Replace the words in italics in each sentence with a word from the box

        4. Replace the
word or words in italics in each sentence with a word from the box.

arranged                outdoors             record                second                        captain                       postponed          referee              side             champion           professionally                        score                   spare

a)      Mary plays
tennis as a way of earning her living ……

b)      Tomorrow’s
hockey match has been put off for another

c)      In motor racing
last year William Green was the best
driver of all…………………..

d)     The player with
the lowest number of points wins the
game ………………

e)      A match between
the two top teams has been fixed for
next month…………..

f)       I like going
swimming in my free time ………………………….

g)      Jane Briggs was
the runner-up in the 100 metres

h)      Who is the player in charge of your football

She won all her matches this
season, which is a best ever performance……………….

Charles was sent off for punching
the person who controls the match…………….

k)      We decided to
hold this year’s dancing competition in
the open air…………………….

Everyone agreed that United were
the best team……………………

        5. Use the word
given in capitals in the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space
in the same line.

How a hobby can
make you angry!

Recently I decided to take up (1)….photography…… as a hobby.                         PHOTOGRAPH

I like taking snaps, but I am not very (2)………………..                                       SKILL

My snaps are either a complete (3) ……………………….., for                             FAIL

Technical reasons, or are just not very (4) ………………………..
First                            IMAGINE

I decided that to be (5) ………………., I would have to buy
new                                    SUCCESS

Equipment. Just then I had an (6) …………………….piece of
good                             EXPECT

Luck. A friend who works in a camera shop said she
could sell

me a (7) ……………………. camera. A customer had left it at
the shop              VALUE

to be repaired, but there had been a (8) …………………………..,
and                UNDERSTAND

so I asked her some more questions. She said she had
had a

(10) ………………………….. with the customer and he had thrown                               AGREE

The camera at her because she disliked his photos!

        6. Choose the
most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence.

a) Mary stopped swimming and just ……..B……….on
the surface.

A) sank                       B)
floated       C)dived                      D) poured

b) Jack turned the last corner and …………………..for the
finishing line.

A) approached                       B)
arrived       C) waited        D) headed

c) David was trying to ……………… another cyclist when he

A) overpass                 B) overcome               C)overtake                  D) overcharge

d) You have to ………………. the person with the ball until
you catch them.

A) chase          B)
rush                        C) jump                      D)drop

e) The fans climbed over the fence to ………………………. paying

A) avoid         B)
prevent                  C) abandon     D) refuse

f) I fell over while skiing and my sister had to ……………….
a doctor.

g) it’s very easy to ………………… over when the snow is

A) slide                       B)
skid                        C) skate          D) slip

h) Don’t ………………. the road until all the runners have
gone by.

A) pass                       B)
cross                      C) across         D) pass by

i) The swimmers ………………….. forward as they waited to
begin the race.

A) fell                         B)
crawled                  C) rolled         D)leaned

j) When I was hiking in the mountains, I ……………………. on a

A) tripped       B)
stepped      C) surprised    D) carried


        4. a)
professionally     b) postponed   c) champion    d)
score           e) arranged      f) spare                       g)second            h) captain        i) record          j) referee         k) outdoors     l) side

        5. 1) photography       2) skillful        3) failure         4)
imaginative             5) successful   6)expected      7)
valuable            8) misunderstanding   9) unbelievable           10)disagreement

        6. a) B,            b) D,               c) C,                d)
A,               e) A,                f)
C,                g)D,      h) B,               i)
D,                         j) B

1 Complete each sentence with a word from the

a) Most of the young people on the boat slept on the deck.
in their sleeping bags.

b) As the train drew in to the station, Terry could see her sister
waiting on the ….

c) I was so nervous about flying that I left my bag in the…

d) By the time I got to the… , the bus to Scotland had left.

e) As soon as the boat left the… , the storm began.

f) We hadn’t had anything to eat, but luckily there was a …on the train.

g) I’m afraid there is only one first-class …free on the boat.

h) Tim reached Paris safely, but his luggage didn’t reach its …

There was a queue of cars on the … , waiting for the car-ferry to the island.

 j) Our plane nearly crashed into a fire-engine
on the…

2 Underline the most suitable word (s):

a) David’s plane was cancelled/delayed by thick fog.

b) The ship’s owner agreed to give the crew/passengers a

c) The plane from Geneva has just grounded/landed.

d) We hope that you will enjoy your flight/flying.

e) Because of heavy snow, their plane was diverted/deviated to

f) I won’t be long. I’m just packing my last luggage/suitcase.

g) You have to check in/check up an hour before
the plane leaves.

 h) All duty
free goods must be declared/surrendered at customs.

i) The plane took off/took up and was soon high over the city.

j) I bought a simple/single ticket, as I was going to return by

k) A sign above the seats in the plane says ‘Fasten your life
belt/seat belt’.

On the plane the flight attendant/waitress brought me a newspaper.

3 Use a word or words from
exercises 1 or 2 to complete each sentence. The word may be in a different

a) I had to cancel my tickets, because I was ill and
couldn’t travel.

b) The train for London is now arriving at… three.

c) The plane …on time but arrived half an hour late.

d) We finally reached our… after travelling all day.

e) It was hard to find a seat on the train as there were so many …

f) While we were waiting at the station we had a bite to eat in the …

g) I felt seasick so I went to my …and tried to sleep.

h) Do you want a return ticket, or a …?

i) The customs officer asked Bill if he had anything to …

j) There is a small …here for fishing boats and yachts.

k) How much …can I take with me on the plane?

1) The 8.55 from Hull will be 30 minutes late. We
apologise for the…

4 Match the words in the box with
the suitable definition:

a) A journey by ship for pleasure a cruise

b) A journey by plane

c) The plan of a journey

d) An informal word for journey. Sometimes meaning a short

e) A journey for a scientific or special purpose

f) A holiday which includes organised travel and accommodation

g) Taking journeys, as a general idea

h) A journey by sea

i) An organised journey to see the sights of a place

j) A journey from one side of the sea to the other

5 Use the words from the previous
exercise in these sentences.

a) The travel agent will send you the itineraryfor
your trip.

b) My neighbours went on a guided of Rome.

c) Last time I went from England to France we had a very rough

d) The first prize in the competition is a luxury Mediterranean

e) When you go on a/an , you pay one price for everything.

f) The college organized a/an to search for the ancient ruins.

g) Olympic announces the arrival of OA 269 from Athens.

h) The Titanic sank on its first in 1912.

i) is one of my main interests.

j) Mr Dean is away on a business at the moment. Can
I help you?

6 Replace the words in italics
in each sentence with a word from the box.

camp-site      book                hostel    
                    accommodation                                 double room                                                  hitch-hike
a fortnight                                   

a) I stayed in France for two weeks last year. .a

b) It’s difficult to find anywhere to stay here in the summer

c) We had no money so we had to get lifts in other people’s cars

d) I’d like a room for the night please. A room for two people

e) The place where we stayed wasn’t a hotel but a
private house where you pay to stay and have meals

f) I’d like to reserve three single rooms for next week, please

g) It was raining, and we couldn’t find a place to put our tent

h) I’d like a room for the night, please. Do you have a pee one?

i) The school has its own place for students to stay

j) We gave a tip to the person who carried our bags in the hotel

VOCABULARY  –  SPORT  AND  LEISURE   1. Complete  each  sentence  with  a  word  from  the  box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1)

When  Brenda  entered  the  swimming  competition  she  bought  a  new costume I  learned  to  ride  a  horse  without  using  a  … Gemma  tried  to  hit  the  golf-­‐ball  with  her  …  ,  but  missed  it. After  the  tennis  match,  one  of  the  players  jumped  over  the  … Diana’s  bike  crashed  into  a  tree,  and  she  was  thrown  over  the  … A  mountain-­‐climber’s  life  may  depend  on  their  … Open-­‐air  skating  can  be  dangerous  if  the  …  is  too  thin. Peter  put  his  …  in  front  of  his  face  to  protect  himself  from  his  opponent’s punches. Suddenly  the  referee  blew  his  …  and  pointed  to  the  penalty  spot. Skiing  can  be  dangerous  if  you  don’t  wear  dark  … I  had  to  play  the  doubles  match  with  a  borrowed  … Terry  went  fishing  with  the  new  …  his  parents  gave  him.

2. Match  the  words  in  the  list  with  a  suitable  comment  (a/ h: billiard, crossword, embroidery, hiking, draughts, gambling, cards, model making a) Catherine  dealt,  and  gave  me  the  ace,  king  and  queen  of  hearts. cards b) c) d) e) f) g) h)

You  need  a  small  needle,  and  threads  of  different  colours I  couldn’t  do  ten  down,  so  I  used  the  dictionary Ian  glued  the  parts  together  wrongly  because  he  didn’t  read  the instructions. When  Ellen  is  losing,  she  knocks  the  pieces  off  the  board The  path  we  want  doesn’t  seem  to  be  on  the  map Nigel  missed  the  red,  and  put  the  pink  in  the  pocket  by  mistake. I  want  to  put  £20  on  ‘Ealing  Comedy’  to  win  in  the  4.30  at  York. 3. Underline  the  most  suitable  word.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j)

Sue  came  first  in  the  5000  metre  competition/game/race. Jack  and  Eddie  arranged  to  meet  outside  the  football  ground/field/pitch. Brenda  goes  jogging  every  morning  to  keep  exercised/fit/trained. Our  team  beat/defeated/won  the  match  by  two  goals  to  nil. The  local  stadium  isn’t  large  enough  for  so  many audience/viewers/spectators. I’m  afraid  I  don’t  find  basketball  very  interested/interesting. The  final  result  was  a/an  draw/equal/score. Norman  won  first  medal/prize/reward  in  the  cookery  competition. All  competitors/rivals/supporters  tor  the  race  should  make  their  way  to  the track. Collecting  matchboxes  is  Rebecca’s  favourite  leisure/occupation/pastime.

4. Replace  the  word  or  words  in  italics  in  each  sentence  with  a  word from  the  box. outdoors

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

record professionally

referee score


Mary  plays  tennis  as  a  way  of  earning  her  living professionally   Tomorrow’s  hockey  match  has  been  put  off  for  another  time In  motor  racing  last  year  William  Green  was  the  best  driver  of  all The  player  with  the  lowest  number  of  points  wins  the  game A  match  between  the  two  top  teams  has  been  fixed  for  next  month. I  like  going  swimming  in  my  free  time Jane  Briggs  was  the  runner-­‐up  in  the  100  metres  hurdles Who  is  the  player  in  charge  of  your  football  team? She  won  all  her  matches  this  season,  which  is  a  best  ever  performance. Charles  was  sent  off  for  punching  the  person  who  controls  the  match. We  decided  to  hold  this  year’s  dancing  competition  in  the  open  air Everyone  agreed  that  United  were  the  best  team 5. Use  the  word  given  in  capitals  at  the  end  of  each  line  to  form  a  word that  fits  in  the  space  in  the  same  line.

How  a  hobby  can  make  you  angry!   Recently  I  decided  to  take  up  (1)photography  as  a  hobby.   PHOTOGRAPH   I  like  taking  snaps,  but  I  am  not  very  (2)     SKILL   My  snaps  are  either  a  complete  (3)  for     FAIL     technical  reasons,  or  are  just  not  very  (4)   First   IMAGINE   I  decided  that  to  be  (5)   ,  I  would  have  to  buy  new   SUCCESS   equipment.  Just  then  I  had  an  (6)   piece  of  good   EXPECT     luck.  A  friend  who  works  in  a  camera  shop  said  she   could  sell  me  a  (7)   camera.  A  customer  had     VALUE   left  it  at  the  shop  to  be  repaired,  but  there  had  been   a  (8)   ,  and  it  was  actually  for  sale.   UNDERSTAND   I  thought  this  was  a  rather  (9)   explanation     BELIEF     and  so  I  asked  her  some  more  questions.  She  said   she  had  had  a  (10)   with  the  customer  and  he     AGREE   had  thrown  the  camera  at  her  because  she  disliked  his  photos!   6. Choose  the  most  suitable  word  or  phrase  to  complete  each  sentence. a) b) c) d) e) f)

Mary  stopped  swimming  and  just  B  on  the  surface. A) sank   B)  floated   C)  dived D) poured Jack  turned  the  last  corner  and  …  for  the  finishing  line. A) approached   B)  arrived   C)  waited   D)  headed David  was  trying  to  …  another  cyclist  when  he  crashed. A) overpass B) overcome   C)  overtake   D)  overcharge You  have  to  …  the  person  with  the  ball  until  you  catch  them. A) chase   B)  rush C) jump D) drop The  fans  climbed  over  the  fence  to  …  paying. A) avoid   B)  prevent   C)  abandon   D)  refuse I  fell  over  while  skiing  and  my  sister  had  to  …  a  doctor.

g) h) i) j)

A) bring   B)  take C) fetch D) carry It’s  very  easy  to  …  over  when  the  snow  is  hard. A) slide   B)  skid C) skate D) slip Don’t  …  the  road  until  all  the  runners  have  gone  by. A) pass   B)  cross C) across D) pass  by The  swimmers forward  as  they  waited  to  begin  the  race.   A) fell B) crawled   C)  rolled D) leaned When  I  was  hiking  in  the  mountains,  I   on  a  snake. A) tripped B) stepped   C)  surprised   D)  carried 7. Complete  each  sentence  with  a  word  from  the  box.

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l)

After  Paul’s  leg  was  injured,  it  took  him  a  long  time  to  get  better Unfortunately  Sally  rode  her  bike  into  the  mud  and  got  … Before  the  race  I  went  to  the  stadium  to  get  … Some  of  the  competitors  got  …  because  of  the  thick  fog. I  tried  learning  to  do  embroidery  but  I  didn’t  get  … She  worked  on  her  stamp  collection  and  he  got  the  … I  didn’t  get  …  from  the  match  till  late  because  of  the  crowds. David  practised  hitting  the  golf  ball  until  he  got  it  … Kate  enjoyed  riding  the  horse  but  found  it  hard  to  get  … I  tried  to  phone  the  tennis  club  but  I  couldn’t  get  … We  have  a  great  time  whenever  our  rugby  team  gets  … I  can’t  get  …  to  playing  football  on  plastic  grass!

8. Rewrite  the  sentences  in  7  above  so  that  each  one  contains  one  of  the words  in  the   list,  and  does  not  contain  a  form  of  get: asnwer, dismount, perfected, strange, became, home, prepare, succeed, meets, recover, way. a) After    Paul’s    leg    was    injured,    it    took    him    along    time    to    recover. b)   c)   d)   e)   f)   g)   h)   i)   i)   k)   l)   9. Decide  which  answer  (A,  B,  C  or  D)  best  fits  each  space. Sport   Someone  once  said  that  there  are  three  kinds  of  people  who  are   (1)   C   in  sport:  people  who  (2)   part,  people  who  watch,  and   people  who  watch  (3)   television.  It’s  very  easy  to  make  fun  of  stay-­‐at-­‐home  

sports  (4)   ,  but  on  the  other  hand,  television  does  enable  us  to  enjoy  all  kinds  of   (5)   events.  We  can  watch  a  racing  car  (6)   another,  see  a  cyclist  (7)   the   finishing  line,  or  enjoy  the  goals  of  our  favourite  football  (8)   The  first  time  I   watched  a  tennis  (9)     was  on  television,  and  I  found  it  (10)   interesting.   It’s  not  always  easy  to  (11)   long  distances  to  football  (12)   ,  and   television  is  a  good  solution.  Of  course,  you  can  (13)   used  to  sitting  indoors  all   the  time,  and  this  is  dangerous.  We  should  all  try  to  (14)   fit,    and  have  other   interests  and  (15)  

1) A A A A A A A 8) A 9) A 10) A 11) A 12) A 13) A 14) A 15) A 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

playing take on people the cross overtake group match valuable trip areas or keep customs

B really B have B with B centres B future B overtake B and B class B it B imaginatively B tour B grounds B which B make B habits


interested make by programmes sports or cross band which unexpectedly pass teams get do pastimes


succeed get from fans athlete from professional team that real travel fans is have leisure


initially specialised in (c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) making carbon-filament lamps. 3. Developments in new lighting technologies fuelled a steady plan for growth(P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _). 4. In 1983 it introduced (l _ _ _ _ _ _ _) the compact disc onto the market. 5. Each day its factories produce (t_ _ _ o_ _) a total of 50 million integrated circuits. 6. Royal Philips Electronics is run (m_ _ _ _ _ _) by the Board of Management. 7. The Supervisory Board carefully watches (m _ _ _ _ _ _ _) the general course of business. 8. Policies are put into practice (i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) by the Group Management Committee. 9. The Group Management Committee consists of members of the Board of Management and chairmen of most of the product sectors (d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).10. The Group Management Committee serves to ensure that important matters (i _ _ _ _ _) and ways of doing business (p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) are shared across the company.

февраль 26, 2020 г.

  • Всего ответов: 1

  • 1. established
    2. concentrated
    3. Programme of expansion
    4. launched
    5. turn out
    6. managed
    7. monitors
    8. implemented
    9. divisions
    10. issues, practices

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