Revise the words and word combinations

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Ответ на Unit 2, Step 9, Номер 12 из ГДЗ по Английскому языку 9 класс: Афанасьева (Учебник Rainbow)

ГДЗ (готовое домашние задание из решебника) на Unit 2, Step 9, Номер 12 по учебнику Английский язык. 9 класс. Учебник в двух частях / О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — Дрофа, 2019 (Российский учебник : Rainbow English)

12 Revise the words and words combinations for Test 2.
Author, article, call, cheer, cheerful, courage, courageous, earn, fail, failure, fascinate, fascinating, fascination, general, invent, invention, inventive, investigate, investigation, lie, lonely, mind, mumble, murmur, occasion, occasional(ly) , print, private, publish, pull, push, quality, rare(ly) , reward(ing) , source, strange(r) , suppose, trash, type, unique, whisper.
Word Combinations
To be in two minds, to be/go out of your mind, to bring (call) sth to mind, to change your mind about sth, to come to one’s mind, to have fun (trouble, difficulty) doing sth, to have a good (hard) time doing sth, to keep sth in mind.
Phrasal Verbs
To look after, to look through, to look for, to look forward to doing sth.
Verb Forms
Sell — sold — sold.

Оборудование и ресурсы: компьютер учителя, интерактивная доска; презентация РР; индивидуальные листы с заданиями.

Этапы работы мастер-класса

Содержание этапа

Деятельность участников

Начало занятия (подготовительно-организационный

(3 минуты)

Приветствие участников мастер-класса, вступительное слово учителя.

Good morning, everybody! Very glad to see you again! How are you today? Are you all right? I hope so. We`ll start our Master-class with a short film. It will help you to guess what we are going to speak about at our lesson today.

Учитель показывает короткий видеофильм для погружения участников в тему, а также для формулировки проблемы.

T: What are we going to speak about at our lesson today?

P1: About nature …

P2: Ecological problems on our planet …

P3: Environmental Protection …

T: All of you are right. We are going to speak about our nature, its problems and the ways to save it.

Участники мастер-класса просматривают 2-минутный ролик, затем формулируют тему занятия, а также проблему для рассматривания.

Предполагаемые ответы обучающихся:

«Ecological Problems of Our Planet»

«Environmental Protection»

«The Earth Needs Our Help «т.д.

(5 минут)

Повторение лексики по теме

You have got some knowledge on this topic. Let`s revise the words and word combinations we may need at our lesson. Here are the cards with the topical vocabulary for both group #1 and group #2. Give Russian equivalents for the given words and word combinations:

1. disaster

2. drought

3. earthquake

4. hurricane

5. litter

6. tornado

7. rescue team

8. protect

9. climatic changes

10. encourage waste recycling

1. pollution

2. destroy

3. flood

4. habitat

5. waste dumping

6. tsunami

7. be left homeless

8. reduce

9. recycle

10. use new technologies to protect the environment

Команды по очереди задают друг другу вопросы по тематическому вокабуляру (слова на карточках)

Постановка проблемы

(2 минуты)

You see what a wonderful world we live in! For millions of years our planet has given support to all forms of life — human beings, animals, birds, fish, insects and plants. Now it is in danger and it faces a lot of problems. What kinds of ecological problems do we see around us at present? What are they?

(учитель знакомит обучающихся с интернет-приложением

Обучающиеся называют экологические проблемы и обозначают задачу: к концу урока составить правила, которым должны следовать люди для сохранения природы.


(5 минут)

To make up the list of ecological problems we`ll use mind-mapping (mind [maɪnd]разум; умственные способности; map [mæp] карта). Mind42 is a free, fast and simple online application.It’s a specialized tool to create quickly. Mind mapping is for collecting ideas and thoughts in a graphical way. (Учитель показывает, как можно создавать ментальную карту).

— «cooperative learning» (обучение в сотрудничестве);

После объяснения учителя обучающиеся коллективно заполняют спайдерграммы.

Афиширование — представление выполненных работ

(4 минуты)

T: You see our planet faces a lot of ecological problems. Sometimes people don`t know how to resolve them, what to do in some cases. We won`t be able to discuss all of them, but some of them will be spoken about. And by the end of our lesson some regulations should have been written (do`s and don’t`s).

Демонстрируют индивидуальные листы бланки заданий

Обе группы демонстрируют спайдерграммы с обозначенными экологическими проблемами

1. Pollution.

2. Soil degradation.

3. Global warming.

4. Overpopulation.

5. Deforestation

6. Ozone layer destruction and the increase of ultraviolet light.

7. Acid rain.

(6 минут)

Listening. Listen to the texts and match the statements with the speakers. There is one statement you do not need

Now we`ll listen to the text «In Harmony with Nature» and do the task.

Speaker E

Extra speaker

Speaker F

Speaker B

Speaker C

Speaker A

Speaker D

1. There are a lot of them on the face of the Earth, and they are dangerous.

2. People are the cause and they can find a solution, too.

3. People’s view on the ways of decreasing pollution.

4. Forest fires produce a lot of damage to nature.

5. Lack of plants can lead to a species extinction.

6. Time for the mankind to save the Earth.

7. Let’s do an experiment to see how this vehicle pollutes the environment.

Keys: A5 B2 C1 D7 E6 F3 ES4

Обучающиеся слушают текст «In Harmony with Nature» и выполняют интерактивное задание по прослушанному. Отвечают на вопросы учителя.

(3 минуты)

Reading. Fill in the gaps with the words in the boxes

rescue homeless supplies floods lost drowned

Heavy rains have hit Angola this week. The rains have caused _____ in many parts of the country. Many people have died. Thousands have _____their houses. These rains are the worst Angola has experienced in the last twenty years. Thousands of people have been left ____ and many animals have _____. ____ teams have been trying to save as many people as they possibly can who still remain trapped in their homes. Many countries are now sending food, medicines and other ____ to the area.

T: Such news is heard everywhere on our planet every day. Scientists, politicians, ecologists are beginning to understand that the damage to ecosystem can lead to real disasters.

Обучающиеся выполняют интерактивное задание по чтению: читают текст по теме, вместо пропусков вставляют слова по смыслу. Отвечают на вопросы учителя по прочитанному.

(4 минуты)

Speaking. Ex. 46, p. 136 Say how the phenomena in both the columns can be connected and comment on them.

1. global warming

2. earthquakes

3. destruction of forests

4. highly developed and booming economy

5. world population growth

6. agricultural mismanagement

7. development of new technologies

8. consumer society

a) water shortages

b) climate change

c) heat waves, intense rainstorms and floods

d) growing demand for energy

e) land erosion

f) increasing production of carbon dioxide

g) growing demand of comfort, electric devices, machines, etc.

h) tsunamis

Обучающиеся выполняют упр. 46, с. 136. Объясняют, как обозначенные явления связаны друг с другом и чем они могут быть вызваны. (3 минуты)

Situations for discussion.

Учитель предлагает темы для обсуждения с опорой на слова.

a) What can we do to reduce traffic in our town?



1. Ban cars from city centers.

2. Make drivers pay a tax for driving into the city.

3. Build car parks outside the city.

4. Improve public transport.

1. People will think about using their cars if it costs them money.

2. People will use buses, trams or trains and there will be less traffic and less pollution.

3. Drivers will leave their cars outside the city.

Traffic will be reduced: instead of four people there will be one car with four people

Обучающиеся делают предложения по заданной проблеме и предлагают предполагаемые результаты:

1. If the government make drivers pay a tax for driving into the city, they will leave their cars outside the city и т.д.

(3 минуты)

(4 минуты)

b) What are we going to do with all this litter?



1. Fine people who litter.

2. Involve young people into clean-up activities.

3.Set up recycling centers in our area.

4. Buy things with biodegradable [ˌbaɪəudɪ’greɪdəbəl] (разлагаемый) packaging.

1. People will stop litter if they have to pay for it.

2.They will keep their parks clean and tidy.

3. People will reduce the household rubbish.

Boys and girls, we have spoken much about ecological problems, about how to solve them. We revised words and word combinations on this topic and some new ones and now it`s time to make up «Rules and Regulations» on how to keep our environment clean and tidy. You have got on your tables sheets of paper with the title Rules and Regulations». Please write as many rules as you can

1. People should buy things without packaging to stop litter и т.д.

Обучающиеся составляют и правила о том, как сохранить окружающую среду в чистоте и показывают присутствующим

Рефлексия содержания материала

(2 минуты)

Заключительное слово учителя

(1 минута)

Dear boys and girls, our lesson is coming up to the end. I am very pleased with the way you worked today. I shall give all of you excellent marks. Please fill in your assessment cards and be honest to express your attitude to the lesson.

At the lesson I was …

The results of my work …

The lesson seemed … to me.

The information I`ve got is …

I know the topical vocabulary …

I can talk about types of ecological problems …

T: In conclusion I`d like to say once again that the Earth is our home and we must do our best to protect it for ourselves and for the future generation.

Thank you! Good-bye!

Обучающиеся заполняют карту самооценки: оценивают свою работу на уроке, а также выражают свое отношение к уроку

III. Learn the words in the synonymic groups.

Illness is the state of being ill in body or mind; a particular form
of ill health, a period of being ill.

Example: He
missed five days at school because of illness.

More than three
million people suffer from severe mental illness.

Disease is a
particular kind of illness with special symptoms and name, often
affects a particular part of the body.

Example: The doctor diagnosed her disease as

Tropical disease.
She has a rare lung disease.

(old-fashioned) is usually lasting, sometimes chronic illness, more
dangerous than disease, sometimes a fatal one.

Example: Last century tuberculosis was rather a
malady, than a disease.

Ailment is a
short, temporary, slight disorder of health, a mild illness. Usually
this disorder is a chronic one, may be painful or uncomfortable.

Example: A running nose is the most typical
ailment of this patient.

Infection is an illness that is caused by bacteria
and that doesn’t usually last a long time.

Example: He was off work with a throat

Virus is a very small germ that causes illness, or
an illness caused by these things.

Example: The virus is highly contagious.

Condition is an
illness or medical problem that affects s.o. for a long time.
Example: a serious heart condition.

Disorder (formal)
is a situation in which a particular part of s.o.’s body does not
operate normally, often causing illness for a long period of time.

Example: a stomach/heart/liver disorder.

Bug (informal) is
an illness caused by a virus or bacteria that is not serious and that
doesn’t usually last for a long time.

Example: a stomach bug.

Pain refers to suffering of body. It is sharp and

Ache is a continuous pain.

Ill is physically or mentally unwell, unsound, not good, harmful.

Sick is physically or mentally unwell, likely to
vomit, feel sick.

Both “ill” and
“sick” may be translated as «больной»,
but “ill” is used as a part of the predicate, while “sick” –
as an attribute.

Example: He is ill with pneumonia. He is a sick

If “sick” is
used as a part of the predicate it means «испытывающий
or «испытывающий скуку
и отвращение».
To be seasick/airsick.

Example: Give
me a tablet, please. I’m somewhat sick.

sick or reading. I’m sick and tired of you.

If ill is used as
an attribute, it means «плохой, дурной, злой», its
usage is lexically limited. Mostly one can say: ill

To cure means to bring back/to restore
to health, to get rid of a disease or a troublesome condition.

Example: In two weeks I was completely cured of
the flu.

To treat means to give medical or surgical
attention with the aim of curing a person of some disease.

Example: He is being treated of rheumatism.

To treat also
means: 1. To act or behave towards a person or thing in a certain
way: treated him roughly; treat it as a
. 2. To present or deal with a
subject: recent events are treated in
. 3. To subject (a substance or
thing) to a chemical or other process: to
treat the seeds.
4. To entertain a
person at one’s own expense; buy, have or allow to have as a treat:
treated myself to a taxi.
5. To negotiate terms: treating with
their enemies to secure a cease-fire

To heal is to make
healthy after wounds of any kind:

Example: Cuts are healed.

die: to snuff it/peg out/kick the bucket (to expire) (humorous,
informal, sometimes rude) –
be dead: to be six feet under (informal); to be pushing up the daises
– лежать
pass away: to die (polite, formal) – скончаться;
to breathe one’s last
(formal, old-fashioned)
– испустить
to depart this life – покинуть
to go to meet one’s maker

to go the way of all flesh – разделить
of the church, bookish);
die young; to die a natural death; to meet a violent death –
to be gravely ill and expected to die – быть
there is no hope for smb./he’s far gone – быть
to be no long for this world/to be on one’s deathbed – быть
to have got one foot in the grave – стоять

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Countryside: meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest City: University, lift, rubbish chute,



meadow, horse, orchard, pig, field, well, shepherd,farm, harvest

City: University, lift, rubbish chute, block of flats, shopping mall, metro, central heating, theatre, trolleybus, milking machine (По поводу доильной машины. Смотря что имеется ввиду. На ферме доильные машины тоже используются)


Отв. дан
2019-04-02 11:12:26

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Другие вопросы в разделе — Английский язык









Revise the words for Test Two.

add, alike, allow, balcony, blood, box, box office, buffet, character, characteristic, circle, classical, cloakroom, connect, connection, consider, cruel, cruelty, curtain, devote, devotion, drama, dramatist, ecologist, elegance, entertainment, eventually, expensive, explain, fair, finally, foyer, gallery, god, hold, importance, impossible, interval, introduce, meanwhile, offer, opera glasses, orchestra, organize, pianist, orchestra pit, possible, preference, previous, previously, presence, produce, programme, receive, refuse, reply, row, safe, scenery, stage, stalls, theatregoer, thrill, thrilled, thrilling, ticket, usher, willingly, wonder

Words Combinations

a devoted friend, first of all, in the meantime, in the end, just then, later on, to introduce oneself, to produce results, to receive visitors, safe and sound

Phrasal Verbs

to hold on, to hold up, to hold out, to hold on to

Verb Forms

to hold − held − held

ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 2. Step 9. Номер №11


Перевод задания
Повторите слова для Теста Номер Два.
добавить, одинаковый, разрешить, балкон, кровь, ложе, касса, буфет, характер (герой), характеристика, бельэтаж, классика, гардероб, соединить, связь, рассмотреть, жестокий, жестокость, занавес, посвятить, преданность, драма, драматург, эколог, элегантность, развлечение, в конечном итоге, дорогой, объяснять, справедливый, наконец, фойе, галерка, бог, держать, важность, невозможно, антракт, представить, тем временем, предложить, театральный бинокль, оркестр, организовать, пианист, оркестровая яма, возможный, предпочтение, предыдущий, ранее, присутствие, производить, программа, получать, отказать, ответить, ряд, безопасный, декорации, сцена, партер, любитель театра, взволновать, взволнованный, волнующий, билет, билетер, охотно, интересоваться
преданный друг, прежде всего, тем временем, в конце, только что, позже, представиться, добиться результатов, принять посетителей, в целости и сохранности
Фразовые глаголы
подождать, задержаться, протянуть, держаться (за что−то)
Формы глагола
держать − держал − держал

Конспект урока английского языка

Тема урока: Why sport? Зачем нужен спорт?

Проблема урока: Что дает нам спорт?

Класс: 10

Учебник: “New Millennium English” 10

Автор: Гроза О.Л.,  Дворецкая О.Б. и другие

Цикл: 6 (Sports)

Номер урока: 2

Учитель: учитель английского языка Калинина Марина Валерьевна

Цель урока: совершенствование иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции при обсуждении проблемы «Что нам дает спорт?».

  1. Речевая компетенция: тренировка навыков говорения (диалогическая речь, монологические высказывания) о спорте и его пользе или вреде для человека, автоматизация навыков аудирования (при прослушивании текстов об отношении разных людей к спорту), чтения с полным пониманием о различных видах спорта.
  2. Языковая: активизация лексики по теме «Спорт. Виды спорта», грамматических навыков (употребление настоящего завершенного времени в случаях особой важности результата действия).
  3. Социокультурная: реализация диалога культур на материале по теме «Виды спорта», ознакомление с распространенными в Великобритании средствами, предназначенными для облегчения жизни и ведения активного образа жизни инвалидов; расширение кругозора учащихся, развитие интереса к изучаемому предмету.
  4. Компенсаторная: совершенствование умений выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств в ситуации обмена мнениями и высказывания собственной точки зрения о роли спорта в жизни человека.
  5. Учебно-познавательная: развивать умения учащихся анализировать и выделять главное в тексте, способствовать формированию умений аргументировать свою точку зрения, содействовать развитию долговременной памяти учащихся, внимания, умения высказывать свои суждения об отношении к спорту;  воспитание толерантности к обычаям и традициям других стран, любви и уважения к родной стране.  

Оборудование: учебник (стр. 89, 90, 91), раздаточный материал (карточки для индивидуальной, парной и групповой работы), компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, магнитофон, кассета с аудиозаписью.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение темы и задач урока, предстоящих видов деятельности)

T.  Good morning, friends! I am very glad to see you. Today our lesson is devoted to sport and its importance for people. We will revise the words and word-combinations on this topic, practice listening, reading and speaking. I hope that at the end of the lesson you will be able to give your opinion about sport and its importance.

II. Разминка (активизация изученного материала)

На экране демонстрируются фотографии альпиниста на страховочных веревках и обезьяны, висящей на лиане. Ребятам предлагается сравнить их действия, определить различия в целях человека и животного.

T. Look at these photos and answer the questions:

  1. What do these pictures have in common?

P1. We can see a man and  animal on these pictures and they both are hanging.

  1. What is the man’s purpose?

P2. I think the man’s purpose is to reach the top of the mountain or to practice mountaineering.

  1. What is the monkey’s purpose?

P3. I suppose the monkey’s purpose can be to get the food or just to move with the help of lianas.

  1. Which one is a sport and why?

P4. In my opinion the man is demonstrating a sport because he does it for pleasure but monkey is doing this as it is its way of existing, it’s its nature.

III. Работа с лексическим материалом по теме (закрепление ранее изученного лексического материала).

1) На экране демонстрируются фотографии, представляющие различные виды спорта, и слова и словосочетания с их названиями. Ребятам предлагается назвать виды спорта, представленные на фото.

Т. I am sure that you know very many kinds of sport. Now let us remember some of them. Look at the photos and match the names of the sports.

2) Карточки – сюрпризы (у некоторых учащихся под партами прикреплены карточки с лексическими единицами прошлого урока, им предлагается прочесть и перевести их)

3) Учащиеся работают с карточками, в которых изученные на предыдущем уроке лексические единицы представлены в контексте и имеют объяснения на английском языке. Задача ребят – сопоставить слова и их толкование.

Работа выполняется в парах.

Т. Now let us remember the words we met at the previous lesson. Let us have a look at ex. 2E,  page 89. You should match the words in bold with their definitions. Work in pairs.

Проверка выполнения задания проводится устно.

  1. Many parents do no allow their children to do dangerous sports.
  • gain, to come to possess
  1. The number of football fans has increased in the last two years.
  • make better
  1. He is proud of his fitness.
  • general attitude
  1. Tennis helped me to acquire good reaction.
  • make or become larger
  1. The usual weight of a baby at birth is about three kilograms.
  • how heavy something or somebody is
  1. The weather is horrible! I hope it improves by Saturday and we will go yachting.
  • make or become less
  1. He has got a very positive outlook on life and the world.
  • let somebody do something
  1. In the last two years the number of those who are not into sports has decreased.
  • state of being healthy and strong
  • Ключ: allow — let somebody do something, increased — make or become larger, fitness — state of being healthy and strong, acquire — gain, to come to possess, weight — how heavy something or somebody is, improves — make better, outlook on — general attitude, decreased — make or become less

IV. Аудирование (совершенствование навыков восприятия иноязычной речи на слух)

Закрепление лексического материала и отслеживание успешности его усвоения проводится с помощью прослушивания текстов об отношении трех человек разного физического уровня к занятиям спортом.

1) этап подготовки к аудированию имеет целью настроить ребят на работу. Основываясь на собственном жизненном опыте, они могут предположить, как могут относиться к занятиям спортом велосипедист-любитель, инвалид и бывшая профессиональная спортсменка. (Pre – listening stage)

Т. Different people have different attitude to sport. Some people consider it to be very useful, others think it even can do harm. Look through the list of people in the chart. Do you think their attitude to sports is positive, negative, or both?




1. Fred, an amateur cyclist

2. Jack, a disabled basketball player

3. Tanya, an ex-downhill skier

P1. I think the attitude to sport of Fred will be quite positive as he is an amateur sportsman and he does sport for pleasure and self- confidence.

P2. Maybe Jack will also have a positive view of sporting activities because they give him a chance to live an active life despite his limited physical abilities.

P3. I think that Tanya will be negative to sport as she was a pro and she knows every detail of this life? Maybe she even suffered some injuries.

2) на этапе первого предъявления текстов для прослушивания задачей учащихся является определения основной идеи высказывания. Таким образом, они имеют возможность сравнить свои предположения с фактической информацией. (Listening stage 1)

Т. Now listen to these three people talking about sports in their lives, check your guesses and tick the right box in the chart. Well, were your suggestions right?

P1. Yes, I have the same results.

P2. And I was mistaken about Tanya’s attitude to sport. Of course, she has some negative feelings about sport but she says that her best years were connected with it. I am sure it means that she also has some positive feeling.

3) второе предъявление текстов имеет целью детальное понимание текстов. (Listening stage 2)

T. Listen to the interviews again and try to catch more details about the role of sport in the life of these people. Use ex. 3C? page 90 and put the number of speaker opposite each statement 

O a) Sport allows you to make friends with a number of people.

O b) Sport increases fitness.

O c) Sport decreases your weight.

O d) Sport gives you an increased sense of individuality.

O e) It gives you a real pleasure.

O f) Sport gives you a chance to acquire self-confidence.

O g) Sport can be unfair.

O h) You learn a lot about life.

4) на данном этапе ребятам предлагается высказать свое мнение относительно демонстрируемых фотографий и отношения людей к спорту, используя слова и выражения из предыдущего задания. (After – listening stage)

T. Look at the pictures. What does sport give to each of these people? Use the expressions from the previous exercise.

P1. I am sure that for the people on the first photo sport means a lot. It allows them to make friends with many people, helps to overcome difficulties and it gives them a chance to acquire self-confidence.

P2. People on the second photo are elderly people so sport helps them to increase their fitness, to spend more time outdoors ant to feel and really be active.

P3. People are obviously enjoying themselves because they get real pleasure from their activities and they also decrease their weight and improve their outlook.

P4. The man on the last photo knows what the victory is due to sport so it gives him an increased sense of individuality.

V. Монологические высказывания по теме.

Этот этап урока имеет целью закрепление лексического материала по теме, тренировку его употребления в монологической речи учащихся.

1) деление на группы

  • проводится учителем. Чтобы найти свою группу, ребята должны из полученных ими кусочков собрать картинку.

T. Now you will work in groups. Each of you will find your group if you put the pieces of pictures together.

2) групповая работа

  • обе группы должны привести доводы в поддержку своего высказывания:

Группа А – «Спорт очень важен»

Группа Б – «Спорт не приносит пользу»

По мере подготовки выступлений ребята обсуждают возможные варианты высказываний, готовятся к презентации, записывают свои доводы на стикерах.

T. Group A, your task is to give as many reasons for doing sports as you can. Group B, you should give reasons for not doing sports. Discuss these problems and write down your reasons on the stickers.

3) презентация

  • члены групп по очереди выходят к доске и прикрепляют стикеры со своим высказыванием в соответствующий сектор, приводят свои доводы в защиту высказывания.

T. Now let us start our calculations. Each member of the group comes up to the board, gives the reason to support your point of view and stick the card in your section.

P1. I am sure that sport helps people to overcome difficulties as it makes us stronger physically and mentally.

P2. In my humble opinion sport can be quite unfair and if you are sick or temporally out of the training process you may be ignored by the coaches.

VI. Чтение

  1. Обе группы получают набор предложений, из которых они должны составить текст с описанием вида спорта. Ребятам предлагается одно лишнее предложение, которое они должны найти.
  • Boxing is a game between two men. Boxers wear padded gloves and fight on the ring. It is played between two teams of 9—10 players in each team. In ancient Rome such boxers were gladiators who used hand coverings made of metal and leather. They fought to death. In ancient Greece fighters used leather thongs.
  • Tennis is another popular game in Britain. A team is composed of a goalkeeper, two backs, three half-backs and five forwards. Every summer, in June, the biggest international tennis tournament takes place at Wimbledon, a suburb of London. There are strawberries and cream for sale, and everyone hopes the rain will stay away.
  1. Группам предлагается немного изменить текст так, чтобы группа соперников не услышала названия вида спорта и зачитать измененный текст. Группа соперников должны догадаться, о каком виде спорта идет речь.

VII. Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия, комментарии к полученным оценкам.

T. Thank you very much for your work. It was very interesting for me to listen to your opinions about role of sport in our life. And was useful for you?

P1. We can now give some information about sports which are popular in Russia and abroad.

P2. We also can say what sport means for us and our friends.

Домашнее задание – подготовить монологическое высказывание по теме «Занятия спортом: за и против» (упр. 6, стр. 91).

Описание и ответ задания[править | править код]

The words and word combinations below help us to speak about certain arts. Organise them according to the arts that they describe. (Certain words can belong to more than one category.)

  • Theatre
  • Cinema
  • Music
  • Sculture
  • Painting
  • Literature
  1. Theatre – Drama / Success / Classical / Gallery / Stage / Balcony / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Box / Audience / Opera / Scenery / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / To act / Character / To applaud / Seat / Dress circle / Stalls / Performer
  2. Cinema – Drama / Success / Classical / Screen / Audience / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / Colour film / To act / Horror movie / Cinemagoer / Feature film / Character / Seat / Performer
  3. Music – Flute / Success / Classical / Stage / Violin / Piano / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Audience / Opera / Sound / To compose / To applaud / Performer
  4. Sculpture – Sculpture / Success / Bronze / Work of art / Monuments / Theatre Statue / Museum
  5. Painting – Success / To draw / Gallery / Work of art / Museum / To paint.
  6. Literature – Drama / Success / Classical / Fiction / Tragedy / Comedy / Character

Другие задания учебника[править | править код]

1. Theatre – Drama / Success / Classical / Stage/ Balcony / Applause / Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Box / Audience / Opera / Scenery/ Tragedy / Sound / Gallery / Comedy / To act / Character / To applaud / Seat /Dress circle / Stalls / Performer2. Cinema – Drama / Success / Classical / Screen/ Audience / Tragedy / Sound / Comedy / Color film / To act / Horror movie / Cinema-goer/ Feature film / Character / Seat / Performer3. Music – Flute / Success / Classical / Stage / Violin / Piano / Applause/ Ballet / Operetta / Concert / Audience / Opera / Sound / To act / To compose/ To applaud / Performer4. Sculpture – Sculpture / Success / Bronze / Work of art / Monuments / Statue/ Museum 5. Painting – Success / To draw / Gallery / Work of art / Museum / Topaint. 6. Literature – Drama / Success / Classical / Fiction / Tragedy / Comedy/ Character. 

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