celebrated the recapturing of Riverrun, is lunching alone, being tended to by a servant girl. Character questions the absence of his sons Black Walder and Lothar, and says the above when the servant girl claims that they’re already there. The servant repeats herself, with character looking increasingly confused until she indicates the pie he is eating, which he takes apart to reveal the flesh of his sons beneath the crust. The servant girl removes her face and reveals herself as Arya Stark, who claims that the last thing he’ll ever see is a Stark smiling down at him as he dies, with her fulfilling her pledge moments later as she slices character’s throat open and watches him choke on his own blood.
  • Promise me, Ned. Promise me.
    • Who: Lyanna Stark
    • Source: Episode 6×10 «The Winds of Winter»
    • Note: In Bran’s weirwood vision, the continuation of the events at the Tower of Joy some 17 years previously (see s6e3), character is found dying in a bloody bed by her brother, Ned Stark. Ned is shown a baby, Lyanna’s son with Rhaegar Targaryen. Character tells Ned the child’s name (too softly to hear), and begs Ned to promise her that he will protect him, before finally dying from complications of the childbirth. The camera settles on a close-up shot of the baby’s face, before cutting to an identical shot of Jon Snow in the present, indicating that he is the baby from the flashback.

Season 7[edit]

  • Mama!
    • Who: Nymeria Sand
    • Source: Episode 7×2 «Stormborn»
    • Note: Said in unison with Obara, mocking Tyene as they discuss taking King’s Landing. Euron’s forces attack moments later, and character is killed by Euron in single combat, strangled with her own whip.
  • Mama!
    • Who: Obara Sand
    • Source: Episode 7×2 «Stormborn»
    • Note: Said in unison with Nymeria, mocking Tyene as they discuss taking King’s Landing. Euron’s forces attack moments later, and character is killed by Euron in single combat, impaled upon the blade of her own spear.
  • Mama!
    • Who: Tyene Sand
    • Source: Episode 7×3 «The Queen’s Justice»
    • Note: After being captured and handed over to Cersei, along with her mother Ellaria, both are chained in Cersei’s dungeon. There, to punish Ellaria, character is poisoned by Cersei in the same way that Ellaria had previously killed Cersei’s daughter Myrcella (see s5e10). Cersei then leaves, telling Ellaria she will have to watch her own daughter die and rot.
  • I’d hate to die like your son. Clawing at my neck, foam and bile spilling from my mouth. Eyes blood red, skin purple. Must’ve been horrible for you, as a Kingsguard, as a father. It was horrible enough for me, a shocking scene. Not at all what I intended. You see, I’d never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.
    • Who: Olenna Tyrell
    • Source: Episode 7×3 «The Queen’s Justice»
    • Note: After her castle of Highgarden has fallen to Jaime Lannister, character knowingly accepts a glass of poisoned wine from Jaime, in preference to suffering at Cersei’s hand. After drinking it, character says the following in reference to Joffrey’s death (see s4e2), revealing to Jaime for the first time both that she knows Joffrey to be his son, and that she was the one who poisoned Joffrey’s wine.
  • A stupid boy.
    • Who: Randyll Tarly
    • Source: Episode 7×5 «Eastwatch»
    • Note: After being captured by Daenerys’ army and refusing to bend the knee, character is sentenced to death. As he is being led away, character’s son Dickon steps forward, prompting the above from character, trying to conceal his son’s identity to protect him. But Dickon proclaims his identity and insists that he will die alongside his father rather than kneel. Character looks with pride at his son, before both are incinerated by Drogon at Daenerys’ command.
  • I will not.
    • Who: Dickon Tarly
    • Source: Episode 7×5 «Eastwatch»
    • Note: After character’s father is sentenced to death by Daenerys for refusing to bend the knee (see above), character steps forward, insisting that they will have to kill him to. Randyll attempts to silence his son, but character proclaims his identity and insists that he will die alongside his father rather than kneel. After responding to his last chance to kneel with the above, character is incinerated along with his father by Drogon, at Daenerys’ command.
  • Just the drunkest.
    • Who: Thoros of Myr
    • Source: Episode 7×6 «Beyond the Wall»
    • Note: Character and Jorah Mormont have been recounting their memories of a battle more than ten years ago, where character had distinguished himself by being first through the breach during an assault on the castle of Pyke. Jorah has long admired character for that feat, but character reveals that he had actually been so drunk during the battle that he didn’t even realize what he was doing. Shortly thereafter, character is found to have died from wounds inflicted earlier by an undead bear.
  • There’s no time. Go!
    • Who: Benjen Stark
    • Source: Episode 7×6 «Beyond the Wall»
    • Note: As character rescues Jon from the army of the dead and mounts him on his horse to ride for Eastwatch, Jon recognizes his uncle and asks him to flee with him. Character responds with the above, before returning to hold off the undead as Jon escapes. Character is last seen being overwhelmed by the undead swarm. (Technically, character had already died previously and been raised from the dead, but this is his final death)
  • Sansa!
    • Who: Petyr «Littlefinger» Baelish
    • Source: Episode 7×7 «The Dragon and the Wolf»
    • Note: After luring character into a public setting through feigning strife between them, Sansa and Arya Stark have confronted character with his past treacheries against House Stark. Character first tries to defend himself, and then begs Sansa to spare him as his position deteriorates. After Sansa sentences him to die, character utters the above in one last attempt to save himself, just before Arya slashes his throat with his own Valyrian steel dagger.

Season 8[edit]

  • We need more horses and wagons, if it please my lady. And…my lord. And…my queen. Sorry.
    • Who: Ned Umber
    • Source: Episode 8×1 «Winterfell»
    • Note: Character requests more transport in order to bring his people from the Last Hearth safely to Winterfell before the Night’s King arrives, addressing first Sansa, then Jon, then Daenerys in some confusion. He is later found dead at Last Hearth with his corpse posed on a wall by the Night’s King.
  • Sam, get up!
    • Who: Ed Tollett
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: Character is trying to rouse his friend Samwell Tarly in the midst of the battle against the Army of the Dead. He gets Sam to his feet, but is then fatally stabbed by a wight.
    • Who: Lyanna Mormont
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: Yelled as character single-handedly charges an undead giant in order to try and hold the gate of Winterfell. Character is grabbed by the giant and crushed in its fist, but manages to stab it through the eye with a dragonglass blade before dying.
  • Go! Run! RUN!
    • Who: Beric Dondarrion
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: Shouted to Sandor Clegane ans Arya Stark as the three of them try to escape from a swarm of undead. Character, having already lost his sword, tries to buy his friends time to escape but is fatally stabbed by various wights.
  • Here they come! Steady lads, steady. Make every shot count.
    • Who: Theon Greyjoy
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: Said as character prepares to lead his Ironborn in a last-ditch defense of Bran/The Three-Eyed Raven from the undead. After a heroic stand, character is the last one remaining alive when the Night King himself arrives for Bran. Bran comes out of his warging trance to reassure character that he is a good man, and character then charges alone at the Night King, who easily kills him.
  • I’m hurt.
    • Who: Jorah Mormont
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: As requested by the newly-arrived Melisandre, character orders the Dothraki portion of the army to lift their swords, which Melisandre then enchants with fire. Much later in the battle, character rushes to Daenerys’ aid when she and Drogon are swarmed by wights and she is stranded on the ground. Character manages to fend off the wights and protect his queen, but is severely wounded in the process, and dies in Daenerys’ arms just as the battle is won.
  • What do we say to the God of Death?
    • Who: Melisandre
    • Source: Episode 8×3 «The Long Night»
    • Note: Said to Arya Stark as character reveals what Arya’s final mission must be in the night’s battle. Arya, as she has once before, responds with «not today» and departs. As the night comes to an end following the battle (a victory thanks to Arya’s success), character walks alone out into the snow, removes the magical ruby necklace that prevented her from aging, and dissolves into dust just before the sun rises, fulfilling her own earlier prophecy that she would be dead before the next dawn.
  • Dracarys.
    • Who: Missandei
    • Source: Episode 8×4 «The Last of the Starks»
    • Note: After being captured by Euron Greyjoy, character is threatened with public execution by Cersei in an attempt to compel Daenerys’ surrender. Tyrion pleads with Cersei to surrender peacefully for the sake of her unborn child, but she refuses to relent. Cersei asks character for her last words, prompting the above shout to Daenerys’ forces outside. Character is then beheaded by Gregor Clegane on Cersei’s orders, prompting a furious Daenerys to head for her dragon.
  • I hope I deserved it. Truly, I do. I hope I’m wrong. Goodbye, old friend.
    • Who: Varys
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: Character had been intending to betray Daenerys to support Jon’s claim to the throne, on the grounds of believing that Jon is the more appropriate ruler for the Seven Kingdoms. Tyrion begrudgingly exposes his deception to his queen, and she orders Varys to be executed. Character says the above to Tyrion after his admission, and is soon after incinerated by Drogon as punishment for his crimes.
  • Obey your queen, Ser Gregor!
    • Who: Qyburn
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: Cersei and her retinue encounter the Hound, who proceeds to kill all of Cersei’s Queensguard except Gregor. Gregor moves to approach his brother despite Cersei’s commands, and character blocks Gregor’s advance, saying the above. Gregor responds by grabbing him and pushing him into a nearby rock with such force that his skull is split open, before tossing his body aside.
  • Fucking die!
    • Who: Sandor ‘The Hound’ Clegane
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: After venturing into the heart of the Red Keep, character encounters his brother and the rest of Cersei’s Queensguard. After killing the other guards, he engages Gregor in single combat, but is physically overpowered. He plunges a dagger into Gregor’s head as his eyes are being gouged out, and, half-blinded, tackles him through a wall into the inferno beneath them.
  • Another king for you…but I got you! I got you! I’m the man who killed Jaime Lannister…
    • Who: Euron Greyjoy
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: After surviving the destruction of the Iron Fleet, character comes ashore to find Jaime in the middle of attempting to reach his sister. He goads Jaime into attacking him and their duel results in Euron inflicting two seemingly mortal stab wounds on Jaime before he is outwitted and impaled. As Jaime limps away, character says the above, and bleeds out, satisfied.
  • No, not like this. Not like this! Not like this…!
    • Who: Cersei Lannister
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: Character is being led to safety by Jaime, who is taking her through the crypt to Tyrion’s promised boat. However, they find that their way is blocked by a pile of rubble created by the devastation outside. As the damage becomes too great for the keep to bear, the cellar begins to collapse. Cersei panics in fear of her impending death and the death of her unborn child, finishing by saying the above as Jaime attempts to comfort her in their final moments. They are both killed shortly after as the ceiling crumbles on top of them.
  • Look, look. Look me in the eye. Don’t look away, don’t look. Look at me! Just look at me. Nothing else matters. Nothing else matters — only us.
    • Who: Jaime Lannister
    • Source: Episode 8×5 «The Bells»
    • Note: Character is attempting to lead Cersei to safety through the crypt of the Red Keep, but finds the way shut by debris. With the collapse of the cellar imminent, character says the above as he comforts his sister in their final moments. They embrace, and they are both buried beneath the rubble shortly after.
  • They don’t get to choose. Be with me. Build the new world with me. This is our reason. It has been since the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard’s name and I was a little girl who couldn’t count to twenty. We do it together. We break the wheel together.
    • Who: Daenerys Targaryen
    • Source: Episode 8×6 «The Iron Throne»
    • Note: Character is confronted by Jon Snow about the massacre of King’s Landing. Expressing no remorse, character tries to convince Jon that all of it was necessary and will lead to the building of a better world, the process of which cannot involve mercy. When character insists that the new world will be better because she and Jon know what is good, Jon responds by asking about all the others who also think they know what is good, prompting the above. Jon initially appears to agree, but then stabs character through the heart as they embrace, knowing that her continued rule would only lead to more destruction.

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