Restore the word order


1 Restore the word order in the sentences below
1. signs The very New of interesting York are.
2. of Every a lot tourists to New year come York.
3. This designed by building famous was architect.
4. states The fifty consist country of.
5. The State building building is world one the of the Empire tallest in.

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык


1 Restore the word order in the sentences below
1. signs The very New of interesting York are.
2. of Every a lot tourists to New year come York.
3. This designed by building famous was architect.
4. states The fifty consist country of.
5. The State building building is world one the of the Empire tallest in.​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Английский язык

      1. environment travel usual
        outside tourists their.

      2. service tourism a is

      3. are plenty hospitality
        components a in of there industry.

      4. Europe tourists States
        every and to from countries Japan country the attract tries
        United other.

      5. support
        the many tourism economy dollars of countries.

  1. Translate into English:

      1. Туризм,
        як галузь сфери послуг, складається
        з багатьох видимих і невидимих

      2. Люди
        подорожують переважно заради відпочинку
        (з ціллю відпочити). Дехто їде за кордон
        у справах, щоб зустріти нових людей,
        пізнати нову культуру та з іншими

      3. Кожна країна,
        конкуруючи на світовому ринку, робить
        все можливе, щоб привабити якнайбільше

      4. Прибутки від
        туристичної індустрії постійно

      5. Туристична
        індустрія скоро стане світовим
        економічним лідером. Очікується, що
        вона зможе обігнати нафтову та
        машинобудівну промисловості ще до

Speaking Exercises

  1. A nswer the following questions to the text:

      1. What is tourism according
        to the League of Nations?

      2. What is
        the definition of the word tourist?

      3. What
        elements does tourism have nowadays?

      4. What tangible elements do
        you know?

      5. What intangible elements
        are there in the industry?

      6. What are the two areas
        that the industry encompasses?

      7. How can
        you explain the term outbound

      8. What
        tourists are called inbound?

      9. Why is tourism so vital
        for every country?

      10. What are the prospects for
        growth in the industry?

  1. Use the prompts to make sentences, as in the example:

use/ 1937 — e.g.
The term tourism was used in 1937.

define/ World Tourism Organization/ many years ago

travellers/ usually/ call/

tourism dollars/ use/
support/ economy/ in the future

many tourists/ attract/
Moscow/ last year

countries’ infrastructure/
improve/ tourism/ next year

XVI. Here are the answers of some tourists as to why they start a travel and what they find important in travelling:

about three things which are important for you. What do you find
worth (not worth) starting an adventure? Why?

XVII. Discussion of the text:

  • Speak
    about the terms tourist
    and tourism.

  • Discuss
    the difference between tangible and intangible elements in

  • Explain
    the two areas: outbound and inbound tourism.

  • Discuss the economic
    importance and growth of tourism.

Reading Exercises

  1. R ead and translate the following text:

Travel and
tourism provide services of all types for both inbound and outbound
travellers, and have become one of the world’s fastest growing
industries. International travel and tourism is the world’s largest
export earner and an important factor in the balance of payments of
most nations.

The market is increasingly
diverse, covering not only traditional sunshine tourism and business
trips but also many new types of travel that have developed in
recent years. Tourism has become one of the world’s most important
sources of employment. It covers a wide range of jobs, including all
branches of the travel industry, hospitality in hotels and
restaurants, entertainment and recreation, as well as the tourist
attractions in a particular region. Areas of work include Tour
Operators, Travel Agencies, Tourist Boards and Tourist Information
Centres, Transport Companies, Tour Guides, Tourist Attractions.

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Опубликовано 4 года назад по предмету
Английский язык
от Гость

1 Restore the word order in the sentences below
1. signs The very New of interesting York are.
2. of Every a lot tourists to New year come York.
3. This designed by building famous was architect.
4. states The fifty consist country of.
5. The State building building is world one the of the Empire tallest in.

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