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возродиться последующим


This is an almost perfect specimen, which was revived by a renegade professor of biochemistry Abbot.

Это почти совершенная особь, которая была возрождена ренегатом — профессором биохимии Эбботом.

She had faded, but was revived by Gaea by some manner.

Она исчезла, но каким-то образом была возрождена Геей.

In the XX century this myth was revived by nationalists.

В ХХ в. этот миф был возрожден националистами.

Moreover, the asset-backed securities market is to be revived by the purchase of ABSs.

Более того, рынок обеспеченных активами ценных бумаг должен быть возрожден покупкой ABS.

The Silla kings and queens reigned until 935 CE when the old kingdoms, revived by rebel factions, brought about its downfall.

Силла короли и королевы правил до 935 года н.э., когда старые королевства, возрожденные повстанческими группировками, привели к его падению.

The fortunes of the Cycladic islands have been hugely revived by the tourism boom that began in the 1970s.

Судьба и популярноссть Кикладских островов была возрождена туристическим бумом, который начался в 1970-х годах.

The tradition of carnival in Venice was revived by the Italian government in 1970s.

Традиция карнавала в Венеции была возрождена правительством Италии в 1970-х годах.

I was revived by Tyra, who had the foresight to kill a Mord-Sith and take her han.

Я был возрожден Тарой, которая предусмотрительно убила Морд-Сит и забрала её хань.

Company HMD Global is preparing to release not only a new Nokia 8, but revived by the Nokia 3310.

Компания БГМ глобальной готовится выпустить не только новый Nokia 8, но был возрожден в Nokia 3310.

In 2008, The Technosoft brand was revived by Twenty-One company.

В 2008 году бренд Technosoft был возрождён Twenty-One Company.

Even the oldest kimono can be revived by kimono specialists to keep a piece of family history alive.

Даже самое старое кимоно может быть восстановлено специалистами, чтобы сохранить часть семейной истории.

The original association survived for just six years but, in 1886, it was revived by nine founding member clubs.

Эта ассоциация просуществовала всего шесть лет, но в 1886 году её снова возродили девять клубов-основателей.

Moreover, they were not specifically revived by or under the treaties of peace.

Кроме того, их действие не было конкретно возобновлено мирными договорами или согласно мирным договорам.

When a sourdough is dried, the micro-organisms are alive but inactive; they will be revived by adding water.

You can be revived by one of your teammates with an adrenaline shot.

Вы можете быть воскрешены одним из ваших товарищей по команде с адреналином.

Centella asiatica, an ancient healing herb, is being revived by modern-day science to help reverse the signs of aging.

Центелла азиатская — древняя целебная трава, возрождаемая современной наукой, чтобы помочь обратить вспять признаки старения.

Very often revolutionary subculture is revived by the next generations of «fighters against the regime».

Зачастую субкультура революционеров прошлого воспроизводится (нередко осознанного) следующими поколениями «борцов против режима».

Prewar bilateral treaties could be revived by mutual agreement.

Довоенные двусторонние договоры могли бы быть возобновлены по взаимному соглашению.

Fish should be revived by moving it forward in the water to ensure a healthy release.

Для оживления рыбы ее следует подтолкнуть в воде вперед, чтобы обеспечить выпуск рыбы в здоровом состоянии.

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He was revived by paramedics but did not regain consciousness.

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Он бульдозеристом проламывался в наше сознание, мы его не могли не замечать.

Knocked out- When a commander falls, he can be revived by his teammates.

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Нокаут: если командир погиб, его могут оживить товарищи по команде.

Moreover, they were not specifically revived by or under the treaties of peace.


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Кроме того, их действие не было конкретно возобновлено мирными договорами или согласно мирным договорам.


He was later revived by Dr. I.Q. Hi in the 24½th century.

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Позже был разморожен и приведен в чувства доктором I. Q. Hi


XXIV с половиной веке.

The main villain of

Crimson Echoes is King Zeal, revived by Lavos through the Frozen Flame.

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Главный антагонист игры- король Зиль, которого оживил Лавос с помощью Замерзшего пламени.

Do you feel like your skin is revived by the power and the energy of the Siberian plants?


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The human-machinery theory of the 18th century… has been revived by the technology of implanting artificial brains and cyborgs.

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Механистические теории человеческой природы 18 века… ожили в технологиях имплантации искусственного мозга и киборгах.

The mission fails when the Tekken Force are wiped



none other than Kazuya himself, who has been revived by G Corporation.

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После безрезультатных поисков Дзина, Хэйхати узнал,

что Кадзуя был воскрешен Корпорацией G, конкурирующей с Мисимой Дзайбацу.

However, all is not lost:»The people still retain a physical memory- a conscious voting reflex-

which can be revived by means of regular exercise.».

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Однако не все еще потеряно:» у народа сохраняется мышечная память-

рефлекс осмысленного голосования» и» его можно восстановить путем регулярных упражнений».

In a world that has to deal every day with the conflicts revived by the end of the cold war,

it is important that these operations continue and progress.


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чтобы эти операции продолжались и увенчивались успехом.


It was replaced in 1985 by Formula 3000, but revived


the FIA from 2009-2012 in the form of the FIA Formula Two Championship.

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Носила статус чемпионата Европы,


заменена на Формулу- 3000 в 1985, но в 2009 была возвращена в виде ФИА Формула- 2.

A forgotten tradition, but revived


the Casa Parintească.




King Norodom Sihanouk on 5 October 1995.

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Восстановлен 5 октября 1995 года королем Нородомом Сиануком.

In 2008, The Technosoft brand was revived


Twenty-One company.

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В 2008 году бренд Technosoft был возрожден Twenty- One Company.

Nagi was revived


Echoes before he left the planet.

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Перед тем как покинуть планету Эхо воскрешает Наги.

The hotel’s facade was revived


artist Vladas Varkalys.


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Фасад гостиницы в 2014 г. обновил художник Владас Варкалис Vladas Varkalys.


Stanbrook Abbey Press, which was revived


Dames Hildelith Cumming and Felicitas Corrigan.

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Stanbrook Abbey Press, которую возродили Hildelith Cumming и Felicitas Corrigan.

Brothers on the 4th Floor was revived


the Boer brothers in 1993.

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Later revived


The Life Foundation,

only to be destroyed again


Spider-Man and Nova.

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но снова


уничтожен Человеком- пауком и Новой.

From September 2010,

Chip’n Dale Rescue Rangers was revived


comics publisher Boom!

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В сентябре 2010 года« Чип и

Дейл спешат на помощь» были перезапущены издательством комиксов Boom!

Coal mining in the area of Tkvarcheli was also revived


a repatriate from Turkey Typhoon Ardzinba.

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Угольная добыча в районе Ткварчели была возрождена также репатриантом из Турции Тайфуном Ардзинба.

But it was revived


a Diola priest, Abbé Augustin Diamacoune Senghor on 26 December 1982.


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Однако 26 декабря 1982 года ДДСК было воссоздано священником Аугустином Диамакуном Сенгором из числа дьола.


I was revived


Tyra, who had the foresight to kill a Mord-Sith

and take her han.

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Я был возрожден Тарой, которая предусмотрительно убила Морд- Сит и

забрала ее хань.

The dogs might be revived


submerging them in the cold waters of the nearby Lake Agnano.

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Собака может быть приведена в чувство погружением в холодные воды ближайшего озера Аньяно.

When you die or enter the defeated state,

you must either respawn or be revived


another player.


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Когда вы умираете, или введите побежденного государства,

Вы должны либо возрождаются или возродить другим игроком.


Last years, the interest to Japanese literature was revived


Grigorii Chkhartishvili, more known as Boris Akunin.


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В последние годы интерес к японской литературе вернул Григорий Чхартишвили, более известный как Борис Акунин.


He was subsequently found and


by Project Cadmus, who enhanced him to become the Cyborg Superman.

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После этого его тело попало в Проект Кадмус и из него сделали Киборга- Супермена.

Do you want to hear more about the word of Christ and be revived


the Gospel of salvation?

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Хочешь ли ты слышать больше из Слова Христова и черпать жизнь из Евангелия спасения?

Although he was killed on his first voyage,

Sterling was revived


supernatural forces which gave him a second chance.

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Будучи убитым во время первого же выхода в

море, Стерлинг был возрожден сверхъестественными силами, что дало ему второй шанс.

Reid argued that the social agenda of Clement Attlee’s government was abandoned


Thatcher and

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Рейд утверждал, что социальная повестка правительства Клемента Эттли, прерванная Маргарет Тэтчер,

так и не была возрождена« Новыми Лейбористами».

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Time: 0.2971





Revived by His Word Bible Reading PlanThroughout its history the Seventh-day Adventist Church has found the reason for its existence in the Bible. Adventists are a Bible-based, Bible-believing, Bible-reading people. Although millions of church members worldwide have a meaningful devotional life, recent research indicates that many do not. Revived by His Word is designed especially to strengthen the spiritual experience of those who know Christ deeply, and motivate those who are struggling to know Him better. Recently, we have lifted up the importance of God’s Word through the “Follow the Bible” initiative; now it is time to reflect carefully and listen to God speaking to our hearts personally as we are “revived by His Word.”

Spiritual renewal arises from a Christ-centered study of God’s Word. Although prayer is the heartbeat of revival, the Word of God is its foun­dation. The Bible writers repeatedly link revival and new life in Christ to God’s Word:

  • “My soul clings to the dust; revive me according to Your word” (Ps. 119:25).*
  • “Having been born again, not of corruptible seed but incorrupt­ible, through the word of God which lives and abides forever” (1 Pet. 1:23).
  • “So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified” (Acts 20:32).

Ellen White adds:

  • “There is nothing more calcu­lated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God’s word were stud­ied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobil­ity of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times” (Steps to Christ, p. 90).
  • “A revival in Bible study is needed throughout the world. Attention is to be called, not to the assertions of men, but to the Word of God. As this is done, a mighty work will be wrought” (Evangelism, p. 456).
  • “At every revival of God’s work the prince of evil is aroused to more intense activity; he is now putting forth his utmost efforts for a final struggle against Christ and His followers. The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures” (The Great Controversy, p. 593).

The study of God’s Word accom­plishes at least four major things in relationship to revival:

  1. It provides a foundation for true revival.
  2. It stimulates, fosters, and sustains true revival.
  3. It counteracts false revivals.
  4. It creates an understanding of and commitment to God’s mission.

Without a systematic study of God’s Word the current emphasis on revival and reformation will die out quickly, degenerate into a sentimental slogan, or result in a counterfeit spiritual experience. The study of God’s Word leading to a life-changing experience with Jesus is not optional in revival; it is foundational.

Nothing can possibly replace listening to God speak to us through His Word. Prayerfully meditating on Scripture is a primary source of spiritual strength. Although there are many ways of reading God’s Word, the initiative outlined below has the possibility of uniting the international church around God’s Word.

The initiative summarized

To encourage church members worldwide to unite in reading or listening to one chapter of the Bible each day, beginning April 17, 2012 (Spring Council), and concluding at the General Conference Session in 2015.

There are 1,171 days from Spring Council 2012 to the beginning of the General Conference Session July 2, 2015. There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. By reading one chapter each day and two chapters during the General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas, the Bible Study Plan will conclude by the end of the Session.

United by His Word

Revived by His Word will become much larger than reading or listening to one chapter of the Bible each day. It will direct the attention of the entire membership to the importance of knowing Jesus through His Word. It will encourage families to read the Bible completely through together. In many cultures where the Bible is not readily available, this initiative will encourage elders to gather the church family to read the Bible aloud. It will also stimulate members world­wide to place priority on the Bible. It is simple, practical, and affordable.

This plan envisions the General Conference president, along with the division presidents, reading Genesis 1 responsively at the opening meet­ing of Spring Council 2012, and concluding by reading Revelation 22 during the General Conference Session in San Antonio, Texas.

Promotion and sustainability

To motivate successfully the largest number of Seventh-day Adventists to read the Bible through together will necessitate coordina­tion with each of the church’s media outlets. Hope Channel, Ministry magazine, Adventist World/Adventist Review, and the Communication Department will cooperate in prepar­ing special programs and articles on the inspiration and life-changing ability of God’s Word. A promotional DVD will be produced as well as a Revived by His Word brochure. These promotional pieces will pre­cede and prepare for the launch of the program in April 2012.

Beginning with Spring Council 2012, the Bible chapter for the day with a Bible Blog will be featured on the Ministerial Department’s Revival and Reformation Web page.

Each day a one- or two-paragraph reflection on the Bible reading for the day will be written for the Bible Blog. Authors will be chosen to represent cultural and age diversity. Members internationally will have an opportunity to contribute to the discussion via the blog. An iPhone application will be especially helpful in some countries to allow members to download the Bible chapter and commentary for the day. The Bible Blog will regularly reference the weekly Sabbath School lesson to stimulate further study of the lesson by members, and the Sabbath School Bible Study Web page will reference the chapter-by­chapter Bible Study Reading Plan. Imagine the possibilities of church members sharing inspirational gems with one another from the unique perspective of their cultural, gender, and age backgrounds. Each day a few especially insightful spiritual comments will be chosen to post on the Web page.

Sharing the Word

Another feature of the plan is to challenge church membership worldwide to provide funding to pur­chase Bibles for members who do not have them as well as Godpods for members who are unable to read or who have difficulty read­ing. Church leadership can never rest satisfied until every member has access to God’s Word in their mother tongue, reads or listens to God’s Word daily, and shares its life-transforming message with others.

Revived by His Word can unite the entire church around God’s Word and make a difference in millions of lives. It can be a catalyst for further regular, systematic Bible study. The goal of Revived by His Word is to encourage every church member to allow the Holy Spirit to transform their lives as they meditate and pray over one chapter of the Bible a day. It is to allow Jesus to speak to His people through His Word so they know Him better, seek Him more deeply, and share His love more fully.

* All Bible texts are taken from the New King James Version

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On July17, 2015, a Bible’s reading project of Seventh Day Adventist Church began with an unusual purpose. Just one chapter per day and in 2018 the worldwide participants will read all bible. Reading this book affects spiritual life substantially and strengthens the daily communion. Join this plan and allow yourself to be Revived By His Word(#rbhw).

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Revived By His Word (Package Name: net.flaviosilva.rpsp.Full) is developed by Flávio Silva and the latest version of Revived By His Word (F) 2.3 — Beta was updated on October 30, 2018. Revived By His Word (F) is in the category of Lifestyle. You can check all apps from the developer of Revived By His Word (F) and find 178 alternative apps to Revived By His Word (F) on Android. Currently this app is for free. This app can be downloaded on Android 4.0+ on APKFab or Google Play. All APK/XAPK files on are original and 100% safe with fast download.

On July17, 2015, a Bible’s reading project of Seventh Day Adventist Church began with an unusual purpose. Just one chapter per day and in 2018 the worldwide participants will read all bible. Reading this book affects spiritual life substantially and strengthens the daily communion. Join this plan and allow yourself to be Revived By His Word(#rbhw).

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Revived By His Word (F) APP

On July17, 2015, a Bible’s reading project of Seventh Day Adventist Church began with an unusual purpose. Just one chapter per day and in 2018 the worldwide participants will read all bible. Reading this book affects spiritual life substantially and strengthens the daily communion. Join this plan and allow yourself to be Revived By His Word(#rbhw).

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