Replying to texts with one word

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There are few things more frustrating than pouring your heart out to a guy over text, only to have him respond with the dreaded “K.” Luckily, if your dude tends to clam up over text, there are things you can do to help bring him out of his shell. Read on for our tips on how to handle a dry texter.

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 1

    It can be really hard to pick up on tone over text. When you’re texting, you can’t hear a guy’s tone of voice or see his facial expressions and body language. That means it can be really easy to misinterpret text messages, especially short ones.[1]
    Before you assume that those dry texts mean he’s bored, upset, or being passive-aggressive, think about other possibilities. For example, it’s possible that:

    • He doesn’t like texting or isn’t used to it
    • He’s busy or distracted
    • He doesn’t realize that his short texts could come off as rude
    • He wants to chat, but he isn’t sure what to say
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 2

    When in doubt, it’s a good idea to clear the air. If his one-word texts seem a little different from his usual style, you might worry that something’s bothering him. Instead of jumping to conclusions or trying to guess what’s on his mind, just ask him what’s going on.[2]

    • Say something like, “Hey, you seem kind of quiet today. Is everything ok?” Or, “Is now a good time to chat? If you’re busy, we can talk later.”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 3

    He might be bored or unsure of what to say. Or, it’s possible that the topic you’ve been talking about is sensitive for him. Whatever the reason, if it seems like he’s clamming up all of a sudden, sometimes changing the subject can help. Say something to make the transition to a new topic feel more natural.[3]

    • For instance, “Oh hey, I just remembered something I’ve been meaning to ask you about.” Or, “This is a bit of a change of subject, but how was that Netflix documentary you watched last night?”[4]
    • Say something like «Hey, random thought» to send the conversation in a new direction. By including the word «random,» you pretty much have permission to bring up whatever you want.[5]
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 4

    These tend to require longer answers. If you tend to ask a lot of “yes” or “no” questions, the dude you’re chatting with might not realize you’re looking for something a little more substantial. The same goes if you’re just telling him things without actually inviting him to respond in some way. Try to get the conversation flowing by asking questions that start with who, what, where, when, why, or how.[6]

    • For instance, instead of just saying, “Did you have a good day?” try something like, “How was work today?” or “So, what have you been up to this weekend?”
    • If you tell him something, follow up with a question. For example, you might say something like, “That snowstorm was crazy last night, we must have gotten at least 10 inches up here. How much did you get?”
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 5

    Texting might not be his style. Sometimes you just need to switch up how you communicate. If he has trouble opening up over text, ask if he wants to take it to voice. You could also suggest video chat, or even meeting up to talk in person.[7]

    • For instance, say something like, “I’d love to hear how your big presentation went today. Is this a good time to call?”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 6

    He might be chattier later on. If you’re getting a bunch of one-word answers, it could be because he’s multi-tasking. You can always ask him if it’s a good time to chat. If he says no, take a rain check and try again later.

    • For instance, say something like, “Seems like you’re busy right now. TTYL?”
    • It’s totally normal for people to want space from texting sometimes. Even if he’s not busy, he might just need a break from texting or want some time to himself.[8]
  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 7

    He might not realize how they come across. If you have a good vibe with the guy in general, but his short texts drive you up the wall, it might help to let him know how you feel. Keep it chill and try not to make it sound accusatory, so he’s less likely to feel hurt or defensive.[9]

    • For example, say something like, “Hey, I love chatting with you, but I’m not sure how to feel when you send a lot of one-word answers. Sometimes I wonder if you’re bored or upset with me.”
    • Try suggesting a solution, like, “Hey, just let me know if you’re not in the mood to talk,” or “We can do FaceTime if you prefer.”
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 8

    Slow down if you feel like you’re doing all the work. Just like in a face-to-face conversation, things can get unbalanced if one person is a lot more talkative than the other. If you tend to send a lot of long, chatty texts, it’s possible that he might just feel a bit overwhelmed. Try slowing it down or stopping for a bit and see if he makes a move to get the convo going again.[10]

  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 9

    Heavy conversations are always trickier over text. For one thing, it’s a lot easier to misunderstand each other than if you’re talking face-to-face or even over the phone. If you have something important or difficult to discuss, give him a call or ask if he can meet up—that way, you’re more likely to have a productive conversation instead of getting a lot of frustrating one-word answers.[11]

    • For instance, if you need to talk to him about where the relationship is going, or open up about a tough situation that you’re dealing with, don’t try to connect with him over text.
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  1. Image titled Respond to One Word Texts from Guys Step 10

    Sometimes, one-word texts can be a red flag. If you’ve noticed that the dry texts are becoming more of a pattern—especially if he’s taking longer and longer to answer you—then it could be that he’s losing interest.[12]
    If you just can’t seem to get a conversation going, and if you’re not connecting in other ways (like over the phone or in person), then it might be time to let him go.

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Pretend you’re texting the guy you like. The conversation is flowing, texts are going back and forth, the mood seems fantastic, and then you get hit out of nowhere with a one-word answer.

It could look something like this:






Suddenly, your conversation stutters to a cold and awkward halt. You wonder to yourself how you’re supposed to answer that and return back to the flowing conversation from before.

Well, you’re in the right place. We’ll be showing you how to reply to one-word texts from guys, as well as tell you why he’s sending you those curt messages at all.

Why He’s Sending You One-Word Texts in the First Place

We’ll start by explaining why he’s suddenly decided to become the world’s laziest texter. There are several reasons behind his icy tone:

He’s just not that into you.

The most hurtful answer is simple: he’s not into, or he’s grown bored of you. This is more likely if you’re still early on in your relationship in the “getting to know him” stage.

In those first few weeks of “just talking,” the relationship is young and fragile. You probably don’t even have any sort of formal commitment yet. Because he could be (and probably is) talking to other girls, you need to keep his interest if you really like him.

The one-word answer could be a great way for you to gauge his interest level. At this point, it shows to you that he doesn’t care enough to put effort into your conversation.

Read Next: How to Text a Guy You Just Met

He’s a little busy at the moment.

"If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now."

A one-word text doesn’t have to be a bad sign. If his mind is elsewhere, such as work or family, he might not have the ability to write you something more detailed right now.

For example, if he’s answering you on a quick break at work or while he’s visiting his mom, he doesn’t necessarily have the time to send you more…but he still cared enough to try and answer you, anyway.

When he sends you that dreaded one-word text, think about the time of day. Did you knowingly text him in the middle of his shift at work? Do you know if he had any plans at the time you texted him?

If you can answer yes to those questions, you can be more confident that he’s just a bit occupied.

VIDEO REVEALS: Secret ‘Desire’ text message that men are powerless to resist

He doesn’t realize he’s coming off as cold.

Men are often solution-focused. This means that, if one word perfectly sums up the response to something, he might spring for it because it makes sense.

He’s not necessarily trying to be rude, nor does he realize he’s coming off as cold. It’s kind of hard to tell if this is the case, though.

If he does this often, but seems interested in continuing the conversation by texting you again afterward, it’s a pretty good sign that his texting skills might just need a little polishing. He probably doesn’t know that he seems disinterested.

He could be testing your interest.

Unfortunately, both men and women play a lot of games when it comes to dating. We do this to protect our hearts from hurt.

Your guy could be doing exactly that when he sends you a one-word answer. He might be unsure how interested you are in him, so he sends you that single word, waiting to see what you do next. What he’s looking for in your response varies based on the man in question.

Again, this is another hard one to pinpoint. You can try looking at your past interactions to see if he has a pattern of playing games with you.

If you think he’s playing games with you, make sure to read our guide on what to text a guy who is playing games.

You Might Also Like: Random Things to Text a Guy You Like (That He Won’t Be Able to Resist)

He’s upset.

"Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint."

We’ve all been sulky before. Sometimes, when we’re upset, our first line of defense is sending someone a cold one-word text and hoping they get the hint.

At other times, we send them that one-word message when we don’t know what else to say. Your guy could be doing the exact same thing.

To determine if this is what’s going on, take a step back and look at the circumstances surrounding the text. Did you just have a disagreement or an argument? Are you giving him some bad news?

Then there’s a good chance his cold reply is just him indicating he’s upset.

He’s trying to play it cool.

Here’s another game that we often play in the early stages of relationships: hard to get. You know how it works – you pretend to be less interested than you really are so you don’t come off as desperate.

Women aren’t the only ones who do this. Men frequently try to keep it cool, too, which could be exactly what he’s doing with his one-word texts.

Like many of the other causes, this one is hard to tell. It’s something you might not ever discover until later, when you know him well enough to ask him why he did it.

Recommended Article: Interesting Text Messages to Send to a Guy (With 15+ Intriguing Examples)

Don’t answer him at all.

Ignoring him might seem childish, but we honestly think it’s your overall best option. It can apply to every single reason for him sending you the one-word text.

Think he might be busy? Not texting him back could free him up to focus on other things and show him you respect his space.

If he’s playing games with you or losing interest, the lack of a response is a clear signal that you’re not desperate for him. When he realizes you’re not at his beck and call, he’ll be forced to see that he must work harder to keep your attention.

And if he’s being sulky, not answering him will give him time to stew in peace. Once he cools down, he should text you again himself if he’s actually interested in you.

Take a little break from him.

Ignoring him completely might seem too rude to you. And when you’re really smitten with him, you’ll feel less inclined to take risks like that with your relationship.

We hear you. If cutting him off completely until he steps up his game is too drastic, consider the happy medium: ending the conversation yourself for now.

After he sends you that frustrating single-word text, tell him you’ve got to go for now. Then, simply take a bit of a break from him or your phone. If you can, wait for him to text you next.

Send him a one-word answer of your own.

"Sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels."

We’re not the kind of people to constantly tell you to give someone “a taste of their own medicine,” especially when it comes to romance. In the arena of love, we should strive to be the best we can be.

However, sometimes returning the favor is the only way to show someone how something as cold as a one-word answer feels. Don’t be rude about it by sending him a haughty “whatever;” instead, just send him something acknowledging his answer, like “okay.”

Then don’t say anything else. Let him come to you when he’s ready to talk more.

If you know him well, check in on him.

When you’ve been talking to him longer or you’ve already started a committed relationship, you’re probably at a point where you can confide in each other. If you know him better and can sense that he’s upset, ask him if he’s doing okay or what’s wrong.

Don’t do this simply because you’re feeling insecure. If you constantly ask him what’s wrong any time you so much as think he’s mad, you’ll just look clingy.

You should only ask him if you’ve gotten to a stage in your relationship where you actually know him well enough to tell when he’s angry. Additionally, don’t ask him in a way that feels judgmental, such as saying something like, “what’s wrong now?”

Ask him in a way that sounds concerned and open to his thoughts. For example, you could say something like the following:

“Hey, it feels like you might be upset. Want to talk about it?”

Stay away from boring conversation openers.

"If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first."

Conversations are a two-way street. If he’s giving you one-word answers, there’s a possibility you might have sent him something lackluster first.

There are some boring conversation openers that are just exhausting to answer all the time. “What’s up?” or “How’s it going?” are two examples of this. They can work perfectly fine sometimes, but as you get to know each other better, these classics are just plain uninteresting.

Keep your talks feeling fresh. Avoid using traditional conversation openers all the time, and try to go for things that are more personal to him, such as asking about how certain things went at work or who won the game he watched last night.

Further Reading: I Want to Kiss You Texts for Him (With 15 Examples You Can Use)

How to Become a Master of Texting

We get it. Texting can seem impossible, especially if you were never a strong writer to begin with. Even detailed guides might not be enough to make you feel more confident about your texting.

Follow the steps laid out in this video and learn how to hook a guy the easy way.

Have you ever texted a girl you wanted to get to know better so that you only get one word in response? If this type of text message is, on occasion, not a big deal, it is never very good not to receive the answers you expect.


Method 1 of 2: Reply with romantic texts

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 1

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 1

Step 1. Refer to their areas of interest

Do you only send him annoying and banal text messages? If you don’t say anything interesting, it’s no wonder she isn’t responding to you. Try to bring your texts to life by tackling a topic that interests her and that she will love to talk about. That way, she’ll want to answer you and have a text conversation.

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 2

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 2

Step 2. Give her a compliment

A good way to get a girl to respond to you is to let her know what you think of her. Text her like “your outfit from yesterday was so pretty” or “you were amazing at the bowling the other day. This will make the girl pay attention to what you say, feel special and know you appreciate her.

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 3

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 3

Step 3. Let her know that you are thinking of her

Talk about something that reminds you of her. Text her like «I saw a flower the same color as your eyes.» I thought of you when I saw her! This will make her know you are thinking of herself even when you are not in the middle of a conversation with her, which will make her want to continue the discussion.

Be careful not to use inappropriate language. Your words should correspond to the relationship you have with this girl. If you’ve just met her, you won’t be able to say the same things to her as if you had known her for a long time

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 4

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 4

Step 4. Ask him a question

To get a longer answer from him, ask him an open-ended question. You might even turn the question romantically. Ask her something like «What would be the perfect romantic date for you?» This will put romantic ideas in his head and get him to answer you in more than one word. This type of question will also give you the opportunity to get to know her better.

Method 2 of 2: Reply with funny text messages

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 5

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 5

Step 1. Tease her

Since this girl only responds to you with one word texts, try to laugh at the situation. Say something like «Did you give the cat your tongue?» Hope you are not allergic to it? His short answer will sound funny instead of awkward. She will also see that you have a good sense of humor.

  • You could also say something like, «You must be right in the middle of a very important mission.» Say hello to James Bond for me. «
  • Make sure your teasing is never out of place. You wouldn’t want to risk offending or making her uncomfortable. Try to figure out what her limits are and tease her accordingly.

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 6

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 6

Step 2. Make up a funny story

If you want her to respond to your messages, you’ll need to entice her with fun and funny stories. Start with something like, “Something weird happened to me today. When she asks you what happened, respond with a silly story like, «A zombie came into my room, but I got rid of it.» Fortunately, I learned to survive the apocalypse.»

  • The more ridiculous your story, the more likely you are to get an answer.
  • Be careful not to go too far. The goal will be to make her laugh, not to make her uncomfortable.

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 7

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 7

Step 3. Exaggerate your answers

When she answers you, exaggerate your responses to her SMS in one word. For example, if you ask her how her day went and she responds with a simple “good”, return a “wow! Gently ! No need to be so enthusiastic! The emoticon will help her understand that you are only teasing her and that you are not pissed off by her response. This will make him want to answer you at greater length in the future.

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 8

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 8

Step 4. Laugh at yourself

Since she’s not responding to you, take responsibility for the flatness of the conversation. Enjoy your lack of conversational skills with a comment like, «I really don’t have to be in good shape today.» I’m not usually that boring. The emoticon will help the girl to understand that you are not angry and that you have a sense of self-deprecation.

Don’t put yourself down. Your remarks should be funny, not make her uncomfortable or make you appear sad and depressed

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 9

Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 9

Step 5. Make up answers for him

If she still doesn’t respond more, you might pique her interest by offering some funny answers. Say something like «what are you doing this weekend?» Let me guess, you are going to take your dog for a walk on the planet Mars. It’s so kind of you. This funny remark will make this girl want to continue the conversation, if only to tell you that you are stupid.

Be careful not to say anything inappropriate. Your scenarios should remain appropriate


  • In your effort to get full answers, be careful not to harass this girl. It is not by filling the memory of his phone that you will achieve your ends.
  • Never reply to him with a one-word text. Since you don’t like this habit, be careful not to behave like this with a girl.
  • If she doesn’t answer you right away, it might just be because she’s busy. She may have too much to do to answer you with more than one word.
  • If you apply these techniques and still get extremely short answers, she just might not be interested. Take your distance and try your luck again later. If you get the same results, chances are she doesn’t like you at all.
  • Don’t text her every day.

Whether she’s your Tinder match, real life crush, platonic friend, or girlfriend…

…I’m going to give you 9 ways to deal with her one word texts.

So by the end of today’s article, you’ll know:

  • What do one-word text messages mean?
  • #1: Take a breath
  • #2: You’re texting her at the wrong time
  • #3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts
  • #4: How often does she send you one-word texts?
  • #5: Ask more open-ended questions
  • #6: Be clear in your tone of voice
  • #7: Don’t be too hard-to-get
  • #8: Stop selling yourself
  • #9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend
  • #10: Stop typing like your uneducated
  • What to text after a one-word text

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

What do one-word text messages mean?

Honestly, it can mean many things.

She could be too busy to tell you more. It could be that your last text was difficult to answer. And it could mean she’s done with your shit.

Yup. More often than not, a one-word text is a negative sign.

But it doesn’t have to be.

So don’t jump to conclusions. It’s not good for your back or your relationship with that girl.

The only time you need to be worried is if you get one word replies a lot.

Then the odds are that you’re doing something wrong.

Find out what you’re doing wrong in the next tips.

#1: Take a breath

One of the most important things to do after you get a one-word text is to relax.

Take a chill pill, dude.

Because if you grab your phone with a heart full of rage, you’ll probably say something you’ll regret.

Something you can’t undo.

So don’t let your emotions get the better of you.

Take a deep breath and put the phone away.

Then do something fun or productive.

Go for a walk, hit the gym, or hang out with a friend.

And remember: her one-word reply may not mean anything.

#2: You’re texting her at the wrong time

Sometimes one word replies make a lot of sense.

You just caught her at the wrong time.

She’s working. Hanging out with friends. Or she’s done talking with you after you blew up her phone with text messages.

So timing is of the essence.

In this next 2-minute video, I tell you exactly what the best time is to text a girl.

#3: The best mindset to deal with one-word texts

One-word texts usually rattle us for two reasons.

  • We like the other person so much that their lack of interest hurts
  • We have a negative mindset

Story time!

One of the students from my TextGod Mentoring Program was at a girl’s house on a date when he saw something bad.

A trash can with two empty pizza boxes.

“Oh no…” he thought “she probably had a date yesterday and had sex with him!”

Now he felt like a cheap manwhore and the whole vibe of the date was ruined.

Let’s hit rewind.

Did the two empty pizza boxes mean she had a date?

How else could we interpret that?

  • She’s had a couple pizzas by herself this week
  • She had pizza with a platonic friend
  • She’s into modern art and this is her latest art installation (probably not)

In short: there are plenty of innocent reasons why she has a trash can with two empty pizza boxes!

But because my student had a negative mindset, he assumed the worst and was a real Debbie Downer.

So be careful, my friend.

Don’t assume the worst. Instead, assume she likes you and all is good.

  • 10 Ways to make a girl like you over text

#4: How often does she send you one-word texts?

Don’t worry if you get a brief reply every now and then.

That’s normal.

And more importantly, it’s probably not a bad sign.

Does it happen more often?

Now it’s time to put on your thinking cap, because we may have found a pattern.

Check your convo. Do the one-word texts have anything in common?

Were they perhaps sent at the same time of day (work hours) or after you said something with a unique flavor (something she didn’t like)?

Look carefully.

Because if you’re the cause of her short replies, you have the power to stop them.

You just need to find out what you’re doing wrong.

Here are some questions to help you identify the problem:

  • Was your text easy to reply to?
  • Were you talking about the same subject for too long?
  • Was the vibe of your text very different from the texts that came before?
  • Did you ask a question out of necessity rather than curiosity?

Want to know how to get her more engaged? Check out this article:

  • 19 Texting rules for guys to make her interested in you

#5: Ask more open-ended questions

A HUGE reason why people struggle with online dating is this.

They ask bad questions.

Closed questions.

Did you have a good weekend?

And, of course, this zinger of a question.

What’s the trouble with asking these types of questions?

They lead to one-word answers.

Yes and no.

Sure, she could reply more.

But if you want a rich and fulfilling love life, you need to take responsibility and be proactive.

So start writing texts that lead to long and fun answers.

An easy way is to start asking open-ended questions.

Here are two articles to give you some inspiration:

  • 100+ Tinder questions that actually work
  • 70+ Questions to ask your crush over text

#6: Be clear in your tone of voice

If you don’t take care of your tone of voice, you’re torpedoing your love life.

Even the most innocent texts can turn off Tinder matches or start fights with your significant other.


Because unless you clarify the vibe of your text, she’ll interpret the text based on her mood and what she knows of you.

If she barely knows you and she’s in a foul mood, you can guarantee an ambiguous text will go down badly.

So don’t just type up a joke and think she’ll laugh.

Read your text out loud to yourself and ask yourself: “Can I interpret the text in any other way?”

If so, delete that mothatrucka and send it to hell.

Or rewrite the text in a way that it only has one clear meaning. Sometimes the answer is as simple as adding an emoji.

So drop the linguistic puzzles and be clear.

#7: Don’t be too hard-to-get

Playing hard-to-get definitely has its place in seduction.

But it usually backfires harder than a sumo wrestler’s backside on enchilada night.


Because most people do it wrong.

They’re not hard-to-get. They’re cold.

  • They wait forever to text back
  • They never ask questions
  • And they never give compliments

What type of reaction do you think that type of behavior promotes?

MORE cold behavior in the shape of one-word answers.

So don’t be hard-to-get.

Be warm.

Which starts with smiling in your online dating photos. Click this link for 11 Tinder profile photo tips on how to triple your matches.

Anyway, being warm also means being friendly, genuine and curious in your text conversations.

  • If someone actually says or does something you like, tell them.
  • Don’t constantly hide behind jokes and witty remarks, be your relaxed self.
  • Lastly, be interested in their opinions and who they are.

But be careful you don’t simp for her.

That’s a big turn off.

Check my next article for what I mean:

  • 7 Signs you’re a simp over text message

#8: Stop selling yourself

If you’re a guy, you’re in trouble.

You see, when it comes to dating guys are born with a handicap.

A donger.

I’m joking, but only slightly.

Men are genetically wired to procreate and shoot babies into our better halves.

Although we can override that instinct, most dudes don’t even bother.

So the instant they see a pretty lady, they think: “I must have her!”

And all standards fly out the window.

The problem?

They’re already decided they want her and will do and say everything to get her.

Which often turns guys into a pushy car salesman.

Like so.

One simple text turned this guy into doggy listening to its master.

Which communicates to her:

“Man, I really like you. Here’s what I can do for you. Please say it’s enough and like me back.”

Not all girls will be turned off by this behavior.

But to many it’s a buzzkill.

Which they’ll show you by sending you one word texts.

#9: Why you’re getting one-word texts from your girlfriend or boyfriend

This is a serious topic which deserves a quick and serious answer.

First of all, remember that one-word texts aren’t an issue unless you’re getting them regularly.

Are one-word texts common for you?

Here’s what might be going on.

Warning, it’s not pretty:

You like her and the relationship a lot more than she currently likes you and the relationship.

Because you like her so much, you’re likely showering her with texts and affection.

And because she’s in need of some space, she’s being curt over text in the hope that you’ll take the hint.

Does that mean the relationship is over?


Just that you and your partner CURRENTLY have different needs.

So slow down.

If she’s suffering from a you-overdose, you want to give her a little less and give her the opportunity to miss you.

Once your loving strangle-hold loosens, she’ll likely start typing in full sentences again.

Want to make her fall in love with you (again)? Check out this article:

  • 14 Ways to make her fall in love over text

#10: Stop typing like your uneducated

If this title didn’t trigger you, then you need to read this tip.

Did the title make you cringe? Great.

Now you know how she’s feeling.

Anyway, the title has a big grammar mistake that will shrivel up a girl’s eggs.

Not all girls will have such a strong reaction. But many of the good ones will.

You know, the girls with diplomas, big ambitions and next level tongue and throat skills. (The last point is made up, but I feel like it makes my point more convincing.)

So while you may scoff at grammar mistakes, others wince at them as if they were hearing the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

And it makes sense.

Proper grammar communicates that you’re smart and probably live the life of a smart dude.

Nice place. Decent job. And a big d- oggo for her to cuddle.

So get your grammar right.

It doesn’t cost much effort and the rewards are big.

What to text after a one-word text

One of the most effective ways to get a woman to open up to you over text is this.


If you get it right, clickbait is irresistible.

As long as you choose the right topic to get the clicks.

Your safest bet is talking about her.


Because it’s her most favorite subject in the world.

So to get a good answer, hit her with some questions like this:

You know what I find so interesting about you?


I never thought about it until now, but you know what’s kinda funny about you?


She won’t be able to stop herself from replying.

For more clickbait questions and good follow-up questions, check my clickbait video where I tell you exactly what to do using actual text conversations.

You can find my clickbait video here.


Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

If a guy has been replying to your texts with one word then you might be wondering why and what it means about the way that he feels about you.

This post will show you a number of reasons why he might reply with one word and why other guys might do the same in the future.

So, what does it mean when a guy replies with one word? It might be a sign that he is not interested in you especially if he only does it with you and he shows signs of not being interested in person. He might also do it naturally in which case he still might be interested in you especially if he shows signs of attraction in person.

There are actually a number of reasons why a guy might reply with one word and there are a number of things that you can consider when trying to figure out why he does it.

Why a guy will reply with one word

Each of the different reasons why a guy will reply with one word will likely come with a number of clues in the way that he does it and the body language he shows in person.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy will reply with one word, the signs to look for and the things to consider.

He is not interested in you

The reason that he replies with one word could be that he is not interested in you.

This would be more likely if he only seems to text you with one word and not other people as well, he doesn’t ask or agree to hang out and if he doesn’t initiate the conversation.

If he is not interested in you then he might show distancing behaviors when he is around you such as:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Smiling only at the mouth
  • Facing away from you
  • Having tight lips around you
  • Squinting
  • Standing further away from you than he does with other people

He is seeing someone else

It could be a sign that he is seeing someone else.

This would be more likely if he used to text you more than one word in the past and if he used to show interest in you in person but he suddenly stopped. He would also be less likely to agree to hang out or to ask and he would be less likely to initiate any conversations.

He is busy

It could just be the case that he replies to your texts with one word because he is normally busy.

This would be more likely if he is not always unresponsive and if he also seems to do it with other people as well.

If he does do it because he gets busy a lot then it could still be the case that he is actually attracted to you.

If he is attracted to you then he might show signs of being attracted to you by doing things such as:

  • Hold prolonged eye contact with you
  • Adjust his appearance when he sees you
  • Glance at you a lot
  • Stand closer to you than he does with other people
  • Point his feet at you when he is around you (people point their feet at people that they are attracted to)
  • Get anxious when you are around other men
  • Have dilated pupils when looking at you

There are more signs of attraction that he might show you. If you are unsure then a good ebook that I would recommend that will teach you how to better read body language and how to spot signs of attraction would be this one.

He is annoyed with you

The reason that he has been replying to your messages with one word might be that he is annoyed with you.

This would be more likely if he used to text you more and if he suddenly started doing it after something happened that would cause him to be annoyed with you.

If he is annoyed with you then he might show signs of being annoyed with you when he is around you by doing things such as:

  • Squinting
  • Facing away from you
  • Having tight lips
  • Standing further away from you
  • Avoiding eye contact

He does it naturally

Many men do not like having conversations over text and it could be the case that he does it naturally.

This would be more likely if he also seems to do it with other people and if he shows similar body language around other people as he does with you.

If he does do it naturally then it could still be the case that he is attracted to you. If he is then it would be likely that he would show signs of being attracted to you when he is around you.

Consider how he reacts to seeing you

When trying to understand how he feels about you it would help to consider the way that he reacts to seeing you.

If he noticeably changes his body language, when he sees you, then it would be more likely that he has good or bad feelings about you.

If he reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Adjusting his appearance
  • Adjusting his posture
  • Facing towards you (especially with the feet)
  • Holding eye contact with you
  • Moving closer to you

Then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you.

Whereas, if he reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Squinting at you
  • Tightening his lips
  • Facing away from you
  • Standing further away from you

Then it would be more likely that he is either not interested in you or he is annoyed with you.

Consider how he interacts with other people

It would also help to compare the way that he interacts with you with how he interacts with other people.

If he shows the same body language around you as he does with other people then it would be more likely that he texts people with short replies naturally.

Whereas, if he shows different body language around you than he does with other people then it would be more likely that he has particularly good or bad feelings about you depending on how he changes it.

Consider what he does text you

It would also be useful to consider the types of things that he does text you.

If he often texts you more positive things, he asks you questions often through messaging you and he agrees to hang out with you then it would be more likely that he is interested in you.

Whereas, if he takes a long time to reply, he gives you negative replies a lot and he does not agree to hang out then it would be much more likely that he is not interested in you.

Look for a number of body language signs

When considering what his body language might be showing it would help to look for a number of body language signs at the same time.

The reason for this is that a single body language sign can have many different meanings. This can make single body language signs unreliable on their own.

Whereas, if he shows multiple body language signs that all suggest the same thing then it would be more likely that he is showing them for that specific reason.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people’s true intentions.

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