Runs in the family word

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у нас семейное

это семейное

работает в семье

рождается в семье

начинается в семье

передается по наследству

протекает в семье

нас в крови

приходит в семью

протекает в семьях

семейная черта

проходит в семье

Runs in the Family

«Семейные ценности

Well, I guess it runs in the family.

Your parents told us you have this medical condition, runs in the family, your sister now has it, too.

Твои родители сказали, что твоё заболевание наследственное, и у твоей сестры оно тоже есть.

You know, I hear it runs in the family.

Guess that runs in the family.

I know it runs in the family.

It runs in the family, Daddy darling.

I believe this disease runs in the family because my great grandmother also had this.

Заболевание у нас семейное, потому что и у бабушки моей тоже были такие проблемы.

I was always think it runs in the family so it’s not my fault, you know.

Я всегда была уверена, что это наследственное, так что я не виновата.

Good taste certainly runs in the family.

That same confidence runs in the family.

Maybe this STUPIDITY runs in the family.

Generally, primary hypertension runs in the family.

Anyway, love for books runs in the family.

I see it runs in the family.

Like how cancer runs in the family, or how a genetic mutation can help predict the likelihood you’ll develop a disease.

Например, как в семье передается рак или как по генетической мутации можно предсказать вероятность развития болезни.

Well, you could say it runs in the family.

Looks like science runs in the family.

And it probably runs in the family.

Well, I guess it runs in the family.

Well, it runs in the family.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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runs in the family — перевод на русский

It must run in the family.

-Видимо это семейное.

— It runs in the family.

— Это семейное.

It runs in the family.

Это семейное.


У вас это семейное.

I guess it runs in the family.

Я думаю, это семейное.

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That run in the family -— tumors?

Это наследственное -— опухоли?

— So, it runs in the family then.

— Так значит, это наследственное.

I’m afraid it runs in the family.

Боюсь, это наследственное.

I hope that runs in the family.

Надеюсь, это наследственное!

Shifters usually run in families.

Обычно это наследственное.

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Runs in the family.

В семье.

And there’s a stubborn streak that runs in the family.

У нас в семье все упрямые.

He said his father did time and that, you know, these things tend to run in the family.

Он сказал, что его отец в тюрьме и что в семье подобные вещи — обычное дело.

Must run in the family.

все должно быть в семье.

Let’s see if that lack of spine runs in the family.

И посмотрим, сколько слабаков у вас в семье.

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Charm seems to run in the family.

Кажется обаяние передается по наследству.

And it probably runs in the family.

И, возможно, передается по наследству.

You know these things run in families.

Знаете, это передается по наследству.

I suppose it runs in families.

Видимо, это передается по наследству.

The sort of cancer I have is the kind that runs in families.

Моя разновидность рака передаётся по наследству.

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As you can see, drinking— it runs in the family.

Видите, пьянство — семейная черта.

Runs in the family.

Семейная черта.

Good-looking doctors run in the family.

Привлекательные доктора — семейная черта.

Oh, violence runs in the family.

Или жестокость ваша семейная черта?

I guess music really runs in the family.

Я думаю, любовь к музыке — это семейная черта.

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Also: Runs in the blood

Meaning of Idiom ‘Runs in the Family’

A characteristic or trait that runs in the family is one that is shared by many members of a family, being passed on from one generation to the next. 1McCarthy, Michael. Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms. Cambridge University Press, 2002, 2Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

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The phrase “runs in the family” is most often heard owing simply to the fact that so many traits require the form “runs” rather than run. However, for something to “run” in the family is also possible, when a plural characteristic is expressed, such as ears, or eyes.

Runs in the family idiom meaning

Examples Of Use

“Blonde hair runs in the family so no one can figure out why my brother has such dark hair!”

“Brown eyes run in our family, but I have green eyes.”

“Hard workers run in our family. We all start working as soon as we are old enough.”

“My father is short. His father is short. All my brothers and sisters are short. It runs in the family.”

“We’re all crazy in my family. It runs in the blood. We’re from a long line of hell-raisers!”


The rarely heard variant, runs in the blood, is actually the earlier of the two, being used since the 1600s. The more common variant, runs in the family, dates from the second half of the 1700s. A very old version, which most people would not understand today, is blood will tell. All the idioms allude to the notion that a family’s similarities are expressed in their blood. 3Ammer, Christine. American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

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run in the/(one’s) family

To be a hereditary trait or a characteristic frequently exhibited by members of a family. I wonder if she’s pregnant with twins—they do run in our family, you know. Cassie’s drawing will probably win the contest—artistic ability just runs in her family.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

run in the family

[for a characteristic] to appear in many (or all) members of a family. My grandparents lived well into their nineties, and it runs in the family. My brothers and I have red hair. It runs in the family.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

run in the ˈfamily

(of a physical characteristic or moral quality) be something that many members of a family have: He was never going to live long because heart disease runs in both families.Good looks run in the family.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

run in the blood/family, to

To be characteristic of a family or peculiar to a nation, ethnic group, or other group. Richard Brinsley Sheridan used this expression in 1777 in The School for Scandal (3.3): “Learning that had run in the family like an heirloom!”

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • run in the/(one’s) family
  • be in a/the family way
  • (all) in the family
  • in the family
  • keep (something) in the family
  • in the family way
  • in a family way
  • in a/the family way
  • a son is a son until he takes a wife
  • the family that prays together stays together
run in the family
в крови; в роду (семейная черта)

My brother and I have red hair. It runs in the family.

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Смотреть что такое «run in the family» в других словарях:

  • run in the family — • run in the blood • run in the family v. phr. To be a common family characteristic; be learned or inherited from your family. A great interest in gardening runs in his family. Red hair runs in the family …   Словарь американских идиом

  • run in the family — • run in the family • run in the blood be a common family characteristic Being a left handed golfer and baseball hitter runs in our family …   Idioms and examples

  • run in the family — run in the ˈfamily idiom to be a common feature in a particular family • Heart disease runs in the family. Main entry: ↑familyidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • run in the family — if a particular quality or ability runs in the family, a lot of people in that family have it. Athletic ability runs in the family: his father played basketball in college and his mother was a high school athlete …   New idioms dictionary

  • run in the family — verb To be a characteristic feature that is observed in several generations of a family …   Wiktionary

  • run in the blood — • run in the blood • run in the family v. phr. To be a common family characteristic; be learned or inherited from your family. A great interest in gardening runs in his family. Red hair runs in the family …   Словарь американских идиом

  • run in the blood — • run in the family • run in the blood be a common family characteristic Being a left handed golfer and baseball hitter runs in our family …   Idioms and examples

  • run in the blood — or[run in the family] {v. phr.} To be a common family characteristic; be learned or inherited from your family. * /A great interest in gardening runs in his family./ * /Red hair runs in the family./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • run in the blood — or[run in the family] {v. phr.} To be a common family characteristic; be learned or inherited from your family. * /A great interest in gardening runs in his family./ * /Red hair runs in the family./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • The Family Way — Album par Paul McCartney Sortie 12 juin 1967 Enregistrement d octobre à novembre 1966 aux studios Abbey Road Durée 25:00 Genre …   Wikipédia en Français

  • The Family That Walks On All Fours — is a BBC2 documentary that explored the science and the story of five individuals in the Ulas family in Turkey that walk with a previously unreported quadruped gait [] . The documentary was… …   Wikipedia

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