Replace the word in brackets

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9 лет назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

Replace the words in brackets by the correct personal pronouns.
1.My name is Sue. __ am English. And this is my family.
2.My mum’s name is Angie. __ is from Germany.
3.Bob is my dad.__is a waiter.
4.On the left you can see Simon. __ is my brother.
5.__ are twins.

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(1 оценка)


9 лет назад

Светило науки — 145 ответов — 2035 раз оказано помощи

1) I

2) She

3) He

4) He

5) They/We

(1 оценка)


(1 оценка)


9 лет назад

Светило науки — 6 ответов — 15 раз оказано помощи

1) I





(1 оценка)

Johanna Martin writes articles and reports for her school newspaper.
Replace the words in brackets in Johanna’s article with the appropriate words from the box.
I just (0) entered (started to learn at) high school and noticed that many of my
fellow students were not (1)________._____ (encouraged) to learn at all. I am
one of a few who try to (2) ___________ (get) A’s in my classes, but I am
sometimes (3)_____________ (thought to be) boastful. My message to these
students is this: grow up. You are (4) —____________ (given) free education
and you are lucky to get it. Since you are not taking the (5)———————
(chance) of this, you don’t really earn it. Still, you ignore it by not (6)
_________ (doing) your homework and arguing with teachers. You aren’t
going to achieve anything with your life when you (7)——————— (leave)
school.                                                  You                                                  are
(8)________ (inspired) for be a success but you do not use your chance.
I’m sure it is possible to (9) _____(make better) your learning results
and have fun too. For many teenagers all over the world education is not available and they can’t (10)_____________(go to) school. Not everyone can become
an (11)_____________ (excellent) sportsman or film star, the rest of us have
to work to (12) _____________: (succeed) in life. So, I (13)_____________
(advise) you to stop wasting people’s money and time and (14)___________
(think about) your attitude before it’s too late.

Replace the words in brackets with possessive pronouns.

His car is older (My car)

Our son is as old as (your son)

My Engish as good as (his English)

His hair is longer than (her hair)

Our dog is more beautiful than (their dog)

Their scores are higher than (our scores).

Вы перешли к вопросу Replace the words in brackets with possessive pronouns?. Он относится к категории Английский язык,
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  • 0

Replace the words in brackets with possessive pronouns.
His car is older (My car)
Our son is as old as (your son)
My Engish as good as (his English)
His hair is longer than (her hair)
Our dog is more beautiful than (their dog)
Their scores are higher than (our scores)

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

His car is older than mine
Our son is as old as yours
My English is as good as his
His hair is longer than hers
Our dog is more beautiful than theirs
Their scores are higher than ours

  • Комментариев (0)

  • 0

His car is older than mine
Our son is as old as yours
My English is as good as his
His hair is longer than hers
Our dog is more beautiful than theirs
Their scores are higher than ours

  • Комментариев (0)


4. Phrasal verbs 1

Replace the words in brackets using a
suitable phrasal verb from the box. Put the verb in the correct form.

come up with

drop in

get at

get down

get round

give away

go off

go out

go back

hand in

pass away

turn down


Some idiot turned off the fridge,
and the milk has ____gone off_____.
(become sour)


He looked quite convincing
dressed as a woman, but his moustache ___________ him ___________.
(revealed the truth about him)


The game of chess originates
from India and ___________ ___________ about two thousand years. (is two
thousand years old)


I need a break. All this
non-stop work is ___________ me ___________. (depressing)


What exactly are you ___________
___________? Have I done something wrong? (trying to say)


No, darling, it looks
terrible. I think you’ll find that purple spiky hair ___________ ___________
decades ago. (became unfashionable)


I was offered a great job in
America, but I had to ___________ it ___________ because I’m looking after
my mother. (refuse)


I know you’re busy, but can’t
you just ___________ ___________ for a minute and say hello to the guys?
(visit briefly)


She’s brilliant. We spent
weeks on this software problem, getting nowhere. Then she arrived and ___________
___________ a solution straightaway. (thought


How can we ___________ ___________
the problem of over-staffing without actually sucking people? (solve)


It’s too late to change your
mind now. You’ve ___________ ___________ your resignation. (submitted)


After my husband ___________ ___________
I was grief stricken for years – well, weeks anyway. (died)


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  • Replace the word in bold with the correct personal pronoun перевод
  • Replace any character word
  • Replace the word in bold with one used for both men and women
  • Replace all words microsoft word
  • Replace the word in bold in this sentence