Reports in excel sheet


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How to Create a Report in Excel

Using charts, graphs, and pivot tables makes it easy

Updated on September 25, 2022

What to Know

  • Create a report using charts: Select Insert > Recommended Charts, then choose the one you want to add to the report sheet.
  • Create a report with pivot tables: Select Insert > PivotTable. Select the data range you want to analyze in the Table/Range field.
  • Print: Go to File > Print, change the orientation to Landscape, scaling to Fit All Columns on One Page, and select Print Entire Workbook.

This article explains how to create a report in Microsoft Excel using key skills like creating basic charts and tables, creating pivot tables, and printing the report. The information in this article applies to Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2010, and Excel for Mac.

Creating Basic Charts and Tables for an Excel Report

Creating reports usually means collecting information and presenting it all in a single sheet that serves as the report sheet for all of the information. These report sheets should be formatted in a way that’s easy to print as well.

One of the most common tools people use in Excel to create reports is the chart and table tools. To create a chart in an Excel report sheet:

  1. Select Insert from the menu, and in the charts group, select the type of chart you want to add to the report sheet.

  2. In the Chart Design menu, in the Data group, select Select Data.

  3. Select the sheet with the data and select all cells containing the data you want to chart (include headers).

  4. The chart will update in your report sheet with the data. The headers will be used to populate the labels in the two axis.

  5. Repeat the above steps to create new charts and graphs that appropriately represent the data you want to show in your report. When you need to create a new report, you can just paste the new data into the data sheets, and the charts and graphs update automatically.

    There are different ways to lay out a report using Excel. You can include graphs and charts on the same page as tabular (numeric) data, or you can create multiple sheets so visual reporting is on one sheet, tabular data is on another sheet, and so on.

Using PivotTables to Generate a Report From an Excel Spreadsheet

Pivot tables are another powerful tool for creating reports in Excel. Pivot tables help with digging more deeply into data.

  1. Select the sheet with the data you want to analyze. Select Insert > PivotTable.

  2. In the Create PivotTable dialogue, in the Table/Range field, select the range of data you want to analyze. In the Location field, select the first cell of the worksheet where you want the analysis to go. Select OK to finish.

  3. This will launch the pivot table creation process in the new sheet. In the PivotTable Fields area, the first field you select will be the reference field.

    In this example, this pivot table will show website traffic information by month. So, first, you’d select Month.

  4. Next, drag the data fields you want to show data for into the values area of the PivotTable fields pane. You’ll see the data imported from the source sheet into your pivot table.

  5. The pivot table collates all of the data for multiple items by adding them (by default). In this example, you can see which months had the most page views. If you want a different analysis, just select the drop-down arrow next to the item in the Values pane, then select Value Field Settings.

  6. In the Value Field Settings dialog box, change the calculation type to whichever you prefer.

  7. This will update the data in the pivot table accordingly. Using this approach, you can perform any analysis you like on source data, and create pivot charts that display the information in your report in the way you need.

How to Print Your Excel Report

You can generate a printed report from all the sheets you created, but first you need to add page headers.

  1. Select Insert > Text > Header & Footer.

  2. Type the title for the report page, then format it to use larger than normal text. Repeat this process for each report sheet you plan to print.

  3. Next, hide the sheets you don’t want included in the report. To do this, right-click the sheet tab and select Hide.

  4. To print your report, select File > Print. Change orientation to Landscape, and scaling to Fit All Columns on One Page.

  5. Select Print Entire Workbook. Now when you print your report, only the report sheets you created will print as individual pages.

    You can either print your report out on paper, or print it as a PDF and send it out as an email attachment.


  • How do I create an expense report in Excel?

    Open an Excel spreadsheet, turn off gridlines, and enter your basic expense report information, such as a title, time period, and employee name. Add data columns for Date and Description, and then add columns for expense specifics, such as Hotel, Meals, and Phone. Enter your information and create an Excel table.

  • How do I create a scenario summary report in Excel?

    To use Excel’s scenario manager function, select the cells with the information you’re exploring, and then go to the ribbon and select Data. Select What-If Analysis > Scenario Manager. In the Scenario Manager dialog box, select Add. Name the scenario and change your data to see various outcomes.

  • How do I export a Salesforce report to Excel?

    In Salesforce, go to Reports and find the report you want to export. Select Export and choose an export view (Formatted Report or Details Only). Formatted Report will export in .xlsx format, while Details Only gives you other choices. Select Export when ready.

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All the people working in a professional environment understand the need to create a report. It summarizes the whole data of your work or the company’s in a very accurate manner. You can create a report of the data you entered on an Excel Sheet by adding a PivotTable for your entries. A Pivot table is a very useful tool as it calculates the total for your data automatically and helps you analyse your data with different series. You can use a PivotTable to summarize your data and present it to the concerned parties as a report.

Here is how you can make a PivotTable on MS Excel.

  1. It is easier to make a report on your Excel sheet when it has the data . After the data has been added, you will have to select the columns or rows you want a PivotTable for.
    add the data
    Selecting the rows and columns for your data
  2. Once the data has been selected, go to Insert that is showing on the top tool bar on your Excel software.

    Clicking on Insert will direct you to many options for tables and other important features. On the extreme left, you will find the tab for ‘PivotTable’ with a downward arrow.

    Locate PivotTable on your screen
  3. Clicking on the downward arrow will show you two options to choose from. PivotTable or PivotChart. Now it is up to you and your requirements what you want to make a part of your report. You can try both to see which one looks more professional.
    PivotTable to make a report
  4. Clicking on PivotTable will lead you to a dialogue box where you can edit the range of your data, and other choices of whether you want the PivotTable on the same worksheet or you want it on a completely new one. You can also use an external data source if you don’t have any data on your excel. This means, having data on your Excel is not a condition for PivotTable.
    selecting the data and clicking on PivotTable

    You need to add a location if you want the table to appear on the same worksheet. I wrote c1, you can choose the middle of your sheet as well to keep it all organized.

    PivotTable: selection of data and location
  5. When you click on OK, your table will not appear as yet. You need to select the fields from the field list provided on the right of your screen just as shown in the picture below.
    Your report still needs to go through another set of options to finally be made
  6. Check either of the two options for which you want a PivotTable for.
    Check the field you want to show on your report

    You can choose one of them, or both of them. You decide.

  7. This is how your PivotTable will look like when you choose both.
    Displaying both the fields

    And when you select one of the fields, this is how your table will appear.

    Displaying one field
    Displaying one field
  8. The option on the right of your screen as shown in the picture below are very important for your report. It helps you make your report even better and more organized. You can drag the columns and rows in between these four spaces to alter the way your report appears.
    Important for placement of your report data
    Your report has been made
  9. The following tab on the Field list on your right makes your view of all the fields more easy. You can change it with this icon on the left.
    Options for the way your field view looks like.

    And choosing any of the options from these would change the way your field list shows. I selected ‘Areas Section Only 1 by 4’

    Field List view
  10. Note: The option for ‘Defer Layout Update’ which is right at the end of your PivotTable Field List,is a way of finalizing the fields that you want displaying on your report. When you check the box next to it and click on update, you cannot change anything manually on the excel sheet. You will have to un-check that box to edit anything on the Excel. And even for opening the downward arrow showing on the columns labels cannot be clicked on unless you un-check the Defer Layout Update.
    ‘Defer Layout Update’, acts more like a lock to keep your edits to the content of the report untouched
  11. Once you are done with your PivotTable, you can now edit it further by using the PivotTable Tools which appear right at the end of all the tools on your tool bar on the top.
    PivotTable Tools for editing how it looks
    All the options for Design

Photo of Habiba Rehman

Habiba Rehman

Major love for reading, but writing is what keeps me going. Dream to publish my own novels someday.

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This wikiHow teaches you how to automate the reporting of data in Microsoft Excel. For external data, this wikiHow will teach you how to query and create reports from any external data source (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle, etc) from within your worksheet using Excel plugins that link your worksheet to external data sources.

For data already stored in an Excel worksheet, we will use macros to build reports and export them in a variety of file types with the press of one key. Luckily, Excel comes with a built-in step recorder which means you will not have to code the macros yourself.

  1. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 1


    If the data you need to report on is already stored, updated, and maintained in Excel, you can automate reporting workflows using Macros. Macros are a built in function that allow you to automate complex and repetitive tasks.

  2. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 2


    Open Excel. Double-click (or click if you’re on a Mac) the Excel app icon, which resembles a white «X» on a green background, then click Blank Workbook on the templates page.

    • On a Mac, you may have to click File and then click New Blank Workbook in the resulting drop-down menu.
    • If you already have an Excel report that you want to automate, you’ll instead double-click the report’s file to open it in Excel.


  3. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 3


    Enter your spreadsheet’s data if necessary. If you haven’t added the column labels and numbers for which you want to automate results, do so before proceeding.

  4. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 4


    Enable the Developer tab. By default, the Developer tab doesn’t show up at the top of the Excel window. You can enable it by doing the following depending on your operating system:

    • Windows — Click File, click Options, click Customize Ribbon on the left side of the window, check the «Developer» box in the lower-right side of the window (you may first have to scroll down), and click OK.[1]
    • Mac — Click Excel, click Preferences…, click Ribbon & Toolbar, check the «Developer» box in the «Main Tabs» list, and click Save.[2]
  5. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 5


    Click Developer. This tab should now be at the top of the Excel window. Doing so brings up a toolbar at the top of the Excel window.

  6. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 6


    Click Record Macro. It’s in the toolbar. A pop-up window will appear.

  7. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 7


    Enter a name for the macro. In the «Macro name» text box, type in the name for your macro. This will help you identify the macro later.

    • For example, if you’re creating a macro that will make a chart out of your available data, you might name it «Chart1» or similar.
  8. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 8


    Create a shortcut key combination for the macro. Press the Shift key along with another key (e.g., the T key) to create the keyboard shortcut. This is what you’ll use to run your macro later.

    • On a Mac, the shortcut key combination will end up being Option+ Command and your key (e.g., Option+ Command+T).
  9. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 9


    Store the macro in the current Excel document. Click the «Store macro in» drop-down box, then click This Workbook to ensure that the macro will be available for anyone who opens the workbook.

    • You’ll have to save the Excel file in a special format for the macro to be saved.
  10. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 10


    Click OK. It’s at the bottom of the window. Doing so will save your macro settings and place you in record mode. Any steps you take from now until you stop the recording will be recorded.

  11. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 11


    Perform the steps that you want to automate. Excel will track every click, keystroke, and formatting option you enter and add them to the macro’s list.

    • For example, to select data and create a chart out of it, you would highlight your data, click Insert at the top of the Excel window, click a chart type, click the chart format that you want to use, and edit the chart as needed.
    • If you wanted to use the macro to add values from cells A1 through A12, you would click an empty cell, type in =SUM(A1:A12), and press Enter.
  12. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 12


    Click Stop Recording. It’s in the Developer tab’s toolbar. This will stop your recording and save any steps you took during the recording as an individual macro.

  13. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 13


    Save your Excel sheet as a macro-enabled file. Click File, click Save As, and change the file format to xlsm instead of xls. You can then enter a file name, select a file location, and click Save.

    • If you don’t do this, the macro won’t be saved as part of the spreadsheet, meaning that other people on different computers won’t be able to use your macro if you send the workbook to them.
  14. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 14


    Run your macro. Press the key combination which you created as part of the macro to do so. You should see your spreadsheet automate according to your macro’s steps.

    • You can also run a macro by clicking Macros in the Developer tab, selecting your macro’s name, and clicking Run.
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  1. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 15


    Download Kloudio’s Excel plugin from Microsoft AppSource. This will allow you to create a persistent connection between an external database or data source and your workbook. This plugin also works with Google Sheets.

  2. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 16


    Create a connection between your worksheet and your external data source by clicking the + button on the Kloudio portal. Type in the details of your database (database type, credentials) and select any security/encryption options if working with confidential or company data.

  3. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 17


    Once you’ve created a connection between your worksheet and your database, you will be able to query and build reports from external data without leaving Excel. Create your custom reports from the Kloudio portal and then select them from the drop-down menu in Excel. You can then apply any additional filters and choose the frequency that the report will refresh (so you can have your sales spreadsheet update automatically every week, day, or even hour.)

  4. Image titled Automate Reports in Excel Step 18


    In addition, you can also input data into your connected worksheet and have the data update your external data source. Create an upload template from the Kloudio portal and you will be able to manually or automatically upload changes in your spreadsheet to your external data source.

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  • Only download Excel plugins from Microsoft AppSource, unless you trust the third party provider.

  • Macros can be used for anything from simple tasks (e.g., adding values or creating a chart) to complex ones (e.g., calculating your cell’s values, creating a chart from the results, labeling the chart, and printing the result).

  • When opening a spreadsheet with your macro included, you may have to click Enable Content in a yellow banner at the top of the window before you can use the macro.

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  • Macros can be used maliciously (e.g., to delete files on your computer). Don’t run macros from untrustworthy sources.

  • Macros will implement literally every step you make while recording. Make sure that you don’t accidentally enter the incorrect value, open a program you don’t want to use, or delete a file.


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Article SummaryX

1. Enable the Developer tab.
2. Click the Developer tab.
3. Click Record Macro.
4. Create a shortcut key.
5. Store the content in the current workbook.
6. Click OK.
7. Perform the steps you want to automate.
8. Click Stop Recording.
9. Use the shortcut key to run the same steps.

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In Excel 2016, users will find that they have numerous ways of organizing and visualizing their records. Making use of these options will allow you to put tables and charts together to create reports worthy of praise.

  • Basic chart and table creation
  • How to create PivotTables
  • How to create a Dashboard
  • Timelines and Slicers

Basic chart and table creation

Before you can impress your team with an in-depth report, you need to learn how to generate charts, tables, and other visual elements. Here are a few types to get you started.

How to create a basic forecast report

  1. Load a workbook into Excel
  2. Select the top-left cell in the source data
  3. Click on Data tab in the navigation ribbon
  4. Click on Forecast Sheet under the Forecast section to display the Create Forecast Worksheet dialog box
  5. Choose between a line graph or bar graph
  6. Choose Forecast end date
  7. Click Options for customization
  8. Select Forecast start date

Forecast reports are useful for calculating projections for sales, growth or revenue.

How to create hierarchal charts

  1. Select a cell inside of the data table
  2. Click on Insert in the ribbon
  3. Click Insert Hierarchy Chart under the Charts group
  4. Select between TreeMap or Sunburst chart
  5. Click on the + (plus) sign to add or remove chart elements such as title, data labels, and legend
  6. Click on the right arrow for each element to customize the appearance or behavior

The Charts group itself is an effective way to find the chart that best suits your data. In fact, Excel 2016 has a Recommended Charts option, which allows you to scroll through shortlisted charts or through all available charts.

How to create PivotTables

A PivotTables enable users to sort through and reorganize data in columns and rows in order to find the most effective view. It’s especially useful when you are working with vast amounts of data.

How to create a recommended P{ivotTable

  1. Select a cell within the table range or source data
  2. Navigate to the Tables section in the Insert ribbon tab
  3. Select Recommended PivotTable
  4. Browse through the presented types of PivotTables
  5. Click on the PivotTable you want
  6. Click OK to generate
  7. Select Seasonality options
  8. Modify timeline and value ranges
  9. Select to fill any missing points by zeros or by interpolation
  10. Select criteria to aggregate duplicates by
  11. Select Create to finish

How to create your own PivotTable

  1. Click on a cell within the source data or table range
  2. Click on the Insert tab in the navigation ribbon
  3. Select PivotTable in the Tables section to generate the Create PivotTable dialog box
  4. Decide on the data source in the Choose the data that you want to analyze section, in case you don’t want to use the selected source
  5. Select New or Existing Worksheet under the Choose where you want the PivotTable to be placed section
  6. Click Add this data to the Data Model to incorporate additional data sources in the PivotTable
  7. Click on fields to include in the report in the PivotTable Fields
  8. Click and drag fields to reside in either Filters, Columns, Rows, and Values

Once you have decided on the layout and contents of your PivotTable fields, you can use it as the foundation for other Pivot Tables.

How to create a Dashboard

Once you have become comfortable enough to generate charts and tables using your provided data, it’s time to begin piecing the story together in a dashboard. The Dashboard is your chance to showcase your data in an attractive, informative and insightful hub view. It provides a top-level view of the data, allowing your audience to quickly see data and trends in order to view results and make decisions. This reporting tool is highly adaptable and can be used to report a plethora of results regardless of your line of business.

How to prepare your PivotTables for the Dashboard

  1. Select the original PivotTable that wish to use as your master or reference table
  2. Right-click on the selection
  3. Choose Copy
  4. Select another cell on your worksheet
  5. Right-click on the selected cell
  6. Choose Paste to duplicate
  7. Repeat steps No. 4 to No. 6 as needed
  8. Click on PivotTable Tools for each table
  9. Click Analyze
  10. Insert a name in the PivotTable Name box to identify the function of each table

How to generate PivotCharts from PivotTables

  1. Select the original PivotTable
  2. Click on PivotTable Tools
  3. Select Analyze
  4. Select PivotChart
  5. Choose the type of chart that you need
  6. Choose formatting options in the PivotChart Tools tab
  7. Click on Analyze under PivotChart Tools
  8. Enter a name in the Chart Name box
  9. Apply steps No. 1 to No. 8 as needed for all PivotTables in use

Timelines and Slicers

With your multiple PivotCharts and PivotTables created, you’ll need to be able to find specific information that supports the details you wish to share in the dashboard. Slicers and Timelines provide a way to filter through the data with ease. Timelines allow you to filter by time to locate a specific period. Slicers are essentially click-to-filter options for PivotTables. Not only do they apply a filter, they also indicate the filter currently in use.

How to add a Slicer

  1. From a PivotTable click on PivotTable Tools
  2. Select Analyze
  3. Select Filter
  4. Select Insert Slicer
  5. Select the items to be used as slicers
  6. Click Ok
  7. Select a Slicer
  8. Click on Slicer Tools
  9. Select Options
  10. Select Report Connections
  11. Choose the PivotTables that connect to the chosen Slicer

How to add a Timeline

  1. Click on a PivotTable
  2. Select Analyze
  3. Select Filter
  4. Select Insert Timeline
  5. Click on the items to use in the Timeline
  6. Click on the Timeline
  7. Select Tools
  8. Select Options
  9. Select Report Connections
  10. Select PivotTables to link the Timeline to

With each resulting chart, you can choose to copy and paste it on your dashboard. You can then decide how the dashboard should appear, what will tell the best story for your report.

This results in a dynamic dashboard that allows recipients to look over your presented data while allowing them to sort through the data to give them customization options pertinent to them. If you are creating a Dashboard to be used on a regular basis, you only need to update the source data to recreate the report with new information.

Wrapping Up

There isn’t one report to rule them all, but Excel has the tools to help you make the report you need. How often do you have to create reports in Excel? Which one are you most proud of? Let us know in the comments. And be sure to visit our Office 101 help hub for more related articles!

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