Replace the underlined word in each sentence

Replace the underlined word/words in each sentence with the right pronoun. Click to check your answers.

Example: Ken has a dog. The dog is called Blackie.

Ken has a dog. It is called Blackie.

1. David takes care of the garden. David is a good gardener.

1. David takes care of the garden. He is a good gardener.

2. Mary has a sweet voice. Mary is also a pretty girl.

2. Mary has a sweet voice. She is also a pretty girl.

3. Mr and Mrs Brown are here. Mr and Mrs Brown are talking to the hostess.

3. Mr and Mrs Brown are here. They are talking to the hostess.

4. Look at my dog. My dog is wagging its tail.

4. Look at my dog. It is wagging its tail.

5. My brother and I visited the zoo. My brother and I saw monkeys scratching each other.

5. My brother and I visited the zoo. We saw monkeys scratching each other.

6. The teacher said, «Give the teacher your book.»

6. The teacher said, «Give me your book.»

7. Put all these letters on the table and then sort these letters out.

7. Put all these letters on the table and then sort them out.

8. When the bee saw the little boy, the bee stung the little boy.

8. When the bee saw the little boy, it stung him.

9. I had a few stamps. I gave the stamps to Tom.

9. I had a few stamps. I gave them to Tom.

10. George walked to the door. Then George opened the door and went out.

10. George walked to the door. Then he opened it and went out.

11. John is five feet tall. Ann is only four and a half feet tall. John is taller than Ann.

11. John is five feet tall. Ann is only four and a half feet tall. He is taller than her.

12. Dick saw Nick. Dick called out to Nick. Then Dick and Nick walked together.

12. Dick saw Nick. He called out to him. Then they walked together.

13. Tom and his sister thought one of the gold fish was hungry, so Tom and his sister fed the gold fish.

13. Tom and his sister thought one of the gold fish was hungry, so they fed it.

14. I met Adam and Eve. I had not seen Adam and Eve for a long time. I asked Adam if Adam was still single.

14. I met Adam and Eve. I had not seen them for a long time. I asked Adam/him if he was still single.

15. Deer have antlers. Deer must be very proud of their antlers.

15. Deer have antlers. They must be very proud of them.

16. You and I like each other. You and I are best friends, aren’t you and I?.

16. You and I like each other. We are best friends, aren’t we?

17. Nick and I looked for the Niagara Falls on the map, but Nick and I could not find the Niagara Falls.

17. Nick and I looked for the Niagara Falls on the map, but we could not find it.

18. Jack and Jill went up the hill. Jill said to Jack that the hill was a lonely place.

18. Jack and Jill went up the hill. She said to him that it was a lonely place.

19. A dog barked at Alice. Alice ran and the dog ran after Alice.

19. A dog barked at Alice. She ran and it ran after her.

20. Bob is a farmer’s son. Bob likes sheep and enjoys caring for the sheep.

20. Bob is a farmer’s son. He likes sheep and enjoys caring for them.

красивая, милая, привлекательный,
красивый, приятной наружности, некрасивый,
безобразный, благородной / странной

III. Replace the underlined word in each sentence with a word which is either more suitable or more polite.

  1. He
    told me he met a


    girl in the disco last night. 2. She’s beautiful but her younger
    sister is really quite
    3. I think Peter is getting a bit
    don’t you? 4. Most people want to stay slim, but not as
    as that girl over there. 5. I think she hopes she’ll meet a few
    at the tennis club.

















Vocabulary notes

hair can be

in colour. E.g. She had long fair hair. He was a slim, dark-haired
boy. If your hair is
it is a dull light brown colour ( the word
shows disapproval) E.g. Her mousy hair was loose and untidy.

a person gets old their original hair colour changes to

before it becomes
E.g. She had dark hair that was just beginning to turn grey. My
grandfather went white at the age of thirty.

your hair is
you have changed some of its parts in colour. If all your hair is
changed in colour, it is
E.g. She’s got dyed blonde hair.

that you can say ‘She’s a


but you can’t say “She’s a blackhead” or a “blondehead”
etc. Instead, you should say “She’s a
or a “


I.Transcribe and translate the words:

colour, black, brown, fair, auburn, blonde, white, mousy, dyed,
highlighted, brunette, redhead.

II. Arrange these hair colours from the fairest to the darkest:

blonde, dark brown, auburn, light brown, mousy, red

III. Give English equivalents of the following Russian words:

белокурые, русые, темные, рыжие,
золотисто-каштановые, седые, крашеные,
мелированные (волосы)

IV. Decide whether these statements are true or false:

If your hair is white, it is dyed. 2. Light brown hair is fair. 3.
If your hair is grey, it is mousy. 4. Auburn hair is lighter in
colour than black hair. 5. Blond hair is white. 6. Mousy hair looks
attractive. 7. Redheads don’t have a natural hair colour. 8. Light
brown hair looks the same as red hair. 9. Old people usually have
grey or white hair. 10. Dyed hair can’t be brown in colour.




medium length












/ tied back








/ balding



put/wear your hair in a bun/

a ponytail/loose/in plaits etc

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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Replace the words underlined in each sentence (1–5) with a word or a phrase (a–e) given below:
1. Do you want to go to the office or to SIGN AND GET YOUR ROOM at the hotel first?
2. I couldn’t FIND AN ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM OF where I was or where I was going.
3. Sales usually increase around January and DECREASE in the sum- mer months.
4. You must BRING UP the issue with your line manager.
5. I did have to stop and park the car for a few minutes to STOP FEELING SO ANGRY AND UPSET
a) calm down b) work out c) check in d) drop off
e) raise

1 ответ:



1. Do you want to go to the office or to c) check in at the hotel first?

2. I couldn’t  b) work out where I was or where I was going.

3. Sales usually increase around January and  d) drop off  in the summer months.

4. You must e) raise the issue with your line manager.

5. I did have to stop and park the car for a few minutes to a) calm down

Читайте также

1Jim asked Tom if he had begun doing homework the day before.
2Jim asked Tom if he had broken his mobile that day.
3Jim asked Tom if he had chosen the dictionaries Sunday before.
4Jim asked Tom if he had hung the picture on the wall the day before.
5Jim asked Tom if he was reading comedies by Sh.
6Jim asked Tom if he had met his love there.

1. I’m playing tennis with my friend now

2. We’re talking on the beach now

3. They’re having a great time at the camp at the moment

4. Angela is painting a beautiful picture now

5. Tina and Pam are staying in a five-star hotel

6. It’s raining outdoors at the moment

7. Bobby is preparing for the test in his room

8. The dog is barking at some strangers

9. The water in the kettle is boiling

10. Somebody is knocking at the door

все решено верно

только конечную дробь можно сократить на 5:

frac{5}{50}  =   frac{1}{10}  = 0.1

В вопросительном предложении с I,we,they,you употребляется DO
Do you like cartoons?
А с местоимениями he,she,it (3е лицо ед.ч.) употребляется DOES
Does he ride a bike?
В отрицательном предложении с I,we,they,you употребляется DO NOT(DON`T),а с местоимениями he,she,it (3е лицо ед.ч.) употребляется DOES NOT (DOESN`T).

A22 — never
A23 — common
A24 — different
A25 — roots
A26 — strong
A27 — friends
<span>A28 — belong</span>

Do you want to go to the office or to SIGN AND GET YOUR ROOM at the hotel first? 2. I couldn’t FIND AN ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM OF where I was or where I was going. 3. Sales usually increase around January and DECREASE in the sum- mer months. 4. You must BRING UP the issue with your line manager. 5. I did have to stop and park the car for a few minutes to STOP FEELING SO ANGRY AND UPSET a) calm down b) work out c) check in d) drop off e) raise

1. Do you want to go to the office or to c) check in at the hotel first?

2. I couldn’t  b) work out where I was or where I was going.

3. Sales usually increase around January and  d) drop off  in the summer months.

4. You must e) raise the issue with your line manager.

5. I did have to stop and park the car for a few minutes to a) calm down

A 1) Do I need to have any specific qualifications? — Нужно ли иметь какую-либо специальную квалификацию?
В Well, you 2) must be an experienced dolphin trainer. — Ну, вы должны быть опытным тренером дельфинов.
A And what would I 3) have to do in the job? — Что мне делать в работе?
В You 4) are supposed to use the Navy training programme. — Вы должны использовать учебную программу ВМФ.
A Oh, so is that why 5) I should be discreet, then? — О, так вот почему я должен быть осторожным?
В Yes, you’re not 6) allowed to tell anyone about your work. And you 7) mustn’t talk to journalists. — Да, вам не разрешают никому рассказывать о вашей работе. И вы не должны разговаривать с журналистами.
A I see. So is the work dangerous? – Понятно. Так ли опасна работа?
В 8) It can be, yes. But for the dolphins more than the trainers. — Может быть, да. Но для дельфинов больше, чем для тренеров.
A Oh! I see. I suppose it’s 9) bound to be a challenging job at times. — О! Понимаю. Полагаю, это время от времени будет сложной задачей.
В It 10) might be, yes. 11) Could you come for an interview? — Возможно, да. Не могли бы вы прийти на собеседование?
Would you like to do this job? Why?/Why not? — Хотели бы вы выполнять эту работу? Почему, почему нет?
Mind the trap! – Избегайте ловушки!
To describe the completion of a specific action in the past, we use be able to, NOT could, in affirmative sentences. In negative sentences both be able to and could are possible. — Чтобы описать завершение конкретного действия в прошлом, мы используем be able to, НЕ could, в утвердительных предложениях. В отрицательных предложениях возможны оба варианта.
He wasn’t able to/couldn’t fly very far, but he was able to get back on foot. — Он не мог летать очень далеко, но он смог вернуться пешком.

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  • Replacing text in word
  • Replace the underlined phrases with correct forms of word
  • Replacing strings in excel
  • Replace the phrases in bold with a word from the box
  • Replacing one word for another