Replace the underlined words or word combinations with the phrasal verbs from the box

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    Employment law

    Our Employment Law
    Department is a specialist team. We advise on relevant law, employment
    policy and procedure, and the formation of employment contracts. We assist
    in the negotiation and settlement disputes, and take or defend
    proceedings before an Employment Tribunal or in a civil court.

    The main statutory rights of
    employees include entitlement to:

    ·      A national minimum

    ·      Equal pay
    for like work, that is, broadly similar work;

    ·      A written
    statement of employment particulars.


    Contract of employment

    It is usual practice for
    employers and employees to enter into a written agreement which sets out
    their respective obligations and rights, and which constitutes a contract
    of employment, either at the commencement of employment or shortly
    before. Clauses in the contract generally deal with pay, deductions,
    hours of work, time off and leave, place of work, absence,
    confidentiality, restrictions on the actions of an employee once
    employment is ended (known as a restrictive convenient), giving notice,
    the grievance procedures in the event of job loss, and variation of
    contract (meaning parties may agree to vary terms of the contract but
    terms cannot be unilaterally varied, that is, by one party without



    Make word combinations from A opposite
    using words from the box. Then use appropriate word combinations to
    complete the definitions below

















    1. ______________
    _____________ — salary paid when an employee cannot work because of illness

    2. ______________
    _____________ -restricted period of employment set out in contract

    3. ______________
    _____________ -organisation which represents the workers, who are its
    members, in discussions of pay and working conditions with their


    A lawyer is giving advice to a client about an employment contract
    over the phone. Replace the underlined words and phrases with alternative
    words and phrases from B opposite. There is more than one possibility for
    one of the answers.

    I’ve looked through the
    contract and it seems satisfactory in relation (1) the period of
    warning that the contract is going to end
    . However, I think you
    should look for some adjustment on the (2) clause preventing you
    working in the same field for three years after you’ve left the company


    Which type
    of dismissal may have occurred in the following situations? Look at B
    opposite to help you.

    1. An employee decides to leave her
    job because she is moved, without consultation, to a new position in the
    company which she regards as a reduction in her role. A new post covering
    broadly the same area as hers is offered to an outside applicant.


    Choose the correct prefix from the box to make the opposite of the
    adjective below.


    1. Match words from box A with words from box B to make compound nouns. Write them below.


    climate      fossil      global

    greenhouse      ice      rain

    renewable      sea      surface


    caps      change      energy

    forest      fuels      gases      level

    temperature      warming

    1   climate change

    2   …………………………………………………………..

    3   …………………………………………………………..

    4   …………………………………………………………..

    5   …………………………………………………………..

    6   …………………………………………………………..

    7   …………………………………………………………..

    8   …………………………………………………………..

    9   …………………………………………………………..


    fossil fuels      global warming      greenhouse gases

    ice caps      rainforest      renewable energy      sea level

    surface temperature

    2. Complete the sentences with the particles below. You need to use three of them more than once. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Check your answers at the bottom of the page.

    down      off      on      out      up      with

     Factories and power stations give ……………….. greenhouse gases.

     When we cut ……………….. trees, we increase the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

     The world’s oceans are slowly heating ………………..

     The world’s supply of gas is likely to run ……………….. in the next ten years.

     The EU recently decided to close ……………….. all the nuclear power stations in Europe.

     Solar energy works better in places where you can rely ……………….. good weather.

     Scientists recently came ……………….. ……………….. a car engine that uses only CO2.

     Many types of animals and plants are dying ……………….. because the Earth is getting warmer.


    1 off, T   2 down, F   3 up, T   4 out, F   5 down, F

    6 on, T   7 up with, F   8 out, T

    3. Write the phrasal verbs which can replace the underlined words. Choose from the list below.

    carry on        come up with        give up        go up        look after

    put off        set off        use up

     I need to think of a good excuse for not handing in my homework. ………………..………………..

     I’m trying to stop eating junk food. ………………..………………..

     After running ten kilometres, she was too tired to continue. ………………..………………..

     He left his job so he could take care of his sons. ………………..………………..

     Please don’t finish all the milk – I need some for my breakfast tomorrow. ………………..………………..

     The number of people with smartphones is continuing to rise. ………………..………………..

     We should delay the meeting because nobody can come that day. ………………..………………..

     Don’t stay up late! We need to leave early tomorrow.


    1 come up with   2 give up   3 carry on   4 look after

    5 use up   6 go up   7 put off   8 set off


    There are hundreds of phrasal verbs in English and many of them are very common. They are easier to learn in small groups. Here are two options:

    1   Learn phrasal verbs related to the same topic.


    break down = (a car, a bus, etc.) stop working

    go back = return

    head for = travel in a certain direction

    set off = leave

    take off = (a plane) leave the ground, go up in the air

    2   Learn phrasal verbs with the same base verb


    look after = take care of

    look around = explore

    look into = study, examine

    look up = find in a dictionary or other reference work

    4. Use a dictionary to find four phrasal verbs with the base verb turn. Include short definitions.

     ………………………… = ……………………………………………………

     ………………………… = ……………………………………………………

     ………………………… = ……………………………………………………

     ………………………… = ……………………………………………………

    5. Replace the underlined words with the phrasal verbs below.

    carry on      close down      come up with      give up      look after

    put off      use up      wake up to

     Can you take care of the baby while I go shopping?


     Do you think you can stop using your car for a month?


     They delayed leaving their house in spite of the approaching forest fire.


     We need to think of some new ways to save water.


     How did you finish all the sugar? It was a new bag!


     They decided to continue looking for survivors.


     They had to shut their business because of the storm damage.


     People need to become aware of reality and stop using so many natural resources.



    1 look after   2 give up   3 put off   4 come up with

    5 use up   6 carry on   7 close down   8 wake up to


    11.5 Replace the underlined words with a phrasal verb from the opposite page.
    1 The plane left at midnight. 3 She continued writing novels all her life.
    2 I removed my hat and coat. 4 He soon got better from the flu.​

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  • Replace the underlined words and phrases with words or phrases from the word list
  • Replacing the word and
  • Replace the underlined word in each sentence
  • Replacing text in word
  • Replace the underlined phrases with correct forms of word