Russian word for you are beautiful

Saying you are beautiful in Russian depends on who you are talking to. We assume that in most cases it would be one person and an informal situation. In that case you can use:

Ты краси́вая.
[ty kra-sée-va-ya]
You are beautiful. (for women)

Ты краси́вый.
[ty kra-sée-vyî]
You are beautiful/handsome. (for men)

If it’s a formal situation, i.e. if you are talking to somebody older than you or somebody who is higher on the social ladder, use the following phrases:

Вы краси́вая.
[vy kra-sée-va-ya]
You are beautiful. (for women)

Вы краси́вый.
[vy kra-sée-vyî]
You are beautiful/handsome. (for men)

Although in formal situations it would be more appropriate to say:

Вы хорошо́ вы́глядите.
[vy ha-ra-shó výg-lya-dee-tye]
You look good.

If you want to complement a few people at once, you can say:

Вы краси́вые.
[vy kra-sée-vy-ye]
You are beautiful. (both for women and man)

Sometimes you want to be more verbose and use such words as very and so. Let’s see how you can do that:

You are very beautiful:

Ты о́чень краси́вая.
[ty ó-cheen’ kra-sée-va-ya]
(for women)

Ты о́чень краси́вый.
[ty ó-cheen’ kra-sée-vyî]
(for men)

Вы о́чень краси́вые.
[vy ó-cheen’ kra-sée-vy-ye]
(both for women and man)

You are so beautiful:

Ты така́я краси́вая.
[ty ta-ká-ya kra-sée-va-ya]
(for women)

Ты тако́й краси́вый.
[ty ta-kóî kra-sée-vyî]
(for men)

Вы таки́е краси́вые.
[vy ta-kée-ye kra-sée-vy-ye]
(both for women and man)

The audio recording includes all the examples (in bold and blue) listed above.

Related Russian words

beautiful, handsome, good-looking




pretty, handsome, likable, attractive

Related examples

  • У него́ краси́вый го́лос.

    u neevó kraséevyî gólas

    He has a beautiful voice.

  • Краси́вой оса́нки мо́жно доби́ться регуля́рными упражне́ниями.

    kraséevaî asánkee mózhna dabéetsa reegulyárnymee uprazhnyéneeyame

    Beautiful posture can be achieved by regular exercises.

  • Но́вый па́рень в на́шем кла́ссе о́чень симпати́чный.

    nóvyî páryen’ v náshem klássye ócheen’ seempatéechnyî

    The new guy in our class is very handsome.

  • У неё бы́ло симпати́чное лицо́ и больши́е голубы́е глаза́.

    u neeyó býla seempatéechnaye leetsó ee bal’shéeye galubýye glazá

    She had a pretty face and big blue eyes.

There is more to discover

Table of content:

  • Make sure it doesn’t sound lecherous
  • Praise her mental capacity and character traits
  • Make sure your compliments are tasteful when you comment on her looks
  • Compliments you shouldn’t pay

If intend to start a romantic relationship with a Russian woman,
it’s important to know what sort of compliments she is bound to like. Dating
cultures in different countries differ, and something casual and ordinary in
your homeland might not be appreciated in Russia. Paying compliments is an
important part of dating ritual in Eastern Europe that can’t be ignored: it
will help you find
a Russian wife much faster. The majority of women do love with their ears,
and Russian ladies fall into this category as well. And it will be especially
impressive if you learn how to say you are beautiful in Russian.

Find a pretty Russian woman on an international dating site for a lifelong relationship

This way a woman will see that you bothered to take some efforts over
learning a few words in her mother tongue, which proves you’re serious about winning
her affections. Russian is a complex language for a non-native speaker to
master, but learning a few phrases and some useful words is within everyone’s

So, to say you’re beautiful in Russian, you have to learn two simple
words – Ty krasivaya (ты красивая). You can also add the words ochen’ (очень),
which means very. Ty ochen’ krasivaya (ты очень красивая) – you’re very

It can also be used as an opening
line if you don’t know how to start a conversation with a girl. She is likely
to be charmed by your foreign accent as much as by your flattering compliment.
In any case, it will put a smile on her face. That said, if you focus too much
on her external beauty, it will sound very close to objectifying her, and this
is something that no woman with self-respect is going to like.

So here are a few tips on how to
compliment Russian women.

Make sure it doesn’t sound lecherous

It’s nice to know how to say you are
beautiful in Russian, but you shouldn’t end up sounding too lustful or
lecherous. And one sure way to avoid that is to diversify your compliments.
Don’t focus solely upon her external looks, no matter how gorgeous she is. Make
sure to acknowledge some prominent qualities that define her as a person.

If you’re trying to establish a
special connection with a woman over the internet, read her profile and see
what her priorities in life are. If she is all about professional growth, say
something nice about her career choices. If she is a creative person,
compliment her achievements in painting, sculpting, paper crafting and what
not. If she likes sports an indoors, show your appreciations for the healthy
lifestyle she’s living.

Meet a lovely Russian woman for dating, romance and marriage

There are so many things to comment
upon! A beautiful woman knows she’s beautiful, and hundreds of men told her
about that before you. Moreover, is she’s registered on a dating site, foreign
men send her the very same messages every day, commenting on how beautiful,
sexy and lovely she looks. You need to come up with something more substantial
in order to make a difference.

Make sure to sound genuine and let
her know what exactly you appreciate about her personality. Let her know why
you think the two of you have a chance for a happy future together. She should
see that you are really a man who is looking for the woman of her dreams. It’s
not just about playing games like all those guys who send her one line emals
and cheap compliments. You have to stand out of the crowd in order to impress a
clever and gorgeous Russian girl.

Sexy comments shouldn’t take place at
all until you meet your girl in person. Even if you find her very alluring,
avoid commenting upon her seductive looks and physical aspects.

Praise her mental capacity and character traits

Now when you know how to say you are
beautiful, it’s time to learn how to praise other qualities of the object of
your affections. A typical Russian woman is not only god-looking, but also
intelligent, good-natures, sociable, kind and compassionate. Show your
appreciation by learning these phrases in Russian:

  • Ya voskhishhayus’ toboj (я восхищаюсь тобой) – I admire you.
  • Ty horoshij sobesednuk (ты хороший собеседник) – You’re a great person to
    talk to.
  • Ty ochen’ milaya (ты очень милая) – you are very sweet.
  • Ty ochen’ umnaya (ты очень умная) – you are very intelligent.
  • U tebya otlichnoe chuvstvo yumora (у тебя отличное чувство юмора) – you have
    a great sense of humour.
  • S toboj ochen’ legko i priyatno (с тобой очень легко и приятно) – it’s so easy and pleasant
    with you.

There are much more things you can
say in order to make her feel good. There are plenty of apps and programs that
you can use – in the world of today learning languages is easier than ever. You
can always acquire the right pronunciation and spelling of a phrase you’re
interested in. Apart from learning how to say you are beautiful in Russian you
can easily learn a heap of other useful phrases.

Learn how to say you are beautiful in Russian to please your girlfriend

Make sure your compliments are tasteful when you comment
on her looks

Even if focusing solely on her
appearance is a big no-no, you can’t go without praising her external beauty – most contemporary Russian girls are too gorgeous to ignore
their appearance. What you should do is avoid generic and meaningless
compliments like “you look good”, “you’re very pretty”, or “I like the way you

It’s much more appreciated when you
notice a particular detail about her appearance She shouldn’t think you
compliment all the girls exactly the same way. So make sure to let her know you
like her hairstyle, especially if she changed it recently. Or point out she
looks particularly beautiful in her new dress. It’s also nice to comment upon
her voice, her eyes, her smile or a particular gesture.

Also, if you feel she took trouble to
look particularly great to please you, make sure to acknowledge her efforts.
Let her know you appreciate everything she does for you.

And here are a few useful phrases
that are sure to put a smile on her face:

  • Mne ochen’ nravitsya tvoya pricheska (мне очень нравится твоя прическа)
    – I like your hair-do.
  • Mne nravitsya tvoya ulybka (мне нравится твоя улыбка) – I like your
  • Tebe idet jeto plat’e (тебе идет это платье) – this
    dress suits you.

If you feel self-conscious and
nervous when trying to pronounce words in Russian, you can simply pay your
compliments in writing form. Praise her looks or character traits in a mail, or
over a messenger. You can also text her something sweet – generally speaking,
texting each other is a great way to stay in touch when dating online. It
brings a “real life” element to your long distance relationship.

Compliments you shouldn’t pay

There are also a few things to
remember when paying compliments to a Russian girl. when you learn how to say
you are beautiful in Russian, avoid using this phrase under following

  • To say she looks beautiful today. This is one of the clumsiest things to
    say to a woman. It implies that usually she look miserable, but today,
    strangely enough, she looks good.
  • To say she looks as beautiful as a famous actress, model, singer and so
    on. Women don’t like to be compared to other women, period. Even if you compare
    her to the icon of beauty, it cheapens the compliment.
  • To say she looks better than your ex. Mentioning your ex wife or
    girlfriend is taboo when dating a Russian woman, unless she asks you a question
    on her own accord. You present relationship is only about the two of you, and
    no one else. It’s also considered inappropriate to say she looks more beautiful
    than your ex. Slavic women don’t approve of men talking badly about their
    previous relationships.

You may also like: How to find a common language with hot Russian
ladies and start a family

These were some thoughts on how to pay compliments to a Russian woman whether you date her online or in real life. Now you know how to say you are beautiful in Russian and other sweet words and phrases. Feel free to come up with your own original compliments – this way you’ll stand out of the crowd and improve your chances in making it work with a Russian girl. But if you find it extremely difficult to say all those things in Russian, there is no harm in praising her in English or any other language – it will still count.

Translation examples

  • ты красивая

  • вы прекрасны

  • ты прекрасна

You are beauty, talent, life!

Ты красива, талантлива…

You are beautiful, you are wise, and you are magic.

Вы прекрасны, вы мудры, и вы волшебница.

I’m coming to get them. And secondly… little metal machine… you are beautiful.

И второе…. маленькие металлические машины… вы прекрасны.

You are beautiful, Lucrezia Borgia but even I, a simple Neapolitan prince can tell that your beauty hides a design.

Вы прекрасны, Лукреция Борджиа, Но даже я, простой неаполитанский принц могу сказать, что за вашей красотой таится заговор.

Then, Éowyn of Rohan, I say to you that you are beautiful.

– Скажи. – Так вот, Эовин, ристанийская царевна, знай, что ты прекрасна.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

вы прекрасны

ты прекрасна

вы красивы

ты красивая

ты прекрасен

ты красива

ты красавица

вы красивая

ты такая красивая

ты очень красивая

вы красавица

вы великолепны

ты красив

вы очень красивая

Вы красивые


You are beautiful, Lady of Gion!

You are beautiful because you are the light of my life.

You are beautiful inside as well as out.

It means «You are beautiful as a goal in the 90th minute».

Предыдущее «Ты прекрасна, как гол на 90-й минуте».

You are beautiful, and my thoughts are right in the gutter.

Вы красивы, и мои мысли сейчас прямо в грязи.

You are beautiful because you do not fit in with everyone else.

Вы красивы, потому что вы мыслите не так, как все.

You are beautiful, remember it.

You are beautiful, because you exist.

You are beautiful then and now!

You are beautiful because you are.

You are beautiful and vast, and you have connected to this being who now carries your name.

Вы прекрасны и огромны, и связаны с этим существом, носящим ваше имя.

You are beautiful I like your new songs it my jam

Ты прекрасна Мне нравятся твои новые песни, это мое варенье +5

«You are beautiful no matter what size you wear!»

«Вы красивы, независимо от того, какой размер вы носите!»

You are beautiful inside and out, and I am thankful to have you as part of my life.

Ты прекрасна внутри и снаружи, и я благодарен за то, что ты стала частью моей жизни.

You are beautiful and I am much better than you are.

You are beautiful and you don’t need all this Botox!

Вы красивы и вам не нужен весь этот ботокс!

You are beautiful, Lucrezia Borgia but even I, a simple Neapolitan prince can tell that your beauty hides a design.

Вы прекрасны, Лукреция Борджиа, Но даже я, простой неаполитанский принц могу сказать, что за вашей красотой таится заговор.

You are beautiful and I am not.

You are beautiful beings, each of you.

You are beautiful, dear stranger.

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