Replacing the word got

I can’t figure out whether to use got or gotten in the following sentence:

I no longer recognized my own skin, my own feelings, my own thoughts.
It was as if the real me had got/gotten lost on the highway.

Which is the correct form of the verb?

tchrist's user avatar


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asked Dec 3, 2013 at 9:53

janoChen's user avatar


This article (emphasis mine) would be hard to improve on:

As past participles of get, got and gotten both date back to
Middle English. The form gotten is not used in British English but
is very common in North American English, though even there it is
often regarded as non-standard.

In North American English, got and gotten are not identical in
. Gotten usually implies the [punctive act /] process of
obtaining something, as in he had gotten us tickets for the show,
while got implies the state [durative] of possession or ownership,
as in I haven’t got any money.

[Oxford Dictionaries]

An American might well prefer ‘gotten’ in the OP; a Brit would probably not, and might well not like the sound of the ‘got’ version either, choosing to rephrase, as Preetie suggests.

answered Dec 3, 2013 at 10:52

Edwin Ashworth's user avatar

Edwin AshworthEdwin Ashworth

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per The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (p.311):

«Gotten is probably the most distinctive of all the AmE/BrE grammatical
differences, but British people who try to use it often get it wrong.»

Gotten is much more common in AmE.

I like the sound of your use of ‘gotten’ in that sentence. «…had been lost» sounds so passive, whereas «…had gotten lost» sounds more tragic.

«The child had been lost on the highway.»
«The child had gotten lost on the highway.»

Which has more impact?

answered Dec 3, 2013 at 10:43

anongoodnurse's user avatar


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In the example given, I would use «gotten.» But that’s only if you think the word «gotten» has a place in our language. To me, there is a legitimate and useful difference between «got» and «gotten.» To say you’ve «got» something means that you have it, now. To say that you’ve «gotten» something means that you’ve obtained or received it in the past. The example given doesn’t use «got/gotten» in that way, but given the continued use of the two words in American English, «had gotten lost» sounds better to my ear than «had got lost.» It’s more a matter of consistency than of correctness.

answered Apr 4, 2014 at 13:22

dave's user avatar

I have heard instances of how «gotten lost» is hated by the British. My copy of Grammar by Wren & Martin also lists «got» as the past participle of get.

Base Form: Get

Past Tense: Got

Past Participle: Got

However, as Andrew Leach comments, I have seen many examples of the same in American English.

If I were I you, I would simply say:

I no longer recognized my own skin, my own feelings, my own thoughts. It was as if the real me had been lost on the highway.

Drarp's user avatar

answered Dec 3, 2013 at 10:15

Gurpreet K Sekhon's user avatar


Having grown up in the UK, but now live in Canada, I have to say that I have never used the word «gotten» other than in words such as forgotten or ill-gotten. I used to find it hard to listen to but it no longer bothers me and seems to make sense when I hear others use it. Languages evolve and this is one of those words which has evolved differently on either side of the Atlantic — that’s okay.

I was taught that got/gotten should be used sparingly as it is often redundant or clumsy.
«I have a cold.» vs «I have got a cold.» or «I have gotten a cold.»
«The child was lost.» or «The child became lost.» vs «The child had got lost.» or «The child had gotten lost.»

answered Jul 1, 2014 at 6:32

Iain's user avatar

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Hello students, and welcome to day 2 of our mini-course on words with multiple meanings!

Yesterday’s word was RUN, and today we’ll focus on GET. Again – a very common word, but one that is extremely versatile – this means it can be used in lots of different ways.

You already know the basic meaning of GET, but today you’re going to learn 20+ more ways to use it. Let’s get started:

get = receive

“Get” means receive. You can:

  • get a gift
  • get an email
  • get a chance (meaning to receive an opportunity)
  • get a grade on a test
  • get an award
  • get a scholarship

There are lots of collocations with GET meaning “receive.”

get = obtain

A second meaning of get is to obtain. This is a little different from receive – when you receive something, you made no effort – someone else gave it to you. If you get a gift for your birthday, you didn’t do anything to receive it.

But when you obtain something, you put in some effort. So you can get a job (you applied for the job, maybe you did an interview, and then they offered you the job).

You can get information, meaning you go and search for the information so that you have it. You can get some sleep, meaning you take the action of going to bed. You can get results at work, so you’re probably doing tasks in order to obtain results, get results.

get = buy

Get can also mean to buy. You can get tickets to a concert. If you see someone wearing a shirt you like, you can say “Where did you get that shirt?” meaning where did you buy it.

You can get something for a good price or get a bargain on something, both of which mean to pay a fair or small amount of money compared to the high value you receive.

For example, you can get a bargain on the Complete Program at Espresso English, because it’s available at a 50% discount – so you can buy it at a good price.

Another place we use “get” to mean “buy” is when we’re ordering at a restaurant or coffee shop – it’s very common to say “Can I get a large coffee?” or “Can I get some french fries?” – meaning you want to order, you want to buy that food/drink item.

Get tickets for a concert (buy them)

get = bring

We also use get in the sense of bring. If I’m already in bed and I feel cold, I might ask my husband, “Can you get me an extra blanket?” meaning can you bring it to me.

We often say “go get” when someone needs to go somewhere in order to bring back an item. Let’s say there’s a meeting at work, and there aren’t enough chairs in the meeting room – then, my assistant could go get more chairs, meaning she will go and then bring the chairs.

Or if someone’s injured, you might say “I’ll go get the first aid kit!” meaning you’ll bring it.

get = arrive

Informally, we use “get” to mean arrive. For example: I usually get home from work around 6:00 – meaning arrive at home.

You can use “get” when talking about arriving from travel – If we take the next available flight, we’ll get to New York on Monday morning.

When asking for directions, you could say “How can I get to the train station?” – how can I go there, how can I arrive there.

Learn Phrasal Verbs with Take

We’ll get to New York by noon.

get = become

Get also means become. You can get angry, get excited, get tired, get sick, get older, and get lost.

Something can get better or get worse, meaning it is becoming better or worse.

We also use it for changes in marital status: two people can get engaged (meaning they plan to marry each other), get married, and get divorced.

You can also get dressed, meaning to put on your clothes, and get ready, meaning to prepare yourself. When you get drunk it means you become intoxicated with too much alcohol, and when you get used to something it means you become accustomed to it.

All these expressions use “get” in the sense of becoming, changing status.

They got engaged last weekend.

get = understand (informal)

Another informal use of “get” is to understand. If you say “I don’t get it,” it means “I don’t understand.”

You can also say “I don’t get…” followed by a question word and the topic you don’t understand, for example:

  • I don’t get why they broke up; they seemed to have a perfect relationship.
  • I don’t get how to use this computer program.
  • Or if someone tells a joke, and you didn’t understand what’s funny about it, you could say you didn’t get the joke.

get to do something = have a special opportunity

If you get to do something, it means you have a good/special opportunity, for example:

  • If my kids finish all their homework, they get to watch a movie before bed.
  • He’s upset because he didn’t get to take a vacation last year.

have got to do something = have an obligation; should do it

On the other hand, if you have got to do something, it means you need to do it, you have an obligation to do it, or you should do it. This typically sounds like “gotta” in informal spoken English. Here are some examples of “gotta” referring to obligations:

  • I’ve gotta pick up my kids from school.
  • If you borrow books from the library, you’ve gotta return them.
  • That movie is awesome – you’ve gotta see it! (you should, a strong recommendation)

If you borrow books from the library, you’ve gotta return them.

get someone to do something = persuade/convince the person to do it

When you get someone to do something, it means you persuade/convince the person to do it.

  • After a lot of discussion, I finally got him to agree with me.
  • It’s hard to get my kids to help with housework.

get something done = cause it to happen

Finally, when you get something done, it means you make or cause it to happen. Sometimes this means doing it yourself, and other times it means you cause someone else to do it for you. For example:

  • I like to get all my housework done by noon. (This means I finished it myself)
  • My car has broken down – I need to get it fixed. (This means I will probably take it to a mechanic and they will fix it)

My car has broken down – I need to get it fixed.

Phrasal verbs with GET

GET is also used in a ton of phrasal verbs… and even many of these phrasal verbs ALSO have multiple meanings! Here’s just a sample of a few common phrasal verbs with get.

To get along with someone means to have a good relationship with them, without conflict. Or we could say the opposite, not get along with someone, meaning two people don’t like each other or have conflict/tension in their relationship.

  • I’m glad I get along with all my coworkers.
  • I don’t get along with one of my cousins; I find her so annoying.

The phrasal verb get around is used for managing to go places, physically. If you have a broken leg, you would find it difficult to get around on crutches. Some cities, like London, have an extensive public transportation system, so it’s easy to get around, to manage to go from place to place.

It’s hard to get around on crutches.

Next, we have get back. This can mean to return to a place – for example, I’m going shopping at a bunch of stores, and I’m not sure what time I’ll get back.

There’s another meaning for this phrasal verb, and that is when we say get back at someone, it means to take revenge; to do something to hurt a person who hurt us in the past.

The expression get over means to recover emotionally from a difficult experience. If someone you love dies, it would take you a long time to get over it.

Another way to use this expression is as a command, telling someone “Get over it!” – we do this when the person is continuing to be sad/upset over something minor or silly, and we want them to stop obsessing about a minor problem.

When it comes to transportation, we get into / get out of cars, and get on / get onto / get off trains, buses, planes, bicycles, and motorcycles.

We get into a car, but get onto a bicycle

Idioms with GET

To finish up this lesson, let’s look at a couple idioms with get. The word get is used in hundreds of idioms… so this is just a small taste. If you’d like to focus more on idioms, you can join my 300+ Idioms Course for a lot more expressions.

Our first idiom is to get wind of something, which means to learn about or hear about some secret, usually indirectly. Let’s say a teenager is planning to have a party while his parents are out of the house – but then his parents get wind of it, they learn about this secret, when they see a comment he made on social media. They discovered the secret in an indirect way.

When a celebrity or famous person is involved in a divorce, they often try to keep the details private because when the media gets wind of it, then they will publish all the information about it.

Get wind of something = hear about / learn about it indirectly

Another idiom is to get your act together. This means to take action to become well-organized and better-prepared. For example, let’s say your friend Maria has started and stopped studying English many times in the past, never really taking it seriously. She could decide to get her act together by committing to an English course and establishing a regular schedule for studying. She has taken action to be better organized.

One very informal expression you might hear in TV shows or casual conversations is “Get a load of this!” – we say that when we want to call someone’s attention to something that seems especially notable or interesting. If you see a luxury car you know is worth $100,000, you could say to your friend, “Get a load of that car!” because you want your friend to notice it.

Sometimes people also say “Get a load of this” when they are about to share some scandalous information; for example – “Get a load of this – our college professor was fired because he was flirting with one of his students.”

Sometimes when you’re doing a task, you enter a state where you really have all your energy focused on it, you’re totally concentrating on it, and as a result you are working or learning very smoothly and efficiently. Entering this state of concentration is called getting in the groove.

Sometimes when I’m writing English lessons, I get in the groove and the ideas come very easily to my mind because I’m so focused and fully immersed in the task. Or maybe you like to do a big cleaning of your house once a month, you take the whole day to get in the groove and fully clean your house from top to bottom.

get in the groove = enter a state of focused concentration, so that you make progress easily

I hope my lessons can help you get in the groove when it comes to studying English – my goal with Espresso English is to help you learn in a way that’s easy, efficient, and fun. That’s all for today – make sure to tune in for tomorrow’s video on words with multiple meanings.

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word got out — перевод на русский

Most guys are regulars, so word gets out quick if a place is hot.

Большинство — постоянные клиенты. Так что если место палят, об этом узнают.

If word gets out about this, you’ll be expelled.

Если об этом узнают, ты будешь исключен.

I’ll be well fixed as soon as word gets out.

Как только в округе узнают, буду как сыр в масле.

Now if word gets out that you are an Abbotsford man and you are harassing him unnecessarily…

И теперь, если об этом узнают, что вы человек Абботсфорта и без причины преследовали его …

You probably don’t want to hear this, but once word gets out at school, you’re gonna find yourself with a lot of new best friends.

Ты, наверное, не хочешь этого слышать, но как только всё это узнают в школе, ты обретешь большое количество новых лучших друзей.

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And when word gets out which it will because it’s such a good story it’ll not only embarrass you, but the firm.

И когда всё станет известно… а это случится, потому что это отличная история это поставит в неловкое положение не только тебя, но и фирму.

If word gets out, it’s gonna hurt seth’s public image even more

Если станет известно, я наврежу имиджу Сета.

If word gets out that you’re in here talking to us, then…

Если станет известно, что вы тут с нами говорите, тогда…

If word gets out of his madness, this country could come apart.

Если станет известно о его безумии, страна может развалиться.

Because if word gets out they negotiate with kidnappers, it’ll be open season on their people.

— Если станет известно, что они отдали деньги, похитители откроют на них охоту.

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If word gets out the feds are in on it, Gondorff will fold up the whole thing.

Потому что если пойдет слух о том, что идут федералы, то Гондорф свернет все свое дело.

But it concerns me because if word gets out that this family paid a ransom other guys like you will come out of the woodwork.

Зато меня волнует, потому что если пойдет слух, что эта семья заплатила выкуп, то другие парни, вроде тебя, не заставят себя ждать.

What happens when word gets out that I am a human?

Что случится, если пойдет слух, что я стала человеком?

Word gets out that you’re not cool, then school starts.

Пойдет слух, что ты не крутая. Потом начнется учеба.

Because if word gets out that a residential property is unoccupied… — Robert.

Если пойдёт слух, что дом нежилой… – Роберт.

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Do you have any idea what the public reaction will be when word gets out that these are acts of terrorism?

Вы хоть понимаете какая будет общественная реакция когда всплывет что это теракты?

If word gets out, every tribe and every nation will rise against us.

Если это всплывет, каждое племя и каждая нация поднимется против нас.

The public panics if word gets out we’re setting up an incident center about a spreading disease or for a spreading disease.

Люди запаникуют, всплывёт, что мы организовываем центр реагирования по распространению болезни. На распространение болезни.

Some of my crew are gonna get very nervous when that word gets out.

Некоторые из моих парней… Будут обеспокоены, когда всё всплывёт.

If word gets out that Luis is dead before we find the killer,

Если до того, как мы найдем убийцу всплывет, что Луис мертв,

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Word got out that you and Nina were…

Прошёл слух, что вы с Ниной…

Word got out that you were disobeying,

Прошел слух, что вы не слушались и прислали Рэджи.

Word got out that someone in the neighborhood Might have seen it go down.

Прошёл слух, что кто-то по соседству мог видеть, как это было.

Word got out, that I might be selling.

Прошел слух, что я дала объявление о продаже.

If word gets out he got conned, you’re dead.

Если пройдет слух, что его развели — ты труп.

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If word gets out that the doppelganger exists,

Если слух, что двойник существует распространится,

If word got out that he bailed because a cop was inside his operation it wouldn’t be good.

Если пойдет слух что он отменил сделку потому что полицейский был замешан в его операции, это будет очень плохо.

Word gets out about a rat, it is gonna spook our new alliances and blow back on everything we’re trying to do.

Даже слух о стукаче отпугнёт наших союзников и перечеркнёт всё, что мы пытаемся сделать.

You know, you have an affair with a rich socialite, And then word gets out that you’re being questioned…

Понимаете, у вас роман с богатой светской львицей, а тут поползли слухи, что вы под подозрением..

How did word get out so fast?

Как слухи так быстро распространились?

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But you knew if word got out that you were here, it would ruin everything you came to do.

Но ты знал, если станет известно, что ты был здесь, это разрушит все, за чем ты приехал.

If word got out that I hired a partner that I was in a relationship with—

Если станет известно, что я наняла партнёра, с которым состою в отношениях…

Don’t you worry about what might happen if word got out?

Вы не боитесь, что об этом станет известно?

If word got out that I was saying something like that about a parent of one of my students, I could lose my job.

Если станет известно, что я сказала нечто подобное о родителе одного из моих учеников, я могу потерять работа.

Word gets out, could hurt potential gigs.

Если об этом будет известно — может попортить карьеру.

so for now,we’ve got a couple of nutso dreams come true, but once the word gets out about the well, things are just gonna get crazier and crazier.

Сейчас у нас есть пара безумных сбывшихся желаний. Но стоит просочиться слухам о колодце, безумие хлынет через край.

Well, uh, what happens if… if word gets out… about, uh, Dan’s, uh, «borrowing»?

Хорошо, э, что произойдет если… если просочатся слухи… о том, что Дэн, э, «одолжил» их?

Look, once word gets out that the NYPD subpoenaed his clothing in connection with embezzlement and murder, that man’s career will be over.

Послушай, как только просочится слух, что полиция Нью Йорка, затребовала его одежду в связи с мошенничеством и убийством, карьера этого человека закончится.

Obviously, when that word got out, it just made the record more desirable.

Очевидно, что когда слухи просочились, запись стала еще более востребованной.

You needed to hear this from me before word got out.

Ты должна была услышать это от меня, прежде чем просочились слухи.

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стало известно

прошел слух

пошел слух

пошла молва

просочились слухи

станет известно

I think word got out that she liked me and that.

When word got out about my story, kids used to come and throw stones at the house, call me names.

Когда стало известно о моей истории, дети швыряли камни в дом, обзывались.

‘Cause once word got out, it was like I hit a wall, and nobody took me seriously.

Потому что, только об этом пошел слух, я будто врезалась в стену, и никто не принимал меня всерьез.

Once word got out about Mike this was bound to happen.

Как только стало известно о Майке, это должно было случиться.

And when word got out Basayev left just before the bomb hit, he got branded a traitor.

А когда стало известно, что Басаев ушёл оттуда прямо перед ударом, его объявили изменником.

Once word got out that these and related classes of organic fluorides were detectable in significant amounts in the environment and our own bodies, there was a surge of interest in their health effects.

Как только стало известно, что эти и связанные с ними классы органических фторидов обнаруживаются в значительных количествах в окружающей среде и в наших собственных организмах, возник интерес к их воздействию на здоровье.

Once the word got out about the organization, someone, anonymously, bought and used a local Starbucks coffee shop as the address on the WHOIS record.

Как только стало известно об организации, кто-то анонимно купил и использовал местную кофейню Starbucks в качестве адреса в записи WHOIS.

When word got out that Ponzi’s word was good, that he actually did pay 50 percent in 45 days, more people clamored to invest.

Когда стало известно, что Понци держит слово, что он действительно заплатил 50 процентов за 45 дней, все больше людей желали вложить деньги в его предприятие.

If word got out that Foster & Place had a leak…

However, as soon as word got out, many members of the community of blind people decided to collectively sue the government for denying them the right to purchase content which is sold legally to people who are not faced with such handicap.

Однако, как только это стало известно, многие члены сообщества слепых решили коллективно подать в суд на правительство за то, что оно отказало им в праве на покупку контента, который продается на законных основаниях людям, которые не сталкивались с таким недостатком.

The stargate was allegedly discovered in the 1920s, and when word got out that it was there and actually worked many governments sent out expeditions to try and find it for their own purposes.

Звездные врата, как утверждается, были обнаружены в 1920-х годах, и когда стало известно, что портал был там и фактически работал, многие правительства отправляли экспедиции, чтобы попытаться найти портал в своих целях.

This became Queen Margherita’s favorite pizza and when word got out that this was one of the queen’s favorite foods, she became even more popular with the Italian people.

Это стало любимой пиццей королевы Маргариты, и когда стало известно, что это было одно из любимых блюд королевы, она стала еще более популярной у итальянского народа.

Marc and I were talking about Spider-Man, and as the word got out, so many of our friends and musicians started calling us up, wanting to be a part of it, because they love Spider-Man.

Марк (Уэбб) и я обсуждали Нового Человека-паука , и как только об этом стало известно, многие наши друзья, среди которых и музыканты, и композиторы, стали звонить нам и проситься в команду, так как они все очень любят этого героя.

In November 2011, word got out that Patek would make the last 505004s in a stainless steel case.

В ноябре 2011 стало известно, что Patek выпустит последние 50 экземпляров 5004s в корпусе из нержавеющей стали.

When word got out he was auditioning vocalists, Tina Turner, Phil Collins and Simply Red’s Mike Hucknall were suggested as candidates.

Когда стало известно, что он проводит пробные прослушивания вокалистов, в качестве кандидатов назывались Тина Тернер (Tina Turner), Фил Коллинз (Phil Collins) и Майк Хакнелл (Mike Hucknall) из «Simply Red».

That was before the word got out.

There’d be a line out the door as soon as word got out.

За дверью выстроится целая очередь, как только разнесётся слух.

If word got out, it could be overrun or taken from you.

Когда слова вырвались, они могут быть перевраны или не принадлежать тебе.

Obviously, when that word got out, it just made the record more desirable.

Очевидно, что когда слухи просочились, запись стала еще более востребованной.

If word got out, I’d… lose my job.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 125. Точных совпадений: 125. Затраченное время: 124 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

Популярное на сайте:

Как быстро выучить стихотворение наизусть? Запоминание стихов является стандартным заданием во многих школах. 

Как научится читать по диагонали? Скорость чтения зависит от скорости восприятия каждого отдельного слова в тексте. 

Как быстро и эффективно исправить почерк?  Люди часто предполагают, что каллиграфия и почерк являются синонимами, но это не так.

Как научится говорить грамотно и правильно? Общение на хорошем, уверенном и естественном русском языке является достижимой целью. 

Понравилась статья? Поделить с друзьями:
  • Replacing the word good
  • Replacing the word get
  • Replacing the word but
  • Replacing the word because
  • Replace the underlined words with a word or phrase from the word list withdrawn