Respect word in chinese

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Have some respect and act accordingly.


Promoting respect for IP through targeted activities.


All Data will be accurate in every respect

(i) 所有数据的各个方面都是准确的;

The series was unusual in every respect.


Please accept my fullest appreciation and respect.


They deserve our gratitude and respect.


We intently build and preserve relationships founded on mutual respect.


Demonstrate brand transparency and obtain consumer respect


To respect local cultures and practices in disaster risk management


Leading army cadres should become knowledgeable and respect knowledge.


Dad finally did something you respect.


foster an employee environment of opportunity and mutual respect


Such a leading figure deserves respect.


Five preconditions were noted with respect to effective banking supervision


International law demands respect for territorial integrity.


A balance between trust and respect.


Make your mistakes, never lose respect.


is guilty of misconduct or neglect in any professional respect

(a) 在专业方面犯失当或疏忽行为;

Crucially, they respect democratic institutions.


Shame fueled his need for respect.


No results found for this meaning.

Suggestions that contain respect

Results: 99262. Exact: 99262. Elapsed time: 197 ms.

respect / aspect / field / side / CL: 個|个


to esteem / to respect / to honor / to value / eminent / serious / proper


to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc) / to respect / to bear / to support


to comply with; to abide by; to respect (an agreement)


to respect; to revere; to esteem / honorable; distinguished (used on formal occasions before a term of address)


to accord / to give / to show (respect)


to love and respect / love and respect


to admire / to look up to / to respect sb greatly


adult / grownup / title of respect toward superiors

place / location / spot / point / office / department / bureau / respect / classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point

senior / of a senior generation / to honor / to respect / honorific / classifier for cannons and statues / ancient wine vessel

to pay respect / worship / visit / salute

to respect / to wear (belt etc)

(greatly respected) teacher

respect for the aged

(bound form) respectful; to respect / to offer politely

to harness / to draw (a cart etc) / to drive / to pilot / to sail / to ride / your good self / prefixed word denoting respect (polite 敬辭|敬辞)

for this reason / with regards to this / in this respect / in order to do this / to this end

assist / ready to fly / respect

(coll.) father’s older brother / uncle / term of respect for older man

to cherish the memory of sb / to think of with respect

self-respect / self-esteem / ego / pride

respect; esteem; high regard

to deserve (attention, respect etc) / should have (freedoms, rights etc)

to respect deeply / to revere / to esteem

to respect / to admire / to venerate / by the emperor himself

to show filial respect / to give presents (to one’s elders or superiors) / to support one’s aged parents

father’s elder brother / term of respect for older man / CL: 個|个

to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth / to sit up and take notice (of sb’s improved performance etc)

to show respect from a distance (idiom) / to remain at a respectful distance

woman of distinction / a woman to be admired or respected

to have faith in / to believe in / to have confidence in / to respect

filial piety (a Confucian obligation) / respect and obedience to one’s parents

to cup one’s fist in the other hand (as a sign of respect)

title of respect for taoists

self-respect / self-love / self-regard / regard for oneself / to cherish one’s good name / to take good care of one’s health

to respect and love; to hold in high esteem

to abide by the law / to respect the law

to be lacking in moral sense / to lack common basic respect for others / lacking in virtue / mischievous / wicked / cruel / mean

lit. (to look) with a direct gaze / fig. respect / favor

to show respect for / to think highly of

to treat sb with due respect (idiom)

great scholar respected for learning and integrity

to give audience (of emperor) / retainers’ duty to pay respect to sovereign / hajj (Islam)

elder brother / term of respect for a man of about the same age

gold / chemical element Au / generic term for lustrous and ductile metals / money / golden / highly respected / one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音

lit. to lift the tray to eyebrow level (idiom); mutual respect in a marriage

to make sth of oneself / to become a person who is worthy of respect / (of a tree) to grow to full size / to become useful for timber

to refer to / see also / compare (cf.) / to pay respect to

to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions / frivolous

to make sth of oneself / to become a person who is worthy of respect

self-respect / self-esteem / ego

to respect a deity / to pray to a God

title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor’s father / nickname for Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后

lit. having face / to have prestige / to command respect / to have the nerve (e.g. to ask sth outrageous) / to have the gall / not ashamed to

title of honor / term of respect

term of respect for a teacher’s wife

to treat each other as an honored guest (idiom) / mutual respect between husband and wife

four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for men), namely: piety 孝 to one’s parents, respect 悌 to one’s older brother, loyalty 忠 to one’s monarch, faith 信 to one’s male friends / the four Confucian virtues for women of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功

home of respect for aged / nursing home

well-off and respected (idiom) / to be content with one’s wealth and position

term of respect for a teacher’s wife / sorceress

(honorific) your respected opinion / What do you think, your majesty?

the most honorable / the most respected / supreme / (archaic) the emperor

respect the old and cherish the young

to bow again / to bow twice (gesture of respect in former times) / (in letters, an expression of respect)

respected / respectable / honorable

to feel respect

Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼) / His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee) / Buddha / God / emperor / in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后

to revere / to respect / variant of 哲

self-respect of old person / face / thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to criticism) / brazen

mutual respect in marriage / abbr. of idiom 舉案齊眉|举案齐眉

aged and respected; senior

respect for the wise

old and respected family / family whose members have been officials from generation to generation

to admire and respect

to respect the wise and venerate the worthy (idiom); to honor the great and the good

to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance

respect the aged

Confucian moral injunctions of fidelity / piety to one’s parents, respect to one’s older brother, loyalty to one’s monarch, faith to one’s male friends

to recognize talent and have great respect for it

to be respected in life and lamented in death (idiom)

to call to pay one’s respect / to call on

no respect for seniors / lacking in manners

to respect talent and make use of ability (Mencius)

term of respect; polite expression

to admire and respect / to look up to

respect, regard / to stand in awe of, to be alarmed

elder / term of respect for a Buddhist monk

(term of respect) second only to father / like a father (to me)

to make sth of oneself / to become a person who is worthy of respect

the Three Rules of Discipline and Eight Points for Attention, a military doctrine issued in 1928 by Mao Zedong for the Red Army, which included a number of injunctions demanding high standards of behavior and respect for civilians during wartime

deserving / worthy of respect / estimable

term of respect; polite expression

to admire and respect

not inferior in any respect

excellent in every respect / flawless

excellent in every respect / flawless

(of a couple) to grow old together in mutual respect (idiom)

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English Definition

(名) As a noun

  1. Behavior intended to please your parents.
  2. A courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard.
  3. Courteous regard for people’s feelings.
  4. A detail or point.
  5. An attitude of admiration or esteem.
  6. A feeling of friendship and esteem.
  7. The condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded).

(动) As a verb

  1. Regard highly; think much of.
  2. Show respect towards.
Hyphenation re•spect
Part of Speech (名) noun, (及物的动) transitive verb
Matching Results

尊敬 zūnjìng to respect; to revere
尊重 zūnzhòng to esteem; to respect; to honor; to value; eminent; serious; proper
考虑 kǎolǜ to think over; to consider; consideration
重视 zhòngshì to attach importance to something; to value
敬意 jìngyì respect; tribute
问候 wènhòu to give one’s respects; to send a greeting; (fig.) (coll.) to make offensive reference to (somebody dear to the person to whom one is speaking)
respect, regard; to stand in awe of, to be alarmed
respect; fear
qīn to respect; to admire; to venerate; by the emperor himself; (Chinese surname)
pèi to respect; to wear (belt etc)
jìng to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer
方面 fāngmiàn respect; aspect; field; side
tiān to look up to; to respect
to reverence; to respect, (same as 蹗) to walk
zhé to revere; to respect; variant of 哲

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English translations

respect, to respect,
regard, to revere, to worship, to have high regard for

Chinese characters:

Chinese characters  ( jingzhong / jìngzhòng ) with pronunciation (English translation: respect )

For obtaining stroke order animations, visit the links to the individual characters below.

敬重 ( jingzhong / jìngzhòng ) is composed of these characters:
, (zhong)

The traditional Chinese characters of jìngzhòng are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above.

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(Meaning of individual characters, character components etc.)

important  |  to respect


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  • fāng miàn


  • Trad.


    classifier for locations or items of damage: spot, point

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  • jìng lǎo

    respect for the aged

  • zūn shǒu

    to comply with
    to abide by
    to respect (an agreement)

  • wèi cǐ

    for this reason
    with regards to this
    in this respect
    in order to do this
    to this end

  • dà ren

    title of respect toward superiors

  • jìng

    to respect
    to venerate
    to salute
    to offer

  • zūn zhòng

    to esteem
    to respect
    to honor
    to value

  • jǐ yǔ

    to accord
    to give
    to show (respect)

  • dài

    to put on or wear (glasses, hat, gloves etc)
    to respect
    to bear
    to support

  • Trad.


    to harness
    to draw (a cart etc)
    to drive
    to pilot
    to sail
    to ride
    your good self
    prefixed word denoting respect (polite 敬辞)

  • cān jiàn

    to refer to
    see also
    confer (cf.)
    to pay respect to

  • jìng chēng

    term of respect

  • zūn jìng

    to respect
    to revere

  • zì zūn xīn


  • zūn

    of a senior generation
    to honor
    to respect
    classifier for cannons and statues
    ancient wine vessel

  • zì ài

    regard for oneself
    to cherish one’s good name
    to take good care of one’s health

  • ài dài

    to love and respect
    love and respect

  • qīn pèi

    to admire
    to look up to
    to respect sb greatly

  • guā mù xiāng kàn

    to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth
    to sit up and take notice (of sb’s improved performance etc)

  • jìng yè

    to be dedicated to one’s work
    to respect one’s work

  • zì zūn


  • jìng zhòng

    to respect deeply
    to revere
    to esteem

  • assist
    ready to fly

  • jìng lǎo yuàn

    home of respect for aged
    nursing home

  • bài

    to pay respect

  • Trad.


    to respect
    to admire
    to venerate
    by the emperor himself

  • bó fù

    father’s elder brother
    term of respect for older man

  • xiōng zhǎng

    elder brother
    term of respect for a man of about the same age

  • pèi

    to respect
    to wear (belt etc)

  • xiào jìng

    to show filial respect
    to give presents (to one’s elders or superiors)
    to support one’s aged parents

  • miàn zi

    outer surface
    face (as in «losing face»)
    (medicinal) powder

  • dà ye

    (coll.) father’s older brother
    term of respect for older man

  • quē dé

    to be lacking in moral sense
    to lack common basic respect for others
    lacking in virtue

  • zhǎng lǎo

    term of respect for a Buddhist monk

  • wán shì bù gōng

    to trifle without respect (idiom); to despise worldly conventions

  • Fó yé

    Buddha (term of respect for Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼|释迦牟尼[Shì jiā móu ní])
    His Holiness (refers to a Buddhist grandee)
    in late Qing court, refers exclusively to Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后

  • tài shàng

    title of respect for taoists

  • zhé

    to respect
    old variant of 哲[zhe2]
    intuitive knowledge
    to revere

  • jìng ér yuǎn zhī

    to show respect from a distance (idiom)
    to remain at a respectful distance

  • háo bù xùn sè

    not inferior in any respect

  • yǒu liǎn

    lit. having face
    to have prestige
    to command respect
    to have the nerve (e.g. to ask sth outrageous)
    to have the gall
    not ashamed to

  • kàn de qǐ

    to show respect for
    to think highly of

  • Lǎo fó yé

    title of respect for the queen mother or the emperor’s father
    nickname for Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后[Ci2 xi3 tai4 hou4]

  • lǎo liǎn

    self-respect of old person
    thick-skinned (i.e. impervious to criticism)

  • zūn lǎo ài yòu

    respect the old and cherish the young

  • qīng yǎn

    to make firm eye contact with sb
    fig. to favor
    to respect
    good graces
    to think highly of sb

  • 方兴未已
    fang xing wei yi
  • 方兴未艾
    fang xing wei ai
  • 方舟
    fang zhou
  • 方庄
    Fang zhuang
  • 方术
    fang shu
  • 方解石
    fang jie shi
  • 方言
    fang yan
  • 方针
    fang zhen
  • 方釳
    fang xi
  • 方铅矿
    fang qian kuang
  • 方阵
    fang zhen
  • 方面
    fang mian
  • 方顶
    fang ding
  • 方头
    fang tou
  • 方头括号
    fang tou kuo hao
  • 方头螺帽
    fang tou luo mao

  • |

  • |

  • |
  • 于事无补
    yu shi wu bu
  • 于是
    yu shi
  • 于田
    Yu tian
  • 于田县
    Yu tian xian

past tense: respected   past participle: respected   plural: respects   present participle: respecting   

How to pronounce «respect»Synonyms of «respect»«respect» in a sentence«respect» meaning


  • It respected wealth and it despised science .
  • The respect was another empty gesture .
  • Deeply he respected her for her constancy .
  • These pictures are unusual in one respect .
  • The people ‘s teachers ought to be respected .
  • With all due respect , i disagree completely .
  • In this respect it resembles picric acid .
  • He is wrong in respect of new novels .
  • He was a popular and respected teacher .
  • I am at a loss respecting his whereabouts .
  • More examples:  1  2  3  4  5



  • behavior intended to please your parents; «their children were never very strong on obedience»; «he went to law school out of respect for his father»s wishes»
    Synonyms: obedience,
  • a courteous expression (by word or deed) of esteem or regard; «his deference to her wishes was very flattering»; «be sure to give my respects to the dean»
    Synonyms: deference,
  • courteous regard for people»s feelings; «in deference to your wishes»; «out of respect for his privacy»
    Synonyms: deference, respectfulness,
  • (usually preceded by `in») a detail or point; «it differs in that respect»
    Synonyms: regard,
  • an attitude of admiration or esteem; «she lost all respect for him»
    Synonyms: esteem, regard,
  • a feeling of friendship and esteem; «she mistook his manly regard for love»; «he inspires respect»
    Synonyms: regard,
  • the condition of being honored (esteemed or respected or well regarded); «it is held in esteem»; «a man who has earned high regard»
    Synonyms: esteem, regard,
  • Verb

  • regard highly; think much of; «I respect his judgement»; «We prize his creativity»
    Synonyms: esteem, value, prize, prise,
  • show respect towards; «honor your parents!»
    Synonyms: honor, honour, abide by, observe,

Other Languages

  • «respect» meaning: Noun: respect    ri’spekt (usually preced…
  • «respect» meaning in Japanese: 1respect n. (1) 尊敬, 敬意; 尊重; 注意, 顧慮; あいさつ. 【動詞+】 ◆She accor…
  • «respect» meaning in Korean: noun, vt, 존경, 경의, 인사, 문안, 안부, 존중, 중시, 주의, 관심, 고려, 점, 개소, 내…
  • «respect» meaning in Russian: 1) уважение Ex: worthy of respect достойный уважения Ex: o…
  • «respect» meaning in Arabic: n. كرامة, مراعاة, إكبار, احترام, إجلال, علاقة, صدد, اعتب…
  • «respect» meaning in French: n. respect, estime; honneur; égard, considération; atten…


«respecting» in Chinese,   «respawn type» in Chinese,   «respberry syrup» in Chinese,   «respecify edge» in Chinese,   «respecify tool» in Chinese,   «respecifyparameters» in Chinese,   «respect above the salt» in Chinese,   «respect and promote science» in Chinese,   «respect and responsiveness» in Chinese,   «respect as a guest» in Chinese,   


What is the meaning of respect in Chinese and how to say respect in Chinese? respect Chinese meaning, respect的中文,respect的中文,respect的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by

In China, when people talk about price, “贵(guì)” is a word that you will often hear. The basic meaning of “贵(guì)” is “expensive,” and it has the antonym “便宜(piányi) cheap.”


Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yígè LV de bāo, dànshì tài guì le.
我  想       买   一个 LV 的 包, 但是    太  贵  了。

I want to buy a LV handbag, but it is too expensive.

Piányi méi hǎo huò, suóyǐ tā zǒngshì mǎi hěn guì de dōngxi.
便宜   没    好   货, 所以  她 总是      买   很    贵  的  东西。

Cheap things are not good. So she always buys expensive things.

When you attend a business meeting, make reservations at a restaurant or attend some other formal occasions, you will probably hear such phrases as “贵姓(guìxìng),” “贵公司(guìgōngsī),” etc. Isn’t it a bit confusing? How can a person’s surname or a company be expensive?

In fact, people on such occasions are using the extended meaning of “贵(guì).” Instead of meaning expensive, “贵(guì)” here is an honorific term, a prefix for people or things used to show courtesy and respect.

贵  姓

Honorable surname

“姓(xìng)” means surname, and “贵(guì)” can be used before “姓(xìng)” as a respectful way to ask someone’s surname. Usually, people use this expression on formal occasions, such as in a business meeting, or receptions to show respect and politeness. To respond to this question, we usually say: “免贵姓……(Miǎnguì xìng…).”


Wáng Xuě: Qǐng wèn nín guìxìng?
王       雪: 请     问    您  贵姓?

Wang Xue: May I know your surname?

Lǐ Lěi: Miǎnguì xìng Lǐ.
李 磊:免贵     姓    李。

Li Lei: My surname is Li.

贵 子

Promising child

“子()” means child. “贵子(guìzǐ)” refers to a special or bright child who is predicted to be successful when he grows up. For this reason, “贵子(guìzǐ)” has come to be used as a respectful way to refer to other people’s children. Chinese people usually use “贵子(guìzǐ)” when they wish for a newly married couple to have their first baby. For example, “早生贵子!(Zǎo shēng guìzǐ!) Hope you will have your baby soon! The term is also used as a way to express your wishes for people when they have a newborn baby, as in “喜得贵子!(Xǐ dé guìzǐ!) Congratulations on your newborn baby!”


Zhù nǐ zǎo shēng guìzǐ!
祝   你 早   生       贵子!

Hope you will have your baby soon!

Gōngxǐ Wáng xiānsheng xǐ dé guìzǐ!
恭喜     王       先生         喜 得 贵子!

Congratulations to Mr. Wang and his newborn baby!

贵国/     贵公司/     贵校

Your country/Your company/Your school

“贵(g)” is often used before “国(guó) country,” “公司(gōngsī) company,” “校(xiào) school” or other institutions to express esteem and respect. This usage of “贵(guì)” is often applied in written language, such as in letters, contracts, etc. Also on some formal occasions, such as in an opening ceremony or a business convention, people tend to say “贵公司(guìgōnɡsī),” “贵校(guìxiào)” instead of “你们公司(nǐmen gōngsī),” “你们学校(nǐmen xuéxiào).”


Qǐngwèn guì gōngsī de zǒngbù zài nǎ lǐ?
请问        贵  公司     的 总部      在 哪 里?

Where is the headquarter of your company?


1. Li Lei is reserving a table at a restaurant. What is the receptionist likely to say?

Receptionist: __________?

Lǐ Lěi: 免贵姓李。(Miǎnguì xìng Lǐ.)

A. 您贵姓? (Nín guìxìng?)

B. 您叫什么名字?(Nín jiào shénme míngzi?)

C. 您是谁? (Nín shì shéi?)

2. In which of the following situations will John probably say: “早生贵子(Zǎo shēng guìzǐ)?”

A. John is at his friend’s birthday party.

B. John is attending his cousin’s wedding ceremony.

C. John is at his wedding ceremony.

See answer

Chinese Popular Words (Fun Stuff)

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Buy a Respect calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Respect” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Respect” title below…


Politeness, Gratitude and Propriety

Respect Scroll

礼 is one of the five tenets of Confucius.

Beyond respect, 礼 can also be translated as propriety, good manners, politeness, rite, worship, or an expression of gratitude.

We show respect by speaking and acting with courtesy. We treat others with dignity and honor the rules of our family, school, and nation. Respect yourself, and others will respect you.

禮 Chinese RespectPlease note that Japanese use this simplified 礼 version of the original 禮 character for respect. 礼 also happens to be the same simplification used in mainland China. While 禮 is the traditional and original version, 礼 has been used as a shorthand version for many centuries. Click on the big 禮 character to the right if you want the Traditional Chinese and older Japanese versions.

This is also a virtue of the Samurai Warrior
See our page with just Code of the Samurai / Bushido here

See Also:  Confucius

Respect / Honor / Esteem

Respect / Honor / Esteem Scroll

尊敬 is how to express the ideas of respect, honor, reverence, esteem, nobility, and sometimes the state of being noble, all in one word. Most of the time, this is used as “giving respect,” but depending on the context, it can suggest that you should try to be “worthy of respect.”

Although pronounced differently, the Chinese characters, Japanese Kanji, and Korean Hanja are the same across these languages. This is an indication that this word is very old and crosses many barriers and cultures in the Orient (East Asia).

Self-Respect / Self-Esteem

Self-Respect / Self-Esteem Scroll

自尊 means self-respect or self-esteem in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. It can also mean “pride in oneself.”

Note: Japanese sometimes put the character for the heart after these two. However, this two-character word is universal between all three languages (which is often better since more than a third of the world’s population can read this version as a native word).

Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect

Love and Respect / Kindness and Respect Scroll

愛敬 is a Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja title that can mean “love and respect,” “kindness and respect,” “to love with reverence,” “charm,” “amiability,” “winsomeness,” “courtesy,” or “ingratiating behavior.”

Note: The wide-ranging definitions show that this word is a bit ambiguous without the context of being used in a sentence.

Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false

 dǎ pà de rén shì jiǎ de jìng pà de rén shì zhēn de

Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false Scroll

打怕的人是假的敬怕的人是真的 is a proverb that seems to be aimed at world leaders or others in power. Perhaps a suggestion to avoid the practice of “fear-mongering” opting instead for a policy of benevolence and justice.

An example: When the Bush administration told Pakistan they could either join America in the “war on terror,” or expect some bombs to be coming their way, Bush gained this kind of “less-than-genuine respect” from Pakistanis.
Leaders in places like North Korea and even Saudi Arabia reap the same bogus respect from their own citizens.

Note that calligraphers do not like to repeat the same characters in exactly the same way in the same piece of artwork. So expect the characters that are repeated to be written in different forms in the real artwork (unlike the way they are displayed to the left).

Love and Respect

Love and Respect Scroll

敬愛 is the short and sweet way to say “love and respect” in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

Besides “respect and love,” this could be translated as “respect and affection,” “Reverence and love,” or “reverent love.”

In Japanese, this can also be the personal name Yoshinari.

Love and Respect

Love each other and show mutual respect

Love and Respect Scroll

相愛互敬 is a nice way to say “Love and Respect” in Chinese.

This proverb is about the mutual exchange of love and respect within a good relationship.

The first two characters create a word that means “to love each other” or “mutual love.”

The third character means mutual, interlocking, or in some contexts, “to dovetail” (as in how joints are made in fine furniture).

The last character means “to respect,” “to venerate,” “to salute,” “reverence,” or simply “respect.”

Love and Respect

Love and respect each other

Love and Respect Scroll

相敬相愛 is an old Chinese proverb that suggests love and respect go together and are to be exchanged between people (especially couples).

The first two characters mean “exchanging respect” or “mutual respect.”

The last two characters create a word that means “to love each other” or “mutual love.”

You’ll notice that the first and third characters are the same. So you can read this literally as something like “Exchange respect, exchange love” or “Mutual respect, mutual love.” In English, we’d probably just say, “Mutual love and respect.” Grammar differs in every language — So while the literal translation might sound a bit awkward in English, this phrase is very natural in Chinese.

Mutual Respect

 xiāng hù zūn zhòng

 sougo sonchou

Mutual Respect Scroll

相互尊重 means mutual respect in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

The first two characters are a word that means each other, mutual or reciprocal.

The last two characters are a word that means to respect, honor, value, eminent, or hold in high esteem.

Respect, Honor, Truth

Respect, Honor, Truth Scroll

This means “Respect, Honor, Truth” in Japanese.

This is a word list, which is not the most natural kind of composition in Japanese (usually there is a subject, object, and verb — or a single word).

Respect, Honor, Truth

 zūn zhòng róng yù zhēn shí

Respect, Honor, Truth Scroll

尊重, 榮譽, 真實 means “Respect, Honor, Truth” in Chinese.

This is a word list, which is not the most natural kind of composition in Chinese (usually there is a subject, object, and verb — or a single word).

Love Loyalty Respect

 zhēn ài zhōng chéng zū jìng

Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

真愛忠誠尊敬 is a Chinese word list that means love, loyalty, and respect.

Respect and Loyalty

 zūn jìng zhōng chéng

 son kei chu sei

Respect and Loyalty Scroll

尊敬忠誠 means respect and loyalty in Chinese.

This is a word list (not a normal Chinese or Japanese phrase).

Word lists like this are not very common or natural in Chinese, so try to look for a better phrase to match your idea before you settle on this.

Love Loyalty Respect

Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

愛忠敬 is a Chinese word list that means love, loyalty, and respect.

愛忠敬 is the shortest way to express these words/ideas. Word lists are not as natural in Chinese as they are in English — phrases or proverbs are more common.

This in-stock artwork might be what you are looking for, and ships right away…

These search terms might be related to Respect:

The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese…

Title Characters Romaji (Romanized Japanese) Various forms of Romanized Chinese

rei lǐ / li3 / li
尊敬 sonkei zūn jìng / zun1 jing4 / zun jing / zunjing tsun ching / tsunching
自尊 jison zì zūn / zi4 zun1 / zi zun / zizun tzu tsun / tzutsun
Love and Respect
Kindness and Respect


aikei / aikyou

aikei / aikyo

ài jìng / ai4 jing4 / ai jing / aijing ai ching / aiching
Respect out of fear is never genuine; Reverence out of respect is never false 打怕的人是假的敬怕的人是真的 dǎ pà de rén shì jiǎ de jìng pà de rén shì zhēn de

da3 pa4 de ren2 shi4 jia3 de jing4 pa4 de ren2 shi4 zhen1 de

da pa de ren shi jia de jing pa de ren shi zhen de

ta p`a te jen shih chia te ching p`a te jen shih chen te

ta pa te jen shih chia te ching pa te jen shih chen te

Love and Respect 敬愛


kei ai / keiai jìng ài / jing4 ai4 / jing ai / jingai ching ai / chingai
Love and Respect 相愛互敬


xiāng ài hù jìng

xiang1 ai4 hu4 jing4

xiang ai hu jing


hsiang ai hu ching


Love and Respect 相敬相愛


xiāng jìng xiāng ài

xiang1 jing4 xiang1 ai4

xiang jing xiang ai


hsiang ching hsiang ai


Mutual Respect 相互尊重 sougo sonchou


sogo soncho

xiāng hù zūn zhòng

xiang1 hu4 zun1 zhong4

xiang hu zun zhong


hsiang hu tsun chung


Respect, Honor, Truth 敬意, 名譽, 真実

敬意, 名誉, 真実

keii meiyo shinjitsu


kei meiyo shinjitsu

Respect, Honor, Truth 尊重, 榮譽, 真實

尊重, 荣誉, 真实

zūn zhòng róng yù zhēn shí

zun1 zhong4 rong2 yu4 zhen1 shi2

zun zhong rong yu zhen shi


tsun chung jung yü chen shih


Love Loyalty Respect 真愛忠誠尊敬 zhēn ài zhōng chéng zū jìng

zhen1 ai4 zhong1 cheng2 zu1 jing4

zhen ai zhong cheng zu jing


chen ai chung ch`eng tsu ching


chen ai chung cheng tsu ching

Respect and Loyalty 尊敬忠誠


son kei chu sei


zūn jìng zhōng chéng

zun1 jing4 zhong1 cheng2

zun jing zhong cheng


tsun ching chung ch`eng


tsun ching chung cheng

Love Loyalty Respect 愛忠敬 ài zhōng jìng

ai4 zhong1 jing4

ai zhong jing


ai chung ching


In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.

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Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

Love Loyalty Respect Scroll

And formats…

Love Loyalty Respect Vertical Portrait

Love Loyalty Respect Horizontal Wall Scroll

Love Loyalty Respect Vertical Portrait

Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours…

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Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Respect Kanji, Respect Characters, Respect in Mandarin Chinese, Respect Characters, Respect in Chinese Writing, Respect in Japanese Writing, Respect in Asian Writing, Respect Ideograms, Chinese Respect symbols, Respect Hieroglyphics, Respect Glyphs, Respect in Chinese Letters, Respect Hanzi, Respect in Japanese Kanji, Respect Pictograms, Respect in the Chinese Written-Language, or Respect in the Japanese Written-Language.

49 people have searched for Respect in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Respect was last searched for by someone else on Feb 5th, 2023

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