Replace the words in italics below with one word

1.1 Before you read the text, answer these questions.

1. Do you prefer to study
A at school or college
B in a library
C at home?

2. Do you study best
A early in the morning
B during the day
C at night?

3. Do you prefer to work
A with friends
B with background music
C in silence?

1.2. Now complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There may be more than one possible answer so try to use each verb once only.

Even the most studious among you will probably have difficulty studying at some stage in your academic career. If or when this happens, the only way to (1) _____ this problem is to go back to basics. First, make sure you have a comfortable environment to (2) _____ in. Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t (3) _____ if there are too many distractions. Others need some sort of background noise, such as music or the company of friends. Whatever your personal preference is, you need to (4) _____ this first of all. Next, make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you need. For example, if you are (5) _____ a geography course and you have to (6) _____ about countries and their capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand. If you’re (7) _____your maths homework then be sure to find your calculator, ruler, protractor and compass before you start. Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment or project. but are trying to (8) _____ for an exam. If so, you need to know exactly what is on your curriculum. You should also (9) _____ your notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what your lecturers have (10) _____ you. Of course, people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to work harder than others at their studies as they often struggle to read even relatively simple texts.

1.3 Now read the text again and find a word or phrase to match these definitions.

1. describes someone who studies a lot _____

2. things that stop you from working _____

3. a sound you can hear, but do not actively listen to _____

4. two different types of homework or school task _____ and _____

5. to study for an exam _____

6. another word for syllabus _____

7. to check your work _____

8. to do something with great difficulty _____

1.4 Underline the correct words in each sentence.

1. I would really like to learn about / study about the ancient Egyptians.

2. We need to find out / know where to buy the tickets for the concert.

3. I got into trouble at school because I didn’t know / find out my multiplication tables.

4. I did well in the test because I had known / learned how to spell all of the words on the list.

5. Excuse me, do you find out / know where the nearest post office is?

6. It was difficult for me to learn / study at home, because we didn’t have a lot of space.

7. I want to learn how / study how to drive a car.

8. I think you can only really learn from / learn with experience.

2.1 Replace the words in italics below with ONE word. Then listen to the recording and check your answers.

Teacher: Can you tell me about your early education?


Can you tell me about your early education?
Well, I went to 1a school for very young children from the age of four and I remember that I didn’t enjoy it very much at all. My 2from the age of 5 to 11 school was a little better, especially because my mum was a teacher in the school. She taught in the 3younger part of the school and she was actually my teacher in first 4level, but when I went up to the 5older part of the school I didn’t see very much of her. After that I was lucky enough to receive a 6chance to go to school without paying fees for a very good 7from age 11 to 18 school. My parents couldn’t have afforded to send me to a 8not free school so it was a really great opportunity for me. It was a 9only for one sex school, so there were no boys. I’m glad I didn’t go to a 10for boys and girls school because I think there are fewer distractions so everyone can just concentrate on their studies.

2.2 WORD BUILDING Complete the table.

2.3 Complete the sentences with suitable words from the table.

1. I’ve always wanted to go on an archaeological dig to try to find fossils and ancient artefacts.

2. Have you seen a copy of the a_____ plan for the new building?

3. My daughter is a l_____ ; she speaks six different languages.

4. The government has a good e_____policy. I’m sure the recession will be over soon.

5. I’m studying j_____ I’ve always wanted to be a political writer.

6. I’m not very familiar with the g_____ of that part of the world.


3.1 You will hear part of a talk for students. Listen and complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Continuing your studies after graduation
Writing your dissertation

Important considerations:

  • Many students struggle to find a research (1) _____
  • Writing a (2) _____ is easier if you make the right choice.

You need to:

  • Study the (3) _____
  • Have a wide (4) _____ of your field of study.
  • Establish what is (5) _____ in your field.
  • Have a clear idea of the (6) _____ of your study.
  • Consider whether there are any (7) ______ in existing research.
  • Think about your (8). carefully.
  • Ask about (9) _____from outside sources.
  • Ask your (10) _____ to check your results.

3.2 Listen to the talk again and write synonyms for the words in italics in 3.1.

after graduation = postgraduate, …

4 PRONUNCIATION Mark the stress on these words. Then listen and check to see if you were correct. Practise saying the words.



1 overcome 2 study 3 concentrate / study 4 organise 5 taking / studying 6 learn 7 doing 8 revise 9 review 10 taught


1 studious 2 distractions 3 background noise 4 project, assignment 5 revise 6 curriculum 7 review 8 struggle


2 find out 3 know 4 learned 5 know 6 study 7 learn how 8 learn from


Other possible answers are in italics.
1 kindergarten / nursery
2 primary / elementary
3 junior
4 grade
5 senior
6 scholarship / grant
7 high / secondary (high school = US and Australia, secondary school = UK)
8 private / public (UK)
9 single-sex
10 mixed


2 architectural 3 linguist 4 economic 5 journalism 6 geography


1 topic 2 thesis 3 (current) literature 4 knowledge 5 relevant 6 limits / scope 7 controversies 8 financial resources 9 funding / a grant 10 tutor


dissertation = thesis, is easier = more straightforward, wide = broad, field of study = area of specialisation / research area, establish = ascertain, consider = ask yourself, think about = take into account, results = findings


assignment, consideration, concentrate, controversy (UK) or controversy (US), conduct, distraction, dissertation. economist, educational, educated, research (n), thesis, theory, theoretical


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    Replace the words in italics with the words used in the text.

    1. Gerard Philips set up (e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) a company in Eindhoven.

    2. The company initially specialised in (c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) making carbon-filament lamps.

    3. Developments in new lighting technologies fuelled a steady plan for growth(P_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).

    4. In 1983 it introduced (l _ _ _ _ _ _ _) the compact disc onto the market.

    5. Each day its factories produce (t_ _ _ o_ _) a total of 50 million integrated circuits.

    6. Royal Philips Electronics is run (m_ _ _ _ _ _) by the Board of Management.

    7. The Supervisory Board carefully watches (m _ _ _ _ _ _ _) the general course of business.

    8. Policies are put into practice (i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) by the Group Management Committee.

    9. The Group Management Committee consists of members of the Board of Management and chairmen of most of the product sectors (d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ).

    10. The Group Management Committee serves to ensure that important matters (i _ _ _ _ _) and ways of doing business (p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) are shared across the company.

    The Philips Story

    The foundations of the world’s biggest electronics company were laid in

    1891 when Gerard Philips established a company in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, to manufacture light bulbs and other electrical products. In the beginning, it concentrated on making carbon-filament lamps and by the tum of the century was one of the largest producers in Europe. Developments in new lighting technologies fuelled a steady programme of expansion and, in 1914, it established a research laboratory to stimulate product innovation.

    In the 1920s, Philips decided to protect its innovations in X-ray radiation and radio reception with patents. This marked the beginning of the diversification of its product range. Since then, Philips has continued to develop new and exciting product ideas like the compact disc, which it launched in 1983.Other interesting landmarks include the production of Philips’ 100-millionthTV set in 1984 and 250-millionth Philishave electric shaver in 1989.

    The Philips Company

    Philips’ headquarters are still in Eindhoven. It employs 256,400 people all over the world, and hassales and service outlets in 150 countries. Research laboratories are located in six countries, staffed by some 3,000 scientists. It also has an impressive global network of some 400 designers spread over twenty-five locations. Its shares are listed on sixteen stock exchanges in nine countries and it is active in about 100 businesses, including lighting, monitors, shavers and colour picture tubes; each day its factories turn out a total of 50 million integrated circuits.

    The Philips People

    Royal Philips Electronics is managed by the Board of Management, which looks after the general direction and long-term strategy of the

    Philips group as a whole. The Supervisory Board monitors the general course of business of the Philips group as well as advising the Board of Management and supervising its policies. These policies are implemented by the Group Management Committee, which consists of the members of the Board of Management, chairmen of most of the product divisions and some other key officers. The Group Management Committee also serves to ensure that business issues and practices are shared across the various activities in the group.

    The company creed is ‘Let’s make things better’. It is committed to making better products and systems and contributing to improving the quality of people’s work and life. One recent example of this is its ‘Genie’ mobile phone. To dial a number you just have to say it aloud. Its Web TV Internet terminal brings the excitement of cyberspace into the living room. And on travels around the world,whether passing the Eiffel Tower in Paris, walking across London’s Tower Bridge, or witnessing the beauty of the ancient pyramids of Giza, you don’t have to wonder any more who lit these world famous landmarks, it was Philips.

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    1. 1. CAMBRIDGEVocabulary for IELTSwith answersSelf-study
      vocabulary practice PAULINE CULLENCairibrirlge Books for Cambritige
      Exams 0″
    2. 2. Vocabulary forSelf-study vocabulary practice
    3. 3. Ma of the bookUnit number Test practice
    4. 4. _. ::a= ,3-, .. -n- a — ,— — A ~ -~:- 3/5 Unit number Title
      ‘ Test practice’~al! ,’ ; ‘ia. _:. . ,-. ,.. ., ..: _.. ._~, .,.
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    5. 5. ?23:&Vwbwu _ I at ‘5? . IE
    6. 6. when you read or hear them,but you should also try to extend
      your active vocabulary by using them in your writing and speaking
      tasks.You should learn the correct spellings of words as well as
      any words that collocate,or can be used together with them.Use
      Units 21 and 22 to help you develop good vocabulary learning
      strategies. How do I do the writing test practice? The writing test
      practice questions give an opportunityto use the vocabulary from
      the unit.There are sample answers in the answer key.These model
      answers could be used as a guide to organising ideas and using
      vocabulary accurately and effectively.You will be penalised if you
      produce a learnt essay in the IELTS test. How do I do the speaking
      test practice? The speaking test practice questions give an
      opportunity to use the vocabulary from the unit.In part 2 of the
      speaking test you will be allowed to make notes,so think of any
      useful vocabulary you could use and write this down to help you as
      you talI Error warning(E5 Note that health is a noun and healthy is
      the adjective.We write or talk about education and health or mental
      health.NOT wawor.We say someone is strong and healthy NOT min a xed
      pattern . … … … … … .. . . quickly . … … … … …
      … … … … .. . .little by littlea strong suggestion . … …
      … … … … … … … .. . . speed . … … … … … …
      … … … .. . .doing something to excess . … … … … …
      … … … … .. . . get better every second one . … … …
      … … … … … … .. . .{D Vocabulary note-tion at the end of
      a word usually indicates that the word is a
      noun:acti,repetiti.-tious indicates an adjective;repetitiousWORD
      BUILDING Complete the table below.You do not need to write anything
      in the shaded areas.Write the opposites where indicated (opp. ).
    7. 19. 3 Keeping t1.4.1 7 PRONUNCIATION @. .3. ‘* Put the
      wordsinto the6 (an unvoiced sound as in think)6correct box
      according to their sound,then practise (0 voiced Sound as in
      this)saying the words.Listen and check your answers. l:
      (v).mouth (n),teeth,teethe,writhe 4.2 g 39’ :Complete the sentences
      with words from 4.1. Then listen to the recording to check your
      answers.Practise saying the sentences. 1 I took a deep . … …
      … … … … … … … .. . . before diving into the water. 2
      The baby is crying because hes . … … … … … … … …
      … .. . .. He got two new . … … … … … … … … … ..
      . . only yesterday. 3 Old people should take care of their . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . ..ti He’s been so happy since
      the . … … … … … … … … … .. . . of his son. 5 The
      pain was so bad she was . … … … … … … … … … .. .
      .in agony. 6 He can’t . … … … … … … … … … .. . .
      .You need to get him to hospital. 5 Improve this essay by replacing
      the words in italics with ONE OR TWO words from this unit. 123186In
      the future we won’t have to worry about what we eat.We’ll just take
      a tablet to give us all that our body needs and cooking will become
      a thing of the past. In our modern world we often look for quick
      solutions to our problems.We expect to be able to achieve a great
      deal with Little effort.But I dont believe we can apply this notion
      to our diet and still remain healthy.Preparing a healthy meal can
      take a lot of time.First you need to have fresh
    8. 20. Keeping t 3Test practiceAcademic ReadingRead the following
      passage and answer questions 1-14.The causes,diagnosis and
      prevention of stressIn prehistoric times,the physical changes in
      response to stress were an essential adaptation for meeting natural
      threats.Even in the modern world,the stress response can be an
      asset for raising levels of performance during critical events such
      as sports activities,important meetings,or in situations of actual
      danger or crisis.lf stress becomes persistent and
      lowlevel,however,all parts of the body’s stress apparatus (the
      brain,heart,lungs,vessels and muscles) become chronically over or
      under-activated.This may produce physical or psychological damage
      overtime.Acute stress can also be harmful in certain situations.
      Psychological effects of stressStudies suggest that the inability
      to deal with stress is associated with the onset of depression or
      anxiety.In one study,twothirds of subjects who experienced a
      stressful situation had nearly six times the risk of developing
      depression within that month.Some evidence suggests that repeated
      release of stress hormones disrupts normal levels of serotonin,the
      nerve chemical that is critical for feelings of
      well-being.Certainly,on a more obvious level,stress diminishes the
      quality of life by reducing feelings of pleasure and
      accomplishment,and relationships are often threatened.
      Nevertheless,some stress may be beneficial.For example,although
      some research has suggested that stress may be a risk factor for
      suicide (a 2003 study found a higher risk for suicide in women
      reporting both low and very high stress),those with moderate stress
      levels had the lowest risk. Heart disease The effects of mental
      stress on heart disease are controversial.Stress can certainly
      influence the activity of the heart when it activates the
      sympathetic nervous system (the automatic part of the nervous
      system that affectsmany organs,including the heart).Such actions
      and others could theoretically negatively affect the heart in
      several different ways. Nevertheless,evidence is still needed to
      confirm any clearcut relationship between stress and heart
      disease.For example,a 2002 study in Scotland found no greater risk
      for actual heart disease or heart events even in men who reported
      higher mental stress.In fact,higher stress was associated with
      fewer heart events,although men withhigh stress levels did tend to
      complain of chest pain and to go to hospital for it more often than
      those with lower stress levels. Evidence has linked stress to heart
      disease in men,particularly in work situations where they lack
      control.The association between stress and heart problems in women
      is weaker and there is some evidence that the ways women cope with
      stress may be more heartprotective.In one study,for example,men
      were more apt than women to use alcohol or eat less healthily in
      response to stress than women,which might account for their higher
      heart risks from stress.Different stress factors may affect genders
      differently.In one study,work stress was associated with a higher
      risk for heart disease in men,but marital stress not work stress
      was associated with more severe heart disease in women with
      existing heart problems. Eating problemsStress can have varying
      effects on eating problems and weight.Often stress is related to
      weight gain and obesity.Many people develop cravings for salt,fat
      and sugar to counteract tension and,thus,gain weight.Weight gain
      can occur even with a healthy diet in some people exposed to
      stress.In a 2000 study,lean women who gained weight in response to
      stress tended to be less able to adapt to and manage stressful
      conditions.The release of cortisol,amajor stress hormone,appears to
      promote abdominal fat and may be the primary connection between
      stress and weight gain in such people. 19
    9. 21. 3 Keeping tIn contrast,some people suffer a loss of
      appetite and consequently lose weight.In rare cases,stress may
      trigger hyperactivity of the thyroid gland,stimulating appetite but
      causing the body to burn up calories at a faster than normal
      rate.Chronically elevated levels of stress chemicals have been
      observed in patients with anorexia and bulimia.Some
      studies,however,have not found any strong link between stress and
      eating disorders. PainChronic pain caused by arthritis and other
      conditions may be intensified by stress.However,according to a
      study on patients with rheumatoid arthritis,stress management
      techniques do not appear to have much effect on arthritic pain.Some
      studies have clearly linked job dissatisfaction and depression to
      back pain,although it is still unclear if stress is a direct cause.
      Tensiontype headaches are frequently associated with stress and
      stressful events.Some research suggests that headache sufferers may
      actually have some biological predisposition for translating stress
      into muscle contractions. Sleep disturbancesThe tensions of
      unresolved stress frequently cause insomnia,generally keeping the
      stressed person awake or causing awakening in the middle of the
      night or early morning.In fact,evidence suggests that stress
      hormonescan increase during sleep in anticipation of a specific
      waking time.However,there is some hope for sufferers in this area
      as relaxation therapy has been found to reduce stress levels and
      consequently improve the quality of sleep. I! ff= Efi’5.True /False
      /Not Given questions False means that the information in the
      question is factually wrong.Not Given means that the information in
      the statement is impossible to check because it is not mentioned in
      the text.Use the questions to help guide you through the reading
      passage.Look for clues in the questions to nd the correct part of
      the passage then read this section carefully.Questions 1-4Do the
      following statements agree with the information given in the
      passage? Next to questions 1-4 write True if the statement agrees
      with the information in the passage False if the statement
      contradicts the information in the passage Not Given if there is no
      information on this1 Stress was originally an important way of
      keeping humans safe.2 If stress continues for a long time,all of
      the body’s organs are affected… … … .. . .3 The study into
      the psychological effects of stress involved people with a history
      of depression. 4 Increased stress causes the body to produce more
      serotonin.Questions 5-6Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D. 5 The
      2003 study into the link between stress and suicide found that A
      fewer women suffer from stress than men.B stress reduces the risk
      of suicide in some women.C a larger number of men commit suicide
      than women.D women with low stress levels are less likely to commit
      suicide. 20
    10. 22. Keeping t 36 In 2002, a Scottish study showed that A there
      is a strong link between stress and heart problems.B there is a
      link between high stress levels and hospital visits.C a reduction
      in stress would reduce the risk of heart attacks.D men with high
      levels of stress felt no physical symptoms. Test TipFor
      classication items,locate the part of the text which refers to the
      threeoptions you are given.Read this part of the text carefully and
      look for ideas thatmatch the ideas in the questions.Remember.the
      wording will not be the same as in the question!Questions
      7-9Classify the following characteristics as being associated with
      A only menB only womenC both men and womenWrite the correct letter
      A,B or C next to questions 7-9. 7 There may be a variety of causes
      of stress… … … .. . . 8 Their way of dealing with stress can
      protect the heart.9 Increased heart disease is linked to stress at
      home.Questions 10-13Classify the following characteristics as being
      associated with A painB weight0 sleepWrite the correct letter A,B
      or 0 next to questions 10-13.10 The problem is reduced if stress is
      lowered… … … .. . _11 An increase in the severity of this
      problem may be related to work. 12 Stress may cause levels to
      increase or decrease.13 This problem may be the result of the bodys
      natural reaction to stress.21
    11. 23. ii. ‘.. tssssii .i_. :51l_’
    12. 24. _E 3.1U| J>lJ2Lifestyles 4COLLOCATION Complete the words
      or phrases in the sentences with life or living.Which answers are
      written as one word? 1?! Vocabulary noteNote the difference between
      life and living.Life is used to refer to the period between birth
      and death,living is used to refer to being alive,make a living
      refers to earning money.Going to Egypt and seeing the pyramids was
      a once in a . … … … … … . . . time opportunity for me.
      The standard of . … … … … … . . . in my country is very
      good;there are not many poor people there. In my job as a nurse I
      get to meet people from all walks of . … … … … … . .
      ..For me,being a vegetarian is not just about diet,it has become a
      way of . … … … … … . . ..Many people only think about
      bills they need to pay and forget to allow for everyday . … …
      … … … . . . expenses when they calculate a budget. It was a .
      … … … … … . . . long ambition of mine to travel to the
      Arctic Circle and see the northern lights. A rise in petrol prices
      inevitably leads to a rise in the costof . … … … … … . .
      ..The happiest people are those who have found a way to make a .
      … … … … … . . . from their hobby. Read the text and
      decide whether the sentences below are true or false.Match the
      words in bold in the sentences with one of the underlined words or
      phrases in the text. Leisure activigy isnt just for fun,says a
      University of FloridaI V i A.psychologist who has developed a scale
      that classies hobbies based on needs they satisfy in people.The
      scale can help people find more personal fullment by giving them
      insight into what they really like.The surprising thing is that
      activities you might think are very different have similar effects
      on people, said Howard E, .A.Tinslcy,at UF psychology professor who
      developed the measurement.Probably no one would consider acting to
      have the same characteristics as rollerskar_ing or playing
      baseball,but men and women who act as a hobby report feeling an
      intense sense of belonging to a group,much the same way others do
      in playing sports. And activities providing the strongest sense of
      competition are not sports,but card,arcade and computer games,he
      found.Participating in soccer satises our desire for a sense of
      belonging and coin collecting and baking full their need for
      crcativigy. «With so many people in jobs they dont care for,leisure
      is a prized git of people’s lives, Tinsley said.Yet its not
      something psychologists really study.Economists tell us how much
      money people spend skiing,but nobody explains why skiing really
      appeals to people. Or how one activity relates to another,perhaps
      in unexpected ways,Tinsley said.Fishing,generally considered more
      of an outdoor recreational activigy,for example,is a form of
      selfexprcssion likequilting or stamp collecting.because it gives
      people the opportunity [0 express some aspect of their personaligy
      by doing something completely different from their daily routin ,he
      said. Taking part in sports gives you the strongest desire to
      win… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      . . . Collecting things satises people’s desire for making
      things… … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … . . . Researchers already know why a hobby attracts a person…
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . .
      Fishing allows you to show the type of person you are… … …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . .23
    13. 25. 4 Lifestyles3.2Now look at the remaining words and phrases
      that have been underlined in the text and match them to these
      denitions. 1 a feeling of doing what you have always wanted to do .
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. . .2
      a deep understanding . … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … … .. . .3 a feature of . … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … … .. . .4 something that is done for
      enjoyment in your free time.(x3) . … … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … .. . .5 things you do every day . …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..
      4.14.2COLLOCATION Match the verbs with nouns from the box.You may
      use the words more than once. at ocu.achieve < . … … … …
      ….. Q . … … … … … . . . a need a goal a balance a
      living a choice a role make a change an opportunity a chance
      pressure (on) a decision meet Correct the 14 vocabulary mistakes in
      the text. Although we have a better standard of living nowadays,in
      many ways our quality of life is not as good as in the past because
      we are always too busy to enjoy what we have. Everyday life today
      is much more complicated than in the past.Even in our leisure time
      we have to take so many choices about what to do or even what to
      watch on TV.We are often spoilt for choice and this can leave us
      feeling confused and dissatised.We all know that it is important to
      get a balance between work and play.but many of us do not
      succeed.Instead,we make extra pressure for ourselves by trying to
      be as successful in our work life as in our personal life. Life in
      the past was much simpler as many people worked to get their basic
      needs.Today,for many of us,our job is not just a way of making a
      life.For many,work is an important role in our everyday life and
      gives us a strong sense of personal fullment.What is more,we have
      become much more materialistic.Many people get themselves goals
      such as buying a new house or car and so we measure our success by
      the material things we own.Desiring these luxuries is what
      motivates us to work much harder than in the past,so in many ways
      we choice this way of life. We have worked hard to improve our
      standard ofliving,but it may have come at a very high price.We need
      to take some changes in our priorities so that family occasions are
      as important as business meetings.We should also make every
      possible opportunity to relax and enjoy our leisure time.Once you
      have given the decision to do this,you should nd that your quality
      of life also improves.My ultimate aim is to have a happy family
      life.If I get this goal then I know I will not regret any chances I
      have lost to stay longer at the office. . … … … … … …
      … … … … …..611. … … … … … … … … … …
      …..712. … … … … … … … … … … …..813. … …
      … … … … … … … … …..914. … … … … … …
      … … … … …..10
    14. 26. Lifestyles 4Test practiceTest TipYou will have time at the
      start of each listening section to look at the questions.Read all
      of the information carefully.For notes completion questions you
      shouldcheck how many words you need to write.You should also use
      the information in l the questions to help you predict the type of
      word you need to listen for (e. g. a number,a date,or a
      name).Listening Section 2 lb Questions 1-10Complete the notes using
      NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER for each answer. Things to
      do in the holidays a Main problem children do not have a
      traditional (1) . … … … … … … … … … … … . . .
      . Some ideas .Give children jobs,for example cleaning the (2) . …
      … … … … … … … … … … . . . . — At home,ask
      children to help in the (3) . … … … … … … … … …
      … … . . ..c Get children to make (4) . … … … … … …
      … … … … … . . . ahead of time. — Get children involved in
      community work such as visiting the.o Involve older children in
      long-term (6) . … … … … … … … … … … … . . .
      in your community. 0 You may get some ideas from the (7) . … …
      … … … … … … … … … . . . . — The local (8) . …
      … … … … … … … … … … . . . is often the best
      place to find ideas. Things to remember — Make sure children stay
      (9) . … … … … … … … … … … … . . . . Children
      up to the age of (10) . … … … … … … … … … … …
      . . . need to be supervised by an adult. 25
    15. 27. Istudrgj1.11 Study,education,researchBefore you read the
      text,answer these questions. Do you prefer to studyA at school or
      college 3 in a library c at home?Do you study bestA early in the
      morning B during the day c at night?Do you prefer to workA with
      friends B with background music C in silence?1.2 Now complete the
      text with the correct form of the verbs in the box.There may be
      more than one possible1.326concentrate doanswer so try to use each
      verb once only. learn take teach review reviseovercome organise
      study Even the most studious among you will probably have difculty
      studying at some stage in your academic career.If or when this
      happens.the only way to (1) . … … … … … … … . . .
      this problem is to go back to basics.First,make sure you have a
      comfortable environment to (2) . … … … … … … … . . .
      in.Some students need to have a quiet space to themselves and can’t
      (3) . … … … … … … … . . . ifthere are too many
      distractions.Others need some sort of background noise,such as
      music or the company of friends.Whatever your personal preference
      is,you need to (4) . … … … … … … … . . . this rst of
      all.Next.make sure you have all of the equipment or tools that you
      need.For example,if you are a geography course and you have to (6)
      . … … … … … … … . . . about countries and their
      capital cities then you will need to have your atlas to hand.If
      youre (7) . … … … … … … … . . . your maths homework
      then be sure to nd your calculator.ruler,protractor and compass
      before you start.Perhaps you’re not preparing a homework assignment
      or project.but are trying to (8) . … … … … … … … . .
      . for an exam.If need to know exactly what is on your
      curriculum.You should also (9) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . your
      notes and make sure that you have a clear understanding of what
      your lecturers have (10) . … … … … … … … . . . you.Of
      course,people with a learning disorder such as dyslexia may need to
      work harderthan others at their studies as they often struggle to
      read even relatively simple texts.Now read the text again and nd a
      word or phrase to match these definitions.describes someone who
      studies a lot . … … … … … … … … … .. . .things
      that stop you from working . … … … … … … … … … ..
      . .a sound you can hear,but do not actively listen to . … … …
      … … … … … … .. . .two different types of homework or
      school task . … … … … … … … … … .. . . and . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . . to study for an exam . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . .another word for syllabus .
      … … … … … … … … … .. . .to check your work . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . .to do something with great
      difculty . … … … … … … … … … .. . .
    16. 28. 1.4 Underline the correct words in each sentence. 1 I would
      really like to learn about I study about the ancient Egyptians. 2
      We need to nd out/ know where to buy the tickets for the concert. 3
      I got into trouble at school because I didn’t know/ nd out my
      multiplication tables. 4 I did well in the test because I had
      known/ learned how to spell all ofthe words on the list. 5 Excuse
      me,do you nd out/ know where the nearest post ofce is? 6 It was
      difcult for me to learn / study at home,becauseStudent life 5L-l.
      vrr’or: i,rI1aliirr_LJ_-g Know =already have the information;find
      out =get the information. Study =learn about a subject through
      books /a course:I’m studying law;I’m studying for my exams.We don’t
      use any other prepositions after study.NOT Learn =get new knowledge
      or skills:I’m learning English;I’m learning to knit.Note that we
      say you are taking a course,NOT. NB Prepositions after learn:learn
      about.learn from,learn to:I learned a lot from this course.NOT
      Heesneet we didnt have a lot of space. 7 I want to learn how/ study
      how to drive a car. 8 I think you can only really learn from/ learn
      with experience. _EducaIim; _2.1Teacher Student1 . … 6 5? Replace
      the words in italics below with ONE word.Then listen to the
      recording and check your answers. Can you tell me about your early
      education? Well,I went to 1from the age of four and I remember that
      I didn’t enjoy it very much at all.My 2 from the age of5lo11 school
      was a little better,especially because my mum was a teacher in the
      school.She taught in the 3younger part of the school and she was
      actually my teacher in rst level,but when I went up to the 5 older
      part ofthe school Ididnt see very much of her.After that I was
      lucky enough to receive a 6 chance to go to school without paying
      fees for a very good 7 from age 11 to 18 school.My parents couldn’t
      have afforded to send me to a 8 notfree school so it was a really
      great opportunity for me.It was a9 only for one sex school,so there
      were no boys.I’m glad i didn’t go to a 10 for boys and girls school
      because I think there are fewer distractions so everyone can just
      concentrate on their studies. ‘/ II. -‘. ‘I_l. Il_ll(! l_»-mil:
      Words ending in -isl are usually used to describe a person who
      studies a particular subject or who holds a particular set of
      beliefs:economist,scientist,feminist,Marxist. 27
    17. 29. 5 Student life2.2 WORD BUILDING Complete the table.
      Adiective archaeological _mathematicalSCIENCE -_BeseaLr_h__T: 3.1
      .5b You will hear part of a talk for students.Listen and complete
      the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
      Continuing your studies after graduation writing your
      dissertationImportant considerations: 0 Many students struggle to
      nd a research (1) . … … … … … … … … … .. . . . —
      Writing a [2] . … … … … … … … … … .. . . is
      easierifyou make the right choice.You need to;0 Study the (3) . …
      … … … … … … … … .. 0 Have a wide (4) . … … …
      … … … … … … .. . . of your eld of study.- Establish
      what is (5) . … … … … … … … … … .. . . in your
      eld. 0 Have a clear idea of the (6) . … … … … … … …
      … … .. . . of your study. 0 Consider whether there are any (7)
      . … … … … … … … … … .. . . in existing
      research.i0 Think about your (8) . … … … … … … … …
      … .. . . carefully. I — Ask about (9) . … … ….. Ask your
      (10) . … … … … … … … … … .. . . to check your
      results.. … … … . . . from outside sources. 282.3 _ Complete
      the sentences with suitable words fromthe table. I’ve always wanted
      to go on an dig to try to nd fossils and ancient artefacts. Have
      you seen a copy of the a . … … … … … … … … … .. .
      . plan for the new building? My daughterisal . … … … … …
      … … … … .. . .; she speaks six different languages. The
      government has a good e . … … … … … … … … … .. .
      . policy.I’m sure the recession will be over soon. Im studyingj .
      … … … … … … … … … .. . ., I’ve always wanted to
      be a political writer. I’m not very familiar with the g . … …
      … … … … … … … .. . . of that part ofthe world. I 3.2
      Q 55 Listen to the talk again and writesynonyms for the words in
      italics in 3.1. ra9. t9r9444_etei . … … … … … … … …
      ..PRONUNCIATION5 Mark the stress on these words.Then listen and
      check to see if you were correct.Practise saying the words.
      academic assignment consideration concentrate controversy conduct
      (v) distraction dissertation economist educational educated
      research (n) thesis theory theoretical
    18. 30. Student life 5Test practiceGeneral Training Reading Section
      2Work experience and internship programsThrough our student work
      experience program,the education authority provides over 9,000 work
      experience placements for young people each year.Our program is
      designed to offer employment opportunities for students that will
      enrich their academic studies and help them gain valuable
      work-related skills thereby improving their chances of finding a
      good job after graduation.A placement does not need to be related
      to a particular field of study and so participants may even
      discover areas of work they have never considered before. All
      secondary and postsecondary school students in full-time education
      are eligible to apply for the program.individual case managers will
      determine the minimum level of academic achievement required for
      each job.During an academic term,a student may work parttime.During
      the summer holidays a student may work fulltime or part- time.The
      education authority is responsible for the recruitment of all
      students under the work experience program.Applicants apply in
      person to our office and we refer candidates to the appropriate
      department. Our internship program is designed specifically for
      post-secondary students.whether parttime or fulltime.Students on
      the internship program are given an assignment related to their
      research area offering them the chance to use their academic
      knowledge in an actual work setting.The academic institution plays
      an important role inthe placement of students under this program
      and they will determine the duration of a work
      assignment.Thesetraditionally last four months but internship
      assignments may vary from 4 to 18 months.Students in this program
      normally work full-time. Questions 1-3if you have high academic
      results from your educational institution.if you are a fulltime
      student. 1 You can apply for the work experience program .
      …..Outslde 0 n’3′ term time-Complete the sentence with the
      correct ending AE.Write the correct letter,AE,next to questions 1
      3.when you have graduated from university. 2 You can work on the
      student work experience program fulItime . ….. 3 You can only
      join the internship program . …..if you have nishefj your
      secondary education. Questions +8 Complete the summary below.Choose
      NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND I OR A NUMBER from . the text for each
      answer.Test Tip to the (4) . … … … … … … … … …
      … … . . . .Your willThe information in the summary may not be
      in the same order as in the reading text.tell you what
      qualifications you need.The internship program allowsundergraduates
      to gain work experience in their (6) . … … … … … … …
      … … … … . . . .The maximum length of an internship
      assignment is (7) . … … … … … … … … … … … . .
      . .This is decided by the (8) . … … … … … … … … …
      … … . . . . To take part in the work experience program,first
      you need to apply29
    19. 31. Choose the correct letter A,B,C or D. 1 My company has .
      … … … … … … . . . a new approach to staff meetings.We
      now have them standing up!A adapted B adopted C addressed D
      admitted 2 You can tell a lot by the way members of a family . …
      … … … … … . . . with each other.A identify B interact C
      relative D understand 3 We were unable to reach an agreement
      because ofthe . … … … … … … . . . between the two
      groups.A contact B concern C connection D conict 4 If we dont . …
      … … … … … . . . the artistic skills of young children
      they are far less creative as adults.A nurture B nature C provide D
      prevent 5 There is a very clear relationship . … … … … …
      … . . . education and academic success.A about 8 between C for D
      in 6 I have a very close relationship . … … … … … … . .
      . with my mother.A to B with C of D for 7 The . … … … … …
      … . . . to make quick decisions is vital in an emergency.A
      ability B knowledge C skill D talent 8 In my country people use
      their hands anda lot when they talk.A show B tell C gesture D
      imitate 9 I have very fond . … … … … … … . . . of my
      time in Spain.A memorise B minds C souvenirs D memories 10 Children
      need to learn to accept the consequences . … … … … … …
      . . . to their actions.A of B or C in D by 11 My older brother is
      very . … … … … … … . . . for his age.He still needs my
      parents to help him with everything.A mature B maturity C immature
      D immaturity 12 Everyone should travel;it really . … … … …
      … … . . . the mind.A broadens it develops C opens D widens 13 I
      can’t eat peanuts because I’m . … … … … … … . . . to
      them.A allergy B allergic C appetite D infection 14 Some forms of
      this disease are . … … … … … … . . . and can last for
      ve years or more.A chronic B acute C moderate D obese30
    20. 32. 161819202223214252627282930Unfortunately,scientists have
      been unable to nd a . … … … … … … . . . for this
      complaint.A prevention B disorder C therapy D cureThe man was put
      into an isolation ward because the disease was highly . … … …
      … … … . . . . Test One (Units 1-5)A infected B infectious C
      harmful D harmedAfter several hours the doctor was nally able to
      give us his . … … … … … … . . . .John had broken his
      ankle.A diagnosis B disease C symptoms D signsEating fatty foods
      can damage your . … … … … … … . . ..A healthy B health
      C harmful D unhealthyYou can’t always play it safe.Sometimes you
      need to . … … … … … … . . . a risk. A have B make C put
      D takeIt’s important to set yourself clear . … … … … …
      … . . . so you know what you are aiming for.A ambitions B goals C
      decisions D opportunities She is very . … … … … … … . .
      . .All she cares about is clothes and expensive cars. A realistic B
      optimistic C materialistic D pessimisticI like making things with
      my own hands.It gives me a lot of . … … … … … … . . . .
      A satisfaction B exhaustion C fullment D creation Ialways try to
      keep a positive . … … … … … … . . . on life. A overview
      B overlook C outlook D insightThe cost of . … … … … … …
      . . . has risen dramatically in the last few years. A life B live C
      lives D livingThe researchers . … … … … … … . . . many
      experiments to nd the most effective materials.A conrmed B
      conducted C considered D concerned Children who do not learn to
      read before they nish . … … … … … … . . . school
      struggle throughout the rest of their education. A primary B rst C
      nursery D kindergarten My tutor has some very interesting . … …
      … … … … . . . on how students learn. A topics B thesis C
      themes D theoriesWe had to cancel the project due to lack of . …
      … … … … … . . ..A ndings B funding C limits D
      controversyWe had to cover the rest of the . … … … … …
      … . . . ourselves while our teacher was ill. A contents B current
      C syllable D syllabusI can already speak three languages,but Id
      really like to . … … … … … … . . . to speak Chinese.A
      know B study C learn D teach31
    21. 33. m 1.1 Which of the following aspects of EnglishA
      vocabularyE1.2 v_53 Listen to somebody talking about learning a
      languagei 1.3U’lJ. |. AJ Language,linguisticsdo you nd the most
      difcult? B grammar F speakingC reading G listeningD writing
      pronunciationand say which THREE things in 1.1 she had difculty
      with. Q -63 Listen again and nd words that match these
      denitions.change words from one language to another . … … …
      … … … … … … … … . . . the ability to do something
      without making mistakes something that prevents successful
      communication . … … … … … … … … … … … . . . a
      person who has spoken the language from birth . … … … … …
      … … … … … … . . . the ability to speak without
      hesitation work or carry out daily tasks . … … … … … …
      … … … … … . . .2.1 IDIOMS W Use a dictionary to check the
      meaning of the phrases in the box.Then complete sentences
      1-8132with the correct phrase.There is something to be said for You
      can say that again!having said that have a say When all is said and
      done Needless to say That is to say to say the least Bill
      Hello,Sam,what a surprise meeting you here! Sam . … … … …
      … … … … … … … … … … … .. . . ! Nuclear power
      has its problems.However,.. … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … … … .many people believe it is the energy source of
      the future. . … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … .. . . switching to solar energy,although it is still too
      expensive for many people.Life without a constant supply of water
      can be difcult,.. … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … . . … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … .. . ., there is little we can do to save the
      environment without the full support of industry and the
      government. The tanker spilled 5,000 megalitres of oil into the
      ocean.effect on marine life in the area.this had a devastatingThere
      is a clear link between humans and environmental problems… …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … .. . ,
      wherever humans live,they damage the environment in some way. I
      think it’s important for everyone to . … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … … .. . . in how the government is
    22. 34. Effective communication 6; ;zl
    23. 35. 6 Effective communicationThe language emerged in the late
      1970s,at a new school for deaf children.Initially,the children were
      instructed by teachers who could hear.No one taught them how to
      sign;they simply worked it out for themselves.By conducting
      experiments on people who attended the school at various points in
      its history,Dr Senghas has shown how NSL has become more
      sophisticated overtime.For example,concepts that an older signer
      uses a single sign for,such as rolling and falling,have been
      unpacked into separate signs by youngsters.Early users,too,did not
      develop a way of distinguishing left from right.Dr Senghas showed
      this by asking signers of different ages toconverse about a set of
      photographs that each could see.One signer had to pick a photograph
      and describe it.The other had to guess which photograph he was
      referring to. When all the photographs contained the same
      elements,merely arranged differently,older people,who had learned
      the early form of the language,could neither signal which photo
      they meant.nor understand the signals oftheir younger partners.Nor
      could their younger partners teach them the signs that indicate
      left and right.The older people clearly understood the concept of
      left and right,they just could not express it.What intrigues the
      linguists is that,for a sign language to emerge spontaneously,deaf
      children must have some inherenttendency to link gestures to
      meaning. .3.2 _ qsay whether the following statements are true or
      false.Give an explanation for each answer using wordsfrom the
      text.Then use your dictionary to check the meaning of any words in
      bold that you do not know. 1 Ann Senghas studies languages. . …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . .2
      Teachers taught the Nicaraguan deaf children how to use sign
      language. 5 Linguists believe that deaf children are born with the
      ability to link gestures to meaning. 4.1Think about your answers to
      these questions. 1 What do you need to do to be a good language
      learner? 2 What do you think makes a good language teacher? 3 What
      problems do people experience when they learn your language? 4.2. 5
      Look at these answers to the questions in 4.1 and complete them
      with a suitable word from this unit.Listen to the recording to
      check your answers. 1 Well,you need to be able to put down your
      textbooks from time to time and forget about (1) . … … … …
      … … … … … .. . ..That’s the only way to become more a
      language.You also need to (3) . … … … … … … … … …
      .. . .tospeakers of the language as much as you can. 2 I think the
      best language teachers are those who can (5) . … … … … …
      … … … … .. . . another language themselves.They also need
      to be able to (6) . … … … … … … … … … .. . .
      things clearly and in a way that is easy to (7) . … … … …
      … … … … … .. . ..3 My (8) . … … … … … … …
      … … .. . . language is very difcult to learn because of the (9)
      . … … … … … … … … … .. . . .The
      individual34sounds are very strange to other nationalities and
      difcult for them to (10) . … … … … … … … … … .. .
    24. 36. Effective communication 6Test practiceAcademic ReadingFirst
      words There are over 6, 000 different languages today,but how did
      language evolve in the first place? Pinpointing the origin of
      language might seem like idle speculation,because sound does not
      fossilise.However,music,chitchat and even humour may have been
      driving forces in the evolution of language,and gossip possibly
      freed our ancestors from sitting around wondering what to say next.
      There are over 6,000 different languages today,and the main
      language families are thought to have arisen as modern humans
      wandered about the globe in four great migrations beginning 100,000
      years ago.But how did language evolve in the first place?Potential
      indicators of early language are written in our genetic
      code,behaviour and culture.The genetic evidence is a gene called
      FOXP2, in which mutations appear to be responsible for speech
      defects.FOXP2 in humans differs only slightly from the gene in
      chimpanzees,and may be about 200,000 years old,slightly older than
      the earliest modern humans.Such a recent origin for language seems
      at first rather silly.How could our speechless Homo sapiens
      ancestors colonise the ancient world,spreading from Africa to
      Asia,and perhaps making a short sea-crossing to Indonesia,without
      language?Well,language can have two meanings:the infinite variety
      of sentences that we string together,and the pointing and grunting
      communication that we share with other animals. Marc Hauser
      (Harvard University) and colleagues argue that the study of animal
      behaviour and communicationcan teach us how the faculty of language
      in the narrow human sense evolved.Other animals dont come close to
      understanding our sophisticated thought processes.Nevertheless,the
      complexity of human expression may have started off as simple
      stages in animal thinking or prob| emsolvlng.For example,number
      processing (how many lions are we up against? ), navigation (time
      to fly south for the winter),or social relations (we need teamwork
      to build this shelter).In other words,we can potentially track
      language by looking at the behaviour of other animals. William
      Noble and Iain Davidson (University of New England) look for the
      origin of language in early symbolic behaviour and the evolutionary
      selection in fine motor control.For example,throwing and making
      stone tools could have developed into simple gestures like pointing
      that eventually entailed a sense of selfawareness.They argue that
      language is a form of symbolic communication that has its roots in
      behavioural evolution.Even if archaic humans were physically
      capable of speech (a hyoid bone for supporting the larynx and
      tongue has been found ina Neanderthal skeleton),we cannot assume
      symbolic communication.They conclude that language is a feature of
      anatomically modern humans,and an essential precursor of the
      earliest symbolic pictures in rock art,ritual burial,major
      seacrossings,structured shelters and hearths all dating,they
      argue,to the last 100,000 years. But the archaeological debate of
      when does not really help us with what was occurring in those first
      chats.Robin Dunbar (University of Liverpool) believes they were
      probably talking about each other in other words,gossiping.He
      discovered a relationship between an animal’s group size and its
      neocortex (the thinking part of the brain),and tried to reconstruct
      grooming times and group sizes for early humans based on overall
      size of fossil skulls.Dunbar argues that gossip provides the social
      glue permitting humans to live in cohesive groups up to the size of
      about 150, found in population studies among
      hunter-gatherers,personal networks and corporate organisations.Apes
      are reliant on grooming to stick together,and that basically
      constrains their social complexity to groups of 50. Gelada baboons
      stroke and groom each other for several hours per day.Dunbar thus
      concludes that,if humans had nospeech faculty,we would need to
      devote 40 per cent of the day to physical grooming,just to meet our
      social needs. Humans manage large social networks by verbal
      grooming or gossiping chatting with friends over coffee,for
      example.So the audience can be much bigger than for grooming or
      one-on-one massage.Giselle Bastion,who recently completed her PhD
      at Flinders University,argues that gossip has acquired a bad
      name,being particularly associated with women and opposed by men
      who are defending their supposedly objective world.Yet its no
    25. 37. 6 Effective communicationthat men gossip too.We are all
      bent on keeping track of other people and maintaining alliances.But
      how did we graduate from grooming to gossip?Dunbar notes that just
      as grooming releases opiates that create a feeling of wellbeing in
      monkeys and apes,so do the smiles and laughter associated with
      human banter. Dean Falk (Florida State University) suggests
      that,before the first smattering of language there was
      motherese,that musical gurgling between a mother and her baby,along
      with a lot of eye contact and touching.Early human babies could not
      cling on to their mother as she walked on two feet,so motherese
      evolved to soothe and control infants.Motherese is a small social
      step up from the contact calls of primates,but at this stage
      grooming probably still did most of the bonding. So when did
      archaic human groups get too big to groom each other?Dunbar
      suggests that nomadic expansion out of Africa,maybe 500,000 years
      ago,demanded larger group sizes and language sophistication to form
      the various alliances necessary for survival.Davidson and Noble,who
      reject Dunbar’s gossip theory,suggest that there was a significant
      increase in brain size from about 400,000 years ago,and this may
      correlate with increasing infant dependence.Still,it probably took
      a long time before a mother delivered humanitys maiden
      speech.Nevertheless,once the words were out,and eventually put on
      paper,they acquired an existence of their own.Reading
      gossipmagazines and newspapers today is essentially one-way
      communication with total strangers a far cry from the roots of
      language. Questions 1-5 Choose the correct answer A,B,C or D. 1 In
      paragraph 1, the writer uses the term idle speculation to refer to
      the study of A why people began to use music.B where language first
      evolved.C when people began to talk.D how humour first began. 2
      What does the writer tell us about FOXP2? A It helps prevent speech
      problems.B It is the same in chimpanzees as in humans.C It could
      have first occurred 100,000 years ago.D It could have first
      occurred 200,000 years ago. 3 In paragraph 2, what notion does the
      writer refer to as being rather silly?A That language began such a
      long time ago.B That man could travel around the world unable to
      talk.C That chimpanzees may have been able to talk.D That
      communication between chimpanzees pre-dates man. 4 Why does the
      writer refer to lions in paragraph 3? A To illustrate the type of
      communication needs faced by early man.B To indicate how vulnerable
      early man was to predators.C To provide evidence of other species
      existing at the same time.D To show the relationship between early
      humans and other animals. 5 Gelada baboons are mentioned in order
      to show thatusing grooming to form social bonds limits the size of
      a social group.early humans would probably have lived in groups of
      up to 50. baboons social groups are larger than those of early
      humans.baboons spend 40 per cent of their time grooming each other.
    26. 38. Effective communication 6 T ‘ffFor matching items.first
      locate all the people listed in the text.Read all the views they
      express and then nd the statement which matches this.NB The ideas
      or statements in the questions will not be expressed in exactly the
      same words as in the text and they will not be in the same order as
      in the text.You may not need to use all of the people in the list.
      Questions 6-1 4Look at the following statements (questions 6-14)
      below and the list of people.Match each statement with the correct
      person or people,(AE). Write the correct letter,A-E,next to
      questions 6-14.NB You may use any letter more than once. 6 There is
      physical evidence of increased human intelligence up to 400,000
      years ago… … … …..7 in the modern world,gossiping is seen
      in a negative way… … … …..8 Language must have developed
      before art and travel. 9 The development of human language can be
      gauged by studying other species… … … …..10 Gossiping makes
      humans feel good… … … …..11 The actions of early humans
      could have evolved into a form of communication. 12 The first
      language emerged through a parent talking to an infant… … …
      …..13 Gossip was the first purpose of human communication.14
      Early humans used language to help them live together.List of
      people Hauser Noble and Davidson DunbarBastionFalkl11UOW>37
    27. 39. is T -L I / e . ‘;4’iJ me _ll. _rL:;Tourism,travelEta-mm
      _1.1 Answer these questions about the place where you live.1 What
      would you take a visitor to your hometown to see? 2 which of the
      following best describes the place where you live?A coastal B
      mountainous c rural D urban1.2 6 7*!Listen to four people
      describing where they live and complete the table below.Use the
      correct adjective from 1.1 for the Type of place column.Write down
      any words that helped you decide. _ 1.373 Listen again and decide
      which of the speakers hometowns can be reached: A by air . … …
      … . . . B by rail . … … … . . . C by road . … … … . .
      . D by sea . … … … . . . 1.1: Complete the sentences using
      the correct form of the 2 f. . f T,.’v T words in the box.You may
      use the words more than [email protected] i»~m»»51m: w-c’= H;r»c»‘r_’ 1When
      talking about statistics we say that gures reach a peak of or peak
      at:The number of visitors reached a peak of10,000Harbour city
      Tourism / peaked at 10,000. The opposite of a peak is a low.The
      word trough also has this meaning, at low of peak reach trend
      travel trough%100 but is usually used together with the word 80
      peak-.The number of visitors fell to a law of only 556 in 1978. The
      tourism industry has its 60 peaks and troughs.40 20 Cl city hotel
      occupancy I:rail travel O D coastal hotel occupancy E air
      travel1970 1985 2000adventure tourism38
    28. 40. On the move 71 The chart shows the . … … … … …
      … … .. . . in tourism in Harbour City in 1970,1985 and 2000. 2
      Adventure tourism rose from a low . … … … … … … … ..
      . , 20 per cent in 1970 to a peak . … … … … … … … ..
      . . 50 per cent in 2000.3 The occupancy of coastal hotels . … …
      … … … … … .. . . at close to 90 per cent in 1985.4 In
      2000 the number of passengersby air . … … … … … … …
      .. . . a peak of 80 per cent. 5 The number of train passengers fell
      to a . … … … … … … … .. . . of approximately 25 per
      cent in 2000.6 The two greatest . … … … … … … … .. .
      . occurred in adventure tourism in 1970 and rail travel in 2000.7
      The percentage of coastal hotel occupancy experienced the greatest
      . … … … … … … … .. . . and . … … … … … …
      … .. . ..8 City hotel occupancy peaked . … … … … … …
      … .. . . almost 80 per cent in 1985., _Travel_: j2.1Correct the
      seven vocabulary mistakes in the text. Thanks to modern transport
      people can nowjeornty a lot more easily than in the
      past.However,modern- day trip also has its problems:airports can be
      very crowded and there are often long queues of people waiting to
      collect their luggages,One way to make this job easier is to tie a
      colourful ribbon around each of your luggage so they are easier to
      spot on the conveyor belt.If you are going away on a short journey
      of onlya few days then you may be able to limit yourself to hand
      luggage and save even more time.For longer travels,make sure you
      take plenty of snacks and drinks,especially if you are trip with
      small children. ,=1-lit? -T-.1? fiwiiiiiizij ‘[email protected] ? !I: i,teIii.
      ilii. ; ‘*! .If’1.7_? {Travel:a verb and an uncountable noun used
      to talk about travelling in a general way:Air travel has become
      cheaper than rail travel in some places. Trip =short holiday or
      time away:Ihave to go on a business trip to japan.Trip can also be
      used to refer to a journey.The bus trip was really long. / ourney
      =getting from A to B:When driving along way it is best to break
      your journey up intotwo-hour blocks. Tourism =the industry or
      business of providing holiday transport,accommodation and
      entertainment. Travel/ Travelling =moving from one place to
      another:Ithink travel/ travelling helps to educate you about the
      world.NOT .NB Travelling =UK spelling,Traveling =US spelling.
      Luggage is uncountable and refers to all ofyour bags:Put your
      luggage/ suitcases here.Nottj2.2 Think of a suitable word or words
      to complete the sentences.Then read the following travel advice and
      checkyour answers. 1 I gave my parents a copy of my . … … …
      … … … … … … .. . . before I left so that they would
      know where I was. 2 It is difficult to get tickets at that time of
      year so we booked ours well . … … … … … … … … …
      … … … … … … … … … … … . . .. 3 My bank has a
      lot of branches overseas so I could . … … … … … … …
      … … .. . . my own account easily. 4 Driving a car during . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . . periods can be horrendous. 5
      Your passport,tickets and money are the only really . … … …
      … … … … … … .. . . items on any trip. 6 In the duty
      free shop they asked to see our tickets and some form of . … …
      … … … … … … … .. . ..7 The exchange rate can . …
      … … … … … … … … .. . . a great deal,so shop around
      for the best deal. 3 When we nally reached our . … … … …
      … … … … … .. . . we were very tired. 39
    29. 41. 7 On the moveW 2.3;affectsboundary journal 40a:(as in mi(as
      in ball)Travel adviceThe price of holidays can fluctuate a great
      deal throughout the year so try to be flexible with your travel
      dates and avoid peak holiday times.It can also be cheaper if you
      book well in advance.Before your departure,make sure you do as much
      research about your destination as you can.Find out if you require
      any special visas or permits to travel there.Think about currency
      as well.Will you be able to access your own money easily enough or
      will you need to take cash with you?Think about eating larger
      lunches and smaller evening meals to help make your spending money
      go further,as lunch is generally cheaper.Make sure that you keep
      sufficient identication with you at all times.It may also help to
      email a copy of your passport details to yourself in case it is
      lost or stolen.Label your suitcases clearly so that they can be
      easily identified as yours.It can be useful to store a copy of your
      itinerary in a prominent place in your suitcase so that the airline
      will know where to find you if your luggage gets lost.Be sure to
      pack any medication or other essential items in your hand
      luggage.If your flight is delayed or your luggage is lost these can
      be difficult to obtain in an airport or foreign country. Complete
      the essay below with suitable words from the box.Then,in your
      notebook,write a conclusion for the essay. effect eco-tourism
      remote transport trend tourism touristsWhat are the advantages and
      disadvantages of tourism? Since the aeroplane became a common form
      of people have become more adventurous in their choice of holiday
      destination and expect to be able to fly to even the most [2] . …
      … … … … … … … … . . . parts of the world.But what
      (3) . … … … … … … … … … . . . do tourists have on
      their surrounding environment? The arrival ofa group of (Li) . …
      … … … … … … … … . . . in a small community can mean
      the end of peace and quiet as they indulge in one long party.When
      on holiday,away from parents.young people can sometimes change
      their normal standards of behaviour.Fuelled by alcohol and too much
      sun they can do damage to themselves as well as the community
      around them.This invasion (5) . … … … … … … … … …
      . . . the local people in many ways,disrupting their normal routine
      and increasing their working hours. However,(6) . … … … …
      … … … … … . . . can also be of benefit to a small
      community,bringing jobs and a source of income that may not have
      existed before.This may mean that younger people are encouraged to
      stay in the community rather than seeking work in the city.There is
      also a growing towards different types of holidays.Nowadays we hear
      a great deal about the popularity of (8) . … … … … … …
      … … … .which I think indicates that people are more aware of
      the environment and wish to protect it rather than harm it. b
      PRONUNCIATION 7* All of these words contain the letters ou,but they
      are not all pronounced in thesame way.Put these words into the
      correct box according to their pronunciation.Then listen and check.
      bought double doubt journey southern tourismcough noughtcourse
      roughcountry southdrought enoughtourist trouble trough
    30. 42. On the move 7Test practiceGeneral Training Reading Section
      1AThis summer we have a fabulous range of adventure holidays
      climbing up mountains or flying off them!Vith our unique
      allinclusive formula and budget accommodation,were sure you will
      not nd better value elsewhere.Ourholidays are ideal for young
      people travelling by themselves as there is no single person
      supplement and the group lessons included are a great way to meet
      new people.A minimum age applies to all activities.Discover the
      hidden beauty of a Roman town and its 21st-century
      delights.Experience a sumptuous countryside welcome of fine
      food,admire our world-class heritage and the stunning scenery that
      surrounds our town.Enjoy the elegance and excitement of our
      fivestar hotel.We offer exclusive couples-only accommodation and
      you are sure to leave us feeling pampered and relaxed. We offer the
      widest choice of destinations,accommodation and activities
      throughout the Alps.We can provide accommodation only or a fully
      packaged activity holiday including flights and accommodation.As a
      specialist company we craft tailormade holidays to your exact needs
      and specications.Mountain biking,trekking,skiing and snowboarding
      are just some of the many activities on offer.We can provide
      top-quality chalets,hotels or apartments and any combination of the
      above activities. This Icelandic wonderland never ceases to amaze
      with its diverse scenery,wealth of activities and attractions
      including whale watching and the famous Blue Lagoon,this
      destination is,not surprisingly,addictive!One of the worlds last
      genuine wilderness areas,this breathtaking,icecovered landscape is
      more accessible in the summer than you might think.Forget about
      hiring a car why not try rafting along a slowmoving river? This is
      a captivating holiday destination.There are beautiful
      beaches,coastal villages,unspoilt coves and bays,clear turquoise
      waters,breathtaking scenery,mountains that appear to rise out of
      the sea,cities that sparkle with life.the brilliant sunshine all
      contributing to a holiday paradise.There is plenty to see and do
      and families are particularly well-catered for. Questions 1 -8Look
      at the five holiday advertisements,AE.For which holiday are the
      following statements true?Write the correct letter AE next to
      questions 1-8. NB You may use any letter more than once. [email protected]>(.
      l’l-l>l’. Dl! Offers both coast and mountains.You can observe
      sea creatures.Offers selfcatering facilities.Good for people
      travelling alone.Offers winter sports… … … ….. Suitable for
      people with young children.Suitable for people with not much money
      to spend.Offers luxurious accommodation… … … ….. 41
    31. 43. I. .,, tll_ _lIEll,_ . l’tuLlr~s-l. ;L; J;l_l
      Ll3Time,historyFr1.1 Which of the statements are true for you? 1 A
      I wear a digital watch.B 2 A I write important dates on my
      calendar.B 3 A Iam very punctual.B1.2 ‘?Listen to three people
      speaking about punctualityA punctual B always in a hurry C always
      late Speaker 1 . … … … . . . Speaker 2 . … … … . . .
      Speaker 3 . … … … . . . 1.3 [email protected]_3E l Listen again and circle
      each of the phrases in the42and decide whether they arebox as you
      hear them.Then complete the sentencesbelow using the correct
      phrase. on time in time took so long take my time the right time
      spend time save time lose track of time time-consumingWhen I surf
      the net I often . … … … … … … … … … . . . .Before
      I know it a few hours have gone by. I try to make my lunch the
      night before toAt the weekend Itry to . … … … … … … …
      … … . . . with my family. lnd writing notes by hand very . We
      booked a taxi but it . … … … … … … … … … . . . to
      arrive that we were 15 minutes late. Excuse me,do you haveI havean
      appointment at 10 oclock and I really want to get there . Iran for
      the bus,but I didnt get thereI got up very early so that I could .
      … … … … … … … … … . . . getting ready.Iwear an
      analogue watch.c I keep a diary.cIam often in a hurry.CIdont wear a
      watch. Idont use either. I am always late. tL= tittt. tz. ~t. l.’t:
      -;trJJ: tt: ;-3 T (5 We use take + time in the following ways:Take
      your time (=don’t hurry),Tokea long time/ too much time.NB We can
      say It took a lot oftime / so much time/ too much time,but be
      careful when you use long;it took a long time/ It tooktoo long/ It
      took so long.NOT . lt-teeJetee-le= rg-We can also say I took three
      hours to get there or It took (me) threehours to get there. 1.4 Say
      whether the words in bold are closest inmeaning to before or after.
      Twenty people were injured in the accident and the tower was
      subsequently demolished to prevent it from happening again. Prior
      to the introduction of the steam engine,most people in the UK
      worked from home. Three years previously the government had
      introduced a new law allowing women to vote for the first time.
      There was a great deal of excitement in the days preceding the
      election. This is the third year in succession that a female has
      been chosen to manage the club. Istanbul was formerly known as
      Constantinople.I had to pay $2,000 rent in advance. The newspapers
      warned that a stock market crash was imminent.

    Чтобы выполнить задание нужно авторизоваться и тогда появятся кнопки «Сохранить» и «Завершить задание».

    1. Mother earns the main salary in our family.

    2. He is the sort of person who always tends to achieve two useful things with one action .

    3. — Well, Jimmy, what do you think of the film?

    — Eh, I thought that Matt Damon was good in it, but I the rest of the acting was a bit poor.

    — Absolutely. His character made the story unbelievable as a whole. And myself, I was not able to understand the film overall.

    4. She isn’t worth being taken seriously. She’ll treat any problem as if it was very serious when in fact it is not .

    5. If you are going to invest some money, my advice would be never put all your money into one plan .

    6. She looked so silly yesterday because she made a mistake in some basic figures at a meeting where all the main company managers were present.

    7. We don’t want to cause trouble by exposing you company.

    8. These two actors are very similar .

    9. If you sell your mansion now, you could be destroying the thing that brought you great profit at once.

    10. My husband is very skillful, he can do many different jobs plumbing, carpentry, welding and a bit of gardening.

    11. Please, don’t ask me how to keep, feed or train ferrets properly. I don’t know anything about them .

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