Replace the underlined words with a word or phrase from the word list withdrawn

Слайд 1

Unit 2.1 Module 2

Слайд 2

Describe the pictures (p.35): What can you see in the picture? Which units (1-14) are the pictures from? What is each unit about? Tell the class.

Слайд 3

Find the page numbers for : A news report ___ A job advert [ˈædvɜːt]____ A joke ____ A table of information about food ____

Слайд 4

Find the page numbers for : A news report __48_ A job advert [ˈædvɜːt]_54___ A joke __38__ A table of information about food _42___

Слайд 5

Lead-in Look at the title of the text The title comes from a well-known fairy tale. Can you complete it? Fairy tale- Snow White, written by The Brothers Grimm Mirror [ˈ mɪrə ] , mirror on the wall Who is the fairest of them all ?

Слайд 6

These groups of words appear in the text. Say what you think the text is about. What issue does the author talk about? Lively teenager Her behaviour started to change Hardly ate anything Burst into tears – заливаться слезами, рыдать Skinny and pale Enraged [ ɪnˈreɪʤd ] by the slightest thing — Взбешенный малейшей вещью Distorted [ dɪˈstɔːtɪd ]body image -Искаженное изображение тела Lack of self-esteem — Недостаток самоуважения. Заниженная самооценка Urgent medical attention — срочная медицинская помощь Weight back to normal — Вес вернулся к норме Colour returned to her cheeks — На ее щеки вернулся румянец

Слайд 7

Read the text and do the task (ex.2 p.36)

Слайд 8

words for help i put it down to a simple cast of exam nerves — я списал это на простой случай нервов на экзамене GCSE — выпускной экзамен Drastically -радикально, кардинально sullen [ˈsʌlən] and withdrawn- угрюмый и замкнутый i didn’t want to make big deal of it- я не хотел придавать этому большого значения settle down- остепениться wild mood swings- дикие перепады настроения initial reaction [ɪˈnɪʃəl rɪˈækʃn]- изначальная реакция loss [lɒs] потеря anorexia [ænəˈreksɪə]nervosa — нервная анорексия distorted [dɪˈstɔːtɪd] — искаженный

Слайд 9

words for help portray women — изображать женщин equate thinness — приравнять худобу Brittle — хрупкие to come to terms with — чтобы прийти к соглашению с severe [sɪˈvɪə] — суровый. Жестокий. psychiatrist [saɪˈkaɪətrɪst] — психиатр underlying [ʌndəˈlaɪɪŋ] — основной. Лежащий в основе guilty [ˈgɪltɪ] — виновный vibrant [ˈvaɪbrənt] — живой, полный жизни, энергичный dreadful [ˈdredf(ə)l] — жуткий

Слайд 10

Ex.2 p.36 Answer key A (lines 1-2) B (12) C (21) D (29-30) B (46) B (50) A (58-60)

Слайд 11

Choose the correct answer T/F/NS At first, her mother didn’t make a big deal of uncommon behaviour of her daughter because she was worried about the exams. Sarah was getting better and better during the summer. Sarah and her mother both found useful information on website to cope with eating disorder. Girls with low self-esteem are more likely to become a victim of anorexia. All models eat little in order to succeed in the profession. The most shocking fact about anorexia is that it can lead to death if the sufferer is not given urgent medical help. Sarah has still been seeing a psychiatrist to solve her underlying problems.

Слайд 12

Ex.4 p.37 Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the list … ……magazines ……of the class ….snacks …..into tears …..image ……attention …..swings Just …..sixteen ….a role ……to death ……disorder

Слайд 13

Make 5 sentences using them

Слайд 14

ex.4 p.37 explain the underlined idioms

Слайд 15

ex.5 p.37 explain the underlined idioms make a big deal of it: give more importance to sth than it deserves get back to normal: return to the usual conditions turned her nose up at: treated things/suggestions with disapproval and disdain tearing my hair out: extremely frustrated by events scared me to death: extremely frightened by sth come to terms with: accept the reality of an unpleasant situation get through it together: give each other support to overcome a difficult situation

Слайд 16

Ex6 p.37match the words with their meanings. certain First Very angry Attractiveness Basic Strategies Energetic Twisted Crying Serious Bad-tempered unsociable

Слайд 17

Exercise 6 (p. 37) sullen: bad-tempered withdrawn: unsociable convinced: certain enraged: very angry initial: first tactics:strategies distorted: twisted glamour: attractiveness severe:serious tearful: crying underlying: basic vibrant: energetic

Слайд 18

Hometask Replace the underlined words with words from the list Withdrawn, convinced, lively, initial, dreadful, enraged, distorted, severe, skinny, vibrant, urgent, underlying

Слайд 19

Hometask Replace the underlined words with words from the list Withdrawn, convinced, lively, initial, dreadful, enraged, distorted, severe, skinny, vibrant, urgent, underlying

Слайд 20

Fill in: factor, cheeks, deal, glamour, loss, sufferers, lack, tactics, hair, achiever

Слайд 21

Ex.3 p.37 The text probably comes from a woman’s magazine or a newspaper supplement. The writer’s purpose is to inform people about the problems the disorder causes and how these can be dealt with. The message is that it is important to deal with such problems in a calm, patient manner.

Слайд 22

Exercise 4 (p. 37) 1 Although my son said that getting into university was no big deal, I know that he was very proud of his achievement. 2 I was never surprised when she came top of the lass each year. 3 I was so surprised by the news that I burst into tears of joy. 4 My brother is very concerned about his body image ; he is always admiring his muscles in the mirror ! 5 I think glossy magazines are expensive and create a false picture of what life is about . 6 If the pain does not go away in a day or two, you must seek medical attention. 7 She has just turned sixteen so she’s having a birthday party. 8 It’s alright to have light snacks now and again, but you must make sure you eat proper meals every day. 9 I find my sister’s mood swings very annoying; you never know when she is going to suddenly lose her temper. 10 The government believes that athletes can play a role in setting standards for young people to follow. 11 My sister was scared to death when she saw the enormous spider in the bath! 12 A lack of appetite does not necessarily mean a person is suffering from an eating disorder; there may be another cause.

Слайд 23

Lead-in. Describe the picture You’re going to do Round Robin activity( круговой мозговой штурм ). Divide into two teams. Each member of the team will share his/her ideas with the group, describing what he / she can see in the picture. Each of you will have 30 seconds to prepare and 15 seconds to answer.(1-3 sentences).

Слайд 24

Skinny, extremely, suffer from, eating disorder, medical help, cure, leads to death, underweight, distorted body image, anorexia, loss, brittle, Lead-in. Describe the picture I’d like some students to share their opinions with the class.

Слайд 25

Thinking over 30 s Giving opinions in the group Ask each student from two groups to make a conclusion on the problem Giving their opinions

Слайд 26

Match the words to form phrases 1 eating A swings 2 burst B esteem 3 m edical C disorder 4 back D to death 5 body E into tears 6 self- F attention 7 mood G to normal 8 scared H image

Слайд 27

Check the homework Ex.4,5,6 p.37 Exercises on the slides

Слайд 28

Translate into English Variant I Variant II 1 угрюмый 2 разъяренный, взбешённый 3 искаженный 4 плачущий, печальный 5 живой, полный жизни 6 большое/важное значение 7 перепады настроения 8 играть роль 9 пищевое расстройство 10 вернуться к нормальной жизни 11 замкнутый 12 основной, базовый, лежащий в основе 13 медицинская помощь/уход 14 напугал до смерти 15 самооценка 1 замкнутый 2 первоначальный, исходный 3 суровый, жестокий 4 тактика, прием 5 основной, базовый, лежащий в основе 6 лучший в классе 7 медицинская помощь/уход 8 только что исполнилось шестнадцать 9 напугал до смерти 10 самооценка 11 плачущий, печальный 12 живой, полный жизни 13 перепады настроения 14 пищевое расстройство 15 искаженный

Слайд 29

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Alice who writes …I don’t think it will be a problem for me to lose weight in the future as I’m really interested in it. What are the most efficient ways to lose weight? Why many people try to follow a healthy lifestyle? If you choose a healthy lifestyle as your goal, how important family’s support will be for you? I went with my friends to the cinema in order to watch a film. The film seemed really interesting. Write a letter to Alice. In your letter answer her questions, ask 3 questions about the film. Write 100−140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Слайд 30

Speaking ex.7 p.37

Слайд 31

Speaking ex.7 p.37 A: Look, Sarah, I’m terribly worried about you.Why don’t you go to see a doctor? B: No way, mum! I don’t need to see any doctors!There’s nothing wrong with me! I’m fine, just leave me alone! A: I think you should because you don’t look at all well. You’ve lost a lot of weight and that can’t be right. B: I just don’t see the point. It’s only because of these exams. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. A: But don’t you realise how serious this could be? If you have anorexia it could seriously damage your heart.You could even die, Sarah! B: Well … OK, but only if you promise not to shout at me again.

Слайд 32

Translate in English Ее болезнь напугала меня до смерти. После развода он стал замкнутый и угрюмый. Люди с низкой самооценкой чаще впадают в депрессию. Анорексия вызвана пищевым расстройством. Мой пёс супер энергичный и активный. После серьезной болезни он наконец-то вернулся к нормальной жизни. Моей однокласснице нужна срочная медицинская помощь. Она помешалась на худобе. ( thinness ) Алекс, которому только что исполнилось 16, является лучшим в классе.

3 * Replace the underlined words/phrases with a word from the list: exceedingly, thunderstruck, impressions, reflections, genre. 1 The teacher asked the students for their thoughts on the novel. 2 I could see the marks of many people’s feet on the ground. 3 Crusoe was extremely happy to see the ship. 4 The style of literature I like best is science fiction. 5 I was very surprised to see my lost friend in front of me. срочно нужны помогите пожалуйста​

Остались вопросы?

Новые вопросы по предмету Математика

<span>Bill has got a pig. — У Билла есть поросенок.</span>

<span>Bill’s pig is pink. — Поросенок Билла розовый.</span>

1). rides
2). play
3). reads
4). doesn’t like
5). draws
6). listen
7). don’t like

1. If he had trained <span>enough last year, he would be </span><span>a first-class sportsman now.
</span>2. If <span>the pupils had been attentive, they would have understood the homework.
3. If he hadn’t been at the </span><span><span>dress </span>rehersal, he would go </span><span>to see the play.
4. If we had been thirsty, we would have gone </span><span>to the cafeteria.
5. If she were good at </span><span>foreign languages, she would</span><span><span> try to enter the foreign languages department.
6. If he had gone to the dentist, he wouldn’t be groaning with pain now. </span></span>

A Real friend always will help you in difficult situations.

Nothing hurts more than betraying a friend.

A good friend gives good advice.

1 сказать что она плохая жена
2 сказать что не купите шуби
3 что не завидете ее любимое животное
4 в чем то упрекнуть

1. The show was criticised by everyone who saw it. – panned — Шоу критиковали все, кто его видел.
2. When the war started, it was a shock to people in both countries. – broke out — Когда началась война, это было шоком для людей в обеих странах.
3. After years of travelling, the explorer lived quietly and permanently in a village by the sea. – settled down — После нескольких лет путешествия исследователь жил тихо и постоянно в деревне у моря.
4. A good artist is able to use things that have happened in their life for inspiration. – draw on — Хороший художник может использовать вещи, которые произошли в его жизни для вдохновения.
5. The ex-king was forced to move to a different country after the revolution. – exiled — Экс-король (бывший король) был вынужден переехать в другую страну после революции.
6. After the film Jaws, Steven Spielberg became successful very quickly. – was an overnight success — После фильма «Челюсти» Стивен Спилберг стал очень успешным.
7. After many years of hard work, his aim was to be able to retire in five years’ time. – he was looking to — После многолетней упорной работы его целью было уйти на пенсию через пять лет.

Главная » Английский язык — 5 — 9 классы

Ответ №1

1) opted for

2) opportunity

3) occupants of

4) scolded

5) feat

6) nosed out

7) accelerated

8) yearning

9) picturesque

10) unlimited

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  • Replace the underlined words and phrases with words or phrases from the word list
  • Replacing the word and