Replace the word in bold in this sentence

Check your vocabulary for TOEFL


Exercise 1

Look at the words and expressions in the box, and
answer questions 1 – 14. You may need to change the form of some of the words..

adverse working conditions         applicant          application form          be laid off         blue-collar worker       boss        candidate       commission         demanding         dismiss          dismissal         downsize         employee        employer        fire        fixed income         flexible working hours         freelance          full time        hire          homeworker           incentives         incentive scheme          income             increment              interview             interviewee                 interviewer          job satisfaction          job security          manager           manual worker         manufacturing industry      (on) leave          overtime        part-time         pension          pension contributions            perks           profession     promotion         raise       recruitment drive           repetitive strain injury (RSI)         resign           retire                     rewards and benefits          salary            self-employed            semi-skilled        service industry                                        sick
building syndrome           sickness
benefit           skilled            a steady job                stress            supervisor     unemployed         unemployment          union            unskilled         unsociable hours          wage          (on) welfare       white-collar worker              workaholic


Replace the word in bold in this
sentence with another word from the box which has a similar meaning: “A lot
of people wanted the job, but she was the best candidate”.


What is the difference between a wage
and a salary?


Complete this sentence: _____________
is a painful condition of the muscles in the hands and the arms caused by
doing the same movement many times (for example, using a computer over a long
period of time).


Replace the word in bold in this
sentence with another word from the box which has a similar, but less formal,
meaning (you will need to change the form of the word): “When he was caught
stealing from the company, he was instantly dismissed”.


Complete this sentence: The word raise
in the box is similar in meaning to _____________ (which is also in the


What is the difference between a blue-collar
and a white-collar worker?


True or false?: When a company downsizes
its work force, this means that it pays its workers less than before.


Complete this sentence: _____________
are extra payments or benefits that you get in your job (for example, free
meals, health insurance, company car, etc.).


What do you think sick building


Complete this sentence: If you have
_____________, you have work which is reliable and will last for a long time.


True or false?: retire and resign
have the same meaning.


Complete this sentence: Banks,
hospitals, and hotels are examples of _____________.


Would you be happy if you had adverse
working conditions


Complete this sentence: A person who is
_____________ is not permanently employed by one company, but sells their
services to more than one company.

Exercise 2

Use your
dictionary to check the meanings of the other words and expressions in the box.

Exercise 3

Complete this essay with appropriate words and
expressions from the box in Exercise 1. You may need to change the form of some
of the words.

people live to work and others work to live. In most cases, this depends on
the job they have and the
conditions under which they are employed. In your opinion, what are the
elements that make a job

In answering
this question, I would like to look first at the elements that combine to
make a job undesirable. By avoiding such factors, potential (1) _____________
are more likely to find a job that is more worthwhile, and by doing so, hope
to achieve happiness in their work.

First of all,
it doesn’t matter if you are an (2) _____________ worker cleaning the floor,
a (3) _____________ (4) _____________ worker on a production line in one of
the (5) _____________, or a (6) _____________ worker in a bank, store, or one
of the other (7) _____________: if you lack (8) _____________, with the knowledge
that you might lose your job at any time, you will never feel happy.
Everybody would like a (9) _____________ in which he or she is guaranteed
work. Nowadays, however, companies have a high turnover of staff, (10)
_____________ new staff and (11) _____________ others on a weekly basis. Such
companies are not popular with their workers.

The same can be
said of a job in which you are put under a lot of (12) _____________ and
worry, a job which is so (13) _____________ that it takes over your life, a
job where you work (14) _____________ and so never get to see your family or
friends, or a physical job in which you do the same thing every day and end
up with the industrial disease that is always in the papers nowadays – (15)

With all these
negative factors, it would be difficult to believe that there are any
elements that make a job worthwhile. Money is, of course, the prime
motivator, and everybody wants a good (16) _____________. But of course that
is not all. The chance of (17) _____________, of being given a better
position in a company, is a motivating factor. Likewise, (18) _____________
such as a free lunch or a company car, an (19) _____________ plan to make you
work hard such as a regular (20) _____________ above the rate of inflation,
(21) _____________ in case you fall ill and a company (22) _____________ plan
so that you have some money when you retire all combine to make a job

it is not always easy to find all of these. There is, however, an alternative.
Forget the office and the factory floor and become (23) _____________ and
work for yourself. Your future may not be secure, but at least you will be

Exercise 4

Now try this essay. Use words and expressions from
the vocabulary box in Exercise 1, and any other words or expressions that you
think would be relevant.

“It is more important to have a job you
enjoy doing than a job which pays well.” How far do you agree with this
statement? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Rewrite the sentences in the negative. Replace the words in bold with object pronouns, as in the example.
1. Give John the ball! – Don’t give him the ball.
2. Look at Julie.
3. Eat the ice cream.
4. Listen to Anna and Mark.
5. Make a sandwich for Sam.

Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 3 Grammar Practice. Номер №6


Перевод задания
Перепишите предложения отрицательно. Замените слова, выделенные полужирным шрифтом, на местоимения объекта, как в примере.
1. Дайте мяч Джону! − Не давайте ему мяч.
2. Посмотрите на Джули.
3. Съешьте мороженое.
4. Послушайте Анну и Марка.
5. Сделайте для Сэма бутерброд.

1. Don’t give him the ball.
2. Don’t look at her.
3. Don’t eat it.
4. Don’t listen to them.
5. Don’t make a sandwich for him.

Перевод ответа
1. Не давайте ему мяч.
2. Не смотри на нее.
3. Не ешьте это.
4. Не слушайте их.
5. Не делайте ему бутерброд.

Все категории

  • Фотография и видеосъемка
  • Знания
  • Другое
  • Гороскопы, магия, гадания
  • Общество и политика
  • Образование
  • Путешествия и туризм
  • Искусство и культура
  • Города и страны
  • Строительство и ремонт
  • Работа и карьера
  • Спорт
  • Стиль и красота
  • Юридическая консультация
  • Компьютеры и интернет
  • Товары и услуги
  • Темы для взрослых
  • Семья и дом
  • Животные и растения
  • Еда и кулинария
  • Здоровье и медицина
  • Авто и мото
  • Бизнес и финансы
  • Философия, непознанное
  • Досуг и развлечения
  • Знакомства, любовь, отношения
  • Наука и техника


Replace the words in bold with a subject or object
pronoun, as in the example
1. Rick has got a car.
He has got it.
2. Jerry likes cheese.
3. David loves Helen.
4. This present is for me and you.

5. My parents love Batman

1 ответ:




2 he likes cheese

3 he loves Helen

4 it’s for me and you

5 they love batman

Читайте также

1) must


3)to watch


5)is worse

6)a few food



Упр.2 закрытая дверь,написанная работа,один из обсужденных вопросов, хорошо известный писатель, хорошо одетая женщина,хорошо сделанный перевод, плохо сшитое платье

1) b=100
1%= 1, 20%=20
2) b=75
1%=0.75, 20%=15
3) b=680,5
1%=6.805, 20%=136.1
4) b=3.5
1%=0.035, 20%=0.7

Shop assistant:Good morning, Sir. Гуут морниг сар How can I help you?  Хау кен ай хелп ю John:I’m looking for a skirt. Ай ем луукин фор а скарт Shop assistant:The skirts are over here. Дъ скартс ар овар хиар Any particular color? Ени партикюлар колар John:A blue one, please. А блю уан плийз Shop assistant:What size are you? Уот сайз ар ю John:I’m a size 16 collar. Ай ем а сайз сикстийн колар Shop assistant:What about this one? Уот абоут дис уан John:That’s fine. Датс файн Thank you. Танк ю Shop assistant:You’re welcome! Ю ар уелком John:How much is it?  Хау мач из ит Shop assistant: That’s £15, please. Датс фифтийн плийз John:Here you are. Хиар ю аре Shop assistant:Thank you. Танк ю Have a nice day! Хев а найс дей Как произносится по русски?

1 задание:

3)Kate can’t ride a bike.

4)Jake can ride a bike.

5)Emily can play football.

6)Scott can’t play football.

2 задание:

1)Can Linda sing? — a. Yes, she can

2)Can Jake sing? — d. No, he can’t

3)Can Kate ride a bike? — b. No, she can’t

4)Can Jake ride a bike? — c. Yes, he can

5)Can Emily play football? — a. Yes, she can

6)Can Scott play football? d. No, he can’t

Обучайтесь и развивайтесь всесторонне вместе с нами, делитесь знаниями и накопленным опытом, расширяйте границы знаний и ваших умений.

поделиться знаниями или
запомнить страничку

  • Все категории
  • экономические
  • гуманитарные
  • юридические
  • школьный раздел
  • разное

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  1. Ответ на вопрос

    Ответ на вопрос дан

    We are 10 years old.
    It is on the desk.
    You are classmates.
    It is in room B.
    She is My Art teacher.


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